I love the location of our house in all its "home magazines would wrinkle their nose" glory (industrial, kinda loud, not overwhelmingly white), but one of the unanticipated downsides is that Dominos doesn't deliver to us.\n\n"Downside", but whatever, sometimes you need emergency pizza and they do good emergency pizza. Jenn Frank feels me on this, I'm sure.\n\nI think I just heard a car door. ...\n\n...\n\nWait, nope, must have been something else.\n\nOkay so what do you want to talk about next?\n\n[[How is your cat doing?|Christopher]]\n[[Have you ever thought about getting a dog?|Pupper]]
I need to set up a snippets compendium so I can get to all my little bits of twine hackery whenever I want. \n\nTranslation: I AM TOO LAZY AND HUNGRY.\n\n<<display 'Now what?'>>
...Wow, this is taking a while. What do you wanna talk about?\n\n[[Let's talk about the game industry|Videogames]]\n[[Let's talk about vermouth|Vermouth]]
Today's game is, "Make a game until the pizza delivery arrives"!\n\n[[Why are you eating pizza?|Pizza]]\n[[Why isn't this game in the other format with the white background?|Format]]\n[[How was your day?|Day]]
My standard answer is, "I feel about dogs the way I feel about kids; I like other peoples'." Because I do like dogs, mostly! They're fun and always happy to see you and I guess you can train them to do party tricks. And while I understand that I probably wouldn't care if it was MY dog, the idea of picking up another creature's poop on a regular basis does not appeal.\n\n(Let's disregard for a second the fact that my cat poops NEXT TO the litter box, not IN it, and so I pick up his poop and put it in a little bin literally every day of my life. HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAT?! You wouldn't mind either, he's that adorable.)\n\nAlso the trouble with animals is that they die before you (if you're lucky) and I'm not sure I'll be able to survive the death of my cat. The death of my other cat, last year...I still cry sometimes about Teddy, I still miss him, to a degree that other people probably judge me for, but they probably never woke up to Teddy stretched out next to them and got to pet his tummy first thing in the morning, so.\n\nThere are only so many creatures I can go through life feeling the lack of.
Christopher (my cat) is doing *wonderfully*, thank you so much for asking. He's adjusted to being alone and the new house, and now he runs noisily up and down the stairs all the time and seems very happy and entertained. \n\nLast night I put a bowtie and collar on him for the holidays, and now he's ready to attend whatever cocktail parties you've invited him to:\n\n[img[Dapper Little Man|http://distilleryimage2.s3.amazonaws.com/a3f2dde23e8611e2a23c22000a1f9d66_7.jpg]]
December 5, 2012
More and more, I get frustrated when people (men) argue that, "having women in the industry sells more games!" or, as David Gaider's recent popular blogpost argued, having women in the room will make your game better (which translation: means it'll sell more, or win awards, or whatever definition of "better" you the reader carry).\n\nFuck. All. That.\n\nFuck you, I don't have to be *profitable* in order to deserve a place at the table.\n\nFuck you, I don't have to somehow perform the same function as the, "now enhance that!" fictional button a technician presses on CSI to reveal the face of the killer in a grainy reflection.\n\nFuck you, if you are "letting" women into your company or your design process on the premise that you will directly profit from it in ways other than, "you get to hang out with women and make games together", then there will never be enough money earned for you, never enough charts with arrows going up and to the right, never enough studies "proving" the value of women to convince you to drop the idea that women are supposed to be performing some FUNCTION for you outside of being human beings who deserve your respect.\n\nFuck you.\n\n[[okay this pizza is taking FOREVER|Slow Pizza]]
Courtney Stanton
Dolin's Vermouth Blanc is just about the most delightful, magical liquid in a bottle I've come across recently and I'm not afraid who knows it.\n\nI first had it as the pairing during a course at a fancy restaurant -- it was served in a tiny glass along with a cucumber sorbet covered in gin. I think you could probably combine all those things together and come up with something remarkable, BUT that would be missing the value here:\n\nYou never have to get a cocktail shaker dirty. You don't have to break out the jigger. You don't have to open multiple bottles. You don't even have to use a cork screw because it's a screw cap like we live in the motherfucking future. \n\nOpen (chilled) bottle. Pour contents into glass of choice. Enjoy!\n\nWhy fuck with that formula? The drink itself tastes like a rather complicated cocktail, a more forwardly-sweet distant cousin to the Ti Punch, if you've ever had one of those. Slightly herbal, especially on the finish.\n\nAlso, it's a fortified wine, which means that you can think of it as a strongwine to yourself, if you've had a bad day and need to lounge around pretending to be Cersei Lannister, giving no shits and taking no prisoners. Maybe.\n\n[[okay this pizza is taking FOREVER|Slow Pizza]]
Have you ever had one of those days where just completing very basic things is like pulling teeth?\n\nAlso I forgot to eat lunch. POSSIBLY RELATED?\n\n<<display 'Now what?'>>
I'm in this weird food cycle right now where I still psychologically crave comfort foods, but actually eating previously-comforting foods upsets my digestive system and ends up being more trouble than it's worth.\n\nNobody delivers comforting foods that don't do that, though, so here we are. BAD DECISION THEATER.\n\n<<display 'Now what?'>>