<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 6 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|Len Blavatnik][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 5 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|Len Blavatnik][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special|Special6]] | [[Summon|Summon2]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(000,999)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Weapon: <b>Warhammer 401k</b> found.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Equip? [[Yes|list][$hammer = "true"]] | [[No|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<br>\n<h1>Our Futures that art in hedges,<br><br>\nhallowed be thy gains.<br><br>\nThy market come.<br><br>\nThy trade be done,<br><br>\nin euros as they are in dollars.<br><br>\nGive us this day our daily budget,<br><br>\nand forclose upon our debts,<br><br>\nas we would forclose upon our debtors.<br><br>\nAnd lead us not into inflation,<br><br>\nbut deliver us from stagnation.<br><br><br><br><br>\n\n[[Tithe]]</h1>
<h1><<print $name>>'s Tax Haven and Casino</h1>\n<form>\n<p>Tax Structure: <input type="radio">Progressive | <input type="radio">Regressive | <input type="radio">Proportional | <input type="radio">Flat\n\nIncome Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nNegative Income Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nUnemployment Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nCorporate Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nCapital Gains Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nPayroll Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nEstate Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nInheritance Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nProperty Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nExpatriation Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nReal Estate Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nTransfer Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nNet Worth Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nValue Added Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nSales Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nExcise Duty: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nTarrif: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nPoll Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nSin Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nLuxury Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nBank Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nFinancial Transaction Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nAd Valorem Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nPer Unit Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nConsuption Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nEnvironmental Tax: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\nSocial Serurity Contributions: <input type="number" min ="0" max="100">%\n<br>\n</form>\n[[Return|list]]</p>
<p>\n\n\nYou summon economist<b> <<set $summon to either("Adam Smith", "John Maynard Keynes", "Milton Friedman", "Karl Marx", "Friedrich Hayek", "David Ricardo", "Paul Samuelson", "Amartya Sen", "John Stuart Mill", "Alfred Marshall", "Paul Krugman", "Daniel Kahneman", "Ludwig von Mises", "Thomas Robert Malthus" ,"Alan Greenspan", "Gunnar Myrdal", "Irving Fisher", "Gary Becker", "Herbert A. Simon", "Joesph Stiglitz", "Joseph Schumpeter", "John Kenneth Galbraith", "Thorstein Veblen", "Ronald Coase", "Murrary Rothbard", "Kenneth Arrow", "David Hume", "George Akrelof", "James M. Buchanan", "Ian Tinbergen", "Ben Bemanke", "Jean-Baptiste Say", "Robert Solow", "Frédéric Bastiat", "Raghuram Rajan", "Muhammad Yunus", "Janet Yellen", "William Stanley Jevons", "Carl Menger", "Léon Walras", "Lawrence Summers", "Robert J. Shiller", "Gérard Debreu", "Kaushik Basu", "John Bates Clark", "Edward C. Prescott", "Joan Robinson", "Eugen Böhm von Bawerk", "Elinor Ostrom", "Friedrich List", "Robert Fogel")>><<print $summon>>.</b><br><br><br><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">><<timedcontinue 1s>><<print $summon>> attacks <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(30,60) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;Critical Hit!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<if $level >= 90>><<set $XPboost to $XPboost + 1>><<print $XPBoost>><<endif>><<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Item: <b>Subsidy of Protectionism</b> found.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]</p>
<h1>Welcome <<print $name>>!</h1>\n<br><br><br>\n\n<p>You are currently the 101st richest person in the world. <br>Normaly that would be fantastic and you could live a long life of leisure and stability. <br>However, you are a CAPITALIST and are therefore unsatisfied with your current standing.\n<br><br><br><br>\nNo, you my friend want to be the very best.<br>And will not rest until you are [[Number 1]]. \n\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(00,99)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>>has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Armour: <b>Invisible Gauntlet</b> found.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Equip? [[Yes|list][$gauntlet = "true"]] | [[No|list]]</p>
<br><br><<set $level to 1>><<set $Enemy to 3>>\n<h1 style="text-align:center">Fear of Twine Presents:</h1>\n<h2 style="text-align:center">CAPITALISM: The Role Playing Game</h2>\n<br>\n<h1 style="text-align:center">A Dachshund ♥ Techno Game</h1>\n<br>\n<br>\n<p style="text-align:center">[[Start|begin]] | [[Credits]]</p>\n<br>\n<br>\n<p style="text-align:center">#Altgames #Parody #RPG #RolePlayingGames #CAPITALISM #YesCAPITALISMisCAPITALIZED #Economics #Billionaire #Billionheir #NoRandomBattles #BillGates #Numbers #TurnBased #DrPine #4019 #ItsAFreeMarket #InvisibleHand #Class #Taxes #FoT #D<3T #Twine #Grinding #Leveling #Top100Lists #BeTheVeryBest #LikeNoOneEverWas #SorryTheEndingsABitWonky #BadPoetry #RepetitiveStressInjury #MightWantToPutOnAPodcast #AlanGreenspanIsOP</p>
<p>\n\n\nYou summon economist<b> <<set $summon to either("Adam Smith", "John Maynard Keynes", "Milton Friedman", "Karl Marx", "Friedrich Hayek", "David Ricardo", "Paul Samuelson", "Amartya Sen", "John Stuart Mill", "Alfred Marshall", "Paul Krugman", "Daniel Kahneman", "Ludwig von Mises", "Thomas Robert Malthus" ,"Alan Greenspan", "Gunnar Myrdal", "Irving Fisher", "Gary Becker", "Herbert A. Simon", "Joesph Stiglitz", "Joseph Schumpeter", "John Kenneth Galbraith", "Thorstein Veblen", "Ronald Coase", "Murrary Rothbard", "Kenneth Arrow", "David Hume", "George Akrelof", "James M. Buchanan", "Ian Tinbergen", "Ben Bemanke", "Jean-Baptiste Say", "Robert Solow", "Frédéric Bastiat", "Raghuram Rajan", "Muhammad Yunus", "Janet Yellen", "William Stanley Jevons", "Carl Menger", "Léon Walras", "Lawrence Summers", "Robert J. Shiller", "Gérard Debreu", "Kaushik Basu", "John Bates Clark", "Edward C. Prescott", "Joan Robinson", "Eugen Böhm von Bawerk", "Elinor Ostrom", "Friedrich List", "Robert Fogel")>><<print $summon>>.</b><br><br><br><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">><<timedcontinue 1s>><<print $summon>> attacks <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(30,60) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;Critical Hit!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You now have 10(ten) <b>Subsidies of Protectionism</b>.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Would you like to complete the Prince's ReQuest? [[Yes]] | [[No|list]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>>has droped a <p>Business Contract ReQuest</b> <<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><br>[[Read]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>Weapon: <b>Warhammer 401k</b> found.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Equip? [[Yes|list][$hammer = "true"]] | [[No|list]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >=20>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You have leanrt a new ability!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>When your enemy's @@color:green;Investor Confidence Index@@ is depleted: <b>Summon Economist</b>.<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><br>[[Return|list]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >=20>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You have earnt a mount!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>></p><h1>Choose mount type.</h1>\n<p><dl>\n <dt>[[Bear|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- Ferocious, yet pessimistic and fearfull beasts that enjoy picnics and selling stocks. Good for cuddling, but they don't like it.</dd>\n <dt>[[Bull|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- Large bovines that hate to be ridden, a fact that doesn't deter cowboys. They like to watch prices rise almost as much as The Price is Right.</dd>\n <dt>[[Wolf|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- These large doglikes are one of the most common enemies after rats and spiders. They have something to do with Wall Street, but I have never seen that movie.</dd>\n <dt>[[Dachshund|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- Small elongated dogs that enjoy listening to repetitive electronic music. They don't know anything about economics, but they sure are cute.</dd>\n</dl></p>
<h1>Choose your class.</h1>\n<p>\n<dl>\n <dt>[[Stock Trader|list][$special = "Subprime Mortgage Securities"]]</dt>\n <dd>- You are a professional gambler, only you use other peoples money.<br> <b> Special Ability -</b> Subprime Mortgage Securities </dd>\n <dt>[[Phamaceutical CEO|list][$special = "Government Subsidy"]]</dt>\n <dd>- Like the corner street pusher, only your drugs have patents.<br> <b> Special Ability -</b> Government Subsidy</dd>\n<dt>[[Banker|list][$special = "Foreclosure"]]</dt>\n <dd>- Lots of people dream of owning their own home or starting thier own buissness. Let them come through you.<br> <b> Special Ability -</b> Foreclosure</dd>\n<dt>[[Oil Company President|list][$special = "Political Lobbying"]]</dt>\n <dd>- Environmental Protection? Global Warming? Future Generations? Who cares, you will be dead before then.<br> <b> Special Ability -</b> Political Lobbying</dd>\n<dt>[[Celebutante|list][$special = "Endorsement Deal"]]</dt>\n <dd>- You do nothing all day and then post about it on social media.<br> <b> Special Ability -</b> Endorsement Deal</dd>\n</dl>\n</p>
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<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You have gained a new ability!<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Passive Ability: <b>Experience Point Inflation</b> learnt.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You now have 10(ten) <b>Subsidies of Protectionism</b>.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Would you like to complete the Prince's ReQuest? [[Yes]] | [[No|list]]</p>
<h2>You try to run, but there is no [[escape|lose2]].</h2>
<h1>You are now bankrupt!</h1>\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n<p>Your assets have been liquidated<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nAll your money has been seized<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou're now penniless and destitute<<timedcontinue 2s>> \nLeft with nothing but the fleas<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\nYou dig through garbage unabated<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nStomach rumbling for days<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nFeeling hopeless with no resolute<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHope you catch no disease<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\nTo the beggars you once hated<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nWelfare you now reappraise<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nLeft without a golden parachute<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHold out your tin cup and pray<<timedcontinue 4s>>\n<br><br><br><br>\nYou know maybe you shouldn't have spent so much money lobbying Congress to remove Social Security programs, yeah?<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n\n\n\nPick yourself up by your bootstraps and [[try again|Start]].<br>\nReturn to <a href="http://dachshundhearttechno.neocities.org/" title="There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but free games on the other hand...">Dachshund ♥ Techno</a>.\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 5 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|Vladimir Potanin][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 4 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", 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Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|Vladimir Potanin][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special|Special4]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(00,99)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You have earnt a mount!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>></p><br><h1>Choose mount type.</h1>\n<p><dl>\n <dt>[[Bear|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- Ferocious, yet pessimistic and fearfull beasts that enjoy picnics and selling stocks. Good for cuddling, but they don't like it.</dd>\n <dt>[[Bull|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- Large bovines that hate to be ridden, a fact that doesn't deter cowboys. They like to watch prices rise almost as much as The Price is Right.</dd>\n <dt>[[Wolf|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- These large doglikes are one of the most common enemies after rats and spiders. They have something to do with Wall Street, but I have never seen that movie.</dd>\n <dt>[[Dachshund|mountname]]</dt>\n <dd>- Small elongated dogs that enjoy listening to repetitive electronic music. They don't know anything about economics, but they sure are cute.</dd>\n</dl></p><<endif>>\n
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 4 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|win2][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 3 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|win2][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(0,9)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 5 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|win3][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 4 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|win3][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(00,99)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 3 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|win1][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 2 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|win1][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 8 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|win6][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 7 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|win6][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special][$XPboost += 1]] | [[Summon][$XPboost += 1]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>><<set $XPboost to $XPboost + 1>>You are now Level <<print $XPboost>><<print $level>>.<<print random(000,999)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 6 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|win4][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 5 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|win4][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special]] | [[Summon]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(000,999)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 7 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|win5][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 6 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|win5][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special|specialisland]] | [[Summon|summonisland]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(000,999)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Item: <b>Subsidy of Protectionism</b> found.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p><u>Game and writing by:</u> \n\n <a href="https://twitter.com/DachshundTechno">Soda51</a>\n\n<u>Enemy Names:</u>\n\n <a href="http://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2015/03/02/forbes-billionaires-full-list-of-the-500-richest-people-in-the-world-2015/">Forbes</a>\n\n<u>Attack Names:</u>\n\n <a href="http://www.economist.com/economics-a-to-z/">The Economist</a>\n\n<u>Macros:</u>\n\n <a href="http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5462">Leon Arnott</a>\n<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>\n[[Return|Start]]</p>
<h1>Please name your trusty steed</h1>\n<<set $mount to "true">>\n<p>Input Name: <<textinput $mountname [[Submit|list]]>>\n\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<if $level >= 90>><<set $XPboost to $XPboost + 1>><<print $XPBoost>><<endif>><<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Item: <b>Subsidy of Protectionism</b> found.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]</p>
<<set $Enemy to 9>><<set $vestments = "true">><<set $hammer = "true">><<set $mount = "true">>\n<<set $mountname = "Tipper">><<set $island = "true">><<set $gauntlet = "true">><<set $enemyname to "Bill Gates">><<set $name to "Soda">>\n<<set $level to 91>>\n[[Bill Gates]]\n\n[[list]]
CAPITALISM: The Role Playing Game
<p><<timedcontinue 1s>>The <b>Invisable Hand of God</b> penetrates the heavens.<<timedcontinue 2s>></p>\n\n\n\nGod attacks with:<h3><<timedcontinue 1s>>G<<timedcontinue 1s>>R<<timedcontinue 1s>>E<<timedcontinue 1s>>A<<timedcontinue 1s>>T<<timedcontinue 1s>><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>D<<timedcontinue 1s>>E<<timedcontinue 1s>>P<<timedcontinue 1s>>R<<timedcontinue 1s>>E<<timedcontinue 1s>>S<<timedcontinue 1s>>S<<timedcontinue 1s>>I<<timedcontinue 1s>>O<<timedcontinue 1s>>N</h3>\n\n\n<p><<timedcontinue 1s>><br><br>for $666 trillion damage!<<timedcontinue 3s>><br><br>Giga Gates is now bankrupt!<<timedcontinue 1s>><br><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue 1s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>><<set $XPboost to $XPboost + 1>>You are now Level <<print $XPboost>><<print $level>>.<<print random(000,999)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><br><br><br>[[Continue]]</p>\n\n\n
\n<br><br><br><br>\n[img[Dr. Pine: Before we begin the game, please tell me your name. (Don't worry, no data is being saved, and will not be used outside of this game.)|crpg pine]]\n<br>\n<p>Input Name: <<textinput $name [[Submit]]>>\n\n</p>
<p>\n\n\nYou summon economist<b> <<set $summon to either("Adam Smith", "John Maynard Keynes", "Milton Friedman", "Karl Marx", "Friedrich Hayek", "David Ricardo", "Paul Samuelson", "Amartya Sen", "John Stuart Mill", "Alfred Marshall", "Paul Krugman", "Daniel Kahneman", "Ludwig von Mises", "Thomas Robert Malthus" ,"Alan Greenspan", "Gunnar Myrdal", "Irving Fisher", "Gary Becker", "Herbert A. Simon", "Joesph Stiglitz", "Joseph Schumpeter", "John Kenneth Galbraith", "Thorstein Veblen", "Ronald Coase", "Murrary Rothbard", "Kenneth Arrow", "David Hume", "George Akrelof", "James M. Buchanan", "Ian Tinbergen", "Ben Bemanke", "Jean-Baptiste Say", "Robert Solow", "Frédéric Bastiat", "Raghuram Rajan", "Muhammad Yunus", "Janet Yellen", "William Stanley Jevons", "Carl Menger", "Léon Walras", "Lawrence Summers", "Robert J. Shiller", "Gérard Debreu", "Kaushik Basu", "John Bates Clark", "Edward C. Prescott", "Joan Robinson", "Eugen Böhm von Bawerk", "Elinor Ostrom", "Friedrich List", "Robert Fogel")>><<print $summon>>.</b><br><br><br><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">><<timedcontinue 1s>><<print $summon>> attacks <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(30,60) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;Critical Hit!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Weapon: <b>Warhammer 401k</b> found.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Equip? [[Yes|list][$hammer = "true"]] | [[No|list]]</p>
<p>Giga Gates Charges up his most powerfull attack:<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 5s>>You try to stand, but you are weak.<<timedcontinue 5s>><br><br>Your life starts to flash before your eyes.<<timedcontinue 5s>><br><br> - Your first sale.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your first incorporation.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your first merger.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your first hostile takeover.<<timedcontinue 5s>><br><br>You think of all the things you will leave behind.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your yacht.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your Bentley Mulsanne.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your timeshare in the Cayman Islands.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your Gold Apple Watch.<<timedcontinue 5s>><br><br>You think of all the people you will never see again.<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your butler<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your accountant<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your tailor<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br> - Your golf instructor, most of all.<<timedcontinue 5s>><br><br>All in all a good life.<<timedcontinue 6s>><br><br>A very good life.<<timedcontinue 3s>><br><br>Giga Gates uses <b>Chapter 7</b>!<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br>@@color:red;It's super effective!@@<<timedcontinue 2s>><br><br><br>File for [[bankruptcy|bankrupt]]. </p>\n\n
<p>\n\n\nYou summon economist<b> <<set $summon to either("Adam Smith", "John Maynard Keynes", "Milton Friedman", "Karl Marx", "Friedrich Hayek", "David Ricardo", "Paul Samuelson", "Amartya Sen", "John Stuart Mill", "Alfred Marshall", "Paul Krugman", "Daniel Kahneman", "Ludwig von Mises", "Thomas Robert Malthus" ,"Alan Greenspan", "Gunnar Myrdal", "Irving Fisher", "Gary Becker", "Herbert A. Simon", "Joesph Stiglitz", "Joseph Schumpeter", "John Kenneth Galbraith", "Thorstein Veblen", "Ronald Coase", "Murrary Rothbard", "Kenneth Arrow", "David Hume", "George Akrelof", "James M. Buchanan", "Ian Tinbergen", "Ben Bemanke", "Jean-Baptiste Say", "Robert Solow", "Frédéric Bastiat", "Raghuram Rajan", "Muhammad Yunus", "Janet Yellen", "William Stanley Jevons", "Carl Menger", "Léon Walras", "Lawrence Summers", "Robert J. Shiller", "Gérard Debreu", "Kaushik Basu", "John Bates Clark", "Edward C. Prescott", "Joan Robinson", "Eugen Böhm von Bawerk", "Elinor Ostrom", "Friedrich List", "Robert Fogel")>><<print $summon>>.</b><br><br><br><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">><<timedcontinue 1s>><<print $summon>> attacks <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(30,60) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;Critical Hit!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You have gained a new ability!<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Passive Ability: <b>Experience Point Inflation</b> learnt.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]</p>
<h1>Congratulations!!!</h1>\n\n<p>You are now the richest person in the world.\n\nPretty cool, no? \n\nYou take what you want and the world bows down to your passing.\n\nBut sucess always has a down-side. \n\nEveryone wants to be the top dog and you just painted a big bullseye on your back.\n\nIn fact; while you were busy climbing the ladder of sucess, it appears that the 102 richest person was trailing right behind...\n\n\n[[Continue|goodend]]</p>\n\n
<p>\n\n\nYou summon economist<b> <<set $summon to either("Adam Smith", "John Maynard Keynes", "Milton Friedman", "Karl Marx", "Friedrich Hayek", "David Ricardo", "Paul Samuelson", "Amartya Sen", "John Stuart Mill", "Alfred Marshall", "Paul Krugman", "Daniel Kahneman", "Ludwig von Mises", "Thomas Robert Malthus" ,"Alan Greenspan", "Gunnar Myrdal", "Irving Fisher", "Gary Becker", "Herbert A. Simon", "Joesph Stiglitz", "Joseph Schumpeter", "John Kenneth Galbraith", "Thorstein Veblen", "Ronald Coase", "Murrary Rothbard", "Kenneth Arrow", "David Hume", "George Akrelof", "James M. Buchanan", "Ian Tinbergen", "Ben Bemanke", "Jean-Baptiste Say", "Robert Solow", "Frédéric Bastiat", "Raghuram Rajan", "Muhammad Yunus", "Janet Yellen", "William Stanley Jevons", "Carl Menger", "Léon Walras", "Lawrence Summers", "Robert J. Shiller", "Gérard Debreu", "Kaushik Basu", "John Bates Clark", "Edward C. Prescott", "Joan Robinson", "Eugen Böhm von Bawerk", "Elinor Ostrom", "Friedrich List", "Robert Fogel")>><<print $summon>>.</b><br><br><br><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">><<timedcontinue 1s>><<print $summon>> attacks <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(30,60) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;Critical Hit!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<if $level >= 90>><<print $XPboost>><<endif>><<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>[[Return|list]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 6 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|Carl Icahn][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 5 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|Carl Icahn][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special|Special7]] | [[Summon|Summon3]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(000,999)>>!<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped a <b>Business Contract ReQuest</b><<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><br>[[Read]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 9 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|Bill Gates][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 8 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<if $Enemy is 6 and $vestments is "true">>Your <b>Investment Vestments</b> have been destroyed.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<endif>><<if $Enemy is 5 and $gauntlet is "true">>Your <b>Invisible Gauntlet</b> has been destroyed.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<endif>><<if $Enemy is 4 >>All Your <b>Subsidies of Protectionism</b> have been destroyed.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<endif>><<if $Enemy is 3 and $island is "true">>Your <b>Island Paradise</b> has been destroyed.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<endif>><<if $Enemy is 2 and $hammer is "true">>Your <b>Warhammer 401k</b> has been destroyed.<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<endif>><<if $Enemy is 1 and $mount is "true">><<print $mountname>> leaps into the air to protect you.<br><br><<timedcontinue 2s>><<print $mountname>> absorbs some of the damage and is slain!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue 2s>><<endif>><<if $Enemy > 1>>Command? [[Fight|Bill Gates][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<timedcontinue 3s>><<if $Enemy is 1>><<print $enemyname>> is evolving into it's ultimate form.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 4s>><<print $enemyname>> is now Giga Gates.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 5s>>[[Pray]] | [[Die]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n\n</p>
<h1>Stephen Schwarzman's Hit List</h1>\n<p><<set $Loss to 3>>\n<ol reversed="reversed" start="100">\n<li><<timedreplace 1s>>@@color:blue; Stefano Pessina@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Stefano Pessina@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.1s>>@@color:blue; Patrick Soon-Shiong@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Patrick Soon-Shiong@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.2s>>@@color:blue; Harold Hamm@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Harold Hamm@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.3s>>@@color:blue; Vagit Alekperov@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Vagit Alekperov@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.4s>>@@color:blue; Gina Rinehart@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Gina Rinehart@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.5s>>@@color:blue; Charles Butt@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Charles Butt@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.6s>>@@color:blue; Jack Taylor@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Jack Taylor@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.7s>>@@color:blue; Hans Rausing@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Hans Rausing@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.8s>>@@color:blue; Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 1.9s>>@@color:blue; Marcel Herrmann Telles@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Marcel Herrmann Telles@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2s>>@@color:blue; Alexey Mordashov@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Alexey Mordashov@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.1s>>@@color:blue; Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdiv@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.2s>>@@color:blue; Lei Jun@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Lei Jun@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.3s>>@@color:blue; Luis Carlos Sarmiento@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Luis Carlos Sarmiento@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.4s>>@@color:blue; Abigail Johnson@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Abigail Johnson@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.5s>>@@color:blue; Lakshmi Mittal@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Lakshmi Mittal@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.6s>>@@color:blue; Lui Che Woo@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Lui Che Woo@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.7s>>@@color:blue; Iris Fontbona@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Iris Fontbona@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.8s>>@@color:blue; Dhanin Chearavanont@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Dhanin Chearavanont@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 2.9s>>@@color:blue; David & Simon Reuben@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;David & Simon Reuben@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.0s>>@@color:blue; Johanna Quandt@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Johanna Quandt@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.1s>>@@color:blue; Rupert Murdoch@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Rupert Murdoch@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.2s>>@@color:blue; German Larrea Mota Velasco@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;German Larrea Mota Velasco@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.3s>>@@color:blue; James Simons@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;James Simons@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.4s>>@@color:blue; Masayoshi Son@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Masayoshi Son@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.5s>>@@color:blue; Viktor Vekselberg@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Viktor Vekselberg@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.6s>>@@color:blue; Henry Sy@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Henry Sy@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.7s>>@@color:blue; Alisher Usmanov@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Alisher Usmanov@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.8s>>@@color:blue; Cheng Yu-tung@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Cheng Yu-tung@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 3.9s>>@@color:blue; Ronald Perelman@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Ronald Perelman@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4s>>@@color:blue; Hinduja Brothers@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Hinduja Brothers@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.1s>>@@color:blue; Mikhail Fridman@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Mikhail Fridman@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.2s>>@@color:blue; Aliko Dangote@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Aliko Dangote@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.3s>>@@color:blue; Shiv Nadar@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Shiv Nadar@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.4s>>@@color:blue; Francois Pinault@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Francois Pinault@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.5s>>@@color:blue; Donald Bren@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Donald Bren@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.6s>>@@color:blue; Robin Li@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Robin Li@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.7s>>@@color:blue; Serge Dassault@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Serge Dassault@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.8s>>@@color:blue; Vladimir Potanin@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Vladimir Potanin@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 4.9s>>@@color:blue; Ray Dalio@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Ray Dalio@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5s>>@@color:blue; Stefan Quandt@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Stefan Quandt@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.1s>>@@color:blue; Thomas & Raymond Kwok@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Thomas & Raymond Kwok@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.2s>>@@color:blue; Patrick Drahi@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Patrick Drahi@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.3s>>@@color:blue; Ma Huateng@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Ma Huateng@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.4s>>@@color:blue; Pallonji Mistry@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Pallonji Mistry@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.5s>>@@color:blue; Susanne Klatte@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Susanne Klatte@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.6s>>@@color:blue; Anne Cox Chambers@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Anne Cox Chambers@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.7s>>@@color:blue; Joseph Safra@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Joseph Safra@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.8s>>@@color:blue; Paul Allen@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Paul Allen@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 5.9s>>@@color:blue; Michael Otto@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Michael Otto@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6s>>@@color:blue; Theo Albrecht Jr@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Theo Albrecht Jr@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.1s>>@@color:blue; Azim Premji@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Azim Premji@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.2s>>@@color:blue; Michael Dell@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Michael Dell@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.3s>>@@color:blue; Dieter Schwarz@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Dieter Schwarz@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.4s>>@@color:blue; Laurene Powell Jobs@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Laurene Powell Jobs@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.5s>>@@color:blue; Dilip Shanghvi@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Dilip Shanghvi@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.6s>>@@color:blue; Charles Ergen@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Charles Ergen@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.7s>>@@color:blue; Tadashi Yanai@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Tadashi Yanai@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.8s>>@@color:blue; Len Blavatnik@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Len Blavatnik@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 6.9s>>@@color:blue; Leonardo Del Vecchio@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Leonardo Del Vecchio@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7s>>@@color:blue; Mukesh Ambani@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Mukesh Ambani@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.1s>>@@color:blue; Li Hejun@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Li Hejun@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.2s>>@@color:blue; Beate Heister & Karl Albrecht Jr@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Beate Heister & Karl Albrecht Jr@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.3s>>@@color:blue; Phil Knight@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Phil Knight@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.4s>>@@color:blue; Steve Ballmer@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Steve Ballmer@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.5s>>@@color:blue; Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.6s>>@@color:blue; Jack Ma@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Jack Ma@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.7s>>@@color:blue; Maria Franca Fissolo@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Maria Franca Fissolo@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.8s>>@@color:blue; Carl Icahn@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Carl Icahn@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 7.9s>>@@color:blue; Wang Jianlin@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Wang Jianlin@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8s>>@@color:blue; George Soros@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;George Soros@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.1s>>@@color:blue; Stefan Persson@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Stefan Persson@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.2s>>@@color:blue; Lee Shau Kee@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Lee Shau Kee@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.3s>>@@color:blue; Jorge Paulo Lemann@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Jorge Paulo Lemann@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.4s>>@@color:blue; David Thomson@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;David Thomson@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.5s>>@@color:blue; John Mars@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;John Mars@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.6s>>@@color:blue; Jacqueline Mars@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Jacqueline Mars@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.7s>>@@color:blue; Forrest Mars Jr@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Forrest Mars Jr@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.8s>>@@color:blue; Georg Schaeffler@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Georg Schaeffler@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 8.9s>>@@color:blue; Sergey Brin@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Sergey Brin@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9s>>@@color:blue; Larry Page@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Larry Page@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.1s>>@@color:blue; Sheldon Adelson@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Sheldon Adelson@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.2s>>@@color:blue; Li Ka-shing@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Li Ka-shing@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.3s>>@@color:blue; Mark Zuckerberg@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Mark Zuckerberg@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.4s>>@@color:blue; Jeff Bezos@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Jeff Bezos@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.5s>>@@color:blue; Michael Bloomberg@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Michael Bloomberg@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.6s>>@@color:blue; Bernard Arnault@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Bernard Arnault@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.7s>>@@color:blue; S. Robson Walton@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;S. Robson Walton@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.8s>>@@color:blue; Alice Walton@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Alice Walton@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 9.9s>>@@color:blue; Liliane Bettencourt@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Liliane Bettencourt@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10s>>@@color:blue; Jim Walton@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Jim Walton@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.1s>>@@color:blue; Christy Walton@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Christy Walton@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.2s>>@@color:blue; David Koch@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;David Koch@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.3s>>@@color:blue; Charles Koch@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Charles Koch@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.4s>>@@color:blue; Larry Ellison@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Larry Ellison@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.5s>>@@color:blue; Amancio Ortega@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Amancio Ortega@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.6s>>@@color:blue; Warren Buffett@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Warren Buffett@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.7s>>@@color:blue; Carlos Slim Helu@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Carlos Slim Helu@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.8s>>@@color:blue; Giga Gates@@<<becomes>><<becomes>><strike>@@color:red;Giga Gates@@</strike><<endtimedreplace>></li><li><<timedreplace 10.9s>>@@color:blue;<<print $name>><<becomes>><<becomes>>@@color:blue;[[<<print $name>>|lose2][$enemyname = "Stephen Schwarzman"]]@@<<endtimedreplace>></li>\n\n</ol></p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Loss is 3 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|lose2][$Loss -= 1]] | [[Run][$loss is 0]]<<endif>><<if $Loss <= 2 and $Loss >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">>Your attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|lose2][$Loss -= 1]] | [[Run][$loss is 0]]<<endif>><<if $Loss is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 2s>>@@color:red;Critical Hit!@@<<timedcontinue 1s>><br><br><br>You have are now [[bankrupt]].<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 5 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|Paul Allen][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 4 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|Paul Allen][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special|Special5]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(00,99)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>You have leanrt a new ability!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>When your enemy's @@color:green;Investor Confidence Index@@ is depleted: <b>Summon Economist</b>.<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><br>[[Return|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<h1>ReQuest Completion Form</h1>\n\n<p>Dearest Business Associate,\n\nThank you so much for your generous contribution to war effort.<br>With aid of your <b>Subsidies of Protectionism</b>, I was able to halt my cousin's venture and keep control of Profitopia.\n\nDuring this ordeal I have make soul searching to discover that I know longer wish to be CAPITALIST.<br>Instead I quit to chase dream of being Indie Developer.<br>I will make many games for you!\n\nUntil then why don't you run my island?\n\nXOXO<br><br>-Prince Cashwa con Dinero\n\n[[Visit Island][$island = "true"]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 4 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|Cheng Yu-tung][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 3 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt10.wav">><<print $enemyname>> attacks you with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Command? [[Fight|Cheng Yu-tung][$Enemy -= 1]] | <<if $Enemy is 1>>[[Special|Special3]] | <<endif>>[[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy is 0>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(5,10) * $level>> billion damage.<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(00,99)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>>has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Armour: <b>Invisible Gauntlet</b> found.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Equip? [[Yes|list][$gauntlet = "true"]] | [[No|list]]<<endif>>\n</p>
<p>\n\n\nYou summon economist<b> <<set $summon to either("Adam Smith", "John Maynard Keynes", "Milton Friedman", "Karl Marx", "Friedrich Hayek", "David Ricardo", "Paul Samuelson", "Amartya Sen", "John Stuart Mill", "Alfred Marshall", "Paul Krugman", "Daniel Kahneman", "Ludwig von Mises", "Thomas Robert Malthus" ,"Alan Greenspan", "Gunnar Myrdal", "Irving Fisher", "Gary Becker", "Herbert A. Simon", "Joesph Stiglitz", "Joseph Schumpeter", "John Kenneth Galbraith", "Thorstein Veblen", "Ronald Coase", "Murrary Rothbard", "Kenneth Arrow", "David Hume", "George Akrelof", "James M. Buchanan", "Ian Tinbergen", "Ben Bemanke", "Jean-Baptiste Say", "Robert Solow", "Frédéric Bastiat", "Raghuram Rajan", "Muhammad Yunus", "Janet Yellen", "William Stanley Jevons", "Carl Menger", "Léon Walras", "Lawrence Summers", "Robert J. Shiller", "Gérard Debreu", "Kaushik Basu", "John Bates Clark", "Edward C. Prescott", "Joan Robinson", "Eugen Böhm von Bawerk", "Elinor Ostrom", "Friedrich List", "Robert Fogel")>><<print $summon>>.</b><br><br><br><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">><<timedcontinue 1s>><<print $summon>> attacks <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Manufacturing", "Marginal", "Market CAPITALISATION", "Market Failure", "Market Forces", "Market Power", "Marshall Plan", "Alfred Marshall", "Karl Marx", "Mean", "Mean Reversion", "Median", "Medium Term", "Menu Costs", "Mercantilism", "Mergers and Acquisitions", "Microeconomics", "Minimum Wage", "Misery Index", "Mixed Economy", "Mobility", "Mode", "Modelling", "Modern Portfolio Theory", "Monetarism", "Monetary Neutrality", "Monetary Policy", "Money", "Money Illusion", "Money Markets", "Money Supply", "Monopolistic Competition", "Monopoly", "Monopsony", "Moral Hazard", "Most-favoured Nation", "Multiplier", "NAFTA", "NAIRU", "Nash Equilibrium", "Nation Building", "National Dept", "National Income", "Nationalisation", "Natural Monopoly", "Natural Rate of Unemployment", "Negative Income Tax", "Neo-classical Economics", "Net Present Value", "Network Effect", "Neurality", "New Economy", "New Growth Theory", "New Trade Theory", "NGO", "Nobel Prize for Economics", "Nominal Value", "Non-price Competition", "Normal Goods", "Normative Economics", "NPV", "Null Hypothesis", "OECD", "Offshore", "Okun's Law", "OPEC", "Open Economy", "Open-market Operations", "Opportunity Costs", "Optimal Currency Area", "Optimum", "Option", "Output", "Output Gap", "Outsourcing", "Outward Investment", "Over the Counter", "Overheating", "Overshooting", "Pareto Efficiency", "Paris Club", "Patents", "Path Dependence", "Peak Pricing", "Percentage Point", "Percentile", "Perfect Competition", "Permanent Income Hypothesis", "Phillips Curve", "Pigou Effect", "Plaza Accord", "Population", "Positonal Goods", "Positive Economics", "Poverty", "Poverty Trap", "PPP", "Precautionary Motive", "Predatory Pricing", "Preference", "Present Value", "Price", "Price Discrimination", "Price Elasticity", "Price Mechanism", "Price Regulation", "Price/earnings Ratio", "Principal-agent Theory", "Prisoners' Dilemma", "Private Equity", "Privatisation", "Probability", "Producer Prices", "Producer Surplus", "Production Function", "Productivity", "Profit", "Profit Margin", "Profit Maximisation", "Progressive Taxation", "Propensity", "Property Rights", "Prospect Theory", "Protectionism", "Public Goods", "Public Spending", "Public Utility", "Public-private", "Purchasing Power Parity", "Q Theory", "Quantiy Theory of Money", "Quartile", "Queueing", "Quota", "R Squared", "Random Walk", "Rate of Return", "Rate of Return Regulation", "Ratings", "Rational Expectations", "Rationality", "Rationing", "Real Balance Effect", "Real Exchange Rate", "Real Interest Rate", "Real Options Theory", "Real Terms", "Recession", "Reciprocity", "Redlining", "Reflation", "Regional Policy", "Regression Analysis", "Regressive Tax", "Regulation", "Regulatory Arbitrage", "Regulatory Capture", "Regulatory Failure", "Requlatory Risk", "Relative Income Hypothesis", "Rent", "Rent-seeking", "Replacement Cost", "Replacement Rate", "Repo", "Required Return", "Rescheduling", "Reservation Wage", "Reserve Currency", "Reserve Ratio", "Reserve Requirements", "Reserves", "Residual Risk", "Restrictive Practice", "Returns", "Revealed Preference", "Ricardian Equivalence", "David Ricardo", "Risk", "Risk Adverse", "Risk Management", "Risk neutral", "Risk Premium", "Risk Seeking", "Risk-free Rate", "Safe Harbour", "Satisficing", "Savings", "Say's Law", "Scalability", "Scarity", "Scenario Analysis", "Joseph Schumpter", "SDR", "Search Costs", "Seasonally Adjusted", "Second-best Theory", "Secondary Market", "Securities", "Securitisation", "Seignorage", "Seller's Market", "Seniority", "Sequencing", "Services", "Shadow Price", "Shareholder Value", "Shares", "Sharpe Ratio", "Shock", "Short-termism", "Shorting", "Singnalling", "Simple Interest", "Adam Smith", "Social Benefits", "Social Costs", "Social Capital", "Social Market", "Socialism", "Soft Currency", "Soft Dollars", "Soft Loan", "Sovereign Risk", "Speculative Motive", "Spot Price", "Spread", "Stabilisation", "Stability and Growth Pact", "Stagflation", "Stagnation", "Stakeholders", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error", "Statistical Significance", "Sterilised Intervention", "Sticky Prices", "Stochastic Process", "Stocks", "Stress-testing", "Structural Adjustment", "Structural Unemployment", "Subsidy", "Substitute Goods", "Substitution Effect", "Sunk Costs", "Suppy Curve", "Supply-side Policies", "Sustainable Growth", "Swap", "Systematic Risk", "Systemic Risk", "Tangible Assets", "Tariff", "Tax Arbitrage", "Tax Avoidance", "Tax Base", "Tax Burden", "Tax Competition", "Tax Efficient", "Tax Haven", "Tax Incidence", "Taxation", "Technical Progress", "Terms of Trade", "Third Way", "Tick", "Tiger Economies", "Time Series", "Time Value of Money", "James Tobin", "Total Return", "Trade", "Trade Area", "Trade Cycle", "Trade Deficit", "Trade Surplus", "Trade Unions", "Trade-weighted Exchange Rate", "Tragedy of the Commons", "Transaction Costs", "Transfer Pricing", "Transfers", "Transition Economies", "Transmission Mechanism", "Transparency", "Treasury Bills", "Trough", "Trust", "Uncertainty", "Underground Economy", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Trap", "Unions", "Usury", "Utility", "Value Added", "Value at Risk", "Variable Costs", "Velocity of Circulation", "Venture Capital", "Vertical Equity", "Vertical Intergration", "Visible Trade", "Volatility", "Voluntary Unemployment", "Wage Drift", "Wages", "Wealth Effect", "Wealth Tax", "Weightless Economy", "Welfare", "Welfare Economics", "Welfare to Work", "Windfall Gains", "Windfall Profit", "Winner-takes-all Markets", "Withholding Tax", "World Bank", "World Trade Organisation", "X-efficiency", "Yield", "Yield Curve", "Yield Gap", "Zero-sum Game")>></b> for $<<print random(30,60) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;Critical Hit!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>><<if $level >= 10 and $level < 20>>.<<print random(0,9)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 20 and $level < 50>>.<<print random(00,99)>><<endif>><<if $level >= 50>>.<<print random(000,999)>><<endif>>!<br><br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped a <b>Business Contract ReQuest</b><<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><br>[[Read]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print $special>></b> for $<<print random(10,20) * $level>> billion damage.<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n\n@@color:red;It's super effective!@@\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>You have bankrupted <<print $enemyname>>!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br>You have gained a level!<<timedcontinue .5s>><br><br><<set $level to $level + 1>>You are now Level <<print $level>>.<<print random(0,9)>>!<br><br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Enemy <<print $enemyname>> has droped an item.<br><br><<timedcontinue 1s>>Armour: <b>Investment Vestments</b> found.<br><br><<timedcontinue .5s>>Equip? [[Yes|list][$vestments = "true"]] | [[No|list]]</p>
<p>\n\n\n<<if $Enemy is 3 >>A Wild <<print $enemyname>> draws near.<br><br><br><br>Command? [[Fight|Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor][$Enemy -= 1]] | [[Run|list]]<<endif>><<if $Enemy <= 2 and $Enemy >=1>><<playsound "Hit_Hurt13.wav">>You attack <<print $enemyname>> with <b><<print either ("Absolute Advantage", "Adaptive Expectations", "Adverse Selection", "Advertising", "Agency Costs", "Agricultural Policy", "Agriculture", "Aid", "Altrusism", "Amortisation", "Animal Spirits", "Antitrust", "Appriciation", "Arbitrage", "Arbitrage Pricing Theory", "Asian Crisis", "Assets", "Asymmetric Information", "Asymmetric Shock", "Auctions", "Austrian Economics", "Autarky", "Average", "Backwardation", "Balance of Payments", "Balanced Budget", "Bank", "Bankruptcy", "Barriers of Entry", "Barriers of Exit", "Barter", "Basel 1 and 2", "Basis Point", "Bear", "Behavioural Economics", "Beta", "Big Mac Index", "Black Economy", "Black-Scholes", "Bonds", "Boom", "Bust", "Bonded Rationality", "Brand", "Bretton Woods", "Bubble", "Budget", "Bull", "Business Confidence", "Business Cycle", "Buyer's Market", "Cannibalise", "Capacity", "CAPITAL", "CAPITAL Adequacy Ratio", "CAPITAL Asset Pricing Model", "CAPITAL Controls", "CAPITAL Flight", "CAPITAL Gains", "CAPITAL Intensive", "CAPITAL Markets", "CAPITAL Structure", "CAPITALISM", "CAPM", "Cartel", "Catch-up Effect", "Central Bank", "Ceteris Paribus", "Charity", "Chicago School", "Classical Dichotomy", "Classical Economics", "Closed Economy", "Coase Theorem", "Collateral", "Collusion", "Command Economy", "Commoditisation", "Commodity", "Common Goods", "Communism", "Comparative Advantage", "Competitiveness", "Complementary Goods", "Compound Interest", "Concentration", "Conditionality", "Consumer Confidence", "Consumer Prices", "Consumer Surplus", "Consumption", "Contagion", "Contestable Market", "Convergence", "Corruption", "Cost of CAPITAL", "Cost-benefit Analysis", "Creative Destruction", "Credit", "Credit Creation", "Credit Crunch", "Creditor", "Crony CAPITALISM", "Crowding Out", "Currency Board", "Currency Peg", "Current Account", "Deadweight Cost", "Deadweight Loss", "Debt", "Debt Forgiveness", "Dept-equity Ratio", "Default", "Deficit", "Deflation", "Demand", "Demand Curve", "Demographics", "Deposit Insurance", "Deprecitaiton", "Depression", "Deregulation", "Derivatives", "Devaluation", "Developing Countries", "Development Economics", "Diminishing Returns", "Direct Taxation", "Discount Rate", "Discounted Cashflow", "Diseconomies of Scale", "Disequilibrium", "Disinflation", "Disintermediation", "Diversification", "Dividend", "Division of Labour", "Dollarisation", "Dominant Firm", "Dumping", "ECB", "Econometrics", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Economic Indicator", "Economic Man", "Economic Rent", "Economic Sanctions", "Economics", "Economies of Scale", "Effective Exchange Rate", "Effiency", "Effiency Wages", "Efficient Market Hypothesis", "Elasticity", "Emerging Markets", "Endogenous", "Engel's Law", "Enron", "Enterprise", "Entrepeneur", "Environmental Economics", "Equilibrium", "Equities", "Equity", "Equity Risk Premium", "Euro", "Euro Zone", "Eurodollar", "European Central Bank", "European Union", "Evolutionary Economics", "Excess Returns", "Exchange Controls", "Exchange Rate", "Exogenous", "Expectations", "Expected Returns", "Expenditure Tax", "Export Credit", "Exports", "Externality", "Factor Costs", "Factors of Production", "Factory Prices", "Fair Trade", "FDI", "Federal Reserve System", "Financial Instrument", "Financial Intermediary", "Financial Markets", "Financial System", "Fine Tuning", "Firms", "First-mover Advantage", "Fiscal Drag", "Fiscal Neutrality", "Fiscal Policy", "Fixed Costs", "Flotation", "Forecasting", "Foreign Direct Investment", "Forward Contracts", "Free Lunch", "Free Riding", "Free Trade", "Frictional Unemplyment", "Milton Friedman", "Full Employment", "Fungible", "Futures", "G7", "G8", "G10", "G21", "G22", "G26", "Game Theory", "GATT", "GDP", "Gearing", "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "General Equilibrium", "Generational Accounting", "Giffen Goods", "Gilts", "Gini Coefficient", "Global Public Goods", "Globalisation", "gni", "GNP", "Gold", "Gold Standard", "Golden Rule", "Government", "Government Bonds", "Government Debt", "Government Expenditure", "Government Revenue", "Alan Greenspan", "Gresham's Law", "Gross Domestic Product", "Gross National Product", "Growth", "Hard Currency", "Hawala", "Friedrich Hayek", "Hedge", "Hedge Funds", "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index", "Homo Economicus", "Horizontal Equity", "Horizontal Intergration", "Hot Money", "House Prices", "Human Capital", "Human Development Index", "Hyper-inflation", "Hypothecation", "Hysteresis", "ILO", "IMF", "Imperfect Competition", "Imports", "Income", "Income Effect", "Income Tax", "Incumbent Advantage", "Index Numbers", "Indexation", "Indifference Curve", "Indirect Taxation", "Inelastic", "Inequality", "Inferior Goods", "Inflation", "Inflation Target", "Information", "Infrastructure", "Innovation", "Insider Trading", "Institutional Economics", "Institutional Investors", "Insurance", "Intangible Assets", "Intellectual Capital", "Interest", "Interest Rate", "International Aid", "International Labour Organisation", "International Monetary Fund", "International Trade", "Intervention", "Investment", "Invisible Hand", "Invisible Trade", "Inward Investment", "J-curve", "Job Search", "Joint Supply", "John Maynard Keynes", "Keynesian", "Kleptocracy", "Kondratieff Wave", "Labour", "Labour Intensive", "Labour Market Flexibility", "Labour Theory of Value", "Laffer Curve", "Lagging Indicators", "Laissez-faire", "Land", "Land Tax", "Law and Economics", "LBO", "Leading Indicators", "Lender of Last Resort", "Leverage", "Leveraged Buy-out", "Liberal Economics", "Liberalisation", "LIBOR", "Life", "Life-cycle Hypothesis", "Liquidity", "Liquidity Preference", "Liquidity Trap", "Lock-in", "Long Run", "Lump of Labour Fallacy", "Lump-sum Tax", "Luxuries", "Macroeconomic Policy", "Macroeco