Starting to wake up now.\n\n[[More coffee!]]\n\n[[Leave house]]
so sleeeepy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz\n\n[[Snooze champion]]\n\n[[Turn off the alarm]]
Uh oh! too much - anxiety setting in. \n\nBack to bed - perhaps a nap will give me a fresh [[start]]
Another day.\n\n[[Better get out of bed and start my day]]\n\n[[Put pillow on head and go back to sleep]]
What time is it? \n\nWho knows?\n\nIt seems to be light out, but it could be the streetlights.\n\nYour alarm goes off.\n\n[[Hit the snooze button]]\n\n[[Turn off the alarm]]
Starting to wake up now.\n\n[[More tea!]]\n\n[[Leave house]]
Uh oh! too much - anxiety setting in. \n\nBack to bed - perhaps a nap will give me a fresh [[start]]
More sleep - too tired - how was that 9 minutes?!\n\n[[Snooze]]\n\n[[Turn off the alarm]]
Starting to get real PUMPED about LIFE and DOING AMAZING THINGS!\n\n[[More coffee!]]\n\n[[More coffee!!]]\n\n[[Leave house]]
Ahh the idea of a few moments more rest before the alarm sounds again. Back to sleep in no time.\n\nAnd in no time the Alarm sounds again.\n\n[[Hit the snooze button again]]\n\n[[Turn off the alarm]]
What's the point anyhow? So tired.\n\nMy dreams will be better than anything else I would have done.
The usual pee, putting on the clothes you shed from the night before, a glance at the toothbrush, and commence to head strait for the kettle.\n\nToday's brew will be\n\n[[Coffee]]\n\n[[Tea]]\n\n[[Water]]
I need to lay off the caffeine - get healthy!\n\nThis is a step towards the new me!\n\nThe me that will shortly develop a raging headache.\n\n[[Tough it out]]\n\n[[Pills]]
What time is it? \n\nWho knows?\n\nIt seems to be light out, but it could be the streetlights.\n\nYour alarm goes off.\n\n[[Hit the snooze button]]\n\n[[Turn off the alarm]]
Still have a headache, still grumpy, but what is new?\n\n[[Leave house]]\n\n
This is the comfiest bed ever - I mean - getting out of it? Why do people ever do that?\n\n[[Snooze champion]]\n\n[[Turn off the alarm]]
A Day Like Every Other
Hell, I was pretty impressed with you getting out of bed. Well done. What could the rest of your day have in store?
Starting to get real PUMPED about LIFE and DOING AMAZING THINGS!\n\n[[More tea!]]\n\n[[More tea!!]]\n\n[[Leave house]]
Headache is going away. \n\nTime to \n\n[[Leave house]]
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