"Yeah Kieran, I know you're a decent person, so I find it really gross that you like Robin Thicke. You always sing along to the lyrics when Blurred Lines comes on and that really makes me see you differently."\n\nYou appologize. It takes a while, but you two slowly seem to [[make amends.|Right 1.5]]\n
You did it! You made up with your best friend! Now he will send you postcards\nfrom everywhere he visits. You can live vicariously through the cards. And \nwhen he gets back, you two will be even better friends, because you will both\nhave grown. In the meantime, your crushing loneliness might be over! You met \na beautiful, intelligent woman who actually seems to like you!\n\nYou should give her a call and tell her that you won.\n
"Yeah Kieran, we've had this plan for so long. When I finally dropped everything and bought a ticket, you were supposed to do the same."\n\nYou appologize. It takes a while, but you two slowly seem to [[make amends.|Right 2.5]]
The cabbie nods at your beer. "Good call, I hear that stuff's great." You smile and give him Matt's address and you're on the way to [[the party.|Cab 2]]
"Hey cuz thats cool, all the more for us. Yo, you see that Laura \nyou say hello for me cool alright cuz later. Carlos cuz, tell her \nCarlos says whats up. Cool thanks."\n\nYou step out of the bathroom just as Ben is coming up the stairs. You know he's really [[anti-drug|Up Bathroom 3]] so some shit's about to go down. You should duck into the [[closed door, fast.|Sex Room 1]] It could be locked, might be better to try the one that's [[slightly open.|Matts Bedroom 1]]
Ben runs into the bathroom, yelling at everyone to get out. The three \nguys emerge, seeming a little shaken. Someone mumbles "Let's get \nout of here, this place is dead anyways."\n\nBen comes out of the bathroom flustered. He thanks you for the heads \nup and offers to put in a good word for you to Matt. Now if only you \ncould find him. You try [[the closed door.|Sex Room 1]]\n\n<<set $Vouch = $Vouch + 1>>
Things are going great! A pretty girl actually wants to talk to you and you have things to say to her! Amazing!\n\nYou should really get her number and [[go find Matt so you can sort this all out.|Pretty Girl 6]] But she is so into you! You are tempted to ask if [[she wants to get out of here.|Leave w/Pretty Girl 1]]
All this beer... You open the bathroom door only to find three guys,\nall in [[blazers and jeans]], huddled around the counter, doing coke. They turn around. \n[[One of them recognizes you.|Up Bathroom 1.5]] \n
You step into the cab. You're [[late|Cab 1]] but you ought to [[stop off to pick up some beer.|liquor store]]
"Kieran! How you doing? I'm great couldn't be better thanks [[hey cuz you want a line?|Coke 1]] This is some good coke cuz. My man over here got this from his cousin and his cousins is all connected you know so its really good you should try some want to do some coke? Hey cuz if [[you don't want to|Up Bathroom 2]] that's cool to whatever works for you. Me I'm going to do another line."
"No, you fucking idiot. That's really cute. Go. Talk to Matt. I'll be here tomorrow, he won't. Oh, and stop taking everything I say so seriously."\n\nAlex leans over you and grabs your phone from you. \n"I'm under awesome girl from party. [[Call me tomorrow."|Pretty Girl 7]] \n\n<<set $Number = 1>>
They can probably smell your peppermint flesh. Probably reminds \nthem of their demon childhoods getting candycanes at demon Christmas. \nWonder what Santa would give a demon for Christmas? \n[[Maybe a small rodent of some kind?|LSD 3]]
[[Burrow|Burrough 5]]
You throw your beer in the fridge. It's full of bottles, so you put your 6-pack at the back, safe from greedy beer thieves. You crack one open and take a long drink. Damn that hits the spot, but a little voice in your head reminds you to take it easy tonight, at [[least until you talk to Matt.|Kitchen 1.5]]
Oh, burried treasure! Nice! [[Burrow.|Burrough 6]]
You try to get past them, but Austin's bulk takes up too much space. \nHe turns around when you bump him. \n"Nice shirt Kieran, I didn't know the Salvation Army was having a sale."\n\nReally, he just said that? Wow. Well, you should just [[ignore him and squeeze past|Back Hall 1]] but a big part of you wants to [[respond to his terrible, overused joke.|Heated Argument 1]]
You head to the back of the kitchen, but you see that Austin and Sean \nare back there. You work with those assholes, and you definitely \ndon't want to see them when you're not being paid to. \n\nYou go [[to squeeze past them,|Kitchen 3]] but maybe you're better off [[in the living room.|Living Room 3]]
[[Burrow|Burrough 2]]
[[Burrow|Burrough 3]]
[[Burrow|Burrough 4]]
The warm air feels good on your bare arms, but you still feel uncomfortable. You are going to see off to your oldest and best friend, and unless something changes, [[he won't even let you say goodbye.|walk 2]]
[[Burrow.|Burrough 9]]
[[Burrow.|Burrough 10]]
[[Green.|Green 2]]
Save the Friendship!
Your clothes are everywhere. There are take out boxes piled next\nto your bed and you could easily make ten bucks by bringing back\nall the scattered empties. You were supposed to clean it yesterday, \nbut an afternoon of wine and Mad Men [[seemed far more appealing.|Bedroom 1]]
He forgive you after you broke his arm on the trampoline\nthat one time. And he was there for you when that thing\nhappened to your brother. You were only angry at him \nfor a week after he told Ivana you had a crush on her. \n[[But you forgave him eventually.|Cab 5]]
You grab a cup, look down into the big bowl. You go to pour yourself a glass, and realize you just opened a beer. [[The purple stuff can wait.|Kitchen 1.5]]
After a long ackward pause, you can't take it anymore. You are about to excuse yourself just as the talkative stranger comes up [[to both of you.|Pretty Girl 3.5]]
You sit next to each other on the couch and begin ackwardly flirting. You can tell she's into you, but you are both terrible at this. \n\n<<if $Stranger>>\n<<display "Pretty Girl 3">>\n<<else>>\nYou two keep at it for a while, but the spark just isn't there. After a particuarly ackward pause, you get up and [[mumble your goodbye.|Pretty Girl 4]]\n<<endif>>
You tap the girl on the shoulder and smile as she turns around. She looks pleased to see you, which gives you butterflies. \n\nYou give Ben a look, and he stares back annoyed, but he excuses himself to go get another drink.The girl introduces herself as Alex and invites you to [[grab a seat.|Pretty Girl 2]]
You get up, giddy from the interaction, and pause for a second... Right, Matt, finding Matt and saving your friendship. Ok. [[Maybe he's upstairs?|Upstairs 1]]
You start to explain the situation to her. "Oh, I'm not good enough for you, \nyou need Matt to hold your hand?"\n\nAlex just stares at you. You don't know what to do. [[You start to appologize...|Pretty Girl 6.5]] \n
The stranger's approval has done wonders for you in the eyes of Alex. She seems much more open to your questions, and you guys get into an actual conversation beyond the [[usual party pleasantries.|Pretty Girl 5.5]]
Oh man, you had the chance. You had her attention. And you biffed it. You are terrible with this human interaction stuff. \n\nCome on Kieran, you got to shape up. You look around for a solution. Oh, a bucket of cold beers. Perfect. You drain one and decide to [[try your luck upstairs.|Upstairs 1]]\n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk + 1>>
You grab a seat, take a sip of beer and start to chat. Turns out he's \ngoing to be [[travelling with Matt for the first few months.|Talkative Stranger 3]] \n\nHe probably knows where you can [[find Matt right now,|Talkative Stranger 4]] but you may need to [[offer him a drink first.|Talkative Stranger 5]]\n\n<<set $Stranger = 1>>\n
You thank them for their generousity and lean down to do a line. They offer you another, sure why not? Man this is some good shit, ok maybe one more. You offer to chip in, but the guys say they are celebrating and [[the more the merrier.|Coke 2]]
You ask about the trip. He explains to you his plans, you half-listen, watching \nthe cute girl from across the room. You watch her lips move and imagine kissing her. \nBut not in a creepy way. Like she would lean in and you would follow her lead...\n[[never mind, it will never happen.|Talkative Stranger 3.5]]
Before you make it to the back hall, a guy sitting in a Lazyboy in the corner beacons you over. He's in a blazer, tie and some fancy slacks. You don't know him, but he seems friendly enough.\n\n"Nice work, you got the whole room dancing." You thank him, and he invites you to [[sit and chat.|Talkative Stranger 1]] He does seem interesting, [[but cigarettes...|Back Hall 1]]\n\n<<stopbgm RjIMqfWDPC4>>
<<if $Flask>>\n<<display "Talkative Stranger 6">>\n<<else>>\nYou offer him some of your beer. He looks at you weirdly and declines. \nYou decide [[its time for a smoke.|Back Hall 1]]\n<<endif>>
"I haven't seen him since I got here, but I think I saw his girlfriend out back."\n\nYou thank him and head to [[the back hallway.|Back Hall 1]]
You two chat about [[Hip Hop, scotch and other things you love.]] Turns out you have a lot in common. Ten minutes into the converstion, you somehow find yourself telling him about the situation with [[you and Matt.|Talkative Stranger 8]] \n\n
You pull out your flask. "Care for some single malt?"\n\n"Why thank you." You see a couple glasses on the footrest in front of you. Convinient. You pour you each a couple fingers. The talkative stranger takes a sip. "Good taste in music, and scotch. [[You, I like."|Talkative Stranger 7]]\n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk +1>>\n
Green. Green. GRENENEENEN. [[GENENENENENE.|Green 1.5]] \nGene. Billie Jean. Not my lover.
[[Burrow.|Burrough 7]]
Oh man, you should really [[get going.]]
He listens, nodding. "I don't know why he's pissed at you. You seem like \na stand up person. If I see him, I'll put in a good word for you."\n\nYou thank him, feeling a little more hopeful about your prospects, \nand get up and head to [[the back hallway.|Back Hall 1]]\n\n<<set $Vouch = $Vouch + 1>>
You'll get through this. You have to. [[Oh look, you're here.|party entrance w/Beer]]
You head over to the railing and bum a cigarette from a girl you kind of know. You two chat while you smoke, but all you care about is the nicotine. The smoke is particularly smooth. You'll have to remember the brand for [[your next pack.|Other Group 2]] \n\n
You'll get through this. You have to. [[Oh look, you're here.|party entrance]]
[[Green.|raw flesh]]
Turns out he and Alex are good friends. Her composure becomes noticably more relaxed now that he's around. He points at you and compliments you on your impeccable taste, or something along those lines. [[Then wanders off as quickly as he appeared.|Pretty Girl 5]]
Well, you didn't save your friendhip with Matt. He's going to get on that plane tomorrow pissed at you. But you met an interesting, beautiful woman, who actually seems to like you too. \n\nMaybe you and Matt can make up with he gets back, and in the mean time, your crushing loneliness might be over!\n\nYou should give her a call and tell her that you still kinda lost.
P\n u\n R\n p\n L\n e\n .\n .\n .\n [[.|Purple 1.5]]
You open the fridge and grab two more beers at random, and down\nthem as fast as possible. As you empty the last drops of the second bottle down\nyour throat, you feel your anxiety numbing to a managable level. Who says \nalcohol isn't the solution? You stumble into the [[living room.|Living Room P2 1]]\n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk + 1>>
Good grief. You turn back to the house and [[head inside.|Front Hall 1]]
You walk past the huge line outside Mystiq and the bouncer greets\nyou and your new friends warmly.[["Right this way."|Coke 6]]
You speed towards Matt's part of town.The cabby looks back at \nyou at a red light. "Where are you headed tonight kid?"\n\n"Just headed to a friend's party."\n\n"Normally look so sad about parties? You know you \n[[should never drink sad. It's bad luck."|Cab 4]]
Not really sure what Yakima hops are, but Laura told you \nthey made the beer [[good so...|good IPA]]
[[You made it to the center of the earth.|LSD End]]
<<if $Number>>\n<<display "Wrong 3">>\n<<else>>\nYou messed up. You spent all this time and effort asking others to tell you what you had done to Matt. But if you had just paid more attention to your friendship from the beginning, you wouldn't be in this mess. \n\nYou are too thick to realize your flaws. You lose, my friend. \n<<endif>>\n\n
Got it, looks pretty full. [[Lucky you.|Bedroom 2]] <<set $Money = 1>> <<set $Item = $Item +1>>
Good call. You have heard the new [[Yakima hops]] this brewery uses are supposed to be fantastic. <<set $Good_Beer = 1>> You [[get back to the cab.|Cab w/Beer]]
You step out of the shower, refreshed. You take the last swig of \nbeer and towel off. You look at your reflection in the mirror.\n[[You got this. You can win Matt back.|Bedroom 1]]\n
You wonder what combination of liquids made this punch so good. You keep sipping, and chat with a good looking stranger next to you. Suddenly, he grows horns and a [[fork tongue.|LSD 1]]
You pour yourself a glass of punch. It tastes like blackberry vanilla whipping cream, but still heavy on the booze, you can tell. You drain your glass and [[get a refill.|Get Punch 2]]\n\n<<playbgm YUZ3sx6xw8Y>>
<<if $Number>>\n<<display "Right 3">>\n<<else>>\nYou did it! You made up with your bestfriend! Now he will send you post cards from everywhere he visits. You can live vicariously through the postcards. And when he gets back, you two will be even better friends, because you will both have grown. \n\nIn the mean time, maybe you'll try a fling with his girlfriend. \nShe is pretty cute, after all. And she's into winners.\n<<endif>>
You follow him to a back hallway, leaving your beer untouched at the bar. \n\nHe sells you an Eight Ball, for way too much, and you head back to the booth. The guys are all there, and [[man they are glad to see you.|Coke 10]]
Back at the booth, more champagne, more trips to the bathroom. Hey! It's the dealer! Awesome. You all want him to stay and have some champagne, but he just sells you each another Eightball and leaves. Man, busy guy. Whatever. \n[[More coke!!!|Coke 13]]
<<stopbgm Bc9emob510I>>\n\nYou're in another cab. Oh wait, you're home.\n<<if $Pretty_Girl>>\n<<display "Coke 14">>\n<<else>>\nYou wasted an important chance to reconnect with your bestfriend and instead did a bunch of blow with three dumb bros you now realize you hate.\n\nOh, and you spent $600. As you start to feel tomorrow's headache \napproaching, you understand that you lost.\n\n<<stopbgm>>\n<<endif>>\n
This coke isn't nearly as good as the stuff you had before. One of the \nguys tries to call his dealer, but he says he can't get to Mystiq before 2. \n[[Well, you may as well do what you have until then.|Coke 11]]
You're drinking champagne and talking to some fine looking ladies. You go out for a smoke with one of the guys. He's the best, you love this guy. The best. He's going to hook you up with some sweet free meals at his Cactus Club. Does he know when the dealer is supposed to get there? Another hour? Cool. \nYou love this guy. Man, [[what a great night.|Coke 12]]
You wasted an important chance to reconnect with your bestfriend and instead did a bunch of blow with three stock broker bros you now realize you hate.\n\nYou check your phone and see that you called Alex seven times last night, all after 2am. And you seem to have texted her some horrible things.\n\nOh, and you spent $600. As you start to feel tomorrow's headache \napproaching, you understand that you lost.\n\n<<stopbgm>>\n\n
You ate both pad thais yourself on his doorstep. [[Sad...but delicious.|Shower Thoughts 2]]\n
Alex declines your offer and excuses herself. Ben looks sad to see her go. He turns \nto you expectantly. "Whatda ya got?" You take out your flask. "Scotland's finest."\nBen smiles and you both [[take a seat on the couch.|Living Room P2 9]]
You pour out two glasses of Scotch and pass one to Ben. He takes a long sip and looks up at you. "So have you spoken to Matt?"\n\n"No, I can't find him, and I still can't figure out why he's pissed at me." There's a long pause, and you finish your scotch and [[pour yourself another.|Living Room P2 10]] \n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk + 1>>
You accept his offer. It's a Bud Light. Ugh. But hey, [[free beer is free beer.|Living Room P2 3]] \nYou take a sip of the pseudo-lager.\n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk + 1>>
<<if $Pretty_Girl>>\n<<display "Living Room P2 4">>\n<<else>>\nYou spot the pretty girl you saw in here earlier. She's standing by the wall, talking to Matt's roomate, Ben. He MUST know where Matt's been hiding all this time. You head over to them and [[jump right into the conversation.|Living Room P2 5]]\n<<endif>>
Back into the living room. Pharcyde is blasting from the speakers. \nEveryone's into it. Suddently the party doesn't seem so ominous. \n\nSome drunk guy stumbles up and [[offers you a beer,|Living Room P2 2]] \nbut you should just [[pass him by.|Living Room P2 3]]
<<if $Flask>>\n<<display "Living Room P2 8">>\n<<else>>\nAlex declines your offer and excuses herself. Ben looks sad to see her go. \nHe turns to you expectantly. "Whatcha got?"\n\nYou look down, ugh..."Some beer?" Ben holds up his half empty bottle. "Got that one covered. Thanks for coming. I hope you and Matt sort things out."\n\nYou sigh and decide to see what's happening [[upstairs.|Upstairs 1]]\n<<endif>>\n
Ben mentions something about the second floor, then turns back to Alex. \nThey quickly restart their conversation without you. You sigh and [[head upstairs.|Upstairs 1]]
You spot the pretty girl were dancing with before. She's by the wall, talking to Matt's roomate, Ben. He MUST know where Matt's been hiding all this time. And maybe he can properly introduce you to the girl. You head over to them and [[jump into the conversation.|Living Room P2 5]]
<<if $Pretty_Girl>>\n<<display "Pretty Girl 1">>\n<<else>>\n"Hey Kieran. How's your night been? Have you met Alex?"\n\nYou introduce yourself to the beautiful Alex and make small talk with both her and Ben. You get nervous talking to Alex, and just want to [[ask Ben if he's seen Matt.|Living Room P2 7]] Maybe if you [[offer them both a drink|Living Room P2 6]] you can look generous in Alex's eyes?\n<<endif>>
"Well, yes, I am pissed at you about that too, I guess, but that's not the reason I'm done with you. You're so insensitive Kieran. You know what, just go."\n\nYou try to say something else, but he just [[stares you down.|Wrong 2]]
Your flesh is [[green|Green 1]], light [[green.|Green 1]] \nKind of minty. You smell it. \nSmells like peppermint. \nYou lick it. Tastes like peppermint. \nYou go to bite off a piece \nof the peppermint. \nOh wait, that's your arm. [[Better not.|LSD 2]]
Looks like its time for a new beer. You head to the fridge and crack \nopen a fresh cold one. Take a sip. Sigh.\n\nIf all goes terribly with Matt tonight, at least you'll still have beer. Beer never gets mad at you. [[But you should take it easy tonight.|Get Beer 2]] \n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk + 1>>
You survey the kitchen. There are a couple people you kind of know, \nbut no one you feel like talking too. While you pause to consider \nyour next move, your [[ex walks in the door.|Ex 1]] Oh no!\n\nYou hide behind the fridge door as she walks past. [[Wow, did that actually work?|Get Beer 3]]
Oh god, knowing your ex is here, and looking better than ever, really rattles you. The memory of the break up reminds you how bad you are at serious human interactions. \n\nYou are no good at expressing your feelings, nevermind trying to interpret the feelings of others. Oh god, oh god. Matt's never going to forgive you. [[Oh god.|Get Beer 4]]
You mumble something in reply, but the question gets you thinking. Why are you \nso shaken about all this? [[You and Matt have been through worse before.|Cab 3.5]]
You wake up in under a bush in Matt's backyard. You are shirtless, covered in green paint and there is a strange pattern scratched into the dirt next to you.\n\nYou have missed your chance to make up with Matt. He is gone. But you have a new understanding of the connections between all things. We are all made up of the same material, created billions of years ago in a universal accident. We are all one and the same and the only thing seperating any of us is the thin veil of our own individual consicousness.\n\nWhile Matt may physically be gone for you, he will live on in your mind. Your memories of your time together only growing founder with age until they become swept up in a greater nostalgia for your past self. You lose, I guess, but really, were you ever playing at all?\n\n<<stopbgm YUZ3sx6xw8Y>>
You speed out of your neighborhood.The cabbie looks back \nat you at a red light. "Where are you headed tonight kid?"\n\n"Just headed to a friend's party."\n\n"Normally look so sad about parties?" \n[[He speeds on as the light turns green.|Cab 3]]
Geez, you're hungry. You grab handful after handful of bright orange Cheetos, stuffing them down in gulps. \n\n[[CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH|Get Snacks 2]]
You turn back to survey the scene. A bunch of people you kind of recognize and, oh, you see your good friend [[Laura]] standing by a table full of [[snacks.]] There's also some purple punch on the table. Matt's famous [[party punch]]. <<set $Drunk = $Drunk +1>>
During your feeding frenzy, you look up to the door just as [[your ex walks in.|Ex 1]] She looks at you, in wrinkled clothing, mouth open, cheeks full. She rolls her eyes.\n\nYou manage to swallow the last of the cheetos down your [[suddendly dry throat.|Get Beer 3]]
[[Puuuuuur Plllllllle.|Purple 2.5]]
The cabby smiles at your choice. You shrug and give him Matt's address and you're on the way to [[the party.|Cab 2]]
Well, at least it tastes like you're saving money. \n\nYou [[get back in the cab.|Cab w/PBR]]\n
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Ben scrutinizes you for a second. "This is all so stupid. Look, I shouldn't\ntell you this, but he told me he's pissed that you're not coming along. \nHe said something about a pact you two made when you were younger. [[About travelling together."|Living Room P2 11]]\n
"Yeah, but I have a job, a good job. I have an apartment. I have a dog. I can't leave all that for a promise I made when I was ten."\n\nBen sighs. "Don't tell me, tell Matt. I think he's upstairs."\nYou both finish your glasses in silence. [[You get up and head upstairs.|Upstairs 1]]
[[Burrow.|Burrough 8]]
"I'm just scared cuz he's leaving on this trip and I don't know if I can do this long distance thing. He's going to meet so many cute girls while he's over there and it hurts knowing that. And you know that I just want him to be happy. \nBut I want to be happy too and that's all that was Kieran, I was just scared \nand [[I took it out on you in a totally not cool way."|Alice 10]]
"I know, its fantastic. Its Chet Faker. I didn't think you could get better than the original, but apparently he found a way."\n\nHe invites you to [[sit and chat.|Talkative Stranger 1.5]] But your nicotine needs are [[getting serious.|Back Hall 1]]\n\n<<set $Stranger = 1>>\n
Just before the cab rolls away, Alice lowers the back window \nand apologizes for advancing on you. \n\nYou brush it off, "Don't worry about it. Just make sure you \ncall Matt and let him know you're ok."\n\n[["I will, I will, I will, ok. But you gotta know, I'm really sorry."|Alice 8]]
A cab pulls up and you help Alice into the back seet. She gives the \ncabby her address and looks at your invitingly. \n\n"Sorry, not tonight Alice" you say, then lean into the driver's door to give \nhim an extra $20. "Make sure she gets inside her apartment ok." \n[[He gives you a nod.|Alice 7]]
You take her by the arm and lead her back inside. People in the hallway look on as you two go straight to the front door and you [[hail a cab.|Alice 6]]
Alice stops for a second and seems to accept your answer. But then she \nleans in for a kiss and stumbles. You realize just how drunk she really is.\n\n<<if $Money>>\n<<display "Alice 5">>\n<<else>>\nYou back away from her and get her friend's attention. Her friend helps Alice \nregain her balance. She goes to get her a glass of water.\n\nYou decide to get out of there and [[head back inside|Back Hall 2]] before anything \nelse can happen.\n<<endif>>
Alice seems taken aback. She mumbles something and turns back to the group of smokers.You take this time to enjoy your cigarette in solitude. It clears your head. Why are cigarettes so good? Who knows, who cares. \nYou just know you love them more than life itself. \n\nAfter the all too short break, you [[head back inside.|Back Hall 2]]
She leans in even closer. "Kieran, I know you like me. Don't even try to deny it. Ah ah, shut up and listennnnnnn. I've been into you for a while too."\n\nYou just stare at her. She goes on, "And finalllly we'll get a chance to do something about it. [[Once Matt's out of the picture, you're all mine."|Alice 2.5]]
You go over, and Alice makes a big show of lighting two cigarettes in her mouth and passing one of them to you. She leans in too close to you and asks if you want to [[hear a secret?|Alice 2]] Not really, you wanted a cigarette, [[not her life story.|Alice 3]]
[[SHIMMY SHIMMY YA|keep dancing 5]]
You leave the cab waiting out front and run into Ye Olde Liquor Barn. Look at the selection - so much choice.\n\nYou're torn between a 6-pack of [[good IPA]] or your classic go-to [[PBR]]. \n
Your filth slowly washes off as the air around you steams up. The lager revives you, and you think back on your day. Something went sour. You were supposed to hang out with Matt. [[But he didn't even pick up the phone today.|Shower Thoughts 2]]
You are back in the kitchen, [[place of beer|Get Beer 1]], [[snacks|Get Snacks 1]] and [[purple party punch.|Get Punch 1]] And still a bunch of people you kind of recognize. \n\n
You stride into your bedroom. [[Filthy]], but you still manage to find a clean shirt and some jeans. Hopefully you look good enough for the going away party. Surely you can talk to Matt there and sort things out. Maybe get some of your friends to vouch for you. [[If only you knew why he was being so weird.|Bedroom 2]]
Oh nice, a big bowl of Cheetos! You grab a handful, stuff \nthem in your face and grab a sip of beer.\n\n[[CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH|Kitchen 1.5]]
<<if $Item gte 4>>\n<<display "Bedroom 3">>\n<<else>>\nBefore running out the door, you check your dresser. \nThere's [[your wallet]], [[your keys]], [[your flask]] and [[your ipod]].\n\nOh man, you should really [[get going.]]\n<<endif>>\n
They have been together so long they share a complex silent language. You are both slighlty disgusted by and envious of [[their connection.|Living Room 2.5]]
"Oh, hey Keiran. How you doing? Whatchu drinking?"<<if $Good_Beer>>\n<<display "Give Her a Beer">>\n<<else>>\n She gives you a look. \n"Oh, PBR, well... [[some things never change."|small talk]]\n<<endif>>
"Oh, ok, the meter's been running this whole time, so I guess I gotta go. But yeah, we should hang out. And yes, I will call Matt right now and tell him how great you are, [[not that he needs reminding."|Alice 13]]\n<<set $Vouch = $Vouch + 1>>\n\n
"It would be nice and don't think we need Matt as an excuse to hang out. I should have you over for dinner. I make the best mac and cheese. \n[[It's super crispy and cheesy and the best."|Alice 12]]
"And I get that and now you're being all wonderful and making sure I get \nhome safe. Matt's so lucky to have you as a friend. You're always looking \nout for people. [[Maybe we could hang out soon?"|Alice 11]]
You two talk for a while, about hops varieties and plenty of other things you don't know anything about, until you muster the courage to ask about Matt.\n\nLaura stops, looks at you, and says [["I'm actually kind of surprised you came tonight, after everything that's been going on."|Laura Info 2]]\n\n
You look in the mirror on your way out. Damn, you good look\ntonight. Matt's going to forgive you for sure, and together you \nare going to have a [[great final night.|Back Hall 1]]
You managed to escape the kitchen demons! You see a door. It seems closed. Damn. Oh wait, looks there is a handle. It just needs to be turned. If only you had hands with opposable thumbs. \n\n[[But you can't have everything you wish for.|Wish 1]] \n\nYou turn to the person next to you. They seem trustworthy.\n[[You offer your shirt in exchange for use of their hands.|LSD 5]]
They make a sound you don't recognize. Then they nod. You present them with your shirt with much ceremony. They gracioussly accept. \n\nThey open the door - you pounce outside. Giggling. \n"You'll never get my flesh now, kitchen demons!"\n\nOutside all is warm and dark and beautiful. [[You look up into the void and see...|LSD 6]]
[[The link between all of us.|LSD End]]\n
You thank him and crack it open. As much as you love the soothing \ntaste of the beer, a little voice in your head reminds you to take it easy \ntonight, at least until you talk to Matt.\n\n[[They offer you a seat beside them.|Living Room 2]] You don't want to seem ungrateful for the beer, but you want to keep making [[the rounds of the party.|Living Room 3]]\n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk +1>>
The demon speaks to you in a deep voice, "Silly mortal, drink not from the punch of souls lest ye wish to experience what it is to be a god."\n\nYou feel the chemical rush of whatever was in the \npurple stuff hit you with [[full force.|LSD 2]]
A strip of the kitchen wallpaper dettaches itself from its neighbors and slowly arcs downward. Behind it, the naked wall is [[pulsing flesh.]] You look down, and see that your naked arms are also peeling, exposing the [[raw flesh]] beneath. \n\nYou run over to the wall and begin ripping off another piece of the wall paper. You beging wrapping it around your gapping wounds. [[Finshing bandaging yourself up|LSD 3]] or [[flee the scene?|LSD 4]]
Your flesh is safe for now. But the [[demons]] around you look hungry, their appetites no doubt peeked with the smell of human blood. [[You can flee the room|LSD 4]] or [[try to burrow under the table.|Burrough 1]]
Short hair, beautiful smile and...are those...Wu-Tang earings? Nice. \nShe's also got an intricate tattoo snaking up her left arm. \nGreat, you could use that as an icebreaker. Ask about the tattoo. \n\nOh wait, everyone probably does that. You would just be another idiot \nasking her the same question she gets all the time. \n\nOk, better lay low for now until you think of [[something to say.|Living Room 3]]
Purple. Purple. PURPLE. PURPLE. Purble. \nPuble. Pebble. [[Coco pebbles.|pulsing flesh 2]]
Silver, leather trimmed and filled with the finest. \n[[You've been saving this for a while.|Bedroom 2]] <<set $Flask = 1>> <<set $Item = $Item +1>>\n
[[SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE|keep dancing 4.5]]
Short hair, beautiful smile and...are those...Wu-Tang earings? Nice. \nShe's also got an intricate tattoo snaking up her left arm. \nGreat, you could use that as an icebreaker. Ask about the tattoo. \n\nOh wait, everyone probably does that. You would just be another idiot \nasking her the same question she gets all the time. \n\nOk, better lay low for now until you think of [[something to say.|Living Room 2.5]]
You decide to keep things low key and put on Chet Faker's No Diggity.\n\nSomeone sitting in the Lazyboy in the corner calls you over.\n[["Wow, this is a great cover, who is this?"|chill song 2]]\n\n<<playbgm b-edoet4RwY 35>>
You grab a seat, take a sip of beer and start to chat. Turns out he's \ngoing to be [[travelling with Matt for the first few months.|Talkative Stranger 3]] \n\nHe probably knows where you can [[find Matt right now,|Talkative Stranger 4]] but you may need to [[offer him a drink first.|Talkative Stranger 5]]\n\n<<set $Stranger = 1>>\n
<<if $Drunk gte 6>>\n<<display "Fall Down 1">>\n<<else>>\nYou stumble up the stairs, and find yourself on the landing. Ahead of you is [[a bathroom,|Up Bathroom 1]] to your right is [[a closed doorway,|Sex Room 1]] but you can hear mumbling and rustling behind it. [[To your left is a door that sits slighlty ajar.|Matts Bedroom 1]]\n<<endif>>\n
[[Save the Friendship!|Start 1]] \n\nBy Patrick Greatbatch\n2014\n
You head into the living room. It's full of people, standing in small groups chatting. Music is blarring, but you can't catch the song over the chatter. As you scan the room, you spot [[Jack and Megan]] sitting on the couch.
[[This turns you on more than you are willing to admit to in therapy.|Leave w/Pretty Girl 2]]
You walk around the living room, looking at all the people you don't recognize. Matt sure does have a lot of friends. Hopefully you're still one of them.\n\nYou look left, and, oh... Your eyes meet those of a [[cute girl]] on the other side of the room. You blush and she looks away..\n\nYou realize how terrible the music is right now. Someone has a Tiesto remix on. [[Who would do something so terrible?|Stereo 1]] Suddenly you really [[crave a cigarette.|Back Hall 1]]
You grap a seat on the couch, sip your beer and ask Megan and Jack about Matt.\n\n"Kieran, I don't think he wants to see you right now. He's pissed."\n\nYou cringe, "I know, but its my last chance for a while. I mean, if things end badly tonight, [[who knows when..."|Living Room 2.5]]
You're in the front hall. Still full of a bunch of people you don't know. And no cute girl. She probably is in [[the living room.|Living Room P2 1]] But you will need at least one more beer before [[you can talk to her.|Kitchen P2 1]]\n\nOh, but there's a whole [[second floor to explore just up those stairs too.|Upstairs 1]]
[[Puuuuuur Plllllllle.|.]]
[[Purple|Purple1]] flesh, pulshing [[purple|Purple1]] flesh. The house is \nbuild out of living, [[purple pulsing flesh.|Purple1]]
"But that's just it," you say, "I have no idea why he's pissed."\n\n"He...thinks that its super weird that you like Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines. That song is so rape-y. That's just not like you."\n\nShe's right, it is a creepy song. You turn to go. You are about to head into [[the living room|Living Room 3]] when you spot someone you think you recognize in the back of [[the kitchen.|Kitchen 2]]
"Whatever, loser." Sean mutters.\n\n"Well...if you'll excuse me gentlemen" You turn around, [[hating humanity.]] \nYou drain your beer in anger and grab another one from the fridge.\nHopefully you'll have better luck in [[the living room.|Living Room 3]]\n\n<<set $Drunk = $Drunk + 1>>
Ugh, you promised yourself you weren't going to buy your own packs anymore. You thank her and [[head back inside.|Back Hall 2]]
"Wow, last time I heard that, I almost fell of my dinosaur laughing."\n\nAustin and Sean just stare at you. \n\n"Because...it was so long ago." [[Nothing.|Heated Argument 2]]\n
[[.|Green 2.5]]\n .\n .\n G\n r\n E\n e\n N\n
.\n .\n .\n G\n r\n E\n e\n N\n [[!]]
Jack and Megan dance over to you. "Good call, this brings me back."\n\nYou all dance, letting Shock G's deep voice guide you through the steps. The song ends. You know the playlist. [[Something good will be coming next,|keep dancing 1]] \nbut your nicotine [[needs are taking over.|Talkative Stranger 2]]
Oh, right, this guy is still talking. After he finishes, you excuse yourself and head to [[the back hall.|Back Hall 1]]
Need those [[for sure.|Bedroom 2]] <<set $Keys = 1>> <<set $Item = $Item +1>>\n
Not only are you a scumbag for taking advantage of a drunk girl,\nyou are also a scumbag for fucking your best friend's girlfriend \nin his own bed at his going away party - with him watching.\nYou lose, scumbag.
You barge into Matt's bedroom. He's out on his patio. He turns around \nto see you throw Alice onto the bed. She drunkenly rips off her dress. \nYou notice she's wearing black lace underneath. You peel off your shirt \nand hop on top of her. [[All with Matt watching in horror.|Scumbag 4]]
You two stumble upstairs, stopping at the top to make out. She tastes like cigarettes, vodka, want...and fuzzy peaches for some reason.\n\nA bunch of people see you. You don't care, you're finally going to [[fuck Alice!|Scumbag 3]]
She kisses you back, savagely. She grabs \nyour arm and you follow her [[back inside.|Scumbag 2]]
You step out your front door into the warm summer night. Down \non street level, you manage to hail the first cab that passes.\n\n<<if $Money>>\n<<display "Get in Cab">>\n<<else>>\nOh right, You have no money. Guess [[You're walking to the party.|walk 1]]\n<<endif>>\n
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Green. Green. GRENENEENEN. [[GENENENENENE.|.3]] \nGene. Billie Jean. Not my lover.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n!!!!!![[!|Purple 3.5]]!!!!!!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She continues to tell all the things she is planning to do to you. \nIn tantalizing detail. Your heart wants to [[tell her to stop,|Alice 4]] \nbut another part tells you to [[lean in and kiss her.|Scumbag 1]]\n
Althought your first wish wouldn't be for thumbs. It would be for wings, so you could soar up in the sky and catch dragonflies. Then you could cage the dragonflies and train them to fight each other. You could set up a weekly event where people would pay to see the special drangonfly flights. You could make special masks for them and everything, and come up with backstories...\n\nWow, you should be writting this stuff down. Wait, you don't have a pen? \n[[Ok, first you should wish for a pen|LSD 4]]
You step in the door to Matt's going away party. Wow, already pretty busy. \nThere are at least twenty people huddled around in small groups in the hallway. \nYou don't recognize anyone, but they seems friendly enough.\n\nThe kitchen is to your left, [[better get these beers in the fridge.|Kitchen 1]]
He didn't message you back. You even went over to his place\nwith some thai food for lunch. [[ He wasn't there.|Pad Thai]]\n\nBut you need to see him. Afterall, he's leaving tomorrow morning. Leaving \non a jet plane. [[You don't know when he'll be back again.|Out of Shower]]
You step into the back hall. In front of you, the door leads out to the deck, where people are smoking. [[Smoking sweet, sweet cigarettes.|Deck 1]]\n\nBehind you, under the stairs is a [[small washroom.|Washroom 1]]\n\nTo your left is [[the kitchen|Kitchen P2 1]], and to your right, [[the living room.|Living Room P2 1]]\n\n<<stopbgm b-edoet4RwY>>
You step in the door to Matt's going away party. Wow, already pretty busy. \nThere are at least twenty people huddled around in small groups in the hallway. \nYou don't recognize anyone, but they seems friendly enough.\n\nYou hear music coming from the living room. [[You decide to check it out.|Living Room 1]]\n
You step into the back hall. Seems about time for [[another beer,|Kitchen P2 1]] but maybe that cute girl [[is still in the living room?|Living Room P2 1]] But then again she might have moved to the [[front hall.|Front Hall 1]] You didn't recognize her and you didn't recognize anyone in the front hall, so therefore she must know the people in the front hall. That's how logic works, right?
[[Purple|Purple1]] flesh, pulshing [[purple|Purple1]] flesh. The house is \nbuild out of living, [[purple pulsing flesh.|LSD 2]]
You mumble something in reply, but the question gets you thinking. Why are \nyou so shaken about all this? [[You and Matt have been through worse before.|Cab 4.5]]
She looks at you. Your heart stops. She isn't feeling it. Oh no!\n\n"Really, that's the best you've got? You want to get out of here? Gross. \nBut yes, I would like to leave [[with you."|Leave w/Pretty Girl 2]]\n\n
She gets up, grabs her coat and heads to the front door. You follow in awe. That actually worked? [[And she even agreed by insulting you.|Insulted 1]] What a woman!\n\nYou hail a cab out front of Matt's place. You tell the cabby the address of this really cool out of the way bar [[you just found last week.|Leave w/Pretty Girl 3]]
Well, you didn't save your friendhip with Matt. He's going to get on that plane tomorrow pissed at you. But you met an interesting, beautiful woman, who actually seems to like you too. \n\nShe acted really impressed by your choice of bar. You thought you were hot shit when you two walked in, but then she addressed the bartender by first name. Turns out she used to work there. Amazing. Maybe you and Matt can make up with he gets back, and in the mean time, your crushing loneliness might be over!
You two dance for the whole song, and when its over, you smile \nsheepishly at her, but you are too shy to say anything. You \nmumble thanks and head off towards [[the back hall.|Talkative Stranger 2.5]]\n\n<<set $Pretty_Girl = 1>>\n
You loudly ask the bartender if he's holding. He doesn't hear you and brings you a Heineken. You're confused but he demands $10. You give him some money and someone taps you on the shoulder. [["You should be less obvious. Come."|Coke 9]]
[[What's coming on next?|keep dancing 2]] <<stopbgm RjIMqfWDPC4>>
Oh shit! Its Missy Elliot! You start to work it. \n\nTimbaland's beat really gets you going, and before you know it, \nyou're dancing next to the cute girl! She is all the more beatiful \nbecause she singing along earnesstly. [[Awesome.|keep dancing 3]]\n\n<<playbgm UODX_pYpVxk 12>>\n
He forgive you after you flushed all his goldfish down the\ntoilet. You stayed by his side the whole time he had that\nbroken leg in grade 9. You were only angry at him for a \nweek after he shaved your head at that sleepover. \n[[You kinda liked the streamline look anyway.|walk 3]]
He forgave you after you stole his Nintendo. And even after you\nspilled milk all over it, he still just laughed at it. He didn't\nstop hanging out with you when you went through your burnout\nstage. He even went to shows with you. You were only angry for\na week after he told his parents you sold him the weed that\ntime, but you forgave him eventually. [[And now you laugh about it.|Cab 6]]
You're into the Golden Age stuff and he's more into the G-Funk era, \nbut you both agree that 1993 was THE year. \n\nAs for scotch, you can agree that Islay is THE place. But he tells you good things about a Midland distillery you've been meaning to try. [[Good stuff.|Talkative Stranger 7]]
Jack and Megan [[look at each other.]] "True" Jack sighs, \n"Alright, well, best of luck then with the apologies and whatnot."\n\nYou thank them for the beer and get up to leave. You look left, and, oh... \nYour eyes meet those of a [[cute girl|cute girl 2]] on the other side of the room. \nYou blush and she looks away.\n\nYou can finally hear the music, [[and its terrible.|Stereo 1]] Suddenly you really [[crave a cigarette.|Back Hall 1]]
People you don't know rush to your aid. You struggle at first, saying you're fine. But you still can't get up.\n\nYou hear sirens appproaching and before you know it you are on a stretcher. Paramedics are wheeling you into an ambulance. [[You panic.|Fall Down 3]]
Don't be gross. [[Try the other room.|Matts Bedroom 1]]
You put your ear up to the door, but you still can't make out what's being said behind it. You try the handle, its unlocked. \n\nYou walk in to find a three people on the bed, clearly [[enjoying themselves]] and each other. They don't look up as you enter. You ought to [[turn around and try the other door|Matts Bedroom 1]] but [[some part of you wants to stay and watch...|Sex Room 2]]
You try your best to stumble up the stairs, but you find you are a little more drunk than you thought...\n\nNext thing you know you are in heap at the bottom of the stairs. You're dizzy. You try to stand up, but your legs won't respond. You look down. [[Your knee seems to be bent in an odd position.|Fall Down 2]]
You spend the night happily in Matt's arms. In the morning, you wake up to find him in the kitchen, making waffles for you. After breakfast, you two drive to the airport.\n\nAt the check out, You and Matt share a painful goodbye. Just as he is about to walk through security, you call after him...\n\nYou say fuck it and buy yourself a ticket, leaving your old life behind. You fly off on an adventure together. I'd call that a win, wouldn't you?
Wait, is that your buddy Todd? Wow, he's way more buff than you remember. Cool back tattoo. Is that a whale fighting a squid? How is he able to do that [[with his tongue?|Sex Room 1]] Who's making that high pitched squeal?
You run over to him, drunkingly sobbing. You stammer appologies.\n\n<<if $Vouch gte 3>>\n<<display "Drunk 2">>\n<<else>>\nHe backs away. You continue to appologize, but your words are slurred. \nThis isn't working. [[He's still pissed.|Drunken Mess 1]] \n<<endif>>\n
...and start to kiss him passionately. He seems stuned at first. He pulls you back. "But I've known you since we were kids. Why didn't you say something earlier? I didn't even know you.." You put one finger to his lips and shush him. \n[[You look at him with all the years of love and want you've shared.|Drunk 4]]\n\n
Matt sees that you are an emotional mess. He lets you hug him and sob into his chest. He consoles and forgives you, saying that he heard from a couple different people [[how sorry you were.|Drunk 2.5]]
Purple. Purple. PURPLE. PURPLE. Purble. \nPuble. Pebble. [[Coco pebbles.|Purple2]]
He calls you a drunken mess and dismisses you as too immature to come and talk to him properly. Instead you got drunk and made an ass of yourself. He isn't even mad, just disappointed. Ugh, the worst. You were so close, but you still lose.
You head out onto the deck. The warm summer air is full of the fumes coming from two groups of smokers, one leaning against the railing to your left, the other huddled in the center of the deck directly in front of you. \n[[So many cigarette sources to choose from.|Deck 2]]
You see Matt's girlfriend, Alice, in the center of the closer group. She is talking way too loudly and seems to be slurring quite a lot. When she sees you, [[she ushers you over.|Alice 1]] But the other group probably has [[delicious cigarettes too.|Other Group]]
"I'm...not normally like this. Its all the tequila. It just does weird things. You know, it gets in your head and you know I see you as a friend and that's all, I didn't mean anything by this. Llllllllook. please don't tell Matt. [[It would break his heart."|Alice 9]]
Oh good, you really need to go. It's a tiny little washroom, just a toilet, sink \nand mirror. Wait, what's that? Oh, Potpourri. Nice touch, Matt.\n\n<<if $Drunk gte 3>>\n<<display "Mirror">>\n<<else>>\nYou look in the mirror on your way out. You don't look so bad, \nconsidering how conflicted [[you feel inside.|Back Hall 1]]\n<<endif>>
You offer one of your \nYakima IPAs to Laura. She accepts and seems very impressed by your choice. \n[[She starts to tell you about the brew pub she just visited.|Laura Info]]
They all look like managers of a Cactus Club. Ok, maybe one of \nthem looks a little more like [[a Milestones kind of guy.|Up Bathroom 1]]
You'll get through this. You have to. [[Oh look, you're here.|party entrance]]
Why are you so shaken about all this? \n[[You and Matt have been through worse before.|walk 2.5]]
Before you make it to the back hall, a guy sitting in a Lazyboy in the corner beacons you over. He's in a blazer, tie and some fancy slacks. You don't know him, but he seems friendly enough.\n\n"Nice work, you got the whole room dancing." You thank him, and he invites you to [[sit and chat.|Talkative Stranger 1]] He does seem interesting, [[but cigarettes...|Back Hall 1]]\n\n<<stopbgm UODX_pYpVxk>>
P\n u\n R\n p\n L\n e\n .\n .\n .\n [[.|Purple 3]]
Man these guys are great. You [[love these guys!|Coke 3]]
"Hey Kieran, where's your drink?" \n\n"Oh, I must have forgot to bring any...sorry, I'm kind of out of it."\n\n"No worries, Grab one of mine." Jack offers you a beer \nfrom a cooler sitting on [[the coffee table.|Jack and Megan 2]]
[["Ok Kieran, I want that too, but do you know why I'm pissed at you?"|Matts Bedroom 3]]
"Hey there's this club I really want to check out downtown. I know the bouncer there and the owner and we can totally get in to a VIP booth"\n\n"Yeah man we should totally go. But let's just do [[one last line|Coke 4]] before we go. Oh, Kieran, text Laura and see if she wants to come. Tell her Carlos says she should. She loves me cuz, I know it."\n\n
He hesitates for a moment then comes in and kisses you with such force you are pushed back up against the wall. [[You are both swept up in the power of suppressed desire.|Drunk 5]]\n
It has a playlist you made for the party. [[Hope Matt likes it.|Bedroom 2]] \nFor that matter, You hope Matt still likes you. <<set $Ipod = 1>>\n<<set $Item = $Item +1>>
You are all in a cab, all smoking, and you've tipped the cabby \n$20 to blare The Clipse. [[WHAMP WHAMP!|Coke 5]]\n\n<<playbgm Bc9emob510I>>
Oh boy, long day. Only the soothing combination of a warm shower and a cold beer can cheer you up. You step into the steamy water and crack open the bottle. You take the first sip right as the hot water hits your face. \n[[The combination is heavenly.|Shower Thoughts 1]]\n\n<<set $Drunk = 1>>\n<<set $Vouch = 1>>\n<<set $Item = 1>>
You chuckle and agree "Hey, at least its cheap." You chat for a bit, then she heads into the living room and you wander to the other [[end of the kitchen.|Kitchen 2]]
You're in a booth in the corner, looking out into the dancefloor. Everything is dark blue leather and shinny chrome. One of the guys has ordered champagne. [[But you're out of coke.|Coke 7]] Suddenly there are five girls at your table. A second bottle of champagne is ordered. But you need more coke!
He knows how hard it is for you to express your emotions, and the fact that you made it to the party at all is amazing. He strokes your hair gently from your face. [[You look up at him from tear streaked eyes...|Drunk 3]]
Patrick Greatbatch
You throw on Digital Undergroud's Humpty Dance and turn the bass way up.\n\nA drunk guy runs towards you - "Alright, stop what you're doing, cuz I'm \nabout to ruin, the image and the style that you're used to." He starts \nrapping word for word, dancing around like an idiot. But its contagious. \nSoon everyone is into it, clapping along to the drunk rapper. \n[[Humping, funking, jumping.|upbeat song 2]]\n\n<<playbgm RjIMqfWDPC4 9>>\n
<<if $Number>>\n<<display "Right 3">>\n<<else>>\nYou did it! You made up with your bestfriend! Now he will send you post cards from everywhere he visits. You can live vicariously through the postcards. And when he gets back, you two will be even better friends, because you will both have grown. \n\nIn the mean time, maybe you'll try a fling with his girlfriend. She is pretty cute, after all. \n<<endif>>
There's an ATM at the back of the club, you take out \nsome money and try to find [[some more coke.|Coke 8]]
Oh, and of course she looks lovely. A new haircut that suits her face really well. Beautiful floral dress, and is that a new purse? Why did you ever break up in the first place? Oh right, you can't stand being in the same room for \nmore than [[two minutes with one another.|Get Beer 3]]
One of the medics restrains you. "Easy, you're not going anywhere on that leg."\n\nWhen you emerge from the hospital several days later, you realize you lost your chance with Matt, and no matter how many people you get to sign your cast, his name won't be there. You lose, gimpy.
You need to do something about this awfulness.\n\n<<if $Ipod>>\n<<display "Stereo 2">>\n<<else>>\nOh wait, you didn't bring your Ipod. [[Now you really need that cigarette.|Back Hall 1]]\n<<endif>>
You plug your Ipod into the speakers. You find the playlist you made for this party. A [[chill song]] song comes on first, but you were in the [[mood for something else.|upbeat song]]
You think long and hard before you answer. [[It could be...|Matts Bedroom 5]]
That you left his car unlocked in a bad neighborhood with the windows open blasting Katy Perry and [[it got stolen.|Wrong]] \n\nYou've been pretty snarky and unnecessarily rude because you're jealous of [[him and his trip.|Wrong]] \n\nBecause you lost his cat when you were supposed to be watching it [[last weekend.|Wrong]] \n\nYou really like Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines and Matt finds that song and anyone who likes it [[kinda rape-y.|Right 1]] \n\nBecause you broke your childhood promise to come with him [[on the trip.|Right 2]] \n\nYou weren't able to find all the Dragon Balls and [[summon ShenLong|Wrong]] \n\nOr because threw up on his birthday cake in front of everyone when you were nine and [[he's never gotten over it.|Wrong]]
"Matt, I've been trying to find you all night. Look, I know how pissed you are with me and I want to sort things out before you know, you leave for a year."\n\n<<if $Vouch gte 3>>\n<<display "Matts Bedroom 2.5">>\n<<else>>\n[["Ok Kieran, I guess I want that too, but do you know why I'm pissed at you?"|Matts Bedroom 4]]\n<<endif>>
You think long and hard before you answer, trying to remember what people have told you. You could be...\n\nYou've been pretty snarky and unnecessarily rude because you're jealous of [[him and his trip.|Wrong]]\n\nYou really like Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines and Matt finds that song and anyone who likes it [[kinda rape-y.|Right 1]] \n\nBecause you broke your childhood promise to come with him [[on the trip.|Right 2]] \n\nYou weren't able to find all the Dragon Balls and [[summon ShenLong|Wrong]]
You emerge into what you know remember is Matt's bedroom. He is by an open window, sullenly smoking a cigarette. You knock on the wall. He looks over.\n<<if $Drunk gte 4>>\n<<display "Drunk 1">>\n<<else>>\nYou start to say something, but he beckons you over and offers you a cigarette. [[Now's your chance.|Matts Bedroom 2]]\n<<endif>>\n