Praises.\n\nAccolades.\n\nFree codes to games on steam.\n\nDonations made in your name.\n\nWords of encouragement\n\nGrammar nazis taking apart the syntax you use.\n\namatoor editors fexing yur [[spalling|3]]
How DO people get feedback?\n\nDedicaded fans, i guess.\n\nWhat do i know, i'm just a [[narrative voice|4]]
Even though the computer is only 4 steps away from your bed, the speed which you arrive to it can still be described as [[rushing|3]]
Well, it's been modified a bit. I mean, who wants spambots to appear all the time?\n\nYou gotta keep yourself [[safe|main_loop]]
And with the magic of language and written word, it's Tomorrow!\n\nYou [[rush]] to the computer to check your [[emails]]. The wait for [[potential feedback]] has haunted your dreams.\n\nBut with checking all the methods of recieving accolades, hate mail and occasional pic of someones junk....\n\nThere's [[nothing there|4]]
This is what you're telling yourself. In school people kept telling you how gifted you were.\n\nAnd you decided to believe them.\n\nBut does it hold water anymore? Who can tell.\n\nWe're all in the mercy of [[comments|main_loop]]
With these toughts in mind, it's time to start the process all over again.\n\nWhat's stopping you anyway?\n\nBe regular and jsut keep at it. 10,000 hours and all that stuff. Sooner or later the fanbase will be built by itself.\n\nAt least that's what people WANT US to believe.
You've released a piece of writing to the masses that populate this massive internet of ours.\n\nDue to the lack of skills to get google analytics and other various analytics stuff working on your website, you don't have a way of knowing if anyone has read your piece.\n\nThis can be uncomfortable, especially to such a [[budding and gifted|delusion]] writer as yourself.\n\nThere's the [[comments]] section, and the [[email address]] for fan letters is in clear view. So what's keeping the [[feedback from appearing?|2]]
Sure there's a comments section, but you never read the comments. no one should ever read [[the comments|main_loop]]
Yes, hours. Not Days.\n\nIt did take days to write. Careful research, fact checking, a dose of journalistic integrity.\n\nBesides.\n\nYou still got to scan all the bits you write with the [[typewriter|2]]
This story is Part three of The Author Trilogy.\n\nPrevious parts are as follow:\nPart 1: <a href="">The Process</a>\n\nPart 2: <a href="">The Act Of Writing </a>\n\nYou don't have to play through the previous parts unless you want to. But i'd recomend doing so irregardless.\n\nthat said: it's [[on with the show|main_loop]]
It's amazing how easy the internet makes it for people like you to find an audience.\n\nYou might've not found your audience just yet, but...the potential is there.\n\nYou just gotta remain regular.\n\nLike your [[bowels do|2]]
Maybe people haven't had the chance to read it yet? After all, it's only been [[8 hours|hours]] since you posted it. And because of the time difference, there's still a massive [[potential amount|audience]] of audience who's still sleeping.\n\nMaybe it would be a good idea to go to bed? surely someone will have said something [[tomorrow|3]]
Disappointment.\n\nAnger.\n\nDespair.\n\nThese feelings come and [[quickly disappear]].\n\nYou can't be so[[selfish]] as to ask people to give you feedback. It either comes or it doesn't. This can be solved though. Just keep on writing and doing.\n\nSooner or later you'll have a fanbase and people will actually [[contact you|theend]].
The Lack Of Feedback - Part 3 of the writer saga
Leo Loikkanen
Man, they sure do like to advertise those herbal penis enlargement pills.\n\nLooks like they've also moved onto loan sharking.\n\nWhat an amazing future [[we live in|3]]
It might take an hour.\n\nIt might take a day.\n\nIn the GRAND UNIVERSAL SCALE, these moments don't mean [[diddly squat|4]]