reply x prohibited[?] Posted: 17 days ago (text-colour: blue)[◀] prev (text-colour: blue)[▲] next (text-colour: blue)[▶]
(set: $key to (prompt: "What is this game about?") )(if: $key is "love")<h3><p>You have successfully entered my mangled heart. Now it's time to see what's [[inside]] the wreckage.</p>
<h5><p>do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
post id: 4909556470 posted: 19 days ago email to friend ♥ best of [?]</p>
reply x prohibited[?] Posted: 17 days ago (text-colour: blue)[◀] prev (text-colour: blue)[▲] next (text-colour: blue)[▶]
<h2><p><align="right">[[Procedurally Yours]]</p><h4>(a.k.a. Love, Debugging Trauma and the Mundanity of Game Design Practice)</p>
(text-colour: blue + white)[by Sandra Danilovic]
<h5><p><align="center">This Twine game is made courtesy of the lovescorned and lovelorn posts on Missed Connections-Craigslist Toronto</p> reply x prohibited[?] Posted: 17 days ago (text-colour: blue)[◀] prev (text-colour: blue)[▲] next (text-colour: blue)[▶]
(click: ?command)[(replace: ?command) [I'll take whatever I can get] ]
crumbs... ... ... .. ...
........ .....
(click: ?c1)[Please say [[something]], anything.](text-colour: blue)[◀] prev (text-colour: blue)[▲] next (text-colour: blue)[▶]
Mar 19 [[Sorry for being so lame]] - m4w
Mar 18 (text-colour: blue)[Truth]
Mar 18 re - (text-colour: blue)[Re: I miss you R M C - Funny Eh] - m4m - - m4m pic
Mar 18 (text-colour: blue)[forever?] - m4w (interplanetary orbits)
Mar 17 (text-colour: blue)[Void] - w4m
Mar 17 (text-colour: blue)[What strange world and untold coincidences] - m4w
Mar 17 (text-colour: blue)[To: So Close...] - m4w (toronto) - w4m
Mar 17 (text-colour: blue)[Please...] - w4m
reply x prohibited[?] Posted: 6 days ago (text-colour: blue)[◀] prev (text-colour: blue)[▲] next (text-colour: blue)[▶]
<h3><p>I can't get back into a relationship with tests and [[rules]].
(text-colour: blue+white)[I know I won't pass all those tests].</p>
<h6><p>do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
post id: 4929339180 posted: 6 days ago email to friend ♥ best of [?]</p>reply x prohibited[?] Posted: 17 days ago (text-colour: blue)[◀] prev (text-colour: blue)[▲] next (text-colour: blue)[▶]
<h3><p>I can't look you in the eyes sometimes, it [[hurts so much]]..</p>
<h5><p>do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
post id: 4912218806 posted: 17 days ago updated: 17 days ago email to friend ♥ best of [?]</p>reply x prohibited? Posted: 8 days ago [◀]<c1| prev [▲]<c2| next [▶]<c3| [◀]<c4| now [▲]<c5|
(click: ?c1)[ [[Please]] come back to me]
(click: ?c2)[Please come back to me]
(click: ?c3)[Please come back to me]
(click: ?c4)[Please come back to me]
(click: ?c5)[Please come back to me]
<h5><p>do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
post id: 4926603490 posted: 8 days ago email to friend ♥ best of [?]</p>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.reply x prohibited[?] Posted: 17 days ago (text-colour: blue)[◀] prev (text-colour: blue)[▲] next (text-colour: blue)[▶]
Yet now as I bleed out, I Can't blame YOU
RegardLess of the empty words you [[HAD ME]]
<h5><p>do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
post id: 4914829953 posted: 16 days ago email to friend ♥ best of [?]</p>[[Replay->Start]]
<h5><p>(text-colour: blue+white)[References:]
Bogost, I. (2007). Persuasive games: The expressive power of videogames. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
(text-colour: blue+white)[Berlant, L. G., & Edelman, L. (2014). Sex, or the unbearable. Durham: Duke University Press.]
Couser, G. T. (1997). Recovering bodies: Illness, disability, and life-writing. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
(text-colour: blue+white)[Hawkins, A. H. (1993). Reconstructing illness: Studies in pathography. West Lafayette, Ind: Purdue University Press.]
Sedgwick, E. K., & Frank, A. (2003). Touching feeling: Affect, pedagogy, performativity. Durham: Duke University Press.
(text-colour: blue+white)[Wardrip-Fruin, N. (2009). Expressive processing: Digital fictions, computer games, and software studies. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.]
Whitehead, A. N., Griffin, D. R., & Sherburne, D. W. (1978). Process and reality: An essay in cosmology. New York: Free Press.
(text-colour: blue+white)[Wittgenstein, L., & Anscombe, G. E. M. (2001). Philosophical investigations: The German text, with a revised English translation. Oxford: Blackwell.]</p>