[[Leaving the Spectacle|TheSpectacle]] Setting prototype draft for the up coming edition of GL. http://www.desura.com/games/grid-legion-voyage/ Made at ToJam 10. <img src="http://s17.postimg.org/5r4mof4zj/initial_concept3.jpg" alt="smiley face" width="480" height="252"/> Created by Fernando Writting Consulting by Nina Kaye Arts by Andrew Craig Shadow Side Text by Dr. Carol S. Pearson (set: $Rebel to 0) (set: $Jester to 0) (set: $Lover to 0) (set: $CareGiver to 0) (set: $Orphan to 0) (set: $Innocent to 0) (set: $Ruler to 0) (set: $Sage to 0) (set: $Magician to 0) (set: $Hero to 0) (set: $Creator to 0) (set: $Explorer to 0)<img src="http://s13.postimg.org/8mfihqdlz/storyboard2.jpg" alt="smiley face" width="640" height="370"/> There is a place where composers conjure light and shadows into a grand spectacle of images. Here they dwell. And for good reason. For beyond their spectacle lay a grand labyrinth, haunted by lost spirits and surrounded by deathly abyss. The spectacle is life. But for one, indifference is the begining of a journey... [[Dare to Turn|WanderingConjurerDenial]] <img src="http://s22.postimg.org/61387wygx/con_Denial.jpg" alt="smiley face" width="320" height="394"/> A conjurer of the spectacle approaches and says, "The spectacle is life." [[Journey into the labyrinth.|Transcendent01]]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "You are brave to venture beyond the spectacle and towards the abyss. But fear is still within you. Confronting your fear will reveal your true self. Only once you know yourself will you be able to see your way through the darkness. Seek me." [[Continue through the labyrinth.|WanderingConjurerAnger]]<img src="http://s13.postimg.org/m7chq7lg7/con_Anger.jpg" alt="smiley face" width="326" height="452"/> A wandering conjurer approaches and says, "I hate the spectacle and those who dwell there, nothing there is real." [[Continue through the labyrinth.|Rebel]] A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "As hard as you try, you might be powerless to change the world. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Rebel to 3)(goto:"Ruler")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Rebel to 2)(goto:"Ruler")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Rebel to 1)(goto:"Ruler")] A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Your spirit and joy may be forced into conformity. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Jester to 3)(goto:"Sage")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Jester to 2)(goto:"Sage")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Jester to 1)(goto:"Sage")]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Your desire for connection may not be strong enough to overcome the things that divide people. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Lover to 3)(goto:"Magician")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Lover to 2)(goto:"Magician")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Lover to 1)(goto:"Magician")]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Regardless of how much you give, some people may not appreciate you. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $CareGiver to 3)(goto:"WanderingConjurerBargaining")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $CareGiver to 2)(goto:"WanderingConjurerBargaining")] (link:"Never")[(set: $CareGiver to 1)(goto:"WanderingConjurerBargaining")]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Despite your desire to belong, you may be seen as an outsider. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Orphan to 3)(goto:"Creator")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Orphan to 2)(goto:"Creator")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Orphan to 1)(goto:"Creator")] A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Your trust might be betrayed, your faith, misplaced. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Innocent to 3)(goto:"Jester")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Innocent to 2)(goto:"Jester")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Innocent to 1)(goto:"Jester")]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Despite taking charge of a situation, things may still fall into chaos. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Ruler to 3)(goto:"Hero")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Ruler to 2)(goto:"Hero")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Ruler to 1)(goto:"Hero")]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Despite the depths of your knowledge you may have overlooked something of critical importance. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Sage to 3)(goto:"WanderingConjurerDepression")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Sage to 2)(goto:"WanderingConjurerDepression")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Sage to 1)(goto:"WanderingConjurerDepression")] A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Even the most careful plan cannot guarantee results. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Magician to 3)(goto:"WanderingConjurerAcceptance")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Magician to 2)(goto:"WanderingConjurerAcceptance")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Magician to 1)(goto:"WanderingConjurerAcceptance")]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Despite your strength, others may see you as vulnerable. How often does this fear haunt you?" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Hero to 3)(goto:"Caregiver")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Hero to 2)(goto:"Caregiver")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Hero to 1)(goto:"Caregiver")]A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Despite your imagination and careful execution your work might not live up to expectation. How often does this fear haunt you" (link:"All the time")[(set: $Creator to 3)(goto:"Lover")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Creator to 2)(goto:"Lover")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Creator to 1)(goto:"Lover")] A white cloaked conjurer approaches and says, "Despite your free will and determination you may become trapped. How often does this fear haunt you? " (link:"All the time")[(set: $Explorer to 3)(goto:"Innocent")] (link:"Sometimes")[(set: $Explorer to 2)(goto:"Innocent")] (link:"Never")[(set: $Explorer to 1)(goto:"Innocent")] Only you can free yourself from the spectacle by crossing the abyss. Why not take the time to look into your shadow? Personality Test Results: Rebel $Rebel Jester $Jester Lover $Lover CareGiver $CareGiver Orphan $Orphan Innocent $Innocent Ruler $Ruler Sage $Sage Magician $Magician Hero $Hero Creator $Creator Explorer $Explorer (Shadow Side Consulting based on the research by Carol S. Pearson, Ph.D) Take from: http://www.uiltexas.org/files/capitalconference/Twelve_Character_Archetypes.pdf The Innocent's Shadow Side: Evidenced in a capacity for denial so that you do not let yourself know what is really going on. You may be hurting yourself and others, but you will not acknowledge it. You may also be hurt, but you will repress that knowledge as well. Or, you believe what others say even when their perspective is directly counter to your own inner knowing. The Orphan's Shadow Side: The victim, who blames his or her incompetence, irresponsibility, or even predatory behavior on others and expects special treatment and exemption from life because he or she has been so victimized or is so fragile. When this Shadow of the positive Orphan is in control of our lives, we will attack even people who are trying to help us, harming them and ourselves simultaneously. Or, we may collapse and become dysfunctional (i.e. “You can’t expect anything from me. I’m so wounded/hurt/incompetent”). The Hero's Shadow Side: The villain, who uses Warrior skills for personal gain without thought of morality, ethics, or the good of the whole group. It is also active in our lives any time we feel compelled to compromise our principles in order to compete, win, or get our own way. (For example, the shadow Warrior is rampant in the business world today.) It is also seen in a tendency to be continually embattled, so that one perceives virtually everything that happens as a slight, a threat, or a challenge to be confronted. The Caregiver's Shadow Side: The suffering martyr, who controls others by making them feel guilty. “Look at all I sacrificed for you!” It evidences itself in all manipulative or devouring behaviors, in which the individual uses caretaking to control or smother others. It is also found in codependence, a compulsive need to take care of or rescue others. The Sage's Shadow Side: The Perfectionist, always striving to measure up to an impossible goal or to find the “right” solution. We see this in people whose main life activity is self-improvement, going from the health club to yet another selfimprovement course, etc., yet who never feel ready to commit to accomplishing anything The Lover's Shadow Side: Includes the sirens (luring others from their quests), seducers (using love for conquest), sex or relationship addicts (feeling addicted to love), and anyone who is unable to say no when passion descends, or is totally destroyed when a lover leaves. The Rebel's Shadow Side: Includes all self-destructive behaviors—addictions, compulsions, or activities that undermine intimacy, career success, or self-esteem—and all behaviors—such as emotional or physical abuse, murder, rape—that have destructive effects on others. The Creator's Shadow Side: Shows itself to be obsessive, creating so that so many possibilities are being imagined that none can be acted upon fully. (You might remember a film called The Pumpkin Eater, in which a woman got pregnant every time she was face-to-face with the vacuousness of her life. So, too, we can fill our emptiness with yet another inessential project, challenge, or new thing to do, as she filled herself with another baby. One variety of this is workaholism, in which we can always think of just one more thing to do. The Ruler's Shadow Side: The ogre tyrant, insisting on his or her own way and banishing creative elements of the kingdom (or the psyche) to gain control at any price. This is the King or Queen who indulges in self-righteous rages and yells, “Off with his head.” Often people act this way when they are in positions of authority (like parenting) but do not yet know how to handle the attendant responsibility. This also includes people who are motivated by a strong sense to control. The Magician's Shadow Side: The evil sorcerer, transforming better into lesser options. We engage in such evil sorcery anytime we belittle ourselves or another, or lessen options and possibilities, resulting in diminished self-esteem. The shadow Magician is also the part of us capable of making ourselves and others ill through negative thoughts and actions. The Sage's Shadow Side: The unfeeling judge—cold, rational, heartless, dogmatic, often pompous—evaluating us or others and saying we (or they) are not good enough or are not doing it right. The Jester's Shadow Side: A glutton, sloth, or lecher wholly defined by the lusts and urges of the body without any sense of dignity or self-control. <img src="http://s4.postimg.org/gr96xw1ct/con_Bargaining.jpg" alt="smiley face" width="210" height="327"/> A wandering conjurer approaches and says, "I wonder, could I go back? Life here isn't really living either." [[Continue through the labyrinth.|Explorer]]<img src="http://s28.postimg.org/vd9pa3y7x/con_Depression.jpg" alt="smiley face" width="287" height="428"/> A wandering conjurer approaches and says, "I dont want to become a phantom and I can't go back. I just want it to end." [[Continue through the labyrinth.|Orphan]]<img src="http://s2.postimg.org/evrx309zd/con_Accept.jpg" alt="smiley face" width="193" height="290"/> A wandering conjurer approaches and says, "I'm lost. But I can accept this, so long as I live forward, I'll be okay." [[Continue through the labyrinth.|Conclusion]]