Welcome to Silverlake citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour Traveller divsion]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome Flower Farmer, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Farmer division]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Farmer division]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Farmer division]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Farmer division]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Farmer division]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Farmer division]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Farmer division]]
You took cover behind a shrub and watched as archers pick off your squad one by one. What do you do?
Welcome to Leemo citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour Traveller divsion]] Prefered on Traveller\n
What?! Such talent wasted, you disapoint your kingdom.\n[[Quit|Quit]]
Oh, so you chose to help your allies by healing.\nNow, what class would you like to choose?\n[[Innkeeper|Innkeeper]] This Traveller scouts ahead at a medium pace and heals allies when it is time for battle.\n[[Scout|Scout]] This Traveller scouts at the fastest rate, also is hard to catch; but heals the least.\n[[Tourist|Tourist]] This Traveller scouts at the slowest pace, but makes large distractions so you main forces can beat your enemies more easily.Also, can support itself with powerful heals
Welcome, to Text based Rpg: Villagers to Heroes. [[Play game|01]]
You charge head on to the large group resulting in a great loss of 5 men but sent the scouts running.
Welcome Carrot Farmer, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Farmer division]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Farmer division]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Farmer division]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Farmer division]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Farmer division]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Farmer division]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Farmer division]]
You have chosen wisely Farmer, you look ready to destroy the enemies that are against us. We need you to say you are going to fight our nemesis? What do you say, do you want to protect our beloved kingdom?\n[[Yes|Yes Farmer]]\n[[No|No Farmer]]
Oh, so you wnat to study the gifts of growth how interesting. \nNow, what class would you like to choose?\n[[Turnip Farmer|Turnip Farmer]] The farmer knows how to enhance the powers of turnips into bombs to blow away your enemies.\n[[Flower Farmer|Flower Farmer]] The farmer who knows how to manipulate flowers into deadly poison products.\n[[Carrot Farmer|Carrot Farmer]] The farmer who grows carrots to scout ahead and slightly healing allies.\n
You have a choice to restart.\n[[01|01]]
Welcome to Leemo citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour Farmer divsion]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome Mop Wielder, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Peasant divison]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Peasant division]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Peasant division]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Peasant division]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Peasant divsion]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Peasant divsion]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Peasant divsion]]
Welcome to Crownston citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour Peasant divsion]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome to Crownston citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour Traveller divsion]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome to Vertious citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour Traveller divsion]] Prefered on Traveller\n
You have chosen wisely Farmer, you look ready to destroy the enemies that are against us. We need you to say you are going to fight our nemesis? What do you say, do you want to protect our beloved kingdom?\n[[Yes|Yes Peasant]]\n[[No|No Peasant]]
Let me ask you few questions before you start on your character. \n[[Farmer|Farmer]] Wield the gift of instant plant growth of plants. \n[[Peasant|Peasant]] Attack your enemies with vicious household items. \n[[Traveller|Traveller]] Run around before the battle, by gathering information of the area and the enemy.\n
Welcome Tourist, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Traveller divsion]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Traveller divsion]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Traveller divsion]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Traveller divsion]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Traveller divsion]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Traveller divsion]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Traveller divsion]]
Welcome to Devilanna citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour Farmer divsion]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Ah! Good citzen, your class are not given the credit that most people believe your class deserves. Let's prepare before battle though.\n[[Preparation|Preparation]]\n
You lead your squad to drive away the archers you lost 5 men charging
What?! Such talent wasted, you disapoint your kingdom.\n[[Quit|]]
Welcome to Stormkeep citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour Traveller divsion]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome Innkeeper, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Traveller divsion]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Traveller divsion]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Traveller divsion]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Traveller divsion]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Traveller divsion]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Traveller divsion]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Traveller divsion]]
Welcome Scout, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Traveller divsion]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Traveller divsion]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Traveller divsion]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Traveller divsion]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Traveller divsion]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Traveller divsion]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Traveller divsion]]
Ah! Good citzen, your class are not given the credit that most people believe your class deserves. Let's prepare before battle though.\n[[Preparation|Preparation]]\n
Villagers to Heroes
Although, I did tell you would get a bonus for the correct gear set this is work as well. Let's move on shall we? You are already set up chosen one, you already have mastered your arts without, any teachings that is beyond what anyone would expect ever. Espcially you because you are a citzen, which makes it all that more impressive. Time for you to get some hands on experience into battle, do you agree?\n[[Yes|Yes]]\n[[No|Quit]]
As you run to the forest you encounter 5 warriors from the enemy side. You send your allies to go as you go in to help.\n[[Back up|Backing up]]
Welcome to Silverlake citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour Peasant divsion]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome to Vanguard citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour Traveller divsion]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome Vose Thrower, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Peasant divison]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Peasant division]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Peasant division]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Peasant division]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Peasant divsion]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Peasant divsion]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Peasant divsion]]
Alright split up with your squad on 35 people and attack the sides from the hills\n[[Going to the forest|Going to the forest]]
Welcome Turnip Farmer, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Farmer division]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Farmer division]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Farmer division]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Farmer division]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Farmer division]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Farmer division]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Farmer division]]
Welcome to Stormkeep citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour Farmer divsion]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
while running you were ambushed by 4 archers on each side and they took out 8 men.\nWhat do you do?\n[[Take Cover|Take Cover]]\n[[Lead Forces|Lead Forces]]
Welcome to Vanguard citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour Farmer divsion]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n\n
Welcome to Vertious citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour Farmer divsion]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
First, we need to know where you are going to stand in the battle?\n[[Frontlines|Frontlines]] Highly recommended on Peasants\n[[Backlines|Backlines]] Highly recommended on Farmers\n[[Side flank|Side Flank]] Highly recommended on Travellers
Oh, so you have decided to practice skills to close combat, how interesting.\nNow let us what class you shall choose.\n[[Broom Wielder|Broom Wielder]] The peasant who learns ways of the broom, viciously attacks with sharp pointy brisles.\n[[Mop Wielder|Mop Wielder]] The peasant who wields a mop to wash away you enemies in a few powerful sweeps.\n[[Voce Thrower|Vose Thrower]] The peasant who uses an enchanted vose to throw endless voses at your enemies.
The small squad and you have encountered the larger scout group\nof 20 warriors. What do you do?\n[[Charge|Charge]]\n[[Run|Run]]\n
Although, I did tell you would get a bonus for the correct gear set this is work as well. Let's move on shall we? You are already set up chosen one, you already have mastered your arts without, any teachings that is beyond what anyone would expect ever. Espcially you because you are a citzen, which makes it all that more impressive. Time for you to get some hands on experience into battle, do you agree?\n[[Yes|Yes]]\n[[No|Quit]]
You order everyone to run as the scouts came closer. What do you do? [[Retreat|Retreat]]\n
Welcome to Silverlake citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour Farmer divsion]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Alright, let us fight them head, CHARGE!\n[[Charging into battle|Fight frontline]]
Ah! Good citzen, your class are not given the credit that most people believe your class deserves. Let's prepare before battle though.\n[[Preparation|Preparation]]\n
Welcome to Crownston citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour Farmer divsion]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome to Devilanna citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour Traveller divsion]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Although, I did tell you would get a bonus for the correct gear set this is work as well. Let's move on shall we? You are already set up chosen one, you already have mastered your arts without, any teachings that is beyond what anyone would expect ever. Espcially you because you are a citzen, which makes it all that more impressive. Time for you to get some hands on experience into battle, do you agree?\n[[Yes|Yes]]\n[[No|Quit]]
Welcome Broom Wielder, choose a kingdom you wish to be in.\n[[Vanguard|Vanguard Peasant divison]]\n[[Crownston|Crownston Peasant division]]\n[[Devilanna|Devilanna Peasant division]]\n[[Stormkeep|Stormkeep Peasant division]]\n[[Leemo|Leemo Peasant divsion]]\n[[Silverlake|Silverlake Peasant divsion]]\n[[Vertious|Vertious Peasant divsion]]
Stay in the backlines where it is safe and deal as much damage as you can.\n[[Charging into battle|Charging into battle Backline]]
You protected your small squad of 35 from the 5 warrior attack. Moving deeper into the forest to help the army.\n[[Moving on|Moving on]]
You have chosen wisely Farmer, you look ready to destroy the enemies that are against us. We need you to say you are going to fight our nemesis? What do you say, do you want to protect our beloved kingdom?\n[[Yes|Yes Traveller]]\n[[No|No Traveller]]
Welcome to Vertious citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour Peasant divsion]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
What?! Such talent wasted, you disapoint your kingdom.\n[[Quit|Quit]]
Welcome to Stormkeep citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour Peasant divsion]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Welcome to Leemo citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour Peasant divsion]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n
Justin Zhou - http://onceatitan.templetontitan.net/bookworms\nSamson Gao - http://onceatitan.templetontitan.net/hotwarmsauce\nLeo Wong - http://onceatitan.templetontitan.net/leowong
Ah! Good citzen, your class are not given the credit that most people believe your class deserves. Although, you may not have the correct gear, let's prepare for battle.\n[[Preparation|Preparation]]
Welcome to Vanguard citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour Peasant divsion]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Perfered on Traveller\n\n
[[First clash|First clash]]
Welcome to Devilanna citzen, you don't seem quite fit for your training. Let us help you with that choose a type of armour.Also, you get a boost if you wear the correct armour and weapon.\n[[Cloth armour|Cloth armour]] Prefered on Farmers\n[[Plate armour|Plate armour Peasant divsion]] Prefered on Peasants\n[[Leather armour|Leather armour]] Prefered on Traveller\n