You try to grab the saucepan but he grabs your neck and tries to strangle you.\nYou're choking. You can't scream. You can't breathe. You move your arms and try to hit him. You can feel yourself burning up.\nYou manage to grab the saucepan and swing it at his big head as hard as you can. \nHe yells. You hit him again.\nThen, he stumbles. You swing at his crotch. Ouch, that should do it. He's knocked out on your floor.\n\n[[Tie him up]]\n[[Try to call police]]
You feel unsafe... so you hide. You hide under the [[table]] and wait. \nWondering where Jack is. \nWondering why is it so silence...\nAll of a sudden, you hear heavy footsteps. Jack.\nYou are about to get up from the table but...\nThen you see a knife in his hand. \nYou scream and try to crawl away free...\nHe gets a hold of your legs and drags you towards him.\n"You're mine," he says.\nYou scream...\nYour nails scratches the floors as you are being dragged...\nEverything turns black.\n\nEND.
He's tied tightly around one of your kitchen pillars. You used the thick [[rope]] from the storage room.\nHis head is bleeding a little and he has blood stains on his shirt. But it's not his blood...\nHe looks unconscious... \nYou pace up and down the room, thinking about what you should do next.\nYour hands are shaking and you can feel your heart pounding so loud like someone hitting the drums as hard as they can. \nWait, he is waking up.\n\n[[Punch him]]\n[[Escape]]
Hell, no. \n"You go... I'll be right behind you." You lie.\nHe enters your home and you follow him. \nHe walks towards your living room into the darkness.\nYou can feel goose bumps on your skin and you stop in the kitchen. \nYou're afraid to go any further. \n"Jack?" You whisper.\nYou wait.\nAnd wait... \nWaiting... \nSilence. \nWhere's Jack?\n\n[[Find Jack]]\n[[Hide]]
<html><IMG SRC=""></html> \n\n[[back|Go to your bedroom]]
You open the fridge and take out last night's [[dinner]].\nYou put it in the oven and then turn on the TV. The [[news]]. How boring.\nSuddenly you hear a door creak. It sounds like it's coming from the storage room...\n\n[[Open storage room]]\n[[Who's there?]]
You go to your mirror, which is hanging on the wall, in the living room.\nYou check to see if there are any damages to your head.\nYou press lightly on the back of your head and it stings a little. Great, tomorrow it will be a bruise.\nYou look closely at yourself.\nThe bags underneath your eyes are darker than usual. You haven't been getting enough sleep.\nSuddenly, you see something in the mirror. \nIt looks like a shadow.\nYou turn around quickly but it's gone.\n"Hello?" You called.\nNo answer.\nIt's probably nothing. \nYou look back at the mirror but then you notice something else.\nThe storage room door is slightly open...\nThat's strange. It's always shut.\n\n[[Open storage room]]\n
You both enter the house together in darkness. \nYou try to find a light switch but it's too dark. \nJack waves at you and signals you, not to switch on the light. \nMaybe there could be someone else in your home...\nYou explore the living room. It's tidy. The 'Entertainment Weekly' magazine is still on the table. The coffee mug that you drank from this morning is still there too. Nothing has been touched. \nYou turn towards the kitchen. Everything is quiet. Maybe, too quiet...\nWhere's Jack?\n\n[[Find Jack]]\n[[Hide]]
You decide to go to Mike's house.\nHe's one of your close friends that you can definitely rely on.\nBeing without your phone is a nightmare...\nMaybe you should use a payphone to tell him that you're coming?\nYou stop the car at a payphone. \nThe streets are empty and quiet.\nYou open the glove box.\n\nRadio: Blah blah... After the attack this morning, we have a suspect. He was seen, leaving her house this morning with a black bag. He's a businessman and his name is Henry Lawrence...\n\nYou stop picking out the coins in the glove box.\nThat name is so familiar.\n"No... it can't be!" You say.\nBut before you can say another word, you see a black figure in the car mirror...\n"Say hello to your undead brother," the figure says.\n\nEND.\n\n[[Henry Lawrence...]]
Your heart is beating so fast that it feels like it is going to fly out of your body... \nYou rush to your neighbour's home. \n[[Jack Bilson]] just moved in but you're sure that he will help you. \nYou knock on his door. \n"Jack!" You yell.\nNo answer.\n"Hello?" You call again.\nThen, the red door opens. \n"Oh hello, are you okay?" He said. \nHe's wearing a dirty shirt and some dark jeans. His hair is swept to the side and you are sure that is sweat on the side of his face. His boots look dirty too.\nYou ignore it and tell him what happened.\n\n[[Use his phone to call the police]]\n[[Ask him to check out your house]]
<html><IMG SRC=""></html> \n\n[[back|Find a knife]]
You take out your cracked-screen iPhone and you dial the number. It blacks out. Fuck. \nYour phone died. \nWhat a coincidence.\nIf only you had charged your phone at work...\nSo what now?\n\n[[Enter the house anyway]]\n[[Go to neighbour's house]]
You turn the key in the ignition.\nYou hit the pedal and you drive off.\nYou see the trees swaying and the moon shining...\nYou see a black cat near the rubbish bins...\nYou see Mr. Jenner's car, the door is open...\nWhy was it open? Maybe Jack snatched him from his car...\nYou drive out of the gates of the neighbourhood...\nSuddenly, your car slows down.\nYou look at your gas meter. No gas!\nWhat a nightmare!\nMaybe it's a sign. A sign that you should go back...\n\n[[Go back]]\n[[Steal Mr. Jenner's car]]
You grab the cordless house phone. Dial 999. Come on...Hurry... Then you hear a noise...\nYou turn around and suddenly, you see Jack standing near Mr. Jenner.\n"Jack? What are you doing? What the fuck is going on?" You yell.\nBut Jack just looks at you and smiles in a sinister way. \nHis eyes grow darker as he reveals a knife in his hand.\n\n[[Grab a saucepan]]\n[[Run]]
You try to run but he's faster. He grabs you and tries to strangle you... \nYou feel like you are fading away. There is no air... There are no lights... There is nothing... You are dying...\nNo, wait; you remember your self-defense classes. \nYou elbow him in the ribs before kicking his groin. \nHe squeals in pain (Thank goodness, you chose to wear pointy shoes today!)\nYou run out of your house.\nYou turn around and you can see him from a distance. \nHe is limping behind but he is slow.\nYou jump into your car...\n"You can't escape!" He yells, staggering towards the rear end of your car.\nYou ignore him and drive away fast, away from the neighbourhood, away from your home and more importantly, away from him.\n\nEND.
Your flat screen TV does not let you watch ANYTHING. A TV is supposed to entertain you... but this one doesn't.\n\n[[back|Enter the house anyway]]
You rub your head. You can still feel the pain.\nIt feels like a really bad migrain at the back of your head.\nWhat hit you?!\nYou look around the kitchen and you see your saucepan on the counter. It must've fallen from the shelf...\nThen, you hear a creak from the storage room.\n\n[[Open storage room]]
You can feel a breeze run down your back. \nYou stumble on some boxes, trying to find light.\nYou hear a creak and turn around. \nThen you see something shiny in the shadows. \nIt looks like a knife. \nThen you look closely and it's Jack, holding a knife. \nHe walks slowly towards you; the shadows cover his face.\nHe takes one more step so you can see a part of his face.\nHis smile is unusual; it's sinister-like.\nWhat is he doing?!\n"Jack... put the knife down..." You stutter.\nYou take small steps backwards, slowly moving away from him.\nAll of a sudden, he charges at you with the knife.\nEverything turns black.\n\nEND.
"Sure. My house phone is in the hallway." He smiles.\nYou follow him into his home.\nHis house is dark and full of boxes.\nA stack of newspapers are on the table. His curtains are fully drawn together. Cobwebs hung from the ceilings. The smell is awful too. It smells of rubbish bags left in a room, for over three weeks... or it smells like a person who hasn't washed in six months.\nYou see the phone in the corner of the room. \nYou rush towards it. You can hear your heart beating so fast.\nAn old-fashioned white telephone - not cordless.\nYou begin to dial but... there is no connection.\nWhat is wrong with his phone?\nYou call Jack's name but he is nowhere to be found. \nWhy are his lights turned off?\n\n[[Find Jack]]\n[[Leave house]]
You dial 999. Quick... come on now... hurry.\n"What's your emergency?"\n"I have a muderer at my house -"\nThen you hear a BANG. \nYou turn around.\nJack is gone. \nThe back door is open. \nHe has escaped.\nGreat... Now, there's a murderer on the loose.\n\nEND
You get out of your car and run back towards your house. \nYou slowly push open the door and peek through.\nYou can see him, still tied up.\nWait, he's waking up.\n\n[[Slap him]]\n[[Kick him]]
You open the creaky door so quickly that something heavy falls onto the wooden floor. A body!\nYou scream and move away from the body but you can't help but notice... It's [[Mr. Jenner]]! \nYour neighbour! His body and clothes are covered in blood... \nHis hair is no longer white. The blood is all over his head. \nThe blood begins to spread onto your wooden floors. \nThe smell lingers around you so you hold your breath.\nWho did this? Why is his body here?\n\n[[You use the house phone to call the police]]\n
Mr. Jenner. Bob Jenner. 45 years old. White hair and a beard. He wore tiny glasses at the end of his nose. He always wore a navy checkered shirt with a pair of brown corduroys. The friendly neighbour, who always helped you when you needed it. \nYou think about Mr. Jenner.\nTwo weeks ago, you ran out of sugar so you rushed to his house and he gave you a whole brand new bag of brown sugar. He didn't even ask for the money back.\nLast Monday, it was raining. You walked home through it. You had a bad day, that day. Your feet were soaked from the puddles and your dress was drenched. Mr. Jenner saw you and rushed to you with an umbrella. He walked you all the way to your home. On the plus side, you had a good little chat with him about life.\nHe was such a nice old man. \n\n[[back|Open storage room]]
Jack. In his early thirties. Dark brown hair. Dark eyes. There's something about his eyes... Mysterious guy. Doesn't talk much. Quite handsome. Hard to create a conversation with. Moved in a few months ago.\n\n[[back|Enter the house anyway]]
The lights slowly flicker on. \nYou can see your kitchen and your living room. \nThey look untouched...tidy...clean, just how you left it before.\nBut why was your door open? Or maybe you forgot to lock the door?\nYour mind is all over the place...\nWhat should I do now? You wonder.\n\n[[Find a knife]]\n[[Go to your bedroom]]
You feel that it is unsafe to return to your home...\nMr. Jenner's dead - I'm sure he wouldn't mind, you think.\nYou run back into the neighbourhood...\nThe wind blows your hair in your face...\nThe coldness covers your fingers...\nYou just want to go home...\nTen minutes later, you can see his car now, a little red Volvo.\nThe door is still open.\nYou climb into his car and pull the seatbelt on.\nThe keys are still in the ignition... Great.\nYou close the door and drive off. \nYou drive through the gates again. \nYou drive out of the neighbourhood.\n\n[[Turn on radio]]\n\n\n
But no-one answers. \nThen, suddenly the door slams behind you. \nBefore you could turn around, something hits you on the head...\n\nMoments later, you open your eyes. You are lying face down on the floor... Your head hurts and your legs feel numb.\n\n[[Find out what hit you]]\n[[Go to mirror]]
Henry Lawrence...\nDied at age 25.\nHe drowned while exploring in Lake District.\nHis body was never found.\nYour brother.\nYou were very close with him. \nWhen he died, you suffered a big depression... it lasted more than a year.\nHe was a rich and young businessman. He owned his own company, Lawrence&co.\nWhen he died, his business was given to you and so did all his possessions (house, cars and money)...\nWhy did he want to kill you?\nWas it because his company became bankrupt when you took over?\nWas it because you told him to take a break from work and told him to go to Lake District?\nHow was he alive?\nYou will never know.
You kick at his ribs and he yells loudly.\n"That's what you get for trying to kill me!" You scream.\nYou kick at him again.\nYou kick his feet. \nYou kick his shoulders.\nSuddenly, he grabs your ankles, making you fall to the floor.\nYou scream. \nHow did he untie himself so quickly?! \nThere is no time to think.\nYou try to kick your way free.\n"Let go!" You shout.\nHe uses his body weight to pin you to the ground.\nHe grabs both of your hands with one hand.\nHe's so strong...\nThen, he raises the small knife in his other hand.\nHe smiles.\nThen, everything turns black.\n\nEnd.
You feel hungry.\nYou are craving big juicy beef burgers.\nMcdonalds is the perfect place and it is open 24/7.\nWait, you don't have any money with you...\nYou park behind Mcdonalds and open the glove box.\n\nRadio: Blah blah... After the attack this morning, we have a suspect. He was seen, leaving her house this morning with a black bag. He's a businessman and his name is Henry Lawrence...\n\nYou stop picking out the coins in the glove box.\nThat name is so familiar.\n"No... it can't be!" You say.\nBut before you can say another word, you see a black figure in the car mirror...\n"Say hello to your undead brother," the figure says.\n\nEND.\n\n[[Henry Lawrence...]]
What a relaxing shower... That new lavender shower gel was definitely worth buying.\nYou are about to go into the kitchen when you notice something strange about the storage room.\nThe door is slightly ajar...\n\n\n[[Open storage room]]\n[[Close storage door]]\n
Jack. In his early thirties. Dark brown hair. Dark eyes. There's something about his eyes... Mysterious guy. Doesn't talk much. Quite handsome. Hard to create a conversation with. Moved in a few months ago.\n\n[[back|Go to neighbour's house]]
His blood runs down his shirt.\nHe squeals in pain but then he laughs.\n"Is that all you can do?"\n\n[[Kick him]]\n
You quietly try to grab a knife from the kitchen. \nEven though it might be nothing, you want to be prepared. A butcher's knife. Not bad. You tiptoe towards your [[bedroom]]...\n\nYou flick the light switch. You see your king-sized bed, neatly made. Your fluffy slippers are tucked under the bed perfectly and your books are stacked like how they were before, on your desk. Everything looks normal. \nYou let out a sigh of relief and put the knife on the cabinet. \nYou quickly insert your iPhone into the charger.\nWhat's next?\n\n[[Have a shower]]\n[[Make dinner]]
You rush towards him and slap his face.\nHe groans.\nYou slap his face again but harder.\nHis right cheek is red now. \nMaybe you should make the other cheek red too, make it more even...\nYou raise your hand but he yells.\n"STOP!"\n"Tell me why do you want to kill me?" You shout.\nHe laughs.\n\n[[Punch him]]\n[[Slap him again]]
19.32 Advert\nVoiceover: Why not try the new mascara, 'big bold eyes'? It's made for glamourous ladies like you. For bigger... bolder... eyes. For thick eyelashes! So, flicker them away... because you're more than that... you're worth it.\n\n19.32 24News\nReporter: Welcome back to the 24News. Another woman has been found dead this morning at 10.15am in her own home. Her name was Gabrielle Stanley, a young woman who came home from work. She was found with severe stab wounds - \n\n[[back|Make dinner]]
He stops laughing.\n"Tell me!" You yell at him.\nYou grab the small knife on the kitchen counter and point it at him.\nHe smirks.\n\n[[Slice his neck a little]]\n[[Search him]]
<html><IMG SRC=""></html> \n\n[[back|Hide]]
The wind is colder than before as it blows through your hair.\nWhere is he?\nYou rub your hands together but that doesn't help.\nThen, you feel a hand on your shoulder.\nJack.\n"What are you doing out here?" He asks.\n"Your phone doesn't work..." You say.\n"That's weird. I think we should go to your house anyways."\nIt could be dangerous, you think.\n"We'll stick together. It might not be anything," he smiles.\nHis smile does not ease your anxiety.\nYou shrug.\nMaybe he is right.\n\n[[Go with him]]
You try to close the door but it wouldn't close.\nMaybe you have too much shoes? Maybe a coat hanger is pushing the door open?\nYou push the door hard.\nNothing. \nYou push the door harder...\nTHUD!\nSomething heavy falls out...\nA body! It hits the floor.\nThere is blood everywhere.\nYou scream then cover your mouth.\nIt's [[Mr. Bob Jenner]]!\n\n[[You use the house phone to call the police]]\n
You search his jacket to find his wallet.\nMaybe his identification card will tell you who he really is...\nHis jacket smells of sewage and it was damp. Mr. Jenner's blood is on his jacket.\nHe keeps fidgeting, which makes it harder for you to search him.\n"Stop moving!" You shout.\nYes, you find his wallet. A brown small leather wallet.\nHe tries to wiggle his way out of the ropes.\nYou move towards the window to get some light.\nThere. His identification card.\n\nHenry Lawrence...\n\nNo, it can't be. It's impossible.\nA shadow appeared behind you and all you can hear is silence.\nThen, you feel a sharp pain in your stomach.\nYou look down and you're bleeding. Blood runs down your clothes, down your legs and onto the floor.\n\n"Yes, it's your brother." He says.\n\nEnd.\n\n
Mr. Jenner. 45 years old. White hair and a beard. He wore tiny glasses at the end of his nose. He always wore a navy checkered shirt with a pair of brown corduroys. The friendly neighbour, who always helped you when you needed it. \nYou think about Mr. Jenner.\nTwo weeks ago, you ran out of sugar so you rushed to his house and he gave you a whole brand new bag of brown sugar. He didn't even ask for the money back.\nLast Monday, it was raining. You walked home through it. Your feet soaked from the puddles and your dress was drenched. Mr. Jenner saw you and rushed to you with an umbrella. He walked you all the way to your home.\nHe was such a nice old man. \n\n[[back|Close storage door]]
Radio: ...67.8 the radiostation for you! The news will be with you shortly after this break...\n\nYou drive through the city... Where should you go?\n\n[[Friend's house]]\n[[Burger shop]]
\nYou are about to enter your beautiful home when you see your front door slightly open... \n\n\n[[Enter the house anyway]]\n[[Go to neighbour's house]]\n[[Call police]]
You creep into your house slowly, trying not to make a noise. Why is your door open? Could it be a burglar? Or did you leave it open? \nYou look across the dark street, at [[Jack]]'s house. Your neighbour. It looks empty. \nWhere is he? He said he would come over and repair your [[TV]]. \n\n\n\n[[Turn on the light]]\n[[Find a knife]]
<html><IMG SRC=""></html> \n\n[[back|Tie him up]]
<html><IMG SRC=""></html> \n\n[[back|Make dinner]]
Thinking that you have forgotten your keys, you flick on the light switch. You see your king-sized bed, neatly made. \nYour slippers are tucked under the bed perfectly and your books are stacked like how they were before, on your desk. Everything looks normal - just the way you left it this morning.\nYou take off your jacket and your shoes.\nAll of a sudden, you hear a creak... it's coming from your [[storage room]]...\n\n[[Open storage room]]\n
You run out of the house. Your heart is beating so fast that you can hear it pounding. You can feel the wind against your skin as you run and run towards freedom. \nWhere is the safest place?\nYou see your car, a blue Ford Focus, parked in the corner of the street. \nYou remove your keys from your pocket.\nYou feel the hairs on the back of your neck prick up.\nYou turn around but Jack is not there. \nOf course not, he's tied up.\nYou enter your car and you are about to drive...\nYour hands are shaking. The sweat on your face slowly runs down to the side of your neck. \nKnowing he's still alive, makes your heart beat faster.\nWhat if he escapes and tries to kill you again? Why you?\nA part of you wants to go back to find out and a part of you wants to drive away.\n\n[[Go back]]\n[[Drive away]]\n\n
Kimmy Tieu
"Okay, I'll help you. But I don't want to go in alone," He says.\nWhat a pussy, you think.\n\n[[Go with him]]\n[[Force him to go alone]]
His head moves a little.\nYou grab the saucepan but he grabs your ankle.\nYou slip and fall on your face. Ouch.\n"Let me go! Help!" You scream.\nBut no one can hear you.\nYou try to kick his face. But he dodges and moves his head.\nHe grabs for the saucepan.\n"Stop moving!" He yells.\n"Get off me!" You shout.\nHe has a tight grip on your legs and pulls you closer to him.\nYour nails are scratching the floors. You try to find something to grab onto but there's nothing...\nYou try to twist your body around to face him...\nThe saucepan is in his hand; he raises it above his head and smiles.\n"Nooooo!" You scream.\nThen you see black...\n\n\nEND.