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- Tag passage with 'name of style'
- Use @@.n;XXXXX@@ for the name (where X is the display name)
- Use @@.d;XXXXX@@ for dialogue (where X is the dialogue)
- Example:
@@.d;This is some dialogue!@@
Note: names as displayed do not correlate with portraits.
Does NOT have automated functionality ala Choices char_ids.
Live with it.
To add new character portraits:
- In the CSS stylesheet, create a new style (use 'showapple' as a template)
- Replace the url of the apple with the url of the portrait
- Fiddle with positioning as needed to center
- Name the new portrait whatever (showdoug).
- To call it in a passage, tag the passage with the name of the style
- NOTE: NAME OF STYLE *MUST* BE ALL-LOWERCASE. Idk why. It breaks otherwise.
DO: showapple
DON'T: showApple
show apple
X Style background image
X Figure out CSS sizing shit
X Style character dialogue box
X Get character portraits working
X Build character portraits (easy; art/uploads, copying template)
X Style NEXT button
X Style multi-links (max 4)
X Style event dialogue
X Style image events
X Style fullscreen images (should be easy)
X Get music working
O Start the muthafuggin writing
The hardest part is done! Woo!@@.n;Wizard@@
@@.d;I'm a wizard and this is some dialogue!@@
------;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_dialogue>><</link>>@@@@.n;Fighter@@
@@.d;I'm a fighter and this is some dialogue!@@
------;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_dialogue>><</link>>@@@@.n;Healer@@
@@.d;I'm a healer and this is some dialogue!@@
------;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_dialogue>><</link>>@@@@.n;Thief@@
@@.d;I'm a thief and this is some dialogue!@@
------;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_dialogue>><</link>>@@@@.n;Red Mage@@
@@.d;I'm a red mage and this is some dialogue!@@
------;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_dialogue>><</link>>@@@@.n;Monk@@
@@.d;I'm a monk and this is some dialogue!@@
------;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_dialogue>><</link>>@@<img src=""/>
@@.enext;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_images>><</link>>@@
<img src="" align="middle">
@@.d;These are some words to describe this image and this is where they go.
They will always be centered.@@
@@.enext;<<link [BACK]>><<goto Menu_images>><</link>>@@@@.n;Wizard@@
@@.d;Now it's time to make a decision...@@
@@.d;<<link "[Check out the Thief]">><<goto Thief>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Let's see the Fighter]">><<goto Fighter>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[View a fullscreen image.]">><<goto FullImage>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[View a regular image.]">><<goto Image>><</link>>@@;<<link "[BACK]">><<goto Menu>><</link>>@@@@.n;DJ Red Mage@@
@@.d;Let's test some music!@@
- @@.d;<<link "[PLAY]">><<audio "chill" play>><</link>>@@
- @@.d;<<link "[PAUSE]">><<audio "chill" pause>><</link>>@@
- @@.d;<<link "[STOP]">><<audio "chill" stop>><</link>>@@;<<link "[BACK]">><<goto Menu>><</link>>@@<<cacheaudio "chill" "">>
<<goto Menu>>@@.n;FF STORY STYLE@@
@@.n;Main Menu@@
@@.d;What would you like to check out?@@
@@.d;<<link "[Character Dialogue Screens]">><<goto Menu_dialogue>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Image Screens]">><<goto Menu_images>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Music]">><<goto Music>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[A typical passage]">><<goto Choices>><</link>>@@
@@.n;<<link "[Rights and Stuff]">><<goto Menu_usage>><</link>>@@@@.n;Rights and Stuff (cont'd)@@
Also, if you use this to make a game, PLEASE upload the images somewhere else and change the url's in the stylesheet so you don't crash my site.
For documentation on usage, see my comments in the CSS stylesheet. Hopefully it's pretty fairly self-explanatory, but if not, idgaf don't @ me.
@@.enext;<<link "[MENU]">><<goto Menu>><</link>>@@@@.n;Images@@
@@.d;What kind of image would you like to view?@@
@@.d;<<link "[Regular]">><<goto Image>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Full]">><<goto FullImage>><</link>>@@
@@.enext;<<link "[BACK]">><<goto Menu>><</link>>@@@@.n;Rights and Stuff@@
This Twine stylesheet is licensed for use under a Creative Commons 3.0 unported license. That means you're free to use it for noncommercial projects as long as you include the following information...
Created by Brandon Carbaugh
<<link "">><<goto>><</link>>
@@.enext;<<link "[MORE]">><<goto Menu_usage2>><</link>>@@@@.n;Character Dialogue Screens@@
@@.d;Which character would you like to see?@@
@@.d;<<link "[Wizard]">><<goto Wizard>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Fighter]">><<goto Fighter>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Thief]">><<goto Thief>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Healer]">><<goto Healer>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Red Mage]">><<goto RedMage>><</link>>@@
@@.d;<<link "[Monk]">><<goto Monk>><</link>>@@
@@.enext;<<link "[BACK]">><<goto Menu>><</link>>@@