She was [[Cute|Cute Start]]. Or, was he a [[Zombie|Zombie Start]]
Attempting to ignore the mirror was a good plan, unfortunately there are some things in this world that can not be ignored. They pull with a mysterious force, calling out to be used.\n\n[[Gaze into the mirror|Mirror Look]]\n\n[[Just take a tiny peek into the mirror|Mirror Look]]
The man was dressed in myterious robes and pulls from beneath them a mirror. The mirror clattered to the ground, and away the man walked.\n\n[[Pick up the mirror|Mirror Pick]]\n\n[[Leave the mirror where it fell|Mirror Fell]]
Yes, that's right... The child was quite cute. A delightful cute child who would talk to you all day about ponies and tigers, just as quick as give you a big kiss on the cheek... for love.\n\nOne day the Child met [[A man|The Man]] / [[Its reflection in a mirror|Mirror Look]].
He was [[Cute|Cute Start]]. Or, was he a [[Zombie|Zombie Start]]?
Yes, that's right... The child was actually a zombie. A delightful zombie who would eat your brains just as quick as give you a big bite on the cheek... for love.\n\nOne day the Zombie met [[A man|The Man]] / [[Its reflection in a mirror|Mirror Look]].
There was once a little [[Boy|Boy Start]] / [[Girl|Girl Start]].
The Unfortunate Mirror of Doom
Looking at itself in the mirror was too much horror. Collapsing and writing on the ground, a true death soon fell.\n\nTime went on - forgotten, a mound of earth and vines rose up over the fallen body, and reclaimed it to the earth.\n\nAnd the earth lived happily ever after.
Grabbing the mirror, there was a strong pull to gaze into the reflected surface...\n\n[[Look into the mirror|Mirror Look]]\n\n[[Don't look into the mirror|Mirror Fell]]