Planet Kishar. What a dump. Nothing but grubby, pig-headed traders squabbling over the last denari. Trading what? Nothing but junk. Or the type of trades more respectable places would at least pretend to make illegal. But in a wasteland like Kishar, which's got nothing of value, really, anything goes. You could say it's the type of place dreams go to die, but they'd laugh in your face. Nobody goes to Kishar. [[Not on purpose, anyway.|Kisharian Slave Market]]Rows of pens, pits and cages crowd the Slave Market of Kish-Tun. The screeches and wails of their unfortunate occupants, beings of myriad species and planets emiting a caucophany of sounds as varied as their anatomies, drown out the clamor of the traders' forceful haggling. You pay no heed to such things. Not your problem, anyway. Not like you could ever afford one. But a crowded marketplace like this is just the place to [[score a few coins.|The Marks]]Drifting through the bustling throng, you watch for loose pockets. Suddenly, a fight breaks out in front of you, causing the crowd to turn their attention to the spectacle. A perfect distraction, you won't have a better chance. Gotta move quick. To your left there is a strikingly attractive woman, [[dressed in red|Lady in Red]] To your right there is a frail old man [[in fine, silk clothes|Old Rich Man]]It seems you've become distracted yourself, letting your eyes wander over her fine physique. "What's a peach like that doing in a place like this..." However enticing her body might be, your eyes don't fail to glimpse a coinbag within her half-opened purse. Snapping back from your idle infatuation, you shift slyly in her direction. "Watch your step, lady!" you say as you bump rudely into her, one hand dexterously filching the coinbag all the while. She turns to face you. Unexpectedly, [[she is smiling|Lady in Red 2]] (set: $cash += 100) Wisely, you focus your attention on the frail old man. You can't resist the call of silk, an extravagance not often seen in this backwater planet. However, a quick scan reveals no obvious purse or money-bag. Before you can look for one in the folds of his robe, the old man loses interest in the fight and turns to leave. (set: $var to (either: "oldmansucc", "oldmanfail")) [[Hastily reach your hand into his robes->$var]] [[Follow him discreetly]]Any thoughts of her body disappear from your mind as you gaze into her eyes. You completely forget about making a quick get-away before she notices the missing coinbag. Your entire universe melts away. Only her deep, dark irises remain, bottomless wells, unfathomably alluring. The sensation only lasts a moment, but somewhere in the depths of your soul, you feel permanently changed. (set: $ishtar to 1) [[Strike a conversation]] [[Turn and flee]]"Why, you're a brave one", she whispers coquettishly, one hand brushing back a lock of black curls. "Snatching my coins like that, then trying to flirt!" She laughs. "I guess you'd like to take me to dinner with my own denarin?" You stammer for an answer. "Keep them, honey. Don't mean too much to someone like me. In fact..." she leans in closely, grabbing your hand and pressing something into your fist. "Take this. So you don't forget me." (set: $starishtar to 1) <img src=“” height="100" width="100"> In your hand, you hold an [[eight-pointed star->Exit]]Overwhelmed, you break into a run, to the ringing peals of her laughter. As in a trance, you force your way through the crowd, hardly taking note of it. You don't register their drooping, haggard faces, nor their annoyed grunts of protest. Your mind is still slowly sinking into the dark depths of her eyes.. [[Slow down and relax->Slowdown]] [[Desperately, you run even faster->Exit]] (set: $runishtar to 1) (if: $starishtar is 1)[You place the star in a pocket by your chest, next to your pounding heart. You slowly make your way to an exit in a sort of trance, hardly seeing the world around you. All you can think about is her face... her perfect lips... her enchanting eyes... Is that what it was? You begin to wonder... Did she put a hex on you?] (if: $runishtar is 1)[At last you see an exit. Slowing your pace to catch your breath, you feel the desperation subside, and your mind begin to clear. What kind of demon was that?] Or is that what it feels like to be [[in love...->Later]] A few days later, the story [[gets started->Planet Kishar]]You're so tired... Seems like this crowd will never end... an unending stream, one brutish face after the next... Maybe your mind could use a little rest... You lay down on the floor, closing your eyes. In your mind's eye, all you can see are hers. Deep and dark, you long to dive in them, to uncover their secrets, to be one with their mysteries... [[A shadow slowly envelops you]]"Probably worthless," the burly Xhindonian mutters to himself. "What good is a slave that just sits there all day?" He slaps you across the face with a few of his many appendages, but to no avail. "Totally catatonic..." "Aha!" His zortax glimmers with glee. "It will make a fine mannequin!" ''An End'' Deftly, you slide your hand into a fold of his robes as he brushes past you. You snatch a heavy purse. Perhaps //too// heavy. Its jingling and rustling of his robes alerts the old man. With a surprisingly brisk swoop, he snatches your forearm and starts screaming as he rattles you. The surrounding crowd turns to face you. [[You know what they do to pickpockets in Kishar->oldmanfail2]] Deftly, you slide your hand into a fold of his robes as he brushes past you. You snatch a heavy purse, and somehow manage to slip it back out without his noticing you. Your calm face does not betray your satisfaction; it would be foolish to gloat so soon. [[You slip into the shadows->Later]] (set: $cash += 1000) "Ah, yes, young man," he startles you by saying, without turning to face you. He had shown no hint that he was aware of your presence. "I've been expecting you!" (set: $apsu to 1) He turns around, beady eyes over a wispy mustache, hands clasped reverently. [[Hear the old man out]] [[Attack him->Attack him old man]] (if: $oldmanatt1 is 1)[You bow your head reverently, (if: $oldmanatt2 is 1)[breathing heavily.] "Forgive me, master, I didn't know who I was dealing with." The old man nods and says, "like I said, I've been expecting you!"] "Well, not //you//, but someone like you." He smiles. "Perhaps I'm being cryptic. Forgive me. I've only recently arrived to your beautiful planet, and I'm looking for a local to act as a guide. I will, of course, pay you well for your services. What do you say?" [[Accept the old man's offer]] [[Reject it]] Startled, you lash out quickly, lest you lose the element of surprise. In a flash, your hands reach out to grab his throat. Effortlessly, the old man lifts his arm, pushing yours aside in one fell swoop. His hands return to their position, and he smiles at you placidly. [[Speak, old man|Hear the old man out]] [[Attack him again|Attack him old man 2]] [[Run away|Flee old man]] (set: $oldmanatt1 to 1) Roused, the crowd sets upon you, shoving and kicking you, tearing your clothes to shreds. You quickly lose consciousness. (set: $omfail to (either: "death", "hand")) When you come to, you're in the stocks, being jeered at and bullied by the throng of passers-by. Knowing you'll be given no food or water, a group of street urchins taunts you with some vegetables, only to pelt you with them, much to their amusement. (if: $omfail is "death")[After a few days of such harrowing treatment, you are relieved when the Justice-Keepers finally march you to the firing squad.] (if: $omfail is "hand")[After a few days of such harrowing treatment, the Justice-Keepers march you to a booth in the Kish-Tun County Fair. They hold a raffle among the fair-goers: the winner gets to take a Precizor Laser Blade to your right forearm. Crippled and deprived of your profession, you'll probably become a beggar. You'll never quite shake the feeling that you did not quite fulfill your destiny.] ''An End''In this life, it doesn't pay to be hasty. A pickpocket that doesn't quickly learn this lesson will quickly learn how it feels to be a dead pickpocket, or lose a hand if they're lucky. You skulk through the shadows, keeping a steady eye on the frail old man. He seems to be heading towards a desolate corner of the market. Perfect. Once you're alone, if need be you may result to force. Soon enough, there's not a soul in sight. In perfect silence, [[you sneak up to him]] You foolishly persevere in your attacks, lashing out with all your strength. You won't be beaten by an old man. But the more forceful effort you expend, the more calmly the old man seems to be in his deflections. You throw a kick to break skulls, only to have his inch out the way at the last second, seemingly effortlessly. Soon, you are exhausted. [[Submit->Hear the old man out]] [[Pretend to submit, then catch him by surprise]] (set: $oldmanatt2 to 1)Maybe there's more to this old man than meets the eye. Frightened, you break into a run, ignoring his protests. Making your way through the deserted alleyways, you quickly reach a bustling section of the market, and [[melt into the crowd|Later]]You bow your head reverently, breathing heavily. "Forgive me, master, I didn't know who I was dealing with." You bow even deeper, your head almost to his feet. In a flash, you roll forward and spring into the air, thinking to twist the man's skull. As you rise past him, the old man imperceptibly jabs you mid-brow, two fingers outstretched. Unbelievably, they break through your skull, killing you instantly. Years later, your skull will come to be on display at the Temple of Ur-Ziggel, as a //memento mori,// and a striking example of a fully-opened third eye. ''An End'' the two of you live happily ever afterPay you? As in //work?// Who does this old man think he is? The reason you eke out a living picking pockets is to never have to submit to another's authority, to never have to be at someone else's beck and call. You may be a low-life, but working is below you. "Buy yourself a dog, old man," you mutter, "or a slave, you're in the right place." You spit at his feet and walk away. Making your way through the deserted alleyways, you eventually reach a bustling section of the market, and [[melt into the crowd|Later]] (set: $apsu to 3)