You are a simple woodsman. You live near a tree that supplies you with sap, which you quite enjoy. [[Visit the tree]]The tree is on fire. The surrounding ring of trees are not on fire. None of the rest of the forest is on fire. [[Try to put out the fire]] [[Get sap from another tree]] [[Look for what caused the fire]] You run toward the tree -- the tree that gives you the sap you so enjoy! -- and try to extinguish the flames. Now you are on fire. The tree is still on fire. The surrounding ring of trees are not on fire. None of the rest of the forest is on fire.(set:$you to "singed") [[Run around in pain]] [[Try to put yourself out]]You gather your nerve and approach another tree while the pops and snaps of burning heat go on. It takes a bit to get the tap going, but soon you have a bucket of sap, almost the same as always.(set:$woods to "singed") [[Go home]] You're not a detective or a tracker, you're a simple woodsman. All you ever thought about fire before now was that it kept your cabin warm. (set:$you to "thoughtful") The tree is still on fire. The surrounding ring of trees are not on fire. None of the rest of the forest is on fire. (set:$woods to "saved") [[Get sap from another tree]] [[Go home]] You run around in shock and heretofore unimaginable pain. Your crashing around finally manages to extinguish the flames on your body.(set:$you to "burned") The tree is still on fire and is almost burnt down. The surrounding ring of trees is now on fire. Some of the rest of the forest is now on fire. [[Hurry home to save your house->Go home]]You roll around on the ground and manage to put yourself out. The tree is still on fire and almost burnt down. The surrounding ring of trees are not on fire. None of the rest of the forest is on fire. [[Get sap from another tree]] [[Go home]]You go back home. { (if: $you is "singed")[Your efforts to help the tree seemed to only get you hurt, and didn't actually help much...if only you could have figured out some other way...] (if: $you is "burned")[Your efforts to help the tree ended up harming you badly, and spreading the harm to the rest of the forest. Fire is surprisingly painful! And pain is really tough to deal with!! Maybe there's a better way to help...] (if: $woods is "singed")[Welp, your favorite tree burnt to the ground today...but at least you have other trees to get sap from, amirite?] (if: $woods is "saved")[The single tree burned for a while but the fire didn't spread, with the ring of trees around it acting as some kind of barrier.] (if: $you is "thoughtful")[You decide to start learning more about fire, since you don't know much about it, and it's obviously being used somehow to hurt the trees you value so much.] }A Model of Sapping by Courtney Stanton [[Start->Begin]]