''Electric Erin Vs. The Steel Stalker''
By Sharang Biswas
Illustrations by Maariyah Mustafa
[[Begin the Game!|Intro]]
Produced by Readorium
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/pAKCXfO.png" height="457.5" width="638" alt="Electric Erin">YOU are ''Electric Erin''! An ordinary middle-school student by day, you secretly fight crime at night! (After family dinner of course. You never miss that!)
This time, you're facing your deadliest enemy yet: ''Steel Stalker''!
Can you defeat the villain? Or will you meet a cold, metallic end?
[[Get to the adventure already!|Start]]
Branches break loudly as Steel Stalker tosses a metal trash can at a tree.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/J7BZTQO.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Steel Stalker">
Garbage spills everywhere. Steel Stalker roars loudly.
Visitors at the park scream and scatter. Their Sunday is ruined by the arrival of this dangerous villain.
Luckily, YOU, Electric Erin are one of the visitors!
Crouched behind a park bench, you plan what to do.
[[Remember everything you can about Steel Stalker.]]
[[Ask a friend what they know about Steel Stalker.]]
You attend a secret after-school "Superhero Class" taught by ''Professor Power''. He's definitely talked about Steel Stalker before.
The problem is that the Professor is a little boring...and you weren't really paying attention...
From what you can remember, Steel Stalker was once a regular criminal. One day, he broke into an engineering lab. On his way out, he tripped and caused a weird machine to malfunction.
The machine exploded. Steel Stalker turned into a monster covered in steel plates. He grew steel spikes instead of hands!
You think that's right... You can't remember much more because you were too busy daydreaming about your old mentor, the celebrity superhero ''Heroic Harriet''...
But now he's right here in the park and looks ANGRY! A woman with a stroller screams from nearby!
[[Time to put on your costume!]]As quietly and quickly as you can, you dial your friend 'Snake Boy'.
"Ssssss....hello?" he hisses. "Erin? What'ssssssss up?"
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/GMg7cbs.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Erin">
"I need you to tell me about Steel Stalker! He's here in the park!"
"Enough the with Ssssssss, Snake Boy," you interrupt. "This is an emergency! You've fought him before!"
"Yessssss.... Sssteel Sstalker...he's fused to Sssteel plates and has ssspikes for armsssss."
"I can see that! Something more useful, please?"
"Ssss....well, he likes chocolate chip cookies?"
"What?" you ask, annoyed. "How does that help-"
Before you can finish your sentence, you hear a shout from nearby. It's a mother with a stroller!
"Sorry Snake Boy, gotta go!"
[[Time to put on your costume!]]
You quickly don your mask, cape and gloves, each as dark as the heart of a black hole.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/BYmqYH9.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Electric Erin">
You twiddle your fingers, testing your powers. You feel a spark between your fingertips.
You found out as a child that you had the power to control electricity. Specifically, you can control and move around //electrons//. Electrons are tiny particles that carry negative //electric charge//. You practiced a lot, and have since [[mastered your abilities]]! You jump out from behind the bench just in time to see Steel Stalker running towards the woman with the stroller. The spikes on his arms are raised, and his eyes have a mad light in them.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/J7BZTQO.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Steel Stalker">
You don't have time to build up your charge! You have to act quickly!
[[Yell something rude to get Steel Stalker's attention.|Yell]]
[[Throw something at Steel Stalker to distract him.|Throw]]"HEY!" you yell loudly. "Hey you! You big, rusted dumpster, I'm talking to you!"
Steel Stalker stops and turns to you. He squints.
"Yeah that's right, you sorry excuse for a door nail! Pick on someone your own size!"
He bellows and rushes straight at you. You gulp as you realize that he's probably about double your size and twice as strong.
He could pick you up, crumple you like a tissue and toss you away without much effort.
Now's //probably// the time to use your powers!
[[Build up your electric charge.|Charge]]In the rubbish from the broken trash can, you see a rotten banana peel. It's brown, slimy, and buzzing with flies.
You hold your breath, pick up the peel, aim carefully, and throw it!
//SPLAT!// It hits Steel Stalker wetly in the side of his face. You smile, thinking of the stink he must be smelling. That should teach him!
His face twists in anger and he turns towards you. Uh-oh.
Steel Stalker yells a rude word and rushes straight at you! But you have just enough time to use your powers!
[[Build up your electric charge.|Charge]]You focus your thoughts and slow your breathing. You picture yourself as a large ball, glowing brighter and brighter as electrons gather around you. You're gaining a high, negative electric charge.
Pretty soon, a buzzing itch on your skin tells you that your powers are working. Tiny flashes of lightning spark off your hands.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/oAOXSmC.png" height="300" width="300" alt="Charge">
Quick! You need to choose an object to give a positive charge to!
[[The Tree]]
[[The Trash Can]]
[[Steel Stalker]]
You focus your thoughts on the tree. You picture it as a large well whose water is quickly draining away. The water represents the electrons, and removing electrons from any object gives it a positive charge.
It's a little hard to concentrate. There's a steel man with spiky arms running right at you! But you manage somehow!
You body holds a high negative charge. The tree holds positive charge. An electric current arcs between you and the tree. It bursts into flame!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Twgmz2T.png" height="300" width="300" alt="ZAP">
Steel Stalker pauses for a moment to look at the fire. You bought yourself some time, but you haven't stopped him yet! You have time to choose another object!
You can give a positive charge to:
[[The Trash Can]]
[[Steel Stalker]]
You concentrate on the trash can. In your mind, you picture it as a bottle of water, pouring out. The water represents the electrons, and removing electrons from any object gives it a positive charge.
Steel stalker is screaming angry things at you, but you ignore it and try to focus.
Your body has a high negative charge. The trash can has a positive charge. A bolt of electricity jumps out from you and to the trash can. It explodes!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Twgmz2T.png" height="300" width="300" alt="ZAP">
A hot, yucky smell fills the park. Burnt garbage flies everywhere!
A crispy, blackened apple core hits Steel Stalker in the eye! It looks like you distracted him for a moment, but you haven't stopped him yet! You have time to choose another object!
You can give a positive charge to:
[[The Tree]]
[[Steel Stalker]]With a deep breath, you empty your mind and picture only Steel Stalker.
You imagine him as a huge river, with water flowing away.
You picture him as a battery, slowly discharging.
You imagine all this as you try to remove electrons from him.
It's working! You feel a familiar rush of energy. Steel Stalker now has a positive charge. Your body, in a cloud of electrons, has a negative charge!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Twgmz2T.png" height="300" width="300" alt="ZAP">
With a loud, crackling noise, a surge of lightning leaps out of you and straight towards Steel Stalker!
[[A hit!]]
The woman with the stroller squawks loudly. She scuttles away as the electricity hits the Steel Stalker squarely in the chest.
Oh no!
Normally, when a villain is hit by your powers, they're thrown back, burnt, and seriously butt-kicked.
Instead, the Steel Stalker stops moving. He bursts out laughing as the electricity flows harmlessly through him and into the ground.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/KMmDOWq.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Erin">
What happened???
[[Remember your lessons.]]
[[Quickly ask a friend what the problem could be.]]You think back to your secret after-school "Superhero Class" taught by ''Professor Power''. He once gave you some homework about Steel Stalker...
But you never did that homework, did you? That night, you had decided to go play soccer with the neighborhood kids.
Sure your team won, but now you regret not doing the homework!
Steel Stalker has stopped laughing and is giving you an evil smile. He slowly starts walking towards you.
THINK! [[What did you read in class about him?]]Steel Stalker has stopped laughing and is giving you an evil smile. He slowly starts walking towards you.
You have to ask fast, using a secret weapon: your friends.
''Remarkable Reem'' is another superhero-in-training who you sometimes play chess with (to sharpen your strategy skills). She always beats you because Remarkable Reem can read minds!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Zchi7Bh.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Reem">
However, this means you can talk to her from far away! She gave you a password a long time ago. If you think about the password over and over again, Remarkable Reem will hear your thoughts and contact you.
As Steel Stalker approaches, you close your eyes, and to yourself, you repeat the password again and again:
[['Flying Green Panda! Flying Green Panda! Flying Green Panda!']]Now you remember! Even though you didn't do the homework, you read the chapter on the bus on your way home.
This is not the first time you regret not having done your homework. Maybe you should do it more often?
Steel Stalker is made of metal! Metals are //conductors// [con-DUCK-ters] of electricity! This means that unlike plastic or wood, which are //insulators// [IN-syu-late-ers], electricity can easily pass through metals!
Steel Stalker was unhurt by your powers because he's a giant electrical conductor!
Quickly! You have to [[think of a new plan.]]
You can't directly stop Steel Stalker with your electric currents.
But you CAN do something else.
There's one thing your old mentor '' Heroic Harriet'' taught you when you first started controlling your powers.
[[Magnets]]'FLYING GREEN PANDA!' you think as hard as you can.
Instantly, you hear Remarkable Reem in you head.
'Erin! You used the emergency password! What's wrong?'
'Reem!' you think. 'Quick! I'm fighting the Steel Stalker! Why aren't my powers working on him?'
Your head starts to hurt. It always does when you talk to Remarkable Reem in your mind.
'Erin! Weren't you paying attention in class?'
It's hard for people to //think// angrily, but somehow, Reem manages to.
'Steel Stalker is made of metal!' she thinks at you. 'He's a //conductor//!' [con-DUCK-ter]
You know what that means. Metals are //conductors// of electricity! This means that unlike plastic or wood, which are //insulators// [IN-syoo-later], electricity can easily pass through metals!
Steel Stalker was unhurt by your powers because he's a giant electrical conductor!
'Thanks, Reem! I owe you!' you reply, and open you eyes. Steel Stalker has nearly reached you!
Quicky! You have to [[think of a new plan.]]
You remember your teacher's words: "Every electric current creates a //magnetic field//".
Basically, every electric current acts like a small magnet. The //magnetic field// is the space around a magnet that the magnet can affect.
Steel, iron, cobalt and nickel are known as //ferromagnetic// [FER-o-mag-NET-ick] metals. This means that magnets can affect them.
If you can make a strong enough electric current, you might be able to create a strong enough magnetic field. Hopefully, that will stop Steel Stalker!
Again, you feel your skin itch as you build up your charge.
What object should you send your current through?
[[Steel Stalker himself]]
[[The park bench]]
For the second time today, you remove electrons from Steel Stalker, giving him a positive charge. Again, you shoot a current into him.
He stops again, thinking that you're trying the same trick twice.
Nothing's happening!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/KMmDOWq.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Erin">
When a single wire with an electric current creates a magnetic field, that field does not affect the wire itself. It's sort of like how a magnet does not affect itself.
Since the electricity is flowing through Steel Stalker, he's basically acting like a single wire in the current! Heroic Harriet had told you that, but you'd forgotten!
[[Quick! Change target!|The park bench]]
You imagine the park bench as a giant ball of electrons, quickly shrinking. You make the bench lose electrons and gain a positive charge.
Electricity shoots out from you and into the bench. You can feel a weak magnetic field.
Here, the bench acts like a single wire. When a single wire with an electric current creates a magnetic field, that field does not affect the wire itself.
Since your current is flowing through the bench and not Steel Stalker himself, the magnetic field you create should be able to stop him! Only, it's not yet strong enough!
Steel Stalker smiles. He thinks you're trying to distract him! He's almost reached you, and he raises his giant spikes.
You pour more and more power into the bench. The arc of lightning gets brighter and brighter. A sharp, metallic smell fills the air. You keep pouring power, keep strengthening the current, hoping you can make it strong enough to make a powerful magnetic field...
[[Steel stalker aims a spike at you and prepares to strike...]]And stops.
You seen his veins bulge. You see his eyes dart. You see his muscles strain as he tries to resist the pull of the magnetic field you're creating with your electric current.
It's working!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/uCYLPUa.png" height="400" width="400" alt="Trapped">
But you have to hold on. If you let the current go, there will be no magnetic field to stop Steel Stalker.
You MUST hold on.
But it's getting harder.
You're sweating now.
Your body starts aching.
[[You. Have. To. Hold. On.]][[Everything goes black.|Wake Up]]You wake up in a bright yellow bedroom. Everything smells like beeswax.
You know where you are. This is the safe house that the local superheroes use!
You try and get out of bed, but your arms and legs feel as heavy as giant stone boulders.
"Ssstay in bed, Erin!" a voice hisses. It's your friend Snake Boy!
'You're a hero!' a voice says in your head. That must be Remarkable Reem, your classmate who can talk to people with her mind!
"Wh-what happened? Where's Steel Stalker?" you ask.
"The pol-eeeesssssssssssss arrived and stopped him," Snake Boy says calmly. "You're the girl who saved the day!"
'They wouldn't have been able to catch him if you hadn't stopped him with your magnetic powers!' you hear Reem say in your head. 'You were amazing!'
"I wanna go see..." you say weakly and try again to get out of bed, but you're still too weak.
"Relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx," Snake boy says. "You've earned it."
'And hey!" Remarkable Reem thinks at you, 'maybe you should now change your name to Electro''magnetic'' Elaine!'
[[The End! | Credits]]
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/S9oSIRS.png" height="429" width="600" alt="Team">''Credits''
Written and designed by (link:"Sharang Biswas")[(gotoURL:"https://sharangbiswas.myportfolio.com/")]
Illustrations by (link:"Maariyah Mustafa")[(gotoURL:"https://www.behance.net/MAARIYAHMUd3cf")]
Produced by (link:"Readorium")[(gotoURL:"http://www.readorium.com/")]
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Through your training you learned a few important things about your powers:
1) Electric charge has two types: positive and negative. Your superpowers let you control electrons, which have a negative charge.
2) A spot with lots of electrons has a negative charge. A spot with few electrons holds a positive charge.
3) Electric charge likes to balance itself out. If one area has a negative charge, and another has a positive, electrons will move to the positive area. This movement of charge is an //electric current//.
4) A strong electric current, like lightning, releases a lot of energy. You can use that energy to stop villains!
5) Using your superpowers, you can gather electrons around yourself, building up your negative charge. You can also reduce the electrons in another area, giving it a positive charge. This means that you can make an electric current flow from you to any object!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/oAOXSmC.png" height="300" width="300" alt="Charge">
That was hard to remember at the start. Your first fight with ''Evil Evelyn the Zombie Queen'' was super embarrassing because you got the direction of your current wrong. But now it's simple: //a current is the flow of electric charge, and electrons flow from negative to positive//.
Oh, if only Evil Evelyn could see you now!
But that's in the past: now you need to face the Steel Stalker!
[[Stop the Villain!]]