<<if $gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage gt 0>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Damage += $gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>><<endif>>\n<<if $gems [$GemNum] [1] .GRange gt 0>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .GRange += $gems [$GemNum] [1] .GRange>><<endif>>\n<<if $gems [$GemNum] [1] .Magic gt 0>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Magic += $gems [$GemNum] [1] .Magic>><<endif>>\n<<if $gems [$GemNum] [1] .NL eq true>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .NL = true>><<endif>>\n<<if $gems [$GemNum] [1] .Knockback gt 0>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Knockback += $gems [$GemNum] [1] .Knockback>><<endif>>
<<if $Equipped.Head neq 0>>\n\t<<set $Damage += $Equipped.Head.Damage, $GRange += $Equipped.Head.GRange, $Knockback += $Equipped.Head.Knockback, $Magic += $Equipped.Head.Magic>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Equipped.Pendant neq 0>>\n\t<<set $Damage += $Equipped.Pendant.Damage, $GRange += $Equipped.Pendant.GRange, $Knockback += $Equipped.Pendant.Knockback, $Magic += $Equipped.Pendant.Magic>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Equipped.Hands neq 0>>\n\t<<set $Damage += $Equipped.Hands.Damage, $GRange += $Equipped.Hands.GRange, $Knockback += $Equipped.Hands.Knockback, $Magic += $Equipped.Hands.Magic>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Equipped.Belt neq 0>>\n\t<<set $Damage += $Equipped.Belt.Damage, $GRange += $Equipped.Belt.GRange, $Knockback += $Equipped.Belt.Knockback, $Magic += $Equipped.Belt.Magic>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Equipped.Feet neq 0>>\n\t<<set $Damage += $Equipped.Feet.Damage, $GRange += $Equipped.Feet.GRange, $Knockback += $Equipped.Feet.Knockback, $Magic += $Equipped.Feet.Magic>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $DB = Math.floor($Damage / 10)>>\n<<set $RB = Math.floor($GRange / 10)>>\n<<set $KB = Math.floor($Knockback / 10)>>\n<<set $MB = Math.floor($Magic / 10)>>
Set Gems to activate their abilities! Once you have 10 points in total in a given Stat, you get a Bonus to it!\n\nWhich item would you like to set a Gem to?\n\n<<display "SlotViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $Equipping = "Belt">><<display "SV2">>\n\n[[Unequip]]\n\n[[Back|Equip Items]]
<<silently>><<set $LvArr = ["Grue", "Grue"]>>\n\n<<set $ObjMon = {Grue : {Type: "Grue", HP: 3, Dist: 3, Move: 1, Atta: 1, GS : 150}, \n\tHarpy : {Type: "Harpy", HP: 2, Dist: 5, Move: 2, Atta: 1, GS : 200}, \n\tDemon : {Type: "Demon", HP: 2, Dist: 1, Move: 1, Atta: 2, GS : 250},\n\tTitan : {Type: "Titan", HP: 5, Dist: 5, Move: 1, Atta: 2, GS : 600}\n}>>\n<<set $ArrMon = ["Grue", "Harpy", "Demon", "Titan"]>>\n<<set $DKey = ["North", "North-East", "East", "South-East", "South", "South-West", "West", "North-West"], $OppKey = ["South", "South-West", "West", "North-West", "North", "North-East", "East", "South-East"]>>\n\n/%for GEMS & ACCESSORIES, need to update both lists. Because I'm lazy is why%/\n\n<<set $items = [\n{Name : "Shotguns",\nPrice : 1000,\nEquip : ["Hands", "Feet"],\nAtta : 1,\nKB : 1,\nRange: 1,\nSlots: [0, 0],\nSFX: "BOOM",\nWeap: true},\n{Name : "Pistols",\nPrice : 500,\nEquip : ["Hands", "Feet"],\nAtta : 1,\nRange: 3,\nSlots: [0, 0],\nSFX: "BANG",\nWeap: true},\n{Name : "Swords",\nPrice : 750,\nEquip : ["Hands", "Feet"],\nAtta : 4,\nRange: 0,\nSlots: [0, 0, 0],\nSFX: "SCHWING",\nWeap: true},\n{Name : "Gauntlets",\nPrice : 750,\nEquip : ["Hands", "Feet"],\nAtta : 3,\nRange: 0,\nKB: 1,\nSlots: [0, 0],\nSFX: "BONK",\nWeap: true},\n{Name : "Cheap Trinket",\nPrice : 150,\nEquip : ["Pendant"],\nSlots: [0]},\n{Name : "Pins",\nPrice : 500,\nEquip : ["Pendant"],\nSlots: [0, 0]},\n{Name : "Sash",\nPrice : 350,\nEquip : ["Head", "Belt"],\nSlots: [0]},\n{Name : "Beret",\nPrice : 350,\nEquip : ["Head"],\nSlots: [0, 0]\n},\n{Name : "Silver Buckle",\nPrice : 600,\nEquip : ["Belt"],\nSlots: [0, 0, 0]},\n{Name : "Jet Gem",\nKnockback : 4,\nPrice : 500,\nGem : true\n},\n{Name : "Pearl Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nGRange : 4,\nGem : true\n},\n{Name : "Garnet Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nDamage : 4,\nGem : true\n},\n{Name : "Amethyst Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nGRange : 4,\nGem : true\n},\n{Name : "Emerald Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nMagic : 4,\nGem: true\n},\n{Name : "Amber Gem",\nPrice : 500,\nNL : true,\nGem : true\n}]\n>>\n<<set $items2 = [{Name : "Cheap Trinket",\nPrice : 150,\nEquip : ["Pendant"],\nSlots: [0]\n},\n{Name : "Pins",\nPrice : 500,\nEquip : ["Pendant"],\nSlots: [0, 0]\n},\n{Name : "Sash",\nPrice : 350,\nEquip : ["Head", "Belt"],\nSlots: [0]\n},\n{Name : "Beret",\nPrice : 350,\nEquip : ["Head"],\nSlots: [0, 0]\n},\n{Name : "Silver Buckle",\nPrice : 600,\nEquip : ["Belt"],\nSlots: [0, 0, 0]}], $items3 = [{Name : "Pearl Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nKnockback : 4,\nGem : true\n},\n{Name : "Garnet Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nDamage : 4,\nGem : true\n},\n{Name : "Amethyst Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nGRange : 4,\nGem : true\n},\n{Name : "Emerald Gem",\nPrice : 300,\nMagic : 4,\nGem: true\n},\n{Name : "Amber Gem",\nPrice : 500,\nNL : true,\nGem : true\n}]>>\n<<set $GS = 2000, $invmax = 12>>\n/%Punk: Knockback, [Black, White], Suave: Damage, [Red, Black], Lolita: Range [Amethyst, White], Peacock: Magic [Green, Red]%/\n<<set $Punkitude = 0, $Suavality = 0, $Lolitessence = 0, $Peacoclicity = 0, $Damage = 0, $GRange = 0, $Knockback = 0, $Magic = 1, $Range = 0, $MaxHP = 12, $TSC = -2, $GGC = -2, $HC = -2>>\n<<set $HP = $MaxHP>>\n<<set $HandDam = 1, $FootDam = 2>>\n<<set $Equipped = {Head: 0,\nPendant: 0,\nHands: 0,\nBelt: 0,\nFeet: 0}>>\n<<set $First = true, $Lv = 1>><<set $inventory = []>><<endsilently>>\n<center><font size = 8>SUPER\n\nGEM-ENCRUSTED\n\nFASHION\n\nFIGHTER</font>\n\n[[New Game|Shopping]] | [[How to Play]] | [[Inspirations]]</center>
<<silently>>\n<<set $SFX = "Pow!">>\n<<set $Range += $GRange>>\n<<if $Attack eq "Punch">>\n\t<<set $AttW = "Hands">>\n\t<<set $Dam = $HandDam + $DB>>\n\t<<if $Equipped.Hands neq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $Weap = $Equipped.Hands.Name>>\n\t\t<<set $WeapNL = $Equipped.Hands.NL>>\n\t\t<<set $Range += $Equipped.Hands.Range>>\n\t\t<<set $Dam += $Equipped.Hands.Atta>>\n\t\t<<set $Knockback += $Equipped.Hands.KB>>\n\t\t<<set $SFX = $Equipped.Hands.SFX>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<else if $Attack eq "Kick">>\n\t<<set $AttW = "Feet">>\n\t<<set $Dam = $FootDam + $DB>>\n\t<<if $Equipped.Feet neq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $Weap = $Equipped.Feet.Name>>\n\t\t<<set $WeapNL = $Equipped.Feet.NL>>\n\t\t<<set $Dam += $Equipped.Feet.Atta>>\n\t\t<<set $Range += $Equipped.Feet.Range>>\n\t\t<<set $Knockback += $Equipped.Feet.KB>>\n\t\t<<set $SFX = $Equipped.Feet.SFX>>\n\t<<endif>>\t\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n<<if $Attack eq "Punch" or $Attack eq "Kick">>You <<$Attack>> <<$DKey [$AD] >>!\n\n<<if $enemies [$AD] neq 0 and $enemies [$AD] .Dist lte $Range>><<set $enemies [$AD] .HP -= $Dam>>\n\t<<if $enemies [$AD] .HP lte 0 and $WeapNL neq true>>\n\tYou attack with your <<$Weap>> (<<$AttW>>). <<$SFX>>! The <<$enemies [$AD] .Type>> dies! <<set $GS += ($enemies [$AD] .GS)>><<set $enemies [$AD] = 0>><<set $enenum-->>\n\t<<else if $enemies [$AD] .HP lte 0 and $WeapNL eq true>>\n\t<<set $enemies[$AD] .HP = 1>>\n\tYou attack with your <<$Weap>> (<<$AttW>>). <<$SFX>>, leaving it at ''<<$enemies [$AD] .HP>>HP'' (//due to your Nonlethal <<$Weap>>//)! <<if $Knockback gt 0>>You knock the <<$enemies [$AD] .Type>> back <<$Knockback>> spaces! <<set $enemies [$AD] .Dist += $Knockback>><<endif>>\n\t<<else>>\n\tYou attack with your <<$Weap>> (<<$AttW>>). <<$SFX>>! You do <<$Dam>> Damage to the <<$enemies [$AD] .Type>>, leaving it at ''<<$enemies [$AD] .HP>>HP''! <<if $Knockback gt 0>>You knock the <<$enemies [$AD] .Type>> back <<$Knockback>> spaces! <<set $enemies [$AD] .Dist += $Knockback>><<endif>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<else>>You attack with your <<$Weap>> (<<$AttW>>). <<$SFX>>! Oops! You miss!\n<<endif>>\n\nAttack Range: <<$Range>> Equipped: <<$Equipped.Hands.Range>> Enemy Range: <<$enemies [$AD] .Dist>>\n<<else if $Attack eq "Magic">>\nWhat type of Magic would you like to use?\n\n<<if $TSC lte -2>>[[Timestop|Magic][$magi = "Timestop"]]<<endif>>\n<<if $HC lte -2>>[[Heal|Magic][$magi = "Heal"]]<<endif>>\n<<if $GGC lte -2>><<[[Gemlight Geyser|Magic][$magi = "Gemlight Geyser"]]<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Range = 0>><<set $OppDir = $OppKey [$AD]>><<set $OppOpp = $DKey.indexOf($OppDir) >>\n<<if $enemies [$AD] neq 0 and $enemies [$AD] .Dist lte $Range and $enemies [$AD] .HP eq 1>>\s\nUsing its own momentum against it, you throw the <<$enemies [$AD] .Type>>, killing it! <<set $GS += $enemies [$AD] .GS * 2>><<set $enemies [$AD] = 0>><<set $enenum-->><<if $enemies [$OppOpp] neq 0>><<set $enemies [$OppOpp] .Dist += 2, $enemies [$OppOpp] .HP -= 1>>You hurl it into the <<$enemies [$OppOpp] .Type>> to the <<$OppDir>>! It gets knocked back 2, and takes 1 damage! <<if $enemies [$OppOpp] .HP lt 1>>It dies!<<set $GS += $enemies [$OppOpp] .GS * 2>><<set $enemies [$OppOpp] = 0>><<set $enenum-->><<endif>><<endif>>\n\nOppDir: <<$OppDir>> OppOpp: <<$OppOpp>>\n<<else>>\nYou grasp gracelessly at thin air! Oops!\n\nOppDir: <<$OppDir>> OppOpp: <<$OppOpp>>\n\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Attack neq "Magic">>[[Okay|Turn]]<<endif>>\n
<<display "InvFinder">>\n\n<<return>>
<<if $sc lt $inventory [$rc] .Slots.length>>\n\t<<set $sc++>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $sc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<set $rc = 0>><<if $magi eq "Heal">>A warm, radiant light fills your body, healing your wounds for <<$Magic>>.<<set $HP += $Magic>><<if $HP gt $MaxHP>><<set $HP = $MaxHP>><<endif>><<set $HC = 2>>.\n<<else if $magi eq "Timestop">>Time hangs still for a few moments, giving you <<$Magic>> turns to act freely.<<set $TSC = $Magic - 1>><<else>>You hit all enemies next to you for <<$Magic>>!\n\n<<display "GemlightGeyser">><<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Turn]]
<<set $GemItem = 3>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<if $rc lt $inventory.length>>\n\tName: <<$inventory [$rc] .Name>>\n\tPrice: <<$inventory [$rc] .Price>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Equip neq null>>\tGoes on Yer: <<$inventory [$rc] .Equip>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Atta neq null>>\tAttack: <<$inventory [$rc] .Slots>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .KB neq null>>\tKnockback: <<$inventory [$rc] .KB>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Range neq null>>\tRange: <<$inventory [$rc] .Range>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Slots neq null>>\tGem Slots: <<$inventory [$rc] .Slots.length>><<endif>>\n\n-------------------------------\n\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "InvFinder">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>><<if $rc lt $inventory.length>>\n\t<<if $inventory [$rc] .Gem eq true>>\n\t\t<<set $gems.push([$rc, $inventory [$rc] ])>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "GemFinder">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>><<endsilently>>
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[10]>><<set $inventory.splice(10, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[0]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(10, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<set $Equipping = "Head">><<display "SV2">>\n\n[[Unequip]]\n\n[[Back|Equip Items]]
<<set $buying = false>><<silently>><<display "ItemFinder">><<endsilently>>Ahh, so y'want the <<$items [$buying] .Name>>? <<if $GS gte $items [$buying] .Price>>That'll be <<$items [$buying] .Price>>. Thanks very much! <<set $newitem = $items [$buying]>><<if $newitem.Gem neq true>><<set $newitem.Damage = 0, $newitem.GRange = 0, $newitem.Magic = 0, $newitem.Knockback = 0>><<endif>><<set $inventory.push($newitem)>><<set $GS -= $items [$buying] .Price>><<else>>You can't afford it!<<endif>>\n\n[[Shopping]]
<<if $First eq true>>"Ahhh.. A new Fashion Fighter out to prove yerself, eh? Y'want my advice? Buy a weapon before anything else! Anyway.. <<endif>>Welcome to me shop!"\n\nWhat'll ye be wanting? All me stock is listed below."\n\nYou have ''<<$GS>> Gem Shards'' to spend. You have ''<<print $invmax - $inventory.length>> spaces'' left in your Inventory.\n\n[[I'm done!|Equip]]<<if $inventory.length gt 0>> | [[Um, what do I have again?|Inventory]]<<endif>>\n\nShop:\n\n<<if $inventory.length lte 12>><table border="1">\n<tbody>\n <tr>\n <th>Weapons</th>\n <th>Accessories</th>\n <th>GEMS</th>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>[[Shotguns|Buy][$purchase = "Shotguns"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [0] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [0] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items [0] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [0] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items [0] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [0] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items [0] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [0] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items [0] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [0] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items [0] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Pistols|Buy][$purchase = "Pistols"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [1] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [1] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items [1] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [1] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items [1] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [1] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items [1] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [1] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items [1] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [1] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items [1] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Swords|Buy][$purchase = "Swords"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [2] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [2] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items [2] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [2] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items [2] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [2] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items [2] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [2] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items [2] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [2] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items [2] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Gauntlets|Buy][$purchase = "Gauntlets"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [3] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [3] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items [3] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [3] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items [3] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [3] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items [3] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [3] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items [3] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [3] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items [3] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n</td>\n <td>[[Cheap Trinket|Buy][$purchase = "Cheap Trinket"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items2 [0] .Price>>''\n<<if $items2 [0] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items2 [0] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [0] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items2 [0] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [0] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items2 [0] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [0] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items2 [0] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [0] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items2 [0] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Pins|Buy][$purchase = "Pins"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items2 [1] .Price>>''\n<<if $items2 [1] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items2 [1] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [1] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items2 [1] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [1] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items2 [1] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [1] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items2 [1] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [1] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items2 [1] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Sash|Buy][$purchase = "Sash"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items2 [2] .Price>>''\n<<if $items2 [2] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items2 [2] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [2] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items2 [2] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [2] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items2 [2] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [2] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items2 [2] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [2] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items2 [2] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Beret|Buy][$purchase = "Beret"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items2 [3] .Price>>''\n<<if $items2 [3] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items2 [3] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [3] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items2 [3] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [3] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items2 [3] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [3] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items2 [3] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [3] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items2 [3] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Silver Buckle|Buy][$purchase = "Silver Buckle"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items2 [4] .Price>>''\n<<if $items2 [4] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items2 [4] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [4] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items2 [4] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [4] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items2 [4] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [4] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items2 [4] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items2 [4] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items2 [4] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>></td>\n <td>[[Pearl Gem|Buy][$purchase = "Pearl Gem"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items3 [0] .Price>>''\n<<if $items3 [0] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items3 [0] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [0] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items3 [0] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [0] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items3 [0] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [0] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items3 [0] .Magic>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [0] .NL eq true>>//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Garnet Gem|Buy][$purchase = "Garnet Gem"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items3 [1] .Price>>''\n<<if $items3 [1] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items3 [1] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [1] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items3 [1] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [1] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items3 [1] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [1] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items3 [1] .Magic>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [1] .NL eq true>>//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Amethyst Gem|Buy][$purchase = "Amethyst Gem"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items3 [2] .Price>>''\n<<if $items3 [2] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items3 [2] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [2] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items3 [2] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [2] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items3 [2] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [2] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items3 [2] .Magic>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [2] .NL eq true>>//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Emerald Gem|Buy][$purchase = "Emerald Gem"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items3 [3] .Price>>''\n<<if $items3 [3] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items3 [3] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [3] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items3 [3] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [3] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items3 [3] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [3] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items3 [3] .Magic>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [3] .NL eq true>>//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>>\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Amber Gem|Buy][$purchase = "Amber Gem"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items3 [4] .Price>>''\n<<if $items3 [4] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .Magic>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .NL eq true>>//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>></td>\n </tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<<else>>\nThe shop's closed! You bought too many items. :< Try setting some gems or equipping some of your stuff!\n<<endif>>
<<if $rc lt $items.length>>\n\t<<if $items [$rc] .Gem eq true>>\n\t//Name:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Name>>''\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [$rc] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [$rc] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [$rc] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [$rc] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [$rc] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Magic>>''/10\n<<else if $items [$rc] .NL neq null>>//''Nonlethal!''//<<endif>>\n-------------------------------\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "ShopGem">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
\n\n---------------------------------\n\n[[Amber Gem|Buy][$purchase = "Amber Gem"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items3 [4] .Price>>''\n<<if $items3 [4] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items3 [4] .Magic>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items3 [4] .NL eq true>>//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>>
<<if $rc lt $inventory.length>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Slots neq null and $inventory [$rc] .Slots.indexOf(0) neq -1>>\n\t<<print "[[" + $inventory [$rc] .Name + "|" + "GemSet" + $rc+ "]]">>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Equip neq null>>\tGoes on Yer: <<$inventory [$rc] .Equip>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Atta neq null>>\tAttack: <<$inventory [$rc] .Atta>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .KB neq null>>\tKnockback: <<$inventory [$rc] .KB>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Range neq null>>\tRange: <<$inventory [$rc] .Range>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Slots neq null>>\tGem Slots: <<$inventory [$rc] .Slots.length>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "SlotViewer">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<center>SUPER GEM-ENCRUSTED FASHION FIGHTER\nMANUAL</center>\n\n------------------\n''INTRO''\n------------------\n\nSuper Gem-Encrusted Fashion Fighter is a game in which hostile mobs will attack you from all sides. To combat these, you have your hands, feet and any weapons you can strap onto them, as well as various items you can equip to other parts of your body.\n\n------------------\n''EQUIPMENT''\n------------------\n\n\nThe items you buy can all be augmented to make them more powerful; All items have Gem Slots. For some items, this is their only purpose! Gems can be bought from the Shop and inserted into these slots (permenantly). Once this is done, the Gem will confer a bonus to one of your ''Core Stats'':\n\n# ''Damage'' - How much damage each attack does.\n# ''Range'' - How far you can attack.\n# ''Knockback'' - How far an attack pushes an enemy back\n# ''Magic'' - How effective your magic is.\n\nThese bonuses are only conferred if //''10 points''// of that Stat are present on your character. These do //not// have to be in your weapons, or in any 1 item, but can be spread all over. Choose your gems carefully!\n\n------------------\n''COMBAT''\n------------------\n\nOnce your character is all suited up, it's time for combat! To attack a creature, you choose your Attack type and then a Direction to attack in.\n\n''Punches'' are attacks with your fists, or Hand weapons if equipped. These have an innate <<$HandDam>> Damage regardless of Weapon.\n\n''Kicks'' are attack with your feet, or Fist weapons if equipped. These have an innate <<$FootDam>> Damage regardless of Weapon.\n\n''Throws'' are powerful, but only work on enemies on //''1HP''//. Throws only ever work at //''close range''//, too, regardless of your Range stat.\n\nIf a Throw is landed, the enemy is flipped and thrown in the direction they were travelling; If the enemy comes from the North, they will be thrown South, and any Southward enemy will take Damage & Knockback from the impact. The Thrown enemy will die. ''Throws net you x2 Gold Shards for //each// enemy killed this way.'' \n\nBecause of this, it can be //extremely useful// to have either your hands or feet deal ''Nonlethal Damage''. To do this, set an ''Amber Gem'' in the Weapon. This only requires one Amber Gem.\n\n''Magic'' is another powerful asset available to you. This is selected like any other attack, but in this case //direction doesn't matter//. After this, you will be asked to choose one of the following:\n\n''Gemlight Geyser'': 1 + your Magic Bonus damage to each enemy within 0 spaces of you.\n''Heal'': Heal 1 + your Magic Bonus HP (note: HP heals automatically at the end of the round!).\n''Timestop'': Stops time for 1 + your Magic Bonus turns.\n\n<<return>>
<<if $rc lt $items.length>>\n\t<<if $items [$rc] .Name eq $purchase>>\n\t\t<<set $buying = $rc>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "ItemFinder">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<set $GemItem = 8>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[4]>><<set $inventory.splice(4, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[4]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(4, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<set $Placeholder = false>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.push(clone($Equipped [$Equipping]))>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>.\s\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<if $sc lt $inventory [$rc] .Slots.length>>\s\n\t<<if $inventory [$rc] .Slots neq 0>>\s\n\t\t<<print $inventory [$rc] .Slots [$sc] .Name>>\s\n\t\t<<if $sc lt $inventory [$rc] .Slots.length - 1>>\s\n\t\t\t<<print ", ">>\s\n\t\t<<endif>>\s\n\t<<endif>>\s\n\t<<set $sc++>>\s\n\t<<display "SlotInnards">>\s\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $sc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[7]>><<set $inventory.splice(7, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[7]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(7, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<set $Equipping = "Hands">><<display "SV2">>\n\n[[Unequip]]\n\n[[Back|Equip Items]]
Super Gem-Encrusted Fashion Fighter
<<silently>>\n<<set $Punkitude = 0, $Cybericiousness = 0, $Lolitessence = 0, $Peacoclicity = 0, $Damage = 0, $Range = 0, $Knockback = 0, $Magic = 0, $First = true>>\n<<display StatChecker>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[Back|Equip]]\n\n''Equipment''\n//[[Head]]:// <<if $Equipped.Head neq false>><<print $Equipped.Head.Name>><<endif>>\n//[[Hands]]:// <<if $Equipped.Hands neq false>><<print $Equipped.Hands.Name>> ''Total Damage:'' <<print $Equipped.Hands.Atta + $DB + $HandDam>> <<if $Equipped.Hands .NL eq true>>''//Nonlethal//''<<endif>><<endif>>\n//[[Pendant]]:// <<if $Equipped.Pendant neq false>><<print $Equipped.Pendant.Name>><<endif>>\n//[[Belt]]:// <<if $Equipped.Belt neq false>><<print $Equipped.Belt.Name>><<endif>>\n//[[Feet]]:// <<if $Equipped.Feet neq false>><<print $Equipped.Feet.Name>> ''Total Damage:'' <<print $Equipped.Feet.Atta + $DB + $FootDam>> <<if $Equipped.Feet .NL eq true>>''//Nonlethal//''<<endif>><<endif>>\n\nTo equip or unequip an Item, click the relevant Item Slot.\n\n/%\n''Style''\n//<font color = "pink">Lolitessence</font> (+Range, Garnet/Pearl):// <<$Lolitessence>>\n//Punkitude (+Knockback, Jet/Pearl):// <<$Punkitude>>\n//<font color = "green">Peacoclicity</font> (+Magic, Garnet/Emerald):// <<$Peacoclicity>>\n//<font color = "cyan">Cybericiousness</font> (+Damage, Amethyst/Jet):// <<$Cybericiousness>>\n%/\n\n''Points/Bonus:''\n//Damage:// <<$Damage>>/<<$DB>>\n//Range:// <<$GRange>>/<<$RB>>\n//Knockback:// <<$Knockback>>/<<$KB>>\n//Magic:// <<$Magic>>/<<$MB>>
<<if $rc lt $inventory.length>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Slots neq null and $inventory [$rc] .Equip.indexOf($Equipping) neq -1>>\n\t<<print "[[" + "Equip " + $inventory [$rc] .Name + "|" + "Equ" + $rc+ "]]">>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Equip neq null>>\tGoes on Yer: <<$inventory [$rc] .Equip>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Atta neq null>>\tAttack: <<$inventory [$rc] .Atta>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .KB neq null>>\tKnockback: <<$inventory [$rc] .KB>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Range neq null>>\tRange: <<$inventory [$rc] .Range>><<endif>>\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .Slots neq null>>\tGem Slots: <<$inventory [$rc] .Slots.length>> (<<set $sc = 0>><<display "SlotInnards">><<endif>>)\n<<if $inventory [$rc] .NL neq null>>\t//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "SV2">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<set $Equipping = "Pendant">><<display "SV2">>\n\n[[Unequip]]\n\n[[Back|Equip Items]]
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 3>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 2>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 1>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 0>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 7>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 6>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 5>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 4>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
<<if $rc lt $items.length>>\n\t<<if $items [$rc] .Weap eq null and $items [$rc] .Gem eq null>>\n\t//Name:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Name>>''\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [$rc] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [$rc] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [$rc] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Slots.length>>''<<endif>>\n-------------------------------\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "ShopAcc">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 9>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 8>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
<<set $GemItem = 10>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
[[Shotgun|Buy][$purchase = "Shotgun"]]\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [0] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [0] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items [0] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [0] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items [0] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [0] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items [0] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [0] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items [0] .Magic>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [0] .LN eq true>>//''Nonlethal''//<<endif>>
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[9]>><<set $inventory.splice(9, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[9]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(9, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $DMG = 0>>\n<<set $Message = "">>\n<<if $First eq true>>\n\t<<set $enemies = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>\n\t<<set $enenum = 0>>\n\t<<set $SN = Math.ceil(Math.random()*$Lv)>>\n\t<<display "Spawner">>\n\t<<set $Round = 1>>\n\t<<set $First = false>>\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $Round lt 6>>\n\t<<set $Round++>>\n\t\t<<set $SN = Math.floor(Math.random()*$Lv + ($Round / 2))>>\n\t\t<<if $TSC lt 0>>\n\t\t\t<<display "Spawner">>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<if $TSC lt 0>>\n\t\t<<display "Mover">>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $Message += "The world around you hangs frozen..">>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $Punkitude = 0, $Cybericiousness = 0, $Lolitessence = 0, $Peacoclicity = 0, $Damage = 0, $Range = 0, $Knockback = 0, $Magic = 1>>\n<<display StatChecker>>\n<<set $HP -= $DMG>>\n<<set $TSC--, $HC--, $GGC-->>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $HP gt 0>>\n<<if $Round lt 6 or $enenum neq 0>>\n\nEnemies: <<$enemies>>\n\n<<if $enemies[7] neq 0 and $enemies[7].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[7].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[0] neq 0 and $enemies[0].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[0].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[1] neq 0 and $enemies[1].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[1].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>\n░<<if $enemies[7] neq 0 and $enemies[7].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[7].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[0] neq 0 and $enemies[0].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[0].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[1] neq 0 and $enemies[1].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[1].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░\n<<if $enemies[6] neq 0 and $enemies[6].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[6].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[6] neq 0 and $enemies[6].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[6].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>X<<if $enemies[2] neq 0 and $enemies[2].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[2].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[2] neq 0 and $enemies[2].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[2].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>\n░<<if $enemies[5] neq 0 and $enemies[5].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[5].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[4] neq 0 and $enemies[4].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[4].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[3] neq 0 and $enemies[3].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[3].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░\n<<if $enemies[5] neq 0 and $enemies[5].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[5].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[4] neq 0 and $enemies[4].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[4].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[3] neq 0 and $enemies[3].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[3].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>\n\n''Level: <<$Lv>> Round: <<$Round>> | HP: <<$HP>> | GS: <<$GS>>''\n\n<<print $Message>>\n\nInput:\n\nChoose your Attack: <<cyclinglink $Attack "Punch" "Kick" "Throw" "Magic">>\n\nThen choose your Direction:\n\n<table border="0">\n<tbody>\n <tr>\n <td>[[NW|Attack][$AD = 7]]</td>\n <td>[[N|Attack][$AD = 0]]</td>\n <td>[[NE|Attack][$AD = 1]]</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>[[W|Attack][$AD = 6]]</td>\n <td>''X''</td>\n <td>[[E|Attack][$AD = 2]]</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>[[SW|Attack][$AD = 5]]</td>\n <td>[[S|Attack][$AD = 4]]</td>\n <td>[[SE|Attack][$AD = 3]]</td>\n </tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n\n[[Wait|Turn]]\n\n<<if $enemies[0] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[0].Type>> approaching from the ''North''! It is ''<<$enemies[0].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[0].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n<<if $enemies[1] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[1].Type>> approaching from the ''North-East''! It is ''<<$enemies[1].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[1].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n<<if $enemies[2] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[2].Type>> approaching from the ''East''! It is ''<<$enemies[2].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[2].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n<<if $enemies[3] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[3].Type>> approaching from the ''South-East''! It is ''<<$enemies[3].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[3].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n<<if $enemies[4] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[4].Type>> approaching from the ''South''! It is ''<<$enemies[4].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[4].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n<<if $enemies[5] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[5].Type>> approaching from the ''South-West''! It is ''<<$enemies[5].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[5].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n<<if $enemies[6] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[6].Type>> approaching from the ''West''! It is ''<<$enemies[6].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[6].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n<<if $enemies[7] neq 0>>There is a <<$enemies[7].Type>> approaching from the ''North-West''! It is ''<<$enemies[7].Dist>>'' space<<if $enemies[7].Dist neq 1>>s<<endif>> from you!\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $endlevel = true>>\nLEVEL CLEAR!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\n<<if $enemies[7] neq 0 and $enemies[7].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[7].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[0] neq 0 and $enemies[0].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[0].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[1] neq 0 and $enemies[1].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[1].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>\n░<<if $enemies[7] neq 0 and $enemies[7].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[7].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[0] neq 0 and $enemies[0].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[0].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[1] neq 0 and $enemies[1].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[1].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░\n<<if $enemies[6] neq 0 and $enemies[6].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[6].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[6] neq 0 and $enemies[6].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[6].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>X<<if $enemies[2] neq 0 and $enemies[2].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[2].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[2] neq 0 and $enemies[2].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[2].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>\n░<<if $enemies[5] neq 0 and $enemies[5].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[5].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[4] neq 0 and $enemies[4].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[4].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>><<if $enemies[3] neq 0 and $enemies[3].Dist eq 0>><<print $enemies[3].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░\n<<if $enemies[5] neq 0 and $enemies[5].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[5].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[4] neq 0 and $enemies[4].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[4].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>░<<if $enemies[3] neq 0 and $enemies[3].Dist eq 1>><<print $enemies[3].Type[0]>><<else>>░<<endif>>\n\n<<print $Message>>\n\nYour HP is <<$HP>>. You have died!\n<<endif>>
\n\nversion.extensions.cyclinglinkMacro={major:3,minor:3,revision:0};\nmacros.cyclinglink={handler:function(a,b,c){var rl="cyclingLink";\nfunction toggleText(w){w.classList.remove("cyclingLinkInit");\nw.classList.toggle(rl+"Enabled");w.classList.toggle(rl+"Disabled");\nw.style.display=((w.style.display=="none")?"inline":"none")}switch(c[c.length-1]){case"end":var end=true;\nc.pop();break;case"out":var out=true;c.pop();break}var v="";if(c.length&&c[0][0]=="$"){v=c[0].slice(1);\nc.shift()}var h=state.history[0].variables;if(out&&h[v]===""){return\n}var l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a,null);l.className="internalLink cyclingLink";\nl.setAttribute("data-cycle",0);for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=(i==Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0));\nvar d=insertElement(null,"span",null,"cyclingLinkInit cyclingLink"+((on)?"En":"Dis")+"abled");\nif(on){h[v]=c[i];l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)}else{d.style.display="none"\n}insertText(d,c[i]);if(on&&end&&i==c.length-1){l.parentNode.replaceChild(d,l)\n}else{l.appendChild(d)}}l.onclick=function(){var t=this.childNodes;\nvar u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0;var m=t.length;toggleText(t[u]);\nu=(u+1);if(!(out&&u==m)){u%=m;if(v){h[v]=c[u]}}else{h[v]=""}if((end||out)&&u==m-(end?1:0)){if(end){var n=this.removeChild(t[u]);\nn.className=rl+"End";n.style.display="inline";this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)\n}else{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);return}return}toggleText(t[u]);\nthis.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)}}};
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[1]>><<set $inventory.splice(1, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[1]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(1, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[0]>><<set $inventory.splice(0, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[0]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(0, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[3]>><<set $inventory.splice(3, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[3]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(3, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[2]>><<set $inventory.splice(2, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[2]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(2, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[5]>><<set $inventory.splice(5, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[5]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(5, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<if $rc lt $enemies.length>>\n\t<<if $enemies [$rc] neq 0>>\n\t\t<<if $enemies [$rc] .Dist neq 0>>\n\t\t\t<<set $enemies [$rc] .Dist-->>\n\t\t<<else>>\n\t\t\t<<set $AttRan = Math.random()>>\n\t\t\t<<if $AttRan gt 0.5>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $DMG++>>\n\t\t\t\t<<set $Message += "The " + $enemies [$rc] .Type + " from the " + $DKey [$rc] + " hits you! OW! ">>\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\n\t\t<<endif>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "Mover">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $rc lt $gems.length>>\n\t<<print "[[" + $gems [$rc] [1] .Name + "|" + "Gem" + $rc + "]]">>\n\t<<if $gems [$rc] [1] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$gems [$rc] [1] .Damage>>''<<endif>><<if $gems [$rc] [1] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$gems [$rc] [1] .GRange>>''<<endif>><<if $gems [$rc] [1] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$gems [$rc] [1] .Knockback>>''<<endif>><<if $gems [$rc] [1] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$gems [$rc] [1] .Magic>>''<<endif>><<if $gems [$rc] [1] .NL eq true>>''//Nonlethal//''<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "GemViewer">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[6]>><<set $inventory.splice(6, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[6]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(6, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<set $KeysArr = Object.keys($ObjMon)>>\n<<set $Num = Math.floor(Math.random()*$KeysArr.length)>>\n<<set $LvArr.push($KeysArr [$Num] )>>
Bloody Princess Farmer\nChildren of Mana\nBayonetta\nGod Hand\nThe World Ends With You\nSteven Universe\nMonster Hunter\n\n<<return>>
/%the number of the gem in the gem array%/<<set $GemNum = 10>><<set $inventory [$GemItem] .Slots [$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)] = $gems [$GemNum] [1]>><<display "EvilEnchantress">>\n\n/%GemNum: <<$GemNum>>\nItem Name: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>\nSlots: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots>>\nindexOf(0): <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Slots.indexOf(0)>>\n$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage: <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Damage>>\n$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name: <<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>>%/\n\n<<$gems [$GemNum] [1] .Name>> has been set to <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>!\n\n[[Set More Gems|Set Gems]]\n[[Finish|Equip]]<<set $inventory.splice($gems [$GemNum] [0] , 1)>>
<<if $rc lt $enemies.length>>\s\n\t<<if $enemies [$rc] neq 0>>\s\n\t\t<<if $enemies [$rc] .Dist eq 0>> /%if an enemy is close%/\s\n\t\t\tYou hit a <<print $enemies [$rc] .Type>>! \s\n\t\t\t<<set $enemies [$rc] .HP -= $Magic>>/%damage it%/\s\n\t\t\t<<if $enemies [$rc] .HP lte 0>>/%if dead%/\s\n\t\t\t It dies! <<set $enenum-->>\s\n\t\t\t\t<<set $enemies.splice($rc, 1, 0)>>/%remove it%/\s\n\t\t\t<<endif>>\s\n\t\t<<endif>>\s\n\t<<endif>>\s\n\t<<set $rc++>>/%rollover%/\n\t<<display "GemlightGeyser">>\n<<else>>\s\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>/%cleanup%/\s\n<<endif>>
<<if $rc lt $SN>>\n\t<<set $Dir = Math.floor(Math.random()*8)>>\n\tDir: <<print $Dir>>\n\t<<if $enemies [$Dir] eq 0>>\n\t\t<<set $chosen = $LvArr [Math.floor(Math.random()* $LvArr.length)]>>\n\t\t<<set $enemies [$Dir] = $ObjMon [$chosen]>>\n\t\t<<set $enemies [$Dir] .Dist += Math.ceil(Math.random($enemies [$Dir] .Dist ))>>\n\t\t<<set $enenum++>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "Spawner">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $Equipped [$Equipping] eq false>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $inventory[8]>><<set $inventory.splice(8, 1)>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<set $Placeholder = $inventory[8]>>Your <<$Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> has been returned to your inventory. <<set $inventory.splice(8, 1, $Equipped [$Equipping])>><<set $Equipped [$Equipping] = $Placeholder>>You have equipped your <<print $Equipped [$Equipping] .Name>> to your <<$Equipping>>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Equip Items]]
<<if $rc lt $items.length>>\n\t<<if $items [$rc] .Weap eq true>>\n\t//Name:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Name>>''\n\t//Price://'' <<$items [$rc] .Price>>''\n<<if $items [$rc] .Equip neq null>>//Goes on Yer:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Equip>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [$rc] .Atta neq null>>//Attack:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Atta>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [$rc] .KB neq null>>//Knockback://'' <<$items [$rc] .KB>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [$rc] .Range neq null>>//Range://'' <<$items [$rc] .Range>>''<<endif>>\n<<if $items [$rc] .Slots neq null>>//Gem Slots:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Slots.length>>''\s\n<<else if $items [$rc] .Damage neq null>>//Damage+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Damage>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [$rc] .GRange neq null>>//Range+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .GRange>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [$rc] .Knockback neq null>>//Knockback+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Knockback>>''/10 \s\n<<else if $items [$rc] .Magic neq null>>//Magic+:// ''<<$items [$rc] .Magic>>''/10 <<endif>>\n-------------------------------\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $rc++>>\n\t<<display "ShopWeap">>\n<<else>>\n\t<<set $rc = 0>>\n<<endif>>
<<set $Equipping = "Feet">><<display "SV2">>\n\n[[Unequip]]\n\n[[Back|Equip Items]]
.passage {\n\tfont-size: 12px;\n\tline-height:120%;\n}
<<set $GemItem = 9>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $GemItem = 2>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $HP = $MaxHP>><<if $endlevel eq true>><<set $endlevel = false, $FirstTurn = true, $Round = 0>><<set $Lv++>><<display "NewSpawn">><<endif>>[[Next Level|Turn]] | [[Shopping]] | [[Set Gems]] | [[Equip Items]] | [[Inventory]]
<<set $GemItem = 0>> Set which gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $GemItem = 1>> Set which gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $GemItem = 6>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $GemItem = 7>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $GemItem = 4>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]
<<set $GemItem = 5>> Set which Gem to the <<$inventory [$GemItem] .Name>>?\n\n<<set $gems = []>><<display "GemFinder">><<display "GemViewer">>\n\n[[back|Equip]]