You enter the room, and you see all kinds of weapons and armor from ceiling to floor. A furry yet sleek girl walks around the corner and almost into you. She has deep-set, orange eyes. She has medium-length, straight, white hair worn in a practacal style. Her skin is cream-colored, and she has white fur with yellow ends on her ears and tail. She has a feminine build. Her ears are floppy and pointed, and her tail is short, thick and carried straight. She is wearing a tank top and skinny jeans. The girl says "Oops! Sorry sir!" and begins to walk away. Do you: >[[Call out]] >[[Leave]]You enter to the sound of clanking and... sleeping? You look around and see a statuesque figure who has hooded, purple eyes. She has medium-length, luxurious, straight, blue hair worn in a straightforward style. Her skin is tan. She has a feminine figure. She is wearing a leotard, and is snoozing in a cot to the left. Do you: >[[Wake her]] >[[Go]]When you enter, you see a green-skinned lady with deep-set, blue eyes meditating. She has no hair, but leaves that give her the impression of long hair. Her body is covered with leaves, giving the impression of a T-shirt, and pants. You: >[[Wake her up]] >[[Take leave]] You enter the barracks, and you see a lady with almond-shaped, brown eyes lounging on one of the cots. She has medium-length, wavy, brown hair worn in a straightforward style. Her skin is brownish. She has a thin figure. She is in the usual Army fatigues the soldiers wear. >[[Go to her]] >[[Go away]]You enter the cockpit and you see two lovely individuals. You say "Hello." The pilot and copilot say "Hi." You talk to: >[[The pilot]] >[[The copilot]] >[[Forget it]] Now you decide to visit: >[[The engine room]] >[[The starship armory]] >[[The barracks]] >[[The cockpit]] >[[You're done exploring for the day]]You say "Wait! What's your name?" She calls back "I'm Teresa. What's your's?" "Daniel." "You're new on the HUND?" "Very." "Do you want me to talk a little bit?" [["Yes"]] [["No"]]"Yes. I'd love to chat." Teresa's eyes light up as she tells you about all the weapons and armor she's learned about in her years. When you finally stop, your head's spinning with random facts. You decide to [[Leave]] and explore the rest of the ship."No, thanks." "Okay." She [[Leave]]s. And so do you.You report to the Captain Maria's lodge. She said "Tell me what you think of the crew here." You say "They all have their quirks, but they seem like good crew members." She replies "They wouldn't be here if they weren't. I see to the hiring myself." Eventually, you climb into your cot, and sleep embraces you. [[End of day one]]You slowly shake her awake. She sleepily mumbles "Huh? Sumthin' wrong with the engine? Oh, hi. I believe you *yawn* caught me in the middle of a nap. What brings you here?" You say "I'm Daniel. I'm..." The girl interrupts "Wait, are you from Earth?" You reply "Er, yes." The girl squeals in excitement "I love Earth! Much greener than Liloph 4. Nothing but wasteland there. Still, it was home. Oh, I'm Bianca, by the way." Just as the engine starts sputtering. Bianca shouts " Oh, stop it, you hunk of junk." She starts toward the engine room. "Better take care of this." You get the message and [[Go]] Now you decide to visit: >[[The infantry armory]] >[[The starship armory]] >[[The barracks]] >[[The cockpit]] >[[You're done exploring for the day]]You step towards her and she says "Don't bother. I'm not sleeping." You ask "What are you doing then, ma'am?" She replies" Listening to music. Or more like feeling it. I root down, and just feel the emotions the artist is trying to convey. I especially like happy music." You reply" Wow. So you feel music? Fascinating. I would like to get to know you." She says "Are you trying to ask me out? You say: "[[Yes]]" "[[No]]" Now you decide to explore: >[[The infantry armory]] >[[The engine room]] >[[The barracks]] >[[The cockpit]] >[[You're done exploring for the day]]You say sheepishly "Yes, ma'am." The girl says" I'm married." You reply" Oh, sorry. I didn't know. How about we try to be friends?" She says "I'm Lana." "Captain Daniel." "Care to share about your job." "How about you go first?" "Very well. We have two weapons systems on the HUND. We have the quad, as the sailors call it. Four grapeshot auto cannons that can rip through armor and flesh alike. And the null blaster. This bad boy is a 125 cm plasma cannon that kills anything in a 300 meter line." You say "Wonderful!" You have a lovely time, but then you need to [[Take leave]] "No, ma'am. I just want to be friends." She says "Oh. Well, then. I'm Lana." "Captain Daniel." "Care to share about your job." "How about you go first?" "Very well. We have two weapons systems on the HUND. We have the quad, as the sailors call it. Four grapeshot auto cannons that can rip through armor and flesh alike. And the null blaster. This bad boy is a 125 cm plasma cannon that kills anything in a 300 meter line." You say "Wonderful!" You have a lovely time, but then you need to [[Take leave]] You walk up to the strange girl and say" Hello!" "Hi." "I'm Daniel" "Anabell." You talk about your experiences in the front line and soon, you need to [[Go away]]Now you decide to explore: >[[The infantry armory]] >[[The engine room]] >[[The starship armory]] >[[The cockpit]] >[[You're done exploring for the day]]You walk over to the pilot, who has slanted, yellow eyes. She has medium-length, fine, wavy, brown hair worn in a wild style. Her skin is peaches-and-cream-colored. She has a very feminine build. She is wearing a business suit. and ask" Care to give me some pointers on starship flight? I was Army, so flight was out of my league." The woman replies" Well, I'd be happy to help. I'm Karey. See, here's the steering controls, and here's the speed gauge..." It goes on until you eventually leave and: > Talk to [[The copilot]] >[[Forget it]]You say hi to the copilot, who has hooded, blue eyes. She has medium-length, curly orange hair with a red patch in front, worn in a formal style. Her skin is white. She has a graceful build.and ask about her job. She says" I'm basically here to help the pilot if she needs to go somewhere. But if you'd like to come again sometime, I'm Hanna. You have a thought to stay there a while, but you [[Forget it]] You decide to explore: >[[The infantry armory]] >[[The engine room]] >[[The starship armory]] >[[The barracks]] >[[You're done exploring for the day]]You have some time so you decide to visit: >[[Teresa]] >[[Bianca]] >[[Anabell]] >[[Karey]] >[[Hanna]]You enter the infantry armory, and navigate the maze of weapons. You meet up with Teresa in a random corner of the armory. She says"Hi, Daniel! How have you been!" "Fine. How about you?"You reply. "I'm good. I'm just cleaning up some of the guns." She says. "Cool. Need a hand?" You inquire "Sure. Come on over here." You help Teresa clean the guns, and talk about your lives, and have a fun time. When it comes to family, you share that your parents were farmers, and that they would always seem to grow a sentient vine or two every two years. Over ten years, they converged to create a Adun Ornami. She laughs at that. She tells you that her family were clerics who were dedicated to their god. She said she ran away because she didn't want that life. "I've always been lonely here, tending to the weapons." She hugs you suddenly "But now you're here, and I am appreciative of that." But eventually you have to say"[[Goodbye]]", because your stomach has ruled over your head.You go down and find Bianca lying on her cot, but she says "Hi, Dan! How are you!" "Good. And you?" you reply. "Fine. I got a break, and it's breakfast. Wanna go get a cup of coffee?" "Sure." You enjoy a warm cup of joe, and have a fun time, but you must [[Make haste]] You head to the barracks, and Anabell is there, on her cot. You settle down in the cot next to Anabell. You talk about your lives before the war front, and you told her that your parents were farmers, and that they would always seem to grow a sentient vine or two every two years. Over ten years, they converged to create a Adun Ornami. She laughs at that. Anabell's parents were soldiers before her, so she decided to follow in their footsteps. She tells you that one time that one of her compatriots was cleaning his gun, when it misfired and hit another in the rear. You almost stifle a laugh. Eventually to have to say [[Farewell]]You go into the cockpit, and go to Karey, in her pilot seat. You pull up a spare chair for you to sit next to her. You two have a long conversation about starships and their functions and their controls. Eventually you [[Need to eat]]. You enter the cockpit, and pull up a chair next to Hanna. You talk about your experiences of your work and eventually, you have to get up and [[Have some breakfast]]You decide to go back and visit: >[[Teresa a second time]] >[[Bianca]] >[[Anabell]] >[[Karey]] >[[Hanna]]You enter the infantry armory, and Teresa is nowhere to be seen. You search the entire armory, which takes hours, before you call her, and a secret door opens up right behind you. "I'm right behind you." You jump in surprise. "I never would have suspected that." Teresa replies "Well, I have to sleep somewhere. Would you like to come in?" "Yes, please." Teresa leads you into her quarters. It is uniform, like an official's, but still some odd trinket or bauble lying somewhere. You smile as you are reminded of fond memories as a cadet. Teresa sits down on the bed and says" I did this because I thought you might like to see a little tidiness in the ship." You reply" This is beautiful. I shall treasure the memory made here." Teresa smiles slyly. "That's not the only memory that's going to be made here." She says as she pulls you onto the bed. SOME TIME LATER... You sit with Teresa and talk about the dance, saying that you want her to go with you. She smiles excitedly. "Yes! I'll go with you. I've always wanted someone to ask me. It's surprising no one else has asked me." Eventually you have to [[Make your leave]]. You decide to visit: >[[Teresa]] >[[Bianca a second time]] >[[Anabell]] >[[Karey]] >[[Hanna]]You go down into the engine room, and Bianca is not in her cot, instead, she is working on the fuel tank is stuck on empty. You've seen this interface on several vehicles, much to the dismay of other soldiers who tried to open the fuel tube. You tell her about the interface, and she stops tinkering with it. She thanks you and you talk about your experiences. You and Bianca talk into the night. You say to Bianca" Those were some good memories we shared." Bianca says" Well, we should make some of our own." And she pulls you into the cot with her. SOME TIME LATER... You talk with Bianca for a minute or two, and then ask her to the dance. "Yes. I'll come with you." Then you must [[Leave Bianca]] You decide to go and visit >[[Teresa]] >[[Bianca]] >[[Anabell a second time]] >[[Karey]] >[[Hanna]]You go to Anabell's cot, and you two talk and go to lunch at the mess hall together. When it gets late, you two go to the barracks where Anabel and you make memories. SOME TIME LATER... You talk to Anabell about the dance and you two decide to go together. You sleep in Anabell's cot that night, with her beside you. [[Day two finish]]You decide to visit: >[[Teresa]] >[[Bianca]] >[[Anabell]] >[[Karey a second time]] >[[Hanna]]You enter the cockpit, and pull up a chair next to Karey. You two talk about starships until lunchtime. Then you two go and get lunch at the mess hall. Then you go back and talk until night fall. Then Karey turns the ship on autopilot, and ushers you to a secluded room. SOME TIME LATER... You ask Karey to the dance, who accepts graciously. You eventually [[Go to your cot]]You decide to go and visit: >[[Teresa]] >[[Bianca]] >[[Anabell]] >[[Karey]] >[[Hanna a second time]]You go into the cockpit, and pull up a chair next to Hanna. Since the Karey(the pilot) doesn't need her services, you spend the day with Hanna. Eventually, it's dark. Hanna has says to Karey "I'm gonna be a while." and leads you into a secluded room. SOME TIME LATER... You ask Hanna to the dance, and she says yes. Eventually you [[Go to bed]].You go to your cot after a long day, and go to sleep. [[End of day two]].When to ship docks at Narin, you and Teresa decide to relax today. You can do to [[The hot springs]] or to a [[Massage]]You get in your cot after a long day and go to sleep. [[Day two fin]]When the ship lands on Narin, you and Bianca decide to go to the beach. Bianca decides to go swim. Do you: [[Sun yourself on the beach]] [[Swim with Bianca]]There are a variety of pleasures to be found on Narin, but you fancy something that's a bit more of a workout than sunning on the beaches or relaxing at the spa—not to mention you really want to spend more time with Anabell, who doesn't seem like she goes in for that kind of stuff either. So you invite her to go rock climbing with you in the mountains, a little ways away from the spaceport and the major resort city. The two of you pack a lunch (sandwiches, fruit, and granola bars for the two of you), rent some climbing gear, and head out. "This is fabulous," says Anabell, eyes shining a clear white. "It reminds me of my childhood." [["I'm having a great time too!"]] [["When can we stop for lunch?"]]You flop down onto your cot, happy you have a partner to the dance. [[Twof day jazzhands]] When the ship lands on Narin, you and Karey decides to either [[scuba dive]], which you want to do but Karey isn't exactly interesting, or [[jet ski]], which Karey seem to be much more intrigued by.You jump onto the cot and fall asleep. [[Fin of second day]]You and Hanna feel in a sporting mood when you enter Narin. You want to go [[golfing]], but Hanna wants to test your [[basketball]] skills.You and Teresa spend the day being pampered by the staff, Teresa purring affectionately beside you the whole day. When night falls, [[you both return to the ship]], holding hands.You suggest to Teresa that you would like to go to the hot spring, but she wrinkles her nose and says she would rather not get wet. You go alone. You relax in the heat of the spring, amid the stink of minerals. [[You return to the ship]], clean and refreshed.The next few days are uneventful, except for your visits to Teresa. You really like her as a friend, but you don't think there's any chemistry between you two. But you two still go as friends. eventually you meet up with Maria, an old childhood friend, one day, and date each other. You and Maria marry, but you still keep in touch with Teresa. THE ENDYou and Teresa are emotionally in synch with each other. You two go to the dance as star-crossed lovers. You both have the time of your lives. 3 YEARS LATER... You are nervously waiting for your bride to come out. All the careful planning that came to this miraculously came into place. Eventually, Teresa comes out, arms linked with her father. It was not easy to convince him. Hand in hand, you are married on a hilltop, near your parent's farm on New Chrystaria. You and Teresa live happy lives forever, on the farm that built you. But now it builds your children. You decide that you want to relax and tan yourself on the sunny beach. The next few days are uneventful, except for your visits to Bianca. You really like her as a friend, but you don't think there's any chemistry between you two. But you two still go as friends. eventually you meet up with Maria, an old childhood friend, one day, and date each other. You and Maria marry, but you still keep in touch with Bianca. THE ENDYou decide to go and swim with Bianca. You two have fun as you two swim together. You and Bianca are emotionally in synch with each other. You two go to the dance as star-crossed lovers. You both have the time of your lives. 3 YEARS LATER... You are nervously waiting for your bride to come out. All the careful planning that came to this miraculously came into place. Eventually, Bianca comes out, arms linked with her father. It was not easy to convince him. Hand in hand, you are married on a hilltop, near your parent's farm on New Chrystaria. You and Bianca live happy lives forever, on the farm that built you. But now it builds your children. "I am glad to hear it," Anabell says. "I have had difficulty finding anyone else on the ship who is interested in such things. When we land on planets such as this, most would rather dance or gamble or lie in the sun—all fine things, but not of much interest to me, I confess." "Well, I'm happy to do the outdoorsy stuff anytime you want to," you say. "Really?" Anabell looks pleased. "How fabulous." You and Anabell are emotionally in synch with each other. You two go to the dance as star-crossed lovers. You both have the time of your lives. 3 YEARS LATER... You are nervously waiting for your bride to come out. All the careful planning that came to this miraculously came into place. Eventually, Anabell comes out, arms linked with her father. It was not easy to convince him. Hand in hand, you are married on a hilltop, near your parent's farm on New Chrystaria. You and Anabell live happy lives forever, on the farm that built you. But now it builds your children. Anabell sighs. "You are bored, then. I had feared that might be the case. Not many people are happy to spend their scant free time climbing rocks when they could be doing something more relaxing." "No, no," you say quickly, "I'm just getting hungry." "I see," says Anabell, but she sounds doubtful. The next few days are uneventful, except for your visits to Anabell. You really like her as a friend, but you don't think there's any chemistry between you two. But you two still go as friends. eventually you meet up with Maria, an old childhood friend, one day, and date each other. You and Maria marry, but you still keep in touch with Anabell. THE ENDYou decide to go scuba diving alone. You see a nice coral reef with lots of beautiful fish, and you wish you could share it with Karey. The next few days are uneventful, except for your visits to Karey. You really like her as a friend, but you don't think there's any chemistry between you two. But you two still go as friends. eventually you meet up with Maria, an old childhood friend, one day, and date each other. You and Maria marry, but you still keep in touch with Karey. You decide to go jetski. You two ride the waves, and have a great time, once you stop falling off because of unexpected bursts of speed. You and Karey are emotionally in synch with each other. You two go to the dance as star-crossed lovers. You both have the time of your lives. 3 YEARS LATER... You are nervously waiting for your bride to come out. All the careful planning that came to this miraculously came into place. Eventually, Karey comes out, arms linked with her father. It was not easy to convince him. Hand in hand, you are married on a hilltop, near your parent's farm on New Chrystaria. You and Karey live happy lives forever, on the farm that built you. But now it builds your children. You are Daniel, Army lieutenant, and traveler on the HUND, an intergalactic starship for the soldiers of the front. You and 500 other men are here in your way home. You hear about a dance when you realize you need a date. You can revoke it, but you want to meet someone before you grow old. You know the ship makes a stop at Narin, a beach resort planet, on the way to New Chrystaria. You plan to have a date for the dance then. Your first day, Captain Maria gives you a run-down of the rules here, but essentially there's you decide to visit: >[[The infantry armory]] >[[The engine room]] >[[The starship armory]] >[[The barracks]] >[[The cockpit]]You to the golf course and go through all eighteen holes. Still, you wish Hanna was here. The next few days are uneventful, except for your visits to Hanna. You really like her as a friend, but you don't think there's any chemistry between you two. But you two still go as friends. eventually you meet up with Maria, an old childhood friend, one day, and date each other. You and Maria marry, but you still keep in touch with Hanna. THE ENDYou go play one-on-one with Hanna. You win as many times as Hanna, so you two decide to call yourselves equal. You and Hanna are emotionally in synch with each other. You two go to the dance as star-crossed lovers. You both have the time of your lives. 3 YEARS LATER... You are nervously waiting for your bride to come out. All the careful planning that came to this miraculously came into place. Eventually, Hanna comes out, arms linked with her father. It was not easy to convince him. Hand in hand, you are married on a hilltop, near your parent's farm on New Chrystaria. You and Hanna live happy lives forever, on the farm that built you. But now it builds your children.