I'd paint you a picture,\nbut I can't paint -\nor give you [[one]].
loop around,\nfar around,\nthe world is still dark\nand my face is still missing.\n\nI've stopped tearing,\nbecause - [[why]]?
I've always loved,\nand its the kind of love,\nthat names itself love,\nand with a sickening crunch -\nit [[bites]]!
Are you ignoring me?\n\nPlease,\ngive me a [[sign|talk]],\n\nor just [[keep]] falling.
this is [[my]] dream, \nbut I'll [[let you in]] for a while.
feel the wind on your face?\n\nno?\n\nthat's a shame. \nyou'd love the [[wind]].\nit's sharp.
still not sure\nif I [[believe]] in God.
Don't worry, \nit's safe -\nyou can't die [[in]] a dream.
See -\nyou did fine:\nand for that,\nI love [[you]].
which one?\n\n[[?|done]]\n\n[[??|why]]\n\n[[??|tear it away]]\n\n
an open palm,\nleaves an imprint -\nbe it pain,\nor the soft press\nof a night.\n\nso, [[return|hands]].
I had to cry \nthe whole day next:\n\nbalance,\nthat is that.\n\nStill [[there]]?
falling [[ever and ever]] and the blackness surrounds you.\n\nI'm afraid you'll never get back,\nbut look,\n[[glimpses]]!\n[[glimpses]] of me! \nOther dreams,\nI dared forget.
ever and ever,\nwhat a useless term\nto describe the forever,\nyou're about see. \n\nwhen you see only darkness,\nthat darkness takes [[shape|glimpses2]],\nbecause it comforts you -\n[[hates]] you.
[[liar|tear it away]].
it hurts like a bitch!\n\nsorry, that was harsh. \nI'm impressed,\nin your affinity -\nyour understanding,\nyour [[hands]].
what's your name anyway?\nI have to give you one?\nOkay, I'll call you --\nno.\nYou won't last long here -\nno time to create an identity.\nI'm sorry.\nI should have done it [[earlier]]. \n\n
a [[mask]] is removed,\nremoved [[twice]],\nremoved [[thrice]],\nand again again,\nround the bout.
put hands [[together|climb]],\nbread and butter.\n
I'll tell you something about myself: \nthe me,\nthat me, \nborn before '92,\nafter '90. \n\nWell [[done]], God!
you're not,\nyou're just not,\na physical presence.\n\nIs that too late to [[admit]],\nwhile you're falling?
It's easy to smile.\n\nTry [[it]].
god wears a mask, doesn't It?\n\n[[yes]]\n\n[[no]]\n\n[[who knows]].
pouring rice.
Dreams are sinuous,\nlike this forest. \nIt is a tall forest, \nand the trees stretch down\nto where there is no ground -\nbut a winding path,\nyou cannot stray from. \n\nstick to the [[path]],\nI beg you.\n\n[[Don't trip]].
third mask,\nis a pain:\na throbbing, bleeding\nthing.\n\n[[tear it away]].
I don't hate you,\nyou're welcome here.\nFall in [[peace]].
Doesn't this look -\n- familiar?\n \n[[???]]
You're falling into -\n\nI don't know where you're falling,\npoor woman or man, \nbecause I never fell \nin that dream.\n\nThis is a [[falling]] none-dream.
You'll feel better,\nin the long-run. \n\nI once,\nreally,\nI once laughed \na whole day [[straight]].
welcome. \n\nI don't know the year exactly, but I still see it as clear as pouring rice \n\n----->\n\nnow,\n\nfollow that [[arrow]].
dreams don't ask questions,\nlike bumbling fools,\nbumbling in meadows,\nbumble-bumble-[[everything]]-a-bumble.
earlier in the adventure I said you were falling.\n\nYou're [[still falling]].
Think of [INSERT HAPPY].\n\nAre you thinking yet? \n\nFeel that jagged bow [[grow]].
a gap!\n\njump!\n\njump [[now|earlier]]!
the fourth and the fifth and the sixth and the quadrillionth:\nthe sinking feeling is,\nyou're stuck here.\n\nyou are in the position,\nthis unreality,\nto press [[skip]].
there is a glimpse of undressed patients,\ngirls I knew,\nand in hand -\nstethoscopes,\nand [[searching]] hands.
See: \nthe path extends -\nunder the [[crescent]] bough.
Hands are my favourite. \nThey [[mark]],\nthey [[talk]],\nthey [[wriggle]].
some trees are dark, \nbut alive - [[growing]].\n\nothers [[smile]]\nwith rot.
should I, \nor shouldn't I?\n\nAm I being judged --\nare you [[judging]] me?
you're [[still]] falling, I'm sorry.\n\n
very familiar\n\nfamiliar\n\ncan you guess where you [[are|arrow]]?
Looks like you've landed on both feet,\nsafe and sound,\npouring [[rice|let you in]],\nwithout a spill.
we started off on the wrong foot,\nso let's start again,\nwhen you [[land]].\n
Don't step too far, please, \ntoo fast,\nI can't \nkeep \n[[up]].
I am an aspiring writer.\n\nSometimes, I don't like my writing, but, I do have dreams from my childhood -\n\njust [[get in|let you in]], now.
Don't tell me. \nYou can't tell me.\nI'm [[sorry]].
the first mask,\nfish-smelling,\ndocile bear. \n\n[[remove|twice]].
Good,\nI'm sorry.\nForgive me.\nI can't read signs,\nvery well. \n\n[[Wait]].
you were falling face-down\nonce.\n\nnow you're falling feet first.\n\nDo you [[remember]] changing?
second mask,\nnight-like,\nshadow-crawling,\nteeth falling.\n\ngo away, [[next|thrice]].
Don't be sad.\nIt's [[inevitable]].
they say,\nthe dream-scientists,\nif you keep falling -\nyou'll come out\nthe [[other side]].
Excellent,\nyou are in a forest. \nHave you even been in a forest? [[Which one]]?\n \n
Was that --\n\nI --\n\nI [[overstepped]] the line.\n\n
I don't have to tell you anything about my real childhood.\n\nGo [[back|path]], please.
a. watson
wow, [[climbing|arrow]]!
have you ever felt that [[bite]]?
I know,\nI know,\nit's silly work -\nit's [[only]] a dream,\nright?
point, beguile, wave, shake, tumble, wander, delineate, trace, fuck, sway, twiddle, sing, whisper, wake, understand, boggle, swagger, make, [[return|hands]].