<html><color="green">\n\nYour corpse blends into the vines blends into the bed, your ecosystem is part binary code, part writhing maggots and your bones are resigned to this bioinformatic becoming.And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting on the pallid bust of Pallas just above your chamber door; And the raven's eyes have all the seeming of a demon dreaming, And the lamp-light o'er the raven throws its shadow on the floor; And your soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted - nevermore! Your mind hazily drifts between code and something else, you no longer have words....01110110011010010110111001100101011100110010000001110010011011110110111101101101001000000111001001100001011101100110010101101110001000000110011101110010011001010110010101101110001000000110111101110010011001110110000101101110011010010111001101101101011100110010000001101101011000010110011101100111011011110111010000100000011000100110111101100100011110010010000001100011011011110111001001110000011100110110010100100000011100110110101101100101011011000110010101110100011011110110111000100000011011000110100101100111011010000111010000100000011001110111001001100001011101100110100101110100011110010010000001100011011000010111000001101001011101000110000101101100011010010111001101101101001000000111000001100001011101000111001001101001011000010111001001100011011010000111100100100000011000010110001001101100011001010110100101110011011011010010000001100011011011110110110001101111011011100110100101100001011011000110100101110011011011010010000001100100011010010111001101101001011011100111010001100101011001110111001001100001011101000110100101101111011011100010000001100100011001010110000101110100011010000010000001110100011001010111100001110100011101010111001001100101</html>
<html><font size="8" color="red"><tt>\n"Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend! Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"</tt></font></html>\n\n<<timedgoto "NM1.5" 14s>>\n
<html><font color="green">\nTrapped in this materiality, you feel your body intertwined with the bed you lie upon, choked by the vines that will one day grow and smother you in a green shroud of a future ecosystem --- you can no longer distinguish your body from the vines slowly enveloping your corpse .. It is no longer your body.\n\nYou are in a state of petrification, shrieked words emerge from your carcass... </html> \n\n<<timedgoto "shriek" 16s>>\n\n\n
\n\n\n[[The Wormhole|mtown]] to Misogyny Town©.\nIt feels a bit funny, like being in a tunnel made out of goo and icicles. \n\n\n
Wikifier.formatters.push({name:"char",match:".",handler:function(a){insertElement(a.output,"span",null,"char",a.matchText);\n}});Wikifier.formatters.forEach(function(e){if(e.name=="emdash"){e.handler=function(a){var b=insertElement(a.output,"span",null,"char",String.fromCharCode(8212));\n};}else{if(e.name=="prettyLink"){e.handler=function(a){var b=new RegExp(e.lookahead,"mg");\nb.lastIndex=a.matchStart;var c=b.exec(a.source);if(c&&c.index==a.matchStart&&c[2]){var d=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a.output,c[1]);\nsetPageElement(d,null,c[1]);a.nextMatch+=c[1].length+2;}else{if(c&&c.index==a.matchStart&&c[3]){var f;\nif(tale.has(c[4])){f=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a.output,c[4]);}else{f=Wikifier.createExternalLink(a.output,c[4]);\n}setPageElement(f,null,c[1]);a.nextMatch=c.index+c[0].length;}}};}}});
You are walking alone through the woods. Only soft haunting memories of when others used to be around. The day everyone died was horrific, the screams still make your heart close, you can't lose them. \n\nDo you want to go back to before the darkness? Go back to where it all began? Laugh as the rays of sunshine make your hands sticky in ice cream sweat? \n\n\n[[Ice cream!|Ice cream]] \n[[No! I would like to go forwards.|The Future]]\n\n<<silently>>\n\n<<set $examine = 0>>\n<<set $test = 0>>\n<<set $look = "her">>\n<<set $grip = 0>>\n\n<<set $gone = 0>>\n<<set $fog = 0>>\n<<set $rocks = 0>>\n<<set $sf = 0>>\n<<set $black = 0>>\n\n<<set $map = 0>>\n\n<<set $tread = 0>>\n\n<<set $speak = "">>\n\n<<set $target = "">>\n<<set $glimpse = "">>\n<<set $calibrate = 0>>\n<<set $chosen = 0>>\n\n<<set $stuck = 0>>\n\n<<set $wander = 0>>\n<<set $know = 0>>\n<<set $focus = 0>>\n<<set $ripple = 0>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
\n\nWell my dear, Welcome to Misogyny Town©. There is no space for you here.You cannot say anything. Do your lips feel nice all zipped up? Sewn together by the very best a man could buy and oh of course I could buy because I have all of the dollars in the world. I bet your wondering what exactly I've done to your speech abilities. I got my hired help to develop a consciousness silencer virus designed precisely to shut you right up. Though, I'm not sure that for the price I am paying, you could call them hired hahaha.\n\n[img[scary.jpg]]\n\n\n<<timedgoto "silencer" 14s>>\n
It hits you then, you must have gone back to a time, a space before the brutality...\n\n\n<<timedgoto "here" 8s>>
You may never see Lenore again. You never knew what dread meant until now.... cold and stuck and terrified.You will never see your Lenore again. Your mouth opens up, again, forced, possessed, and words spit out with a hopeless standardization across the room to the raven:\n\n<<timedgoto "Prophet" 20s>>\n\n
[[You wake up|wakeup]]. \n\n\n
[[You don't know where you are.|where]]
To which the raven replied with no hesitation: \n\n\n<html><font size="15" color="red">NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE </font></html>\n\n<<timedgoto "NM1" 6s>>\n
Something has happened. It's so dark. You can't see anything. You can't hear anything.........\n\n\n\n[[The system must have crashed because of the blockade|System Collapse]]\n\n[[Your eyes are closing, maybe they have always been closed |lose control]]\n\n[[The last thing you hear is the girl in the miniskirt eating the giant burger scream POLICE|Start]]\n\n
A Happy Ending.
Naegleria continues, <html><font color="orange">Thus, we choose to fuck up.I as a braineating amoeba resist by sucking their mechanized brains.The rest are doing a blockade, hoping to stop the flow of information from getting to the center of Corporate Universe©.</font></html>\n\n"But what is the center of Corporate Universe©?? And how did that copyright sign get into my speech?" you demand.\n\n<html><font color="orange">"This isn't the best time for a history lesson."</font></html> Naegleria shouts as they quickly dodge one of the [[chef's molotov cocktails|molotov]]. \n\n\n
\nKitty is a beautiful creature, a huge grin that is both terrifying and comforting, wise and awful, both here and there, mythical and hopefully someone to talk to. \n\nYou feel lost and so, you ask, "Which way ought I go from here?" \nKitty scowls in a somewhat playful way and says,"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to..." \n\n\nYou reply, "[[I don't much care where|Keep walking]]" \n\n "[[To a happy ending|mt3]]"\n\n "[[The future|The Future]]\n\n "[[To a different happy ending|System Collapse]]" \n\n
The vitality, the breath, the thriving spirit of this mass subsumes you but you must know why the blockade is occurring... You slowly walk up to one of the TV chefs and ask:"Why?"\n\nThey respond in a husky voice: "And NOW I am going to put some liquid smoke in the beans." \n\nYou watch as they pull a molotov cocktail out of nowhere and hurl it at a chain of binary code, a beautiful blue flame spreads like sauce, you [[smile.|preamoeba]] \n\n\n\n\n
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['replaceMacrosCombined'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 0,\n revision: 0\n };\n var nullobj = { handler: function () {} };\n function showVer(n,notrans) {\n n.innerHTML = "";\n new Wikifier(n, n.tweecode);\n n.setAttribute("data-enabled", "true");\n n.style.display = "inline";\n n.classList.remove("revision-span-out");\n if (!notrans) {\n n.classList.add("revision-span-in");\n if (n.timeout) clearTimeout(n.timeout);\n n.timeout = setTimeout(function () {\n n.classList.remove("revision-span-in");\n }, 1);\n }\n }\n function hideVer(n,notrans) {\n n.setAttribute("data-enabled", "false");\n n.classList.remove("revision-span-in");\n if (n.timeout) clearTimeout(n.timeout);\n if (!notrans) {\n n.classList.add("revision-span-out");\n n.timeout = setTimeout(function () {\n if (n.getAttribute("data-enabled") == "false") {\n n.classList.remove("revision-span-out");\n n.style.display = "none";\n n.innerHTML = "";\n }\n }, 1000);\n } else {\n n.style.display = "none";\n n.innerHTML = "";\n }\n }\n function tagcontents(b, starttags, desttags, endtags, k) {\n var l = 0,\n c = "",\n tg, a, i;\n function tagfound(i, e) {\n for (var j = 0; j < e.length; j++) {\n if (a.indexOf("<<"+e[j], i) == i) {\n return e[j];\n }\n }\n }\n a = b.source.slice(k);\n for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {\n if (tg = tagfound(i, starttags)) {\n l++;\n }\n else if ((tg = tagfound(i, desttags)) && l == 0) {\n b.nextMatch = k + i + tg.length+4;\n return [c, tg];\n }\n else if (tg = tagfound(i, endtags)) {\n l--;\n if (l < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n c += a.charAt(i);\n }\n return null;\n }\n var begintags = [];\n var endtags = [];\n function revisionSpanHandler(g, e, f, b) {\n var k = b.source.indexOf('>>', b.matchStart) + 2,\n vsns = [],\n vtype = e,\n flen = f.length,\n becomes, c, cn, m, h, vsn; \n function mkspan(vtype) {\n h = insertElement(m, "span", null, "revision-span "+vtype);\n h.setAttribute("data-enabled", false);\n h.style.display = "none";\n h.tweecode = "";\n return h;\n }\n // Shorthand: <<tag "first">>second<<endtag>>\n if (this.shorthand && flen) {\n while(f.length > 0) {\n vsns.push([f.shift(),(this.flavour == "insert" ? 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m.firstChild.nextSibling\n : m.firstChild).tweecode);\n shv[os] = shv[os] || {};\n if(d && !shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)) {\n shv[os][d]=1;\n } else {\n for(i=shv[os][d]; i>0 && !done; i--) {\n done=!revise("revise",m,true);\n }\n if (shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)) {\n shv[os][d]+=1;\n }\n }\n }\n // Variations\n [\n // Insert\n { name: "insert",\n flavour: "insert",\n trigger: "link",\n setup: linkSetup\n },\n { name: "timedinsert",\n flavour: "insert",\n trigger: "time",\n setup: timeSetup\n },\n { name: "insertion",\n flavour: "insert",\n trigger: "revisemacro",\n setup: revisionSetup\n },\n { name: "later",\n flavour: "insert",\n trigger: "visited",\n setup: visitedSetup\n },\n // Replace\n { name: "replace",\n flavour: "replace",\n trigger: "link",\n setup: linkSetup\n },\n { name: "timedreplace",\n flavour: "replace",\n trigger: "time",\n setup: timeSetup\n },\n { name: "mousereplace",\n flavour: "replace",\n trigger: "mouse",\n setup: mouseSetup\n },\n { name: "hoverreplace",\n flavour: "replace",\n trigger: "hover",\n setup: hoverSetup\n },\n { name: "revision",\n flavour: "replace",\n trigger: "revisemacro",\n setup: revisionSetup\n },\n // Remove\n /*\n { name: "remove",\n flavour: "remove",\n trigger: "link",\n setup: linkSetup\n },*/\n { name: "timedremove",\n flavour: "remove",\n trigger: "time",\n setup: timeSetup\n },\n { name: "mouseremove",\n flavour: "remove",\n trigger: "mouse",\n setup: mouseSetup\n },\n { name: "hoverremove",\n flavour: "remove",\n trigger: "hover",\n setup: hoverSetup\n },\n { name: "removal",\n flavour: "remove",\n trigger: "revisemacro",\n setup: revisionSetup\n },\n { name: "once",\n flavour: "remove",\n trigger: "visited",\n setup: visitedSetup\n },\n // Continue\n { name: "continue",\n flavour: "continue",\n trigger: "link",\n setup: linkSetup\n },\n { name: "timedcontinue",\n flavour: "continue",\n trigger: "time",\n setup: timeSetup\n },\n { name: "mousecontinue",\n flavour: "continue",\n trigger: "mouse",\n setup: mouseSetup\n },\n // Cycle\n { name: "cycle",\n flavour: "cycle",\n trigger: "revisemacro",\n setup: revisionSetup\n },\n { name: "mousecycle",\n flavour: "cycle",\n trigger: "mouse",\n setup: mouseSetup\n },\n { name: "timedcycle",\n flavour: "cycle",\n trigger: "time",\n setup: timeSetup\n }\n ].forEach(function(e) {\n e.handler = revisionSpanHandler;\n e.shorthand = (["link", "mouse", "hover"].indexOf(e.trigger)>-1);\n macros[e.name] = e;\n macros['end' + e.name] = nullobj;\n begintags.push(e.name);\n endtags.push('end'+e.name);\n });\n\n function reviseAll(rt, rname) {\n var rall = document.querySelectorAll(".passage ."+rname),\n ret = false;\n for (var i = 0; i < rall.length; i++) {\n ret = ret || revise(rt,rall[i]);\n }\n return ret;\n }\n function revise(rt, r, notrans) {\n var ind2, curr, next,\n ind = -1,\n rev = (rt == "revert"),\n rnd = (rt.indexOf("random") > -1),\n fl = r.getAttribute("data-flavour"),\n rc = r.childNodes,\n cyc = (fl=="cycle"),\n rcl = rc.length - 1;\n \n function doToGainerSpans(n, fn) {\n for (var k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--) {\n if (rc[k + 1].classList.contains("gains")) {\n fn(rc[k],notrans);\n }\n else break;\n }\n }\n\n for (var k = 0; k <= rcl; k++) {\n if (rc[k].getAttribute("data-enabled") == "true") {\n ind = k;\n }\n }\n if (rev) {\n ind -= 1;\n }\n curr = (ind >= 0 ? rc[ind] : (cyc ? rc[rcl] : null));\n ind2 = ind;\n if (rnd) {\n ind2 = (ind + (Math.floor(Math.random() * rcl))) % rcl;\n } \n next = ((ind2 < rcl) ? rc[ind2+1] : (cyc ? rc[0] : null));\n var docurr = (rev ? showVer : hideVer);\n var donext = (rev ? hideVer : showVer);\n if (curr) {\n if (!(next && next.classList.contains("gains")) || rnd) {\n docurr(curr,notrans);\n doToGainerSpans(ind, docurr,notrans);\n }\n }\n if (next) {\n donext(next,notrans);\n if (rnd) {\n doToGainerSpans(ind2+1, donext,notrans);\n }\n }\n return (cyc ? true : (rev ? (ind > 0) : (ind2 < rcl-1)));\n }\n\n macros['revert'] = macros['revise'] = macros['randomise'] = macros['randomize'] = {\n handler: function (a, b, c) {\n var l, rev, rname;\n function disableLink(l) {\n l.style.display = "none";\n }\n function enableLink(l) {\n l.style.display = "inline";\n }\n function updateLink(l) {\n if (l.className.indexOf("random") > -1) {\n enableLink(l);\n return;\n }\n var rall = document.querySelectorAll(".passage ."+rname),\n cannext, canprev, i, ind, r, fl;\n for (i = 0; i < rall.length; i++) {\n r = rall[i],\n fl = r.getAttribute("data-flavour");\n if (fl=="cycle") {\n cannext = canprev = true;\n }\n else {\n if (r.firstChild.getAttribute("data-enabled") == !1+"") {\n canprev = true;\n }\n if (r.lastChild.getAttribute("data-enabled") == !1+"") {\n cannext = true;\n }\n }\n }\n var can = (l.classList.contains("revert") ? canprev : cannext);\n (can ? enableLink : disableLink)(l);\n }\n function toggleText(w) {\n w.classList.toggle(rl + "Enabled");\n w.classList.toggle(rl + "Disabled");\n w.style.display = ((w.style.display == "none") ? "inline" : "none");\n }\n var rl = "reviseLink";\n if (c.length < 2) {\n throwError(a, b + ' macro needs 2 parameters');\n return;\n }\n rname = c.shift().replace(" ", "_");\n l = Wikifier.createInternalLink(a, null);\n l.className = "internalLink " + rl + " " + rl + "_" + rname + " " + b;\n var v = "";\n var end = false;\n var out = false;\n if(c.length>1 && c[0][0] == "$") {\n v = c[0].slice(1);\n c.shift();\n }\n switch(c[c.length - 1]) {\n case "end":\n end = true;\n c.pop();\n break;\n case "out":\n out = true;\n c.pop();\n break;\n }\n var h = state.history[0].variables;\n for(var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {\n var on = (i == Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]), 0));\n var d = insertElement(null, "span", null, rl + ((on) ? "En" : "Dis") + "abled");\n if(on) {\n h[v] = c[i];\n l.setAttribute("data-cycle", i);\n } else {\n d.style.display="none";\n }\n insertText(d, c[i]);\n l.appendChild(d);\n }\n l.onclick = function () {\n reviseAll(b, rname);\n var t = this.childNodes,\n u = this.getAttribute("data-cycle") - 0,\n m = t.length,\n n, lall, i;\n if((end || out) && u == m - (end ? 2 : 1)) {\n if (end) {\n n = this.removeChild(t[u + 1]);\n n.className = rl + "End";\n n.style.display = "inline";\n this.parentNode.replaceChild(n, this);\n } else {\n this.parentNode.removeChild(this);\n return;\n }\n } else {\n toggleText(t[u]);\n u = (u + 1) % m;\n if(v) {\n h[v] = c[u];\n }\n toggleText(t[u]);\n this.setAttribute("data-cycle", u);\n }\n lall = document.getElementsByClassName(rl + "_" + rname);\n for (i = 0; i < lall.length; i++) {\n updateLink(lall[i]);\n }\n };\n disableLink(l);\n setTimeout(function () {\n updateLink(l);\n }, 1);\n }\n }\n macros['mouserevise'] = macros['hoverrevise'] = {\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var endtags = ["end" + b];\n var t = tagcontents(d, [b], endtags, endtags, d.source.indexOf('>>', d.matchStart) + 2);\n if (t) {\n var rname = c[0].replace(" ", "_"),\n h = insertElement(a, "span", null, "hoverrevise hoverrevise_" + rname),\n f = function() {\n var done = !reviseAll("revise", rname);\n if (b != "hoverrevise" && done) {\n this.onmouseenter = null;\n }\n };\n new Wikifier(h, t[0]);\n if (b == "hoverrevise") {\n h.onmouseover = f;\n h.onmouseout = function () {\n reviseAll("revert", rname);\n }\n } else {\n h.onmouseenter = f;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['endmouserevise'] = nullobj;\n macros['endhoverrevise'] = nullobj;\n}());
you drift into a dark never ending abyss\nalseep with silence\nasleep with the whispers of the void<<timedgoto "lose control1" 10s>>\n\n
Although Naegleria is miniscule, their voice booms:\n\n<html><font color="orange">Life in a society made by and for creatures who, when they are not grim and depressing are utter bores, can only be, when not grim and depressing, an utter bore.Dropping out is not the answer; fucking-up is. Most of us had already dropped out; most of us were never in. Dropping out gives control to those few who don't drop out; dropping out is exactly what the establishment leaders want; it plays into the hands of the enemy; it strengthens the system instead of undermining it, since it is based entirely on the non-participating, passivity, apathy and non-involvement of us,</font></html>[[the sexy rebel creatures.|amoeba 2]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
Although the chef was a riot, you decide to approach someone else in the blockade, you slowly find your way to an amoeba who is attempting to engulf a rather large piece of software. \n\nThe amoeba introduces themselves and oddly enough you could understand what they had to say: <html><font color=orange>Hello, I am Naegleria fowleri, a brain-eating amoeba.</font></html>\n\nYou reply: [["Nice to meet you, do you know why there is a blockade?"|the amoeba]]\n\n[img[4.jpg]]
Kitty's teeth all of a sudden got awful sharp. Kitty moves closer and closer to you, you can feel their hot breath on your already hot chest. Drool drips down your skin, they're so close, you can smell the inside of their skin pores. Heaving, purring, your heart is beating fast. Kitty's eyes are bulging and teeth are rubbing up and down your skin. They feel like little knives. \n\n\n [[Kitty grins widely...|Kitty]]\n\n
\n\n"There was a day when you did not know what you know now," a voice enters into your consciousness. It's ok.\n\n\n[[wake up|lose control]]\n\n
SYSTEM COLLAPSE \nSYSTEM OVERLOAD\nSYSTEM DOWN\n\n01010011010110010101001101010100010001010100110100100000010000110100111101001100010011000100000101010000010100110100010100100000000011010000101001010011010110010101001101010100010001010100110100100000010011110101011001000101010100100100110001001111010000010100010000001101000010100101001101011001010100110101010001000101010011010010000001000100010011110101011101001110\n\n\n010100110101100101010011010101000100010101001101 COLLAPSE\nCISTEM 01000100010011110101011101001110\nCISTEM OVERLOAD\n
<html><font size="8" color="red"><tt>"Prophet! Thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil! By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore - Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Eden, I will hold a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore - Embrace my rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels name Lenore?"</tt></font></html>\n\n<<timedgoto "NEVERMORENEVERMORE" 16s>>
These words tumble out of your mouth like vomit. You feel possessed and horrified to be so out of control.You don't even understand what you are saying, these words are not your own. \n\nThe raven replies to your robotic demand coldly..... \n\n\n\n\n<<timedgoto "robot talk1.2" 14s>>
"It is so nice for you to hang out with me. Thank you, I was so alone before you came," Kitty purred. It was almost as if Kitty could read your mind. How did they know you were thinking about how they had always seemed so aloof.. unfriendly? They're so nice... Smiling and offering you an ice cream cone on a stupidly hot day. Who cares about sticky hands... They're smiling, purrrrrrring softly, you start to feel a bit sleepy but happy, you haven't felt this dreamy in a long time, at ease really, almost ok, you don't feel as broken as you usually do...\n\n[[your eyes close|lose control]]\n[[STAY AWAKE|keep control]]
Before you is a large mass forming an incredible blockade on the good ol' information superhighway of such beauty that you immediately lose your self within the gathering of witches, crones, hysterics, spinsters, defenders of the land, microbes, comrades, trees, mice, coyotes, mi’kmaq warriors, raging grannies, elders, genderqueers, cyborgs, weirdo punks, zapatistas, hacking she-devils, black panthers, sexy lesbian vampires,she-wolves, wanderers, travellers, misfits, two-spirits, lovers, aqpocs, failures, bizarro performance artists, television chefs, border breakers, poets that can't speak, mind sluts,the ugly, the inane, the mundane, war resisters, girls in mini skirts eating huge burgers, puppies, the grotesque, unicorns, bodies and non bodies of all kinds, gun-toting crooning 50s babes in drag, .....you think to yourself that this may be the greatest mod there ever was....... And suddenly....\n\n[[darkness|darkness]]\n[[find out what the blockade is for|whyblockade]]\n\n
<html><font color="purple">I am so glad you made it here, it is incredible that we get to have this conversation. My name is Octavia. We don't have much time but I will try to help you while I can. \n\nFirst, here is a translator in case you find your linguistic system shifting to code again:</font></html>\n\n<html><a href="http://www.roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/Binary_To_Text.asp" target="_blank"><b>Translator</b></a></html>\n\n<<timedgoto "octavia2" 10s>> \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
011101000110100101100011011010110010000001110100011011110110001101101011001000000111010001101001011000110110101100100000011101000110111101100011011010110010000001110100011010010110001101101011001000000111010001101111011000110110101101110100011010010110001101101011001000000111010001101111011000110110101100100000011101000110100101100011011010110010000001110100011011110110001101101011001000000111010001101001011000110110101100100000011101000110111101100011011010110111010001101001011000110110101100100000011101000110111101100011011010110010000001110100011010010110001101101011001000000111010001101111011000110110101100100000011101000110100101100011011010110010000001110100011011110110001101101011\n\nThis is the future and this is something new about your reality, all information exists on the plane of code. Your consciousness drifts forever in the deep abyss of these numbers and for mere seconds, you find breath in the airy flow of words.Your heart beat aligns with the code, an eternal internalized clock that pumps out your labour... Well time is running out before the code takes over, we can only exist in this glitch for a moment... I can give you some options but you may not like all of them..... \n\n[[Would you like the Raven as a guide through this stream of code?|NM2]]\n \n[[01101101011010010111001101101111011001110111100101101110011110010010000001110100011011110111011101101110|mtown]] \n\n[[01001111011000110111010001100001011101100110100101100001|Octavia]]
<html><font size="20" color="red">Nevermore</font></html> \n\n<<timedgoto "Nevermore" 8s>>
\nAnd the demonic raven ever so coldly responded:<html><font size="10" color="red">Nevermore</font></html>\n\n<<timedgoto "NM2" 8s>>
All's Well That Ends Well
The clarity of these words wounds you like a knife. You know the danger of seeing a bird like this. Your thoughts rush and weakly cling to the idea that perhaps the bird will leave, perhaps everything could continue on as it once was....\n\n<<timedgoto "Lenore" 14s>>\n\n
\n"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," says the kitty.\n"Well I would still like to get somewhere," you explain.\n"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the kitty, "if you only walk long enough." \n[[Keep walking|Start]]\n[img[cat.png]]\n\n
A cackle arises from the depths, a howl of rage, noise, shattered mirrors, the shreiking spell of the furies, The Pre-Lubed Sisters perform a sonic assassination\n\n[[System Collapse|System Collapse]]\n\n[img[witch.jpg]]\n
<html><font size="8" color="red"><tt>"Though your feathers are shorn and shaven.Thou art sure no craven.Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore. Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"</tt></font></html> \n\n<<timedgoto "robot talk1" 14s>>
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<html><font color="purple">What I want you to remember is that to be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery. Also, never forget that all that you touch you change. All that you change changes you and that the only lasting truth is change. Keep these words close to your heart, I can tell your heart is a very nice one... \n\nAnyways, hurry along now, your sisters are somewhere out there flying through the code waves on broomsticks,together you are strong.</font></html> \n\n[[Find Them|find them]] \n[img[octavia.jpg]]\n\n
There is always a fork in the 01110010011011110110000101100100\n\nA big decision.....\n\n\n[[01101101011010010111001101101111011001110111100101101110011110010010000001110100011011110111011101101110|mtown]]\n\n\n[[01101001011011100110011001101111011100100110110101100001011101000110100101101111011011100010000001101000011010010110011101101000011101110110000101111001001000000110001001101100011011110110001101101011011000010110010001100101|blockade]] \n\n\n\n
\n\n[[Darkness there, and nothing more|The Raven]] \n[[The Future|The Future]]\n[[A shape, it is hard to make out, it might be a cat|Kitty]]\n
You'll notice that not only can you not talk, it is probably pretty difficult to think or act, am I right? It's the best of the best here. You're right in your place. Quiet and dumb, just like I like you. His hand moves towards you to trace your metallic lips. His hand moves towards you, grabbing whatever he wants, touching you like he owns you, your flesh is his, his excitement unmoderated. \n\n\n[[Summon the spirits of your Witch sisters|The Pre-Lubed Sisters]]\n[[Stay, you kinda like it here|M Town #2]]\n
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<html><font color="orange">"The center of Corporate Universe© is Misogyny Town© and I have a feeling you might have to go there if you want to find your lost sisters ....</font></html> \n\n[[Go to Misogyny Town©|Travel]]\n[[Go back to the blockade|blockade]]\n
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Despair, you hurt, you feel lost and scared.Your vision blurry. You are disoriented. Where are you? The setting is unfamiliar, you can feel your breath speeding up, your heart pounding, instinct sets in: where is the exit? where is the exit? You need to get out of here, nothing has ever been as important as that thought, <html><font size="8" color="red">YOU HAVE TO GET OUT.</font></html> You look down at your arms, finally noticing the cuts, the blood, a cruel dried maroon. You feel wild and need to get out but you can't.<html><font size="8" color="red">GET OUT. GET OUT.</font></html> Your body has never felt gravity quite like in this moment. Your arms, your legs, your body heavy, the air is like quicksand, you feel trapped. Through the haze, you [[see|getout]]\n\n\n
A barrage, a torrent, a hailing scream, a gash in the sky of misogyny town and every sexist pigs worst nightmare showed up: The Pre-Lubed Sisters.\n\nHave you ever heard of the Pre-Lubed Sisters? They're a noise band from the 21st century and they've got wicked powers. One of them you will never see, their sexiness means they're only a part of your nightmares. One of them is mathematics incarnate, all spells come out in code, this sister of the dark specializes in non-linear equations and shrieks that will make you wish you were never born. One of them is a lesbian vampire married to a straight man (she doesn't currently feel like murdering the straight manhusband because he makes an ok dinner). Her weapon is weaving stories that make you forget your own face, casting the most horrific of spells against the worst of huMANity and being the queer queen of hearts. One of them brings rivers of heart wrenching souls,smut and radical unicorns born out of banjo tunes. The final one embraces dorksville, constantly has a storm cloud overhead and likes to cook potions made of smoke, doom and capitalists. Together, they are a mean bunch. \n\n\nYou want President Misogyny to [[hear their rage?|rageshout]]\n\n\n\n\n
Anna\n\n\nthanks to anna anthropy, porpentine & endless google search others for secret code translators <3\nthanks to poe, chris marker, octavia butler, valerie solanas, & the pre-lubed sisters for inspiration <3
You hear a loud knocking, you are awake and all you can see is a raven over your immobilized body.\n\nYour mouth begins to open and close mechanically, you realize you are making sounds, words.... You are talking to the \nraven. Words pour out into the ever dark night...\n\n\n<<timedgoto "robot talk" 14s>>
[[How long have you been asleep for?|despair]]
Lenore. \n\nWill you lose Lenore? The last time you saw Lenore, the fight... It had ended harshly with awkward words, hot cheeks and too much cheap wine. You miss Lenore deeply. The air around you grows denser, a heart wrenching mind panicking claustrophobia set in...\n\n<<timedgoto "PostLenore" 12s>>\n\n
"Do you want an ice cream cone?" Kitty asked. \n\n"Of course," you reply. It is one of those swirly chocolate covered vanilla types,reminds you of childhood, the cone is crunchy, a wafer, tastes a bit like plastic. After eating it, your hands are sticky and you wish you had some water to wash them. \n\n[[Why is Kitty here?|brutal]] The last time you saw Kitty was before it all happened......... \n\n
\nIt feels good to be wanted. It feels good to be told you are beautiful. In someways, this world is the only world you have ever known. It makes sense and of course, a part of you, if not all of you has always desired to be exactly where you are. You like looking at your body and thinking about how he sees it. It feels good to keep your mouth shut and not cause trouble. You always just wanted to fit in, it is so much easier this way. \n\nOnly thing, do you feel this way because of [[the virus|asleep]]? Or is this [[the world|mt3]] you want?\n\n\n