Charon -- the ferryman of the souls, who forces even children to pay a fee to cross -- begins to cry.\n\nYou're playing has transfixed him! He allows you to cross for free!\n\nIt takes a short amount of time to cross, in which you never stop playing. You fear that if you do stop, Charon will throw you into the River Acheron. Or worse -- make you pay.\n\nYou step off of the boat with a group of souls. They shuffle off to the right, you follow them. Afterall, you don't exactly have any idea of where you're going.\n\nCerberus stands before you. You've heard he doesn't mind people passing in, and it seems that that notion is correct. He doesn't pay any attention to you as you enter the Underworld.\n\nYou have no idea where the entrance to Hades's palace is, though you can see the palace itself.\n\nWhat direction do you go?\n\n[[To the left.|Journey5]]\n[[To the right.|Bad Ending 4]]
You head off to the left, which seems to be the way to go, since you're no longer surrounded by souls.\n\nA door stands before you, but it is easy to move. You walk down a long hallways, with ceilings that seem to reach the heavens themselves. Another door, much taller, is cracked open just enough for you to slip by.\n\nYou do so, and are greeted with the smiling face of Persephone.\n\nHades sits beside her, and seems much less happy to see you.\n\nPlay for us, Persephone says.\n\nYou step forward and take a deep breath.\n\nWhat do you play?\n\n[[A slow song.|Journey6]]\n[[The song you played when you were wed to Eurydice.|Journey6]]
Persephone's smile begins to droop, until she is emotionless. All is not lost, however, because she is crying.\n\nYou do not turn your gaze to Hades until Persephone does so herself. He is crying as well.\n\nPersephone whispers to her husband, and he eventually nods his head.\n\nHe hold his hand out, signalling you to stop playing. As soon as you do so, he issues you your challenge: you can have Eurydice's life back -- body and all -- if you can exit the Underworld without looking back at her.\n\nYour confidence is high. Your love will allow you to do this task, you are sure. \n\nStill, you are wary. Hades could be lying to you.\n\nDo you accept?\n\n[[I do.|Journey7]]\n[[I do not.|Bad Ending 5]]
Hades instructs you turn around and begin your leave. He swears to you that Eurydice's soul is behind you. He says, as you leave, that as soon as you both reach the upperworld together, that Eurydice's sould will gain its body. \n\nYou walk and you walk, and Eurydice chats in your ear, assuring you that she is indeed still there.\n\nYou come across Cerberus once again.\n\nDo you play?\n\n[[I do.|Journey8]]\n[[I do not.|Bad Ending 6]]
Your journey begins, and it is a long one. The Underworld is the in the cold north, and you don't exactly live nearby. Nor are you prepared for how cold it is. Persephone is with her husband during this time of the year, so it is much colder than it would normally be.\n\nThe cold nips at your nose, and it soon becomes painful. The wind blows in your eyes, making it incredibly hard to see. At this point, you aren't sure if you're even on the right track anymore.\n\nBut Persephone is with Hades! She's well known for being able to calm her husband, to make him more compassionate. That alone could make your journey worth the effort.\n\nDo you press on?\n\n[[I shall.|Journey3]]\n[[it is far too cold, the journey is not worth the effort.|Bad Ending 2]]
You trudge on throw the snow; being with your Eurydice is worth this risk. The gods above are in your favor, at least, so as long as you're on the surface you should be fine.\n\nIt's when you head into the Underworld, that's when your problem starts. \n\nAnd soon enough, the entrance to the land of the dead looms before you. Erebos himself seems to pull you in, but you are not afraid of the darkness. You have the light of your music to guide you.\n\nYou take a deep breath, and step into the entrance.\n\nCharon waits for you, but says nothing.\n\nDo you play for him?\n\n[[I do.|Journey4]]\n[[I do not.|Bad Ending 3]]
Yes, you decide. The cold is not worth trudging on. There's no way to tell what challenges lay ahead, and you will be far too weak to face them if you continue.\n\nIt's best if you mourn and move on. You're happiness may not be with you at this moment, but it will return to you in time.\n\nHowever, in time, you begin to scorn the gods. Only the sun exists as the true god -- the lord Apollo.\n\nOne day, as you go to welcome your god into the new day, you simply stop to be. It was the Maenads who had gotten to you, who were angry at your lack of worship of Dionysus.\n\nIn your death, you are reunited with your love.\n\n[[Try Again?|Start]]
Too bad, because you don't have drachma.\n\n[[Try again?|Journey3]]
Yes, you decide. The dead cannot come back to life, no matter how anyone wishes. Even if they could, the journey would be far too dangerous, only heroes like the great Heracles ould endure such torture.\n\nIt's best if you mourn and move on. You're happiness may not be with you at this moment, but it will return to you in time.\n\nHowever, in time, you begin to scorn the gods. Only the sun exists as the true god -- the lord Apollo.\n\nOne day, as you go to welcome your god into the new day, you simply stop to be. It was the Maenads who had gotten to you, who were angry at your lack of worship of Dionysus.\n\nIn your death, you are reunited with your love.\n\n[[Try Again?|Start]]
You turn, only to see Eurydice's face stricken with horror. She begins to fade away.\n\nYou have lost, but you know Hades will not welcome you back. You continue your assent, you shoulders held low.\n\nIn time, you begin to scorn the gods. Only the sun exists as the true god -- the lord Apollo.\n\nOne day, as you go to welcome your god into the new day, you simply stop to be. It was the Maenads who had gotten to you, who were angry at your lack of worship of Dionysus.\n\nIn your death, you are reunited with your love.\n\n[[Try again?|Journey8]]
You go to the right, but it seems that you've gone in the wrong direction!\n\nYou're stuck in the queue of souls!\n\nNo matter how hard you try, you cannot nudge your way out of group. You attemp to play, but the souls don't seem to be able to here you.\n\nLooks like you're stuck.\n\n[[Try again?|Journey4]]
Hades does not take your rejection of his kindness to well. He declares that Eurydice's soul is to be locked away, so that you cannot see her even after your own death.\n\n[[Try again?|Journey6]]
You have just found out that your wife, your beloved Eurydice, has passed.\n\nShe was chased down by a satyr. It wasn't he that killed her, you found out when they brought you herr body. It was the bite of a venemous snake.\n\nSadness fill you more than anger. She had only been yours for so little time, she had danced the liveliest to your music, had sung louder than your mother. She smiled so brightly when you looked upon her, and you in turn smiled even brighter.\n\nShe was gone now. [[And there was nothing you could do.|Bad Ending]]\n\n[[Or was there?|Journey]]
Your songs of sadness have reached even the gods, and they tell you that there is something you can do.\n\nYou can go into the dreaded Underworld, and bargain with Hades for the life of your Eurydice. It would be a dangerous journey, few mortals have made the journey. And out of those who have, very few have come back alive. \n\nBut you have your lyre, and your songs. Your songs that have enchanted person after person, surely Hades himself can hear your sadness as well.\n\nIs the journey worth it? Sooner or later, you will join Eurydice in the afterlife, but you were meant to spend your loves together. You'd only just gotten married.\n\nWhat do you decide?\n\n[[I will go.|Journey2]]\n[[I will wait.|Bad Ending]]
Cerberus allows you to play as he sways to your music. Charon lets you cross for free once again. Eurydice continues to chat in your ear.\n\nOr is that Eurydice? Hades has never allowed a soul out of his realm before, what's to say he hasn't lied to you. It wasn't too far-fetched, he wasn't the god of truth, afterall. He didn't even swear to you!\n\nOr did he?\n\n[[He did.|Journey9]]\n[[He did not.|Bad Ending 7]]
You see the beginnings of light, and you know that your journey is almost complete.\n\nYou foot touches grass -- you have not exited the same place you entered, which believe is strange -- and you soak in the sunlight. \n\nYou are overjoyed! You have defeated Hades's challenge! You have successfully brought back a dead soul!\n\nBut you haven't just yet. The caverns of the Underworld still loom over your head. But what does that matter, the sun is touching your skin!\n\nYou want to turn to celebrate with Eurydice, but your doubt gets the better of you. You should wait until you have exited the cavern, just to be safe.\n\nDo you wait?\n\n[[I do.|Ending]]\n[[I do not.|Ending]]
You should know better. Cerberus's job isn't to prevent people from getting in, it's to prevent people from getting out.\n\nYou are eaten, but you are also reunited with Eurydice.\n\n[[Try again?|Journey7]]
Makaria Lee
You tell yourself you will not turn, but you excitement gets the better of you.\n\nYou spin on your heel, your eyes wide with excitement, your arms outstretched to hug your Eurydice.\n\nBut she is already vanshing. You were too early in your celebration, and she is gone.\n\nYou soon begin to scorn the gods. They were the ones who suggested you go to get her back. Only the sun exists as the true god -- the lord Apollo.\n\nYou soon find that you have no pleasure in other women. They are not Eurydice, and they never will be. You still have your urges, though, and you find that young lovers fullfil them best. Perhaps it's because you were young when you met Eurydice, but you'll never know. Even though you engage with them, they do not fill the emptiness in your chest. You fear nothing will. You fear you will fall apart.\n\nOne day, as you go to welcome your god into the new day, you simply stop to be. It was the Maenads who had gotten to you, who were angry at your lack of worship of Dionysus.\n\nIn your death, you are reunited with your love.\n\n[[Have another go?|Start]]