Clark popped into existence and wondered immediately what his purpose was.
[[eat some fish]]
[[Investigate the mysterious material in the water]]
[[Wake up]]
<img src="" width="750" height="600" alt="blah">
Clark the shark tried to swim as far as possible but his path was blocked. He crashed into glass over and over again. Strange peoploe started at him
[[Swim away]]
[[Try break the glass]]
Clark the shark is incredibly hungry, he craves food and notices some friendly fish friends.
[[have a lovely conversation]]
[[eat your new friends]]
You begin talking with the fish, you decide you hunger can wait as you ask (text-style:rumble)[weather]or not the bee movie is explotative or not and would it offended the friendly bees
[[talk about bee politics]]
[[eat the fish for their bee opinions]]
Fish are food, not friends.
He swallowed each fish as they tried desperately to swim away.
Feeling full, he began to [[swim]] away.
Clark the shark realised with sudden shock that he wasn't in the sea but was actually imprisoned in a waterpark, Dubbed "SpaceQuarium"TM, on the moon belts of vector T12, A savage moon belt habitated by Space pirates and cannibal octopi-esque aliens.
He realised he must [[escape]].
He rammed into the glass. Peepo screamed. The water of his space tank flowed out everywhere, and he clammered to his feet.
His... feet?
His... fast feet.
He ran and ran, and came face to face with a mirror.
[[It turns out, he had not been a shark. Instead, he had been the most horrifying and terrible creature that all the octo whatever the fuck feared.]]
Your intriging talk with the fish comes to an sudden end as a mighty eight armed beast floats from above..
Darkness shrouds the seabed as the octopi decends upon the collection of fish and Clark.
[["Holy Fuck"]]
Clark Cries..
Clark is well versed in the proud history of the bees and feels for their plight. He is very offendend by some of the opinions expressed by the fish. He has the fish in his sight and is about to destroy them, when he is interupted by the sudden appearence of a flying sentient toaster. The toaster is also upset the what the fish have suggested, but toasters are the natural enemy of sharks!
[[Join forces with the toaster?]]
[[Team up with the fish?]]
Clark's mind is filled with fear as the severity of his imprisonment occurs to him. He does the only thing he knows how to do. He swims. He swims very fast. In a circle. Very, very fast.
"oh god, oh god, oh god, what do I do, what do I do" Clark's thoughts are as one track as the circular path he is swimming. The other fish in the tank become swept up in the current created by Clark, and join in the collective fear.
"oh god, oh god, oh god" chant the group all as one. They become a tornado of fear and anxiety.
The tornado [[destroys the glass cage]].
As Clark the big friendly mean shark, chaotic evil, swam close to the material he sniffed at it before being swiftly swept up from the ocean by Japanese fisherman and was murdered viciously.
[[The End]]
<img src="" width="750" height="600">
"You know, I've always been partial to uh.... Whatever it is you are... heh heh" Clark stammers, his words as smooth as a street in Venice.
His glorious charm obviously falling short, Clark remembers his fish friends! What is going to happen to them!
Just then, Clark makes a decision...
He decided to [[Swim away]].
Quite Fast.
The octopi stop, suddenly impressed by your knowledge of classic cinema.
"Oho" they say in unison. Clark smiles to himself, but is suddenly interuppted by a slimy tentacle. Clark is pulled into the mess of Octopi and is met with a particularly large octopus.
"My name is Barnabee Moistipus, I am the King of the Octopus, I am here to tell you of your destiny. You are not the only Clark. You are a part of a Clark multiverse"
Clark gasps, a sharky gasp.
[[Take me to those universes]]
Clark sees that he has accidently killed all the fish. He grows in rage and activates is sharkatar state. He summons the four sharklements - shark, nado, toaster, octupus and shnaaaake.
He generates an enormous energy from his very core, obliterating the very earth from within, causing a catastrophy so devestating that it equals that of which destroyed the dinosours.
You join forces and swiftly break up. You hate each other . Nothing can resolve this. Friendship broken. Bond split. Forever.
Toaster uses spark.....its super effective....everything dies....RIP.
Finally it can be performed. You reach the zipper hanging from your forehead and pull it down. Out of the costume emerges your true form. Terry the tornado (TM), finally you can combine your forces and create....the sharknado.
clark arrives in what lookes like a russian base. He sees a box moving behind him. He recognises it.
"Well well well if it isn't the old solid snake in the grass how are things"
"Ahh not too bad suffering on you know yourself"
[[call snake a LIAR]]
[[Abandon this story line and go back to the other ones -> connect the multyverses]]
"I heard what happened." Clark said.
"I jujst had a snake cancer!" Shnake said.
"What's that like?"
"Ahh. You know yourself."
Clark goes over the houses and sees his daughter.
Clark the shark dies leading to the collapse of world, and the multiverses.
[[The End]]
He rammed into the glass. Peepo screamed. The water of his space tank flowed out everywhere, and he clammered to his feet.
His... feet?
His... fast feet.
He ran and ran, and came face to face with a mirror.
It turns out, he had not been a shark. Instead, he had been the most horrifying and terrible creature that all the octo whatever the fuck feared.
He rammed into the glass. Peepo screamed. The water of his space tank flowed out everywhere, and he clammered to his feet.
His... feet?
His... fast feet.
He ran and ran, and came face to face with a mirror.
It turns out, he had not been a shark. Instead, he had been the most horrifying and terrible creature that all the octo whatever the fuck feared.
MAN the hedgehog.
He recites his favourite poem.
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Nothing makes sense
- Robert Frost
A door opens.
A woman steps inside a child at her hip.
Clark in full spin finally collapses on the floor.
The woman says ''I can't you if you can't help yourself.''
The woman leaves, slamming the door behind her.
You miss the story sorry.
clark stares while lying on the floor pantsless. A broken toaster and shards of glass from a shattered fish tank lye accross the floor. Clark is oblivious to the world around him as a cheap B movie about sharks and tornados plays in the background, he stares at the non functioning micro wave with a lonely fork taped to the door sits in the corner. He pulls the needle fromhis arm, swallows a pill and drifts of to sleep. [[The End]]