<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Who are you? Why don't I recognise your name from the network? \nI thought I knew everyone.\nAnd why are we both on that report?\nWhat's going on?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nWait. I'm going to try and get to one of the other info pockets.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\n\nOh God.\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n<<$name>> please you need to help me.\n\n[[Sagacity Science Institute\nInternal memo|internal memo2]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a girl's body here.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It's strapped to a table. </FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a computer next to it, with something attached. Something similar is over the body's eyes.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThank you <<$name>>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nMy guess is that my mind is inside the computer.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThey must have planned to have put me in that body before something went wrong.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nPlease, you must save me.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \nJust put on the equipment and I can transfer into you.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nIf not they'll kill me\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nIt's up to you.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Join|transition]]\n[[<<$name>> : Refuse|Refuse4]]
Dr J Eichler\nSagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest Successful.\nI have great pleasure in relaying that Test #005765 of Project Transference was a success. Subject #078 Maya and Subject #163 <<$name>> have been succesfully integrated into one body.\nWhile the consciousness of Subject #078 has become the dominant personality, we have seen no evidence of rejection as in previous tests.\nI would recommend that we now focus on refining the process and look towards the blending of two minds as one.\nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of this test.\nCongratulations to all the team on their hard work on this particularly tricky experiment.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I'm sorry Maya, I can't do this.\nIt's just wrong.\nI should have shut down the screen as soon as I realised.\nI can't do what you want.\nI'm going to shut down now. Maybe then the hole will go.\nPlease forgive me.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 8s>>\nPlease <<$name>> don't do it\n<<timedgoto "Failed4" 1s >>\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It's o.k Maya. You're not alone. We'll find something to help. Can you show me the other data?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nHere. This had your # attached. \n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n<<replace>>tmpmcl.wav<<becomes>>*music starts playing*\n<<becomes>>Is that music coming from you? It's nice.<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>niwqqime.exe <<becomes>> *lights dim for a moment*<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>tmp.flush.cmd<<becomes>>*toilet flushes*<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>fzoenglish.exe<<becomes>>*Breakfast deposited in food slot*<<becomes>><FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Looks like breakfasts arrived</FONT><<becomes>><FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : and another one!</FONT><<becomes>>*food slot whirs and closes down - looks like autorepair has kicked in*<<endreplace>>\n[[efa32shll.cmd|door]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I am thinking about it. My life was fine before you appeared. Then all of the sudden there's weird reports and an ungodly hole in my wall. I don't want anything more to do with it. If I close you down maybe my life will get back to normal.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 13s>>\nPlease <<$name>> dont\n<<timedgoto "failed5" 1s >>
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I understand but we need to know more to help you. </FONT>\n\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nI can't see my legs. I'm not sure how...\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nWait.\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nI've found something. I'll see if I can show you.\n\n[[Report : Project Transference\nTest #005764|Test005764]]\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>\nCan you see it?
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Are there any other thoughts nearby?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThe shards beneath me are too tiny.\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nI can only catch glimpses of colour, flashes of movement.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Look at information.|information2]] \n\n
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest failure.\nTest subject #163 <<$name>> failed testing scenario by refusing to leave their compartment.\nRecommend immediate deletion of subject #163 <<$name>> and #078 Maya due to contamination. \nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of failure.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : How am I going to find you?\nWe never meet physically.</FONT>\n\nWhy is that?\n\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It's just how it is. We don't need to. </FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nHave you never wondered why?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : No. Well maybe sometimes when we describe what each other looks like....\nor what we're doing...\nbut no.\nAnyway it's impossible.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWait. I'm going to look to see if I can find anything else.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : O.K.|Ok]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : But there's a hole. A great wide gaping portal in my wall.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nI know, but you've got to go through. It's the only way you can help me. \n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nThey're going to kill me.\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\n<<$name>> are you still there?\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD">Yes</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nI'm sorry to have got you into this, but you are the only one who can help me.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : O.k. I'll try|Take a peek]]\n[[<<$name>> : Refuse again|refuse again]]
<<set $name = [[prompt("Please input your name","Name")]]>>\n\n<FONT COLOR="FF0000">\nConnecting to sagacity net<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nOpening Port 83210<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nPortal connection overflow<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nRetrying on Port 83219<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nPortal access denied<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nSystem direction received<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nForced Port access on 83156<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nConnection made\n<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nSubjects online : 1\n<<silently>></FONT><<endsilently>>\n<<timedgoto "Page2" 1.5s>>\n\n
Test #005765\nDr J Eichler\nWhile initial uplink of Subject #078 Maya was deemed succesful we are detecting fluctuations in the brain waves of unknown origins.\nIf these show no signs of improvement within 12 hours subject will be deleted.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI don't understand.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nSomeone's going to kill me.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhy?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat do I do?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI can't see my body. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nNothing but this god damn light, and the dancing words, and these stupid bits of information, and my shattered memories. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nAm I already dead?!?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[ <<$name>> : But I can talk to you|talking to you]]\n[[<<$name>> : I don't know|I don't know]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I'm sorry. This isn't right. It can't be possible. I must be dreaming or something. Maybe I'm ill. I've not done my daily health check today.....</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\n\nPlease <<$name>> you've got to concentrate.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nBelieve me, this is as real as anything else.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : But there's a hole.|But there's a hole]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I can't just leave you Maya.\nAre you ready?</FONT>\n\nYes, thank you <<$name>>\n\n[[Place equipment over your eyes|success]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : What else can you see?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nIt's difficult to describe.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nPackets of information.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nLike globes of light and numbers\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nPieces of thoughts like a broken mirror scattered around me. \n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nThey look so familiar, but I'm afraid I'll cut myself.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Can you look more closely at the thoughts?|thoughts]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : What does the information say?|information]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I don't recognise your name from the network. \nI thought I knew everyone.\nWhy are we both on that report?\nHave you any idea what's going on?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm going to try and get to one of the other info pockets.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\n\nOh God.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n<<$name>> please you need to help me.\n\n[[Sagacity Science Institute\nInternal memo|internal memo]]
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<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Maya, something's happened to the wall.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat do you mean?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[It's gone!|It's gone]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Maya, can you hear me.\nI think you need to see this.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nHold on I've just got that other packet. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI can't make much sense of what's inside it. Maybe you'll have more luck.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat did you want me to see?\n<<timedcontinue 7s>>\nSo I am dead. I mean my body's dead. But I'm still alive. Trapped in here. Until they delete me. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm scared <<$name>>. I don't want to die.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I'll find some way to help|help]]\n\n
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<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : What does the information say?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm scared to try moving.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat if I can't?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n[[<<$name>> : Just try|try]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : Something closer?|thoughts2]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Part of it has vanished. I mean...I never knew it could happen...just a large gaping hole...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat's on the other side?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Take a peek|Take a peek]]\n[[<<$name>> : Refuse|Refuse]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I'm so sorry Maya, I think I've found you.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : You're...your body is strapped to a table. </FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a computer next to it, with something attached. There's something similar over your eyes.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm guessing I'm in the computer?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThen there's only two options really.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nYou can let me join you.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nOr you can delete me.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \nI'd rather it be you than someone else.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI've found the file but I cannot access it myself.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nIt's up to you.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Join|Join]]\n[[<<$name>> : Delete|Delete]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a long room. </FONT> <<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It's narrow but it stretches out in two directions, more than I can see.</FONT> <<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : So much space. </FONT><<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I've never seen anything like it</FONT><<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's panels with numbers running along the walls.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nIs there anything else? Something that might show the way?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : The light is strange|the light]]\n\n
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest failure.\nTest subject #163 <<$name>> attempted escape during upload senario. Subject was quickly recaptured and detained.\nRecommend immediate deletion of subject #163 <<$name>> and #078 Maya due to contamination. \nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of failure.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : F**k that's my name on there. \nWho are they? \nWhat the f**k do they mean by "suitable receptor"???</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 8s>>\n\n\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"><<$name>> : Hello?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"><<$name>> : Are you still there?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nSorry.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI found more <<timedreplace 1.5s >>thoughts <<becomes>>memories<<endtimedreplace>>. I'm sure they're mine.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nAnd Maya. My name is Maya.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I don't recognise your name.|who are you]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Maybe you should check the info packs for anything that might help us?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm not sure what I'm looking for.\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nHang on.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nHere I found these files with our names on.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThere's one that's more hidden than the others. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'll see if I can get it.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nLet me know when you've finished with these.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n<<replace>>Surveilance : Room 576 <<becomes>> \nSurveilance : Room 576 \nSubject #078 Maya\nSagacity SN Group 3\nLatest surveilance on subject #078 indicates compatibility with Test #005765. Recommend addition to short list.<<endreplace>>\n\n\n<<replace>>Report Subject #163 <<$name>><<becomes>> \nDr R Hakesley\nReport Subject #163 <<$name>>\nMemory wipe and media upload of subject #163 appears to have been a complete success.\nSubject has settled well into their compartment and they already show a prediliction to the social network.<<endreplace>>\n\n\n<<replace>>5 year evaluation <<becomes>> \nDr R Hakesley\nSubject #078 Maya\n5 year evaluation \nNo reoccurance of past memories\nComplete integration with social network\nSubject appears happy with its situation\nShows a particular aptitude to music.\n\n\nDr J Eichler\nTest #005765 - Initial report\nSubject #078 Maya has been succesfully uploaded to the secure intranet. All conection with body has been severed. Will be sent to organ reclamation asap.\n\n[[<<$name>> : Maya can you hear me? I think you need to see this|need to see this]]\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace>>\nProject Interfusion *cancelled*<<becomes>> \nDr P Arriero\nProject Interfusion *cancelled*\nWhile we have been successful in the replacement of one conciousness with another, the aim of interfusing 2 simultanious consciousnesses has continued to elude us. While I can only conjecture on the failure of the project I believe that partly it is due to a lack of willingness on the part of the receptor and lack of connection between the two. Perhaps using bonded family members would prove succesful? There is also the unwillingness of one consciousness to leave it's own body and the damage caused by removal that would need to be addressed.<<endreplace>>\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Part of it has vanished.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>> \n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I mean...</FONT> \n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It's not possible...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>> \n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : just a large gaping hole...</FONT> \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat's on the other side?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Take a peek|Peek2]]\n[[<<$name>> : Refuse|Refuse3]]\n
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest cancelled.\nTest subject #163 <<$name>> failed final suggestive test.\nRecommend immediate deletion of subject #163 <<$name>> and Subject #078 Maya due to contamination. \nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of failure.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a long room. </FONT> <<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It's narrow but it stretches out in two directions, more than I can see.</FONT> <<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : So much space. </FONT><<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I've never seen anything like it</FONT><<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's panels with numbers running along the walls.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nIs there anything else? Something that might show the way?\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[<<$name>> : The light|the light2]]\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a long room. </FONT> <<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It's narrow but it stretches out in two directions, more than I can see.</FONT> <<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : So much space. </FONT><<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I've never seen anything like it</FONT><<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's panels with numbers running along the walls.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nIs there anything else? Something that might show the way?\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[<<$name>> : The light is strange|strange light]]
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005764\n\nTest subject #159 <<$name>> proved incompatible.\nDisplayed lack of required empathy.\nRecommend deletion of subject #094 Holly due to contamination.\nSubject #078 Maya prepared for immediate uplink once deletion is sanctioned.\nNew compatibility survey denotes #163 REDACTED as suitable receptor.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : O.k. Try to look for anything with our names on.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nHang on.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nHere I found these files.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThere's one that's more hidden than the others. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'll see if I can get it.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nLet me know when you've finished with these.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n<<replace>>Surveilance : Room 576 <<becomes>> \nSurveilance : Room 576 \nSubject #078 Maya\nSagacity SN Group 3\nLatest surveilance on subject #078 indicates compatibility with Test #005765. Recommend addition to short list.<<endreplace>>\n\n\n<<replace>>Report Subject #163 <<$name>><<becomes>> \nDr R Hakesley\nReport Subject #163 <<$name>>\nMemory wipe and media upload of subject #163 appears to have been a complete success.\nSubject has settled well into their compartment and they already show a prediliction to the social network.<<endreplace>>\n\n\n<<replace>>5 year evaluation <<becomes>> \nDr R Hakesley\nSubject #078 Maya\n5 year evaluation \nNo reoccurance of past memories\nComplete integration with social network\nSubject appears happy with its situation\nShows a particular aptitude to music.\n\n\nDr J Eichler\nTest #005765 - Initial report\nSubject #078 Maya has been succesfully uploaded to the secure intranet. All conection with body has been severed. Will be sent to organ reclamation asap.\n\n[[<<$name>> : Maya can you hear me? I think you need to see this|see]]\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace>>\nProject Interfusion *cancelled*<<becomes>> \nDr P Arriero\nProject Interfusion *cancelled*\nWhile we have been successful in the replacement of one conciousness with another, the aim of interfusing 2 simultanious consciousnesses has continued to elude us. While I can only conjecture on the failure of the project I believe that partly it is due to a lack of willingness on the part of the receptor and lack of connection between the two. Perhaps using bonded family members would prove succesful? There is also the unwillingness of one consciousness to leave it's own body and the damage caused by removal that would need to be addressed.<<endreplace>>\n
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest failure.\nTest subject #163 <<$name>> failed testing scenario by refusing to leave their compartment.\nRecommend immediate deletion of subject #163 <<$name>> and #078 Maya due to contamination. \nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of failure.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Maya, can you hear me.\nI think you need to see this.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nHold on I've just got that other packet. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI couldn't make much sense of it.<<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \nMaybe you'll have more luck. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat did you want me to see?\n<<timedcontinue 6s>>\nSo I'm dead. I mean my body's dead. But I'm still alive. Trapped in here. Until they delete me. I'm sorry. I've got to think about this. Here's the data file I found. It had your # attached. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<replace>>tmpmcl.wav<<becomes>>*music starts playing*\n<<becomes>>Is that music coming from you? It's nice.<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>niwqqime.exe <<becomes>> *lights dim for a moment*<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>tmp.flush.cmd<<becomes>>*toilet flushes*<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>fzoenglish.exe<<becomes>>*Breakfast deposited in food slot*<<becomes>><FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Looks like breakfasts arrived</FONT><<becomes>><FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : and another one!</FONT><<becomes>>*food slot whirs and closes down - looks like autorepair has kicked in*<<endreplace>>\n[[efa32shll.cmd|door2]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's another hole at the end of the wall.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a room inside.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Wait a minute...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\n<$name>?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I've found a body|body]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Perhaps you could look at one of the thoughts close to you?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThere's a large piece just beneath me.\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nI can see white walls. A desk. A girl with blond hair held back in braids. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nShe looks familiar...\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI think it's me.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Any other thoughts?|otherthoughts2]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : Try moving.|information4]]\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : What do you mean? \nYou know we never see each other. \nI'm in my compartment. \nYou must be in yours. \nMaybe the lights have malfunctioned.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 6s>>\n\nCompartment?\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nThat sounds familiar... <<timedreplace 1s >>Safe <<becomes>>secure.<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nNot like now.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[What do the words say?|words]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Are there any other thoughts nearby?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThe shards beneath me are too tiny.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI can only catch glimpses of colour, flashes of movement.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n[[<<$name>> : Try to move.|information4]]\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : What do mean? They're fine. </FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThey burn my eyes\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nAll I can see are words .... your words .. can I see or hear them?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nand other things... \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nCan you see me? Am I with you?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I'm in my compartment|compartment]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I'm sorry. I can't do that.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<$name>>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<$name>> what do you mean?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\ndon't leave me here...\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[switch off the plug]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Maybe you should look at one of the information packets. \nThey might be useful. \nYou never know there might be more shards of thought nearby.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm scared to try moving.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat if I can't.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I understand.|understand]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I don't want to look. It's wrong. Big holes aren't meant to just appear in my wall.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nPlease <<$name>> you've got to do this. I know you're frightened. I am too. But if you don't do this I'll die.\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\n[[O.k. I'll do it.|Take a peek]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : O.K. Try to look for anything with our names on.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nHang on.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nHere I've found these files.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThere's one that's more hidden than the others. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'll see if I can get it.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nLet me know when you've finished with these.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n<<replace>>Surveilance : Room 576 <<becomes>> \nSurveilance : Room 576 \nSubject #078 Maya\nSagacity SN Group 3\nLatest surveilance on subject #078 indicates compatibility with Test #005765. Recommend addition to short list.<<endreplace>>\n\n\n<<replace>>Report Subject #163 <<$name>><<becomes>> \nDr R Hakesley\nReport Subject #163 <<$name>>\nMemory wipe and media upload of subject #163 appears to have been a complete success.\nSubject has settled well into their compartment and they already show a prediliction to the social network.<<endreplace>>\n\n\n<<replace>>5 year evaluation <<becomes>> \nDr R Hakesley\nSubject #078 Maya\n5 year evaluation \nNo reoccurance of past memories\nComplete integration with social network\nSubject appears happy with its situation\nShows a particular aptitude to music.\n\n\nDr J Eichler\nTest #005765 - Initial report\nSubject #078 Maya has been succesfully uploaded to the secure intranet. All conection with body has been severed. Will be sent to organ reclamation asap.\n\n[[<<$name>> : Maya can you hear me? I think you need to see this|see this]]\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace>>\nProject Interfusion *cancelled*<<becomes>> \nDr P Arriero\nProject Interfusion *cancelled*\nWhile we have been successful in the replacement of one conciousness with another, the aim of interfusing 2 simultanious consciousnesses has continued to elude us. While I can only conjecture on the failure of the project I believe that partly it is due to a lack of willingness on the part of the receptor and lack of connection between the two. Perhaps using bonded family members would prove succesful? There is also the unwillingness of one consciousness to leave it's own body and the damage caused by removal that would need to be addressed.<<endreplace>>\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Maybe you should try to move to one of the information packets now. \nI know you're scared but they might be of help. \nYou never know there might be more shards of thought nearby. \nI'm sorry, I can't think of anything else to suggest.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nI can't see my legs. I'm not sure how...\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nWait.\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nI've found something. I'll see if I can show you.\n\n[[Report : Project Transference\nTest #005764|Test005764]]\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>\nCan you see it?
Test #005765\nDr J Eichler\nWhile initial uplink of Subject #078 Maya was deemed succesful we are detecting fluctuations in the brain waves of unknown origins.\nIf these show no signs of improvement within 12 hours subject will be deleted.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThey're going to kill me. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nPlease <<$name>> you've got to find me.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : How?|How?]]\n[[<<$name>> : What about the Report?|What about the Report?]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : S**t that's my name on there. Who are they and what do they mean by "suitable receptor"???</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 8s>>\n\n\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"><<$name>> : Hello?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"><<$name>> : Are you still there?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nSorry.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI found more <<timedreplace 1.5s >>thoughts <<becomes>>memories<<endtimedreplace>>. I'm sure they're mine.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nAnd Maya. My name is Maya.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I don't recognise your name.|your name]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Maybe you've fallen asleep on your screen.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nNo\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThe words dance around me\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[<<$name>> : What else can you see?|What else?]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Something's happened to the wall.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat do you mean?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : It's gone!|hole]]\n
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest failure.\nTest subject #163 <<$name>> invalidated test by implementing deletion of Subject #078 Maya.\nRecommend immediate deletion of subject #163 <<$name>> due to contamination. \nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of failure.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : O.k. wish me luck.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It so bright here, and it stretches out so far.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It makes me feel sick looking at it...so much space...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There are panels both sides of me with ever increasing numbers.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Wait, I can see something at the end.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat is it?\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Another hole|Another hole]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I know it's you Susan. I can't be bothered with this.</FONT>\n\n[[Logout]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : The lighting here is strange. One direction is brightly lit, the other direction is dark.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nMaybe if you follow the light you'll find me?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I'll go down the light path|light path]]\n[[<<$name>> : I'll go down the dark path|dark path]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : What do the words say?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nThey're your words.\n\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Maybe you're mistaken|screen]]?\n[[<<$name>> : What else?|What else?]]\n\n
Sagacity Net
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It could be a trap. They might be expecting me to follow the lights. I'll try down here first, just in...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<$name>>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<$name>> can you hear me?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nPlease say something...\n<<timedgoto "failed" 3.5s >>
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I don't know? What do you want me to do?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhere am I?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nAm I with you?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThe light burns my eyes.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nAll I can see are words...thoughts...information....it's so bright.....\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : What do the words say?|words]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : I'm in my compartment|compartment]].
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Part of it has vanished.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>> \n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I mean...</FONT> \n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It shouldn't be able to happen...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>> \n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : just a large gaping hole...</FONT> \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat's on the other side?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Take a peek|Peek]]\n[[<<$name>> : Refuse|Refuse2]]\n
I'm so sorry.\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\n<FONT COLOR="FF0000">\nData space #163 opened<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nCopy file #078<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nTransfering...please wait<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nTransfer complete<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nInitiating reboot...<<silently>></FONT><<endsilently>>\n<<timedgoto "Success2" 3.5s >>
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Can you look more closely at the thoughts?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThere's a large piece just beneath me.\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nI can see white walls. A desk. A girl with blond hair held back in braids. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nShe looks familiar...\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nI think it's me.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n\n[[<<$name>> : Any other thoughts?|other thoughts]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : Look at the information.|information2]]\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I'm sorry Maya, I just can't do it.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nI understand\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nHere is the file\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[delete_subject#078.exe|failed2]]\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nAnd thank you. Thank you for keeping me company, and helping me to find myself again.
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005764\n\nTest subject #159 <FONT COLOR="FF0000">{error}</FONT> proved incompatible.\nDisplayed lack of required empathy.\nRecommend deletion of subject #094 Holly due to contamination.\nSubject #078 Maya prepared for immediate uplink once deletion is sanctioned.\nNew compatibility survey denotes #163 <<$name>> as suitable receptor.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nWhat does it mean?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : S**t|S**t]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's another hole at the end of the wall.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's a room inside.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Wait a minute...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\n<<$name>>?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I'm sorry Maya|Maya]]
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005764\n\nTest subject #159 <FONT COLOR="FF0000">{error}</FONT> proved incompatible.\nDisplayed lack of required empathy.\nRecommend deletion of subject #094 Holly due to contamination.\nSubject #078 Maya prepared for immediate uplink once deletion is sanctioned.\nNew compatibility survey denotes #163 <<$name>> as suitable receptor.\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nWhat does it mean?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : F**k|F**k]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I'm sorry. \nI honestly don't know. \nYou seem alive to me.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThank you.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Maybe you should look for more clues?|more clues]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : The lighting here is strange. One direction is brightly lit, the other direction is dark.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nFollow the light. It might lead you to me.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I'll go down the light path|light path]]\n[[<<$name>> : I'll go down the dark path|dark path]]\n\n
Dr J Eichler\nSagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest Successful.\nI have great pleasure in relaying that Test #005765 of Project Transference was a success. Subject #078 Maya and Subject #163 <<$name>> have been succesfully integrated into one body.\nWhile the consciousness of Subject #163 remains the dominant personality, we have seen no evidence of rejection as in previous tests.\nI would recommend that we now focus on refining the process and look towards the blending of two minds as one.\nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of this test.\nCongratulations to all the team on their hard work on this particularly tricky experiment.\n\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I sorry. It's my chance to escape you see. And you're not even alive, not really.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<$name>>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<$name>> please don't leave me.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nPlease I don't want to die\n\n<<timedgoto "Failed3" 3.5s >>
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I'm going to follow the light and see if it leads to anything.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It so bright here, and it stretches out so far.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : It makes me feel sick looking at it...so much space...</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There are panels both sides of me with ever increasing numbers.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Wait, I can see something at the end.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat is it?\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Another hole|Another hole2]]
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Ok. I'm just about to put the equipment on. I hope you're ready. </FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\n<FONT COLOR="FF0000">\nConnecting to sagacity net<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nOpening Port 83156<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nConnection made<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nInitiating download subject#078<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nUnauthorised firewall activated on port 83156<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nIntranet lockouts overide <<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nFile #163 deleted<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\nSystem logs access authorised <<silently>></FONT><<endsilently>>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<FONT COLOR="000000">I'm sorry <<$name>> </FONT>\n\n<<timedgoto "I'm sorry" 3.5s >>\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Hi, can you hear me.\nI think you should see this.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nHold on I've just got that other packet. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI couldn't make much sense of it.<<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \nMaybe you'll have more luck. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat did you want me to see?\n<<timedcontinue 6s>>\nSo I'm dead. Trapped in here. Until they delete me. I'm sorry. I've got to think about this. Here's the data file I found. It had your # attached. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n<<replace>>tmpmcl.wav<<becomes>>*music starts playing*\n<<becomes>>Is that music coming from you? It's nice.<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>niwqqime.exe <<becomes>> *lights dim for a moment*<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>tmp.flush.cmd<<becomes>>*toilet flushes*<<endreplace>>\n<<replace>>fzoenglish.exe<<becomes>>*Breakfast deposited in food slot*<<becomes>><FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Looks like breakfasts arrived</FONT><<becomes>><FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : and another one!</FONT><<becomes>>*food slot whirs and closes down - looks like autorepair has kicked in*<<endreplace>>\n[[efa32shll.cmd|door3]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : You can't be dead, I'm talking to you.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nYou're right.\n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>>\nI'm sorry.\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nI panicked. It's just too much.\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nI don't know what to do.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Search for more clues|more clues]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Well if you don't try you'll never know.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nI can't see my legs. I'm not sure how...\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWait.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n\nI've found something. I'll see if I can show you.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[Report : Project Transference\nTest #005764|Test05764]]\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>\nCan you see it?
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : The lighting here is strange. One direction is brightly lit, the other direction is dark.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nFollow the light. \n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I'll go down the light path|lightpath]]\n[[<<$name>> : Escape|Escape]]\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Something's happened to the wall in my compartment.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhat do you mean?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : It's gone.|hole2]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : What about the Report. Both our names are on it. But I've never seen yours before or anyone named Holly come to think of it. </FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : I know everyone on the network.</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Don't you think that's strange?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nThat you know everyone on the network or you don't know me?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWait. I'm going to see what else I can find.\n<<timedcontinue 2.5s>>\n\n[[<<$name>> : O.K.|ok]]\n\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : There's no way I'm going anywhere near that. It's just wrong. It shouldn't be there. Just like you shouldn't be on the social network. What's going on. What are you trying to do?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nWhat do you mean?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI need your help.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm not trying to "do" anything.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nPlease <<$name>> think about it.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : I am thinking about it|thinking about it]]\n
Keeping you together
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Good morning. Are you looking forward to todays Breakfast?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nWhere are you? I can't see. The light hurts my eyes.\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Lights?|Lights?]]\n[[<<$name>>: Where am I?|compartment]]\n
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Who is this? I can't see your name onscreen?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI don't know. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>> \nI can't remember. \n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI think something's happened to me. Can you help me?\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Susan?|Susan?]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : Help?|Help?]]\n\n
<FONT COLOR="FF0000" size="5" FACE="modern">Good Morning <<$name>>\nWelcome to Sagacity Social Network\nThe time is 06:05\nBreakfast will be dispensed at 07:30\nThere are currently 1 users online</FONT>\n\n\n<<timedcontinue 8s>>\nHello?\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nCan anyone hear me?\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[<<$name>> : "Good morning"|Breakfast]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : "Who is this?"|"Who is this?"]]\n
Sagacity Science Institute\nReport : Project Transference\nTest #005765\n\nTest failure.\nTest subject #163 <<$name>> disrupted the intrenet system leading to the loss of subject #078 and attempted escape during the transference senario . Subject was quickly recaptured and detained.\nRecommend immediate deletion of subject #163 <<$name>> due to contamination. \nNew subjects to be determined based on detailed report of failure.
<FONT COLOR="0000CD"> <<$name>> : Are you joking me again Susan?</FONT>\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nIs that my name?\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nIt doesn't feel right....\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nI'm scared.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\nPlease can you help me.\n<<timedcontinue 3.5s>>\n[[<<$name>> : Help?|Help?]]\n\n[[<<$name>> : I know it's you Susan|can't be bothered]]