before grabbing them, you see the weather report on the news. no way you're wearing it when it's that hot out.\n\n[[back|skirt]]
in retrospect, you really should have worn your jeans.\n\nend.\n
the drive is boring, but eventually you reach the store. it's a bit busy, but you manage to find a decent parking space.\n\n[[go inside|store]]
it's a man, staring at you from the other end of the aisle. you pause, looking at him. \n\n[["what do you want? you ask, hesitantly.|man]]
the sun's bright so you can see and not die from the cold or something, silly.\n\n[[back|Start]]
well, you wear them too much, and there's too many holes for your comfort.\n\n[[back|clothes]]
you're not going outside naked.\n\n[[back|clothes]]
it is early in the morning, and you are getting ready for your day.\n\n[[why the hell am i awake|awake]]\n[[why the hell is the sun so bright|sun]]\n[[what the hell do i do|clothes]]
you're awake because you have to get ready, dummy.\n\n[[back|Start]]
"just wanna get with that," his eyes move down, over your legs and chest and it makes you feel <i>gross</i>. \n\neven if you feel gross, you just roll your eyes.\n\n[["back off, no way in hell," you spit out.|anger]]
Untitled Story
the man visibly grows angry. his face reddens and his eyebrows scrunch together, mouth turned up in a sneer.\n\n"well, at least i'm not dressed like a slut," the man walks away after that, down to another aisle.\n\nyou stand there, next to twenty different brands of cereal. your legs feel too cold, too uncovered. instinctually, you start walking towards the check out lines, [[cart only half full.|end]]\n
Samantha York\n
you slip into the skirt and grab a matching top. damn, you look great.\n\n[[time to go shopping|car]]
perfect! this skirt is <b>so</b> cute, you just have to wear it! even if you're only going to the store.\n\nshould you wear something under it? it is a bit short.\n\n[[maybe i could wear some leggings?|leggings]]\n[[no way. it's long enough to wear out|out]]
you grab a cart and start browsing the aisles. it's early enough that you forgot your shopping list, so you're just grabbing what looks good.\n\nyou hear a whistle behind you.\n\n[[turn around|whistle]]
you should go pick out some clothes.\n\n[[why do i have to wear anything?|naked]]\n[[well, you did buy a really cute skirt...|skirt]]\n[[these jeans are nice and comfortable...|jeans]]\n