(set: $showFooter to true)It is the year of the consuls, (print: $consularYears's $yearIndex), $auc years since the the city of Rome was founded by your ancestors. You have just turned $age and entered the ranks of the <i>iuniores</i>, as the Romans call men less than 46 years old. Filled with tales about the dignity of your family and hoping for a life of distinction for yourself and for the greater glory of the Aemilii Barbati, you set your sights on achieving political rank. But first you must consider the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>decem stipendia</em>.")[ten military campaigns required before you are eligible to run for offices.]
[[Serve with the army for a year->First Army Service]]
(set: $showFooter to false)<b>$name, $age</b>
<b>estate income: </b> $income <i>sesterces</i>
<ul>(link-reveal:"<strong>virtus</strong>")[ (your reputation for manliness, for military courage and behavior)]: $virtus
(link-reveal:"<strong>oratory</strong>")[ (your ability to speak persuasively in public settings)] : $oratory
(link-reveal:"<strong>dignitas</strong>")[ (your standing with the wealthier classes and the senate)]: $dignitas
(link-reveal:"<strong>popularity</strong>")[ (your popularity with the average citizen)]: $popularity
<strong>military campaigns</strong>: $stipendia
<b>Offices: </b>(if: $numOffices < 1)[You have held no offices]
(else-if: $numOffices is 1)[You have held one office](else:)[You have held $numOffices offices]
<b>Honors:</b> (if: $honors's "Corona Civica" > 0)[Corona Civica: (print: $honors's "Corona Civica"); ]
\(if: $honors's "Corona Muralis" > 0)[Corona Muralis: (print: $honors's "Corona Muralis"); ]
\(if: $honors's "Corona Castrensis" > 0)[Corona Castrensis: (print: $honors's "Corona Castrensis"); ]
\(if: $honors's "Enemy Spoils" > 0)[Enemy Spoils: (print: $honors's "Enemy Spoils"); ]
\(if: $honors's "Military Tribuneship" > 0)[Military Tribuneships: (print: $honors's "Military Tribuneship"); ]
\(if: $honors's "Triumph" > 0)[Triumph: (print: $honors's "Triumph")]
\(if: $honors's "Princeps Senatus" > 0)[Princeps Senatus: (print: $honors's "Princeps Senatus"); ]
(link:"Return to your story")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]
<!-- At the start, the values in the three categories, virtus, oratory, dignitas, and popularity have no range, though it seems like elsewhere I am adding and subtracting as if it were a 1-10 range. as of 11/8 it seemed like comitting to a starting range would be a good idea. -->
<!-- By 11/17 I was thinking more of a role-playing game and having a series of stats that made encounters more or less likely--><span class="important">Dreams.</span> You dream of your political ascent culminating when your (link-replace: "<em class='term'>auctoritas</em>")[authority] and your (link-replace:"<em class='term'>dignitas</em>")[dignity] command the respect of all from the poorest of Roman citizens to the most prestigious of the senators and everyone in between. (if: $stipendia < 10)[But you must not be too hasty. Romans value age and experience, one of the reasons for the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>decem stipendia</em>.")[ten campaigns you must serve in before you are eligible to hold offices.]
<br>(if: $age > 20)[[[Serve as an advocate->Advocacy]]]
(if: $stipendia < 1)[[[Perform military service->First Army Service]]](else: )[[[Perform military service->Army Service Choices]] ]
](else:)[<br>[[Run for Office->First Election]] ]<span class="important">War</span> is a fact of life for a Roman. Your first year of military service begins with a campaign against the Gauls. As an(link-replace: " <em class='term'>eques</em>")[a member of the cavalry,] your job is to scout and forage ahead and behind the army as it marches. In battle, you and your equestrian comrades must defend the army's flanks from enemy cavalry and seize opportunities to harry the flanks of the enemy infantry.
Step by measured step, the legions have penetrated deep into the hilly forests of north Italy, on an expedition to punish the Gauls for attacking one of Rome's northernmost colonies. You are sent on a scouting expedition to look for signs of enemy forces along with the commander of your (link-replace: "<em class='term'>turma</em>")[ten man cavalry squad]. You come across a squad of Gallic cavalry who appear to be foraging. One of them spies your group, wheels his horse and canters closer. Not more than a few hundred feet off [[he->Gaul Desc]] bellows a challenge, a duel with your best warrior. Several older, more experienced troopers clamor eagerly for your (link-replace: "<em class='term'>decurio</em>")[squad commander] to select them for the duel.
[[Force the issue: ride off to battle the Gaul->You Duel Gaul]]
[[Volunteer to battle the Gaul but do not insist->Maybe Duel Gaul]]
[[Let the more experienced soldiers sort it out; keep quiet->Another Duels Gaul]]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Monomachies, single combats, are a well attested tradition among the Roman aristocracy. This particular fictional occurrence is inspired by the stories of Titus Manlius Torquatus, Marcus Valerius Corvus, and the son of Titus Manlius Torquatus of the same name (Liv. 7.10; 7.26; 8.7)</em>][[Run for tribune of the plebs CURRENTLY A DEAD END->Tribune]]
[[Run for curule aedile->Aedile Campaign]]<span class="important">A mountain</span> of man, and you marvel that his horse can carry the load. No easy foe, this one, though his ornate armor looks more decorative than practical.
(link:"Return to your story")[(goto: (history: )'s last)](if: $impetuous is true)[There is no way to convince the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>decurio</em>")[squad commander] to choose you over your comrades and so, impetuously, you urge your horse forward and veer from the turma, heading to meet the Gaul. Your comrades are too shocked for words. You do not doubt, however that your decurio will have words for you and more should you survive the morning.] The Gaul sees you break away from your squad and rides toward you. There are seconds to spare.(set: $outcome to (Random:1,3))(if: $outcome > 2)[ From a distance you would have though impossible, he launches his javelin. It is your last thought as the shaft penetrates your shield and you.
<br>[[My funeral]]](else:)[ Wheeling and dodging, cavalry lance darting in for quick strikes, you keep your opponent uncertain. Then, a lucky strike, and a missed parry. You dispatch the Gaul, a deed that earns you a reputation for <i>virtus</i> (set: $virtus+=2). Your commanding officer does not have you executed for fighting without orders, but does put you on latrine digging duties for quite some time, to teach you about proper military discipline.
[[Continue your service->FirstBattle Start]]]The (link-replace: "<em class='term'>decurio</em>")[squad commander] has no lack of volunteers. (set: $outcome to (Random:1,3))(if: $outcome is 3)[He looks at you, volunteering but not overly eager to fight amidst your older, more enthusiastic comrades. 'What about it, soldier? Are you up for this or shall I let one of these lot have a go?
[[They have seniority; let one of them->Another Duels Gaul]]
(link: "Yes")[(set: $impetuous to false)(goto: "You Duel Gaul")]]
(else:)[Eyeing the courageous youths, he selects one who veers off to meet the Gaul
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "Another Duels Gaul")]]
<span class="important">Cavalryman</span> Atilius and the Gallic warrior pass one other and strike, each splintering spear against shield. They wheel about and close again. This time the two close and stop. A flurry of thrusts, cuts, and shield counters follow.
But then:
(either: "With a mighty slice, the Gaul cleaves into Atilius' neck at the clavicle. He falls, blood spraying, silenced forever. The ill omen is clear and your decurion orders your squad back to the Roman army, so that you can report the Gallic movements to your commander.", "Atilius seizes his chance and cuts deeply into the Gaul's side. The mountainous man falls from his horse and Atilius jumps to the ground, finishing the grim business. Dismayed by the death of their finest, the Gallic cavalry scatter out of sight. And so your squad heads back to the army to report.")
[[Continue your service->FirstBattle Start]]
A time for taking stock of your achievements. After your years of campaigning (if: $oratory > 0)[and service as an advocate] you have this to show:
{(if: $virtus > 0)[You have achieved a reputation for virtus (<em><b>virtus: </b></em>$virtus.]
(if: $oratory > 0)[You have acquired some skill at oratory: (<em><b>oratory: </b></em>$oratory.]
(if: $popularity > 0)[You have gained some popularity with the Roman people: (<em><b>popularity: </b></em>$popularity.]}
(set: $yourElectability to $popularity + $virtus + $oratory + $dignitas)
Your electibility is $yourElectability
End of the game, for now
<!-- As a tribune of the plebs you are charged with protecting the interests of the plebeians, especially the common people.
[[Ingratiate yourself with the common people->Tribune Ingratiate]]
[[Serve as the assistant to the powerful->Tribune for the Powerful]]
[[Balance your actions to accomodate both the powerful and the commoners->Tribune Balance]]-->{Though you are responsible for maintaining the temples and public spaces, investigating and prosecuting minor criminals, holding games and festivals, keeping grain prices affordable you are determined to make your mark and can only focus on two of these main obligations. Which will be your two primary goals for the year (<i>select two</i>)?
<!-- The code here sets up an array to hold the player's goals as aedile, saved as strings. The word "nothing" is saved to the first two array positions and an index for the array, called $goalIndex
Then a series of link-reveals are used to allow the player to click on choices. The first link-reveal the player clicks on will store the pertinent choice string in the first position of the $aedGoal array and increment the $goalIndex counter to 2. The second link-reveal the player clicks on will store the pertinent choice string into the second position of the array and increment again. Any clicks after that will store choice-texts in positions greater than 2, but the code only uses the first two. Definitely inelegant but no more than five elements can be stored given there are five link-reveals.
To reset the choices, clicking the reset choices link will re-run the passage. Selecting continue will go the next passage where the first two elements in aedGoals will be checked-->
(set: $aedGoal to (array: "nothing", "nothing"))
(set: $goalIndex to 1)}
{<ul>(link-reveal: "Checking superstition and religious errors")[(set: $aedGoal's $goalIndex to "correcting religious errors")(set: $goalIndex+=1)][[ (details)->details checking superstition]]
<br>(link-reveal: "Rooting out corrupt trade practices")[(set: $aedGoal's $goalIndex to "rooting out corruption")(set: $goalIndex+=1)][[ (details)->details rooting out corruption]]
<br>(link-reveal: "building and beautification")[(set: $aedGoal's $goalIndex to "Building")(set: $goalIndex+=1)][[ (details)->details building and beautification]]
<br>(link-reveal: "Ensuring affordable grain")[(set: $aedGoal's $goalIndex to "Ensuring affordable grain")(set: $goalIndex+=1)][[ (details)->details Minimizing grain prices]]
<br>(link-reveal: "Promoting the People's interests")[(set: $aedGoal's $goalIndex to "championing the People")(set: $goalIndex+=1)][[ (details)->details promoting people's interests]]</ul>}
(live: 0.5s)[Goal: (print: $aedGoal's 1) <br> Goal: (print: $aedGoal's 2) ]
[[Reset Goals->Aedileship - Set Goals]]
[[Begin Aedileship]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<span class="important">The Gauls</span> have clearly mustered a warband, and, a day later, they camp in a sizeable plain, perhaps a mile from you. They make no effort to conceal themselves and clearly hope to provoke your army to a full battle. So far this campaign has been a success, with casualties few and far between from the skirmishes that have broken out regularly with the enemy. You share the sentiments of most of your army, that a decisive clash of arms will produce a Roman victory and end the Gallic menace, at least for the moment. The consul commanding your army is eager to smash the Gauls and win the type of <em class='term'>gloria</em> that can only come from victory in battle.
<br>Orders filter down through the chain of command, consul to tribunes, tribunes to decuriones. You and the rest of the Roman cavalry will occupy the leftmost wing of the army, your standard position. Your camp servant helps you with your equipment and horse, and you ride to your post as the officers bark orders. Then, you wait
[[(continue ......)->FirstBattle Finish]]
<span class="important">Nothing compares to the experience of battle.</span> Certainly not in your short life. Neither do the old men's stories capture the gritty reality of war. The stench of blood, sweat, and urine fills the air. The shouts and grunts of men, the clacking and clanging of sword and spear on shield and armor, the screams of the wounded and the dying.
You keep yourself focused on the orders of your squadron commander. When he orders the squad to ride, you ride. When he signals to wheel, you wheel. After a distance you find yourself harrassing the enemy infantry on their flank. From a higher seat you lash out at the man in front of you, stabbing with spear and bashing with shield. Before long the enemy breaks and flees the battlefield. Rome has carved another victory out of the Gauls.
You have served the <em>res publica</em> well.
(set: $stipendia += 1)
[[Continue->End of Year]]
Though there will certainly be many issues requiring your attention as aedile this year, you have made it a point to focus your attention, and hopefully gain distinction for (print: $aedGoal's 1) and (print: $aedGoal's 2)
(set: $aedReligiousList to (array:
"cccccccccccccccccc"))(if: $stipendia > 4 and $virtus > 4 and (random: 1,2) is 1)[This year comes with a special honor. You are appointed to serve as a military tribune, one of the six ranking officers of a Roman legion.
[[Enter Military Tribunate->Military Tribune Choices]]]
(else: )[(if: $stipendia > 0 and it < 4)[(either: "Still little more than a tyro, you enlist again to serve the Republic in the struggles against its enemies.", "As a young ox learns from the experienced plough animal, you seek to learn more of the military life and enlist again.", "Eager to prove yourself and serve the Republic, you enlist for another year.")](else-if: $stipendia > 3 and it < 6)[(either: "Neither a tyro nor a fully seasoned veteran, you are becoming quite familiar with the demands of military life as you sign up for another term of service.","Almost a regular in military life, you choose to build your skills further and serve this season.")](else_if: $stipendia > 5)[(either: "At the age of $age, with $stipendia campaigns under your belt, you have become something of a veteran and you look towards the time when your service will end and you can continue your pursuit of distinction.","Over $stipendia campaigns, you have learnt the trade of the soldier, the craft of war. No stranger to the chaos, you join for another term in service to the Republic.")]
(if: $stipendia < 4)[Battle is a risk; you risk death and dishonor. But you can risk more than the others, looking for opportunities to distinguish yourself in battle. You may win a greater reputation for <em>virtus</em>. You also stand a greater chance of dying.
But there is no need to be foolhardy. You can stay out of trouble and serve competently and efficiently--no more, no less. You are far less likely to die this way, but then, you are also less likely to win a reputation for <em>virtus</em>.]
(else:)[Every year you serve, the factors are the same: risk danger and death to gain a reputation for virtus, or play it safe, and hope to live longer.]
[[Take Risks->Risky Cavalry Service]]
[[Avoid Risks->Avoid Risky Cavalry Service]]]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Polyb. 6.19 - asserts that a Roman must serve 10 campaigns before holding any political office. He also notes that for the first four legions 14 tribunes are appointed from those with at least 5 years service, 10 from those with 10 years service. For a discussion of virtus and it's role in Roman society, see McCall, <u>The Cavalry of the Roman Republic</u>, and McDonnell, <u>Roman Manliness</u></em>]
Like the Roman hero, (either: "Titus Manlius Torquatus, who wrenched the torque from the bloody corpse of the Gaul he had slain","Horatius Cocles, who single-handedly defended the bridge across the Tiber from hordes of Etruscans","Marcus Valerius Corvus, who followed the omen of the Raven and dispatched the Gallic champion","Marcus Claudius Marcellus, who slew an enemy king in a duel of commanders"), you are determined to push yourself to achieve glorious feats that will win you renown. Or, quite possibly, death.
(set: $outcome to (Random:1,10))(if: $outcome is 1)[ You distinguish yourself in battle, earning the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>corona civica</em>")[civic crown] for saving a fellow citizen's life. Sadly, the sword stroke meant for him ended your life instead, so you receive the award postumously (set: $honors's "Corona Civica" += 1)<br>[[My funeral]]]
(else-if: $outcome is 2)[ In the thick of the fighting, you defend a downed comrade, saving his life and earning the (link-replace: "<em>corona civica</em>")[civic crown]. As a result your reputation for virtus grows considerably as does your popularity (set: $virtus+=2)(set: $popularity+=2)<br>[[End of Year]]](else-if: $outcome > 2 and $outcome < 7)[ You serve ably, but the campaigns of the year provide you with no opportunity to truly distinguish yourself
<br>[[End of Year]]](else:)[ You are the one the officers call when a dangerous deed needs doing. Single combat, storming the enemy walls; whatever the risks, you lead among the volunteers. As a result your reputation for virtus grows considerably as does your popularity with the soldiers (set: $virtus+=2)(set: $popularity+=2)<br>[[End of Year]]](set: $stipendia += 1)
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>The exploits that can be listed in this passage of Titus Manlius Torquatus, Marcus Valerius Corvus, and the son of Titus Manlius Torquatus of the same name can be found in Livy 7.10; 7.26; 8.7. Horatius Cocles' exploits are noted by Polybius 6.55. Marcellus' duel with Britomartus and the spolia opima he won is noted in a numer of places including Plutarch, <em>Life of Marcellus</em>, 6-8.</em>]
<!-- Risky service has a 1/10 chance of ending in PC death -->You will do your duty, fulfill your obligations as a Roman cavalryman to the best of your ability. You refuse to get swept away in the exaggerations of the old tales and get yourself killed without good reason.
(set: $outcome to (random:1,20))(if: $outcome is 1)[Despite your best intentions, there is no security in battle. You keep to your formations and follow orders. That does nothing to stop the swordstroke that ends your life. <br>[[My funeral]]]
(set: $outcome to (random:1,10))(if: $outcome is 1)[Though you did not set out to be a hero, sometimes the fates have other plans. You find yourself holding firm with your unit and defending your camp against an enemy onslaught. Your efforts turn the tide and rally Roman forces. You are rewarded with the
(link-replace: "<em class='term'>corona astrensis</em>")[crown for defending a camp].(set: $honors's "Corona Castrensis" += 1) As a result of your service, your reputation for virtus increases as does you popularity. (set: $virtus+=1)(set: $popularity+=1)<br>](else-if: $outcome > 1 and $outcome < 5)[Though you do nothing spectacular, you still gain a reputation as an able soldier who always mans his place in the formation and does not shy from the blades of the enemy.You increase your reputation for <i>virtus</i>. (set: $virtus+=1)](else: )[You serve ably enough and meet the expectations of your officers, though you do nothing to achieve any particular distinction]
[[End of Year]]
(set: $stipendia += 1)]
<!-- Avoiding risky service has a 1/20 chance of ending in PC death -->{(set: $age += 1)
Another year has passed. Now $age years old, (if: $stipendia is 1)[you have served for 1 year](else:)[you have served $stipendia campaigns] and are a step closer to your goal of holding office and joining the senate.}
{(if: $stipendia < 10)[You still must serve for (set: $temp to 10 - $stipendia) $temp campaigns before you can run for high office (if: $age < 21)[, and you are not quite old enough to practice law]]}
What will you do next year?
(set: $advocacy to false)
(set: $service to false)
(if: $age > 20)[(link: "Serve as an advocate")[((set: $auc+=1)(set: $yearIndex+=1)(set: $advocacy to true)(goto: "New Year")]]
(link: "Serve in another campaign")[(set: $yearIndex+=1)(set: $auc+=1)(set: $service to true)(goto: "New Year")]
(if: $stipendia >= 10)[(link: "Seek one of next year's open political offices")[(goto: "Run for Office")]]
<!--note that election to office happened at the end of the year before service started-->(set: $showFooter to false)
<span class="important">A funeral worthy of an aristocrat</span>. You have that, at least. According to Roman custom, actors take on the parts of the most distinguished of your ancestors, retalling their exploits and listing their honors to the public. When it comes to you, the eulogy is distinguished but unembellished.
$name, $age
Years of Military Service: $stipendia
(if: $virtus > 1)[Known as a brave soldier](else-if: $virtus>3)[A reputation for courage and daring in battle]\
dignitas: $dignitas
(if: $numOffices < 1)[He held no offices](else-if: $numOffices is 1)[He held one office](else:)[He held $numOffices offices]
Corona Civica: (print: $honors's "Corona Civica")
Corona Muralis: (print: $honors's "Corona Muralis")
Corona Castrensis: (print: $honors's "Corona Castrensis")
Enemy Spoils: (print: $honors's "Enemy Spoils")
Spolia Opima: (print: $honors's "Spolia Opima")
Triumphs: (print: $honors's "Triumph")
Princeps Senatus: (print: $honors's "Princeps Senatus")
(link: "Try Again")[(reload:)]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Polybius 6.53-54 describes an aristocratic Roman funeral</em>]{(set: $showFooter to false)<em><h3>Path of Honors: A Roman Adventure (Experimental)</h3></em>
<em>by (link-reveal: "Jeremiah McCall")[(open-url: "https://gamingthepast.net/about/")]</em>}
[[START->Create Aristocrat]]
<em>This is a rough start of an experimental work to serve as, hopefully, a discussion point for designing interactive historical texts with Twine. It has not been carefully playtested or polished significantly and drops off abruptly For more background, please see my work on (link-reveal: "Gamingthepast.net")[(open-url: "https://gamingthepast.org")]
<strong>Any comments or feedback would be most appreciated at (link-reveal: "@gamingthepast")[(open-url: "https://twitter.com/gamingthepast")] or [email protected]. If you'd like updates as I make progress, follow me on Twitter </strong>(if: $showFooter is true)[<hr>(link: "<i>(Stats)</i>")[(goto: "Player Stats")]]
(if: $seenOratoryIntro is false)[
(set: $seenOratoryIntro to true)
It is customary for a young Roman such as yourself to frequent the forum, delivering speeches in the law courts. Not only will this, so your father always said, teach you respect for the laws that undergird the Republic, it will grow your circle of friends. A senator, such as you hope to be, can never have too many friends.
Your uncle, Lucius Aemilius is a skilled orator. Though now retired from pleading cases, he took great pleasure droning on about the legal system and his great victories in the forum. In the process you learned both how Roman law works, and that Uncle Lucius could turn a simple anecdote into an epic.
As an advocate you can assist clients by defending them in the law courts. (link: "(Explain mechanics)")[(goto: "Explain Advocacy Mechanics")]. Winning cases will increase your skill at oratory. Winning risky cases will raise your skill at oratory even more. Even losing cases may increase your skill, though your popularity may suffer.
[[Look for clients->Advocacy - Choose a Case]]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Plut. Cato Mai. 1 says that the famed Marcus Porcius Cato as a young man served as an advocate in courts of local towns. Polyb. 31.23.11 says that the young Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus told Polybius that other Romans looked down on him because he did not speak in the law courts.</em>]
](else:)[(goto: "Advocacy - Choose a Case")]You take the risky cases, hoping to make a bigger name for yourself in the law courts. The cases you handle range from (either: "a charge of bribery in a local election","a murder charge","a man who has been wrongfully declared mad by his kin who hope to seize his property.") to (either: "a client who claimed to have been harmed by his patron","a man accused of testifying falsely at a trial")
\(set: $adversaryOratory to (Random:1,10))
\(if: $oratory > $adversaryOratory)[(set: $oratory +=3)(set: $popularity +=2) You win many of your cases and your oratory improves, as does your popularity (<b><em>oratory: </em></b>$oratory,<b><em>Popularity: </em></b>$popularity).]
(else-if: $oratory < $adversaryOratory- 3)[(set: $oratory +=1)(set: $popularity -=1) You are easily defeated by your more eloquent adversaries and your popularity suffers a little (<b><em>oratory: </em></b>$oratory <b><em>, popularity: </em></b>$popularity).]
(else:)[(set: $oratory +=1)You lose more of your cases than you win this year. Your oratory improves a little, but you do not increase your popularity(<b><em>oratory: </em></b>$oratory).]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>The Twelve Tables provide all manner of possibilities for legal cases and those mentioned in this passage are inspired by the tables.</em>]You take the easy cases and send the difficult clients on their way to seek help elsewhere. In your desire to spread your name you frequent the towns around the City, looking for promising cases. The cases you handle range from (either: "a debtor who is improperly detained by his creditor","an adult son who wants to be emancipated from his rather tyrannical father","an adopted son who makes a dubious claim to all of his father's wealth") to (either: "a simple assault case","a piece of livestock that destroyed a neighbor's fence","rents due to a landlord who allowed renters to pasture their sheep")(set: $adversaryOratory to (Random:1,5))
(if: $oratory > $adversaryOratory)[(set: $oratory +=2)(set: $popularity +=1) More often than not, you win the cases you try and your oratory improves, as does your popularity with citizens around the City (<b><em>oratory: </em></b>$oratory, <b><em>popularity: </em></b>$popularity).]
(else:)[(set: $oratory +=1)(either: "Whether it is some failure in your planning, or the oratorical skills of your adversaries, ","Your skills, however, are insufficient to the task, and") you lose more of your cases than you win this year. Your oratory improves a little, but you do not increase your popularity (<b><em>oratory: </em></b>$oratory).]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>The Twelve Tables provide all manner of possibilities for legal cases and those mentioned in this passage are inspired by the tables.</em>]This year you will serve as a military tribune, a critical link in the chain of command from the commander down to the centurions who command the maniples of heavy infantry, the backbone of the legion.
Will you lead from the front, taking all the risks your men take and looking to distinguish yourself as a warrior-soldier? Or will you adopt a more conservative--and life preserving approach?
[[Take Risks->Risky Tribune Service]]
[[Avoid Risks->Avoid Risky Tribune Service]]As a military tribune you command various parts of the legion according to the desire of the consul. The position puts you in a superb position to gain command experience, learn the basic workings of the Roman manipular army, and, hopefully, increase your reputation for virtus.
(set: $honors's "Military Tribuneship" += 1)
You lead from the front, as any good tribune should and your men follow you readily, knowing you share in their dangers and toils.
(set: $outcome to (Random:1,10))
(if: $outcome is 1)[Then a day comes when Mars must be paid. You stand at the front of a maniple of principes that is faltering. Bellowing words of command and encouragement you rally the men, then lead them back into battle. Once rallied the maniples to either side stiffen their resolve and push back on the enemy. Your heroic leadership saves the left of the battleline. But your fine armor and your air of command marks you to the enemy and you are dispatched by a spear thrust as you turn back to wave your soldiers on. (set: $virtus+=2)[[My funeral]]](else-if: $outcome is 2)[Your bold leadership stirs the men to action this year. You manage to lead with distinction, despising risks and inspiring with your courage. Your reputation for virtus increases (set: $virtus+=1)
<br/>[[End of Year]]](else-if: $ouctome > 2 and $outcome < 7)[You are an able tribune, sharing the hardships of your men and earning a reputation for dependability. The campaigns of the year have brought no opportunity for you to carve any reputation for extraordinary courage in the line of duty.<br/>[[End of Year]]](else:)[First to lead the charge; first to climb the ramparts of the enemy camp; first to scale the walls and grapple with the defenders. You lead your men with extraordinary courage and ability, risking yourself time and again to make sure that your soldiers, your army, and Rome, prevail. (set: $virtus+=2)(set: $popularity+=2)
<br>[[End of Year]]]
(set: $stipendia += 1)
As a military tribune you command various parts of the legion according to the desire of the consul. The position puts you in a superb position to gain command experience, learn the basic workings of the Roman manipular army, and, hopefully, increase your reputation for virtus.
(set: $honors's "Military Tribuneship" += 1)
You lead capably, and do not shirk your responsibilities, but let the men take the greatest risks.
(set: $outcome to (Random:1,10))
(if: $outcome is 1)[Then a day comes when you must rise to the challenge or lose everything. Your section of the battleline wavers, the maniples in reserve balking when they are to relieve the front lines. Bellowing words of command and encouragement you strengthen their resolve, then personally lead them into battle. Your example has saved the day. (set: $virtus+=2)<br>[[End of Year]]]
(else-if: $ouctome > 1 and $outcome < 8)[You are an able tribune, sharing the hardships of your men and earning a reputation for dependability. The campaigns of the year have brought no opportunity for you to carve any reputation for extraordinary courage in the line of duty.<br/>[[End of Year]]]
(else:)[Though you are no gladiator, you lead the men safely through a number of harrowing encounters with the enemy. You increase your reputation with the men.(set: $virtus+=2)(set: $popularity+=2)(<b><em>Virtus: </em></b>$virtus, <b><em>Popularity: </em></b>$popularity).
<br>[[End of Year]]]
(set: $stipendia += 1)
{(set: $yourElectability to $popularity + $virtus + $oratory + $dignitas)A time for taking stock of your achievements. After your years of campaigning (if: $oratory > 0)[and service as an advocate] you have (if: $yourElectability > 15)[a good chance](else-if: $yourElectability < 15 and > 10)[slight chance](else:)[little chance] of winning election.}
<!--DEBUG ELECTABILITY IS $yourElectability-->
It is time to try your hand in the political arena and run for the curule aedileship. The first step along the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>cursus honorum</em>")[path of offices that a Roman aristocrat might aspire to climb].
In accordance with the law, you walk the city on three market days over the course of several weeks. These days you negotiate the throngs of humanity traveling to and fro, selling produce, debating the news of the day, conducting all manner of business, and watching trials in the law courts. Dressed in the pure white of the (link: "<em class='term'>toga candida</em>")[toga that is worn by candidates for office], you stroll along the streets and in the forum, the toga advertising your candidacy for the curule aedileship. You introduce yourself to people who stop and you remind those who are already your friends, acquaintances and clients that you hope for their support on election day.
[[Continue->Aedile First Campaign Choice]]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>An outstanding overview of aediles and the procedures in aedile elections in the Tribal assembly comes from Lintott p. 41-48.</em>]
{<!-- Create the Aedile competitors in two parallel arrays called $aedCompNames and $aedCompVotes; Later in Aedile Elections passage, will put these into a datamap for sorting victors-->
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName1 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName1 to (text: $aedileCandName1 + " " + ($plebNomenList1's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName2 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName2 to (text: $aedileCandName2 + " " + ($plebNomenList2's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName3 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName3 to (text: $aedileCandName3 + " " + ($plebNomenList3's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName4 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName4 to (text: $aedileCandName4 + " " + ($plebNomenList4's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName5 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName5 to (text: $aedileCandName5 + " " + ($patNomenList1's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $aedCompNames to (array: $aedileCandName1, $aedileCandName2, $aedileCandName3, $aedileCandName4, $aedileCandName5))
(set: $aedCompVotes to (array: (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20)))}
Started 11/1 going back to put more flavor text in, more varied passages, and a footnote system to indicate the sources for the various passages.{(set: $yearIndex to 1)
(set: $auc to 453)
(set: $initSkillPoints to 4)
(set: $showFooter to true)
(set: $showHeader to false)
(set: $age to 17)
(set: $statMax to 10)
(set: $oratory to 0)
(set: $religion to 0)
(set: $martialSkill to 0)
(set: $legalism to 0)
(set: $strategy to 0)
(set: $culture to 0)
(set: $economy to 0)
(set: $virtus to 0)
(set: $dignitas to 0)
(set: $popularity to 0)
(set: $piety to 0)
<!--Hidden Stats-->
(set: $invidia to 0)
(set: $corruption to 0)
(set: $brutality to 0)
(set: $populism to 0)
(set: $income to 100000)
(set: $stipendia to 0)
(set: $numOffices to 0)
(set: $honors to (datamap: "Corona Civica",0,"Corona Muralis",0,"Corona Castrensis",0,"Enemy Spoils",0,"Spolia Opima", 0,"Military Tribuneship",0,"Triumph",0,"Princeps Senatus",0))
(set: $mascEnding to "us")
(set: $femEnding to "a")
(set: $plurEnding to "i")
(set: $praenomenList to (array: "Marcus", "Lucius", "Quintus", "Publius", "Gnaeus", "Gaius", "Spurius", "Servius", "Aulus", "Manius"))
(set: $plebNomenList1 to (array: "Fulvi", "Calpurni", "Semproni", "Deci", "Minuci"))
(set: $plebNomenList2 to (array: "Flamini", "Fabrici", "Caecili", "Juni", "Terenti"))
(set: $plebNomenList3 to (array: "Atili", "Mamili", "Genuci", "Curi", "Livi"))
(set: $plebNomenList4 to (array: "Ogulni", "Marci", "Otacilia", "Duili", "Aeli"))
(set: $plebNomenList5 to (array: "Aureli", "Coruncania", "Fundani", "Lutati", "Villi"))
(set: $plebNomenList6 to (array: "Licini", "Carvili", "Pomponi", "Apusti", "Porci"))
(set: $patNomenList1 to (array: "Fabi", "Claudi", "Juli", "Corneli", "Furi"))
(set: $patNomenList2 to (array: "Postumi", "Manli", "Valeri", "Servili", "Sergi"))
(set: $patNomenList3 to (array: "Aemili", "Quincti", "Sulpici", "Veturi", "Quinctili" ))
(set: $mastPlebNomenList to (array: "Fulvi", "Calpurni", "Semproni", "Deci", "Minuci","Flamini", "Fabrici", "Caecili", "Juni", "Terenti","Atili", "Mamili", "Genuci", "Curi", "Livi","Ogulni", "Marci", "Otacilia", "Duili", "Aeli","Aureli", "Coruncania", "Fundani", "Lutati", "Villi","Licini", "Carvili", "Pomponi", "Apusti", "Porci"))
(set: $consularYears to (array: "M. Valerius Corvus and Q. Appuleius Pansa", "M. Fulvius Paetinus and T. Manlius Torquatus", "Cn. Fulvius Maximus and L. Cornelius Scipio", "Q. Fabius Maximus and P. Decius Mus", "Ap.Claudius Caecus and L. Volumnius Violens", "Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus and P.Decius Mus", "L.Postumius Megellus and M. Atilius Regulus", "L. Papirius Cursor and Sp. Carvilius Maximus", "Q.Fabius Maximus Gurges and D. Junius Brutus", "L. Postumius Megellus and C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus", "P. Cornelius Rufinus and M'. Curius Dentatus", "M. Valerius Maximus Corvus II and Q. Caedicius Noctua", "Q. Marcius Tremulus and P. Cornelius Arvina", "M. Claudius Marcellus and C. Nautius Rutilus", "M. Valerius Maximus Potitus and C. Aelius Paetus", "C. Claudius Canina and M. Aemilius Lepidus", "C. Servilius Tucca and L. Caecilius Metellus Denter", "P. Cornelius Dolabella and Cn. Domitius Calvinus Maximus", "C. Fabricius Luscinus and Q. Aemilius Papus", "L. Aemilius Barbula and Q. Marcius Philippus", "P. Valerius Laevinus and Ti. Coruncanius", "P. Sulpicius Saverrio and P. Decius Mus", "C. Fabricius Luscinus and Q. Aemilius Papus", "P. Cornelius Rufinus and C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus", "Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges and C. Genucius Clepsina", "M'. Curius Dentatus II and L. Cornelius Lentulus Caudinus", "M'. Curius Dentatus and Ser. Cornelius Merenda", "C. Fabius Licinus C. Claudius Canina and L. Papirius Cursor II Sp. Carvilius Maximus", "K. Quinctius Claudus and L. Genucius Clepsina", "C. Genucius Clepsina and Cn. Cornelius Blasio", "Q. Ogulnius Gallus and C. Fabius Pictor", "P. Sempronius Sophus and Ap. Claudius Russus", "M. Atilius Regulus and L. Julius Libo", "D. Junius Pera and N. Fabius Pictor", "Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges and L. Mamilius Vitulus", "Ap. Claudius Caudex and M. Fulvius Flaccus", "M'. Valerius Maximus Mesalla and M'. Otacilius Crassus", "L. Postumius Megellus and Q. Mamilius Vitulus", "L. Valerius Flaccus and T. Otacilius Crassus", "Cn. Cornelius Scipio Asina and C. Duilius", "L. Cornelius Scipio and C. Aquillius Florus", "A. Atilius Calatinus and C. Sulpicius Paterculus", "C. Atilius Regulus and Cn. Cornelius Blasio", "L. Manlius Vulso Longus and Q. Caedicius", "Ser. Fulvius Paetinus Nobilior and M. Aemilius Paullus", "Cn. Cornelius Scipio Asina and A. Atilius Calatinus", "Cn. Servilius Caepio and C. Sempronius Blaesus", "C. Aurelius Cotta and P. Servilius Geminus", "L. Caecilius Metellus and C. Furius Pacilus", "C. Atilius Regulus and L. Manlius Vulso Longus", "P. Claudius Pulcher and L. Junius Pullus", "C. Aurelius Cotta and P. Servilius Geminus", "L. Caecilius Metellus and N. Fabius Buteo", "M'. Otacilius Crassus and M. Fabius Licinus", "M. Fabius Buteo and C. Atilius Bulbus", "A. Manlius Torquatus Atticus and C. Sempronius Blaesus", "C. Fundanius Fundulus and C. Sulpicius Galus", "C. Lutatius Catulus and A. Postumius Albinus","A. Manlius Torquatus Atticus and Q. Lutatius Cerco"))
(set: $omenList1 to (array:
"stones plummeted from the sky like rain",
"a number of Romans have been struck by lightning",
"a babe, no more than six months of age, shouted 'Triumph' at the market",
"A cow managed to climb a three-story building then leapt to its death after being scared by the residents",
"The Temple of Fortuna was struck by lightning",
"A spear had moved all on its own at Lanuvium",
"A raven entered Juno's temple and landed on her couch",
"In the neighborhood of Amiternum, some men garbed in white were spotted from afar, but no one saw them up close",
"A wolf stole a town watchman's sword in Gaul",
"The spears several legionaries carried burst into flames",
"A woman turned into a man"))
(set: $omenList2 to (array:
"Some goats sprouted wool",
"a hen transformed into a rooster",
"In Sardinia two shields bled",
"Shields appeared in the sky near Arpi",
"Two moons rose over Capena",
"A river near Caere flowed with blood",
"Near Antium, ears of wheat were harvested that bled when picked",
"A statue of Mars in the City sweat",
"In Sabine territory, several statues bled",
"Lightning struck and killed several people walking to the Campus Martius",
"A swarm of bees was seen near the City"))
(set: $omenList3 to (array:
"A pair of Vestal Virgins were found to be unchaste",
"The sea churned",
"Near Sinuesssa a cow gave birth to a horse",
"At the temple of Juno in Lavinium, the statue of the goddess oozed blood",
"Ravens built a nest in the temple of Juno at Lanuvium",
"In Apulia a palm tree bburst into flames",
"A pond in Mantua appeared bloody",
"At Cales chalk fell from the sky like rain",
"Lightning struck the temple of Vulcan near the Campus Martius",
"In Sicily a cow talked",
"A baby not yet born cried, 'Triumph!' from its mother's womb"))
(set: $seenOratoryIntro to false)}
<!-- what's the trade-off for elections?-->
You are not alone in your candidacy; other sons of aristocratic households also hope to hold the aedileship this year. (set: $aedileNumCompetitors to 6) This year there are $aedileNumCompetitors candidates for the curule aedileship:
You consider your options as you campaign. You can (link: "attempt to curry favor with the masses")[(set: $populism+=2)(set: $popularity+=2)(goto: "Aedile Election")] by promoting the people's interests, perhaps undercutting your rivals. Alternately, you could go for the showy approach and (link: "pledge great entertainments for the people")[(set: $populism+=2)(set: $popularity+=2)(goto: "Aedile Election")]. Or you could simply (link: "rely on your reputation")[(goto: "Aedile Election")] with the voters and your prestige to win the curule aedileship.
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>we know exceedingly little about aedile elections since most references to aediles in Livy and elsewhere simply talk about their acts in office and these rather briefly. The one major exception is Gnaeus Fulvius, whose candidacy and curule aedileship are accounted in Livy 9.46 According to Livy 34.54, Marcus Atilius Serranus was one of the first two aediles to sponsor plays at the Megalesia</em>]
<!-- code for creating some aedile competitor names and electibility values-->
(set: $randIndex to (random: 1,10))
(set: $randPlebName to ($plebNomenList's $randIndex)+$mascEnding)
(set: $aedCompetitor1 to (datamap: "name", $randPlebName, "electibility", (random:10,25)))
(set: $randIndex to (random: 1,10))
(set: $randPlebName to ($plebNomenList's $randIndex)+$mascEnding)
(set: $aedCompetitor2 to (datamap: "name", $randPlebName, "electibility", (random:10,25)))
(print: $aedCompetitor1's name) has an electibility of (print: $aedCompetitor1's electibility)
(print: $aedCompetitor2's name) has an electibility of (print: $aedCompetitor2's electibility)
{<!-- Put the arrays into a Datamap of competitors-->
(set: $aedileCompetitors to (datamap: $aedCompNames's 1, $aedCompVotes's 1, $aedCompNames's 2, $aedCompVotes's 2, $aedCompNames's 3, $aedCompVotes's 3, $aedCompNames's 4, $aedCompVotes's 4, $aedCompNames's 5, $aedCompVotes's 5, "You", $yourElectability))
The day comes for the elections. The praetor in charge of the process discusses various matters with assistants while Roman citizens gather in the tribal assembly. When the assembly grounds are full a pontifex leads the assembly in a prayer to the gods and a sacrifice.
Then it is time for you and the other candidates for curule aedile to announce their intent to seek office. The other candidates this year are:
(print: $aedCompNames's 1)
(print: $aedCompNames's 2)
(print: $aedCompNames's 3)
(print: $aedCompNames's 4)
(print: $aedCompNames's 5)
(link-replace: "<em class='term'>Discedite, Quirites</em>,")["Depart, Romans,"] the praetor commands, and the citizens go to the fenced in locations on the assemblygrounds that mark their respective tribes. Thirty-five locations for thirty-five tribes, the rich and poor of the tribe intermingled. The citizens make their votes known to the scribes who run round recording the votes.
<!--This results algorithm came from the suggestion of Greyelf on the twinery.org forum. Thank you Greyelf!!! -->
(link: "Hear the results.")[
(set: $first to "")
(set: $firstVotes to 0)
(set: $second to "")
(set: $secondVotes to 0)
(set: $current to "")
(set: $currentVotes to 0)
(set: $names to (datanames: $aedileCompetitors))
(set: $length to $names's length)
(set: $index to 0)
(live: 10ms)[
(set: $index to it + 1)
(set: $current to $names's ($index))
(set: $currentVotes to $aedileCompetitors's ($current))
(if: $currentVotes > $firstVotes)[
(set: $second to $first)
(set: $secondVotes to $firstVotes)
(set: $first to $current)
(set: $firstVotes to $currentVotes)
](else-if: $currentVotes > $secondVotes)[
(set: $second to $current)
(set: $secondVotes to $currentVotes)
(if: $index >= $length)[
(stop:)(goto: "Aedile Results")
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>An outstanding overview of aediles and the procedures in aedile elections in the Tribal assembly comes from Lintott p. 41-48. Note that it is not clear how votes were recorded in the tribal assembly. I have provided one of the options Lintott suggests. In general we know exceedingly little about aedile elections in the middle Republic since most references to aediles in Livy and elsewhere simply talk about their acts in office and these rather briefly.</em>]
(link: "<strong>††</strong>")[<strong>††</strong><em>Your dignitas is important in the calculation of your electability, but a bit less so since the tribal assembly votes for curule aediles and the regular assidui (common citizens with voting rights) outnumber the equites and senators in the tribes. Your reputation for virtus is also important, but a little less in that aediles essentially have no military functions</em>]
While you wander the city, promoting your candidacy ....
You hear word that (print: $aedCompNames's 1), a candidate for curule aedile is the son of (link-replace: "<em class='term'>libertus</em>")[freed slave] (a sordid origin to be sure). A clever speaker, one able to draw crowds, this lout seems to have a bit of a following. You hear him pledge to those around him that, as aedile, he will make more records available to citizens in the City such as the official calendar with its dates for when official business can and cannot be conducted. A move like this would diminish some of the power of the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>pontifices</em>")[priests responsible for maintaining the calendars.] You consider how this might affect your campaign strategy.<br><br>
(link: "Stay the course; rely on your qualities and skills to win election")[(goto: "Stay the Course Aedile")]<br>
(link: "Play the populist game and make similar pledges to the voters")[(set: $populist += 1)(goto: "Go Populist Aedile")]
One of your rivals, (print: $aedCompNames's 2), a persuasive man, one able to draw crowds, promises that in addition to the Roman Games, the festivals held annually by the aediles and paid for largely out of pocket, he will stage a series of dramas at the Megalesia. You consider how this might affect your campaign strategy.<br><br>
(link: "Stay the course; rely on your qualities and skills to win election")[(goto: "Stay the Course Aedile")]<br>
(link: "Appeal to the people's love of spectacle and promise the grandest Roman Games ever")[(set: $populist += 1)(set: $popularity+=1)(goto: "Go Games Aedile")]
You have watched a rival candidate, (print: $aedCompNames's 3), work the crowds, and you are quite certain that he is engaged in some form of petty bribery with the voters. Illegal, to be sure, but potentially very effective in getting the vote out.<br><br>
(link: "Stay the course; rely on your qualities and skills to win election")[(goto: "Stay the Course Aedile")]<br>
(link: "Attempt a little bribery to increase your odds")[(set: $popularity+=1)(set: $populist += 1)(goto: "Aedile Second Campaign Choice")]
(set: $incidentIndex to (random: 1,3))
(if: $incidentIndex is 1)[(show: ?aedFirstScen1)]
(else-if: $incidentIndex is 2)[(show: ?aedFirstScen2)]
(else-if: $incidentIndex is 3)[(show: ?aedFirstScen3)]}
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>We know very little about aedile campaigns. The aedile making the Roman calendar public is a reference to Gnaeus Flavius, whose promises Livy details in 9.46; The second scenario with the Megalesia refers to Aulus Atilius Serranus and Lucius Scribonius Libo, the aediles who first staged dramas at the Megalesia: Livy 34.54</em>]A week passes and you visit the City on another market day, when all the rural folk being their produce and the city folk purchase their supplies for the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>nundinae</em>")[eight day week]
You might spend your time with the yeoman farmers, come to market, perhaps engage in some banter and show yourself to be a man of the people. On the other hand, you might spend your time talking to the men of substance, the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>equites</em>")[class whose wealth qualifies them for cavalry service], and perhaps even a senator or two if they happen to be present
(link: "Attempt to banter and gain the support of common people")[(goto: "Banter with Peasants")]<br>
(link: "Attempt to trade witticisms and social observations with the <em>equites</em>")[(goto: "Brush Shoulders with Equites")]
<!-- (set: $incidentIndex to (random: 1,3)) OVERRIDE< ONLY ONE SCENARIO NOW-->
(set: $incidentIndex to 1)
(if: $incidentIndex is 1)[(show: ?aedSecondScen1)]
(else-if: $incidentIndex is 2)[(show: ?aedSecondScen2)]
(else-if: $incidentIndex is 3)[(show: ?aedSecondScen3)]}
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>We know very little about aedile campaigns. </em>]<!-- Introduction
(set: $incidentIndex to (random: 1,3))
(if: $incidentIndex is 1)[(show: ?Scene1)]
(else-if: $incidentIndex is 2)[(show: ?Scene2)]
(else-if: $incidentIndex is 3)[(show: ?Scene3)]}-->{(set: $age += 1)
Another year has passed. Now $age years old, (if: $stipendia is 1)[you have served for 1 year](else:)[you have served $stipendia campaigns]. But you have lost at your first electoral contest.
What will you do next year?
(set: $advocacy to false)
(set: $service to false)
(if: $age > 20)[(link: "Serve as an advocate")[((set: $auc+=1)(set: $yearIndex+=1)(set: $advocacy to true)(goto: "New Year")]]
(link: "Serve in another campaign")[(set: $yearIndex+=1)(set: $auc+=1)(set: $service to true)(goto: "New Year")](either: "You walk among the people trading friendly greetings and banter to gain their support in the elections. Unfortunately after shaking hands with one farmer whose hands are particularly rough and calloused from working the fields, you blurt out, 'Do you walk on your hands all day instead of your feet?' Neither the farmer nor the crowd are amused at your elitist stance (set: $dignitas+=1)(set: $popularity-=1)(set: $populism-=1)", "You walk among the people trading friendly greetings and banter to gain their support in the elections. They are pleased that you are spending your time among them and you feel confident this day's work will increase your chances of winning the election. (set: $popularity+=1).")
[[Continue->Aedile Elections]]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>P.Cornelius Scipio Nasica is the aristocrat who reportedly made this joke while campaigning to be aedile. It alienated the rural tribes and cost him the election Valerius Maximus 7.5.2</em>](either: "You spy a gathering of men from the cavalry class engaged in discussion and insinuate yourself into the conversation. You drop a remark, however, that causes on of the circle to ask you to clarify your opinion on grain prices. He suggests with some derision that you support fixed maximums on grain prices 'for the masses'. You may have harmed your standing if this gets out.(set: $dignitas-=1)(set: $popularity+=1)(set: $populism+=1)", "You walk among the men of the cavalry class, exchanging views on the importance of good agricultural stock, the difficulties of managing slaves, and the importance of setting good prices for grain. You seem to have impressed the lot and established yourself as a friend of the elite. (set: $dignitas+=1).")
[[Continue->Aedile Elections]] You must complete the decem stipendia, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete before holding public office.
LINK You must complete (link: "the decem stipendia")[ the ten years of military service a Roman must complete] before holding public office.
LINK REVEAL You must complete (link-reveal: "the decem stipendia")[, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete,] before holding public office.
LINK REPEAT You must complete the (link-repeat: "the decem stipendia")[, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete,] before holding public office.
CLICK You must complete [the decem stipendia]<decem| (click-replace: ?decem)[, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete,] before holding public office.
CLICK-REPLACE You must complete [the decem stipendia]<decem| (click-replace: ?decem)[, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete,] before holding public office.
CLICK AND REPLACE You must complete [the decem stipendia]<term| (click-replace: ?term)[,the ten years of military service a Roman must complete,] before holding public office.
My deepest secret.
(click-replace: "secret")[level in NetHack.]
MOUSEOVER-REPLACE You must complete [the decem stipendia]<decem| (mouseover-replace: ?decem)[, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete,] before holding public office.
MOUSEOUT You must complete [the decem stipendia]<decem| (mouseout: ?decem)[, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete,] before holding public office.
You must complete the decem stipendia, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete before holding public office.
You must complete the decem stipendia, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete before holding public office.
You must complete the decem stipendia, the ten years of military service a Roman must complete before holding public office.{(if: $showFooter)[<hr>(link: "<span class='stat'>stats</span>")[<div class="stats"><strong>age</strong>: $age
<strong>campaigns</strong>: $stipendia
<strong>virtus</strong>: $virtus
<strong>piety</strong>: $piety
<strong>oratory</strong>: $oratory
<strong>dignitas</strong>: $dignitas
<strong>popularity</strong>: $popularity
<strong>martial</strong>: $martialSkill
<strong>legal</strong>: $legalism
<strong>strategy</strong>: $strategy
<strong>culture</strong>: $culture</div>
<!-- remember the three other stats corruption, brutality populism. Hidden but important-->
<!--I searched first, but did not see anything addressing this, so here goes. In Twine 2, Harlowe I have a footer that displays a "stats" link when the $showFooter flag I created is set to true. So the effect is that the "stats" link shows up in the footer on most passages, and when the player presses the stats link the stats show up in the footer.
[code](if: $showFooter)[<hr>(link: "<span class='stat'>stats</span>")[<div class="stats"><strong>age</strong>: $age
<strong>campaigns</strong>: $stipendia
<strong>virtus</strong>: $virtus
<strong>piety</strong>: $piety
<strong>oratory</strong>: $oratory
<strong>dignitas</strong>: $dignitas
<strong>popularity</strong>: $popularity
<strong>martial skill</strong>: $martialSkill
<strong>legal knowledge</strong>: $legalism
<strong>strategic sense</strong>: $strategy
<strong>culture</strong>: $culture</div>
Anyway, my question. Is there a way--><!--Cap stats at 20-->
<strong>age</strong>: $age
<strong>virtus</strong>: $virtus
<strong>piety</strong>: $piety
<strong>oratory</strong>: $oratory
<strong>dignitas</strong>: $dignitas
<strong>popularity</strong>: $popularity
<strong>military campaigns</strong>: $stipendia
<strong>martial skill</strong>: $martialSkill
<strong>legal knowledge</strong>: $legalism
<strong>strategic sense</strong>: $strategy
<strong>culture</strong>: $culture
(link:"Return to your story")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]
<!-- could make each point of a stat serve as an index to an array of value descriptions. Like (set: $virtusDescriptor to (array: "tyro", "brave tyro", "brave", "stalwart"))-->You are your own man and will rely on the qualities that have gotten you so far in life. No special pleading.
[[Continue campaigning->Aedile Second Campaign Choice]] Spectacular games, spectacular dramas! Though it may cost your coffers at the very least, you decide to promise extraordinary games for the voters.
[[Continue campaigning->Aedile Second Campaign Choice]] Though it will no doubt cause some discomfort among the upper echelons of Roman society, you decide to take a populist approach and make your own promises to publicize useful official records such as the calendar.
[[Continue campaigning->Aedile Second Campaign Choice]] (set: $yourElectability to 18)
{<!-- Create the Aedile competitors in two parallel arrays called $aedCompNames and $aedCompVotes-->
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName1 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName1 to (text: $aedileCandName1 + " " + ($plebNomenList1's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName2 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName2 to (text: $aedileCandName2 + " " + ($plebNomenList2's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName3 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName3 to (text: $aedileCandName3 + " " + ($plebNomenList3's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName4 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName4 to (text: $aedileCandName4 + " " + ($plebNomenList4's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName5 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName5 to (text: $aedileCandName5 + " " + ($patNomenList1's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $aedCompNames to (array: $aedileCandName1, $aedileCandName2, $aedileCandName3, $aedileCandName4, $aedileCandName5))
(set: $aedCompVotes to (array: (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20), (random: 10,20)))
List of Competitors: $aedCompNames
List of Electability:$aedCompVotes
<!-- Put the arrays into a Datamap of competitors-->
(set: $aedileCompetitors to (datamap: $aedCompNames's 1, $aedCompVotes's 1, $aedCompNames's 2, $aedCompVotes's 2, $aedCompNames's 3, $aedCompVotes's 3, $aedCompNames's 4, $aedCompVotes's 4, $aedCompNames's 5, $aedCompVotes's 5, "You", $yourElectability))
Datamap of Competitors: (print: $aedileCompetitors)
<!--This algorithm came from the suggestion of Greyelf on the twinery.org forum. Thank you Greyelf!!! -->
(set: $first to "")
(set: $firstVotes to 0)
(set: $second to "")
(set: $secondVotes to 0)
(set: $current to "")
(set: $currentVotes to 0)
(set: $names to (datanames: $aedileCompetitors))
(set: $length to $names's length)
(set: $index to 0)
(live: 10ms)[
(set: $index to it + 1)
(set: $current to $names's ($index))
(set: $currentVotes to $aedileCompetitors's ($current))
(if: $currentVotes > $firstVotes)[
(set: $second to $first)
(set: $secondVotes to $firstVotes)
(set: $first to $current)
(set: $firstVotes to $currentVotes)
] (else-if: $currentVotes > $secondVotes)[
(set: $second to $current)
(set: $secondVotes to $currentVotes)
(if: $index >= $length)[
The winners are
$first and $second
(if: $first is "You" or $second is "You")[
The remainder of the year passes and you enter office at the start of the new year.
(set:$yearIndex+=1)(set: $auc+=1)
[[Continue->Aedileship - Set Goals]]
](else:)[The voters passed you over and you will have to occupy yourself as a private citizen in the new year
[[Continue->End of Year - Lost Aedile Election]]
]{(if: $showHeader)[<span class="year">(print: $consularYears's $yearIndex), Consuls </span><br>](else:)[(set: $showHeader to true)]}
With the beginning of the year the new consuls, (print: $consularYears's $yearIndex), take office. Among other omens that are publicly reported this year by the augures and pontifices:
* (print: $omenList1's (random: 1,11)).
* (print: $omenList2's (random: 1,11)).
* (print: $omenList3's (random: 1,11)).
Under the senate's (either: "watchful eye","calm guidance", "measured leadership") the Republic atones to the gods for its failings through sacred rituals.
(linK: "Continue")[(if: $advocacy is true)[(goto: "Advocacy")](else-if: $service is true)[(goto: "Army Service Choices")]]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Livy lists all manner of yearly omens and prodigies. Presumably these were originally recorded in the annales maximi. The examples listed come from various places: Liv. 21.62, 22.1, 22.57, 23.32, 24.10 </em>]11/30
- Come up with a starting max value for qualities like virtus. 20? Hard to know without full life
- Characterize the electability of the character along with the number
- Finish Advocacy Page and Explain oratory -- Consider two options. One give a list of cases they can choose to try. Two they need to decide whether the law exists on the topic or not and what it requires (sort of "do you know what the Twelve Tables entails?)
- Aediles Second Campaign choice needs to be finished
3/26 Write some more cases{(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $clientPraenomen to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,30))
(set: $clientNomen to (text: ""+($mastPlebNomenList's $index +$mascEnding)))
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $plaintiffPraenomen to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,30))
(set: $plaintiffNomen to (text: ""+($mastPlebNomenList's $index +$mascEnding)))
<!-- array of case descriptions -->
<!-- so there are x parallel arrays
$caseIndex -> nuff said
$caseDescription -> the specific content of the case
$caseDifficulty -> a difficulty rating of "easy", "moderate", or "difficult"
$caseLost -> client + the string explaining the penalty the client must pay to the plaintiff + plaintiff -->
<!-- currently 5 cases-->
(set: $caseDescription to
(array: "'I am being sued for the cost of a slave that belonged to $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen,' he says. 'It is true that I did kill his slave, but it was in self defense. One day the slave accosted me for money and threatened to kill me. Enraged, I struck him and when he fell he hit his head against a cobblestone. The blow killed him.'",
"'I am being sued for the cost of a slave that belonged to $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen,' he says. 'It is true that I did kill his slave. He would not make way for me in the market and instead insulted me. I gave the wretch a light blow of the hand. And would you believe it, he up and died? How was I to know he was so sickly to begin with?",
"'I am being sued for the cost of a slave that belonged to $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen,' he says. 'It is true that I did kill his slave. I was driving a team of mules pulling a cart of building materials that I was under contract to deliver. A nest of hornets fell from a tree branch overhanging the road and the vermin stung one of my mules into a frenzy. The mules bolted and dragged the car down the road, running over Aequilius' slave in the process.",
"I sold $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen a slave, a sturdy enough boy, at just under the going rate, a good deal by any measure. Ten days later, the slave fell ill and died. $plaintiffNomen accuses me of selling him bad goods. He claims I knew the slave was ill and passed the damaged merchandise off to him. It's laughable.",
"The house of my neighbor, $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen has a roof that extends past his property onto my own, casting shade where I want direct sunlight for my gardens. I complained to $plaintiffNomen several times on this point, to no avail. Finally I had had enough and cut off the part of the extended roof off that was on my property. He is now suing me for unjust property damage"
<!-- parallel array with difficulties of cases -->
(set: $caseDifficulty to
(array: "easy",
"moderately challenging",
"moderately challenging"
(set: $caseLost to
(array: "pay the cost of the dead slave to",
"pay the cost of the dead slave to",
"pay the cost of the dead slave to",
"refund the cost of the dead slave to",
"pay a fine for property damage to"
(set: $caseIndex to (random: 1,5))
You cross paths with $clientPraenomen $clientNomen in the forum. He seeks an advocate to defend him in court against the suit of $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen. You listen to his tale:
(print: $caseDescription's $caseIndex)
This case appears to be (print: $caseDifficulty's $caseIndex)
You ponder the case for a moment, then respond:<br>
[["I will defend you in court"->Try Case]]
[["I cannot defend you in court"->Decline Case]]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Justinian's Digest,the 6th century CE collated collections of legal opinions on Roman law and its application is the source for the cases involving the killing of a slave, in particular Justinian's Digest 9 Tit. 2 on the Lex Aquilia, a law protecting one from other's damage to one's property--></em>]
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $romanName to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,30))
(set: $romanName to (text: $romanName + " " + ($mastPlebNomenList's $index + $mascEnding)))
The name of the Character is $romanName
<!-- Justinian's Digest 9 Tit 2.4-->
<!-- Justinian's Digest 9 Tit 2.7-->
I am being sued for destroying
Defense Advocate
Point of Law
Excellence of Defence
{<!--set the ceiling for the random number that will represent the difficulty of the trial-->
(if: $caseDifficulty's $caseIndex is "easy")[
(set: $trialMin to 2)
(set: $trialMax to 6)
(set: $oratoryIncrease to 1)
](else-if: $caseDifficulty's $caseIndex is "moderately challenging")[
(set: $trialMin to 4)
(set: $trialMax to 10)
(set: $oratoryIncrease to 2)
(set: $trialMin to 8)
(set: $trialMax to 16)
(set: $oratoryIncrease to 3)
You escort $clientPraenomen $clientNomen to the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>praetor urbanus</em>.")[urban praetor, who is responsible for assigning cases to a judge.] $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen is already there. You listen as the two men present their disagreement to the praetor, who listens carefully, asks a few questions, and nods his head. He assigns the case to a judge, a man from the senatorial class approved to hear cases. $plaintiffNomen makes his case against your client. (set: $plaintiffCase to (random: $trialMin,$trialMax))
(if: $plaintiffCase > ( $trialMin +($trialMax - $trialMin)/2))[It is a strong argument.] ($plaintiffCase)Then, it is your turn to speak in your client's defense.You plead the case.
<!-- My reasoning for $yourDefense value is that an orator with no experience should not be able to win a hard case but perhaps could win a moderate case-->(set: $yourDefense to (random: 1,6) + $oratory)
<br> Your defense is (if: $yourDefense >=3)[vigorous](else-if: $yourDefense >= 5)[exceptional](else:)[a bit lackluster] considering your skill at oratory.
<!-- The Difficulty is (print: $caseDifficulty's $caseIndex)
The Trial Range for the Random Number is $trialMin to $trialMax -->
<br>(link: "The verdict:")[(if: $oratory + $yourDefense >= $plaintiffCase)[
You have successfully defended your client and improved your oratory a bit (set: $oratory += $oratoryIncrease)]
(else:)[You have failed to persuade the judge. As a result $clientPraenomen $clientNomen must (print: $caseLost's $caseIndex) $plaintiffPraenomen $plaintiffNomen. Still, you have improved your skill at oratory a bit.(set: $oratory += 1)
]<br>You plead a few more cases this year, but nothing as significant as this one.
[[End of Year]]]
Do you want to look for another client to defend?
[[Look for another client->Advocacy - Choose a Case]]
[[Give up on pleading cases this year->End of Year]]Cases can be easy, moderate, or difficult to defend and this stat determines the range for the point value representing the strength of the plaintiff's case. Your defense consists of a random number 1-6 + your current oratory skill. If the sum of the two numbers is greater than the number representing the plaintiff's case, you will win the lawsuit. Otherwise, you will lose.
(link:"Return to your story")[(goto: (history: )'s last)](prepend: ?sidebar)[<div>(if: $showFooter)[<span class='stat'>stats</span><br><br><strong>age</strong>: $age
<strong>campaigns</strong>: $stipendia
<strong>oratory</strong>: $oratory
<i>religion</i>: $religion
<i>martial: $martialSkill</i>
<i>legal: $legalism </i>
<i>strategy: $strategy </i>
<i>culture: $culture</i>
<i>economy: $economy</i>
<strong>virtus</strong>: $virtus
<strong>dignitas: $dignitas</strong>
<strong>popularity</strong>: $popularity
<i>piety: $piety</i>
<br>(link: "<span class='stat'>rewind</span>")[(undo:)]
<br>(link: "<span class='stat'>help</span>")[(set: $showHeader to false)(set: $showFooter to true)(goto: "Help")]</div>
(mouseover-replace: "Latin")[English]
aristocratic Roman family, you are $name. That last part, Barbatus, refers to the exceptionally thick and full beard one of your ancestors had, and now the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>cognomen</em>")[nickname] is used to distinguish your branch of the Aemilius family. The (link-replace: "<em class='term'>res publica</em>")[republic], set on course by the good men who ousted that most despicable of kings, Tarquinius Superbus, has thrived for several centuries and your family has played an important role in leading the republic.
It is the year of the consuls, you set your sights on achieving political rank. But first you must consider the (link-replace: "<em class='term'>decem stipendia</em>.")[(show: ?decStipendiaDef)]
|decStipendiaDef)[ten military campaigns required before you are eligible to run for offices.]
(set: $stipendia+= 10)
(set: $oratory+= 5)
(set: $popularity+= 8)
(set: $age to 30)
[[Start from Here->First Election]]
Help Topics:
(link-reveal: "Player Stats")[
<strong>SKILLS</strong><br>The player has seven skills stats, representing their skills and knowledge. The maximuk for each skill stat is 10.
<strong>oratory</strong>, skill at public speaking in law courts, electoral speeches, and debates
<strong>religion</strong>, knowledge of proper religious procedures
<strong>martial</strong>, ability to fight in combat
<strong>legal</strong>, knowledge of Roman law and legal procedure
<strong>strategy</strong>, the knowledge and skill to command armies effectively
<strong>culture</strong>, the knowledge and appreciation of elite culture, Greco-Roman culture.
<strong>economy</strong>, knowledge and understanding of management and trade practices from household and farm management to commodity prices.
</br><strong>RANKINGS</strong><br>The player also has four ranking stats, reflecting their ranks in different qualities in Roman political culture
<strong>virtus</strong>, reputation for courage in battle and general Roman manliness
<strong>dignitas</strong>, reputation and standing with the Roman senatorial and equestrian elite
<strong>popularity</strong>, reputation and standing with the average citizen
<strong>piety</strong>, respect for religious propriety
</br><strong>HIDDEN STATS</strong><br>Finally, the player has four hidden stats representing how the player appears to others in the game world. The values range from -10 to 10 representing a scale. The player will not know the value of these stats, but they can influence their game. These are:
<strong>invidia</strong>, the level of opposition to you by other politically powerful Romans.
<strong>corruption</strong>, the appearance of political, legal, and personal corruption: rule-breaking, bribery, extortion, etc.
<strong>brutality</strong>, the appearance of cruelty, of an excessive (to a Roman) fascination/enjoyment of causing physical suffering
<strong>populism</strong>, the appearance of demagoguery, of appealing to the masses just to gain political power.]
(link:"Return to your story")[(set: $showFooter to true)(set: $showHeader to true)(goto: (history: )'s last)]
The gods must be honored in the right ways at the right times, or they will not favor Rome with their blessings. Sometimes the people, fearful of this or that foe, worried about this or that omen, delve into rituals and practices that will bring offense to the gods a ruin to the Republic. As an aedile it is appropriate for you to investigate and suppress such perversions as they occur.
(link:"return to setting your goals")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Liv 25.1 refers to an episode in the Second Punic War when "In public, too— in the Forum and on the Capitol— there were crowds of women whose sacrifices and prayers to the gods did not follow traditional practice. Priests and oracle-mongers had taken possession of the minds of the public, and the numbers of such people were swollen by the rustic proletariat, who had been forced into the city, by poverty and fear, from fields that long years of war had left untilled and insecure. There was also easy money to be gained from the superstition of others, through an occupation its practitioners conducted as though it were legitimate. (Yardley trans.)
Liv. 39.14 when the senate decides to repress the cult of Bacchus in Rome, aediles are charged with the task of repression
</em>]Aediles are tasked with the maintenance of the public buildings and ways of the city and one way you can carry out this charge is to sponsor the building and placement monuments such as statues or improve the exteriors and interirors of buildings. The expenses for these beautifications of Rome come from your own pocket, or, quite often, they can come from fines you impose on law breakers in the course of your duties.
(link:"return to setting your goals")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em>Liv. 10.23, 10.33, 27.6, 29.38 31.50, 33.25, 33.42, 35.41, 38.35 list occasions when aediles placed statues or other adornments, or temples paid for from the fines of law-breakers.
</em>]Aediles are charged with overseeing the public grain supply, the shipments of wheat to the city that feed the common citizens of Rome. This requires careful management to maintain adequate supply, which in tuern should keep prices manageable for the average citizen. Though the price of grain fluctuates beyond one person's control, a clever aedile can make arrangements with suppliers, take advantage of Roman influence and power abroad, and even use his own finances to lower the cost of grain and make it easier for common citizens to buy what they need.
(link:"return to setting your goals")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em> Liv mentions the aediles' role in managing the city grain supply and influencing prices on several occasions: 10.11; 23.41; 30.26, 31.50; 33.42; 38.35</em>]Though not normally part of the purview of aediles, you can look for ways to promote the interests of the common people by providing them greater access to often difficult to obtain government and religious information, social opportunities such as seating at games, theaters, and festivals, and the like.
(link:"return to setting your goals")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<em>The classic example of a populist aedile is Gnaeus Fulvius, aed. 304. According to Liv. 9.46, Fulvius had the civil laws, formerly kept away from the populace and in the possession of the priests, openly published for all to see. He also had a calendar displayed in multiple places in the forum so that everyone could know wat days were permitted for trials, assemblies, market, etc In Liv. 34.44 The senate orders the aediles to preserve seating for the senators separate from other Romans. Plut. Gaius Gracchus 12 indicates Gracchus as tribune ordered seats that other officials had built to rent out for a forum gladiatorial show to be removed so the poor could see the show -- I infer an aedile could have done something like this.</em>]As general officials in the city, aediles are authorized to investigate and punish law-breakers with fines--or prosecute them before the people for more serious offenses. Some of the most common violators are usurers and those who occupy excessive amount of public land for their personal use You can devote yourself to finding the rulebreakers, those who take advantage of the system, and punishing them.
(link:"return to setting your goals")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]
(link: "<strong>†</strong>")[<strong>†</strong><em> In addition to the places where Livy notes that the aediles levied fines and used them to build statues, temples, etc. (10.33;27.6;30.39 ; 31.50), he lists a number of specific legal violations that aediles fined or prosecuted for
7.28: Usurers, resulting in a conviction by the popular assembly
8.18: Poisoners
8.21: A man for sleeping with a married woman
10.13: Holding extra public land in violation of the Sexto-Licinianlaw
10.23: Livestock-breeders (presumably for occupying public land without authorization)
35.41: Usurers
38.35: Grain-hoarders</em>]{(set: $pcName to "M. Aemilius Barbatus")
(set: $pcPraenomen to "Marcus")
(set: $pcNomen to "Aemilius")
(set: $pcCognomen to "Barbatus")
(set: $index to (random: 1,10))
(set: $aedileCandName3 to ($praenomenList's $index))
(set: $index to (random: 1,5))
(set: $aedileCandName3 to (text: $aedileCandName3 + " " + ($plebNomenList3's $index + $mascEnding)))
(set: $showFooter to false)<span class="important">Scion</span> of an aristocratic Roman family, you are $pcName. The (link-replace: "<em class='term'>res publica</em>")[Republic], set on course by the good men who ousted that most despicable of kings, Tarquinius Superbus, has thrived for several centuries and your family has played an important role in leading the state.}
{You have received a traditional Roman education and have developed the following skills and talents along the way: (set: $startStatMax to 5)
(set: $tempOratory to (random:1,$startStatMax))(set: $tempReligion to (random:1,$startStatMax))(set: $tempMartialSkill to (random:1,$startStatMax))(set: $tempLegalism to (random:1,$startStatMax))(set: $tempStrategy to (random:1,$startStatMax))(set: $tempCulture to (random:1,$startStatMax))(set: $tempEconomy to (random:1,$startStatMax))
<!-- character now starts with stats from 1-7 in the skill/ability stats (with 10 as max in game)-->
Oratory: $tempOratory / $statMax
Religion: $tempReligion / $statMax
Martial: $tempMartialSkill / $statMax
Legal: $tempLegalism / $statMax
Strategy: $tempStrategy / $statMax
Culture: $tempCulture / $statMax
Economy: $tempEconomy / $statMax
{(link: "Start with this character")[
(set: $oratory to $tempOratory)(set: $religion to $tempReligion)(set: $martialSkill to $tempMartialSkill)(set: $legalism to $tempLegalism)(set: $strategy to $tempStrategy)(set: $culture to $tempCulture)(set: $economy to $tempEconomy)(goto: "Start")]}
[[Try a new character->Create Aristocrat]]