(set: $inspiration to 10)
(set: $motivation to 25)
(set: $frustration to 50)
(set: $pieces to 0)
(set: $days to 50)
(set: $reading to 0)
(set: $actions to 0)
(set: $yoga to 0)
[[//whoso list to hunt, I know where is an hind//->home]]
(if: $actions is 5)[(set: $reading to 0)(set: $yoga to 0)(set: $actions to 0)(set: $days to it - 1)]
inspiration............................................(if: $inspiration > 100)[(set: $inspiration to 100)(print: $inspiration)%](else-if: $inspiration < 0)[(set: $inspiration to 0)(print: $inspiration)%](else:)[(print: $inspiration)%]
motivation.............................................(if: $motivation > 100)[(set: $motivation to 100)(print: $motivation)%](else-if: $motivation < 0)[(set: $motivation to 0)(print: $motivation)%](else:)[(print: $motivation)%]
frustration............................................(if: $frustration > 100)[(set: $frustration to 100)(print: $frustration)%](else-if: $frustration < 0)[(set: $frustration to 0)(print: $frustration)%](else:)[(print: $frustration)%]
number of pieces.......................................(print: $pieces)
days left..............................................(print: $days)
(if: $frustration > 45)[(text-style:"strike")[books]](else-if: $motivation < 45)[(text-style:"strike")[books]](else:)[ [[books]]]
(if: $frustration > 60)[(text-style:"strike")[computer]](else-if: $motivation < 35)[(text-style:"strike")[computer]](else:)[ [[computer]]]
(if: $frustration > 60)[(text-style:"strike")[self]](else-if: $motivation < 35)[(text-style:"strike")[self]](else:)[ [[self]]]
(if: $frustration > 99)[(text-style:"strike")[television]](else:)[ [[television]]]
(set: $ability to $inspiration + $motivation)(if: $ability < 150)[(text-style:"strike")[make]](else-if: $frustration > 50)[(text-style:"strike")[make]](else:)[ [[make]]]
(if: $frustration > 99)[(set: $actions to it + 1)(text-style: "underline")[ [[give up]]]](else-if: $pieces > 19)[ (text-style: "underline")[ [[all done->end]]]]
(if: $reading is 3)[all read out.](else:)[(link:"read")[(transition: "dissolve")[(either: "neither for me honey nor the honey bee", "`mine veninder er store i belgien
så der tager de ned hver weekend
og er store`", "he prayed that the waves might carry his body where //she// might find it,", "that was I, among men, if it ever happened. but achilleus will enjoy his own valor in loneliness, though I think he will weep much, too late, when his people are perished from him.", " what's the matter you have your thunder look", "augustus is self-evidently extremely able at spending money.", "I saw dozens of shiny little tubes and jars arranged across her dresser, the mirror image of my own room, and I went to them and opened the little lids of the flower-reeking creams and dug my fingers into their mellow white.", "Korogi scratches her earlobe with her little finger. 'It's too late for me, unfortunately.'")(set: $inspiration to it + 5)(set: $motivation to it + 5)(set: $frustration to it - 5)(set: $reading to it + 1)(set: $actions to it + 1)]]]
(if: (random: 1,2) > 1)[ [[intellectual]]](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[intellectual]]
(if: (random: 1,2) > 1)[ [[gaming]]](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[gaming]]
(if: (random: 1,3) > 2)[ [[cartoons]]](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[cartoons]]
(set: $odds to (either: -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10))
(if: $motivation < 50)[(text-style: "strike")[yoga]](else-if: $yoga is 1)[all stretched out.](else:)[(link: "yoga")[(set: $actions to it + 1)(set: $yoga to it +1)(set: $motivation to (either: it +0, it + 5, it + 10, it + 15))(set: $inspiration to (either: it + 0, it + 5, it + 10, it + 15))(set: $frustration to (either: it -0, it - 5, it - 10, it - 15))(go-to:"home")]]
(if: $inspiration < 30)[(text-style: "strike")[journal]](else:)[(link: "journal")[(set: $actions to it + 1)(set: $frustration to (either: it - 0, it - 5, it - 10))(go-to:"home")]]
(link: "ruminate")[(set: $actions to it + 1)(set: $motivation to it + $odds)(set: $inspiration to it + $odds)(set: $frustration to it - $odds)(go-to:"home")]
(if: $days > 1)[(link:"sleep")[(set: $days to it - 1)(set: $frustration to it - 10)(set: $motivation to it + 10)(set: $reading to 0)(set: $yoga to 0)(set: $actions to 0)(goto:"home")]](else:)[ [[sleep->end]]]
(set: $odds to (either: -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10))
(link: "art?")[(set: $pieces to it + 1)(set: $motivation to it + $odds)(set: $inspiration to it + $odds)(set: $frustration to it - $odds)(set: $reading to 0)(set: $yoga to 0)(set: $actions to 0)(if: $days > 1)[(goto:"home")](else:)[(goto:"end")](set: $days to it - 1)]
(link:(either:"politics","natural disaster","shady finances","general stupidity","celebrity gossip","miscellany"))[(set: $actions to it + 1)(set: $frustration to it + 10)(set: $motivation to it + 5)(goto:"home")]
(link: (either: "article about teens (set: $motivation to it + 15)(set: $frustration to it + 5)","minimalism (set: $motivation to it - 5)(set: $inspiration to it + 15)","lipsticks (set: $motivation to it - 10)", "online shopping (set: $motivation to it - 10)","cool girl cool job (set: $motivation to it +20)(set: $inspiration to it + 10)","the glow (set: $motivation to it + 25)"))[(set: $actions to it + 1)(goto:"home")]
(link: (either: "investigative journalism (set: $motivation to it + 20)(set: $frustration to it - 5)", "rebecca solnit (set: $inspiration to it + 15)(set: $motivation to it + 10)", "jia tolentino (set: $motivation to it + 15)(set: $inspiration to it + 10)", "hazlitt (set: $inspiration to it + 25)", "lithub (set: $motivation to it + 20)(set: $frustration to it - 10)"))[(set: $actions to it + 1)(goto:"home")]
(if: (random: 1, 10) > 8)[(link: "kentucky route zero (set: $motivation to it + 40)(set: $inspiration to it + 50)(set: $frustration to it - 25)")[(set: $actions to it + 1)(goto:"home")]](else:)[(link: (either: "fez (set: $inspiration to it + 15)(set: $frustration to it + 5)","hyper light drifter (set: $frustration to it + 15)","mini metro (set: $motivation to it + 20)(set: $frustration to it + 10)", "minecraft (set: $inspiration to it + 15)(set: $motivation to it - 5)","no new updates :( (set: $frustration to it + 30)"))[(set: $actions to it + 1)(goto:"home")]]
(link: (either: "come on, grab your friends", " `we're going to very distant lands`", "mathematical", " `it's grease!`", "yay, the mesosphere! finally, we can die!", "easy as childbirth.", "over the mountain, the ominous cloud / coming to cover the land in a shroud / hide in a bushel, a basement, a cave / but when cloud comes a hunting, no ones a save! uh, safe.", "going foot nude in the shoe", "MY NEW PRISON IS SHAME", "ahh! ich bin so glücklich! ich könnte, ich könnte...","맞아요, 내가 좀 걱정이 심한 편이죠. 전 반 살은 시체들이 우리 집을 공격하는 악몽에 시달려요. 우리 삼촌, 외숙모, 사촌들이 다 집에 있었어요. 아기가 위층에서 우는 소리까지 생생히 들린다니까요. 내가 우리 가족들을 지킬 수만 있다면 — 그 꿈 꾸는 동안 얼마나 스트레스 받으면 이빨까지 무지하게 갈아요. 다음날 일어나면 이빨들이 금 가있어요. 보통 전 그냥 그런 것 꿈이려니, 내가 걱정을 사서 하지 하며 잊어버리려고 해요. 제가 그 반 살은 시체들에게 정말 두 번이나 공격당했었잖아요.", " no! it's far-too-dangerous incredible adventure for you! that's final."))[(set: $inspiration to it + 15)(set: $motivation to it + 15)(goto:"home")]
(if: $pieces > 19)[(transition:"dissolve")[you did it]](else:)[maybe next year]
(link:(either: "msnbc", "viceland", "hgtv", "nhk", "viceland", "cartoons"))[(set: $frustration to it + 5)(set: $actions to it + 1)(set: $motivation to it - 15)(goto: "home")]
[[not an option->home]]