<<if $rm eq 0>>\nJohn and his partner definitely left a mess from yesterday's lunch. \nWhy is there a piece of carrot on the ground? \n\nLaine is no where to be found. \n\nErica is using the shower right now so maybe it's a good time to check your [[phone|PhoneD2]] or [[email|EmailD2]]. You at least tried to make the effort to see them. \n<<else>>\nJohn and his partner definitely left a mess from yesterday's lunch. He left you a note saying he'll clean it up when he gets back today. \n\n<<if $rm eq 2>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $erica = 'yes'>>\n<<endsilently>>\nErica left a cupcake on the counter for you to thank you for the advil. She wants to [[catch up|EricatextD2]] since it's been way too long. \n<<else>>\nErica is in the shower right now, but maybe you can [[talk|EricatextD2]] with her soon?\n<<endif>>\n\nLaine has been gone for <<print $day + 1>> days.\n\n[[Check Phone|PhoneD2]]\n[[Check Email|EmailD2]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $rm = $rm + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if ($rm eq 2) or ($erica eq "yes")>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Erica</h2> \n<p>Hey! Thanks so much for the advil yesterday. It was a life saver! My friend, Matt, and I went to this crazy party that had an open bar and well, it was quite the night. Anyways, coffee soon?</p>\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n\n[[Matt?|EricaTxtBackD2]]\n\n<<else>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Erica</h2> \n<p>Hey! Missed you yesterday! Hope things are going well. Let's catch up sometime.</p>\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n\nThat's so nice of her. \n\nReply:\n[[Catch up with Erica after work?|EricaTxtBackD2]]\n<<if $lastemail eq "yes">>\n[[Just go home|HomeD2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Just go home and check for that email|HomeD2]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $rm = $rm + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $friends = $friends + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>TO: Sammie, Jordan, Simon</h2>\n<p>Hey guys. Sorry for missing yesterday. I've just been a bit busy with some stuff.</p>\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n\nNow. \nYou're really itching to check your [[email|EmailD2]] to see if Matt has replied.
<<set $work = 1>>\nIt's helpful that the apartment is only 5 minutes away from the subway station. The apartment may be small, but so is the commute. \n\nBeing a temp worker isn't the most thrilling job but you're glad to at least get the experience at the company. They've hired you on for at least six months so hopefully in that time you'll be able to find more meaningful work. \n\nYou were hoping to at least have some time to check your own email today but the new project is just getting some traction and the meetings were just back to back. \n----\n\n5:30 PM\nYou're pretty tired after a day of work, but life is just so exciting at the moment. \n<<if $email eq 1>>\nYou could see if Matt [[emailed|EmailD2]]. You're dad had said something about him only being in town for a few days so it's pretty important to catch him while he's here if you want to get in touch.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $friends eq 1>> \nOr You could see if your friends want to [[hangout again.|AfterworkD2]]\n<<endif>>\n
{{{TO: Matt "[email protected]"}}}\n{{{SUBJECT: RE: Hi.}}}\n\n{{{Hi again,}}} \n\n{{{Um, I think I can understand where you're coming from, but I'd really like to at least connect once. Maybe there is something I can help with?}}}\n\n{{{If you're still in town that is..}}}\n\n\n<<if $friends eq 0>>\nIt feels like a really awkward email, but you aren't willing to just drop this yet. Weird how he is so unwilling to reconnect. Sometimes it seems really hard to figure people out. \n\n<<if $work neq 1>>\nDefinitely time to get to [[work|WorkD2]]. \n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\n<<if ($friends gte 1) or ($rm gte 1)>>\nIt feels like a really awkward email, but you aren't willing to just drop this yet.\n\n<<if $work neq 1>>\nDefinitely time to get to [[work|WorkD2]] but maybe your friends or roommates want to do something later. It might help take your mind of this weird situation.\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $email lte 2 and $work eq 1>>\nSee if [[friends|FriendsTalkD2]] are around? \n\nOr get some [[rest|HomeD2]]. It's been a long day. \n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $day = 2>>\n<<endsilently>>\n8:30AM\n\n<<if $phone lt 2>>\nYour [[phone|PhoneD2]] didn't fall this time, but you did forget to turn on the alarm last night. 15 minutes to get ready for work today.\n<<else>>\n10 minutes.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $email eq 0>>\nYou completely forgot to check your [[email|EmailD2]] yesterday. Considering all that's happening, it's pretty important to keep it up to date don't you think?\n<<else>>\nHopefully Matt will [[email|EmailD2]] reply to you soon. He didn't really seem too excited about this whole thing but you might just be reading into it too much. \n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $rm eq 0>>\nYour [[roommates|RoommatesD2]] haven't seen you in a while. \n<<else>>\nYou wonder if Erica is feeling better and whether or not John's lunch went well. You do care about your [[roommates|RoommatesD2]] and they've been really great. \n<<endif>>
8:00 AM\n\nYou actually woke up on time today which is fantastic. You forgot your phone in the living room though so your daily routine is already broken. \n\n----\nErica is already awake. She's the only one who drinks tea in the house and the entire tea cabinet has been emptied already. You turn the corner to say good morning and there is some random man in your apartment. It is completely too early for you to deal with burgulars so you just end up staring. \n\n//"Morning! I want you to meet Matt! I know this is kind of sudden, but he's leaving tomorrow, and you two need to reconnect."//\n\nOh. \nWow, Erica. \n\n----\nYou call in sick and spend the rest of the morning in your apartment with Matt and Erica. The first ten minutes were really uncomfortable but your roommate is actually fantastic at facilitating conversation. \n\nAt the end of the day, you and Matt have actually made progress. You no longer feel like he wants nothing to do with you. He had just been having a really hard time with his mother's death. \n\nHe gives you his phone number and tells you to feel free to visit and stay at his place anytime. \n\nKeep in touch.\n\nThe End.
<<silently>>\n<<set $day = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n11:30AM\n\nYour [[phone|PhoneD1]] is on the floor again. Must have fallen when the alarm went off. At least it landed on the pillow. \n\n<<if $email eq 1>>\nHopefully Matt will reply to you soon. He didn't really seem too excited about this whole thing though.\n\nYour roomates have left the apartment. John needed to go out and get more carrots. Maybe you'll get a chance to talk to them later.\n<<else>>\n\nYou haven't been able to figure out how to properly reply to that [[email|EmailD1]] from two days ago but you should probably do that soon before it gets even more awkward. \n\n[[Their|RoommatesD1]] loud cooking doesn't help you stay in bed anyways. It's good though, you've slept in till 2:00 PM the last few days so it's about time you actually did something productive. \n<<endif>>
<html>\n<h1>EMAIL</h1>\n</html>\n<<if $email eq 0>>\nMight be a good time to reply to that email. You did want to connect with this family member. \n\n----\n[[Matt|MattD1]]\n[[Hi.|MattD1]]\n----\n{{{Jack Dingus}}}\n{{{5 Pills for only $0.99}}}\n----\n{{{Starbucks Rewards}}}\n{{{25% off your next espresso beverage}}}\n----\n{{{Job Seeker Online}}}\n{{{Update Your Profile to get more views!}}}\n----\n<<endif>>\n<<if $email eq 1>>\n----\n[[Matt|MattD2]]\n[[RE: Hi.|MattD2]]\n----\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{Hi.}}}\n----\n{{{Jack Dingus}}}\n{{{5 Pills for only $0.99}}}\n----\n{{{Starbucks Rewards}}}\n{{{25% off your next espresso beverage}}}\n----\n{{{Job Seeker Online}}}\n{{{Update Your Profile to get more views!}}}\n----\n<<endif>>\n<<if $email gt 1>>\n----\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{RE: Hi.}}}\n----\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{Hi.}}}\n----\n{{{Jack Dingus}}}\n{{{5 Pills for only $0.99}}}\n----\n{{{Starbucks Rewards}}}\n{{{25% off your next espresso beverage}}}\n----\n{{{Job Seeker Online}}}\n{{{Update Your Profile to get more views!}}}\n----\n\nMatt hasn't replied yet. \n\nMaybe check your [[phone|PhoneD2]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $email = $email + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<html>\n<h1>EMAIL</h1>\n</html>\n----\n<<if $email eq 0>>\n[[Matt|MattD1]]\n[[Hi.|MattD1]]\n<<else>>\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{Hi.}}}\n<<endif>>\n----\n{{{Jack Dingus}}}\n{{{5 Pills for only $0.99}}}\n----\n{{{Starbucks Rewards}}}\n{{{25% off your next espresso beverage}}}\n----\n{{{Job Seeker Online}}}\n{{{Update Your Profile to get more views!}}}\n----\n\n<<if $email eq 1 and $cafe eq 0>>\n[[Close Email|Day1]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $email eq 1 and $cafe eq 1>>\n[[Close Email|CafeD1]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $email gt 1>>\n[[Go Home|HomeD1]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $email = 1>>\n\n\n
<<if $erica = "yes">>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>TO: Erica</h2> \n<p>Hey! Yeah, no problem. I'm really glad it helped. Funny! I've also been having a crazy time with a person named Matt, definitely different crazy though. You free right now?</p>\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n[[Turns out she is!|MeetEricaD2]]\n\n<<else>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>TO: Erica</h2> \n<p>Hey! Yeah, we definitely should! Would you happen to be free right now?</p>\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n[[Turns out she is!|MeetEricaD2]]\n<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $rm = $rm + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $phone = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nYou haven't seen your friends in a while you really need to get better at keeping in contact with them. \n\nBut it would be really helpful to look at that email again. You did want to know more about that family member...\n\nReply:\n[[Yeah of course! Where and when?|HangoutD1]]\n[[Sorry! Got some stuff to deal with today.|CafeD1]]\n\n\n
<<if $erica = "yes">>\nYou take a bus to meet a cute local cafe. She's already there and has found a table by the window. \n\nYou both chat for a bit, but you can't help yourself and ask about this Matt guy she was talking about. She's a little embarrassed at first. She thinks you're just assuming that she hooked up with him the other night. \n\nAfter reassuring her that that was not what you were implying, you tell her about the situation you're in right now. It's just funny that two Matt's have been in your lives at the same time. \n\nThe look of shock on her face unsettles you a bit. The event isn't that uncommon. However, she then goes on to say she's 99% sure that your Matt is her Matt. \n\nShe's not completely sure, but they had been talking before and he had a very similiar situation. \n\nShe offers to [[talk to him|Day3]] about it and see if it actually is the same Matt. You're a little hesitant, as it may just weird him out further, but Erica is insistant. Who knows, maybe it'll actually help. \n<<set $ericaconvo = "yes">>\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $erica = "yes">>\nYou take the subway back to your neighbourhood and meet at the local cafe. \n\nShe's already there and has found a table by the window. \n\nYou both chat for a while and get caught up on life events. \n\n[[Tell her about your situation|TellEricaD2]] or maybe it's [[too soon|HomeD2]], you don't feel like you both are close enough yet to disclose that information yet. \n<<endif>>
<<if $cafe eq 0>>\nAs much as you like your friends and roommates. You just need some time to yourself today.\n\n---- \n<<endif>>\nThe cafe down the street from your apartment has always been really great. They've never kicked you out for sitting there all day and their coffee is cheap. \n\nThe baristas are really nice. You've been given a free refill and some samples of a pumpkin scone already.\n\nPeople walk past the window and look in (or maybe just at their reflection). It's a pretty nice day for people watching. \n\n<<if $email eq 0>>\nAfter settling down you [[check your email.|EmailD1]]\n<<else>>\n----\n\nIt's been a pretty long day. You caught up on some articles on the news and mostly just tried to find out more about Matt. Now though, it's [[time to head home|HomeD1]].\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $cafe = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
Work was absolutely tiring and you are completely drained of energy. \n\nYou recently got Netflix and the rest of tonight feels like one of those TV Show binge-watch type of nights. \n\n<<if $lastemail eq "yes">>\nYou're also just nervous to [[meet Matt|MeetMattD3]] tomorrow.\n<<else>>\nYou turn on your laptop first though to see if there are any new [[emails|EmailRepD2]]. \n<<endif>>\n\n
John is out again, probably with some of his friends or his partner. Erica is probably in bed already. Laine still hasn't been home for a while but she's a pretty busy Architecture student. \n\nThe dishes are overflowing in the sink but you just can't bring yourself to do them tonight. \n<<if $friends eq 1 and $email eq 1>>\nTalking with your friends was very calming for you. It was nice to get to talk about such an odd situation.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $friends eq 1 and $email eq 0>>\nCatching up with your friends was really nice today. Though, that email is pretty important and you should probably reply to it before it's too late.\n<<endif>>\nIt's late now though and you have work tomorrow. You have to remember to set your alarm before you fall asleep to 8:00AM. \n\n[[Go to Bed.|Day2]]\n
You call Sammie quickly to see if she, Jordan, and Simon are free again tonight. Sadly, she's not. \n\nShe's pretty sure Jordan and Simon are going to go watch a Zombie movie tonight. You are, however, not exactly feeling up for zombies at the moment. \n\nBut you make plans with her for this coming Saturday and tell her to make Jordan and Simon come as well. \n<<silently>>\n<<set $friends = $friends + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nYou have a text from [[Erica|EricatextD2]]. \n
{{{TO: Matt "[email protected]"}}}\n{{{SUBJECT: RE: Hi.}}}\n\n{{{Hi Matt,}}} \n\n{{{Sorry it's taken a while to reply. I haven't really been able to figure out what to say. Of course, I don't mean that I'm not excited to hear this news, but it's also just a little out of the ordinary. }}}\n\n{{{Maybe we can meet up to actually talk about this?}}}\n\nSpending anymore time looking it over and editing it won't change anything. \n\nSend. \n\n<<if $day eq 2>>\n[[Go back to Email|EmailedD2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Go back to Email|EmailD1]]\n<<endif>>\n
{{{Matt}}}\n{{{[email protected]}}}\n{{{Hi. }}}\n\n{{{Hey there, }}}\n\n{{{I hope I have the right person... I'm not exactly sure how this is going to sound, but certain circumstances have made this email kind of important. }}}\n\n{{{I'm pretty sure I'm your brother. Or at least, half-brother. You could probably talk to your father about it. Anyways, recently, my mother died, and I found out about all this stuff.}}}\n\n{{{Yeah, just contact dad if you want more information.}}}\n\n{{{I don't want this to be a big deal...I'm hoping we can sort this out soon. }}}\n\n{{{Thanks,}}}\n\n{{{Matt.}}}\n\n[[Reply|MattRepD1]]\n\n
{{{Matt}}}\n{{{[email protected]}}}\n{{{Hi. }}}\n\n{{{Hi, }}}\n\n{{{I guess to be completely honest, I'm not too sure about meeting. This is a lot to handle at the moment and nothing personal, but I'm not really up for making my life more complicated.}}}\n\n{{{Sorry. Don't mean to be rude.}}}\n\n{{{Thanks,}}}\n\n{{{Matt.}}}\n[[Reply|ReplyMattD2]]\n
<html>\n<h1>EMAIL</h1>\n</html>\nIt looks like that's all the emails you have for now. \n\n----\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{Hi.}}}\n----\n{{{Jack Dingus}}}\n{{{5 Pills for only $0.99}}}\n----\n{{{Starbucks Rewards}}}\n{{{25% off your next espresso beverage}}}\n----\n{{{Job Seeker Online}}}\n{{{Update Your Profile to get more views!}}}\n----\n\n<<if $work neq 1>>\nTime for [[work!|WorkD2B]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $phone eq 0>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<p>Whoops. It looks like these were old messages from yesterday.</p>\n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Sammie</h2> \n<p>Hey! Haven't heard from you in a while! How have you been? I think Jordan, Simon, and I are going to do something in the park today, want to come?</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Jordan</h2> \n<p>Hey, how have you been? Are you free at 2PM today?</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Simon</h2> \n<p>Did you still have that extra coffee?</p>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\nIt may be a good idea to [[reply|ApologizeD2]] to your friends saying sorry for missing yesterday. \n\nOr you can check your [[email|EmailD2]].\n<<endif>>\n<<if $phone eq 1 and $friends eq 0>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n<div class="phone">\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Sammie</h2> \n<p>Hey! I'm sad we couldn't hang out yesterday! It's been way too long and we all need to catch up. Let us know when you're free ok?</p>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\nSammie has always been a great friend to you. She's great at keeping in contact. [[Reply?|SammieD2]]\n\nOr you can check your [[email.|EmailD2]] \n<<endif>>\n<<if $phone eq 1 and $friends eq 1>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Sammie</h2> \n<p>Hangouts were great yesterday! Hope the whole family member situation is going alright. You know we're here to help!</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Jordan</h2> \n<p>Did you ever hear anything back from that Matt guy?</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Simon</h2> \n<p>Completely forgot to take the coffee! Haha</p>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n\nCatching up with your friends was great yesterday. You hadn't been in touch for a while. \n\n<<if $email eq 0>>\nSometimes it's just a lot [[easier|FriendsD2]] to keep the friends you have than worry about connecting with other people.\n<<endif>>\n\nBut have you checked your [[email|EmailD2]] from Matt? \n<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $phone = $phone + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Sammie</h2> \n<p>Hey! Haven't heard from you in a while! How have you been? I think Jordan, Simon, and I are going to do something in the park today, want to come?</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Jordan</h2> \n<p>Hey, how have you been? Are you free at 2PM today?</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>Simon</h2> \n<p>Did you still have that extra coffee?</p>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n\n[[Reply|ReplyMsgs]] or [[Ignore|IgnoreMsgs]] for now?\n\n\n\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $friends = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nYour friends are really important to you. University just wouldn't have been the same if you hadn't had them to help you along the way. \n\n2:00PM\n\nThe park is pretty nice. It's autumn right now so the leaves have changed. Sammie is always taking pictures of nature so it's pretty easy to spot her from far away. \n<<if $email eq 1>>\n----\n"Just randomly, he emailed you?"\n\n"Yeah, the email came two days ago, and I just put it off until this morning. It's really weird. I talked to my dad for a bit about it and at least I know the guy is telling the truth."\n\n"Are you going to try to meet with him? I mean, it's kind of odd, but also pretty cool"\n\n"Maybe...He didn't really seem all that interested.."\n----\n<<endif>>\nThe sunsets a little earlier now and it gets cold faster. You all head home but promise to actually do this more often. \n\n[[Time to go home.|HomeD1]]\n
<<if $rm eq 1>>\nJohn is still cooking lunch. A pot has boiled over and there is a piece of carrot on the ground. \n\nErica got up now and moved to the bathroom. Maybe let her have some [[advil|RMBonusD1]]?\n\nStill no sign of Laine. She's probably still in her architecture studio finishing up some master's assignment.\n\n[[Go out|CafeD1]]\n<<else>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $rm = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\nJohn's cooking lunch for his partner who is supposed to be coming in from his farm later today. \n\nErica's still sleeping on the couch (didn't make it to her bed last night). \n\nLaine hasn't been home for <<print $day + 1>> days. \n\nYou chat with John for a bit, grab some cereal, and check your [[phone|PhoneD1]].\n<<endif>>\n\n
You take the subway back to your neighbourhood and meet at the local cafe. \n\nShe's already there and has found a table by the window. \n\nYou both chat for a while and get caught up on life events. \n\nTell her about your situation.\n\nThe look of shock on her face unsettles you a bit. The event isn't that uncommon. People find out about random family members all the time. \n\nYou find out though that she's really shocked because she's 99% sure that she knows the Matt you're talking about. The person she had been partying with the other night was a Matt who funnily enough had told her about a similiar situation he was in. \n\nIt's your turned to be shocked now. \n\nShe offers to [[talk to him|Day3]] about it and see if it actually is the same Matt. You're a little hesitant, as it may just weird him out further, but Erica is insistant. Who knows, maybe it'll actually help.
<<silently>>\n<<set $friends = $friends + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<html>\n<h1>TEXT MESSAGES</h1> \n\n<div class="phone">\n\n<div class="txtbox">\n<h2>TO: Sammie</h2>\n<p>Hey! Sorry for missing yesterday. Definitely, we should get together soon!</p>\n</div>\n<p class="clear"></p>\n</html>\n\nIt's definitely important to maintain relationships. \n\nSpeaking of relationships, about time to find out more about that [[family member|EmailD2]].\n
<<set $work = 1>>\nIt's helpful that the apartment is only 5 minutes away from the subway station. The apartment may be small, but so is the commute. \n\nBeing a temp worker has not been the most thrilling job but experience at the company is very valuable. They've hired you on for at least six months so hopefully in that time you'll be able to find more meaningful work. \n\nYou were hoping to at least have some time to check your own email today but the new project is just getting some traction and the meetings were just back to back. \n----\n\n5:30PM\nYou're pretty tired after a day of work, but life is just so exciting at the moment. \n<<if ($friends eq 0) and ($email gte 2)>>\n\nYou haven't seen your [[friends|PhoneD2]] in a while, but [[Matt|EmailRepD2]] has replied back already. \n<<endif>>\n<<if ($friends gte 1) and ($email gte 2)>>\nYou're still anxious about that email you sent. Why doesn't he want to meet? Family is pretty important and it would be great to at least try to get to know more about each other. \n\nTalk to [[friends|FriendsTalkD2]]. \nGo home to check [[email|EmailRepD2]].\n<<endif>>\n<<if $rm gte 1>>\nYou also have a text from [[Erica|EricatextD2]]. \n<<endif>>
<<if $rm eq 1>>\nYou just don't really feel like texting right now. \n\nIt sounds like your [[roommates|RoommatesD1]] are still in the kitchen though. \n\nOr maybe you'd just like to spend some time [[alone|CafeD1]] today. \n<<else>>\nYou just don't really feel like texting right now. \n\nIt sounds like your [[roommates|RoommatesD1]] are in the kitchen though. Maybe spend some time catching up with them?\n\nOr maybe you'd just like to spend some time [[alone|CafeD1]] today. \n<<endif>>
You feel that there isn't really enough time right now to make new relationships with people right now anyways. Besides, this person hadn't been in your life before and showed no interest to be in it now. Why do they want to contact you all of a sudden?\n\nNo. This is much better. You'll just go out with your friends after work. No need for change in your life. \n\nThe End.
h1\n{\n font-size: 17px;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-family: helvetica, tahoma;\n}\n\n.email\n{\n font-family: courier new;\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n\n.txtbox\n{\n background-color: #ffffff;\n color: #000000;\n font-family: courier new;\n font-size: 13px;\n margin: 5px;\n width: 200px;\n float: left;\n min-height: 250px;\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.txtbox h2\n{\n background-color: #d2dbdc;\n display: block;\n font-family: helvetica, ariel;\n font-size: 15px;\n padding: 5px;\n}\n\n.txtbox p\n{\n padding: 5px;\n}\n\n.phone\n{\n width: 650px;\n}\n\n.clear\n{\n clear: both;\n}\n\n.passage\n{\n font-size: 13px;\n}
Are you sure you don't want to check that [[email|EmailD2]] from Matt?\n\nYou'd like to set up another time to meet with your friends too. Maybe [[after work?|AfterworkD2]]\n
{{{Matt}}}\n{{{[email protected]}}}\n{{{Hi. }}}\n\n{{{Hi, }}}\n\n{{{Sure. That seems fair. I'm in town until the day after tomorrow so if you can make it tomorrow, I can meet. I'll be at the Starbucks on Bloor and Bay, in the Indigo.}}}\n\n{{{Thanks,}}}\n\n{{{Matt.}}}\n\nGreat! ... You think...\n<<if ($friends gte 1) and ($rm gte 1)>>\nYour phone is blinking. [[Check it.|EricatextD2]]\n\nOr ignore the blinking. \n<<endif>>\nJust [[meet Matt tomorrow|MeetMattD3]].\n\n<<set $lastemail = "yes">>
<<silently>>\n<<set $friends = 0>>\n<<set $rm = 0>>\n<<set $phone = 0>>\n<<set $email = 0>>\n<<set $cafe = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<html>\n<h1>EMAIL: </h1>\n</html>\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{[email protected]}}}\n{{{Hi. }}}\n\n{{{Hey there, }}}\n\n{{{I hope I have the right person... I'm not exactly sure how this is going to sound, but certain circumstances have made this email kind of important. }}}\n\n{{{I'm pretty sure we're related. Or at least, half-brother. You could probably talk to your father about it. Anyways, recently, my mother died, and I found out about all this stuff.}}}\n\n{{{Yeah, just contact dad if you want more information.}}}\n\n{{{I don't want this to be a big deal...I'm hoping we can sort this out soon. }}}\n\n{{{Thanks,}}}\n\n{{{Matt.}}}\n\n[[Time to Wake Up|Day1]]\n\n//Throughout the story be sure to read through all the options and text before proceeding//\n
<html>\n<h1>EMAIL</h1>\n</html>\nOh good, Matt has replied.\n----\n[[Matt|LastRepD2]]\n[[RE: Hi.|LastRepD2]]\n----\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{RE: Hi.}}}\n----\n{{{Matt}}}\n{{{Hi.}}}\n----\n{{{Jack Dingus}}}\n{{{5 Pills for only $0.99}}}\n----\n{{{Starbucks Rewards}}}\n{{{25% off your next espresso beverage}}}\n----\n{{{Job Seeker Online}}}\n{{{Update Your Profile to get more views!}}}\n----\n\n<<if $friends gte 1 and $rm gte 1>>\nBut you also have a text from [[Erica|EricatextD2]].\n<<endif>>
You call in sick at work the next day (which may seem irresponsible, but perhaps the context makes up for that). \n----\nBay and Bloor isn't too far from your area. The walk there helps you shake off some of the anticipation but not completely. \n\n<<if ($friends eq 0) or ($rm eq 0)>>\nYou feel bad for neglecting your <<if $friends eq 0>>friends<<endif>><<if ($friends eq 0) and ($rm eq 0)>> and <<endif>><<if $rm eq 0>>roommates<<endif>> lately. You haven't connected with them in a while.\n<<endif>>\n----\nWhen you get there, you figure the guy sitting alone awkwardly is Matt. \n\nThe conversation goes kind of awkwardly and in the end it was an hour of you trying to engage him and not getting much back from it. \n\nHe's leaving the next day but you're able to get his phone number and address so if anything you can at least send him things for special occassions. \n\nYou leave the Starbucks feeling a little unsatisfied, but at least you were able to connect with him. Family is family and maybe one day you'll be able to move further than this. \n\nThe End. \n\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $rm = $rm + 1>>\n<<set $erica = "yes">>\n<<endsilently>>\n\nYou're such a good roommate. \n\n[[Go out|CafeD1]]\n
Tiffany Lin