(either: "*Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.* -- Ralph Waldo Emerson", "*You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.* -- Cormac McCarthy, No Country for Old Men", "*I believe in luck: how else can you explain the success of those you dislike?* -- Jean Cocteau", "*You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don’t help.* -- Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes", "*I have no luck anymore. But who knows? Maybe today. Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.* -- Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea", "*Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.* -- Garrison Keillor, Lake Wobegon USA", "*Luck is believing you’re lucky.* -- Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire", "*Luck affects everything; let your hook always be cast; in the stream where you least expect it, there will be a fish.* -- Ovid", "*The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.* -- Bret Harte", "*Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.* -- Seneca", "*Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow’s good luck.* -- Og Mandino", "*In short, they were gambling on their luck, and luck is not to be coerced.* -- Albert Camus, The Plague", "*Fortune, seeing that she could not make fools wise, has made them lucky.* -- Michel de Montaigne", "*Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men.* -- E.B. White", "*Nothing is as obnoxious as other people’s luck.* -- F. Scott Fitzgerald", "*It is the mark of an inexperienced man not to believe in luck.* -- Joseph Conrad", "*Luck is the residue of design.* -- John Milton") ------------------------------ [[Roll your starting stats|Roll]](either: "*Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.* -- Ralph Waldo Emerson You create an effect", "*You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.* -- Cormac McCarthy, No Country for Old Men Could be worse", "*I believe in luck: how else can you explain the success of those you dislike?* -- Jean Cocteau Here's your chance for success", "*You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don’t help.* -- Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes ... but they don't hurt, either", "*I have no luck anymore. But who knows? Maybe today. Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.* -- Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea Maybe today", "*Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.* -- Garrison Keillor, Lake Wobegon USA You get what you have", "*Luck is believing you’re lucky.* -- Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire You keep believing", "*Luck affects everything; let your hook always be cast; in the stream where you least expect it, there will be a fish.* -- Ovid You cast your hook", "*The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.* -- Bret Harte Things change", "*Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.* -- Seneca Prepare for this", "*Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow’s good luck.* -- Og Mandino Or so you keep telling yourself", "*In short, they were gambling on their luck, and luck is not to be coerced.* -- Albert Camus, The Plague It is what it is", "*Fortune, seeing that she could not make fools wise, has made them lucky.* -- Michel de Montaigne Fortune reveals her hand", "*Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men.* -- E.B. White But the dice speak for themselves", "*Nothing is as obnoxious as other people’s luck.* -- F. Scott Fitzgerald So you focus on your own", "*It is the mark of an inexperienced man not to believe in luck.* -- Joseph Conrad Unfortunately, experience doesn't bring luck", "*Luck is the residue of design.* -- John Milton You survey the residue"):(set: $gender to (either: "male","female"))(set: $race to (either: "gnome","elf","dwarf")) You are a $gender $race.(set: $str to (random: 10,20))(set: $will to (random: 10,20))(set: $con to (random: 15,20))(if: $gender is "male")[(set: $str to $str + 10)](if: $gender is "female")[(set: $will to $will + 10)](if: $race is "gnome")[(set: $con to $con + 10)](if: $race is "elf")[(set: $will to $will + 10)](if: $race is "dwarf")[(set: $str to $str + 10)] Your strength is $str Your will is $will Your constitution is $con ------------------------------ [[Re-roll your starting stats.|Roll]] [[Keep your stats and pick a class.|Pick a Class]](display: "Enemy")$aan $enemy appears!(set: $combat to "in")(set: $ehp to ((random: 300, 400) + (160 * $emod))) (set: $init to (either: 1, 2))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $init to 1)](if: $class is "ranger")[(set: $init to 1)] (if: $init is 2)[(display: "Initiative")](else:)[(if: $init is 1)[ (display: "Miss Script")]]Fighter (strength and constitution) -- take up your sword and shield to stand toe to toe against adversity and regenerate after taking damage! * Strength greatly increases your attack power. * Will is almost pointless. * Constitution governs your maximum health and how much health you regenerate after receiving damage. Magician (will and constitution) -- take up your magical staff to invade the minds of your opponents and resist damage with magical shielding! * Strength is pointless. * Will *massively* increases your attack power. * Constitution governs your maximum health and grants you magic shields that reduce incoming damage. Ranger (constitution) -- take up your bow and travel with an army of animal companions to soak up some damage! * Strength and will equally increase your attack power. * Constitution gives you twice the maximum health as other classes. * bonus: Alert (initiative): You always attack before your enemy. Thief (bonuses) -- Take up your steely knives and mysterious bag of tricks to defeat your enemies! * Strength and will equally increase your attack power. * Constitution governs your maximum health. * bonus: Jumpy (initiative): You always attack before your enemy. * bonus: Survivalist: You never fail an escape roll. * bonus: Dodgy: You have a 25% chance to dodge all damage each turn (versus a 5% chance for other classes). * bonus: Careful: You never miss an attack (versus a 5% chance to miss for other classes). * bonus: Street-smarts: Those who have known hardship know opportunity. You gain twice the experience and up to twice the attributes per encounter as other classes, allowing you to advance more quickly to new zones. There you have it. You are a $gender $race. Your strength is $str Your will is $will Your constitution is $con What class will you be? ------------------------------ [[A fighter!|Fighter Start]] [[A magician!|Magician Start]] [[A ranger!|Ranger Start]] [[A thief!|Thief Start]] [[Now you tell me! Let me re-roll my stats!|Roll]]You are a $gender $race. Your strength is $str Your will is $will Your constitution is $con What sort of hero are you? ------------------------------ [[A fighter!|Fighter Start]] [[A magician!|Magician Start]] [[A ranger!|Ranger Start]] [[A thief!|Thief Start]] [[Tell me more about these choices.|Classes]] [[On second thought, can I still re-roll my stats?|Roll]](set: $dodge to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $dodge to (random: 1, 4))](if: $dodge is 1)[(display: "Dodge Flavor") (display: "Combat Choices")](else:)[(if: $dodge > 1)[(display:"Enemy Attack")]](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $hr is 0)[It is the dawn of day $day.](if: $hr is 1)[It is early in the morning on day $day.](if: $hr is 2)[The day is young on day $day.](if: $hr is 3)[It is yet morning on day $day.](if: $hr is 4)[It is late in the morning on day $day.](if: $hr is 5)[Midday approaches on day $day.](if: $hr is 6)[It is midday on day $day.](if: $hr is 7)[It is yet midday on day $day.](if: $hr is 8)[Afternoon approaches on day $day.](if: $hr is 9)[It is early in the afternoon on day $day.](if: $hr is 10)[It is afternoon on day $day.](if: $hr is 11)[It is yet afternoon on day $day.](if: $hr is 12)[It is late in the afternoon on day $day.](if: $hr is 13)[Sunset approaches on day $day.](if: $hr is 14)[It is dusk on day $day.](if: $hr is 15)[It is getting dark on day $day.](if: $hr is 16)[The night is young on day $day.](if: $hr is 17)[It night is yet young on day $day.](if: $hr is 18)[It is night on day $day.](if: $hr is 19)[It is nearing midnight on day $day.](if: $hr is 20)[It is midnight on day $day.](if: $hr is 21)[It is after midnight on day $day.](if: $hr is 22)[It is late in the night on day $day.](if: $hr is 23)[It is the end of the night on day $day.](if: $hr is 24)[Day $day is about to end as dawn approaches.](set: $class to "fighter")(set: $strmod to 7)(set: $willmod to 1)(set: $conmod to 2)(display: "Begin")(set: $class to "magician")(set: $strmod to 0)(set: $willmod to 10)(set: $conmod to 2)(display: "Begin")(set: $class to "ranger")(set: $strmod to 4)(set: $willmod to 4)(set: $conmod to 4)(display: "Begin")(set: $class to "thief")(set: $strmod to 3)(set: $willmod to 3)(set: $conmod to 2)(display: "Begin")You awaken in darkness.(set: $atkmod to 1)(set: $atrmod to 1)(set: $emod to 1)(set: $expmod to 1)(set: $expneed to 15)(set: $zone to "a cave")(set: $day to 1) Wait, no. There is a tiny speck of light. A split second later, the light crashes down upon you and swallows you. The Light speaks to you, "Your time has not yet come," and a moment later, "Escape this cave." The light ascends. You feel heavy. Then heavier. And heavier. You slowly rise to your feet. Your head throbs. (set: $hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))Your health is $hp. Is this what being alive felt like? (text-style: "smear")[You doubt it. You were stronger once, you are somehow sure of it.] But you don't remember much else. ------------------------------ [[Think.|Think]] [[Let's just get to the action!|Starting Fight]](set: $atk to (random: 1, (round:(($str * $strmod) + ($will * $willmod) + $atkmod))))(set: $ehp to ($ehp - $atk))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Attack Flavor") You deal (text-style: "shadow")[$atk] damage! (if: $ehp > 0)[(display:"Dodge Script")](else:)[(if: $ehp < 0 or $ehp is 0)[(display:"Enemy Death") (display:"Victory")]]Your Health: $hp ------------------------------ [[Attack!|Miss Script]] [[Fight to the death!|Revised Loop]] [[Flee!|Escape Script]](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))] ------------------------------ (if: $exptot > ($expneed - 1))[[[Advance!|Travel]] ][[Seek out and destroy the evil here!|Starting Fight]] [[Rest for an hour.|Rest]] [[Rest until healed to full.|Rest Loop]] [[View Character/Time/Overview.|Overview]](set: $miss to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $miss to 20)] (if: $miss is 1)[(display: "Miss Flavor") (display: "Dodge Script")](else:)[(if: $miss > 1)[(display: "Hero Attack")]](set: $combat to "out")(set: $exp to (random: $expmod, ($expmod * 2)))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $exp to (random: $expmod, ($expmod * 4)))](set:$exptot to $exptot + $exp)(if: $exptot > ($expneed - 1))[You can now advance the story! ](set: $atr to (random: 1, $atrmod))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $atr to (random: 2, ($atrmod * 2)))]You may add <b>$atr</b> attribute (if: $atr is 1)[point](else:)[points] to: ------------------------------ [[Strength!|Strength Increase]] [[Will!|Will Increase]] [[Constitution!|Constitution Increase]](set: $str to ($str + $atr)) Your strength increases by **$atr**. Strength: **$str** Will: $will Constitution: $con Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices") (set: $will to ($will + $atr)) Your will increases by **$atr**. Strength: $str Will: **$will** Constitution: $con Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $con to ($con + $atr)) Your constitution increases by **$atr**. Strength: $str Will: $will Constitution: **$con** Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices") You have died. Your body lies motionless-- for a time.(set: $death to $death + 1)(set: $combat to "out") The Light again descends, "Your time has not yet come!" Your life is restored. The Light ascends.(set: $hr to $hr + 5)(set: $hp to ($con * $conmod *10)) Your Health: $hp/$hp (display:"Regular Choices") (set: $absorb to (random: (round: ($con * 1.5)), ($con * 2)))(if: $absorb > $eatk)[(set: $absorb to $eatk)]Your magic absorbs $absorb damage.(set: $eatk to ($eatk - $absorb))(if: $class is "fighter")[(set: $regen to (random: (round: ($con * 1.5)), ($con * 2)))](if: $regen > $eatk)[(set: $regen to $eatk)](set: $hp to ($hp +$regen))(if: $hp > ($con * $conmod * 10))[(set: $hp to ($con * $conmod * 10))](if: $class is "fighter")[You regenerate $regen health.] (display:"Combat Choices")(set: $escape to (either: 1, 2))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $escape to 1)](if: $escape is 1)[You escape to safety! (display:"Regular Choices")](else:)[You try to escape, but can't. (display:"Enemy Attack")](if: $zone is "a cave")[(set: $enemy to (either: "skeleton", "cursed treasure chest", "slightly corporeal ghost", "spider", "scorpion", "earth elemental", "faintly glowing mold construct", "malicious stalagmite", "cranky kobold", "bat", "rat"))](if: $zone is "a swamp")[(set: $enemy to (either: "vine monster", "banshee", "insane hermit", "alligator", "mushroom construct", "slime monster", "deranged shaman", "water elemental", "pool of vicious fishes", "obese mosquito", "lost penguin"))](if: $zone is "a forest")[(set: $enemy to (either: "ogre", "troll", "orc", "brigand", "gremlin", "harpy", "wind elemental", "corrupted oak", "particularly angry badger", "ornery owl", "AAAAH! IT'S A SNAKE!", "vampire rabbit", "ravenous hedgehog"))](if: $zone is "the village")[(set: $enemy to (either: "undead farmer", "undead shopkeeper", "undead cleric", "undead beggar", "zombie dog", "fire elemental", "undead townsperson", "undead blacksmith", "mad cow", "possessed horse", "bewitched cart"))](if: $zone is "Village 2")[(set: $enemy to (either: "undead farmer", "undead shopkeeper", "undead cleric", "undead beggar", "zombie dog", "fire elemental", "undead townsperson", "undead blacksmith", "mad cow", "possessed horse", "bewitched cart"))](if: $zone is "Village 3")[(set: $enemy to (either: "undead farmer", "undead shopkeeper", "undead cleric", "undead beggar", "zombie dog", "fire elemental", "undead townsperson", "undead blacksmith", "mad cow", "possessed horse", "bewitched cart"))](if: $zone is "Village 4")[(set: $enemy to (either: "undead farmer", "undead shopkeeper", "undead cleric", "undead beggar", "zombie dog", "fire elemental", "undead townsperson", "undead blacksmith", "mad cow", "possessed horse", "bewitched cart"))](if: $zone is "Village 5")[(set: $enemy to (either: "undead farmer", "undead shopkeeper", "undead cleric", "undead beggar", "zombie dog", "fire elemental", "undead townsperson", "undead blacksmith", "mad cow", "possessed horse", "bewitched cart"))](if: $zone is "the castle gate")[(set: $enemy to (either: "Scarlet Soldier", "Scarlet Spellslinger", "Scarlet Rogue", "Scarlet Sentry", "Scarlet Guard", "Scarlet Mage", "Scarlet Assassin", "Scarlet Bowmaster", "blood golem", "gate lever"))](if: $zone is "Gate 2")[(set: $enemy to (either: "Scarlet Soldier", "Scarlet Spellslinger", "Scarlet Rogue", "Scarlet Sentry", "Scarlet Guard", "Scarlet Mage", "Scarlet Assassin", "Scarlet Bowmaster", "blood golem", "gate lever"))](if: $zone is "Gate 3")[(set: $enemy to (either: "Scarlet Soldier", "Scarlet Spellslinger", "Scarlet Rogue", "Scarlet Sentry", "Scarlet Guard", "Scarlet Mage", "Scarlet Assassin", "Scarlet Bowmaster", "blood golem", "gate lever"))](if: $zone is "Gate 4")[(set: $enemy to (either: "Scarlet Soldier", "Scarlet Spellslinger", "Scarlet Rogue", "Scarlet Sentry", "Scarlet Guard", "Scarlet Mage", "Scarlet Assassin", "Scarlet Bowmaster", "blood golem", "gate lever"))](if: $zone is "the castle halls")[(set: $enemy to (either: "succubus", "hellhound", "demon", "necromancer", "warlock", "minotaur", "Scarlet Knight", "Scarlet Monk", "Scarlet Officer", "shadow construct", "spellbound tapestry", "iron maiden"))](if: $zone is "Halls 2")[(set: $enemy to (either: "succubus", "hellhound", "demon", "necromancer", "warlock", "minotaur", "Scarlet Knight", "Scarlet Monk", "Scarlet Officer", "shadow construct", "spellbound tapestry", "iron maiden"))](if: $enemy is "skeleton")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "demon")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "cursed treasure chest")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "slightly corporeal ghost")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "malicious stalagmite")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "pool of vicious fishes")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "obese mosquito")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "spider")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "bat")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "rat")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "lost penguin")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "scorpion")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "earth elemental")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "faintly glowing mold construct")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "vine monster")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "banshee")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "alligator")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "mushroom construct")[(set: $hsi to "he")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "slime monster")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "water elemental")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "ogre")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "troll")[(set: $hsi to "he")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "orc")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "gremlin")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "corrupted oak")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "particularly angry badger")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "ornery owl")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "AAAAH! IT'S A SNAKE!")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "vampire rabbit")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "ravenous hedgehog")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "wind elemental")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "zombie dog")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "mad cow")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "possessed horse")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "bewitched cart")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "spellbound tapestry")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "gate lever")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "fire elemental")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "blood golem")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "hellhound")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "shadow construct")[(set: $hsi to "it")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "cranky kobold")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "insane hermit")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "deranged shaman")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "undead farmer")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "undead shopkeeper")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "undead cleric")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "undead beggar")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "undead townsperson")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "undead blacksmith")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "An")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Soldier")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Spellslinger")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Rogue")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Sentry")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Guard")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Mage")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Assassin")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Bowmaster")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "necromancer")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "warlock")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he","she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "minotaur")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Knight")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Monk")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Officer")[(set: $hsi to (either: "he", "she"))(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "brigand")[(set: $hsi to "he")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "harpy")[(set: $hsi to "she")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "succubus")[(set: $hsi to "she")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $enemy is "iron maiden")[(set: $hsi to "she")(set: $aan to "A")](if: $hsi is "he")[(set: $hisher to "his")(set: $himher to "him")](if: $hsi is "she")[(set: $hisher to "her")(set: $himher to "her")](if: $hsi is "it")[(set: $HSI to "It")](if: $hsi is "he")[(set: $HSI to "He")](if: $hsi is "she")[(set: $HSI to "She")](if: $class is "fighter")[(either: "You block your opponent's attack.", "You shield yourself from your opponent's attack.", "You step to the side of your opponent's attack.", "You dodge your opponent's attack.")](if: $class is "magician")[(either: "You magically deflect your opponent's attack.", "You psychically knock your opponent off balance, foiling $hisher attack.", "You dodge your opponent's attack.")](if: $class is "ranger")[(either: "You deflect your opponent's attack.", "You dodge your opponent's attack.", "You anticipate and avoid your opponent's attack.")](if: $class is "thief")[(either: "You bob and weave, evading enemy attack.", "You dodge your opponent's attack.", "You anticipate and avoid your opponent's attack.", "You quickly sidestep your opponent's attack.")](if: $class is "fighter")[(set: $attackflavor to (either: "sword", "shield"))](if: $class is "magician")[(set:$attackflavor to (either: "dart", "mind"))](if: $class is "ranger")[(set:$attackflavor to (either: "fire", "pet"))](if: $attackflavor is "sword")[You (either: "stab", "poke", "slice", "chop at", "whack", "smack", "slash at", "parry, parry, thrust at") the $enemy with your sword!](if: $attackflavor is "shield")[You (either: "bash", "smash", "crash into", "charge into", "hammer", "crush", "pummel") the $enemy with your shield!](if: $attackflavor is "dart")[You shoot a magic dart at the $enemy!](if: $attackflavor is "mind")[You (either: "fill", "flood", "invade", "attack", "poison", "assault", "eclipse", "assault", "waylay", "haunt", "drown", "overwhelm", "sunder") the mind of the $enemy with (either: "illusions", "memories", "feelings", "thoughts", "visions", "screams", "painful whispers", "shadows") of (either: "despair", "destruction", "chaos", "ruination", "darkness", "failure", "pain", "sorrow", "loss", "anxiety", "insecurity", "isolation", "loneliness", "horror", "madness", "shame", "resentment", "rejection", "regret", "heartbreak")!](if: $attackflavor is "fire")[You (either: "fire", "shoot", "release") an arrow at the $enemy!](if: $attackflavor is "pet")[Your (either: "faithful", "loyal", "dependable", "trusty", "reliable", "indefatigable", "unfailing", "steadfast") pet (either: "bear", "beetle", "boar", "cat", "cow", "dog", "praying mantis", "grasshopper", "bushbaby", "crow", "chimpanzee", "baboon", "sloth", "falcon", "fox", "gerbil", "goat", "gorilla", "hamster", "hedgehog", "hippo", "honey badger", "horse", "kangaroo", "lion", "monkey", "panda", "parakeet", "penguin", "pig", "elephant", "ostrich", "owl", "rabbit", "raccoon", "raven", "rhinoceros", "snake", "squirrel", "tiger", "tortoise", "water buffalo", "wolf") (either: "aids", "joins", "assists") in your attack on the $enemy!](if: $class is "thief")[(set: $attackflavor to (either: "scrap", "throw"))](if: $attackflavor is "scrap")[You (set: $attackflavorB to (random: 1, 3))(if: $attackflavorB is 1)[(either: "stab", "shank") the $enemy (either: "where it hurts", "and it's going to leave a mark", "and twist")](if: $attackflavorB is 2)[(either: "bop", "whap", "assail") the $enemy (either: "upside", "upon", "right across") the (either: "noggin", "head", "cranium")](if: $attackflavorB is 3)[kick the $enemy in the (either: "rear", "tuckus", "fanny", "posterior", "keister", "heinie", "derriere", "tush", "badonkadonk", "rump")]!](if: $attackflavor is "throw")[You reach into your bag of tricks and throw (either: "a dagger", "a knife", "a dart", "a shuriken", "a vial of acid", "an axe") at the $enemy.](set: $attackflavorB to 0)(if: $class is "fighter")[(either: "You attack. You miss.", "Your attack misses.", "You fumble your attack.", "You stumble, foiling your attack.", "Your sword slips and you have to readjust your grip, missing your opportunity to attack.", "The $enemy dodges your attack.")](if: $class is "magician")[(either: "Your spell misses its target.", "The $enemy dodges your attack.", "You lose concentration while crafting your spell.", "Your spell fizzles out.", "The $enemy is able to get off another attack before you can complete casting your next spell.")](if: $class is "ranger")[(either: "The $enemy dodges your arrow.", "Your arrow misses its target.", "The $enemy is able to get off another attack before you can fire your arrow.")]$HSI (if: $enemy is "skeleton")[shambles closer!](if: $enemy is "cursed treasure chest")[clunkily hops toward you!](if: $enemy is "slightly corporeal ghost")[floats toward you!](if: $enemy is "malicious stalagmite")[beckons you toward it!](if: $enemy is "pool of vicious fishes")[swims toward you!](if: $enemy is "obese mosquito")[buzzes toward you!](if: $enemy is "spider")[crawls toward you!](if: $enemy is "bat")[flaps toward you!](if: $enemy is "rat")[shuffles toward you!](if: $enemy is "lost penguin")[waddles toward you!](if: $enemy is "scorpion")[darts toward you!](if: $enemy is "earth elemental")[runs toward you!](if: $enemy is "faintly glowing mold construct")[shuffles toward you!](if: $enemy is "vine monster")[trudges toward you!](if: $enemy is "banshee")[swoops down on you!](if: $enemy is "alligator")[swims toward you!](if: $enemy is "mushroom construct")[closes in on you!](if: $enemy is "slime monster")[sloshes toward you!](if: $enemy is "water elemental")[gushes toward you!](if: $enemy is "ogre")[runs straight at you!](if: $enemy is "troll")[advances carefully!](if: $enemy is "orc")[advances recklessly!](if: $enemy is "gremlin")[sneaks toward you!](if: $enemy is "corrupted oak")[rotates its roots toward you!](if: $enemy is "particularly angry badger")[grumbles its way toward you!](if: $enemy is "ornery owl")[descends upon you!](if: $enemy is "AAAAH! IT'S A SNAKE!")[NO! AAAAAH! OH NOOOO!!! IT’S COMING STRAIGHT FOR YOU!](if: $enemy is "vampire rabbit")[hops your way!](if: $enemy is "ravenous hedgehog")[closes in on your ankles!](if: $enemy is "wind elemental")[spins toward you!](if: $enemy is "zombie dog")[eyes you hungrily as it advances!](if: $enemy is "mad cow")[comes in *range*!](if: $enemy is "possessed horse")[gallops into battle!](if: $enemy is "bewitched cart")[creaks hastily toward you!](if: $enemy is "spellbound tapestry")[flies toward you!](if: $enemy is "gate lever")[comes unhinged and floats toward you!](if: $enemy is "fire elemental")[blazes toward you, fire in its wake!](if: $enemy is "blood golem")[flows closer, pulling at you like a magnet, attempting to draw your blood through your skin!](if: $enemy is "demon")[glows with dark power!](if: $enemy is "hellhound")[runs toward you, leaving fire in its wake!](if: $enemy is "shadow construct")[drifts toward you!](if: $enemy is "cranky kobold")[tells you to leave $hisher cave!](if: $enemy is "insane hermit")[points accusatorily at you, mumbling incoherently!](if: $enemy is "deranged shaman")[shouts something at you in a foreign language. Hostile intent is evident!](if: $enemy is "undead farmer")[readies a pitchfork!](if: $enemy is "undead shopkeeper")[trudges toward you!](if: $enemy is "undead cleric")[glows with unholy power!](if: $enemy is "undead beggar")[shuffles toward you!](if: $enemy is "undead townsperson")[lurches toward you!](if: $enemy is "undead blacksmith")[readies a hammer!](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Soldier")[takes the initiative. <q>Attention, cadet!</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Spellslinger")[readies a spell. <q>Say goodbye!</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Rogue")[steps out of the shadows. <q>Time to die.</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Sentry")[readies a bow. <q>Sorry.</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Guard")[takes the initiative. <q>Make your peace!</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Mage")[readies a spell. <q>Prepare to meet your end!</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Assassin")[steps out of the shadows. <q>You never had a chance.</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Bowmaster")[readies a bow. <q>Nothing personal.</q>](if: $enemy is "necromancer")[glows with unholy energy!](if: $enemy is "warlock")[readies a spell!](if: $enemy is "minotaur")[readies $hisher *cattle*axe!](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Knight")[Blocks you, imposingly. q>None shall pass!</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Monk")[radiates unholy energy. <q>May the Light consume you!</q> Clearly, $hsi is confused!](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Officer")[looks up from a report and reaches for his weapon. <q>You're under arrest!</q>](if: $enemy is "brigand")[eyes you, greedily!](if: $enemy is "harpy")[descends upon you!](if: $enemy is "succubus")[beckons you over, seductively!](if: $enemy is "iron maiden")[rattles to life!] (display: "Dodge Script")$HSI (if: $enemy is "skeleton")[clatters to the ground, defeated.](if: $enemy is "cursed treasure chest")[stops moving. Alas, no treasure!](if: $enemy is "slightly corporeal ghost")[disappears.](if: $enemy is "malicious stalagmite")[lies broken and defeated.](if: $enemy is "pool of vicious fishes")[dissolves, as the remaining fish swim away.](if: $enemy is "obese mosquito")[suffers a fatal heart attack.](if: $enemy is "spider")[skitters away, defeated.](if: $enemy is "bat")[flies away, defeated.](if: $enemy is "rat")[shuffles away, defeated.](if: $enemy is "lost penguin")[opens a magical rift and escapes.](if: $enemy is "scorpion")[skitters away, defeated.](if: $enemy is "earth elemental")[falls, defeated, becoming a mere pile of rubble.](if: $enemy is "faintly glowing mold construct")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "vine monster")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "banshee")[shrieks its last.](if: $enemy is "alligator")[swims away, defeated. Seeya later, alligator!](if: $enemy is "mushroom construct")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "slime monster")[falls, defeated, into a pool of sludge.](if: $enemy is "water elemental")[evaporates in a hiss of steam.](if: $enemy is "ogre")[melodramatically announces, <q>My time here is-- *ogre*!</q> and falls with a "thud!" You cringe as you hear a rimshot in the distance and the ogre gets up and runs off to accept an acting award.](if: $enemy is "troll")[limps away and retires to online trolling.](if: $enemy is "orc")[runs off to join the horde.](if: $enemy is "gremlin")[latches on to your ankle in a last desperate act. You kick hard and send it flying.](if: $enemy is "corrupted oak")[is felled, never to rise again. This will make good firewood.](if: $enemy is "particularly angry badger")[repents of its attitude and gives you a hug.](if: $enemy is "ornery owl")[flies away with an indignant “hoot!”](if: $enemy is "AAAAH! IT'S A SNAKE!")[slithers away to make a meme commemorating your battle.](if: $enemy is "vampire rabbit")[hops away in search of an easier foe.](if: $enemy is "ravenous hedgehog")[acts adorable until you let it go. You softy.](if: $enemy is "wind elemental")[whirls away.](if: $enemy is "zombie dog")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "mad cow")[falls, defeated. You weren’t really in the *mood*.](if: $enemy is "possessed horse")[gallops off a cliff.](if: $enemy is "bewitched cart")[lies broken and defeated.](if: $enemy is "spellbound tapestry")[goes on to a wondrous place.](if: $enemy is "gate lever")[clatters to the ground.](if: $enemy is "fire elemental")[disappears in a puff of smoke.](if: $enemy is "blood golem")[disappears into an unholy portal.](if: $enemy is "hellhound")[collapses into ash.](if: $enemy is "shadow construct")[disappears into the shadows.](if: $enemy is "cranky kobold")[causes a cave-in to escape the encounter.](if: $enemy is "insane hermit")[runs back to $hisher hermitage. That should be the last you see of $himher.](if: $enemy is "deranged shaman")[turns into a monkey and climbs a tree to escape. Just as $hsi starts to throw something at you, you decide it's time to leave.](if: $enemy is "undead farmer")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "undead shopkeeper")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "undead cleric")[returns to the Light—and stays dead.](if: $enemy is "undead beggar")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "undead townsperson")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "undead blacksmith")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Soldier")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Spellslinger")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Rogue")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Sentry")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Guard")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Mage")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Assassin")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Bowmaster")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "necromancer")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "warlock")[is consumed by fire and disappears to serve $hisher pact with hell.](if: $enemy is "minotaur")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Knight")[falls, defeated, but won't shut up. <q>Come on, ya pansy!</q>](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Monk")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Officer")[suddenly leaves for a paid vacation before you can stop $himher.](if: $enemy is "brigand")[falls, defeated.](if: $enemy is "harpy")[flies away, defeated.](if: $enemy is "succubus")[asks, in her dying breath, your opinion on necrophilia.](if: $enemy is "demon")[returns to hell.](if: $enemy is "iron maiden")[topples over and stops moving.](if: $zone is "Halls 2")[(display: "The Throne Room")](if: $zone is "the castle halls")[(display: "Halls 2")](if: $zone is "Gate 4")[(display: "The Castle Halls")](if: $zone is "Gate 3")[(display: "Gate 4")](if: $zone is "Gate 2")[(display: "Gate 3")](if: $zone is "the castle gate")[(display: "Gate 2")](if: $zone is "Village 5")[(display: "The Castle Gate")](if: $zone is "Village 4")[(display: "Village 5")](if: $zone is "Village 3")[(display: "Village 4")](if: $zone is "Village 2")[(display: "Village 3")](if: $zone is "the village")[(display: "Village 2")](if: $zone is "a forest")[(display: "The Village")](if: $zone is "a swamp")[(display: "A Forest")](if: $zone is "a cave")[(display: "A Swamp")](if: $hp is ($con * 10 * $conmod))[Your health is already full. You refuse to just sit around!] (else:)[(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))You rest for an hour, restoring some health.](if:$hp > ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set:$hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))] Your health is $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)). (display: "Regular Choices")You are a $gender $race $class. (if: $class is "fighter")[You come fully equipped with heavy armor, trusty shield, and mighty sword!](if: $class is "magician")[You come fully equipped with light robes, enigmatic hat, and magical staff to hone your power!](if: $class is "ranger")[You come fully equipped with leather armor, trusty bow, and a zoo of minions following in your wake!](if: $class is "thief")[You come fully equipped with black robes, steely knives, and a mysterious bag of tricks!] Location: (if: $zone is "a cave")[$zone](if: $zone is "a swamp")[$zone](if: $zone is "a forest")[$zone](if: $zone is "the village")[the village](if: $zone is "Village 2")[the village](if: $zone is "Village 3")[the village](if: $zone is "Village 4")[the village](if: $zone is "Village 5")[the village](if: $zone is "the castle gate")[the castle gate](if: $zone is "Gate 2")[the castle gate](if: $zone is "Gate 3")[the castle gate](if: $zone is "Gate 4")[the castle gate](if: $zone is "the castle halls")[the castle halls](if: $zone is "Halls 2")[the castle halls] (display: "Time") (if: $zone is "a cave")[You're not sure how you know this.] Strength: $str Will: $will Constitution: $con Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) Your total experience is $exptot. (if: $exptot < $expneed)[ You need (print: ($expneed - $exptot)) more experience to advance to the next zone!] (if: $death is 1)[The Light has raised you from death twice.](if: $death > 1)[The Light has raised you from death (print: $death + 1) times. ](display: "Regular Choices")(set: $day to ($day + 1))(set: $atkmod to 25)(set: $atrmod to 2)(set: $emod to 2)(set: $expmod to 2)(set: $expneed to 45)(set: $zone to "a swamp")(if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](set: $str to $str + $atrmod)(set: $will to $will + $atrmod)(set: $con to $con + $atrmod)(set:$hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))You find an area of the cave that seems slightly brighter. It's not much, but it slowly leads you out of the darkness. Very slowly. Actually, this is a little ridiculous. You've probably been walking for a day. No bad guys, at least. *While walking, you have the opportunity to reflect on your battles-- what went right and what went wrong. You will now be significantly more powerful in upcoming battles. + $atrmod to all stats! + bonus to attack!* Finally, you see a light at the end of a tunnel. You make your way out of the cave and (if: $hr > 14)[... well... it's still rather dark out here.](else:)[into the light.] (display: "Time") (text-style: "smear")[You have entered a swamp. It's familiar, somehow. You struggle to remember something about yourself or how you got here, but it's just a blur. You passed through the swamp to get to the cave, but why?] Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $day to ($day + 1))(set: $atkmod to 50)(set: $atrmod to 4)(set: $emod to 3)(set: $expmod to 4)(set: $expneed to 105)(set: $zone to "a forest")(if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](set: $str to $str + $atrmod)(set: $will to $will + $atrmod)(set: $con to $con + $atrmod)(set:$hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))The ground seems to dry in the distance. You make your way-- anything but this swamp and its mosquitoes. The swamp slowly gives way into a forest. The air begins to clear. While walking, you try to remember something-- anything-- from your old life. (text-style: "smear")[You remember your training-- (if: $class is "fighter")[hours of footwork, hours of getting knocked on your rear and getting back up again, hours of learning how to take a hit and hit back. Countless aches, pains, injuries-- learning how to block and parry, how to use sword and shield, tooth and nail, anything at your disposal, as an attack or a defense. Alas, you do not recall how you came upon your seemingly supernatural ability to recover from minor wounds.](if: $class is "magician")[hours of study, hours of solitude, of introspection. Learning how to exert your mind over others through sheer force of will-- the headaches-- the faintness-- the exertion. Where others learned how to push boulders, you learned how to push minds, and how to live within the fibers of magic itself to protect yourself from physical harm.](if: $class is "thief")[hours of sleight of hand, loosening belts, picking pockets. You learned not only when to engage and when to withdraw, but how. You are a survivor, willing to and able to do whatever it takes to accomplish your objectives.](if: $class is "ranger")[hours in the forests outside the village destroying the evils that gathered there. You honed your skills with the bow in deadly combat-- okay, okay, and maybe a few cheap shots through the eyeballs of unsuspecting victims, but they had it coming. It became a full day's work hunting and gathering with your animal companions, but with its own rewards. Together, you became a relentless and unstoppable force.]] *Remembering your training, you will now be significantly more powerful in upcoming battles. + $atrmod to all stats! + bonus to attack!* (display: "Time") You have entered a forest. Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $day to ($day + 1))(set: $atkmod to 100)(set: $atrmod to 8)(set: $emod to 6)(set: $expmod to 8)(set: $expneed to 125)(set: $zone to "the village")(if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set:$hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))You enter a clearing and see a castle and a surrounding village in a valley in the distance. As you make your way into the valley and toward the village, a memory stirs. (text-style: "smear")[You have been here before. You were not particularly welcome. Nothing new, to you. You were an outcast among your own people. You had traveled here seeking better fortune.] *As you remember who you were, your power grows. + 2 to all stats! + bonus to attack!* (display: "Time") You have entered the village. Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $day to ($day + 1))(set: $atkmod to 200)(set: $atrmod to 16)(set: $emod to 12)(set: $expmod to 16)(set: $expneed to 285)(set: $zone to "the castle gate")(if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](set: $str to $str + $atrmod)(set: $will to $will + $atrmod)(set: $con to $con + $atrmod)(set:$hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))You make your way from the village and approach the castle gate. A memory stirs. (text-style: "smear")[You had fallen in battle at the hands of a powerful necromancer. Dawn was breaking on the castle gate as you regained consciousness. The Scarlet King was kneeling beside you, power surging from his hands, healing your wounds. (if: $class is $fighter)[Ah. You remember now. The Scarlet King had been attempting to train you to become a warrior for the Light. You had been a slow study. Still, your ability to recover from minor wounds was a promising start. ]After a few moments, he helped you to your feet and ordered you, "Pursue and finish off the necromancer. I will endeavor to hold the undead at bay."] *Remembering your former mission, you feel much more your old self. You will now be significantly more powerful in battle. + $atrmod to all stats! + bonus to attack!* (display: "Time") You set your memories aside. You have reached the castle gate, remaining at a safe distance. A plethora of opponents are here. You patiently attempt to draw them out, one at a time. Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $min to ($min + 2))(set: $atkmod to 400)(set: $atrmod to 32)(set: $emod to 24)(set: $expmod to 32)(set: $expneed to 600)(set: $zone to "the castle halls")(if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](set: $str to $str + $atrmod)(set: $will to $will + $atrmod)(set: $con to $con + $atrmod)(set:$hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))(if: $class is "thief")[From the shadows, you deftly make your way through a low window along the castle wall.](if: $class is "fighter")[You thin the crowd and throw open the castle gate with brute strength.](if: $class is "magician")[You spend some time standing in the shadows "persuading" your remaining enemies to leave the gate wide open and go check up on the village.](if: $class is "ranger")[You find a quiet place in the shadows to dispatch your remaining opponents from a safe distance. It doesn't take long for the survivors to decide there are safer places to stand. Your pets raise the gate and you walk right on through.] (text-style: "smear")[You remember everything, now.] **You remember your friendship with Scarlet King. You remember the village you swore to protect. You remember their faces. You remember traveling through the forest, the swamp, and the cave. You remember the necromancer grinning triumphantly as he received your death blow.** *Remembering everything, you will now be significantly more powerful in battle. + $atrmod to all stats! + bonus to attack!* (display: "Time") You set your memories aside. You have entered the castle halls. Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))(set: $enemy to "the Scarlet King")(set: $hsi to "he")(set: $HSI to "He")(set: $hhi to "his")(set: $min to ($min + 2))(set: $atkmod to 400)(set: $emod to 40)(set: $init to (either: 1, 2))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $init to 1)](if: $class is "ranger")[(set: $init to 1)] You make your way through the halls and enter the throne room. The doors close abruptly behind you. (if: $class is "ranger")[Alas, your animal companions are trapped outside!] A familiar face rises from a scarlet throne and addresses you. "Greetings, friend," says the Scarlet King, "Not a moment too soon." His smile quickly fades, "I am sorry I could not uphold my end of our quest. While we fought the undead, some of the villagers became distraught over all the death and gave up hope. Some, in desperation, accepted aid from demons. As undead fell, demons took their place." The Scarlet King frowns, "In the end, the only thing I could do to stop a demonic outbreak outside this kingdom was to trap them here, with me." His face contorts slightly, forcing him into a pained grimace, "It has been at some cost. I now carry the essence of the demon prince responsible for this. I am now the nexus. The demons and their influence cannot stray far from me. But alas, I am weary. My reserves are depleted. You must end this. Farewell, friend." Sword and shield in hand, the Scarlet King lunges at you! His face is different, now. His eyes do not remember you. Your friend is gone. There is no escaping this battle. [[Final Battle]]You think hard, for a few moments, as your eyes grow accustomed to the darkness. (text-style: "smear")[You are a $gender $race $class Strength: $str Will: $will Constitution: $con] It is quite stuffy in here. The only thing you can smell is that you embarrassed yourself when you died or almost died. Your pants are a little uncomfortable, but you decide to deal with that later. Something on the stones gives them a faint glow, allowing you to see basic outlines near you. Something living obviously helped carve the cavern. The floor is relatively level and there is a respectable and uniform clearance above your head which would allow most races to walk upright. You don't see anything you might call a wall. The cavern appears to be supported by naturally occurring breaks in open space which you suppose basically function as pillars. You see movement. (display: "Starting Fight")(if: $class is "fighter")[You meet the Scarlet King head-on. You ram your shield against him, forcefully. You send him reeling. You think you see a familiar protecting glow around your former friend, but only for a moment. That too fades. ](if: $class is "magician")[You invade the Scarlet King's mind, persuading him he does not want to lop your head off just yet. His sword arm does not descend, but his momentum carries him into you before you can fully get out of the way. You lose your balance and stumble to the side as he turns on you quickly. ](if: $class is "ranger")[Before he can reach you, you send an arrow through his knee, momentarily stopping him in his tracks. There is no hint of pain. There is only a mind at work against a puzzle. A split second later, he continues his advance. You see a familiar healing glow at work on the knee, but only for a moment, as the arrow disappears. ](if: $class is "thief")[The Scarlet King attacks your shadow. You stealthily move behind him and shove a blade as hard and as deep beneath his armor as you can. That should do... *Boom.* A familiar protective power lifts you from your feet and propels you sprawling across the room, landing awkwardly, but basically unharmed, against the wall. You were lucky. The blade that should have killed the king clatters to the floor. A familiar healing glow lingers for a moment upon the king and then fades, forever. ]The Scarlet King's features are darker now, less human. His figure swells. A stranger's voice speaks from his lips, "You will pay for this treason!" The figure extends an arm and a dark destructive energy flows forth. (if: $class is "fighter")[You raise your shield and charge forward again, hoping you can halt the flow of energy before it's too late for you. Your shield is not enough. The dark energy flows all around you and rends your skin beyond your power to regenerate. You grit your teeth and persevere. At full ramming speed, you collide hard with the Scarlet King. Your shoulder buckles. The dark flow of energy has stopped, but the King hasn't even budged. He is denser, somehow. You disengage your throbbing shield arm and inspect your shield. It is lodged in the Scarlet King's ribs. The dark energy that flowed toward you now flows from the wound, like blood. Your shield clatters to the ground. The wound begins to heal. You quickly step back. The dark magic clings to and eats away at your flesh. You must end this quickly and properly attend to your wounds. ](if: $class is "magician")[You again reach into the mind of the Scarlet King. It has changed. You struggle to influence it. There isn't enough time. The dark energy assaults your magical shield. Your concentration breaks. You quickly gather a dart of magical energy and hurl it into your opponent's face. No effect. The dark energy continues to eat away at your magical shielding. You peer back into the mind of your enemy but see only darkness. You cannot influence this mind. An outside voice appears beside you in the darkness. The Light speaks to you, "I grant you a gift. Take this spark. Be a light in the darkness." You light a fire inside the mind of your opponent. ](if: $class is "ranger")[You unleash hell, strafing backward and then along the wall. Your arrows slow but cannot stop the Scarlet King. You quickly duck into a small alcove. Things are not looking good. You hear glass shatter onto stone-- windows breaking. And then a thud-- wood shattering. Your animal companions have broken through to the throne room! Fearing for their safety at the hands of such sinister dark magic, you duck back out of the alcove and continue to rain arrows down upon the Scarlet King. ](if: $class is "thief")[Ummm. Screw that! You quickly sidestep the dark magic and make haste across the room. The room offers little in the way of cover. You dive into a small alcove. You hear heavy footsteps. You have only a brief moment to figure out how to cheat death. You reach into your bag of tricks and rummage for something you've been saving for a special occasion... ]The Scarlet King's features are gone, now. Only the demon remains, still adorned in your friend's glorious armor. But not for long. (if: $class is "fighter")[You step back in to attack. You bring your sword down hard upon the demon. Again. And again. The demon is never able to recover from your onslaught enough to lift a finger in his defense. It's just a matter of time, now. The dark energy continues to burn you, but you cast the pain aside. You focus on your attacks. No. Too monotonous. Your sword. Your sword has seen better days. Definitely going to take a while to repair. You'll probably need a new one. There. It was like trying to take down a giant tree, but you do it. ](if: $class is "magician")[You watch the fire grow inside the demon's mind. The darkness burns. The evil withdraws. ](if: $class is "ranger")[Sweet mercy. It's a massacre. The demon never even has a chance to lift a finger. In seconds, you and your animal companions decimate the demon. ](if: $class is "thief")[With a twisted grin, you pull a grenade from your bag of tricks. You chuckle. And around the corner it goes! (text-style: "rumble")[(text-style: "shudder")[BOOM!]] Hah! Payback. And-- lucky you-- the architecture held up! ]The demon disappears back to the dark abyss from which it came. Your friend's armor clatters to the stone floor. The castle has fallen deathly silent. The evil retreats. It dawns on you that you haven't really slept in a while. Exhausted, you fall into a deep sleep. When you wake, you properly mourn the loss of your friend. You tidy up the throne room and neatly place your friend's armor, sword, and shield upon the throne. (if: $class is "fighter")[On second thought, his sword and shield appear to be in decidedly better shape than yours. You swap them out. ]With the kingdom you swore to protect avenged, and your oath absolved, you set out on a new adventure, the return to your homeland. [[Final Stats|Final Stats]](if: $hp is ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to 0)Your health is already full. You refuse to just sit around!](else:)[(set: $restloop to 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))(if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](if: $hp < ($con * 10 * $conmod))[(set: $restloop to $restloop + 1)(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))(set: $rest to (random:($con * 2 * $conmod),($con * 3 * $conmod)))(set: $hp to ($hp + $rest))](set:$hp to ($con * 10 * $conmod))You rest for $restloop (if: $restloop is 1)[hour](if: $restloop > 1)[hours]. Your health is restored.] (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $miss to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $miss to 20)] (if: $miss is 1)[(display: "Miss Flavor") (set: $dodge to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $dodge to (random: 1, 3))](if: $dodge is 1)[(display: "Dodge Flavor") (display: "Master Loop")](else:)[(if: $dodge > 1)[(set: $eatk to (random: $emod , (30 * $emod)))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Enemy Flavor")(if: $class is "magician")[(display: "Absorb")](set: $hp to ($hp - $eatk)) You take $eatk damage.(if: $hp > 0)[ (if: $class is "ranger")[(set: $regen to (random: (round: ($con * .8)), $con))](if: $regen > $eatk)[(set: $regen to $eatk)](set: $hp to ($hp + $regen))(if: $hp > ($con * $conmod * 10))[(set: $hp to ($con * $conmod * 10))](if: $class is "ranger")[You regenerate $regen health.] (display:"Master Loop") ](else:)[(if: $hp < 0 or $hp is 0)[ (display: "Death")]]]]](else:)[(if: $miss > 1)[(set: $atk to (random: 1, (round:(($str * $strmod) + ($will * $willmod) + $atkmod))))(set: $ehp to ($ehp - $atk))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Attack Flavor") You deal $atk damage! (if: $ehp > 0)[(set: $dodge to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $dodge to (random: 1, 5))](if: $dodge is 1)[(display: "Dodge Flavor") (display: "Master Loop")](else:)[(if: $dodge > 1)[(set: $eatk to (random: $emod , (30 * $emod)))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Enemy Flavor")(if: $class is "magician")[(display: "Absorb")](set: $hp to ($hp - $eatk)) You take $eatk damage.(if: $hp > 0)[ (if: $class is "ranger")[(set: $regen to (random: (round: ($con * .8)), $con))](if: $regen > $eatk)[(set: $regen to $eatk)](set: $hp to ($hp + $regen))(if: $hp > ($con * $conmod * 10))[(set: $hp to ($con * $conmod * 10))](if: $class is "ranger")[You regenerate $regen health.] (display:"Master Loop") ](else:)[(if: $hp < 0 or $hp is 0)[ (display: "Death")]]]]](else:)[(if: $ehp < 0 or $ehp is 0)[(display: "Enemy Death") (display:"Victory")]]]](set: $miss to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $miss to 20)] (if: $miss is 1)[(display: "Miss Flavor") (set: $dodge to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $dodge to (random: 1, 4))](if: $dodge is 1)[(display: "Dodge Flavor") ](else:)[(if: $dodge > 1)[(set: $eatk to (random: $emod , (50 * $emod)))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Enemy Flavor")(if: $class is "magician")[(display: "Absorb")](set: $hp to ($hp - $eatk)) (if: $eatk is 0)[You take no damage.](else:)[You take $eatk damage.](if: $hp > 0)[ (if: $class is "fighter")[(set: $regen to (random: (round: ($con * 1.5)), ($con * 2)))](if: $regen > $eatk)[(set: $regen to $eatk)](set: $hp to ($hp + $regen))(if: $hp > ($con * $conmod * 10))[(set: $hp to ($con * $conmod * 10))](if: $class is "fighter")[You regenerate $regen health.] ](else:)[(if: $hp < 0 or $hp is 0)[ (display: "Death")]]]]](else:)[(if: $miss > 1)[(set: $atk to (random: 1, (round:(($str * $strmod) + ($will * $willmod) + $atkmod))))(set: $ehp to ($ehp - $atk))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Attack Flavor") You deal (text-style: "shadow")[$atk] damage! (if: $ehp > 0)[(set: $dodge to (random: 1, 20))(if: $class is "thief")[(set: $dodge to (random: 1, 4))](if: $dodge is 1)[(display: "Dodge Flavor") ](else:)[(if: $dodge > 1)[(set: $eatk to (random: $emod , (50 * $emod)))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Enemy Flavor")(if: $class is "magician")[(display: "Absorb")](set: $hp to ($hp - $eatk)) (if: $eatk is 0)[You take no damage.](else:)[You take $eatk damage.](if: $hp > 0)[ (if: $class is "fighter")[(set: $regen to (random: (round: ($con * 1.5)), ($con * 2)))](if: $regen > $eatk)[(set: $regen to $eatk)](set: $hp to ($hp + $regen))(if: $hp > ($con * $conmod * 10))[(set: $hp to ($con * $conmod * 10))](if: $class is "fighter")[You regenerate $regen health.] ](else:)[(if: $hp < 0 or $hp is 0)[ (display: "Death")]]]]](else:)[(if: $ehp < 0 or $ehp is 0)[(display: "Enemy Death") (display:"Victory")]]]](if: $combat is "in")[(display: "Revised Loop")](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))](if: $min >60)[(set:$min to ($min-60))(set:$hr to ($hr + 1))](if: $hr > 24)[(set:$hr to ($hr-24))(set:$day to ($day + 1))]You win! Thanks for playing! Gender: $gender Race: $race Class: $class Strength: $str Will: $will Constitution: $con Deaths: $death It took you $day days, $hr (if: $hr is 1)[hour](else:)[hours], and $min (if: $min is 1)[minute](else:)[minutes] to defeat the demon prince. The end, for now...You think back. (set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set: $expneed to 175)(set: $zone to "Village 3")(text-style: "smear")[For many of the humans of this village, you were the first $race they had ever seen. While their folklore was not entirely unkind to your heritage, you quickly learned that you were viewed with a certain distrust. (if: $class is "thief")[Granted, they had good reason to distrust you, if not your race. For about a month, you succeeded in stealing just about anything that wasn't nailed down-- Until the Scarlet Prince personally apprehended you in your hideout in the middle of the night, bested you, and dragged you to his dungeon. It was then that you were given a choice between slavery and incarceration. You swore to serve the Scarlet Kingdom.](else:)[It was little surprise to you when you were arrested for a crime you didn't commit. You were brought before the Scarlet Prince himself. He spoke kindly to you, apologized for the pretense, and explained his need for your unique abilities. You found him noble and persuasive. At this time, you swore to serve the Scarlet Kingdom.]] *As you remember who you were, your power grows. + 2 to all stats!* Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")You think back to your oath. (set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set: $expneed to 200)(set: $zone to "Village 4")(text-style: "smear")[The Scarlet Prince was young, then. He was about sixteen. You were more advanced in years, but similarly mature, for a $race. You quickly became close friends. The Scarlet King was old and sick, trusting on the Scarlet Prince for much of the kingdom's administration. Various lords would advise and attend to such matters with the Prince, but you and the Prince seemed to grow together and, if the Prince had anyone besides you to call a friend, you did not know of it.] *As you remember who you were, your power grows. + 2 to all stats!* Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")You think back to your friendship with the Scarlet Prince. (set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set: $expneed to 225)(set: $zone to "Village 5")(text-style: "smear")[Despite the Scarlet King's seemingly poor health, over ten years passed before the Prince would take the crown. You and the Prince devoted much of your lives to training-- he as a holy warrior wielding the power of the Light in battle. Together, you traveled to the outermost reaches of the kingdom defeating all evils that would gather.] *As you remember who you were, your power grows. + 2 to all stats!* Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")You look around. (set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set: $expneed to 150)(set: $zone to "Village 2")(text-style: "smear")[The village is nothing like you remember it. It lies in filth and ruin, largely abandoned, and unnaturally quiet. Unfortunately, you are all too familiar with the lazy shuffle of the undead you hear from within the habitations.] *As you remember who you were, your power grows. + 2 to all stats!* Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(text-style: "shudder")[shudder] (text-style: "rumble")[rumble] (text-style: "smear")[smear] (text-style: "blurrier")[blurrier] (text-style: "blur")[blur] (text-style: "emboss")[emboss] (text-style: "shadow")[shadow] (text-style: "rumble")[(text-style: "shudder")[(text-style: "shadow")[combo]]] (set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set: $expneed to 345)(set: $zone to "Gate 2")You remember the undead outbreak. (text-style: "smear")[The necromancer had laid siege to the village. Every night, the dead would rise. Every night, the Scarlet King would defeat them with his powers of the Light while you primarily hunted the elusive necromancer, killing undead in your wake. Alas, the numbers of dead slowly rose. Nothing seemed to help. If it wasn't bodies, it was skeletons. If not skeletons, then ash.] *+ 2 to all stats!* Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set: $expneed to 405)(set: $zone to "Gate 3")(text-style: "smear")[You finally found the necromancer atop a castle tower raising minions. Naturally, he tried to flee, but you were able to injure him-- perhaps mortally. An explosion of whirling bones erupted from the necromancer, wounding you greatly. You pursued the necromancer through the castle and out the castle gate, but were quickly overcome by your injuries.] *+ 2 to all stats!* Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $str to $str + 2)(set: $will to $will + 2)(set: $con to $con + 2)(set: $expneed to 465)(set: $zone to "Gate 4")(text-style: "smear")[After the Scarlet King’s divine healing of your wounds, you set out again for the necromancer. For three days, you tracked him, finally cornering him in the cave. By the time you arrived, he was waiting for you. Without a moment's hesitation, you quickly ended his life. Somehow, mysteriously, your attack also ended your own life. That was it. There was no glorious battle. For all your combat prowess, it made no difference. You had made a mistake. You had played the necromancer's game. You had brazenly walked into his trap instead of forcing him out, and you paid with your life.] *+ 2 to all stats!* Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")(set: $will to $will +5)(set: $expneed to 945)(set: $zone to "Halls 2")Unbidden, your thoughts stir. **It's so obvious now. The necromancer wanted you to track him, leaving obvious hints, taunting you.... Little did you know that his injuries, his closeness with death, would so greatly increase his power. How many curses had he set in motion in his final hours? And wait... why didn't you see his body in the cave?** *+5 to will!* You abruptly draw yourself back to the here and now. It doesn't matter now. You calm your mind and journey forward. Health: $hp/(print:($con * 10 * $conmod)) (display: "Regular Choices")The $enemy (if: $enemy is "skeleton")[(either: "shows you how its foot bones are connected to your shin bone.", "throws a spare rib at you.", "shows you how its fist bones are connected to your face bones.", "hits you with its humerus, and you do not find it humorous.", "tests you on anatomy.", "whacks your head, shoulder, knees and toes.", "makes you think. Tibia? Not tibia? That is the question. Ouch. Nevermind. Definitely a tibia.")](if: $enemy is "cursed treasure chest")[(either:"flaps its lid at you.", "snaps at you.", "coughs cobwebs at you.", "rams your kneecaps.", "invades your mind with false promises of treasure.", "snaps closed on your fingers.", "throws dust in your eyes.")](if: $enemy is "slightly corporeal ghost")[(either: "sets upon you.", "moans at you.", "groans at you.", "makes annoying noises at you.", "haunts you.", "creeps you out.", "rattles chains at you. You do not know the weight or length of it.")](if: $enemy is "malicious stalagmite")[(either: "batters you.", "makes you walk into it, perplexing you.", "makes you pause to think. Stalagmite? Stalactite? Which is which, again? Your mind reels, causing you distress.", "comes out of nowhere at you.", "isn’t even moving but is upsetting you.", "isn’t even a legitimate enemy, harming your self esteem.")](if: $enemy is "pool of vicious fishes")[(either: "feeds you to the fishes... wait. They *are* the fishes. This *scampi* happening.", "attracts a shark that instead goes for you.", "bites your toes.", "gives you a *reel* bad time.", "hits you on *porpoise*.", "are trying to *krill* you.", "*whale* on you.")](if: $enemy is "obese mosquito")[(either: "wheezes awkwardly and loudly, disturbing you.", "throws a donut at you.", "sucks your blood", "sits on you.", "throws its diabetes medication at you.", "throws a pizza at you.", "throws canned soda at you.")](if: $enemy is "spider")[(either: "injects you with venom.", "kicks you.", "tangles you in a web.", "throws a rotting fly at you.", "shows you its website.", "gives you a contagious bug.", "gives you the heebie-jeebies.")](if: $enemy is "bat")[(either: "*batters* you.", "*bunts* you.", "aims for a home run.", "flaps wildly at you.", "gives you a *foul tip*.", "pulls at your hair.", "screeches at you.")](if: $enemy is "rat")[(either: "throws a trap at you, squeaking, <q>Aha! How the tables have turned!</q>", "throws some stinky cheese at you.", "does a villainous ballet routine.", "squeaks maliciously at you.", "tickles your toes.", "nips your knees.", "tries to give you the plague. You patiently re-educate it until its fleas attack you.")](if: $enemy is "lost penguin")[(either: "asks you for directions.", "flaps wildly at you.", "throws its map at you.", "throws its compass at you.", "throws its protractor at you.", "throws its GPS at you.", "throws a snowball at you.")](if: $enemy is "scorpion")[(either:"stings you.", "bites you.", "yells, <q>GET OVER HERE!</q>", "is nature's sick combination of lobsters, spiders, wasps, and nightmares! You shiver.", "engages you in mortal combat.", "declines your request for friendship.", "is only interested in brutality.")](if: $enemy is "earth elemental")[(either:"throws a rock at you.", "throws a brick at you.", "throws a stone at you.", "throws dust in your eyes.", "clobbers you.", "thumps you.", "throws its stone-like head at you.")](if: $enemy is "faintly glowing mold construct")[(either: "demonstrates legal proof that it is a protected species.", "thumps you.", "whacks you.", "throws a spore at you.", "releases dusty vapors on you.", "sends a health inspector at you.", "displays EPA certification that it poses no significant risk to your health.")](if: $enemy is "vine monster")[(either:"whacks you with a vine.", "squeezes your arm and won’t let go.", "squeezes your leg and won’t let go.","squeezes around your midsection and makes you queasy.", "slaps you upside the head.", "strangles you.", "picks you up and slams you back down.")](if: $enemy is "banshee")[(either: "screams at you.", "wails at you.", "screeches at you.", "shrieks at you.", "just won't shut up.", "unsettles your mind.", "sings a haunting lament.")](if: $enemy is "alligator")[(either:"pretends to swim away, but comes back to bite you *in the end*.", "snaps for your rear as you try to run away. Maybe it's a tail-gator.", "grabs your ankle and turns.", "appears to be putting on a vest. Maybe it's an investi-gator.", "menaces you with declarations and affidavits. Maybe it's a liti-gator.", "throws a GPS at you. Maybe it's a navi-gator.", "sprays a high pressured hose at you. Maybe it's an irri-gator.")](if: $enemy is "mushroom construct")[(either: "invites you to a party and assures you he's a real *fungi*.", "throws a rotten mushroom at you.", "throws a poisonous spore at you.", "whaps you upside the head with a mushroom.", "grows on you.", "steps to the side, causing an Italian guy in overalls to run into you.", "kicks a scavenging pig in your general direction.")](if: $enemy is "slime monster")[(either: "tells you to be *goo-d*.", "sprays you with burning ooze.", "oozes at you.", "puts the slime in the coconut and makes you drink it all up.", "thinks it's *slime* for you to die.", "knows its chances are *slime* to none, but attacks you anyway.", "invites you to the less-kid-friendly and more-toxic version of slime time.")](if: $enemy is "water elemental")[(either: "forces itself into your ear.", "draws water from your pores.", "throws a block of ice at your head.", "shoots pressurized water into your eye.", "throws ice darts at you.", "tries to drown you.", "makes it look like you wet your pants recently.")](if: $enemy is "ogre")[(either: "beats on you.", "thumps you.", "clubs you.", "pounds you.", "throws a rock at you.", "sits on you.", "throws a medal collection at you -- ogre-achiever.")](if: $enemy is "troll")[(either: "is trollin'; he's hatin'.", "tries to con-troll you.", "slings a rock at you.", "takes a *toll* on you.", "tells you to stop everything; someone on the internet is wrong.", "summons a trollercoaster.", "summons a trolley.")](if: $enemy is "orc")[(either: "begins moving its hips. Oh no. It's *tworcing*.", "just stands there. This is so *orcward*.", "throws spoons and forks at you.", "tries to take you to Isengard.", "blasts orc-hestral music.", "seems to be asking if you want an orchid when a small orc comes up and kicks you in the shin.", "goes to *worc* on you.")](if: $enemy is "gremlin")[(either:"bites your kneecaps.", "kicks you in the shin.", "claws you.", "batters you.", "throws a rock at you.", "sends a young padawan to attack you.", "vows to make another movie sequel if you don't surrender.")](if: $enemy is "corrupted oak")[(either:"whacks you with a branch.", "unearths the ground beneath you.", "whomps you with a leafy arm.", "scrapes you with its bark, which is worse than its bite.", "thumps you.", "whacks you.", "throws an acorn at you.")](if: $enemy is "particularly angry badger")[(either: "attacks you.", "thumps you.", "whacks you.", "badgers you.", "throws angry words at you.", "bothers you.", "says you need to leave unless you have a *badger* something.")](if: $enemy is "ornery owl")[(either:"yells at you, accusatorily, <q>WHO?</q>", "pecks at your eyes.", "bites you.", "claws you.", "subjects you to irritable owl syndrome.", "demonstrates advances owl-gebra.", "displays a doctorate. But the question remains: Doctor *Who*?")](if: $enemy is "AAAAH! IT'S A SNAKE!")[(either: "orders an allied mushroom minion to attack you.", "orders an allied badger to attack you.", "spits venom at you.", "constricts you.", "tries to make you hiss-tory.", "whacks you with a rattle.", "probably doesn't work for the government, as it isn't a civil serpent.")](if: $enemy is "vampire rabbit")[(either:"bites you.", "chomps at you.", "tries to suck your blood.", "gives you a receding *hare* line.", "throws fat stacks of cash at you. Must be a millionhare.", "is a real pain in the neck.", "seems to think you're its *type*.")](if: $enemy is "ravenous hedgehog")[(either:"stabs you with a pointy quill.", "tries to crawl inside your boot.", "is looking sharp.", "runs past you at sonic speeds.", "pricks your finger.", "refuses to share the hedge.", "*quill* not back off.")](if: $enemy is "wind elemental")[(either:"propels you into a tree.", "knocks you over into some rocks.", "throws dust in your eye.", "whirls violently.", "propels you through some shrubbery.", "takes your breath away.", "is stronger than you would have *gust*.")](if: $enemy is "zombie dog")[(either:"bites you.", "clamps down on your arm.", "clamps down on your leg.", "plays *ruff*.", "*hounds* you.", "isn't going to just roll over.", "refuses to be *cur tailed*.")](if: $enemy is "mad cow")[(either:"has a *beef* with you.", "is sick of your *bull*.", "*steers* its horns toward you.", "*ribs* you.", "attempts to *butcher* you.", "attempts to *slaughter* you.", "attempts to put you out to pasture.", "*tans* your *hide*.", "*flanks* you.", "throws a *stake* at you.")](if: $enemy is "possessed horse")[(either: "kicks you.", "breathes fire at you.", "votes *nay*.", "appears un*stable*.", "*mustang* out with more flame-resistant friends than you.", "refuses to *foald*.", "is a real night*mare*.")](if: $enemy is "bewitched cart")[(either: "rams you.", "batters you.", "thumps you.", "whacks you.", "throws an apple at you.", "rolls a wheel at you.", "*cart*wheels into you.")](if: $enemy is "spellbound tapestry")[(either: "shows you the world.", "takes you for a ride.", "shows you unbelievable sights.", "gives you indescribable feelings.", "sends you soaring.", "sends you tumbling.", "takes you wonder by wonder.")](if: $enemy is "gate lever")[(either:"unleashes a shrill creaking.", "flips back and forth at you wildly.", "throws itself at you.", "*lever*ages the situation.", "won't *lever* you alone.", "covers you with red rum. You *revel* in your palindromic good fortune.", "shows you twenty others just like it and tells you they all have to be set correctly.")](if: $enemy is "fire elemental")[(either: "burns you.", "throws a fireball at you.", "ignites the ground beneath you.", "shoots fire at you.", "offers you a smoke.", "appears to have found its *match*.", "tells you you're *fired*.")](if: $enemy is "blood golem")[(either: "constricts your veins.", "momentarily halts your blood flow.", "constricts your heart.", "directs blood to your feet.", "increases your blood pressure.", "decreases your blood pressure.", "directs blood to your head.")](if: $enemy is "hellhound")[(either:"bites you.", "burns you.", "claws you.", "breathes fire at you.", "plays *ruff*.", "*hounds* you.", "isn't going to just roll over.", "refuses to be *cur tailed*.")](if: $enemy is "shadow construct")[(either:"sucks at your life force.", "engulfs you in shadow energy.", "shoots a shadow bolt.", "pulls at your shadow, contorting your movements.", "draws you toward the shadow realm.", "drains your will to carry onward.", "summons the darkness.")](if: $enemy is "cranky kobold")[(either:"bites you.", "kicks you.", "claws you.", "batters you.", "attacks you.", "throws $hisher putrid loincloth at you.", "throws some magic at you.")](if: $enemy is "insane hermit")[(either: "tells you to unhand $hisher lamppost. What lamppost?", "tells you to get off $hisher lawn.", "gabbles at you.", "breathes halitosis on you.", "shows you a disturbing skin condition.", "throws a cabbage at you.", "defeats you at cribbage-- you didn't even know you were playing.")](if: $enemy is "deranged shaman")[(either:"shows you a neat voodoo trick. Wait... That looks like you!", "claws you.", "shoots electricity at you.", "sends a frog to attack you.", "whaps you with a staff.", "summons your very own personal raincloud.", "makes the earth quake beneath you.")](if: $enemy is "undead farmer")[(either: "bites you.", "claws you.", "stabs you.", "throws $hisher pitchfork at you.", "throws an ear of corn at you.", "demonstrates $hisher harvesting technique.", "forces you to inspect $hisher soil.")](if: $enemy is "undead shopkeeper")[(either:"bites you.", "claws you.", "throws like-new merchandise at you.", "throws a standard weight at you.", "throws expired cans of food at you.", "throws a tax code at you.", "throws draconian shop regulations at you.")](if: $enemy is "undead cleric")[(either: "burns you with shadow energies.", "lays hands on you.", "attempts to bless you but fails.", "throws burning water on you. You're not sure it's holy water, but you're sure they boiled the hell out of it.", "attends to your wounds.", "misplaces your tithe due to *clerical* error.", "presides over your memorial service.")](if: $enemy is "undead beggar")[(either: "batters you with a metal cup.", "throws garbage at you.", "throws $hisher metal cup at you.", "shows you it is better to give than to receive.", "coughs on you.")](if: $enemy is "undead townsperson")[(either:"bites you.", "kicks you.", "claws you.", "batters you.", "hits you.", "attacks you.", "strikes you.", "sets upon you.", "throws produce at you.", "lights $hisher arm on fire and hits you with it.")](if: $enemy is "undead blacksmith")[(either: "readies a hammer.", "shuffles toward you.", "throws a dagger at you.", "shows you how sharp $hsi keeps $hisher blades.", "finds $hisher title racially insensitive.", "blasts $hisher bellows in your face, drying your eyes.", "tells you to hold a piece of metal down and keep your head back so $hsi can hit it really hard. $HSI hits your head really hard.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Soldier")[(either: "tells you to drop down and give $himher twenty.", "leads you through an obstacle course.", "leads you on a ten-mile run.", "insults your upbringing.", "questions your virility.", "makes you clean a latrine with a toothbrush, <q>and I want to see my face shining in it!</q>", "speaks to you harshly, <q>Stop being such a mamby-pamby!</q>")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Spellslinger")[(either: "slings fire at you.", "propels a rock at you.", "slings ice at you.", "slings lightning at you.", "slings a whirlwind at you.", "demands that you spell l-i-a-i-s-o-n.", "demands that you spell c-e-m-e-t-e-r-y.", "demands that you spell c-o-l-o-n-e-l.", "demands that you spell k-e-r-n-e-l.", "demands that you spell p-a-s-t-i-m-e.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Rogue")[(either:"kicks you.", "batters you.", "hits you.", "attacks you.", "strikes you.", "sets upon you.", "stabs you.", "shows you how many knives $hsi can carry at a time, and then how fast $hsi can throw them.","unleashes a cloud of smoke, hitting you repeatedly and escaping unseen.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Sentry")[(either: "attacks you.", "strikes you.", "shoots at you.", "sends an arrow at you.", "triggers a strategically placed trap.", "detonates a tactically positioned bomb.", "trips you up in invisible wiring.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Guard")[(either: "batters you.", "attacks you.", "bashes you.", "throws $hisher shield at you.", "rams $hisher shield into you.", "deploys $hisher mace to your face.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Mage")[(either: "throws fire at you.", "propels a rock at you.", "ignites the ground beneath you.", "drops a summoned sheep on you.", "pulls the warmth out of the air around you.", "pressurizes the air surrounding you.", "summons a whirling vortex on top of you.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Assassin")[(either:"kicks you.", "stabs you.", "mysteriously disappears and sneak-attacks you.", "does good work, considering $hsi is wearing scarlet instead of black.", "throws a dagger.", "deploys a noxious gas.", "sings, <q>With Arms Wide Open.</q> Now you've heard the Assassin's *Creed*.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Bowmaster")[(either: "shoots at you.", "sends an arrow at you.", "tells you to exercise. You point out that $hsi is not that kind of bowmaster.", "whaps you with $hisher bow.", "fires an arrow at you.", "is a big fan of archery, despite all its *drawbacks*.", "hits a bullseye. The angry bull comes after you.")](if: $enemy is "necromancer")[(either: "throws a femur at you. *Bone* appetit!", "sends a corpse at you.", "summons hands from the ground beneath you.", "sends a zombie dog at you.", "summons water-immune ghosts so that nothing will dampen $hisher spirits.", "works $hisher *graveyard* shift.", "sends a timid skeleton at you. It doesn't have any *guts*.")](if: $enemy is "warlock")[(either:"blasts you with unholy energies.", "unleashes a wave of unholy energies.", "shoots a bolt of unholy energies.", "sends a demon at you.", "attacks with demonic fury.", "sends a shadow flame at you.", "throws unholy water on you. You didn’t even know there was such a thing. Wait... that doesn't smell like water!")](if: $enemy is "minotaur")[(either: "swings $hisher axe at you.", "gouges you.", "*bullies* you.", "does *terrorbull* things with $hisher axe.", "boasts that it only takes a *minotaur to* escape $hisher labyrinth.", "slaps you with some aged *bulloney*.", "dances enthusiastically and tells you not to be L7. Oh no, it's the wooly bully!")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Knight")[(either: "farts in your general direction.", "bleeds on you.", "attempts to give you a flesh wound.", "belts out a piercing <q>Ni!</q>", "hits you with a shrubbery.", "slaps you with a herring.", "insults your lineage.")](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Monk")[(either: "lays hands on you, burning you.", "attempts exorcism on you. Your bowels stir.", "reads you your last rites.", "hits you with something sharper than any two-edged sword.", "heaps coals of fire on your head.", "makes you hear $hisher confession.", "tries to put a plank in your eye." )](if: $enemy is "Scarlet Officer")[(either:"kicks you. <q>Stop resisting!</q>", "hits you. <q>Respect my authoritah!<q>", "attacks you. <q>You’re under arrest!</q>", "strikes you. <q>Stop reaching for your weapon!</q>", "throws vacation plans at you.", "throws a report at you.", "throws a criminal complaint at you.")](if: $enemy is "brigand")[(either: "redistributes your wealth... wait... no... it was your *health*.", "asks you to pay for his healthcare.", "blames the corporations.", "says that what you want to do with your money is irrelevant.", "claims he is resorting to this because his past employers wouldn't pay him a living wage.", "argues that you have no right to your money.", "claims that socialism is the answer.")](if: $enemy is "harpy")[(either: "bites you.", "rips at you.", "claws you.", "throws a harp at you.", "rends you with her talons.", "flaps her wings at you.", "demonstrates that she is un*harpy* with you.")](if: $enemy is "succubus")[(either:"strokes the handle of her whip suggestively.", "whips you.", "claws you.", "invites you over to her place.", "draws on your soul.", "invades your mind.", "flaps her wings at you.")](if: $enemy is "iron maiden")[(either:"snaps at you.", "closes on you.", "sets upon you.", "throws chains at you.", "throws a spike at you.", "impales you.", "traps you.")](if: $enemy is "demon")[(either: "blasts you with unholy energies.", "unleashes a wave of unholy energies.", "shoots a bolt of unholy energies.", "attacks you.", "breathes fire at you.", "throws a fireball at you.", "vomits noxious gas at you.")](set: $eatk to (random: $emod , (50 * $emod)))(set: $min to ($min + 1))(display: "Enemy Flavor")(if: $class is "magician")[(display: "Absorb")](set: $hp to ($hp - $eatk)) (if: $eatk is 0)[You take no damage.](else:)[You take $eatk damage.](if: $hp > 0)[ (display: "Regen")](else:)[(if: $hp < 0 or $hp is 0)[ (display: "Death")]]