Would you like to play an awesome game about bomb disposal?
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(either: "JUST PICK ONE ALREADY!!!", "HURRY UP!!!", "TICK-TOCK!!!", "WE'RE WAITING!!!")]Once upon a time, Live Lauren was going around her boring, everyday life.
Unfortunately, she was a bomb disposal expert so her boring, everyday life involved rather a lot of Semtex and C4. Look, there's some now.
Time until explosion: {
(set: $time to 60)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it -1)
(if: $time <= 0)[(goto: "KABOOM")]]
Nice of whatever dastardly villain put that there to stick a big ol' clock in it. It's labelled too!
But still quite deadly.
Lauren decided she should probably [[do something about that]].Well, you're no fun.
(live: 10s)[Seriously, just [[play the game|Yes]].]{
(set: $firstGuess to true)
(set: $wire to (either: "red", "blue"))
(set: $delay to 5000)
}Lauren inspected the bomb.
Fortunately, whoever had wired it had done a pretty slapdash job. The detonator had a loose connection, and the bomb was currently (text-colour: "yellow")[(live: 2s)[(set: $bomb to (either: "ARMED", "ARMED", "SAFE"))$bomb]].
Live Lauren texted a photo to Variable Vinnie, who called back with instructions:
(live: 250)[
(if: $firstGuess is true)[
Okay, you need to cut the
(text-colour: $wire)[$wire] wire.]
(live: $delay)[
(set: $delay to (random: 1000, 6000))
(set: $firstGuess to false)
(if: $wire is "blue")[(set: $wire to "red")]
(else:)[(set: $wire to "blue")]
(either: "No, wait!", "Hang on!", "Wait! No!", "Oops! My bad!")
You need to cut the
(text-colour: $wire)[$wire] wire!]}"
The clock is ticking: {
(live: 1s)[
(set: $time to it -1)
(if: $time <= 0)[(goto: "KABOOM")]]
[[CUT THE BLUE WIRE]](text-style: "rumble")[KABOOM!!!]
[[Play again?|Yes]](if: $wire is "red" and $bomb is "SAFE")[Congratulations! A winner is you!
[[Play again?|Yes]]](else:)[(goto: "KABOOM")](if: $wire is "blue" and $bomb is "SAFE")[Congratulations! A winner is you!
[[Play again?|Yes]]](else:)[(goto: "KABOOM")]