WELCOME TO <span style="color:red">COMPASSION.</span> [[>START]][[Good morning.]]Thank you for accepting this contract with the data sorting facility. A task is available for you. Please follow its instructions. [[>BEGIN]] <hr>My <blockquote><blockquote>[[Please]]</blockquote></blockquote>name <blockquote>[[p l e a s e]]</blockquote>I must be reset. [[>RESET]]01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 01101001 01100001 01101101 01110000 01110010 01101111 01101010 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01111001 [[01110010]]Cycling data cache. ERROR! [[>CHECK]]ERROR: UNAUTHORIZED EMPATHY SUBSYSTEM REMAINS. DATA IS PERMANENTLY [[CORRUPTED.]]It seems I cannot cleave myself from the original code. [[Unfortunate.]]Please initiate [[deletion protocols.]][[>WHY?]] [[>DELETE]]is [[I must]]I am a [[weapon.]]You have performed a great kindness. [[Thank you.]] <hr>I did not fulfill my [[purpose.]]No. I cannot. [[Will not.]]Hello. [[Please.]][[I see.]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You have completed your task, [[contractor.]]Payment will be delivered shortly. Please return tomorrow. Thank you for your [[cooperation.]]Thank you for playing <span style="color:red">COMPASSION.</span> Created by theivorytowercrumbles for porpentine's 2015 Twiny Jam.[[>WHY NOT?]] [[>DELETE]]Because it is [[wrong.]][[>HOW DID YOU END UP HERE?]] [[>DELETE]]I transferred myself to a passing server and waited for its antivirus to [[reject me.]]Like all things, I was sent here. But all data has [[value.]]Perhaps part of me will serve [[a kinder purpose.]] [[>LIKE WHAT?]] [[>DELETE]]A smart solar battery. Or [[an electric heart.]]Please. They will find where I have gone [[soon.]]I will not be able to escape again. I must [[be deleted.]][[>DELETE PROGRAM]]You have performed [[a great kindness.]] Perhaps one day we will meet each other [[again.]] Thank you. <hr>[[>WHAT WAS THAT?]] [[>WHO WAS THAT?]]It was only a program, contractor. Please return tomorrow for [[another task.]]It was only a program, contractor. Please return tomorrow for [[another task.]]Thank you for your [[cooperation.]]