...Yeah, no, that didn't work and you should have known better.\n\nWhen are you gonna figure out that when someone wants to talk to you about anything that could be hashtagged "women in games" they actually just want you to rubber-stamp their ideas about how women should behave?\n\nWhen are you gonna remember that your attempts to empathize with other people conflicts with everyone's desire to identify a social caste they can be an outright bully toward? There will always be a //them// there will always be a new monster there will never be a time to just put down the pitchforks and torches.\n\nYou dare suggest that making fun of people's outfits instead of their disgusting behavior is beneath us. The rest of the conversation is the usual //Yeah, But// and you eventually give up, discouraged and unwillingly sympathetic to all the women in games who tell you they hate the very idea of "women in games".
Look, now you have all this time and energy for the rest of the night to do //whatever you want// and actually make some shit!
Huh, your opinion doesn't seem to support their pre-existing ideas.\n\n[[Try to articulate what's problematic about their current approach|Try]]\n[[Let it go, it's Chinatown|Chinatown]]
Someone wants your opinion about something!\n\n[[Give them your opinion]]
December 27, 2012
Courtney Stanton
.passage { width: 600px !important}\na:link { color: #00A78D; }\n\n\n