(css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 70px;")[ [[Misplaced]] ]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 35px;")[A story by me, and you]
(set: $inv to (a:))
(set: $rebel to 0)
(set: $fan to 0)
(set: $wet to 0)
(set: $FG to 0)
(set: $JG to 0)
(set: $spiral to 0)
(set: $nook1 to 0)
(set: $C to 0)
(set: $shop to 0)
(set: $spook to 0)
(set: $down to 0)
(set: $E1 to 0)
(set: $E2 to 0)
(set: $E3 to 0)
(set: $E4 to 0)
(set: $lake to 0)
(set: $wall to 0)
(set: $byron to 0)
(set: $forest to 0)
(set: $ghosthp to 75)
(set: $playerhp to 50)
(set: $turn to 0)
(set: $p to 0)
(set: $i1 to 0)
(set: $i2 to 0)
(set: $i3 to 0)
(set: $i4 to 0)
(set: $i5 to 0)
(set: $i6 to 0)
(set: $i7 to 0)
(set: $i8 to 0)
(set: $i9 to 0)
(set: $i10 to 0)
(set: $i11 to 0)
(set: $i12 to 0)
(set: $i13 to 0)
(set: $i14 to 0)
(set: $i15 to 0)(set: $inv to (a: "An old book"))(if: $ghost is true)[They always say that old houses have ghosts.
[[Now, I'm one of them.|Credits]] ](else:)[They always say that old houses have ghosts.
That you can feel them, if you try, in a gust of cold air or a creaking door.
Or in the gaps left by misplaced things.
[[This is no exception.|This one is no exception.]] ]
(if: $E1 is true and $E2 is true and $E3 is true and $E4)[You seem to have explored pretty much everywhere, you've left no stone uncovered!
[[Finish visit.|Ending 5]] ](else-if: $E1 is true and $E2 is true and $E3)[Well, that was interesting, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]] ](else-if: $E1 is true and $E2 is true and $E4)[Well, that was interesting, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]] ](else-if: $E1 is true and $E3 is true and $E4)[Well, that was interesting, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](else-if: $E2 is true and $E3 is true and $E4)[Well, that was interesting, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]] ](else-if: $E1 is true and $E2 is true)[There's more to see yet, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]]
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]] ](else-if: $E1 is true and $E3 is true)[There's more to see yet, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]]
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](else-if: $E1 is true and $E4 is true)[There's more to see yet, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]]
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](else-if: $E2 is true and $E3 is true)[There's more to see yet, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]] ](else-if: $E2 is true and $E4 is true)[There's more to see yet, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]] ](else-if: $E3 is true and $E4 is true)[There's more to see yet, where next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](else-if: $E1 is true)[Where shall we head next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]]
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]]
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](else-if: $E2 is true)[Where shall we head next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]]
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]] ](else-if: $E3 is true)[Where shall we head next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]]
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](else-if: $E4 is true)[Where shall we head next?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]]
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](else:)[Newstead Abbey has stood for centuries. It certainly looks like the sort of place to have ghosts.
The sort of place where (text-style: 'bold')[choices have consequences].
Where, once you've started on your path, there is (text-style: 'bold')[no going back].
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36693623895_2045c17045_c.jpg" />
So, where shall we start?
[[The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[Through the arches you catch a glimpse of crumbling statue.]]
[[You hear the distant crashing of water.]]
[[The gardens look pretty inviting whilst the weather holds.]] ](set: $inv to (a:)) sets array in start passage
Every time the character finds an object, create a passage with the name of that object, and then add the name of the object passage to the $inv.
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "smartphone")) add item
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "smartphone", "keys")) add items
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "keys")) remove item
The (click:) macro is safe to insert into a passage even if the text you want it to target hasn't been added to the inventory array $inv. It'll only highlight text that has been already added. So if you've only progressed far enough in your twine game to have a smartphone in your inventory, but your player character hasn't found their housekeys yet, you can still put (click: "housekeys")[Do something] and it will only activate once the player has found their housekeys and the string "housekeys" has been added to the inventory array.
(if: $inv.size > 10)[Not Empty](else:)[empty](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 40px;")[ [Inventory]]<p>[(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 30px;")[(link-goto: "Back", (history:)'s last)]<hr>]
(if: $inv's length > 0)[Your inventory contains:
(print: $inv.join("\n "))]
(else:)[Your inventory is empty.]
(click: "An old book")[(display: "Book of poems")](click: "Selected Poems of Lord Byron")[(display: "Poems 2")](click: "A satchel")[(display: "Satchel")](click: "An umbrella")[(display: "Umbrella")](click: "A worn photograph")[(display: "Photograph")](click: "A scroll")[(display: "Scroll")](click: "A poem")[(display: "Poem")](click: "A rusty pistol")[(display: "Rusty Pistol")](click: "Venandi exspiravit")[(display: "Strange book")](click: "A set of candlesticks")[(display: "Candlestick")](click: "A tiny pen")[(display: "Pen")](click: "A feather")[(display: "Peacock Feather")](click: "Shamshir Sword")[(display: "Sword")](click: "A painted minature")[(display: "Minature")](click: "A rocking horse")[(display: "Rocking horse")](click: "A metal dog collar")[(display: "Dog Collar")](click: "A shiny ring")[(display: "Gold Ring")](click: "A fluffy rug")[(display: "Sheepskin Rug")](click: "A rickety chair")[(display: "Chair")](click: "A leather suitcase")[(display: "Suitcase")](click: "A china plate")[(display: "Plate")](click: "An old key")[(display: "Key")](click: "A pair of tickets")[(display: "Free ticket")](click: "One silver coin")[(display: "Coin")](click: "A bunch of flowers")[(display: "Flowers")](click: "A delicate inkstand")[(display: "Inkstand")](click: "A white handkerchief")[(display: "Hankerchief")](click: "A bag of various shells and stones")[(display: "Shells")](click: "A silver cup")[(display: "Silver cup")]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 40px;")[
(link-goto: "Back", (history:)'s last)]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[
(if: (passage:)'s name is "Inventory")[<!--Do Nothing-->](if: (passage:)'s name is "Start")[<!--Do Nothing-->](else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "nofooter")[<!--Do Nothing-->]
(else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "item")[ <p>[[End this story here?|Head home.]] <hr><id="stats">[Save]<save| | [Load]<restore|(click: ?save)[Game saved.(savegame: "A","Test Save")]
(click: ?restore)[Game loaded.(loadgame: "A")] ](else:)[ <p>[[End this story here?|Head home.]] <hr>[[Inventory]] | <id="stats">[Save]<save| | [Load]<restore|
(click: ?save)[Game saved.(savegame: "A","Test Save")]
(click: ?restore)[Game loaded.(loadgame: "A")] ] ]As you carefully unroll the parchment you are faced with almost illegible Latin. A little research uncovers that this is actually a grant, giving ir John Byron custody of Newstead from King Henry VIII of all people!
<em>NA 256<em/>
<hr>Upon closer examination it becomes clear that the cup is a drinking cup, mounted in silver. It's certainly a beautiful piece of metalwork.
<em>Considered for auction by Lord Byron</em>
<hr>A tattered copy of 'Lord Byron - The Major Works'. The corners are yellowing and some pages are dog-eared. This is a well-loved book, though it isn't yours.
The inside cover bears your mother's faded name and a short, well-read letter.
<hr>(if: $thief is true)[Walking through the door is jarring.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4360/36694045095_37e5fe7567_c.jpg" />
You are faced with, of all things, a shop. Though the reception desk was expected, you still struggle to reconcile this room with the haunted building of your daydreams.
This does not feel like the place your mother described. This is no place for ghosts. Too modern, too busy.
As you enter the attendant behind the desk eyes you suspiciously.
It turns out your feeble attempt at a disguise was not good enough and security are called to promptly escort you off the premises.
[[Well it was worth a try.|Credits]] ](else:)[Walking through the door is jarring.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4360/36694045095_37e5fe7567_c.jpg" />
You are faced with, of all things, a shop. Though the reception desk was expected, you still struggle to reconcile this room with the haunted building of your daydreams.
This does not feel like the place your mother described, this bizarre mix of old and new.
This is no place for ghosts.
[[Beyond, you spot a dimly lit staircase.|Beyond the doorway there is a dimly-lit staircase.]]
[[Oddly lured by the bright lights you head into the shop.|Exploring the shop, you spot a familiar sight.]] ](set: $E1 to true)The statue, although barely visible through the grill has a bizarre, macarbe appeal.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4409/35884301293_0e3aa433f1_c.jpg" />
A brief glance around shows that no one is looking your way and you can't see any security cameras.
Besides, it's only a metal fence.
[[Take the risk.]]
[[On second thought, maybe not.|This one is no exception.]](set: $E3 to true)Dusty, dim, the staircase is much more promising.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4369/36524625752_c10c69bb72_c.jpg" />
Drapes of dark fabric, sunbeams filtering through dust. Stillness.
As you wander through the doorway you notice a small empty rack hidden away in the corner. It's emptyness strikes you as <em>wrong</em> somehow. It sets your investigative senses tingling.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4355/36569700530_4292f50a98_z.jpg" />
Something once sat there. Something lost.
You consider the gaps for a long moment.
What once sat there?
[[A satchel|A bottle]] maybe? [[An umbrella|an umbrella]]?(set: $E1 to true)Heading down the path, you pass the back of the grand house.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4380/36966677135_79e02b528d_z.jpg" />
The plants branch over your head, closing in.
[[An archway tunnel leads off to somewhere hidden.|Archway]]
[[Intimidating and grand, the pillars of the garden draw you in.|FG1]]
Despite the pull of the pathways you head down to the admire the rippling water instead.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4401/36751872992_9c03bd6a46_z.jpg" />
Only when you get there you realise that the glinting wasn't the light at all, but an old, golden key that would look completely at home opening a locked room in this ancient building.
[[Keep hold of the key, you never know.]]
[[Hand the key in, it could be important.]](set: $lake to true)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "An old key"))
(set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)
(goto: "Japanese Garden")(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A pair of tickets"))Determined, you march back to reception with the key clutched in your fist.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4341/35884603083_e3240d9400_c.jpg" />
Handing the key over to the attendant at the desk, they ask you to wait whilst they speak to someone.
A few minutes later the attendant thanks you profusely for finding the lost key and hands you a pair of free tickets to a food festival. Result!
[[Now that you're here you might as well head inside.|The solid oak door beckons, both inviting and imposing.]]
[[Return to the lake.|La1]]
(set: $honest to true)(css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Jailbird]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[Breaking and entering ain't cool kids]
You took the risk, but this time you lost.
Caught red-handed by a passing gardener in a forbidden area with a stolen key you are promptly removed from the property.
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 1/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.]
(set: $thief to true)(css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Ghostbuster]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[I ain't afraid of no ghosts]
Victorious (or at the very least not completely defeated) in your battle against the phantom menace you collect your standard fee on the way out.
Newstead Abbey quietly reopens the chapel to visitors.
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 2/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Fan Service]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[Farewell! if ever fondest prayer, For other's weal availed on high, Mine will not all be lost in air, But waft thy name beyond the sky]
Having thoroughly indulged your love for all things Byron, you leave feeling a bizarre connection to Newstead and wth a sense that you know the man who lived there just a little better than you had before.
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 3/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Closure]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[Thanks for the memories]
All good things must come to an end.
You pull out your mother's book one last time and read the last few lines of her letter.
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC;")[
Because I could have smiled to see
The death that would have set me free.]
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 4/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Indiana Jones]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[What an intrepid explorer!]
You are every museum's dream visitor, fascinated by the history and the collections.
Having thoroughly explored the Abbey and it's beautiful gardens you head home feeling as though you have accomplished a great deal.
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 5/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Haunted House]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[This place is seriously spooky.]
You've had a lot of ghostly encounters today:
You've found items that once lived in the empty spaces.
You've found the remnants of previous occupants.
You've experienced the ghostly atmosphere.
You've even made a few ghosts of your own!
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 6/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.]
(set: $thief to true)(css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Collector's Edition]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[Hoarding your treasure like the pirate you secretly are.]
Like a thief in the night you steal away having learnt about so many objects you've lost count!
You... you have learnt about them right?
You've not just picked up random things and tucked them in your bag without thinking? They could be literally anything!
Check your [[Inventory]] now!
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 7/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[It's Your Funeral]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[Rest In Peace]
You're dead.
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 8/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.]
(set: $ghost to true)
(css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Rebel]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[I predict a riot]
Having made a number of ...dubious moral decisions, you leave Newstead Abbey with your loot and you don't even feel bad about it.
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again?|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 9/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Well, that was brief]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[Really? C'mon, you could at least try. I'll have you know I put a lot of work into this.]
In your imagination you came, you saw, you conquered.
Check your [[Inventory]], not that there'll be much in it.
[[Begin again!|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Ending 10/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 40px;")[Allow me to introduce myself:]
I'm Amy, your occasionally sassy / despairing narrator.
Misplaced was created as part of a research project for my Masters Degree in Museums and Heritage Development.
All the images in this game were taken on location at Newstead Abbey.
There are a total of 29 collectable items in Misplaced. Some are based off objects on display in the Abbey that have been moved from their original location (idenitfied by their accession number in their inventory descriptions), some were considered for auction by Lord Byron, others are on loan from other collections. A couple are completely fictional (I'll let you guess which ones!)
(css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 40px;")[And now for the thank yous:]
Adrian at NCGM and the staff of Newstead Abbey for allowing me to take hundreds of photos and abuse their knowledge and collection for game purposes.
Chloe and the staff of the National Videogame Arcade for their introduction to and assistance in using Twine.
The lovely people at the online Twine forum (especially greyelf) for help with all other coding problems.
My supervisor, Duncan, for letting me do this in the first place.
My partner, Alex, for play-testing and suggesting ideas.
And you, the player, for drawing your own path through this game.
(css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 40px;")[Begin again? Try refreshing the page!]The sky is a little overcast, which suits you just fine.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4437/36779162726_742773e81c_z.jpg" />
The gravel beneath your feet crunches pleasingly as you approach a garden map, which you summarily ignore.
[[Down a narrow pathway are many nooks and crannies.]]
[[The field appeals your ghost-hunting instincts with it's emptiness.|The field appeals your ghost-hunting instincts with it's emptiness]]
[[Light glints across the water on the lake.]](set: $E2 to true)Clambering up and over the fence is somewhat harder than you anticipated, but you're through!
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4370/36778788146_72e5d9deab_z.jpg" />
[[Feeling rebellious you decide to give a nearby door a try.|Feeling rebellious you decide to give the door a try.]]
[[The smell of fresh flowers catches your attention.|Fresh flowers]]
[[You decide to get a little closer to the statue.]](set: $rebel to $rebel +1)(set: $notrebel to false)(set: $wall to true)(if: $down is true and $lake is true)[Blinking against the sudden light you are amazed to find yourself in the gardens, around the back of the great stone building.
<img src="
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4387/36648209266_36ee590902_z.jpg" />
In the middle of the field you come across an old tree stump.
For a moment you mourn the loss of nature's great structure.
But unfortunately, there's not a great deal else here
[[Ahead, an enclosed wood looks much more hopeful.|Wood path spooky]]](else-if: $down is true)[Blinking against the sudden light you are amazed to find yourself in the gardens, around the back of the great stone building.
<img src="
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4370/36693975075_e7245059a2_z.jpg" />
In the middle of the field you come across an old tree stump.
For a moment you mourn the loss of nature's great structure.
But unfortunately, there's not a great deal else here.
[[Ahead, an enclosed wood looks much more hopeful.|Wood path spooky]]
[[Nearby, light glints off the surface of the lake.|Light glints across the water on the lake.]]](else-if: $lake is true)[The open space feels empty and haunted.
<img src="
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4370/36693975075_e7245059a2_z.jpg" />
In the middle of the field you come across an old tree stump.
For a moment you mourn the loss of nature's great structure.
But unfortunately, there's not a great deal else here.
[[Ahead, an enclosed wood looks much more hopeful.|Wood path spooky]]](else:)[The open space feels empty and haunted.
<img src="
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4370/36693975075_e7245059a2_z.jpg" />
In the middle of the field you come across an old tree stump.
For a moment you mourn the loss of nature's great structure.
But unfortunately, there's not a great deal else here.
[[Ahead, an enclosed wood looks much more hopeful.|Wood path spooky]]
[[Nearby, light glints off the surface of the lake.|Light glints across the water on the lake.]]](set: $E2 to true)(if: $buy is true)[Relaxing, you step back into the modern day and the open glamour of the shop.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4355/36648318886_0a63a9c7ae_z.jpg" />
Having already perused the shelves you give them the barest glance of interest. As you pass the reception desk you murmur your thanks.
[[It's bright outside compared to the house.|This one is no exception.]] ](else:)[As you explore the shop you marvel at the sheer amount of silly tourist trinkets on display.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4355/36648318886_0a63a9c7ae_z.jpg" />
Then, you spot a familiar sight.
Your mother's book sits heavily in your bag. Maybe it's finally time to get your own copy.
[[Buy a book.|Buy a copy]]
[[Leave it, you already own one.|Leave it]] ](set: $E1 to true)(if: $inv contains "Rusty key")[You give the door a solid push but it stays firmly shut.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4351/36752003542_ee8af585f0_z.jpg" />
Then, you spot a rusty old-fashioned key hole.
Digging through your bag you pull out the key from the lake with a quiet cheer of success and fit it into the lock.
[[The door creaks slowly open.|Cloister 4]] ](else:)[You give the door a valiant rattle but it stays very firmly shut.
Oh well, it was worth a try.
[[Turning back, you head over the statue that initially caught your interest.|You decide to get a little closer to the statue.]] ](if: $flowers is true)[Approaching what you thought was a statue you are suprised to discover that it is actually a memorial.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4423/35858945154_616a2baf5c_z.jpg" />
Byron's beloved dog, Boatswain, is buried here.
[[Touched, you lay down the flowers you have picked.|Ending 4]] ](else-if: $wall is true)[Approaching what you thought was a statue you are suprised to discover that it is actually a memorial.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4423/35858945154_616a2baf5c_z.jpg" />
[[Read the memorial.|Boatswain.]]
[[The reflection of light on water distracts you.|Lake]] ](else:)[Approaching what you thought was a statue you are suprised to discover that it is actually a memorial to Boatswain, Byron's beloved dog.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4423/35858945154_616a2baf5c_z.jpg" />
[[Touched, you spend some time reflecting on the memorial.|Boatswain.]]
[[Intriged and slightly moved, you decide you've seen enough of the garden for now.|This one is no exception.]] ](set: $fan to $fan + 1)(set: $spook to $spook + 1)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A satchel"))You consider the shape of the rack and decide it must have been for keeping bags off the dusty floor. A quick glance shows that it could do with a sweep now!
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
It's also pretty cold down here.
[[Too cold, actually, maybe it's warmer upstairs.]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "An umbrella"))You consider the shape of the rack and decide that because it is so close to the door it must have been used to store umbrellas and the likes.
This is Britain after all, it rains a lot.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Rains, and freezes apparently, better head upstairs.|Too cold, actually, maybe it's warmer upstairs.]]<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4370/36966333335_07a2ee05f5_z.jpg" />
Ok, so it's not actually much warmer up here. My bad.
[[Better keep moving, I hear that's good for staying warm.|Great Hall]](if: (history:)'s length < 20)[ (goto: "Ending 10") ]
(else-if: $spook > 8)[ (goto: "Ending 6") ]
(else-if: $fan is > 2)[ (goto: "Ending 3") ]
(else-if: $rebel is > 4)[ (goto: "Ending 9") ]
(else-if: $inv's length is > 12)[ (goto: "Ending 7") ]
(else:)[ (goto: "Ending 5") ](if: $window is true)[You find it strange that despite it's increasing contents, your bag isn't getting any heavier.
Nor does anyone seem to notice that you are essentially stealing items, not even the room guide.
Huh, odd.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4364/36966332065_c3827a75cf_z.jpg" />
[[Up ahead you spot a less-great but cosy-looking room.|Byron ahead]]
[[This is getting a bit weird, onwards!|Go through to hall]] ](else:)[The Great Hall certainly lives up to it's name.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4364/36966332065_c3827a75cf_z.jpg" />
It's very... hall-y, and great, I guess. A familiar sight nonetheless.
And empty. Barren.
[[Up ahead you spot a less-great but cosy-looking room.|Byron ahead]]
[[Light shines in through the window.|Look out window]]
[[I'm not seeing any ghosts, onwards!|Go through to hall]] ]Ah, much better.
This room actually feels lived in. As though you could hear the gentle murmur of conversation if you listened hard enough.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4402/36298927600_c88afd8bcd_c.jpg"/>
Having soaked in the atmosphere you and spot an empty barrel.
It must have contained something once.
[[Something of Byron's maybe?]] or [[something else entirely.|Something that gives it purpose.]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A worn photograph"))The glance out the window shows that the weather hasn't improved much. No surprises there.
But between you and the window sits an eeriely empty chair.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4430/35859493864_25c686150e_c.jpg" />
If you focus <em>really</em> hard you find that a folded, faded photograph is lying on the floor beside it.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Ok, that's a bit creepy, I'm just going to back away slowly.|Great Hall]](set: $window to true)(set: $spook to $spook + 1)(if: $spiral is true)[
The hallway stretches ahead of you, you debate where to go next.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4394/36751987622_53b0c3958f_z.jpg" />
[[The smell of old books draws you in.|Smell of old books]]
[[The rope bars the way, but there's still no one around...|Jump the rope]] ](else:)[
The hallway stretches ahead of you, full of paths and potentials.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4394/36751987622_53b0c3958f_z.jpg" />
[[Spiral stairs lead into the shadows.|Spiral stairs beckon]]
[[The smell of old books draws you in.|Smell of old books]]
[[The rope bars the way, but no one's around...|Jump the rope]] ]Slowly, you ascend the stairs. The air is chilled. You feel dizzy.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36966875125_fc1e159639_z.jpg" />
Well, it certainly feels like there's a ghostly prescence up here.
[[You spot a portrait of Byron and want a closer look.]]
[[Bare stone reminds you of a medieval castle.|You're not here for Byron, you're looking for ghosts!]](set: $spiral to true)This is more like it.
You've always been a sucker for the smell of old books.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4420/35884537553_9c3bff9627_c.jpg" />
[[Take a peek at the bookshelves.|Bookshelves]]
[[The empty table gives you goosebumps.|Empty table]]
[[But this is no time for lingering, you have ghosts to find.|Straight ahead]]Rules mean nothing to you:
With a wild leap you clear the rope.
The crowd cheers!
Ok, maybe that last bit was just your imagination.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4374/36751986072_9d54f8d2e0_z.jpg" />
[[Your momentum carries you straight into the grand room ahead.|Beyond, a grand room]](set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A shiny ring"))Grand is one word for it, the hall is emornous, full of beautiful and intricate furnishings. Though for all its beauty, it feels abandoned in the way so many old houses do.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4390/36782986771_42acae68a1_z.jpg" />
As you approach the far end of the room you hear a ghostly tinkling on the piano and another ghostly tinkle as something small and metallic bounces across the floor.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4339/36693796495_15f656fd2d_z.jpg" />
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Unnerved, you rush into the hallway beyond.|Mysterious corridor]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "Venandi exspiravit"))As you take a closer look to see which tomes graced the shelf of the great Lord Byron you spot something intriguing.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4339/36783040261_c99202252e_z.jpg" />
Squashed in between the beautiful hardbacks is a small, tattered book labelled "Venandi exspiravit."
You have no idea what that means but it looks out of place.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Sneaking the book off the shelf you quickly hurry out.|Straight ahead]](set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)Towards the end of the room you spy an empty table.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4424/36783038411_938f807984_z.jpg" />
What do you think once graced the oak surface?
[[Something practical?|Item 1]] Or perhaps [[something lyrical?|Item 2]](if: $nook1 is true)[<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4388/36114589823_c336baf9b8_z.jpg" />
You find yourself back in the large, brightly-lit corridor.
[[Head towards the stairs with dark wood panelling.|Second left]]
[[Head on to investigate the statue ahead.|Mysterious corridor]]
[[Around the corner, you catch a glimpse of a familiar painting.|To the gallery]] ](else:)[<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4388/36114589823_c336baf9b8_z.jpg" />
You find yourself in a large, bright, corridor, which stretches off into the distance.
An overwhelming number of potential routes bombard you.
[[Go through the first door you reach.|First left]]
[[Head towards the stairs with dark wood panelling.|Second left]]
[[Head on to investigate the statue ahead.|Mysterious corridor]]
[[Around the corner, you catch a glimpse of a familiar painting.|To the gallery]] ]There's something sad wistful about his expression.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4333/35884548793_22c3c2f3d2_c.jpg" />
It reminds you of something. You dig out your mother's book and flick through.
Ah, yes.
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC;")[
Away! away! my early dream
Remembrance never must awake:
Oh! where is Lethe's fabled stream?
My foolish heart, be still, or break.]
Satisifed that you feel you understand the portrait better you:
[[Peek into the bedroom.]]
[[Check the crumbling room.|You're not here for Byron, you're looking for ghosts!]]
[[Head back downstairs, you've seen enough for now.|Back downstairs]](set: $fan to $fan + 1)(set: $byron to $byron + 1)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A rusty pistol"))
Feeling a little voyeuristic, you stick your head through the door to Byron's bedroom.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4428/36299196300_1f418b4ceb_c.jpg" />
As you gaze around so spot that the cabinet door is ajar. You can't resist taking a look inside.
Much to your surprise, you find a dusty revolver!
Why an earth was it kept there?
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[How strange...might be worth checking next door.|You're not here for Byron, you're looking for ghosts!]]
[[I'm out of here, I've got what I came for.|Back downstairs]]As you hurry back down you pass a panel of stained glass, stopping to admire it, the lights briefly flicker ominiously.(if: $stone is true)[
It's would be unremarkable if not for the disturbance you just experienced.]
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4414/36556294181_645a97a94a_c.jpg" />
A shiver passes through you.
(text-style: "shadow")[ [[Spooky.|Go through to hall]] ](set: $spook to $spook + 1)Your footsteps echo loudly as you step inside. You've heard that this room is the most haunted in the house.
Then, as you stand in the centre of the room it falls unnaturally quiet.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4415/36088495074_bd05ca5045_z.jpg" />
You address the silence. The word bounces around the room.
(text-style: "fade-in-out")["Hello?"]
Nothing happens, but you could swear you feel a ghostly hand brush the back of your neck.
[[Time to leave, rapidly.|Back downstairs]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)(set: $stone to true)(if: $bath is true)[Well, I hope you learned something from that experience.
[[I think it's best we move on, don't you?|Straight ahead]] ]
(else:)[The first thing you encounter is a rather posh, if dated, bathroom.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4401/36555971261_cf12943117_z.jpg" />
[[Examine.|Bathroom 1]]
[[Is that a peacock through the next doorway?|Peacock room]]
[[Bright lights illuminate the room ahead.|Exhibition]] ](set: $nook1 to true)As you head up the pannelled stairs you find yourself wondering how many doors this place needed, because the answer was, too many.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4387/36114558223_5b482ca2d6_z.jpg" />
[[One of the doors is closed, you try to open it.|Wooden door]]
[[Up ahead you spot red drapes.|Bed 1]]
[[An elaborate cabinet catches your eye.|Bed 2]]It's Boatswain! Byron's dog!
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC;")[But the poor Dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still his Master’s own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonoured falls, unnoticed all his worth,
Denied in heaven the Soul he held on earth.]
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4426/35884761463_c76a8fac10_z.jpg" />
Feeling slightly moved at the devotion of Byron to his beloved pet, you almost miss the locked case as you pass through the room.
[[Open the case?|Open case?]]
[[A glimpse of bright wallpaper is more intriguing.|Beyond, a grand room]](set: $fan to $fan + 1)(set: $byron to $byron + 1)Really?
Haha, very funnny.
[[Examine closer.|B2]]
[[Check out the peacock.|Peacock room]]
[[Bright lights remember?|Exhibition]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A feather"))Your eyes were not deceived.
There is indeed a peacock.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4352/36114524173_e7b7e0985e_z.jpg" />
Though, admittedly not a live one.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[In the corridor you here a clock clime - is that the time?|Straight ahead]]
[[Peek next door, you're in not hurry.|Exhibition]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "Shamshir Sword"))The exhibition lights are a bit startling after the darkened rooms you've been exploring.
But what they illuminate is much more interesting.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4431/36922761215_4641c5e36d_z.jpg" />
A curved blade, deadly, yet beautiful.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[You feel much more secure as you journey on.|Straight ahead]]Slowly, you twist the handle and much to your surprise here a quiet click.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4441/36114557273_9e2734961c_z.jpg" />
[[Maybe this isn't such a good idea.|Second left]]
[[Take the risk, open the door.|A1arm]](set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)How many bedrooms can one house need?
Although you are quietly impressed with the slightly wonky decor.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4403/36525118602_541d4539c4_z.jpg" />
An empty table sits in the room, the patterened tablecloth oddly bare, the carpet is similarly uncovered beyond simple furnishings.
Perhaps [[something small|item 3]] sat there once, or maybe [[something large|item 4]]?
There's some pretty jazzy wallpaper in here.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4397/36966330725_f5bd3950dd_z.jpg" />
Also an elaborate cabinet. Elaborate cabinet... that just has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
It's certainly a beautiful piece of furniture.
[[Examine cabinet.|Examine case.]]You find yourself, once again back in the never-ending corridor, though thankfully your choices are now down to two.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4388/36114589823_c336baf9b8_z.jpg" />
[[The darkened hallway ahead beckons.|Mysterious corridor]]
[[On the wall you spot a familiar painting.|To the gallery]]Almost blinded by the sudden change in lighting levels you stagger towards the distant window.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36693788655_70ec73dfc1_z.jpg" />
[[As you pass you notice an empty corner.|Examine opportunity]]
[[Around the bend a bay window beckons.|Around the corner]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A rickety chair"))For a long moment you stare at the space wondering what is so clearly missing.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4439/36782983891_136520bd37_z.jpg" />
Of course, all bookcases require somewhere to sit and read!
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
Though I've no idea how you're going to carry this one around.
[[Ignoring the ridiculous physics of your inventory we move on.|Down the stairs]] (set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A fluffy rug"))Caught in the sunbeams streaming through the window, you find that you can imagine someone spending a great deal of time here, gazing out over the gardens.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4370/36782983211_d62a2b86ac_z.jpg" />
You try and spot people down by the lake, ignoring the chill permeating through your shoes.
You can almost feel the ghostly apparition standing in your exact spot.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Deciding against giving your feet a rest you head down the stairs.|Down the stairs]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)Faced with numerous options once more, you decide the architect for this place must have had a field day. It's a maze!
[[A label proclaiming 'Byron's Study' draws your attention.|Byron Study]]
[[You spot light shining off what appears to be an elephant.|Display]]
[[Calming golden wallpaper illuminates a nearby room.|Lounge]]
[[At the end of the hall you glimpse draped lace.|Mrs Webb]]
[[I've already seen enough of this place!|Down]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "Selected Poems of Lord Byron"))(if: $C is true)[Inspired by your visit you decide to purchase a copy of Byron's poems.
Taking the book off the space you are struck by the gap it leaves.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4391/35859342504_8fd5e1546a_z.jpg" />
A ghost of your own making.
[[The bright light outside draws you.|This one is no exception.]] ](else:)[Inspired by the history of the Abbey you decide to purchase a copy of Byron's poems.
Taking the book off the space you are struck by the gap it leaves.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4391/35859342504_8fd5e1546a_z.jpg" />
A ghost of your own making.
[[Across the shop you spot a dim hallway.|Beyond the doorway there is a dimly-lit staircase.]]
[[The 'no entry' sign amuses you, you take a risk and ignore it.|Cloister 4]]
[[The bright light outside draws you.|This one is no exception.]] ](set: $fan to $fan + 1)(set: $buy to true)(if: $C is true)[Turning your back on the shelves, content with continuing to use your mother's book.
As you pass the reception desk you murmur your thanks.
[[It's bright outside compared to the house.|This one is no exception.]] ](else:)[Turning your back on the shelves, content with continuing to use your mother's book.
[[Across the shop you spot a dim hallway.|Beyond the doorway there is a dimly-lit staircase.]]
[[The 'no entry' sign amuses you, you take a risk and ignore it.|Cloister 4]]
[[The bright light outside draws you.|This one is no exception.]] ](set: $buy to true)Trekking along the road you spot a distant waterfall.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4385/35884607383_44c13b0085_z.jpg" />
The splashing water is oddly comforting.
You stop to admire it for a few moments.
[[Examine the waterfall.|Waterfall]]
[[Explore the tunnel.|Tunnel]](set: $E4 to true)As you gaze around at the room, you feel somewhat closer to the famous poet than perhaps anywhere else.
Maybe he wrote some of his poems here?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4344/36570480030_c04fc2aaa1_z.jpg" />
Leaning over, you spot a scribbled page on the desk, entitled 'Elegy on Newstead Abbey', intrigued you scan the final lines.
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC;")[Haply thy sun, emerging, yet, may shine,
Thee to irradiate with meridian ray;
Hours, splendid as the past, may still be thine,
And bless thy future, as thy former day.]
Well, it's certainly optimistic compared to the rest of the poem!
[[Quietly, reverently, you leave.|Down]](set: $fan to $fan + 1)(set: $spook to $spook + 1)(set: $byron to $byron + 1)(if: (history:) contains "Display")[There's nothing new to see here.
It's still an elephant.
[[Calming golden wallpaper illuminates a nearby room.|Lounge]]
[[At the end of the hall you glimpse draped lace.|Mrs Webb]]
[[I've already seen enough of this place!|Down]] ](else:)[Upon closer examination I can confirm that is indeed a model elephant.
Strange how things come in and out of fashion isn't it?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4435/36796043602_2837aa5191_z.jpg" />
[[A label proclaiming 'Byron's Study' draws your attention.|Byron Study]]
[[Calming golden wallpaper illuminates a nearby room.|Lounge]]
[[At the end of the hall you glimpse draped lace.|Mrs Webb]]
[[I've already seen enough of this place!|Down]] ]Ah, so light! So airy! Through the window you spot a peacock in the garden.
You feel peaceful.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4424/36114539143_29382513c5_z.jpg" />
Soaking in the atmosphere, you lose track of time until someone else enters the room.
[[Well, there's more yet to explore!|Mrs Webb]]
[[I've now seen enough of this area!|Down]]Small, but not overly crowded. This is a room that feels well lived in.
Almost as though the occupants had never left.
(text-style: "shadow")[Spooky.]
At you look around you spot the first clue to this room's owner.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4439/35884716713_206db908ba_z.jpg" />
Who was Mrs. Webb I wonder? Why did she leave all this behind?
[[Perhaps the answer is though the next doorway.|Dressing Up]]
[[Some mysteries are best left untold.|Down]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A leather suitcase"))Jarringly, the room is not anything like those you have just explored.
You have to admit, you weren't expecting a dressing-up room.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4337/36114537643_20d4d6756d_z.jpg" />
The suitcase sitting in the fireplace draws your eye. What is it doing there? You want to check inside, but feel you might be caught...
Better take it with you then.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Completely inconspiciously you leave the area.|Down]]The further down the stairs you go, the more your footsteps echo. It feels as though you are approaching an entirely new area.
The temperature is dropping too. Weird.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4350/36966328015_eb720fcb72_z.jpg" />
Although the route is fairly clear, your attention is caught be the door left ajar.
[[Take a risk and go through.|The field appeals your ghost-hunting instincts with it's emptiness]]
[[The medieval decor ahead seems much more interesting.|Old stone walls]](set: $down to true)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A china plate"))As you enter what must be the remains of the medieval abbey, you are struck by the juxtaposition between the old valted hall and the Victorian furnishings.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4422/35859370914_688b64dcb4_z.jpg" />
By the window you spy an empty bench. It looks oddly comfy. Resting upon it is a plate. Lunch with a view.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Suddenly, a crash echoes from beyond the door.|Follow echoing]]Inching cautiously closer to the source of the noise you peer around into the corridor.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4395/36922714395_01418b62cd_z.jpg" />
[[Head towards the mysterious sound.|Cloister 1]]
[[Light from outside streams in around the old door frame.|The field appeals your ghost-hunting instincts with it's emptiness]]You emerge into an old cloister.
The ancient stone flags and wooden beams certainly provide the aesthetic of a place a ghost might feel at home in.
They definitely feel closer here.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4419/36966325955_a6a914143f_z.jpg" />
The crashing noise sounds again, closer this time.
[[Approach the sound, you're here to hunt ghosts!|Ahead, a spooky rattle]]
[[Avoid the sound, you've felt enough ghosts for today.|Cloister 2]](if: $shop is true)[You creep sheepishly down the medieval cloister, feeling very much like you shouldn't be here.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4434/36114527963_5e65f2ac39_z.jpg" />
As you approach the chapel, the rattling noise gets louder.
[[Keep going.|Get closer]]
[[Creeped out, you turn tail and hurry out.]] ](else:)[You creep down the medieval cloister hall.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4434/36114527963_5e65f2ac39_z.jpg" />
As you approach the nearby chapel, the rattling noise gets even louder.
[[Get closer.|Get closer]]
[[No thanks, I prefer my ghosts subtle!|Cloister 3]] ]Strange, this looks exactly like the place you just walked down, stones, ceiling, the lot.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4433/36088410364_1864e37786_z.jpg" />
It's a little disorientating.
Heading down, your footsteps echo.
For a moment it sounds like there's more than one person walking.
[[You're quite glad when you spot the exit ahead.|Exploring the shop, you spot a familiar sight.]]<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4349/36526470160_516dd5cf35_z.jpg" />
As you step closer, the lights flicker.
It's doesn't look friendly.
[[Enter chapel.|Enter chapel]]
[[Back away.|Cloister 3]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)Scurrying past the ghostly rattling, you find yourself in a nearly identical corridor.
It's a little disorientating.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4406/36647990566_dc3336f966_z.jpg" />
Another bang resounds behind you.
[[You hurry towards the now visible exit.|Exploring the shop, you spot a familiar sight.]]
(set: $C to true)Entering the chapel are approach the source of the clatter with a growing feeling that this was a really, <em>really</em>, bad idea.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4345/36524706992_56fd477317_z.jpg" />
As you watch, one of the candles blows itself out.
[[Get me out of here!|Cloister 3]]
[[Bring it, I'm not scared of anything!]](if: $buy is true)[Feeling rightly rebellious, you ignore the no entry sign and emerge in an echoing hallway. You try to move quietly in case anyone noticed you.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4384/35859357934_567d452997_z.jpg" />
Only you don't really need to worry.
[[Because something crashes loudly ahead of you.|Ahead, a spooky rattle]] ](else:)[You find yourself inside an echoing hallway that fits the image you had in your mind from the ruins you had just come from.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4384/35859357934_567d452997_z.jpg" />
As you take in the atmosphere the calm quiet is suddenly broken.
[[Something crashes loudly up ahead.|Ahead, a spooky rattle]] ]
(set: $shop to true)
(set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)
(set: $E1 to true)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A bunch of flowers"))Revelling in the smell of sweet blossoms and lavender you crouch down and gather a few of the stems together.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4441/36802713802_8ee55b2027_z.jpg" />
Surely the garden won't miss a few?
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[The statue calls to you.|You decide to get a little closer to the statue.]](set: $flowers to true)(set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)(if: $wall is true)[A quick glance through the archway grants you a familiar view.
[[There's nothing new to see there.|This one is no exception.]]](else:)[Glancing through the hanging plants, you gaze into the arched tunnel. Taking a deep breath, you step in and hear your footsteph echo back to you.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4416/36693690845_a1e2d49501_z.jpg" />
Reaching the end, you emerge into a wide open space.
[[Straight ahead, a large partly-drained pool catches your eye.|Lake]]
[[To the right, a line of trees bar some of the garden from view.|Lake Right]]
[[To the left, a variety of monuments and walled gardens.|Lake Left]]](if: $JG is true or $forest is true)[Smaller, but no less dignified, you could picture character's from Byron's works wandering in your wake.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4332/36114456683_d92c1b1ca9_z.jpg">
As you pass the pillars guarding the exit, you realise you have adopted a regal stride.
[[Although the path in front of you stretches into the distance, you hesitate as you notice a bricked entryway.|Archway]] ](else:)[Small, but by no means undignified, you could picture character's from Byron's works wandering in your wake.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4332/36114456683_d92c1b1ca9_z.jpg">
[[As you pass into the next area, you realise you have adopted a regal stride.|FG2]] ](set: $FG to true)(set: $E2 to true)(if: $wall is true)[As you approach, you wonder what this was. A swimming pool? A grand feature for racing toy boats?
Either way, it looks a bit decrepit now.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4388/36648280136_4f581aaf0b_z.jpg" />
Crouching at the edge, you gaze down at the water's surface.
[[Touch it, I dare you.|Get close]]
[[Back away, there could be anything in there!|Lake Right]]](else:)[As you approach, you wonder what this was. A swimming pool? A grand feature for racing toy boats?
Either way, it looks a bit decrepit now.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4388/36648280136_4f581aaf0b_z.jpg" />
Crouching at the edge, you gaze down at the water's surface.
[[Touch it, I dare you.|Get close]]
[[No thanks, there could be anything in there! I'd rather explore the gardens to the left.|Lake Left]]
[[No thanks, there could be anything in there! I'd rather explore the gardens to the right.|Lake Right]]](if: $wall is true)[Passing the tree line, the garden continues much in the same way, eventually hitting walls in all directions.
Well, that's slightly disappointing.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36526508240_7112599e54_z.jpg" />
[[Deciding there's nothing much left to see you head towards an intriguing brick tunnel.|Back through archway]]](else:)[Passing the tree line, the garden continues much in the same way, eventually hitting walls in all directions.
Well, that's slightly disappointing.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36526508240_7112599e54_z.jpg" />
[[Turning, you realise the other side looks much more interesting.|Lake Left]]
[[Deciding there must be nothing much left to see you head back to the tunnel.|Back through archway]]]
The grand visage of the stately house looms over you, standing in it's shadow suddenly makes you feel very small.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4358/36524982912_2e262a02e3_z.jpg" />
[[A great oak door with gothic styling draws you in.|Feeling rebellious you decide to give the door a try.]]
[[The smell of fresh lavender is more alluring.|Fresh flowers]]
[[You decide to get a little closer to the grand statue.|You decide to get a little closer to the statue.]]Yep, it's definitely a waterfall.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4404/36340303350_81881655f8_z.jpg" />
[[Examine closer.]]
[[Explore the tunnel.|Tunnel]]
[[Turn back, there's less here than you thought.|This one is no exception.]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A silver cup"))The dark entry looks foreboding, but you summon your courage and enter anyway.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4433/36751821892_998d9de921_z.jpg" />
Scrabbling around in the dark, your foot brushes something with a clatter.
Leaning down, you manage to curl your fingers around the source of the racket, a silver drinking cup.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Turn back, there's not much else here.|This one is no exception.]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A white handkerchief"))(if: $JG is true and $FG is true)[The branches close in over you, the forest swallows you. Turning slowly you around, lost and alon, you almost trip over the tree stump.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36922665615_c8851c928c_z.jpg" />
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Squinting down at the bright ends of the paths in all directions you find that you've already explored everything.|This one is no exception.]]](else-if: $JG is true)[Turning slowly you around, you almost trip over the tree stump.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36922665615_c8851c928c_z.jpg" />
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Through the bushes you glimpse a kitchen garden.|FG2]]](else-if: $FG is true)[The branches close in over you, the forest swallows you. Turning slowly you around, lost and alon, you almost trip over the tree stump.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36922665615_c8851c928c_z.jpg" />
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Down one of the paths you glimpse a secluded, foreign looking garden.|Japanese Garden]]](else:)[The branches close in over you, the forest swallows you. Turning slowly you around, lost and alon, you almost trip over the tree stump.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36922665615_c8851c928c_z.jpg" />
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Down one of the paths you glimpse a secluded, foreign looking garden.|Japanese Garden]]
[[Through the bushes you glimpse a kitchen garden.|FG2]]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)(set: $forest to true)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A bag of various shells and stones"))(if: $JG is true or $forest is true)[Compared to the cramped plant-lined paths you have just walked this place feels very open and airy, if a little regimented.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4430/36783084351_c7d8fe3594_z.jpg" />
The order is broken by a large fountain, which is pleasant enough to look at, if non-functional.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4399/36826505501_3513a4a56b_z.jpg" />
Attempting to determine the source of the problem you noticed a small warning flag stuck into the pool at the base.
Well, it doesn't <em>look</em> very dangerous...
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Shaking off your unease, you stride promptly away.|FG1]] ](else:)[ Compared to the cramped, enclosed tunnel you have just walked through, this place feels very open and airy, if a little regimented.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4430/36783084351_c7d8fe3594_z.jpg" />
The order is broken by a large fountain, which is pleasant enough to look at, if non-functional.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4399/36826505501_3513a4a56b_z.jpg" />
Attempting to determine the source of the problem you noticed a small warning flag stuck into the pool at the base.
Well, it doesn't <em>look</em> very dangerous...
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Shaking off your unease, you stride promptly away.|Wood path spooky]] ](set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)(if: $FG is true)[Returning through the brick tunnel, the drop in temperature temporarily startles you.
Or soothes you.
Depends on the weather really.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4431/36751826622_8131c5e172_z.jpg" />
[[As you exit you decide you've explored all the available routes.|This one is no exception.]]](else:)[Glancing through the dark, arched tunnel you take a deep breath, then you step in and hurry through.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4431/36751826622_8131c5e172_z.jpg" />
As you exit, you consider where to head next.
[[Intimidating and grand, the pillars guarding the entrance draw you in.|FG1]]
[[I've seen enough of the gardens for now.|This one is no exception.]]](if: $inv contains "Rusty key")[Stuffing the key into your pocket you head on towards the strange looking garden.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4435/36555792401_c2a589d032_z.jpg" />
[[Rushing water nearby catches your attention.|Fountain examine]]
[[A narrow staircase descends into the foliage.|Into garden]] ](else-if: $La1 is true)[Next to a shaded set of uneven stone steps the water from the lake drains into an oriental-looking area.
[[You decide to appreciate the fall for a moment.|Fountain examine]]
[[The narrow staircase descends into the cover of the foliage.|Into garden]]](else:)[You emerge from the forest path at the edge of a drop overlooking a shaded maze of pathways.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4435/36555792401_c2a589d032_z.jpg" />
[[Rushing water nearby catches your attention.|Fountain examine]]
[[A narrow staircase descends into the foliage.|Into garden]] ](set: $E2 to true)Staring at the water flowing is almost hypnotic, the sound of it crashing upon the rocks below lures you in.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4349/36526541130_e7423ce6de_z.jpg" />
[[Look closer.|FB]]
[[Wander down the steps instead.|Into garden]]The layout and style of the garden makes it feel far apart from anything you've seen so far. It has a mysterious and foreign quality.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4378/36779023256_cba7bec8c7_z.jpg" />
The paths diverge and loop around over little bridges and past tiny ornamental pedestals.
[[Up ahead you spot some stepping stones. You never could resist stepping stones.|Stepping stones]]
[[Around a corner an ancient tree grows.|Gnarly tree]]Hopping lightly over the stones in a display of consumate skill you barely take in the world around you, caught up in your childish delight.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4369/36114493023_b982b1ed92_z.jpg" />
[[Suddenly, you arrive in front of a temple-like building.|House]]
[[You realise that your feet have taken you back out of the garden.|Out of garden]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "An inkstand"))You approach the tree slowly. It certainly looks as though it has seen a few things in its life.
<img src= "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4391/36088375634_846c868550_z.jpg" />
As you get closer you think you hear a whispering sound emerging from the tree.
Then suddenly, you get (text-style: "blur")[dizzy] and everything (text-style: "blurrier")[fades away]!
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Wake up!|Out of garden]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)(if: $FG is true)[A quick glance around fails to provide you with a path yet unexplored.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4405/36526547260_e84bf52a6d_z.jpg" />
[[You return to the start of your adventures to see if there's anywhere else to go.|This one is no exception.]] ](else:)[Emerging from the narrow, winding paths you take a moment to re-adjust to the world.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4405/36526547260_e84bf52a6d_z.jpg" />
[[Through the bushes you glimpse a kitchen garden.|FG2]]
[[You've seen enough of the gardens for now.|This one is no exception.]]](set: $JG to true)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "One silver coin"))Dark wood and scribbed graffiti, you try to imagine this monument in it's heyday, unblemished and well-loved.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4334/36922690145_b51fa21330_z.jpg" />
As you turn away, you catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye, tucked away in a corner of the small structure.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[With one last glance back, you head out of the oriental paradise.|Out of garden]]A wild ghost appears! Finally, you've found what you came for!
(text-style: "outline")[WOOOOO!] says the ghost.
[[Fight!]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A poem"))Glancing inside the bucket proves fruitful. It seems to be full of crumpled pieces of paper.
You pull one out and straighten it out.
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC;")[
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry (text-style: "strike")[spires] skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
(text-style: "strike")[Greets] Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.]
[[How fascinating.|Go through to hall]](set: $fan to $fan + 1)(set: $byron to $byron + 1)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A scroll"))Feeling brave you stick your hand into the barrel.
Huh, there's just a rolled up scroll. No need to worry after all!
Bit of a strange place to put it though.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Stuffing the scroll away you head on.|Go through to hall]]Are you sure?
You can always [[begin again!|Start]]
[[I'm sure.]]Fine. But they're not nearly as interesting as the game.
[[Enjoy.|Credits]]100%, totally, definitely a waterfall.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4398/36783067631_6e932379a3_z.jpg" />
[[Examine closer.|Ex2]]
[[Explore the tunnel|Tunnel]]
[[Turn back, there's less here than you thought.|This one is no exception.]](set: $wet to $wet + 1)...it's wet. I don't know what you expected.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4426/35901811714_0890d243df_z.jpg"/ >
And now so are you.
*slow clapping*
(if: $wet > 3)[You never learn do you?
][[Explore the tunnel.|Tunnel]]
[[Turn back, there's less here than you thought.|This one is no exception.]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A pair of candlesticks"))Briefly, the clouds block the light from the sun and you find yourself squinting in the dark.
That settles it, there must have been candles here somewhere.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Trying not to bump into anything you stumble towards the lit hallway.|Straight ahead]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A tiny pen"))Rounding the table, you imagine sitting in the grand cushioned chair, looking frantically for a pen to write something down.
After all, never having a pen on you when you need one can't just be a modern thing can it?
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Absently checking your own pockets for a pen you wander out.|Straight ahead]]You gingerly explore every crevice and unpleasant artifact in the room.
Theres's nothing there.
Disgusting. You have no idea where that stuff has been.
[[Return to sanity.|First left]](set: $bath to true)(set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)(text-style: "blink")[RINNNGGGG!]
Suddenly, and loudly an alarm goes off.
Well, you can't say I didn't warn you.
[[You stand there deafened, like a deer in the headlights.|Ending 1]](set: $wet to $wet +1)(if: $wall is true)[As you flick water and green slime off your fingers I can confirm that water is indeed still wet.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4407/36752013592_26e2dae216_z.jpg" />
(if: $wet > 2)[You never learn do you?
][[Embarrassed you scuttle away hurriedly.|Back through archway]]](else:)[As you flick water and green slime off your fingers I can confirm that water is indeed still wet.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4407/36752013592_26e2dae216_z.jpg" />
(if: $wet > 2)[You never learn do you?
][[You head towards somewhere more secluded to dry off properly.|Lake Left]]](set: $wet to $wet + 1)Leaning forward to examine the torrent closely you slip and fall.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4335/36751869072_388861897e_z.jpg" />
Congratulations, you're now a wet tourist.(if: $wet > 2)[<p>You never learn do you?]
Surfacing at the bottom of the waterfall, thankfully unharmed but thoroughly soaked, you are suddenly glad that no one was around to watch that display of stupidity.
[[Brushing yourself off you clamber back onto the trail.|Into garden]]Returning to the lake, you take a moment to admire the rippling water and amuse yourself at the antics of the wildlife.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4375/36114697513_c762b47ffb_z.jpg" />
As you follow the flow of the water, you find yourself approaching an interesting and shadow-y looking path.
[[The stream leads to a small water feature.|Japanese Garden]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A metal dog collar"))Leaning down you give the lid a quick nudge. To your surprise it's unlocked.
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4387/35884758113_7d4af6081f_z.jpg" />
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[The item rests heavily in the bottom of your bag as you stand.|Beyond, a grand room]](set: $rebel to $rebel + 1)As you hurry back through the shop you feel ghostly hands chasing you.
Perhaps they're punishing you for breaking the rules.
Perhaps this is all in your imagination.
Perhaps this game is just messing with you.
[[Either way, you don't look back until you're a long, long way from Newstead Abbey.|Head home.]](set: $spook to $spook + 1)You're a bit obssessed with staring at things aren't you?
<img src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4417/36778788966_9273cd2689_z.jpg" />
Anyway, only closer examination it becomes clear that there's nothing there.
[[You turn back, defeated.|Straight ahead 2]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A painted minature"))Crossing to the little table, you find an equally little painting.
You never liked how the eyes in paintings seem to follow you around the room. As though someone is always there, watching.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[Hiding the painting deep in your bag you try to forget about it.|Straight ahead 2]](set: $inv to $inv + (a: "A rocking horse"))You suddenly realise that in all your wanderings you've not seen a single toy.
Perhaps, then, a rocking horse once graced this room, painted in pastel shades to keep the children entertained.
<em>You've gained an item!</em>
[[You leave to the whispered tunes of nursery rhymes.|Straight ahead 2]](css: "font-family: Amatic SC;")[This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
if inscribed over human Ashes,
is but a just tribute to the Memory of
Boatswain, a Dog
who was born in Newfoundland May 1803
and died at Newstead Nov. 18th, 1808]
[[Rest in peace, Boatswain.|Ending 4]](set: $byron to $byron + 1)Fluffy, warm, comfy. The rug is quite easily something you could picture placed in front of a grand fire, or on a wooden floor to keep feet warm on a cold winter's morning.
<em>Once photographed in Newstead's Great Hall</em>
<hr>A pair of free tickets to a food and beer festival that's coming up in a few weekend's time. You hear there are going to be some celebrity chefs there. Also, beer. Lots of beer.
<hr>Black leather, brass masks and buckles in the shape of lion heads. This satchel has the air of military about it.
It's well worn, well travelled.
<em>NA 308</em>
<hr>The pistol was clearly well cared for once, with polished walnut and silver. Though you are still slightly unnerved to have found this next to Lord Byron's bed. What was he afraid of?
<em>NA 312</em>
<hr>You nearly catch yourself on the jagged edge of a brass dog collar! Despite the hazadous edges, the inscription is elegant and reads, quite simply, 'The Hon. Lord Byron'.
<em>NA 298</em>
<hr>Upon first appearance almost oriental, the inkstand is decorated with bees and masks of comedy and tragedy from the theatre. Amethyst glass bottles protect the precious ink inside.
<em>NA 302</em>
<hr>A pair of brass candlesticks, appropriately grand for the setting they find themsevles in. Yet the vultures eating serpents carved into the bases ruin the effect somewhat.
<em>NA 320<em/>
<hr>Delicate and dainty, the tiny minature fits easily in your palm. The woman depicted stares out at you, questioningly. Mounted in silver, it must have been a valuable gift.
<em>Newstead Abbey Collection</em>
<hr>The photograph, sepia brown, beginning to curl at the edges, is of a Victorian-esque woman. Her stern expression puts you on edge and sends a shiver up your spine.
<em>NA 1045/1</em>
<hr>A glint of gold, the ring is decorated with an interesting array of engravings. 'Without Fear'? A mermaid crest? 'Trust in Bryon'? How strange.
<em>NA 304</em>
<hr>The silver coin is dated 1742. That isn't the interesting thing about it though. No, the coin is dented in a rather bizarre fashion.
Almost as though someone had shot it...
<em>NA 316</em>
<hr>What a tiny pen! Made of hard-wearing steel, it comes with a chain for easy carrying and a padlock for no discernable reason.
<em>NA 303<em/>
<hr>Bright and eye-catching the feather has a sheen that shines in the light. From outside you hear the call of one of the peacocks still roaming the grounds. Part of you wants to meet it. Part of you doesn't.
<hr>Wooden and with fading paint, the rocking horse is nonetheless a well-kept toy. Though you've yet to meet a horse than blue in real life!
<em>Newstead Abbey Collection</em>
<hr>The handkerchief is white cotton and silk and thankfully clean. When you unfold it, it also comes to quite an impressive size!
<em>NA 1086</em>
<hr>Made of mahogany, the chair was clearly made to be sturdy, though it's certainly seen some use in it's time. The feet are carved into lion's claws.
<em>Considered for auction by Lord Byron</em>
<hr>A selection of shells and mineral stones, seemingly random, tumble onto your palm. Some are more interesting to look at than others, though you can't work out where they came from.
<em>NA 2220</em>
<hr>A copy of the 'Selected Poems of Lord Byron'. The spine is delightfully uncracked and the cover is a pleasing and calming mix of pastel shades.
<hr>Cleary a draft for one of Lord Byron's poems. Well, I guess even the greats don't always achieve perfection without making mistakes first!
<hr>A Shamshir Sword, Indian made, curved Persian blade, Damascus steel. This weapon is a work of art. Arabic inscriptions from the Koran dot its surface.
<em>NCM 1993-584<em/>
<hr>The tan leather case is a little tricky to open and you are disappointed to find it is empty. Yet... weighing it in your hand, it certainly has some heft to it!
A rusty old key. The sort that opens great medieval doors hiding secrets. It's rather heavy in your pocket.
<hr>An unassuming bouquet of flowers. Or at least, you think they're flowers. Some of them might be weeds. Does lavendar count as a flower?
<hr>The umbrella is smaller than you expected, but the green silk is gorgeous to touch. THe ivory handle is carved with extreme attention to detail.
You wonder who might have used this one.
<em>Newstead Abbey Collection</em>
<hr>The book is small and unassuming, on the spine you can just about make out the words 'venandi exspiravit'. Your Latin isn't that good but you're fairly sure that's something to do with ghosts.
<hr>The plate is made of delicate china and is decorated with a stunning painting of part of Newstead's grounds. It feels too posh to use!
<hr>(set: $turn to 1)What do you want to use?
(if: $inv contains "An old book")[[[An old book|F11]]](if: $inv contains "An umbrella")[<p>[[An umbrella|F12]]](if: $inv contains "A poem")[<p>[[A poem|F13]]](if: $inv contains "A rusty pistol")[<p>[[A rusty pistol|F14]]](if: $inv contains "Venandi exspiravit")[<p>[[Venandi exspiravit|F15]]](if: $inv contains "A set of candlesticks")[<p>[[A set of candlesticks|F16]]](if: $inv contains "A feather")[<p>[[A feather|F17]]](if: $inv contains "Shamshir Sword")[<p>[[Shamshir Sword|F18]]](if: $inv contains "A painted minature")[<p>[[A painted minature|F19]]](if: $inv contains "A shiny ring")[<p>[[A shiny ring|F110]]](if: $inv contains "A rickety chair")[<p>[[A rickety chair|F111]]](if: $inv contains "A leather suitcase")[<p>[[A leather suitcase|F112]]](if: $inv contains "A white handkerchief")[<p>[[A white handkerchief|F113]]](if: $inv contains "A bag of various shells and stones")[<p>[[A bag of various shells and stones|F114]]](if: $inv contains "A silver cup")[<p>[[A silver cup|F115]]]
[[Admit defeat.|Fight end1]](css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[
(if: (passage:)'s tags contains "fight")[YOU: (print: $playerhp) HP   |   GHOST: (print: $ghosthp) HP   |   TURNS TAKEN: (print: $turn)/3
(else:)[<!--Do Nothing-->] ](set: $turn to 2)What do you want to use?
(if: $inv contains "An old book")[[[An old book|F21]]](if: $inv contains "An umbrella")[<p>[[An umbrella|F22]]](if: $inv contains "A poem")[<p>[[A poem|F23]]](if: $inv contains "A rusty pistol")[<p>[[A rusty pistol|F24]]](if: $inv contains "Venandi exspiravit")[<p>[[Venandi exspiravit|F25]]](if: $inv contains "A set of candlesticks")[<p>[[A set of candlesticks|F26]]](if: $inv contains "A feather")[<p>[[A feather|F27]]](if: $inv contains "Shamshir Sword")[<p>[[Shamshir Sword|F28]]](if: $inv contains "A painted minature")[<p>[[A painted minature|F29]]](if: $inv contains "A shiny ring")[<p>[[A shiny ring|F210]]](if: $inv contains "A rickety chair")[<p>[[A rickety chair|F211]]](if: $inv contains "A leather suitcase")[<p>[[A leather suitcase|F212]]](if: $inv contains "A white handkerchief")[<p>[[A white handkerchief|F213]]](if: $inv contains "A bag of various shells and stones")[<p>[[A bag of various shells and stones|F214]]](if: $inv contains "A silver cup")[<p>[[A silver cup|F215]]]
[[Admit defeat.|Fight end1]](if: $p > 2)[ (goto: "Ending 11") ]
(else-if: $ghosthp < 0)[ (goto: "Ending 2") ]
(else-if: $playerhp < 0)[ (goto: "Ending 8") ]
(else:)[ (goto: "Ending 2") ](set: $turn to 3)What do you want to use?
(if: $inv contains "An old book")[[[An old book|F31]]](if: $inv contains "An umbrella")[<p>[[An umbrella|F32]]](if: $inv contains "A poem")[<p>[[A poem|F33]]](if: $inv contains "A rusty pistol")[<p>[[A rusty pistol|F34]]](if: $inv contains "Venandi exspiravit")[<p>[[Venandi exspiravit|F35]]](if: $inv contains "A set of candlesticks")[<p>[[A set of candlesticks|F36]]](if: $inv contains "A feather")[<p>[[A feather|F37]]](if: $inv contains "Shamshir Sword")[<p>[[Shamshir Sword|F38]]](if: $inv contains "A painted minature")[<p>[[A painted minature|F39]]](if: $inv contains "A shiny ring")[<p>[[A shiny ring|F310]]](if: $inv contains "A rickety chair")[<p>[[A rickety chair|F311]]](if: $inv contains "A leather suitcase")[<p>[[A leather suitcase|F312]]](if: $inv contains "A white handkerchief")[<p>[[A white handkerchief|F313]]](if: $inv contains "A bag of various shells and stones")[<p>[[A bag of various shells and stones|F314]]](if: $inv contains "A silver cup")[<p>[[A silver cup|F315]]]
[[Admit defeat.|Fight end1]](css: "font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px;")[Pacifist]
(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 26px;")[You're the sort to ask questions first, shoot later.]
When confronted with the ghost, you chose to find another way, and in doing so you managed to help it find peace and finally lay it to rest.
Check your [[Inventory]]
[[Begin again!|Start]]
<hr>(css: "font-family: Amatic SC; font-size: 24px;")[Secret Ending 11/10]
You found (print: $byron)/5 Byron excerpt(s).
You got wet (print: $wet)/3 time(s).
You made (print: $rebel)/10 morally dubious (or just plain dubious) decision(s).
You had (print: $spook)/13 ghostly encounters.
You found (print: $inv's length)/29 items.
(if: $wet is 3)[Hydromaniac - You must really like water.](if: $honest is true)[Good Citizen - You handed the key in.]With nothing left to fight with, you concede defeat.
The ghost's almighty howl of (text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOOOOOO!|Ending 8]]] is the last thing you hear.Drawing out the silk umbrella you attempt to give the ghost a might swack, amazingly the blow connects! How bizarre!
Although the ghost is quick to strick back, ouch!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost cries.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i2 to true)Remembering the draft poem you found earlier you once again unfold the crumpled paper. The ghost draws closer, interested. You show the ghost the paper, it seems to relax as it reads.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOO, WOOOO?|Fight 2]]] the ghost wonders.
(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i3 to true)Lifting the pistol, you take aim, and fire. A moment later you realise how glad you are that the pistol was actually loaded. The bullet strikes, it must be magical! The ghost fights back immediately.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOOOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost shouts.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 30)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i4 to true)Working on a hunch you pull out the mysterious book. Quickly scanning it whilst the ghost watches, bemused, you find you were right in your assumption that it was about ghosts and you learn an incantation that makes the ghost very unhappy indeed.
(text-style: "outline")[[[SSHHHHWOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost hisses.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 35)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i5 to true)The candlesticks are surprisingly heavy as you heft them out and throw them wildly towards the ghost. One of seems to catch it somehow, and it lashes out just as wildly in response.
(text-style: "outline")[[[OOOOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost growls.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 15)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i6 to true)Pulling the peacock feather out of your bag the ghost seems captivated by the sheen. Feeling curious you tickle it. Huh, apparently ghosts are ticklish!
(text-style: "rumble")[[[WOOOOOO! WOO! WO! WOOOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost giggles.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 5)(set: $i7 to true)Drawing the blade from the sheath with a pleasant (text-style: "expand")['shhhhiiinnngg'] you slice towards the ghost and by some miracle, stab it. Oh no, now it's angry!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WWOOOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost screams.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 30)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i8 to true)Fumbling in your pockets you stumble across the minature painting that creeped you out earlier. Slowly, cautiously, you offer it to the ghost, upon seeing the painted woman the ghost looks sad. Sympathetic, you leave the painting on the altar for the ghost.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WWOOOO.|Fight 2]]] the ghost murmurs in thanks.
(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i9 to true)(set: $inv to $inv - "A painted minature")You open up the book to the first page and come across your mother's letter. Suddenly struck by a desire to share it, you read the letter aloud to the ghost.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOO?|Fight 2]]] says the ghost softly.
(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i1 to true)You draw out the golden ring, wondering if it has any special properties and slide it onto your finger. Unfortunately, it does not, and seeing it seems to make the ghost angrier.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost accuses.
(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i10 to true)Lifting the chair out of your impossible, bigger-on-the-inside-backpack, you swing it at the ghost. It shatters as it connects, splinters fly into your face.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOO...|Fight 2]]] the ghost whimpers.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i11 to true)Alas, upon further examination it becomes clear that the suitcase is indeed still empty. The ghost takes advantage of your distraction and lands a solid hit.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOWOOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost says petulantly.
(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i12 to true)Pulling the white handkerchief from your pcoket you wave it around slightly. The ghost suddenly stops, to your surprise, and backs off for a moment. How strange!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO?|Fight 2]]] the ghost queries.
(set: $i13 to true)With the sound of stones and shells clinking together you lay the bag on the floor. The ghost looks at you, confused. It gives you time to pull yourself together.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOO? WO WOOOOOOO?|Fight 2]]] the ghost questions.
(set: $playerhp to $playerhp + 10)(set: $i14 to true)Taking aim, you lob the drinking vessel at the floating phantom. The silver clangs as it bounces off the ghost's head. Ah! It turns out ghosts really don't like silver!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOO!|Fight 2]]] the ghost yelps.
(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i15 to true)(if: $i14 is true)[You try to interest the ghost in the stones again, but it's not falling for that a second time.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[(With the sound of stones and shells clinking together you lay the bag on the floor. The ghost looks at you, confused. It gives you time to pull yourself together.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOO? WO WOOOOOOO?|Fight 3]]] the ghost questions.(set: $playerhp to $playerhp + 10)(set: $i14 to true)](if: $i13 is true)[You've had your time out, the ghost doesn't look like it'll accept another.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Pulling the white handkerchief from your pcoket you wave it around slightly. The ghost suddenly stops, to your surprise, and backs off for a moment. How strange!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO?|Fight 3]]] the ghost queries.(set: $i13 to true)](if: $i12 is true)[It's still empty, don't waste time!
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Alas, upon further examination it becomes clear that the suitcase is indeed still empty. The ghost takes advantage of your distraction and lands a solid hit.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOWOOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost says petulantly.(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i12 to true)](if: $i11 is true)[Well, I don't think splinters are going to be much use, and that's all that's left!
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Lifting the chair out of your impossible, bigger-on-the-inside-backpack, you swing it at the ghost. It shatters as it connects, splinters fly into your face.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOO...|Fight 3]]] the ghost whimpers.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i11 to true)](if: $i10 is true)[I think it's best we don't try that again, don't you?
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[You draw out the golden ring, wondering if it has any special properties and slide it onto your finger. Unfortunately, it does not, and seeing it seems to make the ghost angrier.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost accuses.(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i10 to true)](if: $i9 is true)[You have already given this to the ghost.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Fumbling in your pockets you stumble across the minature painting that creeped you out earlier. Slowly, cautiously, you offer it to the ghost, upon seeing the painted woman the ghost looks sad. Sympathetic, you leave the painting on the altar for the ghost.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WWOOOO.|Fight 3]]] the ghost murmurs in thanks.(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i9 to true)(set: $inv to $inv - "A painted minature")](if: $i8 is true)[Unfortunately, it's previous meeting with the ghost has damaged the blade. It's not much use now.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Drawing the blade from the sheath with a pleasant (text-style: "expand")['shhhhiiinnngg'] you slice towards the ghost and by some miracle, stab it. Oh no, now it's angry!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WWOOOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost screams.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 30)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i8 to true)](if: $i7 is true)[You and the ghost eye each other. Yeah, I don't think it'll fall for that again.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Pulling the peacock feather out of your bag the ghost seems captivated by the sheen. Feeling curious you tickle it. Huh, apparently ghosts are ticklish!
(text-style: "rumble")[[[WOOOOOO! WOO! WO! WOOOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost giggles.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 5)(set: $i7 to true)](if: $i6 is true)[You don't have any candlesticks left, you threw them both last time remember!
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[The candlesticks are surprisingly heavy as you heft them out and throw them wildly towards the ghost. One of seems to catch it somehow, and it lashes out just as wildly in response.
(text-style: "outline")[[[OOOOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost growls.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 15)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i6 to true)](if: $i5 is true)[The ghost is too angry now, and it knows what the book can do, you don't have time to read any more.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Working on a hunch you pull out the mysterious book. Quickly scanning it whilst the ghost watches, bemused, you find you were right in your assumption that it was about ghosts and you learn an incantation that makes the ghost very unhappy indeed.
(text-style: "outline")[[[SSHHHHWOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost hisses.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 35)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i5 to true)](if: $i4 is true)[It turns out the pistol only had one shot. Oops.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Lifting the pistol, you take aim, and fire. A moment later you realise how glad you are that the pistol was actually loaded. The bullet strikes, it must be magical! The ghost fights back immediately.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOOOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost shouts.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 30)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i4 to true)](if: $i15 is true)[You don't have a cup now, you threw it last time!
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Taking aim, you lob the drinking vessel at the floating phantom. The silver clangs as it bounces off the ghost's head. Ah! It turns out ghosts really don't like silver!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost yelps.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i15 to true)](if: $i1 is true)[You have already read this. I don't think it'll have the same impact again.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[You open up the book to the first page and come across your mother's letter. Suddenly struck by a desire to share it, you read the letter aloud to the ghost.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOO?|Fight end]]] says the ghost softly.(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i1 to true)]
(if: $i1 is true)[You have already read this. I don't think it'll have the same impact again.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[You open up the book to the first page and come across your mother's letter. Suddenly struck by a desire to share it, you read the letter aloud to the ghost.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOO?|Fight 3]]] says the ghost softly.(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i1 to true)]
(if: $i2 is true)[Unfortunately, it's previous meeting with the ghost has broken it beyond repair.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Drawing out the silk umbrella you attempt to give the ghost a might swack, amazingly the blow connects! How bizarre!
Although the ghost is quick to strick back, ouch!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO!|Fight 3]]] the ghost cries.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i2 to true)](if: $i3 is true)[You have already shown the ghost this. I don't think it'll be all that interested in reading it again.
[[Back.|Fight 2]]](else:)[Remembering the draft poem you found earlier you once again unfold the crumpled paper. The ghost draws closer, interested. You show the ghost the paper, it seems to relax as it reads.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOO, WOOOO?|Fight 3]]] the ghost wonders.(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i3 to true)](if: $i8 is true)[Unfortunately, it's previous meeting with the ghost has damaged the blade. It's not much use now.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Drawing the blade from the sheath with a pleasant (text-style: "expand")['shhhhiiinnngg'] you slice towards the ghost and by some miracle, stab it. Oh no, now it's angry!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WWOOOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost screams.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 30)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i8 to true)](if: $i7 is true)[You and the ghost eye each other. Yeah, I don't think it'll fall for that again.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Pulling the peacock feather out of your bag the ghost seems captivated by the sheen. Feeling curious you tickle it. Huh, apparently ghosts are ticklish!
(text-style: "rumble")[[[WOOOOOO! WOO! WO! WOOOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost giggles.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 5)(set: $i7 to true)](if: $i6 is true)[You don't have any candlesticks left, you threw them both last time remember!
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[The candlesticks are surprisingly heavy as you heft them out and throw them wildly towards the ghost. One of seems to catch it somehow, and it lashes out just as wildly in response.
(text-style: "outline")[[[OOOOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost growls.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 15)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i6 to true)](if: $i5 is true)[The ghost is too angry now, and it knows what the book can do, you don't have time to read any more.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Working on a hunch you pull out the mysterious book. Quickly scanning it whilst the ghost watches, bemused, you find you were right in your assumption that it was about ghosts and you learn an incantation that makes the ghost very unhappy indeed.
(text-style: "outline")[[[SSHHHHWOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost hisses.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 35)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i5 to true)](if: $i4 is true)[It turns out the pistol only had one shot. Oops.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Lifting the pistol, you take aim, and fire. A moment later you realise how glad you are that the pistol was actually loaded. The bullet strikes, it must be magical! The ghost fights back immediately.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOOOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost shouts.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 30)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i4 to true)](if: $i3 is true)[You have already shown the ghost this. I don't think it'll be all that interested in reading it again.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Remembering the draft poem you found earlier you once again unfold the crumpled paper. The ghost draws closer, interested. You show the ghost the paper, it seems to relax as it reads.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOO, WOOOO?|Fight end]]] the ghost wonders.(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i3 to true)](if: $i2 is true)[Unfortunately, it's previous meeting with the ghost has broken it beyond repair.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Drawing out the silk umbrella you attempt to give the ghost a might swack, amazingly the blow connects! How bizarre!
Although the ghost is quick to strick back, ouch!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost cries.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i2 to true)](if: $i14 is true)[You try to interest the ghost in the stones again, but it's not falling for that a second time.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[(With the sound of stones and shells clinking together you lay the bag on the floor. The ghost looks at you, confused. It gives you time to pull yourself together.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOO? WO WOOOOOOO?|Fight end]]] the ghost questions.(set: $playerhp to $playerhp + 10)(set: $i14 to true)](if: $i13 is true)[You've had your time out, the ghost doesn't look like it'll accept another.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Pulling the white handkerchief from your pcoket you wave it around slightly. The ghost suddenly stops, to your surprise, and backs off for a moment. How strange!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO?|Fight end]]] the ghost queries.(set: $i13 to true)](if: $i12 is true)[It's still empty, don't waste time!
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Alas, upon further examination it becomes clear that the suitcase is indeed still empty. The ghost takes advantage of your distraction and lands a solid hit.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOWOOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost says petulantly.(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i12 to true)](if: $i15 is true)[You don't have a cup now, you threw it last time!
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Taking aim, you lob the drinking vessel at the floating phantom. The silver clangs as it bounces off the ghost's head. Ah! It turns out ghosts really don't like silver!
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost yelps.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i15 to true)](if: $i11 is true)[Well, I don't think splinters are going to be much use, and that's all that's left!
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Lifting the chair out of your impossible, bigger-on-the-inside-backpack, you swing it at the ghost. It shatters as it connects, splinters fly into your face.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOOO...|Fight end]]] the ghost whimpers.(set: $ghosthp to $ghosthp - 20)(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i11 to true)](if: $i10 is true)[I think it's best we don't try that again, don't you?
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[You draw out the golden ring, wondering if it has any special properties and slide it onto your finger. Unfortunately, it does not, and seeing it seems to make the ghost angrier.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WOOO!|Fight end]]] the ghost accuses.(set: $playerhp to $playerhp - 20)(set: $i10 to true)](if: $i9 is true)[You have already given this to the ghost.
[[Back.|Fight 3]]](else:)[Fumbling in your pockets you stumble across the minature painting that creeped you out earlier. Slowly, cautiously, you offer it to the ghost, upon seeing the painted woman the ghost looks sad. Sympathetic, you leave the painting on the altar for the ghost.
(text-style: "outline")[[[WWOOOO.|Fight end]]] the ghost murmurs in thanks.(set: $p to $p + 1)(set: $i9 to true)(set: $inv to $inv - "A painted minature")]