9 kilometres.\n\nAway from the more sparsely populated area.\n\nInto the urban center.\n\nShops, sights, people, observations.\n\nMalls, shops, bars, pubs, stores, restaurants, services.\n\nthere is something to [[write|writing]] about each and everyone.
This twine was written in an half an hour or so.\n\nI'd like to thank the following twitter users:\n\n@richardgoodness for helping me getting back into writing and giving me encouragement to keep on writing.\n\n@F0lis for being there.\n\n@Dezzles for being the way he is\n\n@Crowbeak for being in japan.\n\n@tonyperriello for helping me and Richard do WAFFLE QUEST (coming soon!)\n\nNext twine <b>The Stranger</b> will be written some day.
There's nothing to do inside but to be in front of the computer.\n\nTo lose yourself in the rabbit hole of <a href="http://www.tvtropes.com">TVTropes</a> or Wikipedia.\n\nTo waste in front of the never ending stream that is Reddit and Imgur. 9gag is fine too, if you're desperate. But if you're THAT desperate, maybe you should seek help.\n\nMaybe that's something to [[write|writing]] about?
<a href="http://limbclock.itch.io/the-process">The process</a> is always there to help you.\n\nLike a...kickstart for the creative process.\n\nNow, however it's time to [[write|1]]
What piece was it anyway?\n\nHow should i know. I gave you options. In your mind you, the player decided, "Yes, this is the piece that i would write. Or the player character that i imprint myself on."\n\nFeel cheated? You shouldn't. It's all part of [[the games we play|4]]
This reminds me of a little anecdote i once read on the internet.\n\nSylvester stallone said, that after he'd seen Rocky Marciano boxing match with someone...Muhammad Ali, i think it was...he went home and wrote the screenplay for Rocky in one sitting.\n\nHe later stated that he'd written "A Screenplay", implying that the thing he came up with was edited, re-written, re-worked before it became what it did.\n\nWe all should remember this anecdote. It might even be [[useful|2]] someday....
The poem\nFills\nthe air with the\nact of sending\nrays\nof hope and\nmaybe to\nconnect\nwith other people that\nmight understand\nwhat it is\nto [[write|writing]] in\nfree verse.
The Act of writing involves the use of muscles found inside those sausages most people would call fingers.\n\nWith deft flexing, and muscle memory, the fingers find the [[keys]] that are laid out in front of you. Soon sentences are starting to form, as the transcript of fictious language is going through your head.\n\nYou transcribe your thoughts to paper. Allowing the words to be saved for future generation.\n\nOr at least to the next version of the [[software]] you're using.\n\nWould've a [[typewriter]] been a better idea after all?\n\nThose thoughts disappear once you reach the [[ending of the piece.|2]]
But what to write about?\n\nThere haven't been any goings on that could be turned to literary prose, at least in your own opinion.\n\nUnless people would like to read about you laughing to a bunch of gifs or how it's like to [[sit in front of the computer the whole day|computer]], the options are limited.\n\nThere's also the option of writing about the things you saw during your [[walk outside|walk]].\n\nOr maybe you should write an [[opinion piece|opinion]] or maybe a [[poem]].\n\nBut all of those involve the act of [[writing]]
So you press the <b>bright</b>, bulbous green button that reads:\n\n<h2>Publish</h2>\n\nAs is the way of our ([[impatient]]) [[people|4]]
It's done. The piece is done.\n\nBut is that all there is?\n\nI mean, isn't this just the [[first draft|1stdraft]]? Don't people say that it's best first to complete the draft and then start [[editing]] it?\n\nIs the act of writing truly condensed in a write-edit-write-edit-write-edit-eventually stop-publish loop?\n\nBut this is the age of [[the internet|3]]
For today though, it's done.\n\nWith the satisfaction of writing content, you return to the life you live in.\n\nThere are dishes to be done. Self to market. Carpets to vacuum.\n\nBut someday, you'll return to writing.\n\nAnd when you do, <a href="http://limbclock.itch.io/the-process">The Process</a> is waiting for you.\n\nThe End.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou thought it was [[over|postscript]]?
As soon as it's pressed, the [[piece you wrote]] is released on the internet.\n\nSome people see it.\n\nMajority of people ignore it.\n\nPat yourself on the back! You've generated new content! Look at you go!\n\nWho knows what greatness you one day shall [[soar to!|5]]
The Act Of Writing
IBM Selectric.\n\nTHE Typewriter that anyone can use.\n\nExchangable fonts. Pleasant keyboard.\n\nAnd according to some sexist remarks from the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Men">60s\n</a> The people that designed this beautiful typewriter even made it easy enough for a woman to [[use|writing]]
The alphabet. The building blocks used to write. The things that allow words to form. The most fundamental piece of thoughts and sentences.\n\nWe're going full on [[romantic|writing]] with this one, aren't we?
There are many things to be opinionated about:\n\nGender issues\nVideo games\nPolitics\nNews\nSocial media, heck even how to pay you phone bill is something to [[write|writing]] about.
Move a sentence. Add a word. Remove a\n\ndouble\n\nspace. Make sure the punctuation; correct. Is there something to Remove? is there something to add?\n\nDoes it even sound right? What can we lose?\n\nWell this scene about a lady being liberated under the thumb of the patriarchy HAS [[to go|2]].\n\nWe can't support such filth.\n\nGah.\n\n(I'm going to get angry letters about this one...)
This is a ... kind of a sequel to my previous twine game, <a href="http://limbclock.itch.io/the-process">The Process</a>\n\nHowever, the entity in this game and the previous one may or may not be the same...\n\nWith that said, let's get [[to it|gamestart]]
Internet is wrecking your attention span.\n\nWhy am i still writing this?\n\nI wanna do something else.\n\nTWEETS WAITING\n\nSTATUSSES TO LIKE.\n\nWhat have we all become? We're all sons of [[marketers|3]]
Leo Loikkanen
With each update.\n\nThe support for older files disappears.\n\nSometimes they keep a copy of the older version of the software on some godforsaken old model computer just so that the contents could be read.\n\nBut, if you're so hell bent on using the software, make sure you use open file [[containers|writing]]