Restart Story

History.prototype.originalDisplay = History.prototype.display;\n\nHistory.prototype.display = function (title, link, render)\n\n{\n\nif ((render != 'quietly') && (render != 'offscreen'))\n\nremoveChildren($('passages'));\n\nthis.originalDisplay.apply(this, arguments);\n\n};
The Last Day
Here we are, [[the last day in December]].
* I know where my heart is\n* I know where my home is\n* I am safe\n* I am getting healthier\n* I feel valued\n\n[[okay then|the last day in December]]
Courtney Stanton
December 31, 2012
* The little index cards and arrows so I can visually keep track of stuff\n* The fact that the various titling cards are called "Story____" not "Game____"\n* The only code I need to know is tiny scraps of CSS and JavaScript that I can cobble together with about 2 minutes of searching online\n* Everything is really fast to test out, edit, and retest\n* The tweecode google group seems incredibly non-jerk-like and is a great resource for all sorts of oddball features you can get Twine to do\n* When I had to make a game or else...explode, I guess...I was able to do it on my lunch break and I didn't feel overwhelmingly incompetent even once\n\n[[okay then|the last day in December]]
* The fact that you're playing a weird little Twine game right now\n* I can't really assume too much else, to be honest\n* Thanks for visiting with me!
.passage .title { display: none }
Okay so in the interest of ARTISTIC HONESTY I am writing this on January 3, 2013. I AM IN THE FUTURE OF THIS GAME WORLD.\n\nReally, I just got a brutal virual infection right before xmas and that really slowed my roll.\n\n[[What do you love about Twine?]]\n[[What do you love about life?]]\n[[What do you love about me?]]