What Happened To Us by Patrick Ripoll [[Start]] [[Options]] part of the Idle Thumbs Wizard Game JamYou have a lot of options, actually. You don't have to spend your time playing this. It'll take about 20 minutes. It's ok if you want to watch an episode of Futurama instead. (http://www.episodegenerator.com/futurama) Or you can play any number of other games from this same game jam.[[Bzzzzzz.]]Well, that's him. You grab the box of his things and walk to the door to buzz him up. [[A CD falls out.]]You pick it up. "TOTALLY NOT TRYING TO HIT ON YOU JAMS 2012" [[Put it back in the box.]] [[Keep it.]]You tuck the CD in the pages of an issue of Hawkeye he left in your bathroom a year ago. KNOCK KNOCK. [[You head to the door.]]He says hi. You say hi. You hand him the box. He says he's sorry. Maybe he says some other stuff. To be honest, it's hard to remember, eye contact was difficult. There's a pregnant pause followed by an abortive "Take care." and he leaves. [[Ok. Now what.]]You exchange greetings and exchange farewells and all of it kind of blends together. At some point the box of stuff leaves your arms and ends up in his, but you can't remember how. It's like a third generation dubbed videotape, his "Take care of yourself." distant and watery. Through the chasm he wishes you well and you close the door. Ok. That's over. [[That's actually over.]]You get as far as opening the fridge before you realize you aren't actually hungry or thirsty. You close it, open it again, grab a beer, close it again. You turn back to the bookshelf, looking at Slouching Towards Bethlehem and Alif the Unseen. [[The mix.]]You walk back to the couch and then to the kitchen, opening and closing the cabinet with cups and bowls and then back to the couch again. You're not thinking of the face you used to kiss or the time you wasted trying to learn the names of the characters on Babylon 5. You're thinking about [[that mix CD.|The mix.]]"Look, [[I don't want you to read too much into this|Please]], but I made you a mix." He puts down his burrito and looks at the CD. The title makes him laugh, which slightly loosens the knot in your stomach. [["I mean it. I don't do the whole 'this is what I feel' thing with mixes.|mixes]] This is just a collection of songs I don't think you've heard that I think you'd like."You walk to the bookshelf and tuck the CD in between Slouching Towards Bethlehem and Alif the Unseen. KNOCK KNOCK. [[You go to the door.]][[Please please read into this, notice how hard I worked on it.]]"Look, I don't want you to read too much into this, but I made you a mix." He smirks as you hand it to him. He looks at title and laughs. [["I mean it. I don't do the whole 'this is what I feel' thing with mixes.|mixes2]] This is just a collection of songs I don't think you've heard that I think you'd like."[[This is a total lie, all I want is for you to think I have cool taste in music so you will sleep with me.|this is a total lie.]]"Look, [[I don't want you to read too much into this|Please2]], but I made you a mix." He smirks as you hand it to him. He looks at title and laughs. "I mean it. I don't do the whole 'this is what I feel' thing with mixes. This is just a collection of songs I don't think you've heard that I think you'd like."[[This is a total lie, all I want is for you to think I have cool taste in music so you will sleep with me.|lie2]]"Tractor Rape Chain?" He's looking at the track listing on the back of the case. Normally your hand-writing is terrible, but you spent almost 45 minutes slowly writing out each one so he could read it. "It's a Guided by Voices song. [[I told you not to read into it."|Now]][[Please please read into this, notice how hard I worked on it.|lie2]]1. [[Tr]]1. Tr[[actor R]]1. Tractor R[[ape Chain - Guid]]1. Tractor Rape Chain - Guided By Voices "Why is it every time I think about you Something that you have said or implied makes me doubt you" (Of course now when you think of it, it's a little embarrassing. The hours you spent picking songs, arranging the order, [[writing out every title|told]].)