You die from starvation.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
You opened the treasure. A 512 from inside the chest leaps at you. You die instantly.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
You are a 2 on the top left tile of a 4 X 4 "2048" playing board. Each time you make a move, you are moving to the next tile. If you move into a tile that's the same number as you, you add up to become the next number. If you move into a title that's a different number than you, you lose. Once you combine with a number on a tile, you cannot go back to that tile. Your goal is to become "4096" because "2048" is too easy. Pro Tip: Draw a 4 X 4 grid on paper. \n\n[[Go Right|GG]]\n[[Go Down|3]]\n
You get ambushed by an 8. YOU DIE.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]\n\n
A 512 leaps up at you, but you absorb it to become 1024.\n\n[[Go Down|16]]
You opened the treasure chest and found $5000 dollars' worth of prepaid RP cards. Suddenly, a 8192 hiding below the cards jumps up and bites your leg off. You Die.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
Congradulations! You won a Google Nexus 7 Tablet with Flappy Bird installed. That is really valueable.\n\n[[Go Down|10]]
You have gone back to the tile with the first treasure chest. What will you do?\n\n[[Not open the treasure chest|lolgg]]\n[[Open the treasure|gj]]
Congradulations! You won an all expense paid trip back to the starting tile.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
Congratz! You survived your first move. You reached a two, so you are now a 4.\n\n[[Go Right|4GG]]\n[[Go Down|5]]\n\n
You combined with a 4, so you are now an 8.\n\n[[Go Right|6]]\n[[Go Down|GG]]\n\n
You combine with an 8 to become a 16.\n\n[[Go Up|GG]]\n[[Go Right|7]]\n
You combine with a 16 to become a 32.\n\n[[Go Up|9]]\n[[Go Right|10GG]]\n[[Go Down|8GG]]
A 256 picks you up and powerbombs you. You die\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
You combine with a 32 to become a 64.\n\n[[Go Left|GG]]\n[[Go Right|11]]\n
2048 Adventures
A 64 strangles you to death.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
You reached a tile with a treasure chest. What will you do?\n\n[[Go Up|4]]\n[[Go Right|8GG]]\n[[Go Down|15GG]]\n[[Open the treasure chest|512GG]]
A 2048 slaps you in the face. You die.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
You combine with a 256 to become a 512.\n\n[[Go left|512 treasure]]
A 1024 hiding inside the brush ganks you. You die.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
There is another treasure chest in this tile. What will you do?\n\n[[Go Down|10]]\n[[Open treasure chest|tablet]]\n
You combine with a 64 to become a 128.\n[[Go Down|12]]
You combine with a 128 to become a 256.\n\n[[Go Left|14]]\n
You reached another treasure chest. What will you do?\n\n[[Go Left|8GG]]\n[[Go Down|13]]\n[[Open the treasure chest|lol]]
There yet ANOTHER treasure chest. \n\n[[Go Up|8]]\n[[Go Left|15GG]]\n[[Open the treasure chest|RP]]
You combine with a 1024 to become a 2048. Remember this game does not end at 2048\n\n[[Go left|Win]]\n\n
Congradulations! You combine with a 2048 to become 4096. Please stay tuned for my next project, Super 2048 Adventures, which is the same game as this but on a 8 X 8 grid.\n\n[[Restart|Start]]
Thomas Siu