<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Lovely.</br>\nCalm.</br>\nPeaceful.</br>\n</br>\nIs this reality for you?"</span></i></html>\n<<set $inventory.push(" Blue")>>\nTell her about [[reality|Reality]].\nTell her you made a [[mistake|NoChoice]] & want to choose again.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
You look up. \nShe is staring at you. \n\nShe doesn't like to talk about the exits either. \nYou can see it makes her uncomfortable. \n\nShe shifts in her seat, squeaking on the leather.\nShe averts her gaze to some spot on the wall behind you. \n\nYou can see a shadow of white in her eyes, but not the real white. \nThis is glaucomous, yellowed, veiled. \n\nNo sanctuary here.\n\nYou decide to [[continue]] your story.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n
Rainbow colours \n<<set $inventory.push(" Green")>>\nShifting\nMorphing.\nFusing\nPhasing.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Your mind is a sea of colour:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow')>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nYou are all the colours.\nYou plunge headfirst into the darkness and find the light.\nThe sum of everything is [[nothing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nBut something is wrong, some tone or tones missing from the palate.\nThe smoke grasp enwreathes you.\nThe curse of nothing is [[everything|Failure]].\n<<endif>>
Her stare has intensified. \nYou are not sure but would lay money down that her eyes are larger, her pupils blacker than when you first arrived. \nHer face greyer. \nThere is a hum in the air, <html><i>of</i></html> the air.\nYou don't like it here.\nYou don't like it anywhere. \n<<set $inventory.push(" Green")>>\nYou remember the holidays of your childhood and the embraces of your first love.\nYou remember the things that gave you solace in this world.\nNothing now can compare, no postcards bring back those days before you knew the truth.\n\n<html><span style="color:#e47814">A ripe </span></html>[[orange|Orange2]] <html><span style="color:#e47814">clementine, freshly peeled and bursting with juice</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#9114e4">A large card dominated by a delicate </span></html>[[violet|Violet2]]<html><span style="color:#9114e4">, scented with her special-occasion perfume</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#007fff">A well-worn and faded old </span></html>[[blue|Blue2]] <html><span style="color:#007fff">tshirt, pajamas now, the epitome of comfort</span></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style = "color: #e47814">"There's a lot of astronauts around these days, y'know? A lot of</span></i></html> [[astronauts|exit]] <html><i><span style = "color: #e47814">these days in Dun Laoghaire. All turned on and tuned in and everything. Wonder what they're listening to?"</span></i></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">I see the </span></i></html>[[white|White]] <html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">through the tiny windows.</br>\nMost are too high to look directly, all I see is the shadow of the light.</br>\nI roam the building, I want out.</br>\nNone of the doors lead outside.</br>\nNobody can tell me how to get out.</br>\nThey pretend not to hear when I ask about the exits.</br>\n</br>\nI look for them myself, a spark of hope with each door I open.</span></i></html>\n<<set $inventory.push(" Yellow")>>\nYou [[look up]] at her.\nYou [[continue]] your story.\nYou [[change the subject]].\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style="color: #60cc35">"Reality is ... this here and now.</br>\nIt is you and me in this space.</br>\nSights and sounds and smells; constructs to latch on to."\n</br></span></i></html>\nNo way to escape that glaring sun in your eyes, that overpowering scent of bacon from the diner next door.\n[[Someone|http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Baudelaire]] once said, "an oasis of horror in a desert of boredom" and this loops in your mind sometimes: right now, over and over.\n\n<html><i><span style="color: #60cc35">"It is everything that holds us together, everything that tears us apart:</span></br>\n</br>\n<span style="color: #eb2f2f">Work</span>\n<span style="color: #e47814">Money</span>\n<span style="color: #e4dd14">Religion</span>\n<span style="color: #60cc35">Politics</span>\n<span style="color: #007fff">Matter</span>\n<span style="color: #3d14e4">Space</span>\n<span style="color: #9114e4">Time</span>\n</br></br>\n<span style="color: #60cc35">All the colours of the rainbow.</br>\nSeen apart to obscure what they can look like, what they can be together."</span></i></html>\n\nYou see them all and you see the possibility of none. \nYou see her mouth a straight line. \nBut something tells you her silence hides knowledge, a clue.\n\nAnd you look down to the floor, tiles arrayed in symmetrical order on the floor under the rich rug. Two colours winking in sequence under the sun's rays, intoxicating.\n\n<html><span style="color:#60cc35">A bright </span></html>[[green|Green]] <html><span style="color:#60cc35">tile reflects the sunshine, gleaming like an emerald</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#e4dd14">A rich mustard </span></html>[[yellow|Yellow]] <html><span style="color:#e4dd14">rug is draped over it, plush and luxurious</span></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n
A white paper lies upon the desk.\nYou look at it and you want to stay looking at the white but you know it is not the real white. \nYou enter your name with the metallic blue pen the stern receptionist hands you silently.\n\nThe room is large yet oddly confining. \nThe bookshelves, framed pictures, carpets: all props to furnish the lie. \nThe lie is everywhere. \nYou know this. \nYou have seen beyond it all.\n\nThe dark wooden doors swing open and a neutral face invites you to the inner sanctum. \nThis is what you came here for. \nWhat else can you do?\n\n<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Hello there John. It's nice to meet you. How are you feeling today?"</span></i></html>\n\n<html><i><span style="color: #60cc35">"I'm feeling</span></i></html> [[good|Great]]<html><i><span style="color: #60cc35">, thanks."</span></i></html>\n<html><i><span style="color: #60cc35">"I'm having a </span></i></html>[[bad|Bad]] <html><i><span style="color: #60cc35">day today, to be honest."</span></i></html>
Rainbow colours \n<<set $inventory.push(" Indigo")>>\nShifting\nMorphing.\nFusing\nPhasing.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Your mind is a sea of colour:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow')>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nYou are all the colours.\nYou plunge headfirst into the darkness and find the light.\nThe sum of everything is [[nothing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nBut something is wrong, some tone or tones missing from the palate.\nThe smoke grasp enwreathes you.\nThe curse of nothing is [[everything|Failure]].\n<<endif>>
Her stare has intensified. \nYou are not sure but would lay money down that her eyes are larger, her pupils blacker than when you first arrived. \nHer face greyer. \nThere is a hum in the air, <html><i>of</i></html> the air.\nYou don't like it here.\nYou don't like it anywhere. \n<<set $inventory.push(" Indigo")>>\nYou remember the holidays of your childhood and the embraces of your first love.\nYou remember the things that gave you solace in this world.\nNothing now can compare, no postcards bring back those days before you knew the truth.\n\n<html><span style="color:#e47814">A ripe </span></html>[[orange|Orange2]] <html><span style="color:#e47814">clementine, freshly peeled and bursting with juice</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#9114e4">A large card dominated by a delicate </span></html>[[violet|Violet2]]<html><span style="color:#9114e4">, scented with her special-occasion perfume</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#007fff">A well-worn and faded old </span></html>[[blue|Blue2]] <html><span style="color:#007fff">tshirt, pajamas now, the epitome of comfort</span></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n\n\n
Rainbow colours \n<<set $inventory.push(" Orange")>>\nShifting\nMorphing.\nFusing\nPhasing.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Your mind is a sea of colour:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow')>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nYou are all the colours.\nYou plunge headfirst into the darkness and find the light.\nThe sum of everything is [[nothing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nBut something is wrong, some tone or tones missing from the palate.\nThe smoke grasp enwreathes you.\nThe curse of nothing is [[everything|Failure]].\n<<endif>>\n
She sighs. Riffles through some notes on her lap.\nHer patience diminishing in equal quantity to yours gathering.\nYou feel patience beyond time, an infinity at your disposal.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Orange")>>\n<html><i><span style= "color:#007fff">"And how about your dreams? Are there any recurring themes you can share with me?"</span></i></html>\n\nShare your [[dreams|Dreams]].\nShake your [[head|Head]].\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n
<html>\n<style>\nbody {\nbackground: #feffff; /* Old browsers */\nbackground: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #feffff 0%, #ddf1f9 35%, #070100 100%); /* FF3.6+ */\nbackground: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#feffff), color-stop(35%,#ddf1f9), color-stop(100%,#070100)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */\nbackground: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #feffff 0%,#ddf1f9 35%,#070100 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */\nbackground: -o-linear-gradient(top, #feffff 0%,#ddf1f9 35%,#070100 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */\nbackground: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #feffff 0%,#ddf1f9 35%,#070100 100%); /* IE10+ */\nbackground: linear-gradient(to bottom, #feffff 0%,#ddf1f9 35%,#070100 100%); /* W3C */\nfilter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#feffff', endColorstr='#070100',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */\n}\n</style>\n<span style="color: #666666">It's so beautiful...\n</br>\n</br>\n</br>\n</br>\n</br>\n\n....but you must <a onmouseover="document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'" onclick="window.history.back()"><b>return</b></a>.\n\n</span>\n</html>\n\n\n\n
<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Fiery.</br>\nPassionate.</br>\nAlive.</br>\n</br>\nIs this reality for you?"</span></i></html>\n<<set $inventory.push(" Red")>>\n[[Tell her about reality.|Reality]]\n[[Tell her you made a mistake & want to choose again|NoChoice]]\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
Rainbow colours \n<<set $inventory.push(" Red")>>\nShifting\nMorphing.\nFusing\nPhasing.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Your mind is a sea of colour:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow')>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nYou are all the colours.\nYou plunge headfirst into the darkness and find the light.\nThe sum of everything is [[nothing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nBut something is wrong, some tone or tones missing from the palate.\nThe smoke grasp enwreathes you.\nThe curse of nothing is [[everything|Failure]].\n<<endif>>\n
<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">I see the </span></i></html>[[white|White]] <html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">through the tiny windows.</br>\nMost are too high to look through directly, all I see is the shadow of the light.</br>\nI roam the building, I want out.</br>\nNone of the doors lead outside.</br>\nNobody can tell me how to get out.</br>\nThey pretend not to hear when I ask about the exits.</br>\n</br>\nI look for them myself, a spark of hope with each door I open.</span></i></html>\n<<set $inventory.push(" Red")>>\nYou [[look up]] at her.\nYou [[continue]] your story.\nYou [[change the subject]].\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style="color:#007fff">"Openness is essential to progress John. I can't help you unless you can trust me, confide in me."</span></i></html>\n\nMaybe she's right.\nMaybe she will understand if you tell her more.\nIn any event, you don't see any other way out of here.\n\n[[Relent|Dreams]]\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<<set $inventory.push(" Violet")>>\n<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">"It was all fine when I didn't know.</br>\nWhen I didn't know what I was missing, I didn't care that I couldn't have it.</br>\n</br>\nBut now I know, and I can't not-know again. </br>\nIt's like there are these invisible walls.</br>\n</br>\nYou can't see them, or feel them.</br>\nYou won't know they are there.</br>\nUntil something happens.</br>\nAnd all of a sudden, the real world is small and fake."</span></i></html>\n\nYou can only glimpse beyond now in art and poetry.\nAnd sometimes hear it in music.\nAnd you can tell that there are those who live there.\nThe mad saints.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">"I saw but briefly.</br>\nAnd all I want is to </span></i></html>[[return]]<html><i><span style "color: #60cc35">."</span></i></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
Rainbow colours \n<<set $inventory.push(" Violet")>>\nShifting\nMorphing.\nFusing\nPhasing.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Your mind is a sea of colour:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow')>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nYou are all the colours.\nYou plunge headfirst into the darkness and find the light.\nThe sum of everything is [[nothing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nBut something is wrong, some tone or tones missing from the palate.\nThe smoke grasp enwreathes you.\nThe curse of nothing is [[everything|Failure]].\n<<endif>>
<html>\n<style>\n\nbody { background-color: #000000 }\n\n.char:nth-child(8n) { color:hsl(45,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+1) {color:hsl(90,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+2) {color:hsl(135,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+3) {color:hsl(180,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+4) {color:hsl(225,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+5) {color:hsl(270,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+6) {color:hsl(315,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+7) {color:hsl(0,100%,75%); }\n\n\n\n</style>\n<span style="color: #ffffff" !important>You are trapped. </br> There is no escape now. </br> You can see the walls, feel the walls. </br>Solid now. No windows, no doors.</span>\n\n</html>\n\nReality.\n
The mouth straighter than ever.\nShe is definitely not making eye contact now.\nYou knew you had become one of those people the other day.\n\nThat day you saw an [[old man]] on the bus talking to everyone and no-one.\nEveryone quiet, looking down or away or even closing their eyes.\nInner prayers: <html><i>Please let me not turn out like him.</i></html>\n\nBut why not? \nWe're all astronauts now.\nHe was one of you.\n\nYou maintain your silence, two can play that waiting game.\nGlance around the office, so many things to latch on to, to look at and be able to think with all confidence: <html><i>This, this is <b>real</b>.</i></html>\n\n<html><span style="color:#e47814">A burnt </span></html>[[orange|Orange]] <html><span style="color:#e47814">glow leaks from an old iron lamp</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#3d14e4">A beautiful pen leaks </span></html>[[indigo|Indigo]] <html><span style="color:#3d14e4">ink onto a blotter on the desk</span></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n\n
Invisible Walls
Rainbow colours \n<<set $inventory.push(" Blue")>>\nShifting\nMorphing.\nFusing\nPhasing.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Your mind is a sea of colour:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow')>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nYou are all the colours.\nYou plunge headfirst into the darkness and find the light.\nThe sum of everything is [[nothing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nBut something is wrong, some tone or tones missing from the palate.\nThe smoke grasp enwreathes you.\nThe curse of nothing is [[everything|Failure]].\n<<endif>>\n
<<set $inventory.push(" Blue")>>\n<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">"It was all fine when I didn't know.</br>\nWhen I didn't know what I was missing, I didn't care that I couldn't have it.</br>\n</br>\nBut now I know, and I can't not-know again. </br>\nIt's like there are these invisible walls.</br>\n</br>\nYou can't see them, or feel them.</br>\nYou won't know they are there.</br>\nUntil something happens.</br>\nAnd all of a sudden, the real world is small and fake."</span></i></html>\n\nYou can only glimpse beyond now in art and poetry.\nAnd sometimes hear it in music.\nAnd you can tell that there are those who live there.\nThe mad saints.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">"I saw but briefly.</br>\nAnd all I want is to </span></i></html>[[return]]<html><i><span style "color: #60cc35">."</span></i></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style="color:#60cc35">I see the</span></i></html> [[white|White]]<html><i><span style="color:#60cc35">.</br>\nI am in the building. </br>\nTrapped in the building. </br>\n</br>\nEach brick a restriction.</br> \nFew windows. </br>\nA basement of bankers. </br>\nA penthouse of priests. </br>\nA dusty backstairs where the poets and artists congregate.</br>\n</span></i></html>\n\n<html><span style="color:#9114e4">A troupe of </span></html>[[violet|Violet]] <html><span style="color:#9114e4">clad bankers laugh uproariously at something, clapping each other on the back</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#eb2f2f">A fluttering group of cardinals clad in </span></html>[[red|Red2]] <html><span style="color:#eb2f2f">silk traverse an empty courtyard</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#e4dd14">An artist sits at an outdoor easel, painting in the rain the most vibrant </span></html>[[yellow|Yellow2]] <html><span style="color:#e4dd14">sunflowers imaginable</span></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n
<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Great.</br>\nGood.</br>\nThat's nice to hear.</br>\n</br>\nI've been told you are having some ... difficulty ... with discerning reality from, well, anything else."</span></i>\n</html>\n<<set $inventory = []>>\nThis is not true. \nYou know the difference very well indeed. \nIt is all too clear. \n\nYou look at her. \nYou make the expected noise.\n\n<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Let's talk a little, hmm? Which of these images would you identify most with today?"</span></i></html>\n\n<html><span style="color:#eb2f2f">A </span></html>[[red|Red]] <html><span style="color:#eb2f2f">fire truck racing off to put out a fire</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#007fff">A </span></html>[[blue|Blue]] <html><span style="color:#007fff">lake undisturbed by even the slightest wave</span></html>\n
She looks at you now, oh yes, real close.\nHer face seems to take over the room.\nNo sun now.\nThe birds are silent.\n\nShe opens her mouth, it opens opens opens wide and wider.\nA gaping maw, an endless pit.\nNeedle teeth stretching.\nEyes melting, rolling down her cheeks.\n\nMore than a [[clue|reaching]].\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html>\n<style>\n\nbody { background-color: #FFFFFF }\n\n.char:nth-child(8n) { color:hsl(45,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+1) {color:hsl(90,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+2) {color:hsl(135,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+3) {color:hsl(180,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+4) {color:hsl(225,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+5) {color:hsl(270,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+6) {color:hsl(315,100%,75%); }\n.char:nth-child(8n+7) {color:hsl(0,100%,75%); }\n\n\n\n</style>\n<span style="color: #000000" !important>Now you too are everything and nothing.</span>\n\n</html>\n\nPerfect.\n
She reaches for you and there is no space in which she cannot reach you.\nTendril fingers.\nSibilant whispers.\nVoracious.\nIt happens in a moment, in eternity.\n\nYou are not afraid, but maybe you should be.\nInside the dark you can see the light of escape.\n\n<html><span style = "color: #eb2f2f">Blood drips from the teeth...</span></html>[[ESCAPE|Red3]]\n<html><span style = "color: #e47814">The walls are coalescing with the carpet...</span></html>[[ESCAPE|Orange3]]\n<html><span style = "color: #e4dd14">That sun that was in your eyes long gone...</span></html>[[ESCAPE|Yellow3]]\n<html><span style = "color: #60cc35">You hear a vacuum...</span></html>[[ESCAPE|Green3]]\n<html><span style = "color: #007fff">Feel your feet begin to sink...</span></html>[[ESCAPE|Blue3]]\n<html><span style = "color: #3d14e4">Floorboards bending, ceiling warping...</span></html>[[ESCAPE|Indigo3]]\n<html><span style = "color: #9114e4">All that you knew you were dissolved...</span></html>[[ESCAPE|Violet3]]\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n
You don't want to share your dreams with her anymore. \nLike blowing dandelion seeds into a tar pit. \nYou consider topics you could converse on but in the corner, her pair of songbirds interrupts, piercing cries. \nWho would find these creatures relaxing?\n\n<html><span style="color:#3d14e4">A large </span></html>[[indigo|Indigo2]] <html><span style="color:#3d14e4">bird, missing many of his feathers, squawks</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#60cc35">A tiny delicate </span></html>[[green|Green2]] <html><span style="color:#60cc35">bird, makes no sound, turns to fix you with his beady stare</span></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
Rainbow colours \n<<set $inventory.push(" Yellow")>>\nShifting\nMorphing.\nFusing\nPhasing.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Your mind is a sea of colour:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow')>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nYou are all the colours.\nYou plunge headfirst into the darkness and find the light.\nThe sum of everything is [[nothing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nThe colours swirling in your mind condense and merge.\nBut something is wrong, some tone or tones missing from the palate.\nThe smoke grasp enwreathes you.\nThe curse of nothing is [[everything|Failure]].\n<<endif>>\n
<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Oh no.</br>\nThat's too bad.</br>\nI'm sorry to hear that.</br>\n</br>\nI've been told you are having some ... difficulty ... with discerning reality from, well, anything else."</span></i></html>\n<<set $inventory = []>>\nThis is not true. \nYou know the difference very well indeed. \nIt is all too clear. \n\nYou look at her. \nYou make the expected noise.\n\n<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Let's talk a little, hmm? Which of these images would you identify most with today?"</span></i></html>\n\n<html><span style="color:#eb2f2f">A </span></html>[[red|Red]] <html><span style="color:#eb2f2f">fire truck racing off to put out a fire</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#007fff">A </span></html>[[blue|Blue]] <html><span style="color:#007fff">lake undisturbed by even the slightest wave</span></html>
Colours prism before your eyes. \nJewel tones. \nFractured rays of light.\nIncandescence.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Green")>>\n<html><i><span style = "color:#60cc35">"See? I know what reality is.</br>\nI just don't want it anymore.</br>\nAnd they say I need help.</br>\nI do.</br>\n</br>\nCan you help me to find the </span></i></html>[[exit]]<html><i><span style = "color:#60cc35">?"</span></i></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">"Life is about choices John.</br></br> The choices we make cannot be taken back. </br> Choose carefully.</br>\n</br>\nNow, tell me about </span></i></html>[[reality|Reality]]<html><i><span style="color: #007fff">."</span></i></html>\n\nSome colours swirl around the borders of your mind:\n<<print $inventory >>
html {\n height: 100%;\n height: 100vh;\n}\nbody {\n background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, hsla(255,100%,20%,0.4) 0%,hsla(219,100%,50%,0) 100%);\n background-image: linear-gradient(to top, hsla(255,100%,20%,0.4) 0%,hsla(219,100%,50%,0) 100%);\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-attachment:fixed;\n height: 90%;\n}\n.passage {\n color: hsl(240,100%,90%);\n font-weight: lighter;\n font-size: 1.5em;\n}\n#passages {\n margin: 0 0 0 18rem;\n border-left: 0;\n}\n#snapback, #share {\n display:none;\n}\na.internalLink, a.externaLink {\n color: hsl(300,100%,40%);\n transition: 0.5s;\n -webkit-transition: 0.5s;\n}\n.passage ul {\n padding-top:1.3em; \n text-align:center;\n}\n.passage li {\n display:inline;\n margin-right:6em;\n}\na.internalLink:hover, a.externaLink:hover, #sidebar li:hover, #sidebar li a:hover {\n color: hsl(300,100%,70%);\n text-shadow: fuchsia 0 0 1em;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n#sidebar li, #sidebar li a {\n color: hsla(300, 100%, 40%, 0.25);\n transition: 1s;\n -webkit-transition: 1s;\n}\n#sidebar li a {\n color: hsla(300, 100%, 40%, 0.35);\n}\n#sidebar, #sidebar:hover {\n background:#005;\n font-size: 1.6em;\n background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, hsla(255,100%,50%,0.3) 0%,hsla(219,100%,50%,0) 100%);\n background: linear-gradient(to bottom, hsla(255,100%,50%,0.3) 0%,hsla(219,100%,50%,0) 100%);\n left: 0;\n top: 0;\n width: 12.5rem;\n padding: 4rem 2rem 0rem 4rem;\n height: 100%;\n}\n#storyTitle {\n color: rgba(255,0,255,0.75) !important;\n font-size: 1.4em;\n}\n#sidebar #title, #sidebar #title:hover {\n color: rgba(255,0,255,0.50);\n transition: 1s;\n -webkit-transition: 1s;\n}\n#sidebar #title:hover {\n color: rgba(255,128,255,0.50);\n text-shadow: fuchsia 0 0 2em;\n}\n\n@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {\n #sidebar, #sidebar:hover {\n width: 10rem;\n padding: 2rem 1rem 0rem 2rem;\n }\n #passages {\n margin: 0 0 0 12rem;\n }\n .passage li {\n display:list-item;\n list-style-type: none;\n }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {\n #sidebar, #sidebar:hover {\n width: 100%;\n height: 5rem;\n padding: 2rem 1rem 0rem 2rem;\n text-align:center;\n background: #000;\n }\n #sidebar #storySubtitle { display: inline-block; padding-left: 2em;}\n #sidebar li { display:inline; margin-right: 2em; }\n #credits, #snapback, #share { display: none !important; }\n #passages {\n margin: 12rem 0 0 0em;\n }\n}
She sighs. Riffles through some notes on her lap.\nHer patience diminishing in equal quantity to yours gathering.\nYou feel patience beyond time, an infinity at your disposal.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Indigo")>>\n<html><i><span style= "color:#007fff">"And how about your dreams? Are there any recurring themes you can share with me?"</span></i></html>\n\nShare your [[dreams|Dreams]].\nShake your [[head|Head]].\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n
Colours prism before your eyes. \nJewel tones. \nFractured rays of light.\nIncandescence.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Yellow")>>\n<html><i><span style = "color:#60cc35">"See? I know what reality is.</br>\nI just don't want it anymore.</br>\nAnd they say I need help.</br>\nI do.</br>\n</br>\nCan you help me to find the </span></i></html>[[exit]]<html><i><span style = "color:#60cc35">?"</span></i></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<<set $inventory.push(" Orange")>>\n<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">"It was all fine when I didn't know.</br>\nWhen I didn't know what I was missing, I didn't care that I couldn't have it.</br>\n</br>\nBut now I know, and I can't not-know again. </br>\nIt's like there are these invisible walls.</br>\n</br>\nYou can't see them, or feel them.</br>\nYou won't know they are there.</br>\nUntil something happens.</br>\nAnd all of a sudden, the real world is small and fake."</span></i></html>\n\nYou can only glimpse beyond now in art and poetry.\nAnd sometimes hear it in music.\nAnd you can tell that there are those who live there.\nThe mad saints.\n\n<html><i><span style ="color: #60cc35">"I saw but briefly.</br>\nAnd all I want is to </span></i></html>[[return]]<html><i><span style "color: #60cc35">."</span></i></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style="color:#60cc35">"The only way out is through.</br>\nI try that. </br>No getting through these bricks though.</br>\n</br>\nWith torn fingernails and hands dripping blood I go to the basement again.</br>\nI can trace my path in the red blood drips.</br>\nDark water swirls stagnant about my feet. </br>\nI see my reflection white on the water. </br>\nI see a threat shadowing behind me.</br>\nI see my reflection reach up and pull out one long incisor, wield it as protection in bloodied hands.</br>\nI look terrifying.</br>\nI look away.</br>\n</br>\nI run all through the building.</br>\nRooms empty and full.</br>\nNobody will talk about the exits.</br>\nIs this a maze or a labyrinth?</br>\nIn the center I find a faceless man."</span></i></html>\n\nShe remains silent. She looks unimpressed. In the corner, her songbirds interrupt, piercing cries. Who would find these creatures relaxing?\n\n<html><span style="color:#3d14e4">A large </span></html>[[indigo|Indigo2]] <html><span style="color:#3d14e4">bird, missing many of his feathers, squawks</span></html>\n<html><span style="color:#60cc35">A tiny delicate </span></html>[[green|Green2]] <html><span style="color:#60cc35">bird, makes no sound, turns to fix you with his beady stare</span></html>\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">I see the </span></i></html>[[white|White]] <html><i><span style = "color: #60cc35">through the tiny windows.</br>\nMost are too high to look through directly, all I see is the shadow of the light.</br>\nI roam the building, I want out.</br>\nNone of the doors lead outside.</br>\nNobody can tell me how to get out.</br>\nThey pretend not to hear when I ask about the exits.</br>\n</br>\nI look for them myself, a spark of hope with each door I open.</span></i></html>\n<<set $inventory.push(" Violet")>>\nYou [[look up]] at her.\nYou [[continue]] your story.\nYou [[change the subject]].\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Colour swirls around the borders of your mind:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
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