<<set $light = "yes">>You turn on the Lightbulb [[Back|can]]\n\n
You turn off the Lightbulb [[Back|can]]\n<<set $light = "no">>
<<if $mint eq 6>>\nThere is a banging on the lid of the garbage can then the lid flys open 'this is the fbi asking if you want a mint take it man with nife" the man takes it and eats it then he falls down sleeping.\n<<else>><<set $mint = $mint + 1>>You don't eat the mint.\nThe man gets closer.\nAnd says "Want a mint?" again.\n\n[[Yes]]\n[[No]]<<endif>>\n
The man says "Hey there sonny! Want a mint?"\n\n[[Yes]]\n[[No]]
[[BEGIN STORY|can]]\n
<<set $mint = 0>><<if $light eq "yes">>You are standing in a Garbage Can. It is bright. There is a [[Lightbulb|off]] in front of you with a switch. There is also a [[scary old man with a knife]].\n<<else>>You are standing in a Garbage Can. It is dark. There is a [[Lightbulb]] in front of you with a switch.<<endif>>
You eat the mint and turn into mold\n\nBAD ENDING
want a mint?