''Atomic Dating Game''
Written by Sharang Biswas, Natalie Duerr and Maariyah Mustafa
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Cgtv9VB.jpg" width=700 height=327 alt="Readorium Atomic Dating Game">
Produced by Readorium
Welcome to the //Elemental Dating Game//, the new dating show for the Elements!
Today we have a Hydrogren [HY-dro-jen] atom here, also known as H. H is looking to form a bond with another Hydrogen atom so that together, the two of them can make H<sub>2</sub>!
Before we begin, you need to remember three things so that you can make the best match!
1) All the stuff around you is made of ''matter''. Matter can be broken into tiny particles called ''atoms''.
2) Atoms are made of three main parts: ''protons'', ''neutrons'' and ''electrons''.
3) Protons carry a positive electric charge, electrons carry a negative electric charge, and neutrons carry no charge.
[[Tell me more about H!]]
H has a couple of important preferences when choosing a partner to bond with.
1) H wants to form H<sub>2</sub>, so is only looking for a second Hydrogen.
2) H does not want an overall electric charge, so look for someone with neither a positive nor a negative overall charge.
Keep these facts in mind when listening to all of the contestants. At the end, you will let us know who you think H should partner with!
[[Let's meet the contestants!]]
(set: $H to 1)
(set: $Hspecial to 0)
(set: $Hmatch to 0)
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/NdpTlvZ.jpg" height=400 width = 400 alt="Readorium Atomic Dating Game">
I'm a Hydrogen ion, but you can call me H+. I'm so excited to be here and I TOTALLY want to bond with H! I'm H+ so I'm still a Hydrogen, but a little special.
H and I are meant to be together, because I'm SUPER positive!
[[Why are you so special?]]
[[Why do you think you are the best match for Hydrogen?]]
(set: $D to 1)
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/8j7zwZY.jpg" height=500 width = 500 alt="Readorium Atomic Dating Game">
I'm D, I mean...well, actually I'm Deuterium [dew-TER-ee-um] but my friends call me D for short...
Sorry, I'm kinda nervous...
[[Why are you so nervous?]]
[[Why are you good match for H? H is looking for another Hydrogen!]]
(set: $He to 1)
(set: $Heabout to 0)
(set: $Hematch to 0)
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/KI5VuhB.jpg" height=500 width = 500 alt="Readorium Atomic Dating Game">
Greetings, I am the great Helium [HEE-lee-um]. I am a Noble Gas. You may call me "Your Majesty."
[[Uh, okay, Your Majesty... Tell me a little bit about yourself!]]
[[Of course, Your Majesty. Can you tell me why you are the perfect match for Hydrogen?]]
(set: $match to 1)
We were made to be! We are both Hydrogen atoms so I think the pairing would be perfect!
[[Why are you so special?]]
(if: $Hspecial is 1)[
[[I want to Meet D]]
[[I want to meet He]]
(if: $H is 1 and $D is 1 and $He is 1)[
[[I have talked to all of the contestants, I know who H should choose!]]]]
(set: $Hspecial to 1)
Well, I'm postively charged which is why I'm so happy!
Since I'm a type of Hydrogen, I have a single proton, which, like all protons, has a positive charge.
BUUUUUUUT, Hydrogen atoms that have no overall charge also have an electron, which is negative. The negative electron cancels out the positive proton.
I, on the other hand, am not a regular Hydrogen atom. I'm missing an electron, so there's nothing to cancel out my positive proton, giving me a positive charge. I get the plus sign added to my name to demonstrate that. Because of this I'm called an ''ion'' of Hydrogen. Isn't that awesome??!
[[Why do you think you are the best match for Hydrogen?]]
(if: $Hmatch is 1)[
[[Great! Can I tak to D next?|I want to Meet D]]
[[Cool, but I'd love to meet He next?|I want to meet He]]
(if: $H is 1 and $D is 1 and $He is 1)[
[[I have talked to all of the contestants, I know who H should choose!]]]]
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Zl92mAn.jpg" height=500 width = 500 alt="Readorium Atomic Dating Game">
Perfect! Who would make the best match for H?
[[The excitable and happy H+|Wrong Choice H+]]
[[The noble and self-confident He|Wrong Choice He]]
[[The shy but modest D|Right Choice]]
(set: $Heabout to 1)
You mean you haven't heard of my nobility? What a peasant!
Well, because I am the second most common element in the universe, I am terribly important.
You will find a lot of noble Helium in the sun, or in Helium balloons.
I have exactly two protons. Which is one more than Hydrogen, you may notice. Which can only mean that I'm better than Hydrogen! H would do well to choose someone as noble as me, isn't that right?
[[Of course, Your Majesty. Can you tell me why you are the perfect match for Hydrogen?]]
(if: $Hematch is 1)[
[[Errr...thanks... I'm going to talk to H+ next.|I want to meet H+]]
[[You're a little rude. I'd rather talk to D.|I want to Meet D]]
(if: $H is 1 and $D is 1 and $He is 1)[
[[I have talked to all of the contestants, I know who H should choose!]]]]
Uhh...well...actually I feel kinda weird because there are so few other Deuterium atoms around.
You see, I'm actually a type of Hydrogen, you know? Yeah, I know I look a little different, but I have exactly one proton. That's what makes me a type of Hydrogen: it's the proton that's important.
The thing is, I also have an extra part called a neutron. That's why I'm called an ''isotope'' of Hydrogen.
Yeah, I know I look weird right?
[[You don't look weird at all! But what about your charge?|But what about your charge?]]
Uhh...well...actually, I actually //am// a type of hydrogen.
I mean...yeah, I know I look a little different, but I have exactly one proton. That's what makes me a type of Hydrogen: it's the proton that's important.
The thing is, I also have an extra part called a neutron. That's why I'm called an ''isotope'' of Hydrogen.
Yeah, I know I look weird right?
[[You don't look weird at all! But what about your charge?|But what about your charge?]]
(if: $H is 1 and $D is 1 and $He is 1)[
[[I have talked to all of the contestants, I know who H should choose!]]]
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Zl92mAn.jpg" height=500 width = 500 alt="Readorium Atomic Dating Game">
H is the most common type of atom in the universe, and is also pretty straightforward: H is made of exactly one proton, and without an overall electric charge, has exactly one electron.
[[What is H looking for?]]
We have three contestants today, competing to bond with H!
1) ''H+'', or a Hydrogen ion
2) ''D'', or Deuterium
3) ''He'', or Helium
Who would you like to meet first?
[[I want to meet H+]]
[[I want to Meet D]]
[[I want to meet He]]
Uhhh.... I'm not charged because I have a single electron to cancel out my proton.
Errr...if that confuses you...err...I think H+ can tell you all about positive and negative charges.
My neutron carries no charge (it's called a neutron because it's neutral, see?), so I, err...I guess you don't have to worry about that?
In short, I have one proton, which makes me a hydrogen, but also one neutron, which makes me a special type of hydrogen called Deuterium. I have one electron to cancel my proton, leaving me with no charge.
[[Awesome! Now I'd like to talk to H+|I want to meet H+]]
[[Cool. I'd like to speak with He next|I want to meet He]]
(if: $H is 1 and $D is 1 and $He is 1)[
[[I have talked to all of the contestants, I know who H should choose!]]]
(set: $Hematch to 1)
Well, like I said, I'm a Noble Gas! This means I don't react to form bonds with any other element.
Yes, yes, I know that means I can't bond with H, but I'm so noble, that shouldn't matter. H should feel lucky to be with me!
And yes, I'm not Hydrogen, I'm Helium. But really, that's actually better, isn't it?
[[Uh, okay, Your Majesty... Tell me a little bit about yourself!]]
(if: $Heabout is 1)[
[[Errr...thanks... I'm going to talk to H+ next.|I want to meet H+]]
[[You're a little rude. I'd rather talk to D.|I want to Meet D]]
(if: $H is 1 and $D is 1 and $He is 1)[
[[I have talked to all of the contestants, I know who H should choose!]]]]
He stands aside and looks at H with an imperious expression.
They don't seem to want to form a bond...in fact, they look downright awkward!
Maybe you should try again?
Remember, these are H's criteria:
1) H wants to form H<sub>2</sub>, so is only looking for a second Hydrogen.
2) H does not want an overall electric charge, so look for someone with neither a positive nor a negative charge.
[[ H+ would make anyone happy!|Wrong Choice H+]]
[[D has so many good qualities!|Right Choice]]
When H and D lock eyes (and electrons), you know it's true love!
Because D is just an isotope of Hydrogen, and carries no electric charge, D and H easily share electrons, creating a strong ''covalent bond'' and the two form H<sub>2</sub>!
You did it! You found H a partner with whom to form a stable bond!
The two atoms have a long, healthy relationship as H<sub>2</sub>, a light, colorless, odorless gas!
Review of what we learned:
1) ''Matter'' is made up of ''atoms''.
2) Atoms have three basic parts: ''protons'', which are positively charged, ''electrons'', which are negatively charged, and ''neutrons'', which are neither positive nor negative, and so are ''neutral''.
3) ''H'' (Hydrogen) and ''He'' (Helium) are elements. Elements are defined by the number of protons they have.
4) If an atom has a different number of neutrons, it's still the same element, but it's called an ''isotope'' of that element.
5) If an atom has a different number of electrons, it's still the same element, but it will now have an electric charge, and is an ''ion'' of that element.
6) Some atoms can share electrons to form a strong ''covalent bond''.
7) Helium is known as a ''Noble Gas''. Noble gases do not react with and do not form bonds with other elements.
Thanks for playing //The Atomic Dating Game//!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Cgtv9VB.jpg" width=700 height=327 alt="Readorium Atomic Dating Game">
Written By Sharang Biswas, Natalie Duerr and Maariyah Mustafa
Art by By Natalie Duerr and Maariyah Mustafa
Produced by Readorium
Readorium is a reading comprehension software focusing on scientific texts for students from grades 3-8. Readorium's mission is to increase non-fiction reading competency in English so students become self-actualized learners and strategic thinkers.
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[[Do you want to play again?|Start]]
H+ is a little //too// positive for H. They don't seem to have much chemistry together...
Maybe you should try again?
Remember, these are H's criteria:
1) H wants to form H<sub>2</sub>, and so is only looking for a second Hydrogen.
2) H does not want an overall electric charge, so look for someone with neither a positive nor a negative charge.
[[How could you go wrong with a commading personality like He?|Wrong Choice He]]
[[D has so many good qualities!|Right Choice]]