<<if $tree eq 1>>When you take the last step, the staircase retracts into the ceiling. A grinding can be heard as the opening closes, leaving the ceiling flush. <<endif>>Upon entering this room you first react to the change in aesthetics. In place of the rock walls that have appeared throughout the rest of the adventure these walls are made of stone giving it a dungeon-y feel. This room is also narrow, more akin to a passageway than a room. While the passage is quite lengthy you see glint of light at the end. Not wishing to waste time you begin to run towards the exit. \n\n[[1. Proceed to the next room|Castle]]
You decide that this isn't the best day to begin this adventure. You turn around and venture back home where peace and quiet are sure to greet you. Enjoy your life, never knowing what treasures were held within.
The adventurer charges at you causing you to freeze in fear. You lose all control of your muscles, some lock up while others fall completely lax. You lose all feeling in your arms and hands. You think you hear a slamming sound but your focus is completely on the charging explorer. The face of rage that you are looking into quickly turns to surprise as you watch the body fly backwards. It lands on the hard ground with a sickening thud. You slowly approach the still body. A couple of quick kicks possibly reveals a lack of consciousness. Looking around for the cause you find your flashlight rolling towards the wall of the cavern. You must have dropped it causing the adversary to slip and fall backwards, incurring quite a head wound. Fear takes over again as you head back to the bag and finally get a second to evaluate the items inside. While mostly filled with rocks, one object catches your fancy. A key, silver, sits at the bottom of the bag. You take it and run towards the door hoping you aren't followed. <<set $key = 1>>\n\n[[1. Exit through the door|First Room]]
[[1. Run Away|Run]]\n\n[[2. Stand Your Ground|Stand]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $companion to either(0,1)>>\n<<set $luck to either(0,1)>>\n<<set $story to either(1,2,3)>>\n<<set $defend = 0>>\n<<set $empty = 0>>\n<<set $staircase = 0>>\n<<set $tree = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\nYou make your way into the cavern. Shadow consumes your vision as you search, aimlessly, through your backpack for a flashlight. Sweat beads down your face, anxiety grips your pulse. Finally you feel it and draw it out. Flicking it on you see 3 doors ahead of you. \n\n<<if $companion eq 1>>\n"Hey, wait up," you hear from behind you. You turn to see your companion briskly jogging up to you. "Why do you always rush ahead of -- whoa! Which one do you think we should go through?"\n<<endif>>\n<<if $story eq 1>>\n[[1. Enter the Left Door|Swamp]]\n\n[[2. Enter the Middle Door|Rock]]\n\n[[3. Enter the Right Door|Empty]]\n<<elseif $story eq 2>>\n[[1. Enter the Left Door|Tree]]\n\n[[2. Enter the Middle Door|Empty]]\n\n[[3. Enter the Right Door|Rock]]\n<<elseif $story eq 3>>\n[[1. Enter the Left Door|Empty]]\n\n[[2. Enter the Middle Door|Tree]]\n\n[[3. Enter the Right Door|Swamp]]\n<<endif>>\n[[4. Go back the other way|Quit]]
With your balance regained you immediately charge at the foe, shoulder first, in an attempt to unbalance. Your shoulder collides with the large body and you manage to push the adversary some distance back but that is all. Unaware of what is about to happen, the wind is knocked out of you as two fists slam down upon your back. You collapse on the floor, your intuition tells you to move and you quickly roll to the side narrowly avoiding a swing of the wooden stick. Hastily rising to your feet you realize there is a door in the room that could be an escape route. \n\n[[1. Continue the fight|Attack2]]\n\n[[2. Attempt to escape|Run]]
<<if $empty eq 0 and visited() eq 1>>\nThe room you enter is completely bare of any outstanding features. Hesitantly you search the room looking for anything of use. Finally you give up and decide to go back to the first room. Before leaving you leave the etching of an 'X' in the wall next to the door. \n\n[[1. Walk back the way you came|First Room]]\n\n<<elseif $empty eq 1 and visited() eq 1>>\nThe room seems to be completely empty save for a single door at the other end. You begin to search the room looking for anything of use. After walking around the entirety of the room you realize that there is, in fact, only one door in this room, the one you saw earlier. There isn't any evidence of the door from whence you came, just rock walls for all 4 sides. Hesitantly, you exit through the lone door. Before leaving you leave the etching of an 'X' in the wall next to the door. \n\n[[1. Leave the room|First Room]]\n\n<<elseif $empty eq 0 and visited() gt 1>>\nYou enter into an empty room again. Glancing at the wall you see the 'X' that you placed. With nothing to do in the room you walk back out.\n\n[[1. Walk back the way you came|First Room]]\n\n<<elseif $empty eq 1 and visited() gt 1>>\nYou enter room with only one door. You make your way to the door and search the wall next to it. Finding the 'X' you marked earlier you open the door and leave. No sense in wasting any more time in here. \n\n[[1. Leave the room|First Room]]\n<<endif>>
<<if visited("Talk")>>You frantically look for an escape route. Visually searching the room you see a door on the other side of the room.<<endif>> Adrenaline surges through your body as you command your legs to run. Unfortunately, you're still a bit dizzy from being attacked and trip two strides into your dash. Seeing your misstep the explorer rushes towards you in an attempt to pin you while you are down. Your shoulder collides with the ground and your grip on the flashlight loosens. It falls to the ground and rolls. The attacker's tunnel vision of rage blinds it from seeing the flashlight. Stepping on it, the assailant slips, falling backwards onto the hard ground. You quickly rise back onto your feet and slowly approach the still body. A couple of quick kicks possibly reveals a lack of consciousness. You head back to the bag and finally get a second to evaluate the items inside. While mostly filled with rocks, one object catches your fancy. A key, silver, sits at the bottom of the bag. You take it and run towards the door hoping you aren't followed. <<set $key = 1>>\n\n[[1. Exit through the door|First Room]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $empty = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $staircase eq 0>>\nYou enter into the a room that looks quite familiar. You quickly realize you are at the beginning of the cave, again. As before there are 3 doors in front of you, each looking exactly the same as the last time you were here. The entrance, though, has been sealed off. "There is no leaving now," you think to yourself.\n<<elseif $staircase eq 1>>\nAs you exit the staircase you feel the ground rumble as floor slide into place, concealing the staircase. You look around and notice you are in the room with 3 doors again. \n<<set $staircase eq 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $story eq 1>>\n[[1. Enter the Left Door|Swamp]]\n\n[[2. Enter the Middle Door|Rock]]\n\n[[3. Enter the Right Door|Empty]]\n<<elseif $story eq 2>>\n[[1. Enter the Left Door|Tree]]\n\n[[2. Enter the Middle Door|Empty]]\n\n[[3. Enter the Right Door|Rock]]\n<<elseif $story eq 3>>\n[[1. Enter the Left Door|Empty]]\n\n[[2. Enter the Middle Door|Tree]]\n\n[[3. Enter the Right Door|Swamp]]\n<<endif>>
A quick inspection of the rock shows that it is quite ordinary. No levers protrude from it and it doesn't sound hollow at all. Giving into frustration you lean against the rock and being pondering as to the reason for a sole rock in this room. Why is it here? Where did it come from? You hear a sudden grinding noise and feel the ground shake beneath you. The ground, lethargically, forms a spiral staircase around the rock that descends into the floor. With no other sign of progression you proceed down the stairs. \n\n[[1. Walk down the stairs|Castle]]\n\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $empty = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nAvoiding the swamp you decide to shimmy along the thin strip of solid ground that borders the edge of the room. Several careful steps later you finally arrive at a large piece of land with a door and a grail. You pick up the grail, turning it over. Finding nothing of interest you put it into your backpack hoping to find a use for it later. \n\n<<if $story eq 1>>\n[[1. Leave through door|Tree]]\n<<elseif $story eq 2>>\n[[1. Leave through door|Empty]]\n<<elseif $story eq 3>>\n[[1. Leave through door|Castle]]\n<<endif>>\n[[2. Trudge through the Swamp to the Island|SwampIsland]]
Endless Reaches Through Mind and Soul
The swamp is disgusting but you decide to trudge through it. That island up ahead doesn't seem to be that far away, but looks are definitely deceiving. Five minutes of walking turn into ten, the swamp has risen to waist level and your legs begin to grow weak from traversing the terrain. As you are about to give into exhaustion you find that the swamp level is descending. A surge of adrenaline aids in forgetting the pain as you near your destination. Looking around you discover the island to be much smaller than initially noted. Consisting of a few trees and a bush you begin to believe this trip was worthless. Searching around the tree you discover a lever. <<if $luck eq 0>>As you approach the lever a trap door opens. With nothing to grab on to you descend for a few seconds, landing quite jarringly on the ground below.\n\n[[Next|Cavern]]\n<<elseif $luck eq 1>>You cautiously look for the lever, unknowing of what it might do. With no other exits in the room you decide to pull it towards you. Hearing a thunderous noise to your left you quickly turn your head to see platforms rising out of the swamp towards an opening in what used to be a wall. \n[[1. Walk towards the newly opened exit|Dungeon]]\n<<endif>>
<<if visited() eq 1>>\nA fire sits, flickering, in the middle of the room. A smörgåsbord of equipment, bags, and makeshift weapons lie around it. Unsure of where the owner may be you crouch down, attempting to keep your noise profile low. Walking swiftly, yet quietly, you make your way towards the items through haphazardly on the ground. Approaching the bag, you open it hoping for something of use. Before you get a look at what is inside pain shoots through your body and a sudden force causes you to lunge forward. You simultaneous attempt to regain balance and turn around to find the source of the sudden momentum. \n\nAs your vision gradually focuses on the attack you see a shape begin to take form. A human with a large, blunt stick is standing in front of you, ready for a confrontation. \n\n[[1. Try to talk to the adversary|Talk]]\n\n[[2. Engage in combat|Attack]]\n<<elseif>>\nYou find the corpse of the monster you killed earlier.\n\n[[1. Leave through the door|First Room]]\n<<endif>>\n\n
<<if $key eq 0>>\nYou attempt to open the door with no avail. It seems to be stuck or locked by some kind of mechanism. Upon closer inspection you discover there is a keyhole. Any excitement felt upon discovering this underground castle is replaced with despair. You reluctantly ascend the staircase, hoping the key required is actually somewhere in this cavern.\n\n[[1. Ascend Staircase|First Room][$staircase = 1]]\n\n<<elseif $key eq 1>>\nYou attempt to open the door with no avail. It seems to be stuck or locked by some kind of mechanism. Upon closer inspection you discover there is a keyhole. With a surge of excitement you open your backpack in search of the key you found earlier. Your hands shake as you insert the key. Twisting it, you hear the tumblers move and clink, metal against metal. \n\n[[1. Open the Door|Ending]]\n<<endif>>
--let the player undo moves? (on / off)\n--in sugarcane, this enables the browser's back button.\n--in jonah, this lets the player click links in previous\n--passages.\n\nundo: off\n\n--let the player use bookmarks? (on / off)\n--this enables the bookmark links in jonah and sugarcane\n--(if the player can't undo, bookmarks are always disabled.)\nbookmark: on\n\n--obfuscate the story's html source to prevent possible\n--spoilers? (swap / off)\n\nobfuscate: off\n\n--string of letter pairs to use for swap-style obfuscation\n\nobfuscatekey: nmvfpjortceykzwgludsxhqbai\n\n--include the jquery script library? (on / off)\n\njquery: off\n\n--include the modernizr script library? (on / off)\n\nmodernizr: off\n
v.1 Alpha - 1/11/14\n--------------\n-Offensive combat passages, Rock, Dungeon, Castle, Empty, and Tree finished.\n-Removed the overly-complicated $fight in favor of the simpler visited()\n-Expanded Rock sequence\n-Wrote a proper ending\n-Expanded Castle/Locked Door sequence\n-Fixed "No Luck and No Companion would render it impossible to find the Castle in Story3"\n-First Spellcheck complete!\n\n\nv.02 - 1/10/14\n--------------\n-Extended "combat" sequence. Wrote Passages for reasoning and defensive combat.\n-Finished writing all Swamp Passages.\n-Added an option to walk away from dungeon in Start Passage.\n-Fixed "Having Luck makes it impossible to find key in Story1"\n\nv.01 - 01/08/14\n--------------\n-All passages for the prototype have quick descriptions and are properly linked. \n-Extended pathing for Swamp set.
A giant tree consumes most of the space in this room. Its trunk is enormous and its branches extend to the ceiling. Walking around the tree you notice that the back half is actually a door. Inside it contains two staircases, neither have any discernible differentiations to them. \n\n[[1. Descend the left staircase|Cavern][$tree = 1]]\n\n[[2. Descend the right staircase|Dungeon][$tree = 1]]
Carefully, you proceed forward directing your torch at the unknown. A foul odor assaults your olfactory senses as you feel a warm sensation overcome your feet. Glancing down you find that you are ankle deep in swamp water. Quickly looking for a way out you see a patch of land further into the swamp. \n<<if $companion eq 1>> \n"Something shimmered off to the right, it looked shiny," your companion says. "Maybe we should head in the direction."\n\n[[1. Head to the Island in the middle of the swamp|SwampIsland]]\n\n[[2. Head to the right side of the room|SwampRight]]\n<<else if $luck eq 1>>\nYou also notice some light refracting off of an object in the far right of the room.\n\n[[1. Head to the Island in the middle of the swamp|SwampIsland]]\n\n[[2. Head to the right side of the room|SwampRight]]\n<<else>>\n[[1. Head to the Island in the middle of the swamp|SwampIsland]]\n<<endif>>\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $defend = $defend + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $defend eq 1>>\nHoping for the best you raise your arms to block your face and stand still. Moments later you feel the cold deadness of the blunt "staff" make contact with your arms. You are thrown back some distance but are otherwise ok. Your forearms are now in pain and you are presented with the same circumstances as before.\n<<display Defend>>\n<<elseif $defend eq 2>>\nYou decide that taking another blow is the best idea and ready yourself. With your arms up protecting your face the stick flies through the air and collides with you again, this time knocking you to the ground. You pull yourself back to your feet with a familiar decision to make.\n<<display Defend>>\n<<elseif $defend eq 3>>\nYou begin to ready yourself for another onslaught when you realize that another attack has a chance of breaking some bones. This becomes a fleeting thought as you decide to run away from this crazed maniac. \n\n[[1. Run Away|Run]]\n<<endif>>\n
<<if visited("MagicRock") eq 0>>\nThe room you enter is darker than the entrance. Shining the flashlight around the room reveals an empty, hexagon shaped area with a sole boulder in the middle. The walls are bare of passageways, there is no way of leaving besides the way you came in. \n\n[[1. Inspect the rock|MagicRock]]\n\n[[2. Go back the way you came|First Room]]\n\n<<elseif visited("MagicRock") gt 0>>\nYour gaze is immediately directed at a large rock in the middle of the room and the staircase that surrounds it. Recognizing this place you know there are only 2 exits.\n\n[[1. Head back into the first room|First Room]]\n\n[[2. Proceed down the staircase|Castle]]\n<<endif>>
What you emerge to see is a small castle sitting at the edge of the room. From the looks of it, it is built into the wall of the room. There is only one entrance into the castle. To the left of the castle is a staircase ascending into the ceiling. \n\n[[1. Ascend the staircase|First Room][$staircase = 1]]\n\n[[2. Go through the door|LockedDoor]]
Attempting to reason with the foe you say, "Hello. I am a fellow explorer." The other person looks at you with disdain. The adventurer begins to lunge forward but halts as you speak again. "I did not mean to intrude on your belongings. Let me continue on and I will leave you alone." The other explorer's face contorts as the idea is mulled over. In what can only be assumed as disagreement, you now have an armed, murderous person charging at you. \n\n<<display Defend>>
You thrust the door open hoping to find lost artifacts, ancient relics, or at the very least gold. Instead you find what looks to be a home with 3 smaller variants of that humanoid being you ran into earlier. While initially standing, waiting at the door, fear now crept over their faces as they ran away. Doors could be heard slamming shut and whimpers were slightly audible. "These must be kids," you think to yourself, trying desperately to understand the situation. A horrible melancholy overcomes you as you put the pieces together; they created a twisted picture. The parent must have been out in search of food. You slowly ascend the staircase next to the castle, the gravity of the situation is felt in every step. Ascending the last step you see you are in the first room, 3 doors sit in front of you. You look across from them, remembering the passage you took to find this cave. There is no trace of that passage, just a rock wall. With no way to leave you slump against wall with your head in your hands, tears cascading down your face. You aren't any more certain how this place exists or why you were drawn to exploring it. But one thing is for certain...in your search for answers to the past you have destroyed a family in the present.
<<if $tree eq 1>>As you reach the final step you find yourself in an empty room. <<else>>Picking yourself up from the ground you quickly look around the room, trying to find anything of interest...or danger. <<endif>>There is but a single detail in the entire room, light coming form underneath one of the rock walls. Upon further inspection you find that the "wall" is indeed hollow. Pulling out your flashlight, you aim it towards the wall in hopes of seeing an odd detail, a discoloration or out of place shape, that might lead to opening this passageway. After feeling around the wall, with both hand and eye, you find an unlit torch. Thinking how cliche this is, you pull it down with hopelessness. The wall slowly grinds against the ground, sliding into the rest of the wall.\n\n[[1. Walk into the next room|Enemy]]
Bryan Rumsey
Possible Rooms\n--------------\n-Jungle(overgrowth)\n-Insect pit\n-River\n\nFuture Additions(Final Product)\n--------------\n-Expand Companion and Luck based texts.\n-Additional Stats(maybe)\n-More Rooms\n-Parenthood Metaphor(remove win-state)\n-Remove global Luck stat in favor of random luck per event