**<u>B</u>**linking in the moonlight, you wake up. You **<u>C</u>**an't say for sure whether you heard the word or spoke it.<br>
**<u>D</u>**o you?<br>
* [[**<u>E</u>**ase yourself carefully back under the covers->An Adventurous Dream]]
* [[**<u>F</u>**ling the duvet off->An Unusual Room]]
You **<u>F</u>**old yourself up into a ball, **<u>G</u>**ently drifting into a sleepy **<u>H</u>**aze. You **<u>I</u>**nvestigate the way the colours change as you breathe in and out and begin your adventure: **<u>J</u>**ourney, but down which path?<br> <br>
[[**<u>K</u>**eeping to the shadows->A Soul's Journey]]
[[**<u>L</u>**osing yourself in a whirl of colour->Into the Maelstrom]]**<u>G</u>**athering clothes, you **<u>H</u>**urry to the call. <br>**<u>I</u>**nitiation! Adventure! <br>And there, **<u>J</u>**ust in front of you is the **<u>K</u>**ey but where is the **<u>L</u>**ock?<br><br>
* [[**<u>M</u>**idway between the top and the bottom of a door about as high as your waist in the corner of the room->Homage to Alice]]
* [[**<u>N</u>**owhere to be seen->Magical Shenanigans Required]]**<u>L</u>**ight is scarce here. <br>Your **<u>M</u>**ovements are gentle, though **<u>N</u>**ot timid. **<u>O</u>**bscurity suits you. <br>**<u>P</u>**erfect **<u>Q</u>**uiet. <br>**<u>R</u>**eaching with all your **<u>S</u>**enses you seek **<u>Truth.
* [[**<u>U</u>**tterly impossible to find, of course -> An Ending]]
* [[**<u>V</u>**iolent, unapologetic truth-> Another Ending]]
**<u>M</u>**yriad colours flow around you. **<u>N</u>**oticing, endlessly noticing you **<u>O</u>**pen your arms to them.<br> **<u>P</u>**erfection. **<u>Q</u>**uivering<br>
* [[**<u>R</u>**ipples of pleasure run through you->An explosion]]
* [[**<u>S</u>**houting and leaping for joy you dance->Another explosion]]**<u>N</u>**ot so small as to need a potion. <br>**<u>O</u>**rnate, lovingly crafted. **<u>P</u>**oppy Red. <br>**<u>Q</u>**uite a squeeze.<br> You climb through into a **<u>R</u>**ed courtyard. Red bricks, Red Poppies - not red grass, but a bright Red **<u>S</u>**amovar in the middle.<br>
* [[**<u>T</u>**ake tea from the samovar ->A sleeping draught]]
* [[**<u>U</u>**pend the Samovar and scream ->Awakening]]`"`Open Sesame`"` you call out Pathetically. `"`Quiet`"` the Room replies back. `"`There is no door so how can it open`"`
[[Tell the Room to fuck off and mind its own business -> Solitary]]
[[Use the key on yourself-> Open Heart Surgery]]
Vast as the power of dream shadows are What can they offer one such as you? Too (e)Xistential for reassurance, Yearning but scornful. Zero learning.
What is the truth you find? (e)Xtraordinary compassion Yields hope. All else is Zombies.Is this a symphony? Truly it feels like the colours are playing you. Unique notes with perfect Vibrations. Where will this end? Xtasy. An ultimate Yield of bliss. Zooming.Towards you comes a figure. Unspoken agreement. Whirling Together. (e)Xhilaration. Yes! Endless Zest for life.The tea is Unpleasant, its effects more so. Veils cloud your eyes. Weight bears down on you. You are (e)Xhausted. The red fades and is replaced by Yawning emptiness. Zounds! This is the end.Violence was the right answer. Walls begin to crumble. The flowers vanish and e(X)sanguinated corpses rise in their place. Yet you do not run. You pick up the weapon at your feet and begin to Zap them one by one.There is only Unrelenting silence in response. And a cold, Violet light. You wait. You remove your clothes which seem (e)Xstraneous. The shape you make with yourself and the duvet looks like a Yumyum. A fly fries on the bug Zapper in the corner.Vena Cava, Aorta, and a Waterfall of blood. These things might have been (e)Xpected when you opened your heart with a metal key. Instead a little Yellow bird flew out, perched on your shoulder, and began to sing Zipahdedoodah while you went gently back to sleep.