Red Book\n\nIt is a copy of the Kama Sutra, with detailed illustrations. Someone has gone through with a pencil and made notes. They do not seem to be based on experience.\n\n[[Pick Up|rbpick]]\n[[Use|rbuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|rbask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|rbuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Sex]]
Sherlock just scowls at you.\n\n"That seems like an unnecessarily personal question."\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
Skeleton\n\nEach bone has a small label.\n\n[[Pick Up|skelpick]]\n[[Use|skeluse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|skelask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|skeluseS]]<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 3>>[[Return to room|MAnatomy]]<<else>>[[Return to room|Anatomy]]<<endif>>
<<set $dog = "yes">>[[You now have a stuffed dog.|previous()]]\n
<<set $shells = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -1>>\nYou throw the shells at Moriarty. He is startled for a moment, but the most damage they do is a small cut from one sharp edge.\n\n\n\nYou have done 1 point of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
Plants\n\nYou recognise them all as highly poisonous.\n\n<<if $wearinggloves is "yes">><<if $syringe is "yes">>[[Pick Up|gspoispick]]<<else>>[[Pick Up|gpoispick]]<<endif>><<else>>[[Pick Up|poispick]]<<endif>>\n<<if $wearinggloves is "yes">>[[Use|gpoisuse]]<<else>>[[Use|poisuse]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|poisask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|poisuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n\n\n\n[[Return to room|Botany]]
Cadaver\n\nIt has been cut open so that all the organs are on display.\n\n[[Pick Up|cadpick]]\n[[Use|caduse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|cadask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|caduseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Pathology]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $teapot = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -2>>\nThe teapot shatters against his head, broken china and hot tea going everywhere.\n\n\n\nYou have done 2 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You don't want anything to do with that.|previous()]]\n
<<set $wearingpiratehat = "yes">>You put the pirate hat on. You look fantastic.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
List\n\nThe list reads: \n\nDo Not Turn Up High. \nDo Not Mention Lestrade's Wife's Affairs. \nDo Not Accuse Anyone Of Police Brutality. \nDo Not Let John Be In The Same Room As The Chief Inspector. \n\nYou stop reading at that point and wonder why you hadn't noticed Sherlock had been keeping you away from him.\n\n[[Pick Up|listpick]]\n[[Use|listuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|listask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|listuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Police]]\n
Sherlock is already wearing a belt.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Car\n\nWhen you open the bonnet, you can see all the different parts of the engine have little notes attached to them.\n\n[[Pick Up|carpick]]\n[[Use|caruse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|carask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|caruseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Driveway]]
Sherlock takes the dog in his hands and gives it a perplexed look, then darts a self-conscious stare at you. He puts it back on the crib.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You skim through the books, but find nothing of interest.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a corridor. There is a door to your north and a door to your east. In the south, the corridor turns and continues.\n\n[[Go north|Police]]\n[[Go east|Forensics]]\n[[Go south|South Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SWest Corridor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Are you insane? Why would you want to give Sherlock cocaine?\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $poisplant = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -2>>\nJust being hit by the plant doesn't actually poison Moriarty, but it does cause a nasty rash.\n\n\n\nYou have done 2 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
There is almost nothing left of Sherlock's neatly organised shelves of organs and limbs. The shelves themselves have been pulled off the wall, cascading everything Moriarty hasn't eaten across the floor.\n\nYou don't spare a glance for it, though, because Moriarty is crouched over the skeleton, pulling it apart and sucking down each bone, one by one.\n\n“Stop!” you command him.\n\n“Or what?” Moriarty asks with amusement, sucking down a metacarpal. “You can't hurt me.”<<set $Moriartyhunt = $Moriartyhunt + 5>>\n\nYou'll see about that. [[You pull out your inventory.|AttackMoriarty]]
You are already wearing a belt.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $portrait = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -2>>\nYou throw the portrait at Moriarty. It hits his head with a sharp thud and the glass shatters.\n\n\n\nYou have done 2 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
<<set $pilebooks = "yes">>[[You now have some books.|previous()]]\n
<<set $beesuit = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -1>>\nThe suit is quite heavy and knocks the air out of Moriarty when it hits him.\n\n\n\nYou have done 1 point of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nA tiny landing looks down on the entrance hall on the floor below.\n\nThere is a door to your east, a narrow gallery stretching to another landing to your west, and a flight of stairs heading up.\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 2>>[[Go east|MSchool]]<<else>>[[Go east|School]]<<endif>>\n[[Go west|West Landing]]\n[[Go up|South Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SEast Landing]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $phat = "yes">>[[You now have a pirate hat.|previous()]]\n
[[You don't want to mess up the careful system of organisation by taking one.|previous()]]\n
<<set $belt = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -3>>\nYou rush Moriarty and wrap the belt around his neck, pulling tight. His hands beat at you as his face goes red, but you keep your grip strong.\n\n\n\nYou have done 3 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
“Those are the ones I've had out recently,” he explains. “I need to file them away at some point.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“It's every violin I have ever owned or played upon.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock's mouth presses flat, and he refuses to tell you anything.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"This is the laboratory. I found myself constantly enlarging this room when I was younger, so I added the western wing to accommodate it." \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
You are now wearing a flower in your buttonhole.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"This is the school room. Not everything I learnt at school could be deleted. I've had to retain a few things, just for context." \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Mhit lte 0>>[[Success! Moriarty crashes to the ground, dead.|Victory]]<<else>><b>Moriarty has <<$Mhit>> points remaining.</b>\n\n(You need enough weapons to do 30 points of damage to Moriarty. Some items do more damage than others. Chuck everything you have at him. If you run out, you'll have to run for your life and track down some more weapons.)\n\n\n\n<<if $redbook is "yes">>[[A Copy of the Kama Sutra|Mrb]]<<endif>>\n<<if $photo is "yes">>[[A Photo of Yourself in Bed|Mphoto]]<<endif>>\n<<if $syringe is "yes">>[[A Syringe|Msyringe]]<<endif>>\n<<if $belt is "yes">>[[A Belt|Mbelt]]<<endif>>\n<<if $shells is "yes">>[[Shells|Mshells]]<<endif>>\n<<if $phat is "yes">>[[A Pirate Hat|MPhat]]<<endif>>\n<<if $flowers is "yes">>[[Flowers|MFlowers]]<<endif>>\n<<if $gloves is "yes">>[[Gloves|MGloves]]<<endif>>\n<<if $thickbooks is "yes">>[[Sherlock's Thick Books|MThbooks]]<<endif>>\n<<if $portrait is "yes">>[[A Portrait of a Serial Killer|MPortrait]]<<endif>>\n<<if $sheetmusic is "yes">>[[Sheet Music|Msheetmusic]]<<endif>>\n<<if $beesuit is "yes">>[[A Bee-Keeper's Outfit|Mbeesuit]]<<endif>>\n<<if $dog is "yes">>[[A Stuffed Dog|Mdog]]<<endif>>\n<<if $cake is "yes">>[[A Cake|Mcake]]<<endif>>\n<<if $ash is "yes">>[[Tobacco Ash|Mash]]<<endif>>\n<<if $casefiles is "yes">>[[A Case File|Mcasefiles]]<<endif>>\n<<if $DVDs is "yes">>[[Some James Bond DVDs|MDVDs]]<<endif>>\n<<if $pilebooks is "yes">>[[A Pile of Your Books|Mpilebooks]]<<endif>>\n<<if $poisonsyringe is "yes">>[[A Poison Syringe|Mpoisonsyringe]]<<endif>>\n<<if $hammer is "yes">>[[A Hammer|Mhammer]]<<endif>>\n<<if $bees is "yes">>[[A Handful of Bees|Mbees]]<<endif>>\n<<if $paper is "yes">>[[Some Blank Paper|Mpaper]]<<endif>>\n<<if $cactus is "yes">>[[A Small Cactus|Mcactus]]<<endif>>\n<<if $poisplant is "yes">>[[A Poisonous Plant|Mpoisplant]]<<endif>>\n<<if $dart is "yes">>[[A Dart|Mdart]]<<endif>>\n<<if $teapot is "yes">>[[A Teapot|Mteapot]]<<endif>>\n<<if $map is "yes">>[[A Map of Sherlock's Mind Palace|Mmap]]<<endif>>\n\n\n[[There's nothing here that will hurt the monster. Run!|Run]]<<endif>>
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nThe room is lit by one bare bulb, illuminating a dirty mattress shoved against a wall. Above it, a message is painted in vibrant red.\n\nTHIS IS A BAD IDEA. GET OUT.\n\nOn the mattress are a [[syringe]], a small bag of white [[powder]] and a [[belt]].\n\nThere is one door to the west.\n\n[[Go west|Basement Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SDrugs]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<set $syringe = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -3>>You have done 3 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You don't have anything worth writing down.\n\n [[Back|previous()]]
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>>\n\nThere is almost nothing left of Sherlock's neatly organised [[shelves]] of organs and limbs. They've been pulled off the wall, cascading everything across the floor. The [[skeleton]] is a sad pile of bones in the corner.\n\nThere is a door to your north, a door to your west, and a spiral staircase in the corner that climbs up.\n\n[[Go north|Botany]]\n[[Go west|Pathology]]\n[[Go up|John's Room]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SAnatomy]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Moriartyhunt eq 2>>[[Moriarty's here!|MHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>>
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
"What are you doing here?" he demands.\n\nYou shrug. "I'm dreaming."\n\n"No, <i>I'm</i> dreaming," he insists.\n\nYou think about contesting the point, but there doesn't seem much point arguing with a figment of your sleeping imagination. "If you say so."\n\nSherlock's eyes narrow. "You shouldn't be here," he insists. "This is my Mind Palace dream. There's never anyone else here in this dream."\n\n"If it helps," you say, "I've never had this dream before."<<if $wearingpiratehat is "yes">>\n\n"And why are you wearing my old pirate hat?" he continues.\n\nYou had forgotten you were wearing it and feel a bit awkward, but brazen it out. "I think it suits me, don't you?"\n\n"It doesn't," he snaps. You try not to feel insulted.<<endif>><<if $wearingbeesuit is "yes">>\n\n"Why are you dressed as a bee-keeper?" Sherlock asks.\n\nYou had completely forgotten putting the suit on, and now feel terribly awkward, but brazen it out. "It seemed like a good idea at the time," you say. "You know what dreams are like."\n\n"That's not what my dreams are like," says Sherlock. "Besides, it's too big for you."<<endif>>\n\nHe presses his lips together for a long moment, then takes a deep breath. \n\n"Very well," he says. "I suppose, as my subconscious has chosen to conjure you up, I should give you a tour." He pauses and then adds, as if to himself. "I have considered that it might be fun to show John around. I suppose that's what prompted this."\n\n"A tour would be great," you say. "This place is a bit confusing."\n\nSherlock scowls at you. "It's perfectly simple, even for a brain as feeble as yours. I could draw you a map in about thirty seconds."\n\nYou ignore the tone of his voice. "Oh, a map would be a huge help."\n\n"Do you have any paper?"\n\n<<if $paper is "yes">>You hand Sherlock the blank paper. He draws you a map and hands it back.\n\nYou now have a map of the Mind Palace.<<set $map = "yes">><<else>>"Not on me, no," you say, checking your inventory.\n\n"I'll draw you one if you can find some," says Sherlock.<<endif>>\n\n"You know, when I pictured it, I pictured it looking more like Buckingham Palace, or Versailles," you say. "It's funny that <i>my</i> dream is showing it like this."\n\nSherlock scowled. "Stupid over-the-top gold-encrusted monstrosities," he mutters. "This is far easier to have in your head. Come on, I'll show you."<<set $Sherlock = "yes">>\n\n[[Begin the tour.|Hall]]
[[You learnt within two days of living with Sherlock not to mess about with his violin.|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock looks very tempted, but shakes his head. “This isn't a good time for that.”\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
<<set $ash = "no">>\nThe ash settles on Moriarty's suit. He frowns, wiping it off.\n\n"This was Westwood," he complains. Well, at least you've pissed him off.\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
“I keep a record of all the injuries I've seen here.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Always good to keep a record,” says Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>> \n\n\n\nThis room is covered in a thick layer of dust. There is a [[family tree]] covering one wall and a stack of [[photo albums]] on a shelf.\n\nThere is a door to the east and a door to the west.\n\n[[Go east|Childhood]]\n[[Go west|Basement Stairwell]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SFamily]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
“This is my poison catalogue,” says Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Moriarty isn't here. Try again.\n\n[[Continue the hunt|previous()]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>> \n\n\n\nYou are in a tiny room that is closer to being a cupboard. The walls are covered with [[photos]] of Mycroft at various ages and doing a variety of different things, some of them featuring Sherlock as well. In the very centre of the room is an enormous chocolate [[cake]].\n\nThere is a door to your east.\n\n[[Go east|Nursery]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SMycroft]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a grand library, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. There is a large fireplace on the east side of the room, with a crackling fire and a large, comfortable leather [[armchair]] set in front of it. In front of you is a vast, antique wooden desk with a selection of [[thick books]] laid out on it.\n\nThere is a door to your north and a door to your west.\n\n[[Go north|Crime]]\n<<if $fuckyou is "yes">>[[Go west|FYHall]]<<else>>[[Go west|Hall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SLibrary]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
Chemical Equipment\n\nYou recognise a couple of the experiments in progress, but most of it is a mystery..\n\n[[Pick Up|cepick]]\n[[Use|ceuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|ceask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|ceuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Chemistry]]
You're already using the floor to stand on.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Family Tree\n\nIt goes back three generations. Right at the bottom, in the very centre, is Sherlock's name. Mycroft is squashed next to him like an afterthought.\n\n[[Pick Up|treepick]]\n[[Use|treeuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|treeask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|treeuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Family]]
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in Lestrade's office. Various [[case files]] are scattered on the desk and one wall has a detailed diagram of police hierarchy and the links between the various different divisions. Next to it, someone has carefully written out a [[list]] of rules.\n\nThere is a door to your north and a door to your south.\n\n[[Go north|Law]]\n[[Go south|West Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SPolice]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
The bed is not wide enough for both of you.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You throw darts at Anderson's face, scoring three bullseyes.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $lube = "yes">>[[You now have some lube.|previous()]]\n
Tall Cupboard\n\nYou open it to find Molly's pass badge, a steaming cup of coffee, a photo of a cat, and a cactus you recognise from Molly's desk.\n\n[[Pick Up|tcpick]]\n[[Use|tcuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|tcask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|tcuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Pathology]]
<<set $weaponshunt = "no">>\n“I think we've got enough to defend your memories,” you say. “We just need to find Moriarty now. Shall we search the house?”\n\n“He could be anywhere,” says Sherlock. “And it wouldn't be hard to evade us. We need to track him down.”\n\nHe pauses to think and you stay silent, letting his brain work at the problem.\n\n“We do have a way of knowing where he is,” says Sherlock slowly. “Wherever he is, he'll be destroying my memories.” He shuts his eyes and appears to be concentrating. “I don't know if Henry VIII was ever married,” he says, slowly, “or what the main themes of <i>To Kill A Mockingbird</i> are. Neither of which really seem like valuable things to have lost.”\n\n“I know where he is,” you say. “Come on.”<<set $Moriartyhunt = 1>>\n\n[[Start the hunt|previous()]]\n\n(When you're in the room where you think Moriarty is, click the 'Moriarty's Here' link.)
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nThis room reminds you of university. Anatomical charts cover the walls and a [[skeleton]] hangs from a stand in the corner. On a set of [[shelves]] on one wall, various different organs and limbs have been arranged.\n\nThere is a door to your north, a door to your west, and a spiral staircase in the corner that climbs up.\n\n[[Go north|Botany]]\n[[Go west|Pathology]]\n[[Go up|John's Room]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SAnatomy]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt eq 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt eq 2>>[[Moriarty's here!|MHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
\n "It's here to link up several rooms. Do I really have to explain the function of a corridor to you?" \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n\n "This is the music room. This was one of my first rooms, back when I first started building my Mind Palace. I needed somewhere to keep all the pieces I've memorised." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n\n\nYou fall.\n\nThe image of Sherlock's face after you kissed him, shock and wonder warring in his eyes, stays with you as you plummet.\n\nYou fall far further than the height of the Mind Palace. Darkness surrounds you.\n\n\n\n\n[[Landing comes with a jolt|Landing]]
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
Family Portrait\n\nBaby Sherlock has screwed his face up and looks as if he is about to cry.\n\n[[Pick Up|famportpick]]\n[[Use|fpuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|fpask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|fpuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Nursery]]\n
London Map\n\nThe markers spread out over the map show road works, building sites and the locations of various crimes.\n\n[[Pick Up|mappick]]\n[[Use|mapuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|mapask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|mapuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|London]]
<<set $shells = "yes">>[[You now have some shells.|previous()]]\n
<<set $dog = "no">>\nYou pull the dog out to throw at Moriarty.\n\n"What?" says Sherlock when he sees it. "No!"\n\nHe snatches it from your hands and tucks it safely away inside his shirt with a fierce glare.\n\nRather than being amused at a grown man's commitment to a childhood toy, you feel ashamed that you ever considered throwing such a treasured object to a monster.\n\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
<<set $syringe = "yes">>[[You now have a syringe.|previous()]]\n
<<set $redbook = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -2>>\nYou throw the book at Moriarty. It hits his head with a sharp thud.\n\n\n\nYou have done 2 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
Sherlock refuses to answer any questions. “It should be obvious,” he mutters.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You have some tea. Lovely.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a nursery, decorated in pale blue. A crib sits in one corner with a shabby-looking [[stuffed dog]] on it. On one wall, a [[family portrait]] hangs. The smiling parents are holding a red-faced baby with a smattering of dark hair and a chubby, serious-looking child whom it takes you a moment to recognise as Mycroft.\n\nThere is a door to your west and a door to your south.\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 2>>[[Go south|MSchool]]<<else>>[[Go south|School]]<<endif>>\n[[Go west|Mycroft]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SNursery]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You don't want to poison Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Paper\n\nIt's a stack of blank paper.\n\n[[Pick Up|paperpick]]\n[[Use|paperuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|paperask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|paperuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 2>>[[Return to room|MSchool]]<<else>>[[Return to room|School]]<<endif>>
You can't use it while it is empty.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“I probably don't really need them any more. This room was one of the first ones I built, a long time ago now.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $sheetmusic = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -1>>\nYou throw the papers at Moriarty but they flutter uselessly to the ground without hitting him. He just laughs.\n\n\n\nYou have done 1 point of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
\n\nCongratulations! You've reached the end of The Monster In The Mind Palace. \n\nIf you're interested in what happens for John and Sherlock the next morning, please see my fic [[Waking Up|]].
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>> \n\nYou are in a round room. The ceiling curves overhead, with several skylights letting light in. You are surrounded by your own belongings. The tea set from 221B is laid out on a table, steam coming from the spout of the [[teapot]]. On the wall nearest you, you can see copies of all your qualifications, neatly arranged in frames. A stack of James Bond [[DVDs]] are on a shelf in front of you, next to a [[pile of books]].\n\nThere is a door to your north. A spiral staircase goes down from the middle of the room.\n\n[[Go north|BedroomNo]]\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 3>>[[Go down|MAnatomy]]<<else>>[[Go down|Anatomy]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SJohn's Room]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
The Monster In The Mind Palace
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You flick through one of the books.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
He shrugs. “It's a belt. Could have had a thousand uses.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
You open a hive and take a taste of the honey inside. Lovely.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Walls\n\nThe music written on the wall looks like one of Sherlock's compositions.\n\n[[Pick Up|wallspick]]\n[[Use|wallsuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|wallsask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|wallsuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Music]]\n
<<set $poisonsyringe = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -5>>\nYou have to rush Moriarty in order to get close enough to inject him with the poison, but it's worth it.\n\nHe lets out a cry and goes very pale, wavering as it hits his bloodstream.\n\n\n\nYou have done 5 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
\n "This is the pathology lab. There's a bit of overlap between this and the anatomy lab," says Sherlock, looking around. "I suppose I could knock through the wall and combine them into one medical science laboratory." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
“It contains my memories of how to drive as well as some basic mechanics, and four different ways of breaking in and stealing a car,” says Sherlock, running his hand over the chassis with pride. “You never know when hotwiring might be useful.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“It's the first bed I experienced masturbation in,” says Sherlock. “It seemed appropriate.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in one of the incident rooms at Scotland Yard. Fingerprint charts, crime scene photographs of footprints and hairs and the procedure for DNA tests cover the walls There is a small table to one side with little piles of [[ash]] on it.\n\nOn the far wall there is a [[dartboard]].\n\nThere is a door to your west.\n\n[[Go west|West Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SForensics]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You put the pirate hat on Sherlock. He scowls, but does not take it off.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Please don't disrupt my experiments,” he says.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $phat = "no">>\nYou throw the pirate hat at Moriarty. Despite having three corners, none of them are sharp enough to do any damage.\n\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
What would you use that for?\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $poisplant = "yes">>[[You now have a poisonous plant.|previous()]]\n
“What do you think it's for?” he asks, snippily. “It's left over from years ago. This whole room is.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"This is the forensics room. I'm constantly expanding this room. There's always new crime scene evidence to add to it." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
Gloves\n\nThey are well-worn and have a pattern of little forget-me-nots.\n\n[[Pick Up|glovpick]]\n[[Use|glovuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|glovask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|glovuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Garden]]
Sherlock takes up his current violin and plays you your favourite tune.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n "This driveway is really only here for the car. I've been wondering if I shouldn't move some other information down here. Forensics is a bit crowded, I could put the footprint comparisons down here, maybe." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n \n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $gloves = "no">>\nThe gloves hit Moriarty uselessly in the chest. He raises an unimpressed eyebrow at you.\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
<<set $bees = "yes">>[[You now have a handful of bees.|previous()]]\n
[[It is too heavy to pick up.|previous()]]\n
Tobacco Ash\n\nThere are 243 different types of tobacco ash on the table.\n\n[[Pick Up|ashpick]]\n[[Use|ashuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|ashask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|ashuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Forensics]]
\n"It's a landing, John. There's not a lot to say about it." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
Shelves\n\nEach organ or limb has a different injury, and the object that caused it is next to them.\n\n[[Pick Up|shelfpick]]\n[[Use|shelfuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|shelfask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|shelfuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 3>>[[Return to room|MAnatomy]]<<else>>[[Return to room|Anatomy]]<<endif>>
You don't really want to touch any of it.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[It is attached to the wall.|previous()]]\n
\n"The library. Every book I've ever read and deemed worthy of retaining is here," he says, turning to gesture at the shelves. \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are on a gravel driveway that leads to a set of locked gates. On the driveway there is a [[car]], parked at an angle. From out here, you can see that the house is large enough to be called a mansion, with three wide stone steps leading to the front door. There are at least three storeys and a circular tower on the eastern corner.\n\nThe front door of the house is to your north.\n\n<<if $fuckyou is "yes">>[[Go north|FYHall]]<<else>>[[Go north|Hall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SDriveway]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
<<set $cactus = "yes">>[[You now have a small cactus.|previous()]]\n
<<set $beesuit = "yes">>[[You now have a bee-keeper's outfit.|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“I have notes on every major crime from the last thirty years, and quite a few from before that,” he says with pride.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $plot = 0>><<set $Sherlock = "no">><<set $Moriartyhunt = 0>><<set $weaponshunt = "no">><<set $teahunt = "no">><<set $wearingpiratehat = "no">><<set $wearinggloves = "no">><<set $wearingbeesuit = "no">><<set $redbook = "no">><<set $photo = "no">><<set $syringe = "no">><<set $belt = "no">><<set $shells = "no">><<set $phat = "no">><<set $flowers = "no">><<set $gloves = "no">><<set $thickbooks = "no">><<set $portrait = "no">><<set $sheetmusic = "no">><<set $beesuit = "no">><<set $dog = "no">><<set $cake = "no">><<set $ash = "no">><<set $casefiles = "no">><<set $DVDs = "no">><<set $pilebooks = "no">><<set $lube = "no">><<set $poisonsyringe = "no">><<set $hammer = "no">><<set $bees = "no">><<set $poisplant = "no">><<set $teapot = "no">><<set $dart = "no">><<set $paper = "no">><<set $map = "no">><<set $cactus = "no">><<set $Mhit = 30>><<set $fuckyou = "no">>You're dreaming. Something shadowy is chasing you, following you from dream to dream as you try to get away. You're in a zoo, at Camp Bastion, running through the corridors of your old university halls. The dark figure is always just behind you, not letting up for a moment.\n\nYou open a door and burst through into a dream you have more often than you want to admit. You're in Sherlock's bedroom and you and he are entwined on the bed, both of you completely naked.\n\nYou watch as Sherlock's head tips back with pleasure, and the other you leans forward to press kisses to his neck, hands roving over his skin. For a few precious moments, you're so caught up in watching that you forget the danger.\n\nThere are footsteps in the hallway outside and the door handle turns. You spin to stare as the door starts to open, fear making your heart thud in your chest. You stumble backwards and fall on to the bed. Instead of hitting the naked figures who are still writhing together, ignoring you, you fall through it, plummeting into darkness.\n\n[[When you wake up, you are somewhere entirely different.|Sex]]
“I'm fine standing, thank you.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>>\n\nThe school room has been trashed. The [[desks]] have all been flung open and rifled through, with items that apparently weren't appetising enough thrown to the floor in a great heap, all mixed up with loose [[paper]]. The [[posters]] have been ripped from the walls and rude cartoons have been scrawled on the blackboard.\n\nThere is a door to your north and a door to your west.\n\n[[Go north|Nursery]]\n[[Go west|East Landing]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SSchool]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|BeenHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>>
You give the shells to Sherlock. He gives you a confused look. “Why would I want these?”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Ceiling\n\nYou realise the lights are laid out in the shape of the constellations. You recognise the Big Dipper and Orion's Belt, but that's about where your knowledge fails.\n\n[[Pick Up|ceilpick]]\n[[Use|ceiluse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|ceilask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|ceiluseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Hall]]
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited() is 2>>[["We're wasting time," says Sherlock. "We need to do something about that thing before he destroys everything in my head."|Finale]]<<else>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>>\n\nYou are in a copy of your bedroom in 221B, but the only thing that remains familiar is the window, half-open to let in some fresh air. \n\nOne of the wall appears to have become the screen for a projector that is showing images of you, a few seconds of each before it moves on. A flash of you smiling at the camera, your eyes looking far bluer than you are used to. A moment of you leaning against the wall in the hallway at 221B, laughing with your head thrown back. You slumped exhaustedly on the sofa, a cup of tea cradled in your hands.\n\nNot all the images are so innocuous. You walk out of the bathroom, wrapped only in a towel with water dripping from your hair. You bend over to clear something from the kitchen floor and the camera closes in on the lines of your trousers tightening over your arse.\n\nYour bed seems to have grown into a double, and both sides look as if they have been slept in. On one side is a small bottle of [[lube]].\n\nThere is a door to your south.\n\n[[Go south|MJohn's Room]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SJohn's Bedroom]]<<endif>>\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
“It's an index so I can identify the name, genus, main attributes and most common geographic locations for each flower,” he says.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“This is the victim of our last case,” says Sherlock. “I should put him away in the drawers now I've solved it."\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"This is the anatomy lab. I used to use this room a lot more before I met you," he says. "Now I just ask you." You can't suppress a pleased smile at that. It's not often Sherlock manages to make you feel useful. \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You don't want to poison yourself.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Only an idiot would try and interact with bees without the proper protection.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Moriarty crumples to the floor. You and Sherlock both pause for a moment, not willing to believe you've won, then let out twin sighs of relief.\n\n“That was unnecessarily annoying,” you say.\n\n“Agreed,” says Sherlock. He looks around the ruins of his room and sighs. “I'll have to spend hours sorting this out.”\n\n“No, you won't. It's a dream,” you point out.\n\n“Ah, of course,” says Sherlock, but the truth is that this has been feeling less and less like a dream.\n\n“You know what we need now?” you ask. “A nice cup of tea.”\n\nThat makes Sherlock smile. “Ah, of course. John Watson's remedy for everything.”<<set $teahunt = "yes">>\n\n“Of course,” you say. [[“And I know just where to find one.”|MAnatomy]]\n\n(Find a nice cup of tea to complete the game.)
Sherlock clears his throat. “It's useful to know the occasional fact about Molly's life.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[There are a lot of them. You decide to leave them where they are.|previous()]]\n
\n "I suppose this room would be called 'Miscellanea'. One day I really must sort through it all and work out a better filing system." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
Bed\n\nIt is a cheap pine bed with shelving underneath, pushed against one wall.\n\n[[Pick Up|bedpick]]\n[[Use|beduse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|bedask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|beduseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Sex]]
Sherlock draws you a map of his Mind Palace.<<set $map = "yes">>\n\n [[Back|previous()]]
<<set $flowers = "yes">>[[You now have a flower.|previous()]]\n
Sherlock looks at the photo. He clears his throat. “Yes, I've seen it.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Inventory\n\n [[previous()]]\n\nYou are currently carrying the following items around with you:\n\n<<if $redbook is "yes">>A Copy of the Kama Sutra<<endif>>\n<<if $photo is "yes">>A Photo of Yourself in Bed<<endif>>\n<<if $syringe is "yes">>A Syringe<<endif>>\n<<if $belt is "yes">>A Belt<<endif>>\n<<if $shells is "yes">>Shells<<endif>>\n<<if $phat is "yes">>A Pirate Hat<<endif>>\n<<if $flowers is "yes">>Flowers<<endif>>\n<<if $gloves is "yes">>Gloves<<endif>>\n<<if $thickbooks is "yes">>Sherlock's Thick Books<<endif>>\n<<if $portrait is "yes">>A Portrait of a Serial Killer<<endif>>\n<<if $sheetmusic is "yes">>Sheet Music<<endif>>\n<<if $beesuit is "yes">>A Bee-Keeper's Outfit<<endif>>\n<<if $bees is "yes">>A Handful of Bees<<endif>>\n<<if $paper is "yes">>Some Blank Paper<<endif>>\n<<if $dog is "yes">>A Stuffed Dog<<endif>>\n<<if $cake is "yes">>A Cake<<endif>>\n<<if $cactus is "yes">>A Small Cactus<<endif>>\n<<if $poisplant is "yes">>A Poisonous Plant<<endif>>\n<<if $poisonsyringe is "yes">>A Poison Syringe<<endif>>\n<<if $hammer is "yes">>A Hammer<<endif>>\n<<if $ash is "yes">>Tobacco Ash<<endif>>\n<<if $dart is "yes">>A Dart<<endif>>\n<<if $casefiles is "yes">>A Case File<<endif>>\n<<if $DVDs is "yes">>Some James Bond DVDs<<endif>>\n<<if $pilebooks is "yes">>A Pile of Your Books<<endif>>\n<<if $teapot is "yes">>A Teapot<<endif>>\n<<if $map is "yes">>A Map of Sherlock's Mind Palace<<endif>>\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Portraits\n\nMany of them are mugshots, others look like they've come from newspapers.\n\n[[Pick Up|portpick]]\n[[Use|portuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|portask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|portuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Crime]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
There is no DVD player.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“They were my grandmother's,” he says stiffly, but refuses to explain why he has kept them.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock refuses to answer any questions. “it should be obvious,” he mutters.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $DVDs = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -2>>\nThere are enough DVDs to keep up a barrage for some time. You're amused that it's your least favourite - Moonraker - that catches Moriarty in the eye, making him swear with pain.\n\n\nYou have done 2 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock has some tea.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock looks uncomfortable. “It's been there for years."\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\nYou are standing in the entrance hall of a large house. The [[floor]] is a marble mosaic and the [[ceiling]] is covered with shimmering spots of light that stand out in the darkness of the night outside the wide windows.\n\n<<if visited() is 4>>There's something new here. Sherlock is lying on his back in the middle of the room, staring up at the ceiling. When he hears your steps, he leaps to his feet.\n\n[["Hello," you say.|Meeting Sherlock]]<<else>>To your north is a set of glass doors leading to a garden. To your south is the front door to the house. To your east and west are wooden doors. To your west, a wide flight of marble stairs leads up and, tucked behind them, a set of smaller, wooden stairs goes down.\n\n[[Go north|Garden]]\n[[Go east|Library]]\n[[Go south|Driveway]]\n[[Go west|Chemistry]]\n[[Go down|Basement Stairwell]]\n[[Go up|West Landing]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SHall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>
“It's far more useful to have this available to me than to trust to Google Maps.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You take a brief nap.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock takes the flower with a puzzled frown. “Did you just give me a flower that you stole from my own garden?” He puts it in his buttonhole regardless.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You and Sherlock run as fast as you can through the house, desperate to get away from the monster. Running blindly, you don't realise where you're going until you stop to catch your breath.<<set $Moriartyhunt = $Moriartyhunt -1>>\n\n[[You look around the room.|either("Family","Music","Police","Crime","Chemistry","East Landing")]]
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nIn the very centre of the room is a large wooden model of an old-fashioned sailing [[ship]]. A Jolly Roger hangs from the top of the tallest mast. A collection of [[shells]] and rocks are laid out on a table near-by and a [[pirate hat]] hangs from a hook on the wall.\n\nThere is a door to the east and a door to the west.\n\n[[Go east|Misc]]\n[[Go west|Family]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SChildhood]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
[[It is too heavy to pick up.|previous()]]\n
“I need to remember all their faces somehow,” he says. “Mummy gets so upset when I forget who they all are.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Bees are fascinating,” says Sherlock. “This room is still far from complete – there's so much more to learn about them. One day I'll keep some real ones.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock's face lights up. “There are 243 types of tobacco ash, let me show you all the differences...” \n\nYou cut him off hurriedly. “That's okay, no need. No need at all.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“He's called Victor,” says Sherlock, but refuses to elaborate.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"Even a Mind Palace needs landings and corridors, John." \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $cactus = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -2>>\nFrom Moriarty's cry of pain, it would seem that being hit with a cactus hurts. Good.\n\n\n\nYou have done 2 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
Pile of Books\n\nThey are all the books you have read in the last year.\n\n[[Pick Up|pbookspick]]\n[[Use|pbooksuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|pbooksask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|pbooksuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|John's Room]]
<<set $DVDs = "yes">>[[You now have some DVDs.|previous()]]\n
There is nowhere to drive to.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are on a small landing which overlooks the entrance hall below you, whose ceiling stretches up two floors. There is a thick, red carpet under your feet.\n\nThere is a door to your north. A flight of wide, marble steps heads down to the entrance hall. A narrow gallery runs east along the wall, to another landing on the other side of the main entrance hall.\n\n[[Go north|Music]]\n[[Go east|East Landing]]\n<<if $fuckyou is "yes">>[[Go down|FYHall]]<<else>>[[Go down|Hall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SWest Landing]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
Flowers\n\nYou don't know that much about flowers, but you can tell they're well cared for.\n\n[[Pick Up|flowpick]]\n[[Use|flowuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|flowask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|flowuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Garden]]
\n "This is the nursery. It has all my early childhood memories in it. Really, the whole room is horribly sentimental. I should probably remodel it," Sherlock says. \n\nYou think it's rather sweet that he's decided he needs to keep his childhood somewhere safe, but don't comment. \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
"It's just a dream," you remind him, but you're finding that harder and harder to believe.\n\n"It had better be," says Sherlock, rubbing at his forehead. "He's just eaten the jumper index."\n\nYou hesitate, but can't resist asking. "Jumper index?"\n\nSherlock scowls. "It's a record of what wearing a particular jumper means in terms of your moods. Or it was. Now I'll have no idea if wearing the hideous beige one is a good sign or not."\n\nYou hadn't realised there was any kind of method to the way you decided which jumper to wear. You'll be really slf-conscious about your choices from now on.\n\nThere's a bang on the door. "You can stay cowered in there if you like," Moriarty calls through. "It just gives me free rein of the place."\n\nSherlock groans. "We have to stop him. We can't let him destroy my mind."\n\nFrustration surges through you. You can't imagine a Sherlock who doesn't have all the information that is neatly arranged and documented in this house. The idea of anything, particularly a thing wearing Moriarty's face, destroying everything he has built makes you feel sick.\n\n"This is all my fault. He said he got in here because of me."\n\nYou remember the dream you were having before you woke up here. "I was dreaming of you, that must have been his way in."\n\nSherlock clears his throat. "It may not be entirely your fault. I was also dreaming of you before I came here. There may have been some intersection between our dreams."\n\nYou remember the dream you'd been having, then looked over at the slideshow on the wall. The current shot is of you asleep in bed, shirtless and with your duvet crumpled around your waist. You think you remember when the memory must have come from. Sherlock had woken you up very early after a phone call about a case. You'd tried to resist, but he'd been so excited about the prospect of a crime scene that you'd ended up smiling at him and getting up instead.\n\nTaking in this room that Sherlock has built in the heart of his Mind Palace takes all the risk out of what you say next.\n\n"In my dream, we were having sex. That must be why I woke up in the room I did."\n\nSherlock stares at you with a shocked expression, then takes a deep breath. "I was having a dream about the same thing."\n\nThere's a shocked moment during which you both stare at each other, unsure what to do with this revelation.\n\n"Suddenly," says Sherlock, "I really, really hope this isn't a dream."\n\n"Sherlock!" Moriarty calls through the door. "Let me in. I can smell all kinds of delicious things in there. You must keep some very special memories there."\n\nYou glance around the room, brain whirling. "We have to get that monster out of here," you say. "If I let it in, maybe it will leave if I do. I need to wake up."\n\nSherlock is silent for a moment then nods. "I suppose that is the only plan we have."\n\nHe sounds reluctant, so you attempt to reassure him. "I'll come and wake you up."\n\nSherlock raises an eyebrow. "And if this does turn out to just be your dream?"\n\nYou shrug. "Then you'll look at me like I'm an idiot. Like you do about fifty times a day anyway, so it won't make much difference."\n\n"That's true," he says. \n\nFrom the other side of the door there's a crash and a gleeful cry as Moriarty breaks something open. Sherlock flinches.\n\n"Very well then. Wake up." He looks at you expectantly.\n\n"It's not that simple," you say. "I can't just wake up, I need...." You find your eyes being drawn over to the window. "I always wake up when I fall in dreams." \n\nYou go over and open the window, looking out. The drop goes down 4 storeys to a gravel pathway below. "Perfect."\n\n"No," says Sherlock, catching your arm. "I forbid it."\n\nYou pull your arm free. "Unfortunately, you don't get a say in it. Just like I didn't get a say when <i>you</i> jumped off a building."\n\nThe look on Sherlock's face makes you regrets saying it immediately.\n\n"Sorry," you offer.\n\nHe sniffs and does his best to look as if he wasn't bothered. "We can come up with a better plan than you diving through a window, I'm sure."\n\nThe door to the room rattles furiously. "Let me in, let me in!" calls Moriarty. You have to resist replying with 'not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin'.\n\n"We don't have time for this," you say, turning back to look at the window.\n\nThere are ominous bangs from the other room, then a pounding of feet, a splintering crash, and the door shatters off its hinges.\n\n"Aha!" announces Moriarty, standing in the doorway. "The inner sanctum! Lovely."\n\n"Out!" demands Sherlock, stepping forward.\n\nMoriarty just laughs and strolls in, reaching out to grab a t-shirt that you sometimes sleep in from a chair. "It's sweet that you think you can stop me." He opens his mouth wide and swallows the t-shirt down. "Oh, lovely. A memory of lust and frustrated attraction. My favourite."\n\nSherlock makes a pained noise and you can't stand it any longer.\n\n"Right, that's quite enough," you say, and climb on to the windowsill.\n\nMoriarty freezes. "What are you doing?"\n\nYou ignore him in favour of looking at Sherlock. "See you back home."\n\n"I certainly hope so," says Sherlock. You can see that his hands are clenched into fists so tight that his knuckles have gone white.\n\nAn impulse hits you and you reach out for him, pull him close and press a kiss to his lips. "It'll be okay," you say, [[and let yourself drop.|Fall]]
Lube\n\nIt is only half-full.\n\n[[Pick Up|lubepick]]\n[[Use|lubeuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock eq "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|lubeask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|lubeuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|John's Bedroom]]
\n\n"This is the botany room. All the interesting plants are in here." \n\nYou look around. "They're all poisonous."\n\n"Exactly," says Sherlock with a smile.\n \n [[Back|previous()]]\n\n
“He's a moron,” announces Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $portrait = "yes">>[[You now have the portrait of a serial killer.|previous()]]\n
There is nowhere to sail it.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n "This is the police room. It became clear early on in my career that I would need information on police procedures and foibles in order to work with them efficiently," he says. "It would all be completely unnecessary if they'd just accept every word I say without question." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
There's no one near-by you want to poison.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $casefiles = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -1>>\nIt's a good thing there's so much information inside them, making them thick enough to hurt Moriarty a tiny bit.\n\n\n\nYou have done 1 point of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
"Sometimes I need to make notes," says Sherlock.\n\n [[Back|previous()]]
Sherlock puts the bee-keeper's outfit on.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock drinks the coffee in the cupboard.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $redbook = "yes">>[[You now have a copy of the Kama Sutra.|previous()]]\n
<<set $ash = "yes">>[[You now have some tobacco ash.|previous()]]\n
Powder\n\nIt looks suspiciously like cocaine.\n\n[[Pick Up|cokepick]]\n[[Use|cokeuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|cokeask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|cokeuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Drugs]]
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a dingy, windowless room. The only furniture is a single [[bed]] and a table, both of them cheap and mass-produced, like the kind of thing university halls are furnished with.\n\nThe covers on the bed are crumbled as if someone recently got up, but there is a sheen of dust on everything else. On the table there are two objects: a [[red book]] and a [[photo]].\n\nThere is one door to the south.\n\n[[Go south|Basement Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SSex]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
\n"It's a stairwell, John. What are you expecting from me?" \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
Case Files\n\nYou recognise the last two cases that you and Sherlock have worked on, and one you know Lestrade has been investigating without your help.\n\n[[Pick Up|casfilpick]]\n[[Use|casfiluse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|casfilask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|casfiluseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Police]]
<<set $gloves = "yes">>[[You now have a pair of garden gloves.|previous()]]\n
<<set $photo = "yes">>[[You now have a photo of yourself in bed.|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a corridor, standing on a blue carpet that you think you last saw at Scotland Yard.\n\nThere is a door to your north and a door to your east. To the west, the corridor turns a corner and continues. Behind you, stairs lead down.\n\n[[Go north|London]]\n[[Go east|Pathology]]\n[[Go west|West Corridor]]\n[[Go down|East Landing]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SSouth Corridor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
[[They are attached to the wall.|previous()]]\n
\n"There were a few subjects that I had an intense interest in during my childhood," says Sherlock. "It seemed a shame to delete all that information, even if it's no longer relevant to me, so I put it all in here." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Lestrade insisted I make a mental list of the rules I had to abide by in order to work for them,” says Sherlock. “I added my own once I noticed they made our interactions more efficient.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Dartboard\n\nThere is a photo of Anderson in the centre of the dartboard with a cluster of darts imbedded in it.\n\n[[Pick Up|dartpick]]\n[[Use|dartuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|dartask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|dartuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Forensics]]
<<set $photo = "no">>\nThe photo isn't in a frame and does no damage. Moriarty holds it up to look at it, then gives you a sleazey wink.\n\n"Looking sexy, John."\n\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
That doesn't seem like a good idea. At least, not without some kind of warm up.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $pilebooks = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -2>>\nThey may be only paperbacks, but they're heavy enough to make Moriarty flinch back.\n\n\n\nYou have done 2 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
“The more information you have about the enemy, the easier it is to best them,” says Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n "This is London. It looks simple, but this room is the one that needs the most updating. London changes so quickly." His hand brushes over the map in an affectionate gesture. \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $thickbooks = "yes">>[[You now have several thick books.|previous()]]\n
\n "My extended family. The sort of thing you can't really get away with deleting in case you run into a cousin who expects you to recognise him." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
Armchair\n\nOn closer examination, it is identical to the armchairs from the Cross Keys.\n\n[[Pick Up|chairpick]]\n[[Use|chairuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|chairask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|chairuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Library]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a light, airy room with a large grand piano to one side. On top of it, laid out very neatly, there are a variety of different [[violins]]. Music stands litter the rest of the room, all of them with thick sheaves of [[sheet music]] stacked on them.\n\nSomeone has taken a pen to the [[walls]] and scrawled looping notes across them, occasionally scribbling parts out and starting again.\n\nThere is a door to your north and a door to your south.\n\n[[Go north|Apiary]]\n[[Go south|West Landing]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SMusic]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $thickbooks = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -3>>\nYou throw the books at Moriarty. They rain down on his head.\n\n\n\nYou have done 3 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Belt\n\nIt is made of black leather. It looks old and worn.\n\n[[Pick Up|beltpick]]\n[[Use|beltuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|beltask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|beltuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Drugs]]
<<set $wearinggloves = "yes">>You put the gloves on.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You don't want to poison Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
The door is locked.<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>\n\n“You can't go in there,” says Sherlock. “Not at all.”\n\n“What's in there?” You ask.\n\n“Nothing of any interest to anyone,” says Sherlock, very firmly, and refuses to say anything else.<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|John's Room]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Bees are fascinating,” says Sherlock. “This room is still far from complete – there's so much more to learn about them. One day I'll keep some real ones.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“It's always good to have a record of the best way to manipulate the bastard.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“It's all the things I learnt at school that aren't immediately relevant, but that I probably shouldn't delete.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock does not want any bees.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $belt = "yes">>[[You now have a belt.|previous()]]\n
“I wore it almost every day for six months,” he remembers. “Until Mycroft hid it.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Thick Books\n\nThere are two books you recognise from your most recent case, and one you saw Sherlock reading as you went to bed last night.\n\n[[Pick Up|tbpick]]\n[[Use|tbuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|tbask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|tbuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Library]]
Teapot\n\nYou recognise the china from 221B, although it only gets used on special occasions there.\n\n[[Pick Up|teapotpick]]\n<<if $teahunt is "yes">>[[Use|Tea]]<<else>>[[Use|teapotuse]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|teapotask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|teapotuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|John's Room]]
<<set $hammer = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -3>>\nYou throw the hammer at Moriarty and it hits his head with a crash, bouncing back off and leaving a bloody wound in its wake.\n\n\n\nYou have done 3 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
<<set $casefiles = "yes">>[[You now have a case file.|previous()]]\n
Stuffed Dog\n\nIt has soft red fur and only one ear left. It has been well-loved.\n\n[[Pick Up|dogpick]]\n[[Use|doguse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|dogask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|doguseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Nursery]]
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nThe room is filled with clutter. There are at least five mismatched filing cabinets crowding the walls and a whole series of shelves, most of which look as if they are about to collapse under the weight of their contents. Piles of strange objects litter the floor. The nearest contains a Monet-themed calendar, an old-fashioned quill pen, a small statue of a cat, a large red-and-yellow striped blanket and a frying pan containing what looks like an omelette. Touching anything looks like it would cause an avalanche.\n\nThere is a door to the north and a door to the west.\n\n[[Go north|Basement Corridor]]\n[[Go west|Childhood]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SMisc]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You now have some blank paper.<<set $paper = "yes">>\n\n [[Back|previous()]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Tea was one of the first things I started to associate with you," he says. “I can't imagine why.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
Photo Albums\n\nThey are full of photos of people you don't know.\n\n[[Pick Up|albumpick]]\n[[Use|albumuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|albumask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|albumuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Childhood]]
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\nThe sun shines brightly overhead, surrounded by the occasional small cloud. The [[flowers]] are planted in neat rows with little labels explaining what each is, and surrounded by a high hedge. There is a round metal table to one side with one chair set at it. On the table are a set of gardening [[gloves]].\n\nThere is a set of glass doors to your south.\n\n<<if $fuckyou is "yes">>[[Go south|FYHall]]<<else>>[[Go south|Hall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SGarden]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $bees = "no">><<set $map = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -5>>\nThe bees don't appreciate being lobbed through the air, and take their revenge on Moriarty.\n\n\n\nYou have done 5 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
\n "This is the crime archive. It's one of the most important rooms. I've been building up these files since I was a teenager." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
“It's just a comfortable seat for when I read in here,” says Sherlock. “There's nothing interesting about it.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
The school room has been trashed. The desks have all been flung open and rifled through, with items that apparently weren't appetising enough thrown to the floor in a great heap. The posters have been ripped from the walls and rude cartoons have been scrawled on the blackboard.\n\nSherlock groans. “It's going to take me ages to clear this up.”\n\nWhile it's clear that Moriarty has been here, he's not here any longer. Sherlock sighs and shuts his eyes again. “I don't remember...oh. I don't remember where the femur is.”<<set $Moriartyhunt = 2>>\n\n[[“This way.”|MSchool]]
You'd feel pretty awkward about casually masturbating in front of Sherlock while Moriarty destroys his memories of you on the other side of the door.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
“I suppose I should update it. Cousin Hugo had a baby, although god knows what he called it.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You can't use it while it's empty.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Desks\n\nEach desk has a different subject written on the top. You open the History one and find a portrait of Henry VIII staring up at you.\n\n[[Pick Up|deskspick]]\n[[Use|desksuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|desksask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|desksuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 2>>[[Return to room|MSchool]]<<else>>[[Return to room|School]]<<endif>>
You don't want to touch them with bare hands.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"I'm not sure what you're asking," says Sherlock. "It's a corridor. There's nothing of interest about it." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\nSherlock scowls. "This is Mycroft's room. That bastard gets everywhere." \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
DVDs\n\nIt takes you a moment to realise they are organised from your favourite to least favourite.\n\n[[Pick Up|dvdpick]]\n[[Use|dvduse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|dvdask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|dvduseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|John's Room]]
“The one I had when I was a boy was a lot smaller, but I always wanted one like this. It was one of the first things I put in this place.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n\n\n[[You rush through the door and lock it behind you, then turn to look at what Sherlock had been hiding from you.|John's Bedroom]]\n\n
\n"The garden. I thought about having a greenhouse instead, but this also allows me to keep some weather information available." He points upwards and you realise the sky has various different shapes and sizes of clouds floating across it, each labelled with their variety. \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
Bee-Keeper's Outfit\n\nIt is a white overall and a hat with a long white veil attached.\n\n[[Pick Up|beesuitpick]]\n[[Use|beesuituse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|beesuitask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|beesuituseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Apiary]]
You sick bastard. There is no way John Watson is doing that.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock glances at one of the files, frowns for a moment, then sighs. “Obviously the neighbour. How Lestrade amanages to function with such a tiny brain is a constant source of amazement.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
Photo\n\nIt is a photograph of you, but not one you'd ever have let be taken. You are in your bed at 221B, shirtless, and the duvet only covering you to your waist. You look wryly amused.\n\n[[Pick Up|photopick]]\n[[Use|photouse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|photoask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|photouseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Sex]]
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>> \n\n\n\nYou are in a room filled with [[files]] and folders, most of it neatly stored away in filing cabinets. From the walls, [[portraits]] of various criminals glower at you.\n\nThere is a door to your south.\n\n[[Go south|Library]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SCrime]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
"I have absolutely no desire to talk to you, or even just the dream version of you, about this room," grits out Sherlock.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
“All the chemical information I have ever learnt is encoded in the experiments here,” he says.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $sheetmusic = "yes">>[[You now have some sheet music.|previous()]]\n
Sherlock's cheeks go faintly pink, but he adopts a haughty expression. “It makes sense to have done research into something so many people find important.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock doesn't want to touch them with bare hands.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“You seemed to think the stars were important, and I had a blank space,” he says, as if it isn't important that a comment from you caused him to redecorate the inside of his brain.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sherlock glances at the music, then puts it back on the music stand and takes up his violin. He plays the piece without needing to refer back to the sheet music.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“Every piece I've memorised is here,” says Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"The entrance hall. This is where I put any information that I need in the short-term." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n\n
[[You don't want to disrupt any of the experiments.|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a windowless corridor. The floor is made of concrete and the walls are exposed brick. There's a sense of damp and disuse in the air.\n\nThere is a door to the north, a door to the east and a door to the south. In the west, the corridor turns a corner and continues.\n\n[[Go north|Sex]]\n[[Go east|Drugs]]\n[[Go south|Misc]]\n[[Go west|Basement Stairwell]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SBasement Corridor]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
\n\n "I'm not sure why you're showing such interest in an architectural device." \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
You drink the coffee in the cupboard. Lovely.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $wearingbeesuit = "yes">>You put the bee-keeper's outfit on.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nThis room is filled with a table that touches the walls and is covered with an enormous [[map]] of London. Tiny markers and symbols cover the map.\n\nThere is a door to your south.\n\n[[Go south|South Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SLondon]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
You're not sure you can manage any of these positions without injurying yourself.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in the mortuary at Barts. On the dissecting table in front of you is a sliced-open [[cadaver]]. In the corner stands a [[tall cupboard]] that you recognise from Molly's office.\n\nThere is a door to your east and a door to your west.\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 3>>[[Go east|MAnatomy]]<<else>>[[Go east|Anatomy]]<<endif>>\n[[Go west|South Corridor]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SPathology]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
[[It is attached to the wall.|previous()]]\n
<<set $teapot = "yes">>[[You now have a teapot.|previous()]]\n
\n\nMoriarty is still in the tower room. You do not want to confront him until you have a plan.\n\n[[Back|John's Bedroom]]
“It was a rather pointless activity,” he says, one hand tracing over an oyster shell, “but it gave me something to do on our endlessly dull family holidays.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
You don't want to get close to the hive with all those bees swarming around it.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $paper = "no">>\nThe blank pages flutter around Moriarty like confetti.\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
[[You don't want to touch them with your bare hands.|previous()]]\n
“There's nowhere to drive to,” says Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are at the foot of a flight of bare wooden stairs heading up.\n\nThere is a door to your east. To your north, a corridor turns a corner and continues.\n\n[[Go north|Basement Corridor]]\n[[Go east|Family]]\n<<if $fuckyou is "yes">>[[Go up|FYHall]]<<else>>[[Go up|Hall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SBasement Stairwell]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\nYou are in a classroom. A blackboard hangs on one wall, faced by a handful of old-fashioned wooden [[desks]]. A series of [[posters]] hang on the walls around you. Loose [[paper]] are mounded in a cupboard to one side. There is no teacher's desk.\n\nThere is a door to your north and a door to your west.\n\n[[Go north|Nursery]]\n[[Go west|East Landing]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SSchool]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|BeenHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n
Sherlock throws darts at Anderson's face, beaming every time he hits him.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
“I used to have them up on my bedroom wall when I was teenager, before Mummy told me they were macabre and made me take them down.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\n\n\nYou are in a vast hall with huge windows on three sides. It is lined with workbenches, all of them covered with [[chemical equipment]], much of it in use for a multitude of experiments. The one wall without windows is covered in bookshelves, which are all cluttered with stacks of notes and diagrams.\n\nThere is a door to your east.\n\n<<if $fuckyou is "yes">>[[Go east|FYHall]]<<else>>[[Go east|Hall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SChemistry]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>> \n\n\n\nIn this room, three of the walls are made of glass, which makes the room feel like a conservatory. All the windows are flung wide open and sunlight floods in, along with a light breeze.\n\nLong tables run around the room, covered with plants of all varieties, overgrown and all in bloom. The scent of a hundred different flowers fills the air.\n\nOn a table in the middle of the room are three bee [[hives]], all of different shapes. Bees fill the air, zipping around the flowers, going in and out of the windows and clouding around the hives. Next to the door, a [[bee-keeper's outfit]] hangs from a hook.\n\nThere is a door to your south.\n\n[[Go south|Music]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SApiary]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $Sherlock is "no">>"Johnny!" exclaims Moriarty. "Oh, but all alone. Is our host not with you?"\n\nYou stare at him with horror. "Host?" you repeat.\n\n"Oh, no matter, here he is," says Moriarty, turning to look behind him.\n\nSherlock comes around a corner and stops dead, staring at both of you with surprise.<<set $fuckyou = "yes">><<set $Sherlock = "yes">><<endif>>\n\n"Sherlock!" Moriarty exclaims, clapping his hand together. "So pleased to meet you. I am just <i>loving</i> this place. So well-organised! Such variety!"\n\nSherlock starts backwards. "What the hell are you doing here?"\n\n"John let me in, of course," says Moriarty.\n\nSherlock sends you a deeply betrayed look.\n\n"No, no I didn't," you insist. "I wouldn't have! And anyway, you're dead," you add to Moriarty.\n\n"James Moriarty is dead," said Moriarty. "This just seemed the most appropriate form for me to take. I do like to put people a bit on edge, you know." He slides further in to the room and inspects a photo hanging on a wall. Sherlock twitches beside you. "You see, I'm something of a...I suppose the term is 'monster', although that seems a bit dramatic."\n\nHe pulls the frame off the wall, unhinges his jaw like a snake and swallows it down whole, his jaw extending in a grotesque way. You recoil in horror.\n\nSherlock makes a pained noise and clutches his head.\n\nEvery time you have taken an item, it has been replaced with an identical facsimile of itself. This does not happen to the photo. Once Moriarty has eaten it, it is gone for good.\n\n"I eat memories," Moriarty says, licking his lips. "Do you see why this place is such a dream? Most people just have piles of clutter in their head, everything just jumbled up together. Your head is like that, John. Disgraceful. But this, this-" His smile widens and he circles to take in the neat, orderly presentation of Sherlock's memories. "It's beautiful. And I'd never have got in without you."\n\nA sick feeling sinks into your stomach. "What do you mean?"\n\nMoriarty picks a knick-knack up off a shelf and sniffs delicately at it. "This house has strong walls. No way for me to sneak in, unless I catch the tails of someone who can slip right through them. And you're the only one Sherlock opens up for."\n\nHe swallows the knick-knack. Sherlock flinches.\n\n"Stop it!" you demand.\n\nMoriarty just laughs. "Why would I stop? It's so delicious!" He grabs another trinket and throws it into the air, catching it in his mouth and swallowing it down whole.\n\nYou lose your temper and barrel at him, meaning to tackle him to the ground. He darts to one side, moving far faster than he should be able to, laughing again. "Can't catch me!" he chants. "You never catch the monsters in your nightmares!"\n\nHe runs off, still laughing, leaving you and Sherlock behind.\n\n“John,” says Sherlock in a low voice. “Those things he swallowed. The memories attached to them have completely disappeared.”\n\nYou take a deep breath. “Right. We need weapons.”<<set $weaponshunt to "yes">>\n\n[[Time to arm yourself, with whatever you can find.|previous()]]\n\n(Make sure your inventory is up for a confrontation with Moriarty. When you think you've got enough weapons, click the 'Hunt Moriarty' link from any room.)
<<set $dart = "yes">>[[You now have a dart.|previous()]]\n
Violins\n\nYou recognise the one Sherlock has now to the right of the display. On the extreme left is a tiny violin that looks as if it is designed for a child.\n\n[[Pick Up|violpick]]\n[[Use|violuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|violask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|violuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Music]]
<<set $hammer = "yes">>[[You pick up a hammer lying next to a caved in head.|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\nSherlock twitched uncomfortably. "I needed somewhere to store my information about you. It was in a drawer in Anatomy, but that quickly became far too small, so I was forced to build this tower to house it all." \n\n[[Back|previous()]]\n
\n "This is the law room. Every statute in British law is in this room," says Sherlock. "Dull, but necessary." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n"I store all the information I have pertaining to sexual matters here," says Sherlock. "There was a time when I thought such things important. As you can see, it's had very little use over the last few years." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
“What else would it be?” he asked.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Posters\n\nSome of them are standard prints of maps of various different countries. Some like like they've been made by a child, such as one that shows a food web, each animal carefully drawn and coloured in.\n\n[[Pick Up|posterspick]]\n[[Use|postersuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|postersask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|postersuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 2>>[[Return to room|MSchool]]<<else>>[[Return to room|School]]<<endif>>
Syringe\n\nIt is a medical-grade syringe. It looks unused.\n\n[[Pick Up|syringepick]]\n[[Use|syringeuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|syringeask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|syringeuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Drugs]]
<<set $dart = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -3>>\nyou narrowly miss his eye with the dart, but it hits his cheek and sinks in, blood welling up.\n\n\n\nYou have done 3 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
Shells\n\nThey are a variety of shells and interesting-looking stones such as you might find on any British beach.\n\n[[Pick Up|shellpick]]\n[[Use|shelluse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|shellask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|shelluseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Childhood]]\n
\n"Before you get all upset and het up, I'd like to point out that I moved this room down to the basement years ago, long before I'd even met you," says Sherlock. "It's where I store my experiences with illicit substances. My <i>past</i> experiences." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
Files\n\nThe files each contain detailed reports on a different crime.\n\n[[Pick Up|filespick]]\n[[Use|filesuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|filesask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|filesuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Crime]]
Sherlock eats some cake.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $cake = "yes">>[[You now have a cake.|previous()]]\n
\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>>\n\nYou are standing in the entrance hall of a large house. The [[floor]] is a marble mosaic and the [[ceiling]] is covered with shimmering spots of light that stand out in the darkness of the night outside the wide windows.\n\nTo your north is a set of glass doors leading to a garden. To your south is the front door to the house. To your east and west are wooden doors. To your west, a wide flight of marble stairs leads up and, tucked behind them, a set of smaller, wooden stairs goes down.\n\n[[Go north|Garden]]\n[[Go east|Library]]\n[[Go south|Driveway]]\n[[Go west|Chemistry]]\n[[Go down|Basement Stairwell]]\n[[Go up|West Landing]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SHall]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
“I'm not going to talk about that,” he says. “We'll only get in a row.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $poisonsyringe = "yes">><<set $syringe = "no">>[[You now have a syringe filled with poison.|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>> \n\n\n\nA display of [[plants]] has been carefully arranged in this room. Each living specimen is set next to a dried example, one of its flowers and some of its seeds is next to another with a variety of other substances. Next to each is the chemistry equipment, demonstrating how they can be prepared. On the wall above each is a photo of a corpse, who has died as a result of the substance.\n\nThere is a door to your south.\n\n<<if $Moriartyhunt gte 3>>[[Go south|MAnatomy]]<<else>>[[Go south|Anatomy]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SBotany]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
\n\n "This is my apiary. Bees, John! They're fascinating! One day I'll have to properly expand this area, maybe move it outside. I'll definitely need to put in a lot more hives." \n\n [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $cake = "no">><<set $Mhit = $Mhit -1>>\nThe cake hits Moriarty in a chocolatey explosion.\n\n"Oh, for crying out loud," he says, looking down at himself. "I'll never get this out of my suit."\n\n\n\nYou have done 1 point of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
“I don't want to read them right now, thanks.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
\n\nSitting in the tower room with a cup of tea is just what you need after the fight with Moriarty. Sherlock seems to think so too, if the way he relaxes is anything to go by.\n\n“So,” you ask as casually as you can. “What's in that room?” You gesture at the mysterious locked door to the north.\n\n“Nothing,” says Sherlock, too quickly.\n\n“Oh, come on. This is just a dream, what's the harm in showing me?” A thought occurs to you. “It's not the murdered corpses of your past flatmates, is it?”\n\nThere is a noise from downstairs. Both of you freeze.\n\n"He was dead," you say. "He had to be."\n\nFootsteps start to come up the spiral staircase.\n\nSherlock leaps to his feet. "Apparently not," he says. "Quick, block the top of the stairs."\n\nHe grabs a copy of your armchair in 221B and uses it try and blockade the stairs. You move the teapot and grab the table it was standing on, but it's not going to be larger enough to completely barricade the stairs.\n\nYou manage a rudimentary blockade. When Moriarty hits it, you hear him laugh.\n\n"Are you really try to keep me out with the very things I've come here to consume?"\n\nThere is a pause, then the cracking of a jaw. A moment later, your armchair disappears, sucked down the gullet of the monster.\n\nSherlock's breath hitches as if he's been punched. "No!"\n\nMoriarty laughs, and continues eating his way through the barricade. "Oh yes, Sherlock. I think I've found the heart of your Palace, haven't I? The most delicious memories are definitely in here."\n\nSherlock starts forward as if to attack the monster, but falls back as Moriarty reaches for the arm of a copy of one of your jumpers and swallows it. Sherlock clutches his head.\n\n"Stop it!" he demands. "You can't take these things from me!"\n\nMoriarty laughs. "I can take whatever I like, especially as you've laid it out so nicely for me. So easy to find exactly what I'm looking for."\n\nHe pushes the rest of the barricade away and steps up into the room. You back away, clutching at Sherlock's arm. If none of the weapons you used on him earlier had any effect, you have no idea how to hurt him.\n\nMoriarty picks the ashtray that Sherlock stole for you from Buckingham Palace up, tosses it high and swallows it down. Sherlock curls over, clutching his head. You realise that watching the monster destroy his memories is causing him unnecessary pain and grab his arm.\n\n"We have to get away. Sherlock, come on."\n\nSherlock staggers back a few steps, away from Moriarty, who pauses to eat what looks like a photo of Harry. Well, that's no real loss.\n\n"There's nowhere to go," says Sherlock.\n\nYou have your back against the door in the north of the room. "What about through here?"\n\nSherlock shakes his head. "No. No, it's not - we can't go there."\n\n"We haven't got a choice," you say grimly, as Moriarty beams at you with shark-like teeth and swallows down what looks like one of your old medical textbooks. "Besides," you add without much hope. "It's just a dream, remember?"\n\nSherlock lets out a long breath. "Fine," he snaps.\n\nYou hear the lock on the door click open.\n\n[[Go north|EnterBroom]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Cake\n\nIt looks delicious.\n\n[[Pick Up|cakepick]]\n[[Use|cakeuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|cakeask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|cakeuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Mycroft]]\n
Sherlock looks as if he's itching to hide the dog. “Sentimental attachments that are formed as a small child are the most difficult to break,” he snaps.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<set $map = "no">>\nThe map hits Moriarty's arm and he grabs it.\n\n"Oh, useful!" he says when he sees it. "Thanks!"\n\nDamn, that probably hadn't been a great idea.\n\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
“This is my poison catalogue,” says Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
Ship\n\nIt is a beautifully made replica of Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard's ship. Standing at the wheel is a tiny wooden figure in a pirate's hat.\n\n[[Pick Up|shippick]]\n[[Use|shipuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|shipask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|shipuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Childhood]]
You don't want to disrupt any of the experiments.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[img[Mind Palace]]\n\n [[previous()]]
Floor\n\nThe mosaic is of the periodic table in blue and white tiles. It is beautifully done.\n\n[[Pick Up|floorpick]]\n[[Use|flooruse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|floorask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|flooruseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Hall]]\n
You have absolutely no interest in doing illegal drugs, not even in a dream.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Sheet Music\n\nEvery music stand has a different composer on it.\n\n[[Pick Up|sheetpick]]\n[[Use|sheetuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|sheetask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|sheetuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Music]]
You can't play the violin.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
You sit down. It's comfortable.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>Sherlock is in the room with you.<<endif>>\n\n\n<<set $plot = $plot +1>><<if $plot is 15>>There is a noise from one of the rooms near-by. Someone else is here with you. You remember the thing that was chasing you in your last dream and tense with fear. Wherever this place is, you need to find a way out as soon as possible.<<endif>><<if $plot is 30>>Near-by, you hear laughter and realise you recognise it. It's Moriarty's. The thing that's chasing you is Moriarty. You have to get out.<<endif>> <<if $plot is 60>>[[A door flies open and Moriarty appears.|Moriarty1]]<<else>> \n\n\nYou're in a old-fashioned looking barrister's chambers. Shelves filed with red-bound legal books cover the walls. It all looks rather dull.\n\nThere is a door to your south.\n\n[[Go south|Police]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock about this room|SLaw]]<<endif>>\n<<if $weaponshunt is "yes">>[[That's enough weaponry. Time to hunt Moriarty down.|Moriartyhunt]]<<endif>><<if $Moriartyhunt gte 1>>[[Moriarty's here!|NotHere]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]<<if $map is "yes">> ** [[Map]]<<endif>><<endif>>
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Hives\n\nThere is an old-fashioned straw one, a square one with a lid, and another that looks very modern and fancy, with a little tap at the front.\n\n<<if $wearingbeesuit is "yes">>[[Pick Up|Bhivespick]]<<else>>[[Pick Up|hivespick]]<<endif>>\n<<if $wearingbeesuit is "yes">>[[Use|bhivesuse]]<<else>>[[Use|hivesuse]]<<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">><<if $wearingbeesuit is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|bhivesask]]<<else>>[[Ask Sherlock About|hivesask]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">><<if $wearingbeesuit is "yes">>[[Use on Sherlock|bhivesuseS]]<<else>>[[Use on Sherlock|hivesuseS]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n[[Return to room|Apiary]]
<<set $flowers = "no">><<set $cactus = "no">>\nYou give the flower to Moriarty. \n\n“Are you trying to win me over with gifts?," he asks disdainfully. "It won't work.”\n\n\n\nYou have done 0 points of damage to Moriarty.\n\n\n[[Attack Moriarty again|AttackMoriarty]]
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Photos\n\nThey chart Mycroft's growth over the years, both upwards and outwards, and then inwards again as his diet took effect.\n\n[[Pick Up|Myphotpick]]\n[[Use|Myphotuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|Myphotask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|MyphotuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Mycroft]]
“This is my poison catalogue,” says Sherlock.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
Pirate Hat\n\nIt is a black tricorn hat with a skull on it, and a large red feather tucked in the band.\n\n[[Pick Up|hatpick]]\n[[Use|hatuse]]\n<<if $Sherlock is "yes">>[[Ask Sherlock About|hatask]]\n[[Use on Sherlock|hatuseS]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Return to room|Childhood]]\n
You eat some cake.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[It is attached to the wall.|previous()]]\n
This does nothing.\t [[Back|previous()]]\n
[[You cannot pick that up.|previous()]]\n
“It's not finished yet,” says Sherlock, frowning at it. “It still needs a lot of work.”\t [[Back|previous()]]\n