You grab your bag and run out the front door with E, ready for a day of shopping. The two of you walk down the main street quite happily before you notice that E has taken you dangerously close to the headquarters of the King and his gang. You are confused but E seems blissfully unaware of where she is going. You quicken your stride hoping that E will match your pace. She does not. You turn around to call out to her but it is too late. Two of the Kings men have grabbed E and are taking her deep into the Underworld.\n\nOne of the men stares at you as he shoves your love into a waiting car. He sneers and says "she shoulda paid her bill, there's no hiding from the King".\n\nIt is then you know that E has been using again and that you must rescue her, [[but how?|choice]]\n\n
You walk up to the guard and say:\n\n"Hey, I'm here to entertain the big guy. Just pull on your lever and let me through hey mate, your boss is a bit nuts and he's expecting me."\n\nThe guard looks you up and down. You are wearing black jeans and a shirt and could easily pass for entertainment. He almost looks convinced until he sniffs. He gets close to your mouth and smells your breath and then your fingers. He smirks and says:\n\n"Liar. Big guy don't hire no one who aint on something. You don't smell like you hadda hit in years. Clear out bro or call for backup."\n\nYou sulk away knowing now that trying again is useless without drugs. You return home and crash in bed.\n\nThe next morning you fish the crumpled joint out of the trash and stare at it trying to decide [[take the drugs|drugs]] or [[not|fail end]].\n\n
That wrong crowd starts with The King & his cronies. These guys run a drug rink they call 'The Underworld' and anyone who gets mixed up with them gets stuck, pernamently. There's a rumour that the King has a weak spot for 'mad DJs' but it's never helped anyone before.\n\n[[Gotcha|not]]
Welcome to the dark and disturbing story of O & E. A couple torn apart by E's abusive relationship with drugs and later brought back together by O's bravery... or [[not|not]].\n
You toss the joint straight into the bin, annoyed you would consider going down that path again.\n\nYou know the gangs main headquarters are central to the city and next to a park. The park is close to always abandoned, except for those looking for their next high. You skirt the edges of the park. There is a group of dark figures stalking the riverside, if you didn't know any better you would think they were hunting. Suddenly one of the figures heads jerks up. \n\nIt is E!\n\nYou are asailed with emotions, you are incredibly happy that she is alive but deeply saddened by her company. She stares straight through you. She can not see you and you do not know why. It is like something is missing. You decide to [[follow|nymphs sober]] the group.\n\n
Your eyes fly open. You turn over quickly, unsure of where you are. The sun in blinding you and is white hot on your face and you are cold. A woman stands over you and looks at you with disappointment.\n\n"It is literally 2.30 in the afternoon O, it's time you got out of bed. I need you to [[pay attention to me|lol]]".\n\n
Downstairs E is preapring for a shopping trip. She desperately wants you to [[go with her|shop]] but understands you might be [[too busy|bbyes]].\n\n
It's too much for you.\nYou slink home and into bed.\nYou pull the covers over your face, thinking you'll probably die in this room.\nYou couldn't save her and now you will never be with her again.
You grab the case and shake your head, annoyed that you ever thought of giving up on E. You march straight to the guard of the hidden door and say:\n\n"Yo, I'm the entertainment for tonight, totally misplaced my badge but ya gotta let me in man, your boss is crazy and I dunno what he'd do if I didn't show."\n\nThe guards eyes shift and he takes your entire outfit in, he shrugs his shoulders and pulls the lever.\n\nOnce you are through the door you find yourself in a lobby area. You start to get incredibly nervous and can feel your gut clenching and releasing. Your palms sweat and your case is getting harder to hold. Three doors are infron of you, the first leads you directly to the King and your love, the second is filled with people getting their next hit (something sure to calm you down) and the last is an exit and will take you home.\n\n\nDo you take [[the first door|kingdom]], [[the second door|stay]] or [[the exit|fail end]]?
See this is not your average story. In this story you take on the role of O and it is your duty to rescue the beautiful E.\n\nFirst we'll meet the players:\n[[O|O]]\n[[E|E]] and\n[[The King & his gangs|The King]]\n\nand then we may [[begin|perfect]].\n
You suckle on a joint and then charge on faster than before. You are so close to the exit!\n\nYou cross the threshold of the Underworld and feel joy surge up inside of you. You have E back! In the second you pass through the door you're overwhelmed with the urge to look back at E.\n\n[[You decide you're out and look back|look back]]\n\n[[You wait until you are sure E is out of the Underworld|onwards]]
E has opened the blinds and ripped the blanket off of your body, leaving you exposed and disoriented. She looks lonely, you hope she is okay. Slowly you rise from bed and wrap your arms around her, kissing her on the cheek. E blushes and runs downstairs hoping you will [[follow|dstairs]] but knowing you may [[get back into bed|bbyes]].
You charge onwards, careful not to look back at E until you reach your house. Once you are home you dare to look at her. E is whithered but smiling. You know it will be hard for her to function now but at least you have her back. E now has a drug dependancy. You need to choose to [[help her back to health|you win]] or [[leave her to herself|oops]].
O & E - The Tale of Orpheus Re-told
The door opens and you enter a great hall. There are no tables or chair, only small groups of people huddled together as though they only have their body heat to keep them warm. Despite this the room is hot and humid. The King sits on a raised platform at the end of the hall. His legs are crossed and he rests on a cushion with people standing solemnly around him with their heads down.\n\nYou confidently raise your head and stride towards the King, whose eyes are firmly shut. When you come to a stop at the foot of his platform his eyes burst open.\n\n"You are not my DJ" he says "what do you want?"\n\n"I came to play, let me prove myself" you respond.\n\nThe King says nothing. He waits a few seconds and then, finally, [[nods|play]].\n\n
You quickly set up your equipment and stand behind your decks.\n\nThen the music flows through you and hits everyone in the hall.\n\nYou don't see it but people who have been stuck in a stupor for years start to stir, lifting their heads and drinking in your music. When your set finishes you look defiantly into the face of the King.\n\nThe King is delighted, he claps and smiles and says "that was brilliants sir! What can I do for you? Anything! Anything at all!"\n\nYou smile and point to E who is sitting a corner alone. She has been staring at you the entire time.\n\nThe King looks crushed but nods slowly saying "you may take her but you must not look at her when you leave."\n\nYou approach her timidly and wrap your arms around her, whispering into her ear "I will always come for you my love."\n\nYou then look around and feel the draw of the drugs around you, you deliberate wondering if the two of you should [[leave|leave]] or [[stay|stay]].
E is the love of your life. She is the most beautiful woman you've ever met and she is soft and lovely. She also has a dark past. E got herself mixed up [[with the wrong crowd|The King]] when she was younger and was into some pretty heavy drugs. She's got herself on the straight and narrow now but is prone to relapse.\n\n[[Return|not]]
It's like being embraced by an old friend, you cough slightly, grab your cloak and set off to find the Underworld Gangs.\n\nTheir main headquarters are central to the city and next to a park. The park is close to always abandoned, except for those looking for their next high. You skirt the edges of the park. There is a group of dark figures stalking the riverside, if you didn't know any better you would think they were hunting. Suddenly one of the figures heads jerks up. \n\nIt is E!\n\nYou are asailed with emotions, you are incredibly happy that she is alive but deeply saddened by her company. She stares straight at you for an eternity. Slowly, from her right eye drips a single tear and she shakes her head. Her company then notices your presence and they quickly rush her away. You know you must [[follow|nymphs drug]].
You creep behind the pack and watch them closely, they are slowley meandering up and down the river until they come to the walls of the Underwold Complex. Here they speak to a guard who pulls a lever and lets them inside. The guard is swaying and his eyes are blearly. You know the guard is doped out of his brain and think you will be able to get past him and into the [[Underworld|underworld sober]].
Rhona MacLean 21118855 CLAN1001
Hey there O, you're the big guy, numero uno, top dog. Or at least pretty much. You're the ruler of your own world and live in a pretty contained house in the 'burbs. You're married to [[E|E]], who is the love of your life and you're willing to do just about anything to help her out.\n\n[[Go back|not]]
The pull of the Underworld and it's drug haven is too much for you. You grab a joint and slip into a group. You have been engulfed and it's unlikely you'll ever escape the grasp of the King. You and and E will be together here for all time.
You crawl slowly into bed and pull the covers up around your face. E can face the day alone for once, you are tired and it is bed time - no matter what the clock shows.\n\nAn hour later you woken by your buzzing phone. A text message has come through from an unknown number.\n\n\t\tE should have pd bill. She belongs to Underwrld now.\n\t\tLong live the King xxxx\n\nE has been using and now has been taken and you must [[rescue her|choice]].
You pace frantically up down your living room, planning and deliberating. Trying desperately to think of a way to rescue her. You know that bringing E back from the Underworld will require you to experience what she's going through. It won't be as easy as walking in, you'll have to look the part and you'll have to be on her level. You'll have to start using again. The only way to bring her back completely is to follow her down and to come back together. But you swore you would never again. You don't know if you're just looking for an excuse. There's a joint in the cutlery draw, E had been 'hiding' it.\n\nYou hold it in your hand and slowly [[raise it to your lips|drugs]] or [[throw it in the bin|sober]].
Sticking to the shadows you stealthily creep behind the group. They reach the walls of the Underworld Complex and speak quickly to a lone guard. The guard pulls a hidden lever and a hidden door swings open. The girls rush inside and the door slams shut.\n\nYou bury your hands in your face and let out a muffled scream. She was so close. You have heard rumours that the King loves music so you decide to return home and plan your [[entry]]. \n\n\n
You look back at the beautiful E and smile happily. However, although you have left the Underworld she has not and you have broken the Kings command. A guard grabs E and slams the door in your face. You are left with an image of E looking scared and fraught, the last image of her you will ever see.\n
You grab E and charge towards the exit, desperately trying not to look back at her. As you stride onwards you see joints all around. You wonder if you should [[grab one|flying]] or [[avoid them|clean]].
You're able to nurse E back to health slowly and lovingly. She swears never to be involved with the King again and you trust in her resolve. The two of you live in you home together in happiness.\n\n[[Start|Start]]
E slips up and still you leave her alone, now unable to help her at all. You are stuck with an idea of who E is and a shadow of that idea. [[Your problems begin again|Start]].
You charge on faster than before. You are so close to the exit!\n\nYou cross the threshold of the Underworld and feel joy surge up inside of you. You have E back! In the second you pass through the door you're overwhelmed with the urge to look back at E.\n\n[[You decide to peek|look back]]\n\n[[You think you should play it safe|onwards]]
Back home you find your DJ equipment and pack it into it's case, you then dress up as though you have been hired. The case sits on your bed and you deliberate as to whether you should [[take the case|underworld]] or [[let it go|fail end]].