The Elements: \n[img[]]\n\nNo, I don't mean those elements. I mean these elements:\n[img[]]\n\nI learned about these elements at a library workshop, and yes they're old concepts. But they must be good to have stuck around this long, right? In order to use these concepts for my Connor Rhetor Twine, I had to do a tad bit of [[research]] myself.\n
I started off thinking my analysis would be simple. I would pick two pieces of text and take “players” through what Connor will have to do to have a successful analysis. At first, I thought I would do 2 mini analyses, but then I thought a more general, more instructive version might be more helpful. I asked [[questions]] and made general statements about what one might want or need to know about a piece.\n\nI made two possible paths: textual rhetoric and visual rhetoric.
The Worst Part was…\n[img[]]\nFORCE QUITTING. For some reason, if a Twine story is in the process of being made you can't exit out of the Twine program on your computer. Why? Because it won't let you open it to continue work. That means you have to start over. I did not know about this so, naturally, I closed Twine after making some progress on my first day of work. Tried to open it, but couldn't. Thinking it was a fluke, I started again; saved my work, clicked “X.” Bad idea. After that, I turned to [[Microsoft Word]]. \n
Free Twine Publishing\n There are many sites that host free Twine publishing. There are a few listed at the bottom of the tutorial by AuntiePixel. I tried all of them with no success. \n[img[]]\nThe last one that I attempted to use was and it said that my Twine was not a “built .html file.” I wasn't sure what that meant (I just knew it wasn't good for me because my final project wouldn't publish). \n[img[]]\nThe site offered an email address to someone who could offer assistance, so I tried it out. A guy named Colin helped me check how my Twine files were saved. When I started the Twine and clicked “Save Story As…” I just put “ENG111inq45ConnorRhetor6.” I had to save it with a “.html” at the end. Seriously, that was my big issue. A period and 4 little letters.\n\nAfter resaving and rebuilding my Twine as “ENG111inq45ConnorRhetor6.html,” my Twine published with no issues. I was so happy. My work was online. My professor and classmates could finally see and understand what a Twine was. [[I repeat: I was so happy.]]\n
My Idea:\n[img[]] \nMy idea was to take the “players” of my Twine “game” through an inquiry from my freshman English composition class. I decided to do our second paper assignment: rhetorical analysis. We were given two options-textual rhetoric and visual rhetoric-just like Connor has in my Twine. I left it up to the “player” to [[decide]] which process they want to look at.\n
[img[]]\nMy research only scratched the service of what one might have to do while analyzing a piece. I merely looked up what pieces I wanted to use, who made them, and their general point. I am familiar with the poem (“On My First Son” by Ben Jonson) because I did a rhetorical analysis of it in high school. And the anti-smoking poster is self-explanatory.\n[img[]]\n Another thing that I had to research was Twine itself. I'm talking [[tutorials]].\n
I received lots of positive feedback for my work. As I said earlier, the biggest change my classmates wanted to see was "more variety" and I solved that issue by adding more pictures. \n\nMy final Twine ("Connor Rhetor Shall Rhetorically Analyze") is up and playable thanks to Here's a link to it:\n\n\nI ended up enjoying learning how to use Twine. I've even learned more about it since I published my final. As you can see, the color of the background and text are different in this Twine than my final. That's because I've made a "stylesheet" passage. (There are way too many different color options.) \n\nI hope that you enjoyed this Process Narrative Twine. Please check out the Twine I've been talking about if you need help writing a rhetorical analysis! \n\nHappy writing :)
Process Narrative\n[img[]]\n Twine was introduced to me by my older sister. I decided to try it out because it was on my laptop. Twine takes the text that one types into “passages” (the blocks of texts that are connected by links) and makes it HTML code. To use Twine, you don't need to know how to do computer coding. All you need to start of is an [[idea]].
Embedding Pictures:\n[img[]]\n Learning how to imbed pictures turned out to be the main thing I could do to improve my Twine. My peers agreed that my white text on black (the basic Twine color scheme) lacked variety, but that the picture I had managed to imbed (the anti-smoking ad) was a good touch. \n I opened another tab on my browser and perused Google images. I searched for general pictures that portrayed the theme of various passages. I am very glad that I received the feedback to add more pictures-it is a real, noticeable improvement. Although, I found a challenge in deciding what pictures to use and how many. So, not all passages have pictures, but the “player should see the same amount of pictures whether they look at textual rhetoric or visual rhetoric. Unfortunately, that wasn't my only [[challenge]].\n
Questions:\n[img[]]\nThe questions are basics-who, what, when, where, why. There's even the additional how! (I also asked if the text was successful because that is crucial to examination and isn't really covered by the five-w's.) I think that sometimes one needs to go a little bit deeper into an analysis. That's why I talked about the different [[elements]] required for successful analysis.\n
The Process of Making My Inquiry 4/5 for ENG111
Various Tutorials:\n In order to learn how to use Twine I turned to Google. I found a site that had step-by-step directions (WITH PICTURES!) on how to make a basic Twine story. \n(\n \nAfter that, I searched “twine tutorial” on YouTube. I found a screencast video that was basically the step-by-step stuff I found on AuntiePixel, but in video-form of course. \n (\nThis was not as helpful to me because it was for computers with Windows software, and I do not have Windows installed on my laptop. \n \nThen a classmate shared a link to a Twine about making Twines with me (thank you Wilson). \n( \n\nThanks to the Twine about Twines, I learned how to [[embed pictures]]. This was important because I wanted the smoking ad to be on that page and for my “players” to not have to follow a link to see it.\n
Tali Hunt
[img[]]\nI thought: “Well, I guess I'll just leave Twine open and running till I'm completely done with it…but just in case I'll type the stuff into Word, too.”\nThat was a good decision on my part. I never intentionally closed Twine, but one day I saw this little symbol instead of my mouse arrow:\n[img[]]\nThen after a few minutes with the spinning rainbow, Twine force closed. It did this 3 times in one night. Thanks to having my information in a Word document, I was able to just copy and paste the information back into Twine passages. Yes, that is an easy fix, but it's still frustrating as heck to have to waste my time redoing my project. I ended up having to do this 6 times total, I think. \nAfter the final touches of my first version (mainly finishing the passages by filling them with the necessary data), I got to battle with [[publishing]] my Twine.\n
body { color: red; background-color: snow; }