Four months ago, you were "let go" from your position at Corporation, Inc. No steady, well-paying job has come your way since.
Your depression hasn't made finding a job any easier. Days seem to speed by as you crawl along, slower and slower. Your therapy eats away at your limited amount of money more than it helps you.
Today, your apartment burnt down. With what little posessions you have left, you move out onto the streou et. You're homeless now, but you'll make it.
[[I'll make it!|The Streets]]
(set: $phealth to 100)
(set: $mhealth to 100)
(set: $money to 200)(color:yellow)[THE STREETS]
For now, you live on the streets. But not to worry — you have so many ways to get back on your feet!
(if: $money >= 1000)[ [[Rent an Apartment]] ](else:)[ [[Rent an Apartment|Rent an Apartment 2]] ]
(if:(history:)contains "Stay")[ (color:gray)[Stay with family.] ](else:)[ [[Stay with family.]] ]
(if:(history:) contains "Ask Cameron for money")[ (if:(history:) contains "Stay with a friend 2")[ (color:gray)[Stay with a friend.] ](else:)[ [[Stay with a friend.|Stay with a friend 2]] ] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Ask to stay with Cameron")[ (color:gray)[Stay with a friend.] ] (else:)[ [[Stay with a friend.]] ] ]
(if:(history:) contains "Ask your family for money.")[ (if:(history:) contains "Ask them for more!")[ (color:gray)[Ask your family for more money] ](else:)[ [[Ask your family for more money.]] ] ](else:)[ [[Ask your family for money.]] ]
(if:(history:) contains "Ask to stay with Cameron")[ (if:(history:) contains "Denied friend money")[ (color:gray)[Ask a friend for money.] ](else:)[ [[Ask a friend for money.|Denied friend money]] ] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Ask a friend for money.")[ (color:gray)[Ask a friend for money.] ](else:)[ [[Ask a friend for money.]] ] ]
(if:(history:) contains "Ask for your job back.")[ (if:(history:) contains "Beg for your job back")[ (color:gray)[Beg for your job back] ](else:)[ [[Beg for your job back]] ] ](else:)[ [[Ask for your job back.]] ]
[[Stay at a homeless shelter.]]
Other Options:
[[Go to the store.]]
(if: $money >= 150)[ [[Go to therapy.]] [($150)] ](else:)[ [[Go to therapy.|Go to therapy 2]] [($150)] ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 1]] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 2]] ] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 3]] ] [(Earn some money?)]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
Home. There's always a place for you at your old home.
But home has never been a comfortable place for you — not since your dad passed away. Plus, you **dislike** your stepfather for the way he **treats** your mother. (click-replace: "treats")[//beats//](click-replace: "dislike")[**hate**](click-replace: "hate")[**despise**](click-replace: "despise")[//loathe//]
Home does not feel like a safe-place.
Go back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou don't really have any friends around here. Your few highschool friends live 2 states over; your old college friends live scattered around several different states.
You kind of know Cameron from work though. You could try staying with her.
[[Ask to stay with Cameron]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyThere are some homeless shelters around the city. You've heard mixed things about them from some other homeless folk. Some say they come in handy when food is scarce. Most warn to stay as far away from those shelters as you can.
Still, a nice warm bed and some free meals sounds pretty tempting...
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ [[Stay at a shelter|FoodG]] ](else:)[ [[Stay at a shelter|FoodB]] ]
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyMaybe you can turn to your family for money.
Your mom and stepdad have been scraping to make rent each month, and your he's never been very fond of you. Still...maybe there's a chance that you could squeeze some money out of them.
[[Ask them for money]]
Back to [[The Streets]] You don't really know any of your high school or college friends well enough anymore to ask for money. They were more like aquantances when you knew them.
You do know Cameron from work though. You remember her being quite the generous soul — she's always talking about how much she'd love to fix the homeless epidemic! You could solicit her for some money.
[[Ask Cameron for money]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
You need a job, and what better place to look first than your old employer? Maybe they can affored to hire you again? After all, they must remember what a diligent, talented employee you were!
[[Talk to your old boss.]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou meet with your therapist. Everything's going to be okay.
(color:green)[+50] to Mental Health!
Go back to [[The Streets]]
(set: $money to $money - 150)(if: $mhealth <= 50)[ (set: $mhealth to $mhealth + 50) ](else:)[ (set: $mhealth to 100) ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(if: $money >= 5)[ [[Water]] [($5)((color:green)[+5] Physical Health)] ](else:)[ [[Water|WaterNO]] [($5)((color:green)[+5] Physical Health)] ]
(if: $money >= 10)[ [[Bread]] [($10)((color:green)[+10] Physical Health)] ](else:)[ [[Bread|BreadNO]] [($10)((color:green)[+10] Physical Health)] ]
(if: $money >= 30)[ [[Hot Meal]] [($30)((color:green)[+30] Physical Health)] ](else:)[ [[Hot Meal|Hot MealNO]] [($30)((color:green)[+30] Physical Health)] ]
(if: $money >= 30)[ [[Alchohol]] [($30)((color:green)[+10] Mental Health, (color:red)[-5] Physical Health)] ](else:)[ [[Alchohol|AlchoholNO]] [($30)((color:green)[+10] Mental Health, (color:red)[-5] Physical Health)] ]
Back to [[The Streets]] Therapy sessions cost $150 without health insurance. Come back when you have the money!
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:yellow)[CORPORATION, INC.]
You need this job. YOU NEED THIS JOB. You rush into the lobby of Corporation, Inc. and beg Janice to let you see Mr. Corporation. **You seem a bit unwired to her**, and she refuses to let you past the front desk.(click-replace: "You seem a bit unwired to her")[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[//She can smell the alchohol on your breath. Your obviously unstable//](else:)[//She eyes you like some freak. You're obviously mentally unstable//] ]
**You NEED this job.**(click-replace: "You NEED this job.")[ [//YOU NEED THIS JOB. YOU. NEED. THIS. JOB.// You demand that Janice let you meet with Mr. Corporation, but your pleading and screaming does no good. She calls security, and] [[you're thrown out on the street.]] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:yellow)[CORPORATION, INC.]
Janice, the secretary, remembers you when you ask to see Mr. Corporation. **He's too busy to see you right now**, but with some persistance, you convice her to set a meeting up with him.
(click-replace: "He's too busy to see you right now")[//You look filthy, gaunt, and unhealthy. You should not have come back here//]
When you see Mr. Corporation, you ask him for your job back. You explain to him your dire situation and remind him of your many qualifications. He tells you tells that he's sorry, but the position has been filled, and **you just don't seem like a good fit anymore.**
(click-replace: "you just don't seem like a good fit anymore.")[//employing a homeless person would endanger other employees and reflect poorly on the company.//]
[[You walk out, dejected.]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
(set: $phealth to $phealth - 10)
(set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 30)(color:red)[-30] Mental Health
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
(set: $phealth to $phealth - 10)Someone buys you a Hot Meal. Then they sit with you and have a conversation. A real conversation. With a real person.
(color:green)[+30] Physical Health
(color:green)[+20] Mental Health
(if:$phealth <= 70)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth + 30) ](else:)[ (set $phealth to 100) ](if:$mhealth <= 80)[ (set: $mhealth to $mhealth + 20) ](else:)[ (set: $mhealth to 100) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 1]] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 2]] ] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 3]] ] [(Earn some money?)]
Back to [[The Streets]].
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyA few kind souls toss you some money as they pass by.
(color:green)[+$20](set: $money to $money + 20)(set: $phealth to $phealth - 5)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ [ [ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ] ](else:)[ [ (if: (random:1,3) is 1)[(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 1]] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 2]] ] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 3]] ] [(Earn some money?)] ]
[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyMany people pass you, but no matter how loud you call out for spare change, none of them give you the time of day. Some give you an uncomfortable "I've got no cash on me" and a half shrug, while others just continue past you like you don't exist.
(color:red)[-10] Mental Health (set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 10)(set: $phealth to $phealth - 10)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ [ [ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ] ](else:)[ [ (if: (random:1,3) is 1)[(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 1]] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 2]] ] ](else:)[ [[Panhandle.|Panhandle 3]] ] [(Earn some money?)] ]
[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyThe bread fills you just enough to keep you going for now.
(color:green)[+10] Physical Health
(set: $money to $money - 10)
Back to [[The Store|Go to the store.]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
(if:$phealth <= 90)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth + 10) ](else:)[ (set: $phealth to 100) ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
This Hot Meal fills you up and warms you to the core.
(color:green)[+30] Physical Health
(set: $money to $money - 30)
Back to [[The Store|Go to the store.]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
(if:$phealth <= 70)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth + 30) ](else:)[ (set: $phealth to 100) ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
You drink some water. It's hydrating.
(color:green)[+5] Physical Health
(set: $money to $money - 5)
Back to [[The Store|Go to the store.]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
(if:$phealth <= 95)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth + 5) ](else:)[ (set: $phealth to 100) ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
The Alchohol burns inside of you, warming you just a bit. Your problems become a little more manageable for the time being.
(color:green)[+30] Mental Health
(color:red)[-5] Physical Health
(set: $money to $money - 30)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[
[ [Back to] [[The Store|Go to the store.]] ]
[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
(set: $phealth to $phealth - 5)
(if:$mhealth <= 70)[ (set: $mhealth to $mhealth + 30) ](else:)[ (set: $mhealth to 100) ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
You did it. You finally did it. You beat homelessness.
//It's not anywhere close to "living large,"// you think to yourself. //"But it is living."//
You can do so many things now: take a hot shower, sit around, cook a meal, sleep in bed, go for a run, turn the heater up, turn the cooler down, open up all your windows,...
You have way too many things to do now that your life is unpaused.Even at the cheapest apartments you can find, rent is $1000 a month! Come back when you have the money!
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:red)[-30] Mental Health
(set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 30)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:red)[GAME OVER]
There was never a light at the end of the tunnel, was there? No recovery from your financial or mental situations. The world hates you, and you hate you even more. Maybe there will be something better on the other side.
With the knowledge that there was never any hope, you take your own life.
(link: "Reload URL")[<script>document.location.reload();</script>](color:red)[GAME OVER]
Your last gleam of hope fades away as you collapse into the street. Starvation has gotten you.
As you embrace the bleak darkness, you wonder what it could have been like had you been given another chance at life.
(link: "Reload URL")[<script>document.location.reload();</script>](color:yellow)[HOME]
Your stepfather denies you rooming at first. **It's you're fault you're homeless anyways,** why should he let you stay? (click-replace: "It's you're fault you're homeless anyways,")[//You lost your job because you're a mentally incapacitated waste of space, and you're still on the streets because your too much of a lazy degenerate to find a new job —//]
But your mother convinces him to let you stay.
You stay, but after two weeks of bearing your stepfather's **nagging** and watchin your mother **go unhappy**, [[you leave home.]] (click-replace: "nagging")[//verbal abuse//](click-replace: "go unhappy")[//suffer in an abusive marriage for the sake of financial stability//]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:green)[+50] Health (if:$phealth <= 50)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth + 50) ](else:)[ (set: $phealth to 100) ]
(color:red)[-30] Mental Health
(set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 30)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyCameron remembers you! You two never talked much, but she'd be happy to extend a helping hand to someone in need. You graciously thank her, and plan only to stay for a **week** while you look for work. (click-replace: "a week while you look for work.")[two **weeks** while you look for work.](click-replace: "two weeks while you look for work.")[//over a month// while you look for work.
Two weeks past a month, Cameron talks to you about moving out. She **needs her own space**, and it's time for you to [[leave|leave Cameron]].](click-replace: "needs her own space, and")[is so tired of housing you, feeding you, and dealing with your irrational mood swings and pessimistic attitude —]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:green)[+70] Physical Health
(color:red)[-30] Mental Health
(if:$phealth <= 30)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth + 70) ](else:)[ (set: $phealth to 100) ](set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 30)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou don't really know any of your high school or college friends well enough anymore to ask for money. They were more like aquantances when you knew them.
And Cameron has already gone through enough trouble housing you. I don't think you're going to get any money out of her.
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou call up Cameron and ask for a charitable donation. It takes her a moment, but she remembers you. It's kind of wierd that you're calling her for money — you guys were only on a small-talk level when you worked at Corporation, Inc. And she's not really sure she's comfortable donating money that might be used **irresponsibly**.(click-replace: "irresponsibly")[//to fuel the drug-habit that she's sure is keeping you homeless//]
You remind her of all her talk about her charitable work for the homeless, and she obliges to making a donation (though you can sense the begrudging tone in her voice).
(color:red)[-10] Mental Health
(set: $money to $money + 100)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou don't really have any friends around here. Your few highschool friends live 2 states over; your old college friends live scattered around several different states.
You've already asked Cameron for money, and she didn't seem very happy about that. She probably won't be very open to you crashing at her place.
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:yellow)[HOME]
You go back home to visit your parents. Maybe you can squeeze a couple bucks out of them.
Your stepdad refuses. He tells you to get a job.(click-replace: "get a job.")[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[//stop being such a degenerate, lazy waste of a person and get a job. It's not his fault that you chose alchoholism over financial stability.//](else:)[//stop being such a degenerate, lazy waste of a person and get a job. Your mental-health excuses are not his problem.//] ]
But your mom manages to sneak you some money without your stepdad's knowledge.
(color:red)[-20] Mental Health
(set: $money to $money + 400) (set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 20)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyJust a little more Alchohol will help dull the pain.
(color:green)[+30] Mental Health
(color:red)[-5] Physical Health
(set: $money to $money - 30)(set: $phealth to $phealth - 5)(if:$mhealth <= 70)[ (set: $mhealth to $mhealth + 30) ](else:)[ (set: $mhealth to 100) ]
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[
[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money
Water costs $5. Come back when you have enough money!
Back to [[The Store|Go to the store.]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyBread costs $10. Come back when you have enough money!
Back to [[The Store|Go to the store.]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyA Hot Meal costs $30. Come back when you have enough money!
Back to [[The Store|Go to the store.]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyAlchohol costs $30. Come back when you have enough money!
Back to [[The Store|Go to the store.]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYour mom gave you money before, maybe you can squeeze some more out, right? Maybe your stepdad will even be partial to you this time!
[[Ask them for more!]]
Back to [[The Streets]]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money(color:yellow)[HOME]
You come back home to ask for more money. This time, things don't seem right. You see unhappiness on your mother's face, and the house seems unkempt.(click-replace: "unhappiness")[//deep bruises left//](click-replace: "the house seems unkempt")[//shards of broken fruniture litter the living room//]
Your stepdad must have found out what your mother did. You won't be getting any money out of him.
(color:red)[-40] Mental Health
(set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 40)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou decide to stay at the shelter for a night.
At dinner, you're not sure what is on the plate in front of you, but it's certaintly not food. You choose to go hungry tonight.
(color:red)[-10] Physical Health
(set: $phealth to $phealth - 10)
(if:(random:1,3) is 1)[ [[Ask a staff to show you to your bed.|StaffG]] ](else:)[ [[Ask a staff to show you to your bed.|StaffB1]] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou decide to stay at the shelter for a night.
For dinner, the shelter serves cheap pasta with some hard rolls of bread. The food is bareable.
(color:green)[+10] Physical Health
(if: $phealth <= 90)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth +10) ](else:)[ (set: $phealth to 100) ]
(if:(random:1,3) is 1)[ [[Ask a staff to show you to your bed.|StaffG]] ](else:)[ [[Ask a staff to show you to your bed.|StaffB1]] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyA staff member shows you where you'll be sleeping tonight. She's kind to you. You manage to strike up a conversation. You're the one doing most of the talking, but it still feels good to be listened to.
(color:green)[+10] Mental Mealth
(if: $mhealth <= 90)[ (set: $mhealth to $mhealth +10) ](else:)[ (set: $mhealth to 100) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ [[Finally, a warm bed.|BedG]] ](else:)[ [[Finally, a warm bed.|BedB]] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyA staff member shows you to your bed. He keeps his distance from you as if he may contract leprosy if he gets close.
He mumbles something about barely having enough beds as it is. You ask him to speak up.
"You're filthy. Try not to mess up our beds any more than they are," he says, then walks away.
(color:red)[-10] Mental Health
(set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 10)
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ [[At least you have a bed to stay in.|BedG]] ](else:)[ [[At least you have a bed to stay in.|BedB]] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyYou're bed for the night isn't much — just a cheap, half-broken cot with a blanket — but it's still a bed.
(color:green)[+10] Physical Health
(color:green)[+10] Mental Health
(if: $phealth <= 90)[ (set: $phealth to $phealth +10) ](else:)[ (set: $phealth to 100) ](if: $mhealth <= 90)[ (set: $mhealth to $mhealth +10) ](else:)[ (set: $mhealth to 100) ]
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$moneyIt's really not much of a bed at all — just an old broken cot with some tattered fabric for a blanket.
And worse yet — when you wake in the morning you discover bed bug bites all over!
(color:red)[-10] Physical Health
(color:red)[-10] Mental Health
(set: $mhealth to $mhealth - 10)(set: $phealth to $phealth - 10)
(if: $phealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over PHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if: $mhealth <= 0)[ [[GAME OVER|Game over MHEALTH]] ](else:)[ (if:(history:) contains "Alchohol")[ (if:(random:1,2) is 1)[ [Back to] [[The Streets|Alchohol 2]] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ](else:)[ [Back to] [[The Streets]] ] ] ]
Physical Health: $phealth
Mental Health: $mhealth
Money: $$money