<h2>Night of the Zealot
Part I: The Gathering</h2>
A story by Fantasy Flight Games
Written for Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Modified and adapted with Twine.
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
(set: $tags to (passage:)'s tags)
(if: not ($tags contains "no-stats"))[<i><span id="box">
<p><center>Clues: $clue</center></p>
<p><center>Resources: $resource</center></p>
<p><center>Actions: $action</center></p>
<p><center>Health: $health</center></p>
<p><center>Horror: $horror</center></p>
<p><center>Willpower: $willpower</center></p>
<p><center>Intellect: $intellect</center></p>
<p><center>Strength: $strength</center></p>
<p><center>Agility: $agility</center></p>
(if: $light is true)[(goto: "Investigate")]
(if: $health < 1)[(goto: "nores")]
(if: $horror < 1)[(goto: "nores")]
(if: $priesthealth < 1)[(goto: "res1")]]
(set: $willpower to 2)
(set: $intellect to 3)
(set: $strength to 4)
(set: $agility to 3)
(set: $health to 7)
(set: $horror to 7)
(set: $clue to 0)
(set: $resource to 5)
(set: $action to 3)
(set: $ammo to 4)
(set: $flashlightuse to 2)
(set: $rosaryuse to 2)
(set: $aiduse to 3)
(set: $dynamiteuse to 1)
(set: $engage to 0)
(set: $evaded to false)
(set: $rats to 0)
(set: $rathealth to 1)
(set: $ghoul to 0)
(set: $ghoulhealth to 3)
(set: $ghoulpriest to 0)
(set: $priesthealth to 5)
(set: $act to 1)
(set: $agenda to 1)
(set: $doom to 3)
(set: $doom2 to 8)
(set: $doom3 to 11)
(set: $studyclues to 2)
(set: $cellarclues to 2)
(set: $atticclues to 2)
(set: $inv to (a: ))
(set: $flashlight to "Flashlight")
(set: $rosary to "Holy Rosary")
(set: $aid to "First Aid")
(set: $dynamite to "Dynamite")
(set: $machete to "Machete")
(set: $map to (datamap: "study", (a: $flashlight), "hallway", (a: $rosary), "attic", (a: $machete), "cellar", (a: $dynamite, $aid), "parlor", (a: )))
(set: $offstage to (a: ))
<i>Friday, September 18, 1925.
Arkham, Massachusetts.
<span id="content">It is the end of a long and abnormally hot summer.
The first hints of autumn beckon,
but a heavy heat persists, [[relentless.]]</span></i>
<span id="content"><i>A silent, unspoken anger grips the town.
Tempers are short, and in the last week alone
there have been numerous reports of townspeople
coming to heated, violent blows with one another
over simple misunderstandings.
And now, [[a call from James Hankerson.]]</i></span>
<span id="content"><i>He claims to have found a dismembered body in his barn.
Blaming the weather would be too easy.
There is something wrong with this town,
not a lot this old soothsayer can do to stop the slide.
My auguries indicate a small group of investigators will
soon take note of these strange happenings and set
forth to make things right.
I'll be watching their progress...
[[but I won't be holding my breath.]]</i></span>
<span id="content">
[[Act I:
Trapped|Part I: The Gathering]]
<span id="content"><center><u>The Study</u></center>
Several townspeople have mysteriously gone missing. Recently, their corpses have turned up in the woods, savaged and half-eaten. The police and newspapers have stated that wild animals are responsible, but you believe there's something else going on. You are at your home, [[gathering information]] about the recent, bizarre events.</span>
<span id="content"><center><u>The Study</u></center>
It is late at night. You're holed up in your study, researching the bloody disappearances that have been taking place in the region. A few hours into your research, you hear a strange chanting coming from the parlor down the hall. At the same time, you hear dirt churning, as if something were [[digging underneath the ground|study]]</span>
<span id="content">{
(if: $doom is 0)[(goto: "agenda1")]
(if: $doom2 is 0)[(goto: "agenda2")]
(if: $doom3 is 0)[(goto: "nores")]
(set: $shroud to 2)
(if: $action is 0)[(goto: "mythos")]
<p>Doom: (if: $agenda is 1)[$doom](if: $agenda is 2)[$doom2](if: $agenda is 3)[$doom3]</p>
<p><center><u>The Study</u></p>
<p>(if: $clue < 2)[Shroud 2 | 2 Clues needed to Advance]</p>
<p>(else-if: $clue > 1)[[[Spend 2 Clues to Advance (Free Action)->Spend 2 Clues to Advance (Free Action)]]</p>
As you leap up to investigate, the door to your study vanishes before your eyes, leaving behind only solid wall. You're trapped inside your study until you can find another way out.
(if: $engage > 0)[<span id="enemybox">
<p>(if: $rats > 0)[Swarm of Rats 1/$rathealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoul > 0)[Ghoul Minion 2/$ghoulhealth/2(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoulpriest > 0)[Ghoul Priest 4/$priesthealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>Investigate: (if: $studyclues > 0)[[[Use Intellect $intellect|Investigate]] ($studyclues Clue/s available here.) ](else-if: $studyclues is 0)[$studyclues Clues available here.]</p>
<p>Move: No where to move to.</p>
<p>Gather: [[1 Resource|Gather Resources]]</p>
<p>Engagement: (if: $engage > 0)[(link-goto: "Fight") | (link-goto: "Evade")](else:)[No engaged enemy.]</p>
<p>(display: "list inventory")</p>
<p>(display: "list room contents")</p>
(if: $light is true)[(set: $shroud to it -2)(if: $shroud < 0)[(set: $shroud to 0)]]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2)
(if: $resource > 0)[(set: $boost to (confirm: "Would you like to spend 1 resource to increase your Intellect by 1 for this test? (Click cancel to spend 0 resources)"))
(if: $boost)[(set: $intellect to it + 1)(set: $resource to it - 1)]]
(set: $action to it - 1)
(set: $chaos to (random: 1, 16))
(if: $chaos is 1)[(set: $test to 1)]
(if: $chaos is 2)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 4)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 5)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 6)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 7)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 8)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 9)[(set: $test to -3)]
(if: $chaos is 10)[(set: $test to -4)]
(if: $chaos is 11)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -2)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 12)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 13)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 14)[(set: $test to -1)[
(if: ($test + $intellect) < 2)[(set: $horror to it - 1) You take 1 Horror!
(if: $chaos is 15)[(set: $test to -2)[
(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $health to it - 1) You take 1 Damage!
(if: $chaos is 16)[(set: $test to it - 10)]
(if: ($intellect + $test) >= $shroud)[You manage to find 1 clue! (set: $intellect to 3)
(set: $clue to it + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "study")[(set: $studyclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "cellar")[(set: $cellarclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "attic")[(set: $atticclues to it - 1)]
(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else-if: ($intellect + $test) < $shroud)[You fail to find any clues.(set: $intellect to 3)(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $resource > 0)[(set: $boost to (confirm: "Would you like to spend 1 resource to increase your Intellect by 1 for this test? (Click cancel to spend 0 resources)"))
(if: $boost)[(set: $intellect to it + 1)(set: $resource to it - 1)]]
(set: $action to it - 1)
(set: $chaos to (random: 1, 16))
(if: $chaos is 1)[(set: $test to 1)]
(if: $chaos is 2)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 4)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 5)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 6)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 7)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 8)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 9)[(set: $test to -3)]
(if: $chaos is 10)[(set: $test to -4)]
(if: $chaos is 11)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -2)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 12)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 13)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 14)[(set: $test to -1)[
(if: ($test + $intellect) < 2)[(set: $horror to it - 1) you take 1 Horror!
(if: $chaos is 15)[(set: $test to -2)[
(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $health to it - 1) You take 1 Damage!
(if: $chaos is 16)[(set: $test to it - 10)]
(if: ($intellect + $test) >= $shroud)[You manage to find 1 clue! (set: $intellect to 3)
(set: $clue to it + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "study")[(set: $studyclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "cellar")[(set: $cellarclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "attic")[(set: $atticclues to it - 1)]
(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else-if: ($intellect + $test) < $shroud)[You fail to find any clues.(set: $intellect to 3)(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
}(set: $light to false)
(if: $inv contains $38_special)[.38 special ($ammo bullets)]
(else-if: $inv conatins $flashlight)[Flashlight ($flashlight uses)]
(else:)[You currently have no items.(set: $loc to (history:)'s last)]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2)(set: $resource to it + 1)(set: $action to it - 1)You gather one resource and take 2 damage.
(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]]
(else:)[(set: $resource to it + 1)(set: $action to it - 1)You gather one resource.
(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
{Use Item:
(if: $inv contains "Flashlight")[(display: "flashlight")](if: $inv contains "Holy Rosary")[(display: "Holy Rosary")](if: $inv contains "First Aid")[(display: "First Aid")](if: $inv contains "Dynamite")[(display: "Dynamite")](if: $inv contains "Machete")[(display: "Machete")](else:)[ Nothing else in your inventory.]
(set: $loc to (passage:)'s name)Spend 2 resources to take item: {(if: $map contains $loc)[
(set: $items to $map's $loc)
(if: $items.length > 0)[
<!--converts an array of objects into an array of links and then joins them with newlines between each item-->
(print: $items.map(Window.make_link, "take").join("\n"))
](else:)[nothing here.]
](else:)[nothing here.]}
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2)
(if: $resource > 1)[
<!--if a passage called "take-<item>" exists then call that instead-->
(set: $__passage to "take-" + $__item.splt(":")[0])
(if: (Window.passages.get($__passage) != undefined))[(display: $__passage)]
You take the (print: $__item.splt(":")[0]).
(set: $loc to (history:)'s last)
(print: Window.move_object($__item, $map's $loc, $inv))
(set: $action to it - 1)(set: $resource to it - 2)(live: 1s)[(goto: $loc)] ]
(else:)[You don't have enough resources to take that. No action spent. (live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(if: $resource > 1)[
<!--if a passage called "take-<item>" exists then call that instead-->
(set: $__passage to "take-" + $__item.splt(":")[0])
(if: (Window.passages.get($__passage) != undefined))[(display: $__passage)]
You take the (print: $__item.splt(":")[0]).
(set: $loc to (history:)'s last)
(print: Window.move_object($__item, $map's $loc, $inv))
(set: $action to it - 1)(set: $resource to it - 2)(live: 1s)[(goto: $loc)] ]
(else:)[You don't have enough resources to take that. No action spent. (live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[
(if: $rats is 1)[Rats deal you 1 damage! (set: $health to it - 1)]
(if: $ghoul is 1)[The Ghoul Minion deals you 1 damage and 1 horror!(set: $health to it -1)(set: $horror to it - 1)]
(if: $ghoulpriest is 1)[The Ghoul Priest deals you 2 damage and 2 horror! (set: $health to it - 2)(set: $horror to it - 2)]
(else-if: $evaded is true)[Evaded enemies do not attack!]
<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
background-color: none;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
-webkit-animation: mymove 5s infinite; /* Safari 4.0 - 8.0 */
animation: mymove 5s infinite;
/* Safari 4.0 - 8.0 */
#div1 {-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;}
/* Standard syntax */
#div1 {animation-timing-function: ease-in;}
/* Safari 4.0 - 8.0 */
@-webkit-keyframes mymove {
from {left: 0px;}
to {left: 100px;}
/* Standard syntax */
@keyframes mymove {
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to {left: 100px;}
<div id="div3"><h1><i>Mythos</i></h1></div>
<span id="content">
(if: $agenda is 1)[(set: $doom to it - 1)]
(if: $doom is 0)[(set: $agenda to 2)]
(if: $agenda is 2)[(set: $doom2 to it - 1)]
(if: $doom2 is 0)[(set: $agenda to 3)]
(if: $agenda is 3)[(set: $doom3 to it - 1)]
(if: $doom3 is 0)[(if: $act < 3)[(goto: "res3")](if: $act > 2)[(goto: "death")]]
(set: $encounter to 0)
(set: $encounter to (random: 1, 11))
(if: $encounter is 1)[You are frozen in fear of what may happen to you. You lose 1 Action for the next round.(set: $action to 2)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 2)[You notice the wretched smell of rotting remains. Are you going insane?(set: $horror to it - 1)(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 3)[You are not deterred by the inexplicable horrors you are faced with and you continue with your investigation unscathed.(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 4)[The room goes suddenly cold. Like the chill of a crypt. Your health suffers for it.(set: $health to it -2)(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 5)[You are not deterred by the inexplicable horrors you are faced with and you continue with your investigation unscathed.(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 6)[You are not deterred by the inexplicable horrors you are faced with and you continue with your investigation.(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 7)[(if: $ghoul is 1)[The engaged enemy deals you one additional horror! (set: $horror to it - 1)](else:)[Inside the tunnels beneath your house, a massive beast tears its way up to you. It is covered in a thick layer of frost, its breath visible in the bitter cold.] (set: $engage to 1)(set: $ghoul to 1)(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 8)[Your hands and feet tense up to the point of immovability. You lose all of your resources.(set: $resource to 0)(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 9)[The room goes suddenly cold. Like the chill of a crypt. Your health suffers for it.(set: $health to it -2)(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 10)[You notice the wretched smell of rotting remains. Are you going insane?(set: $horror to it - 1)(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $encounter is 11)[A horde of cruel rats skitters forth in an undulating wave of claws, teeth, and mottled fur. (set: $engage to 1)(set: $rats to 1)(set: $action to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
<p>You gain 2 resources.</p>
(set: $evaded to false)
(set: $resource to it + 2)
<span id="content">{
(set: $shroud to 1)
(if: $doom is 0)[(goto: "agenda1")]
(if: $doom2 is 0)[(goto: "agenda2")]
(if: $doom3 is 0)[(goto: "nores")]
(if: $action is 0)[(goto: "mythos")]
<p>Doom: (if: $agenda is 1)[$doom](if: $agenda is 2)[$doom2](if: $agenda is 3)[$doom3]</p>
<p>(if: $act is 2)[(if: $clue < 3)[Shroud 1 | 3 Clues needed to Advance]</p>
<p>(else-if: $clue > 2)[[[Spend 3 Clues to Advance (Free Action)->Spend 3 Clues to Advance (Free Action)]]]]
(if: $act is 3)[You can only advance if the Ghoul Priest is defeated.]</p></center>
<p>The walls of your house are splattered with mud, and your hardwood floor is gone, replaced with a dirt path.</p>
(if: $engage > 0)[<span id="enemybox">
<p>(if: $rats > 0)[Swarm of Rats 1/$rathealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoul > 0)[Ghoul Minion 2/$ghoulhealth/2(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoulpriest > 0)[Ghoul Priest 4/$priesthealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>Investigate: (if: $hallwayclues > 0)[[[Use Intellect $intellect|Investigate]] ($hallwayclues Clue/s available here.) ](else-if: $hallwayclues is 0)[$hallwayclues Clues available here.]</p>
<p>Move: [[Cellar|cellartrans]] | [[Attic|attictrans]] | [[Parlor|parlortrans]]</p>
<p>Gather: [[1 Resource|Gather Resources]]</p>
<p>Engagement: (if: $engage > 0)[(link-goto: "Fight") | (link-goto: "Evade")](else:)[No engaged enemy.]</p>
<p>(display: "list inventory")</p>
<p>(display: "list room contents")</p>
<span id="content">{
(if: $doom is 0)[(goto: "agenda1")]
(if: $doom2 is 0)[(goto: "agenda2")]
(if: $doom3 is 0)[(goto: "nores")]
(set: $shroud to 1)
(if: $action is 0)[(goto: "mythos")]
<p>Doom: (if: $agenda is 1)[$doom](if: $agenda is 2)[$doom2](if: $agenda is 3)[$doom3]</p>
<p>(if: $act is 2)[Shroud 1 | 3 Clues needed to Advance| <font color="red">You may only spend clues in the Hallway to advance.|</font></p>]</center></p>
<p>The bloody carcass of a malformed beast swings from a meathook chained to the ceiling. Blood drains slowly from the carcass, dripping into a small barrel.</p>
<p>Investigate: (if: $atticclues > 0)[[[Use Intellect $intellect|Investigate]] ($atticclues Clue/s available here.) ](else-if: $atticclues is 0)[$atticclues Clues available here.]</p>
(if: $engage > 0)[<span id="enemybox">
<p>(if: $rats > 0)[Swarm of Rats 1/$rathealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoul > 0)[Ghoul Minion 2/$ghoulhealth/2(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoulpriest > 0)[Ghoul Priest 4/$priesthealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>Move: [[Hallway|hallwaytrans]]</p>
<p>Gather: [[1 Resource|Gather Resources]]</p>
<p>Engagement: (if: $engage > 0)[(link-goto: "Fight") | (link-goto: "Evade")](else:)[No engaged enemy.]</p>
<p>(display: "list inventory")</p>
<p>(display: "list room contents")</p>
<span id="content">{
(if: $doom is 0)[(goto: "agenda1")]
(if: $doom2 is 0)[(goto: "agenda2")]
(if: $doom3 is 0)[(goto: "nores")]
(set: $shroud to 4)
(if: $action is 0)[(goto: "mythos")]
<p>Doom: (if: $agenda is 1)[$doom](if: $agenda is 2)[$doom2](if: $agenda is 3)[$doom3]</p>
<p>(if: $act is 2)[Shroud 4 | 3 Clues needed to Advance| <font color="red">You may only spend clues in the Hallway to advance.</font>]</p></center>
<p>Your cellar seems to have been replaced with an underground network of icy tunnels and caverns. The cold chills you to the core.</p>
<p>Investigate: (if: $cellarclues > 0)[[[Use Intellect $intellect|Investigate]] ($cellarclues Clue/s available here.) ](else-if: $cellarclues is 0)[$cellarclues Clues available here.]</p>
(if: $engage > 0)[<span id="enemybox">
<p>(if: $rats > 0)[Swarm of Rats 1/$rathealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoul > 0)[Ghoul Minion 2/$ghoulhealth/2(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoulpriest > 0)[Ghoul Priest 4/$priesthealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>Move: [[Hallway|hallwaytrans]]</p>
<p>Gather: [[1 Resource|Gather Resources]]</p>
<p>Engagement: (if: $engage > 0)[(link-goto: "Fight") | (link-goto: "Evade")](else:)[No engaged enemy.]</p>
<p>(display: "list inventory")</p>
<p>(display: "list room contents")</p>
(set: $clue to 0)You shift your furniture and pull back the rug on the floor. To your surprise, you see the door leading out to your study. You jump through the doorway, landing on your feet on the soft dirt. The door to the study slams shut above you. The smell of burning wood fills the narrow hall, intermingled with the scent of rot and decay. A moment of panic and disorientation strikes as you [[land upon the floor of the hallway|Act2]].
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! If you move, the enemy will follow. Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2) You take 2 damage from an engaged enemy. The world spins, as if turned on it's head.
(set: $action to it - 1)(live: 3s)[(goto: "hallway")]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[The world spins, as if turned on it's head.(set: $action to it - 1)(live: 3s)[(goto: "hallway")]]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! If you move, the enemy will follow. Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2) You take 2 damage from an engaged enemy. (alert: "You suffer 1 Horror!")The smell of rotten meat assaults your nostrils as you approach the attic stairs. (if: (history:)'s last is "hallway")[(set: $horror to it -1)](set: $action to it - 1)(live: 4s)[(goto: "attic")]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(alert: "You suffer 1 Horror from the gruesome sight!")The smell of rotten meat assaults your nostrils as you approach the attic stairs. (if: (history:)'s last is "hallway")[(set: $horror to it -1)](set: $action to it - 1)(live: 4s)[(goto: "attic")]]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! If you move, the enemy will follow. Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2) You take 2 damage from an engaged enemy. (alert: "You suffer 1 damage!")(set: $health to it -1)The stairs leading down to your cellar are slick, and they glisten with a thin layer of ice... (set: $action to it - 1)(live: 3s)[(goto: "cellar")]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(alert: "You suffer 1 damage from the slick stairs!")(set: $health to it -1)The stairs leading down to your cellar are slick, and they glisten with a thin layer of ice... (set: $action to it - 1)(live: 3s)[(goto: "cellar")]]
(if: $act < 3)[The entrance to the Parlor is blocked by a darkly glowing unfathomable barrier. You cannot move into the Parlor.
<p>You're unsure what would happen if you tried to cross the threshold of the strange barrier, but based on it's extreme heat, you sure as hell don't want to try.</p>
<p>[[Go Back|hallway]]</p>
(else:)[(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! If you move, the enemy will follow. Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2) You take 2 damage from an engaged enemy. As you enter the Parlor you notice a red-haired woman holding a torch.(set: $action to it - 1)(live: 5s)[(goto: "parlor")]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[As you enter the Parlor you notice a red-haired woman holding a torch.(set: $action to it - 1)(live: 4s)[(goto: "parlor")]]]
(if: $rats is 1)[(set: $shroud to 1)]
(else-if: $ghoul is 1)[(set: $shroud to 2)]
(else-if: $ghoulpriest is 1)[(set: $shroud to 4)]
(if: $resource > 0)[(set: $fight to (confirm: "Would you like to spend 1 resource to increase your Strength by 1 for this test? (Click cancel to spend 0 resources)"))
(if: $fight)[(set: $strength to it + 1)(set: $resource to it - 1)]
(set: $action to it - 1)
(set: $chaos to (random: 1, 16))
(if: $chaos is 1)[(set: $test to 1)]
(if: $chaos is 2)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 4)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 5)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 6)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 7)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 8)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 9)[(set: $test to -3)]
(if: $chaos is 10)[(set: $test to -4)]
(if: $chaos is 11)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -2)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 12)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 13)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 14)[
(set: $test to -1)[
(if: ($test + $strength) < 2)[
(set: $horror to it - 1) As you make your attack, you take 1 Horror at the sheer sight of the enemy!
(if: $chaos is 15)[
(set: $test to -2)[
(if: $engage > 0)[
(set: $health to it - 1) As you make your attack, a terrible exhaustion causes you to take 1 Damage!
(if: $chaos is 16)[(set: $test to it - 10)]
(if: $strength+$test >= $shroud)[You deal 1 damage to each enemy! (set: $strength to 4)
(if: $rats is 1)[(set: $rats to 0)You have defeated the Swarm of Rats!]
(if: $ghoul is 1)[(set: $ghoulhealth to it - 1)(if: $ghoulhealth < 1)[(set: $ghoul to 0)(set: $ghoulhealth to 3)You have defeated the Ghoul Minion!]]
(if: $ghoulpriest is 1)[(set: $priesthealth to it - 1)(if: $priesthealth < 1)[(set: $ghoulpriest to 0)You have defeated the Ghoul Priest!]]
(if: $rats+$ghoul+$ghoulpriest is 0)[(set: $engage to 0)]]
(live: 3s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(if: $strength+$test < $shroud)[You fail to deal any damage.(set: $strength to 3)(live: 3s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(set: $enemyagility to 0)
(if: $rats is 1)[(set: $enemyagility to it + 3)]
(if: $ghoul is 1)[(set: $enemyagility to it + 2)]
(if: $ghoulpriest is 1)[(set: $enemyagility to it + 3)]
(if: $resource > 0)[(set: $evade to (confirm: "Would you like to spend 1 resource to increase your Agility by 1 for this test? (Click cancel to spend 0 resources)"))
(if: $evade)[(set: $agility to it + 1)(set: $resource to it - 1)]]
(set: $action to it - 1)
(set: $chaos to (random: 1, 16))
(if: $chaos is 1)[(set: $test to 1)]
(if: $chaos is 2)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 4)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 5)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 6)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 7)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 8)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 9)[(set: $test to -3)]
(if: $chaos is 10)[(set: $test to -4)]
(if: $chaos is 11)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -2)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 12)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 13)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 14)[
(set: $test to -1)[
(if: ($test + $agility) < 2)[
(set: $horror to it - 1) You take 1 Horror for this test!
(if: $chaos is 15)[
(set: $test to -2)[
(if: $engage > 0)[
(set: $health to it - 1) You take 1 Damage for this test!
(if: $chaos is 16)[(set: $test to it - 10)]
(if: $agility+$test >= $enemyagility)[You manage to evade each enemy!(set: $agility to 2)(set: $evaded to true)(live: 3s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else-if: $agility+$test < $enemyagility)[You fail to evade the enemies.(set: $agility to 2)(live: 3s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
<span id="content">{
(if: $doom is 0)[(goto: "agenda1")]
(if: $doom2 is 0)[(goto: "agenda2")]
(if: $doom3 is 0)[(goto: "nores")]
(set: $shroud to 2)
(if: $action is 0)[(goto: "mythos")]
<p>Doom: (if: $agenda is 1)[$doom](if: $agenda is 2)[$doom2](if: $agenda is 3)[$doom3]</p>
<p>Shroud 2 | <font color="red">You must defeat the Ghoul Priest to Advance</font></p></center>
<p>"This is all too much for me!" You may run out of the front door, fleeing in panic, and [[Resign]].</p>
<p>Convince the woman to help you (Difficulty 4): [[Intellect $intellect|Parley]]</p>
(if: $engage > 0)[<span id="enemybox">
<p>(if: $rats > 0)[Swarm of Rats 1/$rathealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoul > 0)[Ghoul Minion 2/$ghoulhealth/2(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>(if: $ghoulpriest > 0)[Ghoul Priest 4/$priesthealth/3(if: $evaded is true)[<p><i>^Evaded^</i></p>]]</p>
<p>Investigate: (if: $parlorclues > 0)[[[Use Intellect $intellect|Investigate]] ($parlorclues Clue/s available here.) ](else-if: $parlorclues is 0)[$parlorclues Clues available here.]</p>
<p>Move: [[Hallway|hallwaytrans]]</p>
<p>Gather: [[1 Resource|Gather Resources]]</p>
<p>Engagement: (if: $engage > 0)[(link-goto: "Fight") | (link-goto: "Evade")](else:)[No engaged enemy.]</p>
<p>(display: "list inventory")</p>
<p>(display: "list room contents")</p>
(if: $flashlightuse > 0)[[[Flashlight ($flashlightuse Uses)|useflash]]]
(else:)[Flashlight (0 Uses)]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2)(set: $uselight to (confirm: "Use Flashlight to give this location -2 shroud for your next Investigate test? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $uselight)[
(if: $flashlightuse > 0)[(set: $light to true)(set: $flashlightuse to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else-if: $flashlightuse is 0)[Your flashlight has lost it's charge.(goto: (history:)'s last)]]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(set: $uselight to (confirm: "Use Flashlight to make an Investigate test at this location with -2 shroud? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $uselight)[
(if: $flashlightuse > 0)[(set: $light to true)(set: $flashlightuse to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else-if: $flashlightuse is 0)[Your flashlight has lost it's charge.(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(set: $act to 3)(set: $clue to it - 3)Using the barrel from the attic, you carry ice and snow from the cellar and hurl it at the barrier. The barrier sparks and shudders as it consumes the ice, then hisses and fades out of existence.
You may now enter the Parlor.
A woman with a torch stands in your parlor, [[a glimmer of hatred in her eyes.]]
<span id="content"><h3><i>Enemy Agenda Advances</i></h3>
(set: $doom to -10)(set: $agenda to 2)Your house continues to change before your very eyes. The walls have decayed and the ground in many rooms has turned to dirt. It is almost as if you have been transported somewhere else entirely, although every now and then you recognize elements of your former home.
The floor beneath you is giving way, and you see a vast network of tunnels twisting into the darkness below. Shapes and silhouettes of strange creatures move swiftly through the tunnels, trying to find a way up. You probably don't want to be here when they do...
You must choose one:
Lose 2 Resources(click-replace: "Lose 2 Resources")[(set: $resource to it - 2)(if: $resource < 0)[(set: $resource to 0)](goto: (history:)'s last)].
Take 1 Horror(click-replace: "Take 1 Horror")[(set: $horror to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)].</span>
(set: $action to it + 1)(set: $act to 2)<span id="content"><center><h3>Act 2:
The Barrier</h3></center>
A glowing barrier blocks the path to your parlor. As you move toward it, intense heat forces you to back away.Picking up a handful of dirt, you toss it at the barrier and watch in horror as the dirt incinerates.
[[Perhaps there's something in the Cellar or Attic that can help.|hallway]]</span>
(if: $rosaryuse > 0)[[[Holy Rosary ($rosaryuse Uses)|userosary]]]
(else:)[Holy Rosary (0 Uses)]
(if: $aiduse > 0)[[[First Aid ($aiduse Uses)|useaid]]]
(else:)[First Aid (0 Uses)]
(if: $dynamiteuse > 0)[[[Dynamite ($dynamiteuse Free Use)|usedynamite]]]
{(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2)(set: $userosary to (confirm: "Spend 1 Action: Use Holy Rosary to give yourself +2 Horror? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $userosary)[
(set: $action to it - 1)(if: $rosaryuse > 0)[(set: $horror to it + 2)(set: $rosaryuse to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else-if: $rosaryuse is 0)[You've said your prayers.(goto: (history:)'s last)]]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else:)[(set: $userosary to (confirm: "Spend 1 Action: Use Holy Rosary to give yourself +2 Horror? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $userosary)[
(set: $action to it - 1)(if: $rosaryuse > 0)[(set: $horror to it + 2)(set: $rosaryuse to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else-if: $rosaryuse is 0)[You've said your prayers.(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2)(set: $useaid to (confirm: "Spend 1 Action: Use First Aid to give yourself +2 Health? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $useaid)[
(set: $action to it - 1)(if: $aiduse > 0)[(set: $health to it + 2)(set: $aiduse to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else-if: $aiduse is 0)[You've used the kit.(goto: (history:)'s last)]]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(set: $useaid to (confirm: "Spend 1 Action: Use First Aid to give yourself +2 Health? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $useaid)[(set: $action to it - 1)(if: $aiduse > 0)[(set: $health to it + 2)(set: $aiduse to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else-if: $aiduse is 0)[You've used the kit.(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(set: $usedynamite to (confirm: "Use Dynamite to deal yourself and all enemies at your location 3 damage ? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $usedynamite)[
(if: $dynamiteuse > 0)[
(if: $rats is 1)[(set: $rats to 0)You have defeated the Swarm of Rats!]
(if: $ghoul is 1)[(set: $ghoul to 0) You have Defeated the Ghoul Minion!]
(if: $ghoulpriest is 1)[(set: $priesthealth to it - 3) You have damaged the Ghoul Priest(if: $priesthealth is 0)[ and it is defeated]!]
(set: $health to it - 3)(set: $dynamiteuse to it - 1)(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(if: $engage is 1)[{
(if: $rats+$ghoul+$ghoulpriest is 1)[(set: $shroud to 1)]
(if: $rats+$ghoul+$ghoulpriest is 2)[(set: $shroud to 2)]
(if: $rats+$ghoul+$ghoulpriest is 3)[(set: $shroud to 4)]
(if: $resource > 0)[(set: $fight to (confirm: "Would you like to spend 1 resource to increase your Strength by 1 for this test? (Click cancel to spend 0 resources)"))
(if: $fight)[(set: $strength to it + 1)(set: $resource to it - 1)]]
(set: $action to it - 1)
(set: $chaos to (random: 1, 16))
(if: $chaos is 1)[(set: $test to 1)]
(if: $chaos is 2)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 4)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 5)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 6)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 7)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 8)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 9)[(set: $test to -3)]
(if: $chaos is 10)[(set: $test to -4)]
(if: $chaos is 11)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -2)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 12)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 13)[(if: $engage > 0)[(set: $test to -1)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 14)[
(set: $test to -1)[
(if: ($test + $strength) < 2)[
(set: $horror to it - 1)
(if: $chaos is 15)[
(set: $test to -2)[
(if: $engage > 0)[
(set: $health to it - 1)
(if: $chaos is 16)[(set: $test to it - 10)]
(if: ($strength + $test) >= $shroud)[You deal 2 damage to each enemy! (set: $strength to 4)
(if: $rats is 1)[(set: $rats to 0)(set: $rathealth to 1)You have defeated the Swarm of Rats!]
(if: $ghoul is 1)[(set: $ghoulhealth to it - 2)(if: $ghoulhealth < 1)[(set: $ghoul to 0)(set: $ghoulhealth to 3)You have defeated the Ghoul Minion!]]
(if: $ghoulpriest is 1)[(set: $priesthealth to it - 2)(if: $priesthealth < 1)[(set: $ghoulpriest to 0)You have defeated the Ghoul Priest!]]
(if: $rats+$ghoul+$ghoulpriest is 0)[(set: $engage to 0)]]
(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(else-if: ($strength + $test) < $shroud)[You fail to deal any damage.(set: $strength to 3)(live: 5s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[There are no enemies to attack.(live: 3s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(set: $resign to (confirm: "Are you sure you would like to Resign. There will still be a resolution. (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $resign)[(goto: "nores")]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(if: $engage is 1 and $evaded is false)[(set: $aop to (confirm: "Performing this action while an enemy is engaged with you will trigger an attack of opportunity! Continue? (Click cancel to go back)"))
(if: $aop)[(set: $health to it - 2)
(set: $shroud to 4)
(if: $resource > 0)[(set: $boost to (confirm: "Would you like to spend 1 resource to increase your Intellect by 1 for this test? (Click cancel to spend 0 resources)"))
(if: $boost)[(set: $intellect to it + 1)(set: $resource to it - 1)]
(set: $action to it - 1)
(set: $chaos to (random: 1, 16))
(if: $chaos is 1)[(set: $test to 1)]
(if: $chaos is 2)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 4)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 5)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 6)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 7)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 8)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 9)[(set: $test to -3)]
(if: $chaos is 10)[(set: $test to -4)]
(if: $chaos is 11)[(if: $enemy > 0)[(set: $test to -2)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 12)[(if: $enemy > 0)[(set: $test to $enemy)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 13)[(if: $enemy > 0)[(set: $test to $enemy)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 14)[
(set: $test to -1)[
(if: ($test + $intellect) < 2)[
(set: $horror to it - 1)
(if: $chaos is 15)[
(set: $test to -2)[
(if: $enemy > 0)[
(set: $health to it - 1)
(if: $chaos is 16)[(set: $test to it - 10)]
(if: ($intellect + $test) >= $shroud)[<p>You have convinced the woman to help you.</p>
<p>"My name is Lita Chandler. I agree, we must fight together to withstand the beast!"</p> (set: $intellect to 3)
(set: $clue to it + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "study")[(set: $studyclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "cellar")[(set: $cellarclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "attic")[(set: $atticclues to it - 1)]
(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else-if: ($intellect + $test) < $shroud)[You fail to convince the woman to help you.(set: $intellect to 3)(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else:)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(set: $shroud to 4)
(if: $resource > 0)[(set: $boost to (confirm: "Would you like to spend 1 resource to increase your Intellect by 1 for this test? (Click cancel to spend 0 resources)"))
(if: $boost)[(set: $intellect to it + 1)(set: $resource to it - 1)]
(set: $action to it - 1)
(set: $chaos to (random: 1, 16))
(if: $chaos is 1)[(set: $test to 1)]
(if: $chaos is 2)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 3)[(set: $test to 0)]
(if: $chaos is 4)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 5)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 6)[(set: $test to -1)]
(if: $chaos is 7)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 8)[(set: $test to -2)]
(if: $chaos is 9)[(set: $test to -3)]
(if: $chaos is 10)[(set: $test to -4)]
(if: $chaos is 11)[(if: $enemy > 0)[(set: $test to -2)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 12)[(if: $enemy > 0)[(set: $test to $enemy)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 13)[(if: $enemy > 0)[(set: $test to $enemy)](else:)[(set: $test to 0)]]
(if: $chaos is 14)[
(set: $test to -1)[
(if: ($test + $intellect) < 2)[
(set: $horror to it - 1)
(if: $chaos is 15)[
(set: $test to -2)[
(if: $enemy > 0)[
(set: $health to it - 1)
(if: $chaos is 16)[(set: $test to it - 10)]
(if: ($intellect + $test) >= $shroud)[<p>You have convinced the woman to help you.</p>
<p>"My name is Lita Chandler. I agree, we must fight together to withstand the beast!"</p> (set: $intellect to 3)
(set: $clue to it + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "study")[(set: $studyclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "cellar")[(set: $cellarclues to it - 1)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "attic")[(set: $atticclues to it - 1)]
(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
(else-if: ($intellect + $test) < $shroud)[You fail to convince the woman to help you.(set: $intellect to 3)(live: 2s)[(goto: (history:)'s last)]]
<span id="content">
<p>You barely manage to escape your house with your life. The woman from your parlor follows you out the front door, slamming it behind her. "You fools! See what you have done?" She pushes a chair in front of the door, lodging it beneath the doorknob. "We must get out of here. Come with me, and I will tell you what I know. We are the only ones who can stop the threat that lurks beneath from being unleashed throughout the city." You're in no state to argue. Nodding, you follow the woman as she runs from your front porch out into the rainy street towards rivertown.</p>
<p>Your house is still standing, and the Ghoul Priest is still alive.</p>
<p>You have failed your investigation(if: $horror is 0)[ and suffered permanent mental trauma,](if: $health is 0)[ and suffered a permanent physical injury,] but Lita Chantler is with you now.</p>
<p>The End.</p>
You refuse to follow the overzealous woman's order and kick her out of your home for fear that she will set it ablaze without your permission. "Fool! You are making a grave mistake!" she warns. "You do not understand the threat that lurks below... the grave danger we are all in!" Still shaken by the night's events, you decide to hear the woman out. Perhaps she can shed some light on these bizarre events... but she doesn't seem to trust you very much.
The End.
You run to the hallway to try to find a way to escape the house, but the burning-hot barrier still blocks your path. Trapped, the horde of feral creatures that have invaded your home close in, and you have no where to run.
You have died.
The End.
<h1>Defeat </h1>
The ghouls run rampant. You have died.
The End.
"What have you done to my barrier?" she screams, furious. Before you can answer, a ghastly wail sounds behind you, and a creature wearing robes and a deer-skull mask tears through the wall, [[advancing toward you.|hallway]] (set: $engage to 1)(set: $ghoulpriest to 1)
<span id="content"><h3>Enemy Agenda Advances</h3>
A feral beast, roughly humanoid with a canine cast and hooves for feet, tears through the ground in front of you. Below the floor, you can see vast tunnels beneath your house. Feindish howling echoes from deep within the underground caverns. (click-replace: "underground caverns")[(set: $engage to 1)(set: $ghoul to 1)(set: $ghoulhealh to 2)(goto: (history:)'s last)]</span>
<span id="content">
A few notes:
- <i>Doom</i> refers to the number of rounds (3 actions = 1 round) <u>left</u> before the enemy Agenda is advanced.
- <i>Shroud</i> denotes the difficulty of the investigate test at that particular location.
- <i>Evaded</i> enemies will not make attacks of opportunity (for actions you take other than fight/evade), and will not attack during the Mythos phase, but they are still considered engaged with you until they are killed. So, even while <i>evaded</i>, enemies will follow you to new locations.
When the robed creature falls, the fiendish swarm burrows back into the ground, and the chaos of the house quiets. But the stranger in your parlor doesn't seem relieved.
"You broke my seal that was set to trap the ghouls within." She raises her torch. "Now, we must take more direct measures and burn this hell-pit to the ground!"
[[It was never much of a home. Burn it down!]]
[[This "hell-pit" is my home! No way are we burning it!|res2]]
You nod and allow the red-haired woman to set the walls and floor of your house ablaze. The fire spreads quickly, and you run out the front door to avoid being caught in the inferno. From the sidewalk you watch as everything you own is consumed by the flames. "Come with me," the woman says. "You must be told of the threat that lurks below. Alone we are surely doomed, but together we can stop it."
Your house has burned to the ground, but Lita is with you now as you continue your investigation.
The End.
- Attacks of opportunity are at a set 2 damage, regardless of the strength of the enemy or number of enemies engaged. In the future I will look at making AoO more faithful to the card game (where the enemies each deal you a unique number of damage).
- This version uses the Standard "Night of the Zealot" Chaos bag distribution for handling tests.
- You will find that I have chosen to simplify some of the mechanics and alter some of the stats of the card game due to the limitations of Twine2.
Please visit fantasyflightgames.com to purchase and enjoy the real experience and the truly phenominal work of art that is Arkham Horror: The Card Game!
[[Enjoy!|New Game]]</span>