galaxies, an extension of the human central nervous system, recreate the multi-dimensional space orientation of our current existence. how do you percieve your placement in the universe?
do you feel [[very big|universe]] or [[very small|universe]]?
humans tend to tackle difficult ideas by compartmentalizing - our habit of thinking in bits and parts - fragmenting our activities and [[thoughts]].things are either [[abstract|abstract or concrete]] or [[concrete|abstract or concrete]],
there is either [[order|order or chaos]] or [[chaos|order or chaos]], [[dissonance|dissonance or harmony]] or [[harmony|dissonance or harmony]].why is that? is the idea of something bigger than the collective human experience also a collective human insecurity? things are not that easy to categorize. nothing is ever just one thing or another.
do you agree?
[[yes|stars]] or [[no|stars]]
the stars are so big, the earth is so small. what is the center of your universe?
are you no one or no. 1? are you nowhere or now here?
do you have an answer?
[[yes|rumination]] or [[no|rumination]]things are [[universal|universal or personal]], or [[personal|universal or personal]].rumination.
from the latin word rūminātus - the deep and considered thought about something.
return to [[beginning|beginning]].
by kayli balin 2018.
rumination was made using twine for cams 272 at wellesley college.