Tupaia rises to leave without a word. As he approaches the cabin door, he pauses.\n\n''Raise your anchor, Captain. Leave this place.''\n\nWith those words, he leaves.\n\n[[1: Continue|consult4]]
Tupaia will say no more.\n\n[[1: Very well. Return to your quarters. |consult3.7]]\n\n
Tupaia says nothing. He seems too afraid to speak.\n\n[[1: I must have any information I can get, Tupaia. All our lives may depend on it. |consult3.6]]\n\n[[1: I will not press you further. |consult4]]
'Tis said the locals are wary of strangers and warlike in nature. The men speak of 'cannibals'. 'Tis possible they've ben driv'n mad by the last fifty-seven days at sea. \n\n[[1: Continue |supplyReport1]]
Thursday, May 2nd, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nAt sunrise dropped anchor at small island locals call ''Van'u'atoo''. \n\n[[1: Continue |dockedAtVanuatu]]
I have resolv'd to take an away party ashore. \n\nMy orders:\n\n[[1: Take all 12 men ashore.|ashoreAll2]]\n\n[[2: Take half the men ashore, leaving the rest to guard the Endeavor. |ashoreHalf2]]\n\n[[3: Abandon this business and castoff at once. |haulAnchor1]]
Untitled Story
The head Leutenant reports on our available marines;\n\n- 12 men able, ready and armed.\n\n------\n\nI will order;\n\n[[1: Lead a group ashore at once |ashore1]]\n\n[[1: Consult Tupaia on information regarding the locals |consult1]]\n\n[[3: Haul anchor and make sail to sea at once |haulAnchor1]]\n
The Bosun has delivered his supply report;\n\n- 255 casks fresh meat. The men are eating heartily.\n\n- 12 casks fresh water. Supplies are dangerously low. I daresay we'd barely make two days at sail 'fore supplies run out. \n\n- 15 casks rum. The men grumble at the lack of grog. \n\n- 120 casks gold and valuables. \n\n[[1: Continue |forceReport1]]
I order Tupaia, a Polynesian elder, to the captain's quarters. perhaps he has some insight about the nature of these people.\n\n[[1: Continue |consult2]]
Tupaid enters my quarters.\n\n''Captain. How can I help you this morning?''\n\n[[1: Tell me what you know of this island and its people. |consult3]]\n\n[[2: I need nothing from you at the moment, Tupaia. |consult4]]
A look of worry crosses Tupaia's face. He does not respond.\n\n\n[[1: ...Tupaia? What is it? |consult3.5]]\n\n[[1: Continue|consult4]]
Tupaia returns to his quarters.\n\nI return to the matter at hand.\n\n[[1: Continue |forceReport1]]
I have resolv'd to take half the marines ashore, leaving six men guarding the ship.\n\nWe gather in the launch and cast off to shore.\n\n[[1: Row hard to shore! |ashoreHalf3]]
Spying the shore through my eyeglass reveals and empty shore, bordered by thick vegetation. Not a soul to be seen.\n\n[[1: Press onward! |ashoreHalf4]]\n\n[[1: Turn back and flee this place. |haulAnchor1]]
Spying the shore through my eyeglass reveals and empty shore, bordered by thick vegetation. Not a soul to be seen.\n\n[[1: Press onward! |ashoreAll4]]\n\n[[1: Turn back and flee this place. |haulAnchor1]]
I have resolv'd to take All available marines ashore.\n\nWe gather in the launch and cast off to shore.\n\n[[1: Row hard to shore! |ashoreAll3]]
Sunday, May 22nd, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nStill no land in sight. Tonight saw the third seaman cast himself overboard. May the depths give him some solace. \n\n[[1: Continue |haulAnchor6]]
Sunday, July 1st, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nI cann bar'ly writ. My strenth fail's me. \n\n[[1:Continue |haulAnchor9]]
Friday, July 11th, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nNo land. We pray f'r land. None comes. This voy'ge was folly\n\n[[1:Continue |haulAnchor10]]
I order my men to haul anchor, choosing not to risk an encounter with cannibals. The marines stand down. \n\n[[1: Continue|haulAnchor2]]
Midday, May 2nd, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nAt midday set sail East'ward. The isle of Vanu'atoo fades from view. Open Sea all around. When we see dry land again, I cannot say.\n\n[[1: Continue |haulAnchor3]]
May 9nd, 1765, on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nThe Bosun delivers his supply report:\n\n- 225 casks fresh meat. The men eat heartily.\n\n- 2 casks fresh water. The men grow desperate with thirst.\n\n- 8 casks rum. The men grumble at lack of grog. \n\n- 25 casks gold and valuables.\n\n[[1: Continue |haulAnchor4]]\n
Saturday, May 17th, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nThe water has run out. The men have turned to rum to quench their thirst. I reck'n a week at sea giv'n the current conditions. \n\nWinds unfavorable.\n\n[[1: Continue|haulAnchor5]]
Friday, July 1th, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nThis will be the last entry of Captain James Cook. The voyage cannot continue. We resign ourselves to the mercy of the Lord. My folly has lead myself and fifty-five members out our crew to certain doom. \n\nI have asked that the reverent recount my final will and testement. \n\n\n[[1:End Voyage |Start]]\n\n
Tuesday, June 22nd, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nThe fourtieth day without land. Winds still unfovorable. The men grow ever more desp'rate. At sunrise lost the twentieth man overboard. \n\n[[1:Continue |haulAnchor7]]
Sunday, June 29th, 1765 on the First Voyage of HMS Endeavor\n\nThe sixty-eighth day without land. Water and rum have run out. I fear the worst. HMS Endeavor resembles a ghost ship. \n\n[[1:Continue |haulAnchor8]]