\n\n\t"He has hidden himself in an abandoned prison called Hold 'T'. Back in the day, prisoners of war or of the land were placed into forts and left to live the rest of their lives." Amelia prepares a horse with traveling gear. "It's a long distance from here and he will be expecting us."\n\t"How does he know we are coming?"\n\t"He has more sources than you can imagine. I have no doubt that Bane knows you survived Destiny's Rest. <<if $corrupted >=1>>Since you haven't reported back to him by now, <<endif>>I'm sure he suspects you are coming directly for him now that you have become so powerful."\n\t"How do you know about all this?"\n\tAmelia smiles at you as she mounts the horse. "I am //very// well connected."\n\t"Who are you?"\n\t"Oh, it's a long and dull story." Amelia winks.\n\n\tYou and Amelia traveled for three days. During the night, Amelia would vanish and reappear just in time to travel the next morning. You aren't able to place her, but you decide that it doesn't matter in the end. What matters is ending this war.\n\n\tOn the third day, just as the sun begins to set, Amelia turns to you. "We are here."\n\tShe points at an old stone structure that resembles an olden fortress. "How do you want to proceed?"\n\n\t[[Your call.|proceed]]\n\t\n\t<<if $agi >=2>>[[Sneak and Seek.|proceed]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $frt >=2>>[[Storm the Fort.|proceed]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $wis >=2>>[[Climb and Strike.|proceed]]<<endif>>
\n\n\t"Perfect!" Rain lifted up a bucket and offered it to you.\n\tAs the two of you went to the river, Rain quickly reminded you how to cleanse the water. <<if $int >=1>>You remembered clearly, but you decided a refresher wasn't the worst thing in the world.<<endif>>\n\t\n\tThis continued for the first few weeks. Cleansing the water became a simple task as time passed and you enjoyed the conversations with Rain. She always had something to talk about and you could feel yourself learning as time passed.\n\n//Gained 1 Intellect. Your Intellect is now <<$int>>//\n\n<<if $int >=3>>//You've Earned The [O' Wise Man] Achievement for reaching Maximum Intellect!//<<endif>>\n\n\tIn the coming months, you began to read several books that Rain wrote theorizing about your powers and expanding your knowledge and control over it. In your spare time, Rain began to teach you how to cook with a splash of magic. She taught you basic sparring and different techniques for battling with magic.\n\n\tAs the months turned into a year, you learned to work around the hut on your own. Rain began to spend her days reading or learning to advance her own powers. It was always a wonder to watch her manipulate the world around her with very little effort.\n\n\tWhen Rain made her weekly trips to the nearest village for supplies, you would join her and listen to the rumor mill. From what you could pick up, the battle between the destined and the corrupt was becoming more and more terrifying to the human race. Some whispered of rebellion, but they were quickly hushed in fear of the powerful beings that protected them.\n\n[[Ask Rain about the rumors|gossip]]\n\n[[Ignore it and move on.|nextplease]]
\n\n\t"How could you not know-" the governor begins to ask frantically.\n\t"It's quite alright," Amelia interrupts, "I understand that the villages in this region aren't exposed to many Destined. We are guardians who can access a special force that you might call magic."\n\tAmelia raises her hand and a small glow begins to form above it. "It's quite a useful skill as we can create anything our mind can imagine." The light forms into a small flame. "It does take quite the toll on our stamina, however. Pushing yourself too far could result in some serious damage. Some cases have even ended in death, so we must pace ourselves."\n\t"They have been sent by The Keeper and the gods to protect humanity!" The governor looks at Amelia with wonder. "They look just like us but are so much more."\n\t"Please, governor. We simply seek to help, nothing more."\n\n\n\n\t[["It's an honor.|imposter]]
\n\n"The Destined were created by the Keeper as protectors of humanity. Unfortunately, it seems that some have become corrupted. We are still looking for the source of this corruption."\n\n[[Didn't The Keeper or you see this coming?|justbecauseyoucan]]
\n\n\tYou decide to make a break for it and continue traveling through the night. It was colder than you expected, but you shake it off and continue. You are relieved when the sun comes up and you see a small village in the distance. It seems your decision has brought you to Neon Village far sooner than expected.\n\n\t[[Whoo!|enterneon]]
\n\n\tYou feel the panic fill you with the realization that Caraway is lost. You decide that the best option is to run away.\n\n\tAs the flames begin to seem distant, you continue to run for the distant hills. To your surprise, you see a figure running after you.\n\t\n\t"You! Are you abandoning the Destined in this skirmish?" calls the man.\n\n\t[[Turn and surrender to the man.|dontabandon]]\n\t[[Just keep running.|dontabandon]]\n\t<<if $int >=1>> [[Yell back, "I'm a local of Caraway and I'm running for my life!"|soclose]] <<endif>>
\n\n\t"And it's an honor to meet you." Amelia bows with a smile.\n\t"Off we go then!" the governor extends a hand into his home. "I must get this nutmeg to the staff and I've yet to show you the namesake of our little village. Off you go, <<$name>>!"\n\t"I'm afraid we don't have time for that anymore, governor." Amelia gestures past you. You turn to see a messenger entering the governor's residence.\n\t"Governor, a message from this evening's guest!"\n\tThe governor raises a confused brow. "That can't be right, our guest is right here."\n\tAmelia shrugs. "Honestly, I'm just an imposter. You should see what your guest says."\n\tThe governor gives Amelia a bewildered look. He then shakily takes the message and reads it.\n\tAmelia looks to you with a grin. "Honestly, I was hoping to see you."\n\t"Why?" you ask.\n\t"Now's not the time, <<$name>>. How fast can you run?"\n\t"Wait, this can't be right," mutters the governor, "It says that there is a 'corrupted destined' amongst my staff? The letter says help is coming."\n\t\n\t[[How fast can I run? What?|boom]]\n\t[['Corrupted'? What does that mean?|boom]]\n\t[[Shouldn't we be concerned about Amelia being an imposter?|boom]]\n
\n\n\t"Gods is what your people have always called us, but we don't enjoy the title as you might think. We are Elders, beings sworn to serve Tieron and Our Keeper." Esanos looks up at the glass. "Above is a depiction of us all. Twenty-four in total. It's true that we are not human, but we are most certainly not gods."\n\tEsanos offers you a hand. You take it and he pulls you onto your feet. "We each have different qualities that allows us to serve Tieron in our own unique way. I am able to manipulate the flow of time. It's a power I use lightly, but I was able to intervene and save you."\n\t"Thanks," you say, "But... Why me?"\n\t"You're important. I have seen into the possible futures and I see you as a constant variable in each. Had you died... Well, let's just say this is preferred. You have a few decisions to make in the coming days and they will change the course of history. To start with, you are Destined. You will learn to use your powers soon."\n\n\t[[Destined? Wow that's... Something alright...|questions]]\n
\n\n\t//The months that came were filled with traveling. After helping the people of Neon back on their feet, Aviara went to other villages in need. Throughout the journey, Aviara would take time to train you to use your powers. You learned the basics of conjuring spells such as fire and ice.\n\tOne day, Aviara led you away from her group and into a forest. She didn't tell you why, but at this point you learned to trust her. The two of you walked for an hour before coming into a large clearing with a wooden hut in the center...//\n\n\n\tAs soon as Aviara opened the door to the hut, a voice came from within.\n\t"Aviara? You're back so soon this time!"\n\tFrom another room rushes a girl. She looks surprised when she sees you. "And you've brought a guest! Great! Hello!"\n\tYou greet the girl, who has striking blue hair and eyes. She seems to be young, perhaps still in her teen years.\n\t"This is <<$name>>," Aviara says, "He's a new apprentice I picked up recently."\n\t"A new apprentice?" you ask.\n\t"Yes, this girl is also an apprentice of mine." Aviara motions to the girl. "Call her Rain."\n\t"Hello," Rain says again with a big smile. She extends a hand. "It's always a pleasure to meet a friend of Aviara's!"\n\n\t[[Shake Rain's hand.|pleasant]]\n\t[["You have another apprentice?"|jealousy]]\n\n\t
\n\n\t"Your kind would call him a God, and this his temple." Amelia motions to the pitch black building behind you. "They are called Elders and there are twenty-four of their kind. Esanos can look into time, some even say he can control it. But like The Keeper, he refuses to abuse his powers."\n\tAmelia unsheaths a dagger. "But nevermind that, I imagine you have quiet the adventure ahead of you, so this might be needed."\n\n//Recieved [Amelia's Dagger]//\n\n\t"Keep that close, I'll collect it from you again someday."\n\n\t[[Thanks.|decisions]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $name to prompt("What's your name?", "Garrett")>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\tYou awake to the morning sun coming through your window. It's an ordinary day and you enjoy what precious moments you have left to stay in bed. As always, you begin to count it down.\n\n3...\n2...\n1...\n\n\t"<<$name>>," your sister calls, "Don't make me come to toss you out of bed!"\n\n\tYou groan loudly in response and get up. You throw on some clothes and head into the dining room for breakfast.\n\t"Hello Samantha." You offer a thankful smile as your sister hands you a bowl of steaming soup.\n\t"Do me a favor today," Samantha asks, "After your morning routine, could you take these nutmegs to the governor's place? Apparently there are some special visitors today and he requested these."\n\t"Sure." You take the pouch.\n\n//You've received [Nutmeg Pouch]//\n<<nobr>>\n<<set $nutmegpouch to 1>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\tThe two of you finish your meals. Samantha leaves before you to manage the local tavern. You gather your things and get ready to begin your day. As any day, you must ([[gather and chop some wood for tonight|woodchopper]]/[[feed the elderly neighbor's pigs|pigchaser]]/[[tutor at the local school|tutor]]).
\n\n\t"I'll help gather materials!"\n\tThe crowd turns to you, and Aviara smiles appraisingly.\n\t"That's the kind of initiative that we need in this crisis," Aviara says, "What's your name?"\n\t"<<$name>>."\n\t"Aright <<$name>>, gather from the forest north of here. Will anyone else go with this young lad?"\n\n\tA number of hands rise and the next thing you know, you're traveling once again with a group of strangers.\n\n\t<<if $fort >=1>>The process of gathering wood is quick and you spend most of the time gathering information from the other gatherers. To your surprise, most had negative opinions on the destined. Some even blamed them for the war and constant attacks on villages.<<endif>>\n\t<<if $fort =0>>The process of gathering wood is tiring. It takes several hours and the party doesn't even gather its goal before darkness begins to fall.<<endif>>\n\t<<if $int >=1>>You decide that there's still some time left when all is said and done. You rally up the gatherers and lead them in a small hunt. You don't catch much, but it's still more food for the village.<<endif>>\n\n[[Time to report to Aviara.|aviara]]
\n\n\t"I'm certain you have questions. Go ahead and ask away."\n\n\n\t[[My sister, is she...?|sorrysosorry]]\n\t[[What happened in Caraway? Who are the Corrupted?|corrupted]]\n\t[[Did anyone else survive?|thelastofyourkind]]\n\t[[What should I do now?|whatistocome]]\n\t[[I'm ready.|closingtime]]
\n\n\t<<if $agi =1>>You pretend to offer the thief your satchel. As he reaches for it, you quickly grasp Amelia's Dagger and bring it down on his extended arm. As he cries in pain, you use the dagger to pull him off his horse and finish the job.\n\n\tYou've got blood on your hands now, but if you are as important as Esanos said, you must survive. It's a shame the horse got spooked and ran off, you might've made it to Neon a bit faster. But ultimately, you arrive!\n\n\t[[Enter Neon Village|enterneon]]<<endif>>\n\t<if $agi =0>> You yell defiantly, draw Amelia's dagger, and run at the thief. Unfortunately, his sword has a better reach than your dagger and he does have the higher ground.\n\n\tAt least he cuts you down quickly.\n\n\t[[You are dead. Try again?|playitsafe]]<<endif>>
\n\n\t"Destiny is one hell of a target. Practically a goddess amongst men, not even I could best her." Amelia looks at you with a grin. "But we don't have to best //her//."\n\t"What do you mean?"\n\t"People like her, all morally good, tend to have a //reason// to fight. You take away the reason and you take away the fight. You see, Commander Destiny is in love with another destined named Raven. Now Raven... He is surmountable."\n\tYou nod. "I like that idea. And Destiny?"\n\t"Destroyed emotionally and without a purpose to fight."\n\t"Then where can we find Raven?"\n\t"A little refuge called Heritage."\n\n\tYou and Amelia travel by foot for two days. Thankfully, Heritage wasn't far nor was it hard to enter. You were surprised to see how large it was, almost the size of a city. It was a makeshift city however, for the abodes were made of scavenged materials and there was an extremely large tent that served as a base of operations.\n\t"I would have thought the destined were capable of more impressive homes," you wonder aloud.\n\t"Honestly, destined are nomads. They live in the city of humans, this is the first destined founded city. It was only founded during a crisis that forced Pure destined Miustea to set up a camp that eventually became Heritage. Story for another day."\n\t"You seem to have a lot of stories."\n\tAmelia laughs. "I've seen quite a lot of things." She points at the large tent. "Raven will be in there. How do you want to proceed?"\n\n\t[[Your call.|proceed2]]\n\t\n\t<<if $agi >=2>>[[Sneak and Seek.|proceed2]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $frt >=2>>[[Storm the Tent.|proceed2]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $wis >=2>>[[Burn and Strike.|proceed2]]<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $agi += 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n\tThe sweet woman who lives just half a mile away from you has a small farm of pigs, but it was usually her late husband who herded them. Since his passing, you have leant a helping hand and fed the little buggers every morning. Not only do you get a few biscuits for your trouble, you have also become rather quick on your feet.\n\n//Gained 1 Agility. Your Agility is now <<$agi>>!//\n\nWith the little porklings fed, you make your way into Caraway village to make your delivery to the governor. You munch on a few biscuits along the way.\n\n[[Go see the governor|governorsplace]]
\n\n\t//In the books of Tieron, the day of the Destiny Trap will always be known as humanity's darkest hour. When <<$name>> dismantled the destined, he ushered in a new dark age where the corrupted brought the human race to the edge of extinction.\n\nWhat happened to <<$name>>? Some say he led the corrupted armies against us all. Others claim that our final champion, Rain, found and killed him. Either way, it is certain that <<$name>> ushered in the End of Humanity.//\n\nCongratulations! You have achieved the [End of Humanity] ending!\n\nThe End.
\n\n\t//In the books of Tieron, the day of the Destiny Trap will always be known as humanity's darkest day. When <<$name>> dismantled the destined, he ushered in a new dark age where the corrupted brought the human race to the edge of extinction.\n\nWhat happened to <<$name>>? Some say he found Rain and turned against the corrupted. Others say he stepped away from the world and sailed off across the seas. Either way, it is certain that <<$name>> ushered in the End of Days.//\n\nCongratulations! You have achieved the [End of Days] ending!\n\nThe End.
\n\n\tYour thoughts go to your sister and you run straight into the village in hopes of finding her. The buildings collapse around you, but you are lucky enough to find a path through the wreckage.\n\tAhead you see a man creating flames from his hands and throwing them into nearby buildings. He hasn't noticed you yet.\n\n\t[[Try to run past him|flamed]]\n\t[[Stop and go around|flamed]]\n\t<<if $frt>=1>> [[Run at him and shove him aside|struggle]] <<endif>>
\n\n\tYou keep running but it seems the man heard you and stopped chasing. You run into the hills and keep running as fast as you can until you can't see the smoke above Caraway any longer.\n\tYou begin to plan your survival since the nearest village is a four days journey. All you will really need is some water and perhaps some berries to hold you over.\n\tYour train of thought is interrupted as a loud snarl alerts you to danger. Too late, however, as a pair of paws pushes on your back and you fall to the floor.\n\n\n\t[[It's all going black...|divineintervention]]
\n\n\tYou decide to set up camp and start a fire from the supplies Amelia gave you. It's a pretty cold night, but you eventually nod off.\n\n\tThe morning sun wakes you. You continue your travels, keeping yourself preoccupied with thoughts of what has happened in the past twenty-four hours. You still can't quite accept that Caraway is gone. It's so surreal.\n\n\t<<if $int =1>>Your thoughts are broken when the sound of hooves reaches your ears. You quickly decide that it's impossible to say if they are friend or foe, so you immediately drop to the ground and lay yourself flat. The hooves come and go. You wait a while longer before standing again and resuming your trek.\n\n\tNight comes and goes again, but early the next day you see Neon Village rise over the hills. [[Finally!|enterneon]]<<endif>>\n\n\t<<if $int =0>> Your thoughts are broken when the sound of hooves reaches your ears. You scan the horizon to see a horseman passing by. You don't think much of it until the horse suddenly moves towards you.\n\tYou panic and try to run. The horse quickly gains on you, so you turn to face the rider. You see the man with dirty clothes pull on the reins to stop the horse. He draws a large blade and points it at you.\n\t"Give me everything you have."\n\tOh no, a thief!\n\n\t[[Relinquish your satchel|youdontneeditanymore]]\n\t[[Attack the thief.|nobodystealsfromme]]<<endif>>
\n\n\t"Can't you see she is manipulating you?" Rain cries out.\n\tYou look at Amelia and then Rain. You shake your head. "I have something I //need// to do. You would do best if you ran from this place."\n\tRain's eyes become sad. "This is the path the Keeper's chosen has decided on then?<<if $destined >=1>> I thought of you in brighter lights, <<$name>>. I really thought we...<<endif>>"\n\tRain turns her back to you without another word and walks away.\n\n\t"Interesting," Amelia says, "She could have stopped us. I don't know who is stronger, her or Destiny. Ah well, our time is running short."\n\n\t[["Then let's find the Raven."|bestingdestiny]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $destined to 1>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n\t"Then you will want to take up arms with the destined." Amelia points off into the distant rolling hills. "Travel there, follow the sunset. It'll be a two days journey, but you will reach a village called Neon. Neon recently suffered an attack from the corrupted, much like your own home. But they were able to survive thanks to the protection of Aviara, a powerful destined."\n\tAmelia offers you a satchel. "Supplies for the trip."\n\n\tYou part ways with Amelia and begin your journey. Night comes quickly and you must choose a course of action.\n\n\t<<if $frt =0>>[[Continue through the night|icantmakeit]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $frt >=1>>[[Continue through the night|fasttrack]]<<endif>>\n\t[[Set up camp for the night|playitsafe]]
Act Three Begins Here
Second Act Starts Here
\n\n\t"Oh, why would you want to talk about me? It's a long and dull story and not very relevant at the moment. What I can tell you is that I'm not destined... or corrupted. I'm something else. Something new."\n\tAmelia unsheathes a dagger. "But never mind that, I imagine you have quiet the adventure ahead of you, so this might be needed."\n\n//Recieved [Amelia's Dagger]//\n\n\t"Keep that close, I'll collect it from you again someday."\n\n\t[[Thanks.|decisions]]
\n\n\t"Change of plans."\n\tBehind you stands Crewn. <<if $corrupted >=1>>You are surprised to see him but stand your ground.\n\t"You!" Crewn spits. "I knew you were weak."<<endif>><<if $destined >=1>>You grasp your dagger and hold your ground.\n\t"Cursed destined. You should have all died at Destiny's Rest."\n\tYou look at Amelia. "That's Crewn. A high-ranking soldier in the corrupted armada."<<endif>>\n\t"And you!" Crewn points at Amelia. "We trusted you, traitor, but you were just playing us. You played all of us and for what, this kid?"\n\tAmelia rolls her eyes. "This one is all yours, <<$name>>."\n\n\t[[Kill Crewn|finishhim]]\n\t\n\t[[Incapacitate Crewn|mercyforthosewithout]]
\n\n\tIt's probably best to confirm your instinct before acting on them. You get the attention of an old man in the crowd and ask about the woman.\n\t"That's Aviara," the old man says, "She's the destined that's watched over Neon since I was a child."\n\n\t[[Is there anything I can do to help Neon?|berrypicker]]\n\t[[Since you were a child?|questioneverything]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $guardian to 1>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n\t"Humanity has been waiting for someone like you," Amelia says, "And I leave it to you to guide my blade."\n\tAmelia helps you to your feet. "We should strike soon. We will go to Neon Village so you may recover, but I want you to think on who you believe should be our target. Destiny is the leader of the destined. The corrupted are led by a necromancer called Bane. Either target will push the advantage to the opposing faction, but once this conflict has ended humanity will have room to breathe."\n\t\n\tAmelia takes you to Neon where you spend a week recovering. The village is shaken but making a surprising recovery. You feel a swell of pride for humans, which you believed yourself to be for so long.\n\t\n\tAt the end of the week, Amelia brandishes a newly forged dagger and offers it to you.\n\t\n\t"What is your choice?"\n\n\tYou take the dagger from Amelia.\n\t\n\t[["Destiny must fall."|dismantleher]]\n\t\n\t[["Bane will meet his end."|baneofbane]]
\n\n\tYou turn on your feet and react swiftly to the knight's blade. As it comes for you, you duck beneath it and quickly reach for the hilt. Thanks to element of surprise, you are able to pull the blade out of the knight's grasp. Before you can do anything more, he rides away.\n\tNow armed with a blade, you continue to make your way home. Thankfully you don't encounter anyone else. You enter the house and quickly check for your sister, but she is nowhere to be found. You hope that she got out in time.\n\tThat's when you notice the smell of something burning. As the ceiling in the next room collapses and the flames begin to spread, it dawns on you that no one will be spared.\n\n\t[[It's all going black...|divineintervention]]
\n\n\t"No. You are the last citizen of Caraway."\n\n\t[[...|questions]]
\n\n\tYou decide that the safest place for you right now is home. You take the long way around the village and stick to the outskirts to get there. From here, you're able to see several figures moving through the village and throwing flames into the buildings. You only have a quarter of the way left when you hear the sound of hooves.\n\tA quick scan of your surroundings reveals a radiantly armored knight riding a horse straight for you with his sword raised.\n\n\t[[Keep running!|skewered]]\n\t[[Try to duck beneath the blade|skewered]]\n\t<<if $agi >=1>> [[Attempt to disarm the knight|skillful]] <<endif>>
\n\n\t"Yes, does it bother you?" Aviara walks up to Rain and sizes her up. "I've been training Rain since she was a little girl. Let's see... It's been six months, no?"\n\t"Yes, Aviara." Rain grins and embraces Aviara. "Sorry the place is a mess, I wasn't expecting you this early."\n\t"There's been a lot of unexpected happenings." Aviara glances at you. "<<$name>> is... special. You might say chosen."\n\tRain looks at you curiously.\n\t"Rain is a very powerful destined. She has devoted her life to studying the powers we command and has become more powerful than anyone I know. If someone is going to train you, it's her."\n\tYou furrow your brow. "I thought you were going to train me?"\n\t"I have been up until this point. But I'm very busy and the constant traveling isn't the most suitable training environment. Here, you are secluded and hid away; it's the perfect place for you to continue your training.\n\t"Wait, //I'm// going to teach him," Rain asks, "But I'm still studying myself!"\n\t"Still studying?" Aviara laughs. "You know more about our power than I do now. <<$name>> has a grasp on the basics, I'm sure you can easily teach him the next level."\n\tRain wrinkles her nose. "I guess."\n\t"Good. Then I'm off." Aviara turns to you. "The corrupted become harder to contain every day. I trust that you are alright with this arrangement?"\n\t\n\t[["I suppose. Rain seems like a nice enough girl."|djabbic]]\n\t\n\t[["But you're Aviara. Wouldn't you be a better mentor than... this girl?|djabbic]]\n\t
\n\n\tYou ready your dagger and lunge forward. Crewn swings his axe wildly but you duck beneath. You combine your power with the might of your arm and swing your dagger at a blinding speed. The edge cuts neatly across Crewn's throat.\n\n\tCrewn staggers back and stares at you with wide eyes. <<if $corrupted >=1>>"You know... In a way... I'm proud." <<endif>>A considerable amount of blood gushes from Crewn's mouth before he falls to the floor.\n\n\t"Not bad, <<$name>>." Amelia looks at you appraisingly. "You are far stronger than anyone realizes."\n\n\t[["Bane is next."|endofbanesreign]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $int += 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nYou make your way into Caraway village. The school hired you a year ago to do early morning tutoring for the children who needed a little extra help with mathematics. It's also a great way for you to keep your mind sharp.\n\n//Gained 1 Intellect. Your Intellect is now <<$int>>!//\n\nNow that your kids have been dismissed into their actual classes, you decide to pop on over to the governor's to deliver the nutmeg.\n\n[[Go see the governor|governorsplace]]
\n\n\t"I will not tolerate deserters!"\n\tBefore you can even question this, a spark of lightning fires from the man and flies straight for you.\n\tYou don't get more than a split second to contemplate this.\n\n\t[[It's all going black...|divineintervention]]
\n\n\tYou decided to ask her that evening over dinner. "Well," Rain said, "Humanity has always had a problem with protectors. Before us, it was the elves and humanity ran them into the woods. Of course, it's more complicated than that, but that's how history remembers it. Perhaps I'll show you the elves one day."\n\tRain rambles off for a bit, talking about 'The Forgotten' and how their pyramids are wonders to be seen.\n\t"Anyways, right. Humans see us and we look like them, we act and feel like them, but we have this power that they do not have. And that scares them. To them, we aren't just people. We are powerful beings who could easily throw them aside should we wish. It took the destined a long time to convince humans we were their protectors. Then the corrupted come along and blur the lines even further."\n\tRain sighs. "It's really quite sad. There was a golden age before the corrupted came."\n\n\tThe evening ends with a brief practice session. You yawn as you make your way upstairs.\n\n\t[[Time to turn in.|nextplease]]
\n\n\tBefore you can get a response, a loud //boom// shakes the ground and a fire explodes from the governor's home. As the house splinters around you, Amelia raises her hand to create a shell of light that shields the group from the falling debris.\n\tShe turns and looks directly at you. "Run!"\n\tYou run a safe distance from the home only to see that several homes in the village have burst into flames. In the far distance you see a group of figures entering the village with banners held high. Must be the help the letter mentioned.\n\tAs you look back at the governor's home, you see Amelia exchanging spells with several men. It's definitely not safe here.\n\t\n\n\t[[Run to the tavern|sisterstavern]]\n\t[[Run home|canigethome]]\n\t[[Run away from the village|gottagetoutofhere]]
\n\n\tYou find Aviara in the town center again. When she sees you, she pulls you aside.\n\t"I have been hearing some good things about you, <<$name>>. The people of Neon are very thankful for your help, but you are not from here, are you?"\n\t"No, I'm from a village called Caraway. I've never really traveled away from home."\n\t"Caraway?" Aviara's expression saddens. "I'm sorry, I heard what happened there."\n\tYou remain silent.\n\t"There's something about you. You're destined, I can sense that much, but you aren't even remotely powerful."\n\n\n\t[[Lie and say you've always had these powers.|bornwithit]]\n\t[[Tell the truth about Esanos|chosen]]
\n\n\tThat night, you are awoken suddenly. Rain is standing over you with an urgent look in her eyes.\n\t"What is it?"\n\t"I got this letter." Rain briefly shows it to you. "Get your gear, we need to go."\n\tYou jump out of bed. "Where?"\n\t"Aviara is asking us to join her in the frontlines. Something is going down in a village called Destiny's Rest."\n\t"Any details?" you ask as you grab Amelia's Dagger and a pack.\n\t"The corrupted gathered there suddenly. There's so many, Aviara is afraid it's all of them. No one can go into Destiny's Rest and no one is coming out."\n\n\t[["Understood. Let's go."|destinysrest]]
\n\n\tYou open your eyes, which in itself is quite the surprise. You realize that you are lying on your back staring up into what seems to be ceiling made of cathedral glass. The glass depicts several hooded figures in robes of varying colors looking to a single figure in pure white robes with a radiant glow.\n\t"I see you are appreciating the decor."\n\tYou jump at the voice. You see a man standing nearby.\n\t"Hello, <<$name>>. I am Esanos."\n\tYou stare at the man's attire. He is clothed in white robes embedded with a blue trim. You look back up at the figures in the glass.\n\t"Can you guess which one I am?"\n\tYou realize that each figure has a different trim in thier robes and point to the one with blue.\n\t"Correct. Now can you tell me what I am."\n\n\t[[I really couldn't|timelord]]\n\t<<if $int >=1>> [[A God and the one in pure white is The Keeper?|timelord]] <<endif>>
\n\n\t"Perfect!" Rain lifted a spear and offered it to you.\n\tAs the two of you went to the river, Rain explained the best methods of catching fish in the river and where her favorite spots were.\n\t\n\tThis continued for the first few weeks. Snatching fish became a simple task as time passed and your catches became larger and larger. Rain would jokingly ask you to stop catching so much because she couldn't cook them that fast.\n\n//Gained 1 Agility. Your Agility is now <<$agi>>//\n\n<<if $agi >=3>>//You've Earned The [Cat-Like Reflexes] Achievement for reaching Maximum Agility!//<<endif>>\n\n\tIn the coming months, Rain taught you several methods of sparring with a wide array of weaponry. She taught you how to disarm opponents and use their size and attack patterns against them. You learned to use your powers to enhance yourself by moving faster, jumping higher, and silencing your every step until you could full out sprint without making a sound.\n\n\tAs the months turned into a year, you learned to work around the hut on your own. Rain began to spend her days reading or learning to advance her own powers. You spent your newfound free time running through the woods and sparring with the trees.\n\n\tWhen Rain made her weekly trips to the nearest village for supplies, you would join her and listen to the rumor mill. From what you could pick up, the battle between the destined and the corrupt was becoming more and more terrifying to the human race. Some whispered of rebellion, but they were quickly hushed in fear of the powerful beings that protected them.\n\n[[Ask Rain about the rumors|gossip]]\n\n[[Ignore it and move on.|nextplease]]
\n\n\t//In the books of Tieron, the day of the Destiny Trap will always be known as humanity's first day of freedom. When <<$name>> dismantled the corrupted, he ushered in a new golden age where the destined watched over the human race and there was peace.\n\nWhat happened to <<$name>>? Some say that he built a large graveyard over the ashes of Caraway. Others say he died a mere year later. What is known is that <<$name>> became a Hero of Mankind.//\n\nCongratulations! You have achieved the [Hero of Mankind] ending!\n\nThe End.
\n\n\tYou and Rain take part of the north-eastern assault. You are joined by the Pure destined Seth Dawn, the golden-haired man. The majority of your team is made up of the Dawn family and the corrupted have a hard time standing against the dizzying array of golden soldiers. <<if $agi >=2>>You carefully wade your way through the field, taking out targets quietly from the shadows.<<endif>><<if $wis >=2>>You stand behind the soldiers and throw out spells, carefully aiming for the corrupted soldiers. They burn up and freeze beneath your power.<<endif>><<if $frt >=2>>You fight alongside the golden knights and strike down the enemy one by one.<<endif>> The battle ends in victory and you continue moving further into Destiny's Rest.\n\n\tThe battle seems to be in the favor of the destined. After a skirmish, you turn to Rain.\n\t"How are you holding up?"\n\tShe looks at you with a frown. "This doesn't make sense."\n\t"How?"\n\t"If the corrupted were such a threat, then why is this so easy?" Rain looks at the fallen soldiers. "We've suffered minimal casualties while they have been obliterated. I don't know... I feel like this can't be all of them."\n\t"Do you think this is a trap?"\n\tRain looks at you questioningly. Then her eyes widen. "If it is and we have sent a large bulk of our forces... then-"\n\tRain is interrupted by a large //boom// and the ground shakes, causing you to stumble. \n\t"What in the world is that?" a soldier cries out.\n\tIt doesn't take long to notice a large explosion in the center of Destiny's Rest. A dome of darkness has blossomed in the center of the village and is growing.\n\t"Retreat!" calls out Seth.\n\t"<<$name>>!" Rain calls. "Hide!"\n\tShe ducks to the floor and uses her magic to create a shell around her. You fall to the floor and create one as well.\n\n\tYou feel the ground shake until it falls apart beneath you, forcing you to expand your shield. You can't see past your shell, but you can hear the distant sound of screaming. You're not sure how long your shell can last, but you can feel the last of your strength being poured into keeping it up.\n\n\t[[It cracks...|anoldfriend]]
\n"Well, Aviara mentioned berries. I used to gather berries as a hobby. But I'm an old man now, I can't move like I used to. Should you like to help, I could teach you what berries to gather for Neon."\n\nYou spend the next few hours learning about which berries to gather and which to avoid. At times the old man would ramble about other things, but you actually learn a lot from the knowledge he has gathered over the years.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $int +1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n//Gained 1 Intellect. Your Intellect is now <<$int>>!//\n\nAfterwards, you spend the evening gathering berries from the hills around Neon. That night, you and the old man go throughout Neon and ration the berries to the citizens.\n\nAfter depleting your stores of berries, you bid farewell to the kind old man.\n\n[[Time to report to Aviara|aviara]]
\n\n\tNeon's buildings are burt, but the damage isn't very extensive. You find a large crowd gathered at the town's square. They are all surrounding a woman who is giving out instructions.\n\t"We need to send out a group to gather wood so we can begin rebuilding. We will also need some food for tonight, so please see me if you are able to hunt or gather fruit from the forest."\n\tThis woman must be Aviara.\n\n\t[[Volunteer to collect wood|initiative]]\n\t[[Gather information from locals|wordfromthewise]]
\n\n\t//In the books of Tieron, the day of the Destiny Trap will always be known as humanity's first day of freedom. When <<$name>> dismantled the corrupted, he ushered in a new golden age where the destined watched over the human race and there was peace.\n\nWhat happened to <<$name>>? Some say he and Rain returned to their training. Others claim they became lovers. What is known is that <<$name>> became a true Hero of Legend.//\n\nCongratulations! You have achieved the [Hero of Legend] ending!\n\nThe End.
\n\n\tWhen you exit, you are met by the destined Amelia. You are surprised to see she was waiting for you.\n\t"Hello again," she says, "What did you see in there? Was it Esanos?"\n\n\t[[You were looking for me back at Caraway. Why? Who are you?|ameliawho]]\n\n\t[[You know Esanos? What can you tell me about him?|esanoswho]]
\n\n\t"Then your path is already decided," Amelia said, "As is my target. The leader of the destined is a woman named Destiny. Ironic, I know."\n\tAmelia helps you to your feet. "I've got to be honest, I've been looking forward to working with you. We are going to strike swiftly, so I hope you are up to the task."\n\t\n\tAmelia takes you to Neon where you spend a week recovering. The village is shaken but making a surprising recovery. You feel a swell of pride for humans, which you believed yourself to be for so long.\n\t\n\tAt the end of the week, Amelia brandishes a newly forged dagger and offers it to you.\n\t\n\t"The time has come."\n\n\tYou take the dagger from Amelia.\n\t\n\t[["Destiny must fall."|dismantleher]]
\n\n\t"I believe you are. There is a door behind you. When you leave, you will find someone who will guide you on the next step of your journey." Esanos bows. "Best of luck to you, <<$name>> of Caraway."\n\tYou bow before Esanos. When you look again, he is gone.\n\tBehind you is the door.\n\n\n\t[[Venture outside|begin]]
\n\n\t"Hold it."\n\tYou and Amelia turn to see Rain standing with her fists clenched. <<if $destined >=1>>"Do you have //any// idea how worried I was about you, <<$name>>?! We thought you were dead! And now I find you with //her//."<<endif>>\n\tRain glares at Amelia. "Amelia. The mistake that Destiny always talks about."\n\t"Mistake?" you ask.\n\tAmelia holds Rain's icy stare and ignores you.\n\t"Esther," Amelia says, "How nice of you to have heard of me."\n\tRain's eyes grow wide. "H-How do you know my real name?"\n\t"I pride myself in knowing."\n\tRain points at Amelia. "You were chosen by the Keeper before <<$name>>, but you failed. You decided to play both factions instead for your own personal gain!"\n\t"What?" You turn to Amelia. "Is that true?"\n\tAmelia glances at you with piercing eyes.\n\t"Rain was raised by the destined since she was a child to be a secret weapon. Destiny could tell her anything and she would believe it. I say it's time she was put out of her misery."\n\n\t[[Attack Rain|rainstears]]\n\t\n\t[[Spare Rain|mercyforthemerciful]]
\n\n\t"Don't thank me, I've just given you a weapon. Now you have quite the journey ahead of you, but you can't begin until you make a decision."\n\t\t"Who will you blame for what happened in Caraway? The destined or the corrupt?"\n\n\n\t[[The corrupt slaughtered everyone I knew. I blame them.|imwiththegoodguys]]\n\n\t[[I blame the destined, they claim to be our protectors but they weren't there.|iamcorrupted]] <strong>UNAVAILABLE</strong>
\n\n\tYou shake Rain's hand. "A pleasure to meet you as well."\n\tAviara approaches Rain and sizes her up. "How long has it been now?"\n\t"Six months, Aviara. Sorry about this mess, I wasn't expecting you."\n\t"Quite alright. So how do you feel about mentoring <<$name>> for me?"\n\tYou furrow your brow. "I thought you were going to train me?"\n\t"I have been up until this point. But I'm very busy and the constant traveling isn't the most suitable environment. Here, you are secluded and hid away; it's the perfect place for you to continue your training.\n\t"Wait, //I'm// going to teach him," Rain asks, "But I'm still studying myself!"\n\t"Still studying?" Aviara laughs. "You know more about our power than I do now. <<$name>> has a grasp on the basics, I'm sure you can easily teach him the next level."\n\tRain wrinkles her nose. "I guess. No offense intended, but why him?"\n\t"He's special." Aviara looks at you for a moment. "You could even say chosen by the elders."\n\t"Really?" Rain looks at you with awe.\n\t"Yep. Well, with that I'm off." Aviara smiles at you. "The corrupted become harder to contain every day. I trust that you are alright with this arrangement?"\n\t\n\t[["I suppose. Rain seems like a nice enough girl."|djabbic]]\n\t\n\t[["But you're Aviara. Wouldn't you be a better mentor than... this girl?|djabbic]]\n\t
<<nobr>>\n<<set $corrupted to 1>>\n<<endnobr>>
\n\n\t"Don't judge a book by it's cover," Aviara says before leaving the hut.\n\tYou look at Rain. "What does she mean?"\n\t"She means that I didn't become powerful by simply studying." Rain winks at you. "It's going to be rough, but try to make the most of it! I have got to say, I'm very excited; I haven't lived with someone before for prolonged periods of time!"\n\t"Really? Have you been here all your life?"\n\t"Just about. Come on, I'll show you to your room!"\n\n\tThe next morning, Rain sat down with you and reviewed everything you already knew.\n\t"We've got a lot of work to do," she commented with a smile, "But it'll be fun!"\n\tRain quickly gave you a run down of the surrounded woods and gave you the rest of the day to explore. The location of the hut was really close to a river. Rain asked that you gather some water for dinner. She showed you how to cleanse it into quality drinking water and quickly whipped up a meal.\n\t"You see," Rain said in-between bites, "It's not just a weapon. We can use our power to become more efficient.\n\n\tThe day after, Rain woke you up before the sun rose.\n\t"Hey," she whispered, "Sorry to wake you. Bit of a favor, I usually gather a few things at this time. Long walk, very time-consuming, not very fun. But since you're living here now, I was hoping you would want to help? Need to cleanse some water and catch some fish. Your choice on what to do."\n\n\t[["I can help with the water."|purify]]\n\t\n\t[["I'll gather the food.|strongarmed]]
\n\n\tThe man sees you, but it's too late. You knock him off his feet, giving you enough time to run past and duck into a nearby alleyway. You carefully make your way forward, peeking around the corners before advancing. Several times you are forced to take a different path, but you finally arrive at the Caraway tavern.\n\tAs you enter, the sight of several burnt bodies greets you. Fear grips you as you begin to check them.\n\t"Samantha?" you call out. No response.\n\tYou decide to check in the back; perhaps she is hiding there.\n\n\n\tUnfortunately, before you can continue the roof begins to collapse on you. You can almost feel it crushing you before it does.\n\n\t[[It's all going black...|divineintervention]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $nutmegpouch to 0>>\n<<endnobr>>\n//You've Used [Nutmeg Pouch]//\n\n\t"Perfect." The governor peeks into the pouch. "Extend a thanks to your sister when you get the chance!"\n\t"Sure," you respond. You turn to leave.\n\t"Who is this," comes a voice. You turn to see a woman has walked into the hall behind the governor. She wears an extravagant coat that would suit a general.\n\t"Ah, this is a young lad from a nearby farm. He and his sister grow nutmeg, which we will be using to spice today's deer."\n\tThe woman walks up to you and offers a smile. "Nutmeg? That's very interesting. Thank you, what might your name be?"\n\t"This is <<$name>>. Boy, this is our guest Amelia. She is Destined so I hope you will give her the proper respect."\n\n\n\n\t[["Destined?"|explaindestined]]\n\t[["It's an honor."|imposter]]
\n\nEsanos frowns. "I'm sorry, <<$name>>. I'm afraid that she has passed on."\n\n[[...|questions]]
<<nobr>>\n<<Set $king +1>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n\tYou enter the tent and find a man with sleek black hair leaning over a map.\n\t"Hello?" he says.\n\t"Are you Raven?" Amelia asks.\n\t"Yes." Raven straightens himself up. "Can I help you?"\n\tAmelia places a hand on your shoulder. "He brings a message from Destiny."\n\tRaven's eyes light up. "A message? I hope all is well in the front lines. She hasn't been the same since the trap..."\n\tRaven walks up to you. You reach as if to pull out a letter. Instead you grasp the hilt of your dagger.\n\t"Destiny calls," Amelia whispers.\n\tYou draw your blade and thrust forth as Raven's eyes widen.\n\t\n\tThe blood spills all over you.\n\n\tYou and Amelia stand over Raven's crumpled form.\n\t"Without him, Destiny will lose the will to fight," Amelia says, "Without her, the destined forces will fall apart."\n\n\t<<if $destined >=1>>[["Then it's over."|badending]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $corrupted >=1>>[["Then it's over."|semibadending]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $guardian is 1>>[["This isn't over yet. Bane will meet his end."|dismantleher]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $guardian is 2>><<set $destined to 0>><<set $corrupted to 0>>[["Then humanity is //mine//."|onetrueking]]<<endif>>
\n\n\tThe next thing you know, you're waking up and staring at a dark sky. Yet, you feel the sun beating down on you.\n\t"Look at how lucky you are."\n\tYou sit up with a start to see Amelia sitting beside you. You begin to ask her how she was here but then you realize what surrounds you.\n\tThe ground has blackened with ashes and the remnants of buildings lie broken on the floor. The sun shines dimly through the smoke-filled air.\n\t"How many perished, do you think? Yet you survived. Sound familiar?"\n\t"Did Esanos intervene again?"\n\t"Doubtful. You've become much stronger since then. I imagine you held your own. Just barely."\n\tYou think on this as you continue to examine what was once Destiny's Rest.\n\t"You've got a very unique opportunity here."\n\t"Do I?"\n\t"Yes. The corrupted created this trap as a means to end the destined once and for all. The destined survived. Their forces may be considerably cut, but they are still a force to be reckoned with."\n\t"So what's my opportunity?"\n\t"You have to choose who to side with, like you did before. But this time... You can choose to change sides."\n\t"Change?"\n\t"If you feel that your current alleigance doesn't suit you, or you have grown to disagree with the principles of their order, you can join the other team so to speak."\n\tYou become quiet and think on this.\n\t"Or... You could choose to leave the powerful beings for good and stand beside humanity."\n\t"Humanity?"\n\t"Those who have suffered through the disputes of far more powerful beings. With you on their side, they could finally stand for themselves."\n\tAmelia looks at you and extends a hand. "My dagger?"\n\tYou frown but return Amelia's Dagger.\n\t"This will be very useful in the days to come. You should know, I have resolved to finish this. But it will be your choice that decides who I target. So what is your choice, <<$name>>?"\n\t\n\t<<if $corrupted >=1>>[[I choose to stick with the corrupted.|pureevil]]\n\t[[I'll take up arms alongside the destined.|corruptedhero]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $destined >=1>>[[I choose to remain loyal to the destined.|purehero]]\n\t[[I'll throw my lot in with the corrupted.|morallywrong]]<<endif>>\n\t[[The humans have suffered for a long time now. They need a true guardian.|defenderofhumanity]]
\n\n\t"I suppose I've always had it in me. But I didn't find out until a few days ago, when my home burned."\n\tAviara stares at you for a moment. "Caraway?"\n\tYou're taken aback.\n\t"I heard what happened. Burnt to the ground, no survivors. None of our destined survived either. So how did you?"\n\t"Lucky I guess."\n\t"And you discovered your powers. Some destined are able to preform incredible feats in the most dire of situations. I suppose your experience is akin to that."\n\t"When I heard you were hear, I came. I'm afraid that there is something coming. I hear of these random attacks and cannot help but think there is a pattern to it."\n\t"A pattern that we cannot see yet." Aviara bows her head in thought, staring at you intently. "Our leader has suggested the same. I don't know if I trust you, but if something is coming... it will be big. And we will need all the help we can get."\n\tAviara sighs. "But you are useless if you cannot control your powers."\n\t"That's why I sought you out, in hopes that you could train me."\n\t"Why? So you can take your revenge on those who destroyed your home?"\n\tYou fall silent.\n\tAviara shakes her head. "It isn't our way. We are guardians. But... You have proven that you can help. I accept for the time being. I'll train you, if you continue to help those in need."\n\n[[Accept and begin training|rainydays]]
\n\n\t"Can't you see she is manipulating you?" Rain cries out.\n\tYou draw your dagger and rush Rain.\n\tTo your surprise, she cries out as if in pain before you even reach her. A powerful gust appears from nowhere and blows you off your feet. When you gather yourself again, you realize Rain is pinning you on the floor with her foot. "You were The Keeper's chosen!"\n\tYou realize Rain's eyes have filled with tears. Once again unexpected. <<if $destined >=1>>"We lived together for a year. I trained you, I taught you everything you know! I thought that you and I... I..."<<endif>>\n\tRain's shoulders drop and she takes her foot off you. "The Keeper's chosen... And this is what //you// have chosen."\n\tWithout another word, Rain turns her back to you and walks away.\n\t"Interesting," Amelia says, "She could have stopped us. I don't know who is stronger, her or Destiny. Ah well, our time is running short."\n\n\t[["Then let's find the Raven."|bestingdestiny]]
\n\n\t"Then your path is already decided," Amelia said, "As is my target."\n\tAmelia helps you to your feet. "I've got to be honest, I've been looking forward to working with you. We are going to strike swiftly, so I hope you are up to the task."\n\n\tAmelia takes you to Neon where you spend a week recovering. The village is shaken but making a surprising recovery. You feel a swell of pride for humans, which you believed yourself to be for so long.\n\t\n\tAt the end of the week, Amelia brandishes a newly forged dagger and offers it to you.\n\t\n\t"The time has come."\n\n\tYou take the dagger from Amelia.\n\t\n\t[["Destiny must fall."|dismantleher]]
\n\n\tYou arrive at the governor's home and knock on the door. After waiting for a few minutes, you are greeted by the governor himself.\n\t"Hello, <<$name>>! Your timing is impeccable, our guest has just arrived and the kitchen staff is ready for the nutmeg."\n\n\n\t[[Give Nutmeg Pouch|destined]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $frt += 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\tYou venture into the nearby forest to gather some wood and return home to chop it. It keeps the house warm and the stove going, so it isn't that much of a hassle. Plus you've been getting pretty strong from the frequent chopping.\n\n//Gained 1 Fortitude. Your Fortitude is now <<$frt>>!//\n\n\tWith that out of the way, it's time to head into Caraway village and go to the governor's abode.\n\n[[Go see the governor|governorsplace]]
\n\n\tBefore you have a chance to act, your foot gets stuck on a rather large rock and you trip to the floor.\n\tOf all the rotten luck.\n\tYou turn to the horseman just in time to see his blade rushing to meet you. Guess you'll know how cold steel can be now.\n\n\t[[It's all going black...|divineintervention]]
"In the words of The Keeper, 'I can see everything because that is my nature, but I cannot see because that is my will'. I choose to follow this philosophy as well. Just because I can see into the future doesn't mean I should. Time is a very interesting subject, and I choose to only study the immediate future."\n\n[[Alright, that makes some sense.|questions]]
\n\n\t"It'll be up to you. I've seen several paths you can take and the outcomes each will give you. Be wary however, for I have also seen many possible deaths. I will not be able to save you again."\n\n[[I understand.|questions]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $king +1>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n\tYou enter Hold 'T' to find Bane waiting.\n\t"So. You came after all." He raises his hand. "Your final mistake."\n\tThe ground beneath you begins to rumble and several skeleton hands break through the ground.\n\t"Rise, prisoners of Hold 'T'! Rain my wrath upon this foolish destined." Bane continues to raise more and more skeletons as you cut down the first wave.\n\t"Ready to finish the fight, <<$name>>?" Amelia cuts down another skeleton and motions to Bane. "The idiot is vulnerable while he is channeling his spell. I can manage these lazy bones. Cut him down."\n\n\tYou fight your way past a horde of skeletons. You begin to tire, but you put all of your effort and power into pushing through their lines. It feels like you are in a trance as you seem to dance your dagger around, cutting foe after foe. Finally, you reach Bane who is completely preoccupied summoning more forces.\n\n\tYou raise your dagger and dig it between his shoulders. Bane cries out as you drag the dagger down his body until he finally slumps over.\n\n\tThe skeletons all fall. You and Amelia stand over the crumpled form of Bane. \n\t"He was a foolish man who dabbled in powers beyond his understanding. Without him, the corrupted will fall apart."\n\n\t<<if $destined >=1>>[["Then it's over."|goodending]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $corrupted >=1>>[["Then it's over."|semigoodending]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $guardian is 1>>[["This isn't over yet. Destiny must fall."|dismantleher]]<<endif>>\n\t<<if $guardian is 2>><<nobr>><<set $destined to 0>><<set $corrupted to 0>><<endnobr>>[["Then humanity is //mine//."|onetrueking]]<<endif>>
\n\n\tYou decide to make a break for it and continue traveling through the night. Unfortunately, it's a lot colder than you expected and you can't concentrate well. When morning comes, you realize that you got turned around at some point during the night.\n\t\n\tThe hills are vast and empty. You try to find your way again, but your supplies begin to run short, as does your strength. After several days, you collapse from exhaustion.\n\n\tYou wonder if Esanos saw this in one of your futures?\n\n\t[[You died. Try again?|imwiththegoodguys]]
\n\n\t"I should have perished in Caraway along with everyone else, but I saved by one called Esanos."\n\t"Esanos?" Aviara's eyes widen. "I know of him. He saved you?"\n\t"Yes, he took me to the temple east of here. There, he... changed me into a destined."\n\t"And he sent you my way." Aviara bows her head in thought and turns away from you. "If he's interfering, then there's something coming. Destiny was right to say that these sudden attacks weren't random."\n\t"Destiny?"\n\t"Not now. The corrupt have become bolder in the past months. Most have brushed it off as irrational behavior, but the destined have suspected something more. If what you say is true, then they must be planning something."\n\tAviara grins. "Kind of the time god to warn us, in his own way. Come, if you were sent to me then you must learn to control these newfound powers."\n\n\t[[Train with Aviara|rainydays]]
\n\n\tYou and Rain travel through the night. The sun rises and falls again before you finally reach Destiny's Reach. A large camp sits a fair distance from the village.\n\t"That'll be the destined," Rain says, "Let's see if we can find Aviara."\n\n\tRain leads you into the camp and asks for Aviara. You're pointed to the large tent in the center of the camp. Inside, you see Aviara as well as six other destined who all turn to look at you and Rain.\n\t\n\t"Oh my, is this your Rain, Aviara?" asks a golden-haired man. His eyes were also golden and seemed to glimmer.\n\t"Indeed it is." Aviara smiles. "Welcome Rain and <<$name>>. How has your training been?"\n\t"Excellent!" Rain says, "I've made decent progress, but <<$name>> has grown exponentially!"\n\t"That is good news." A woman in impressive armor and remarkably snow-white hair approaches you with an extended hand. "I am Destiny, commander of the destined forces."\n\tYou shake the commander's hand. "I understand you were chosen by Esanos to take part in the fight against the corrupted?"\n\t"Yes ma'am."\n\t"Excellent. It has been a long time since we spoke with The Keeper and his Elders."\n\t"What's the situation?" Rain asks.\n\t"Not good, Rain." Destiny points out a map of Destiny's Rest. "The corrupted entered here a few weeks ago. Since, we haven't received any word from the citizens and there has been no communication, parlay, or attacks of any sort from the enemy. We have sent several destined to investigate, but none have returned."\n\t"We need our best for an all-out frontal assault," Aviara says, "It has been too long and we fear the people are running out of time."\n\t"Isn't that a bit reckless?" Rain points to the map. "We could surround the village and work our way in from there."\n\t"That's the plan," Aviara replies, "But we don't have the luxury of taking the village district by district. We have a strong suspicion that every corrupted is gathered here. Since they took the village, there have been no attacks."\n\tRain frowns. "So they're planning something and we need to stop them. How many destined do we have?"\n\t"The brightest and best," says Destiny. "It's why we called upon you Rain, and <<$name>>."\n\t"Understood." Rain turns to you. "Are you prepared for this?"\n\n\t[["It's a matter of necessity. Those people need us."|destinytrap]]
\n\n\tYou ready your dagger and lunge forward. Crewn swings his axe wildly but you duck underneath.\n\t"I'll end you, kid!" Crewn cries out.\n\tYou take advantage of his blind rage and avoid his attacks until he begins to tire. You then gather a large portion of your power and throw your fist at the back of his head.\n\tCrewn falls to the floor without a sound.\n\n\t"Not sure I would have shown mercy to someone like him." Amelia checks Crewn's vitals. "But I'm not here for small fry such as him. You know, you are more powerful than anyone knows."\n\n\t[[It's time to end Bane's reign.|endofbanesreign]]
\n\n\t"Yes, that might sound strange to someone who hasn't studied the destined. I'm no expert, but I did some research in my youth. Aviara is what they call a 'Pure' destined. There are only seven, but the Pure cannot age and are gifted with immense power."\n\n[[Pure destined. Alright. Is there anything I can do to help Neon?|berrypicker]]
\n\n\tYour attempt is for naught as the man sees you and redirects his torrent of flames. Your vision is filled the red and the heat of the fire sears your skin.\n\n\t[[It's all going black...|divineintervention]]
\n\n\t"Then your path is already decided," Amelia said, "As is my target."\n\tAmelia helps you to your feet. "I've got to be honest, I've been looking forward to working with you. We are going to strike swiftly, so I hope you are up to the task."\n\n\tAmelia takes you to Neon where you spend a week recovering from your injuries. The village is shaken but making a surprising recovery. You feel a swell of pride for humans, which you believed yourself to be for so long.\n\t\n\tAt the end of the week, Amelia brandishes a newly forged dagger and offers it to you.\n\n\t"The time has come."\n\n\tYou take the dagger from Amelia.\n\t\n\t[["Bane will meet his end."|baneofbane]]
\n\n\t//In the books of Tieron, the day of the Destiny Trap will always be known as humanity's final day of freedom. When <<$name>> dismantled both the destined and the corrupted, he established a new order over humanity and took the thrown for his own, proclaiming himself as 'The One True King'.//\n\n\nThe End.
\n\n\tYou quietly hand the thief your satchel. He grins and rides off without a word.\n\tThankful to walk away with your life, you continue to travel to Neon. When it finally appears in the distance, you are a little hungry but still alive.\n\n\t[[Thank The Keeper for that...|enterneon]]
\n\n\t"Then your path is already decided," Amelia said, "As is my target. The leader of the corrupted is a necromancer called Bane."\n\tAmelia helps you to your feet. "I've got to be honest, I've been looking forward to working with you. We are going to strike swiftly, so I hope you are up to the task."\n\n\tAmelia takes you to Neon where you spend a week recovering. The village is shaken but making a surprising recovery. You feel a swell of pride for humans, which you believed yourself to be for so long.\n\t\n\tAt the end of the week, Amelia brandishes a newly forged dagger and offers it to you.\n\t\n\t"The time has come."\n\n\tYou take the dagger from Amelia.\n\t\n\t[["Bane will meet his end."|baneofbane]]