###6:00 am<h3>
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/1910077_10153884365343684_2553434078158448671_n.jpg?oh=9dee1562c507c9b7a8f0dbeda0ddb01f&oe=573B3F8A" alt="Smiley face" height="300" width="500">
You jolt awake as you hear your alarm go off. You think it's best you [[get up now]], but what's an [[extra five minutes]] to shut your eyes?
[[You->characterDescription]] are one of [[fifteen college students->youheardme]] living in a big house.
Your goal is to get out of the house to get on with your day.
Seems easy enough, right?
It is now [[6:00 am]].
###6:05 am<h3>
You stumble around groggily in the darkness like a drunken foal. Not your most graceful moment, but you are up. You proceed to exit your room towards [[the bathroom]].
###7:28 am<h3>
Nice one. That "extra five minutes" just became that extra "you dun goofed". You launch yourself [[out of bed]].
It's taken. Back to [[your room]].
###6:23 am<h3>
You seriously gotta pee. Maybe [[the bathroom]]'s free [[now]]?
###7:35 am<h3>
No time to lose! You throw yourself out [[the door]].
###7:36 am<h3>
You put on some clothes. You run [[out the door]].
A twenty-something year old, overtired ol' sap.
Proud owner of a Pac-Man onesie.
*Amicable, chatty, procrastination-inducing*.
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11215780_10153884365328684_8599320385589496112_n.jpg?oh=c9d24486c388b584e50c34760a0883bc&oe=574305F1" alt="Smiley face" height="300" width="500">
Well, to tally it off, your breath still smells, your hair's all greasy and you still have sleep in your eyes. But hey, you've got your clothes, right?
You're coming toward the stairs. As you reach the first step, a door swings open to your right. Looks to be (either:"[[Shanika]]", "[[Cait]]", "[[Shawn]]", "[[Jake]]", "[[Hannah]]", "[[nobody]]", "[[no one]]", "[[no one at all]]").
IT'S OPEN. You mutter what sounds like a triumphant statement:
(click: ?shout)[ (replace: ?shout)[AW YISS.] ]
(click: ?screech)[ (replace: ?screech)[MOTHA. FUCKIN.] ]
(click: ?yell)[ (replace: ?yell)[WASHROOM.] ]
You're all dolled up. To [[the kitchen]] with you!
###6:31 am<h3>
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12645200_10153884365433684_1736425422931437594_n.jpg?oh=772b2c7fa0b3d65c0bee802366162f0f&oe=5745BFA7" alt="Smiley face" height="300" width="500">
You are now in the kitchen. No sign of anyone yet, you're alone!
You think to yourself, "today's a good day for some...
-...[[Pancakes doused in a butt-ton of syrup]]..."
-...[[Greasy eggs and bacon]]."
"Man, I hate chicken nuggers."
[[What are chicken nuggers]]?
"Da butt."
[[You Nod]]
Cait is sitting at the table, her head is down in a puddle of her own drool.
###7:12 am<h3>
Your sugary syrup has attracted //bees!// Wait... not the bees. It's actually (either:"[[Shanika]]", "[[Cait]]", "[[Shawn]]", "[[Jake]]", "[[Hannah]]", "[[nobody]]", "[[no one]]", "[[no one at all]]", "[[Matt, Shawn and Elio]]").
###7:19 am<h3>
*Sizzle sizzle*
Look at them eggs right there, but the yolk's on you!
You've attracted the likes of (either:"[[Cait]]", "[[Jake and Hannah]]", "[[Jake]]", "[[Eleanor and Ernie]]", "[[no one]]", "[[Hannah and Mack]]", "[[nobody]]", "[[Matt, Shawn and Elio]]", "[[no one at all]]").
###6:33 am<h3>
Eh. Who needs an inspired breakfast anyway. You take a look at the [[side of the box]] as you munch, what else is there to do? You seem to be alone, [[no one]] is here but you.
For now.
"Ooooooh, uh, hey there. Uhhhh what'cha doin'?"
Humored, you answer:
"[[Oh, you know. Breakfast stuffs]]."
"[[Flashing pedestrians through the window]]..."
*[[unintelligible noises]]*
###7:27 am<h3>
Jake, being charismatic, strikes up a cool conversation about the design of erasers. You're not quite sure what to say, but you're intrigued anyway. You and he talk for [[quite a while]].
###7:22 am<h3>
Shawn: What the **fuck**, there's a cracker on my [[Playstation]]...
...and they're making out.
[[Man, this is weird]].
###7:19 am<h3>
You ask them how they're doing, thinking they'll say "not much" and that's about it. You were wrong. Oh, so very wrong - as though you've kicked open Pandora's box. You sit patiently as they both talk about [[everything]] under the sun - a lot of which is gossip about people you don't know.
You walk into the kitchen, to find Ernie and Eleanor. Only the whole kitchen is dark and the blinds are drawn. The whole room is entirely lit by candles, placed around a large red pentagram that looks to be drawn in... lipstick?
[[What the hell are you doing!?]]
[[Can I join?]]
**The stairs begin to creak**
You [[look up]], curiously.
[[back->Greasy eggs and bacon]]
[Disclaimer: Not made from real O's.]
You hear a door shut from upstairs, so it's still only you here. You check your [[watch]].
###7:23 am<h3>
You've got plenty of [[time->just kidding]]...
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12644836_10153884365423684_2074719742989293585_n.jpg?oh=24562461815c74662c8723b09d2c47bc&oe=574670F2" alt="Smiley face" height=400" width="600">
As fast as your legs can carry you, you bolt out of the kitchen - toppling a chair in the process. You reach for the [[front door]].
###8:26 am<h3>
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12540958_10153884365303684_9149814745579090400_n.jpg?oh=1f69db1c29136dc9c9004e5576fa6497&oe=57431DA1" alt="Smiley face" height="300" width="300">
As you feel the cold and dampness through your socks, you realize you forgot to put on shoes.
"[[Shoes are for sissies]]".
-[[Run inside and put on shoes]]-
-*[[Shriek a little like a frightened goat]]*-
###8:26 am<h3>
Footloose and shoe-free, **you make it out of the house**, though I will say I'm concerned for you, wet sock Friend.
[[PLAY AGAIN?<h3>->Start]]
###8:27 am<h3>
They're ratty, but they'll do.
You begin to make your exit. But someone seems to be just walking up the steps on [[the other side]] of the door.
###8:36 am<h3>
Oddly enough, a travelling circus is passing by your house.
"What an odd place to pass a circus", you think to yourself.
Your shriek is heard by the goats in the 3rd car. You are now the alpha goat. Congratulations.
You ride off into the sunset with your newly acquired herd of goats. Which is weird, since it's 8:36 in the morning.
[[PLAY AGAIN?<h3>->Start]]
###8:29 am<h3>
Another one of your roommates raises a hand for a high five.
"nooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO-" you yell, as you press both your hands to your roommate's face and shove as hard as you can. They go flailing over the banister to your left. A few people in the park turn to stare at you.
###8:29 am<h3>
Maintaining eye contact with the onlookers in the park, you assert your dominance and scuttle away from the house. In the distance, you hear "dude, what the //shit//, not again!"
You are free to commence your day, you have won.
[[PLAY AGAIN?<h3>->Start]]
###8:26 am<h3>
You gotta leave. [[NOW->RUN]].
You realize conversation's not your thing at this hour. Or any hour.
You get up to [[leave->no rush]].
*He joins [[you]]*.
He looks at you strangely, and slowly turns to walk away.
[[Check pocket for TTC tokens->no rush]]
You marvel at how delightfully strange your roommates are.
[[Check the time.->can't take it anymore]]
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12644836_10153884365423684_2074719742989293585_n.jpg?oh=24562461815c74662c8723b09d2c47bc&oe=574670F2" alt="Smiley face" height="300" width="500">
Leave at your [[leisure->front door]].
###7:49 am<h3>
A [[long]] while...
###8:17 am<h3>
You're getting a little [[antsy->can't take it anymore]] to go for some reason.
Your mind starts to wander, as their voices fade to a hum in your ears. You begin to think about how ridiculous giraffes are as an animal, how cool opposable thumbs are, and how many cats you can own before the police can intervene.
Both of their heads turn 180 degrees on their necks, they hiss at you.
You scoff, what a load of crap. A creepy one, though.
You check your [[watch->can't take it anymoree]].
Their eyes glow red as they notice your presence in the kitchen. Ernie curls his lips over his teeth in a demonic grin. Eleanor takes your hand, and leads you toward the circle.
You also decide you want some toast.
You inspect the loaf of bread, but you've noticed it's a little...
...[[Lucifurry->no rush]].
###8:26 am<h3>
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12644836_10153884365423684_2074719742989293585_n.jpg?oh=24562461815c74662c8723b09d2c47bc&oe=574670F2" alt="Smiley face" height="400" width="600">
Your dodged Satanic ritual is about to make you late!
You reach for your backpack and shoes and you rush out of the door as [[fast as your legs can take you]].
###8:32 am<h3>
As you pass over the threshold of the front door, you start to feel a little... [[hot]].
###8:44 am<h3>
Your entire body is engulfed in flames.
You hear chanting in your ears, but you're not sure what language it's in, nor where it's coming from.
The ground shakes under your belly as the earth swallows you whole.
Looks like somebody should have just played along with the Satanic ritual.
###7:24 am<h3>
They're still going at it, what do you do?
"[[Uh, hello?]]"
No response. Why do they have to stand [[right in front of the door]]?
###7:35 am<h3>
Seriously, you're never geared to deal with these kinds of situations. Out of impulse, you decide on the best option you think will work:
[[Throw a shoe at them]].
No dice. They didn't even budge.
Well, they will now. Your Jimmies have officially been rustled.
You take a few steps backward, and [[launch]] yourself head-long into them.
###7:38 am<h3>
All three of you fall to the floor.
You get up and brush yourself off, and you notice that against all odds, they're still going.
"Unbelievable", you think to yourself.
But it matters not, since you've managed to clear away [[the door->no rush]].
You think about the word "refridgerator", and then proceed to repeat the word several times over in your head to the point where it doesn't even sound like a word anymore.
You snap back to reality, only to notice that they've stopped talking, and are now [[looking]] at you strangely.
"You had a really weird expression on your face before, I thought you just got really angry at us suddenly. Are you okay?"
*[[You nod.]]*
###8:18 am<h3>
"I've gotta go." You tell them.
They're not too sure what to make of that, but you have no time to wonder. You're about to be [[LATE->can't take it anymore]]!
"Oh, it's just what I call chicken nuggets."
[[How does anyone hate chicken nuggets]]?
[ERROR 404]
Shanika not found.
"[[Well that was weird...->no rush]]"
Elio: Are you **fucking** kidding [[me]]?
Shawn: No, I'm not kidding there's a fucking [[cracker]].
Shawn and Elio glance at you.
Matt looks over, curiously.
[[Take cracker]].
[[Shove cracker into face]].
You shoved the cracker in your face. They're not sure how to react.
Shawn is entertained. You don't know where that cracker's been.
Elio can't believe you'd just shove it in your face like that.
Matt bursts into laughter.
[[You check your pocket for TTC tokens->no rush]].
Matt: "Fucking savages." He says, as he takes a sip of his morning coffee.
[[You approach them]].
###8:24 am<h3>
Just kidding. Your watch really sucks. Now, [[RUN]].
She groans as you turn her head to yours, her eyes are half shut and she reeks of stale beer. Wait a sec... something smells like it's [[burning]].
You twist around. Behind you, the microwave is ''definitely'' on [[fire]]. You do the smartest thing you can think to do.
Too bad "smart" is not your forte this early in the [[morning]].
You peer inside of the smoke in the microwave:
A charred bag of popcorn.
You guess she wanted to put 2:30 but put 23:00 instead. Oy vey.
[[You SEIZE the burning microwave]]. It's really hot, and it's starting to burn a lot.
But you've committed.
You sprint with all your might.
You lob the fiery appliance at a passing car, which is set aflame.
It [[explodes]].
###7:20 am<h3>
<img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12592470_10153884365338684_6229152678587260232_n.jpg?oh=7db06a2a599a6195d805c6ca1a30d458&oe=5745E5E6" alt="Smiley face" height="300" width="500">
*WARNING: Contains mature language.
_________All rights reserved © 2016 Dylan Cooney____
People are [[disturbed]].
Someone flashes you back. It ain't pretty.
[[Next->no rush]]