''You are a switch blade.'' You are lying on a nightstand. it is is wooden, and worn. The room is a small studio apartment, neat, but cluttered, and smells musky. A scotch glass with a small remaining amount of cognac sits beside you. There is a man reading from a cell phone on the bed next to you. [[Reflect on whiskey glass.]] [[Reflect on yourself.]] [[Reflect on your relationship with the man.]]You see him come and go, his frequency varying week to week. He has become more frequent as of late. The man is usually drinking it when he sharpens you, and on days when he has carried you, the glass is always on the night stand when he puts you back. You will most certainly see him again by the end of today. [[Because the man is going to carry you today.->Enter Man's pocket]]You are made of 1080 carbon steel, heat treated, made in Italy. Your blade is sharp on one side, and on half the other side, for thrusting. You have a spring-loaded automatic opening mechanism, operated by a button and a safety switch on your handle. You are shiny and rust-free, because you were blessed with a stainless steel plating. Your handle is ebony wood. [[You are aged, but still classy as ever.->"Son, will you PLEASE sweep up out front!?"]] [[Classy, as well as useful.->Enter Man's pocket]]He treats you just as a knife ought to be treated. He keeps you sharp enough to shave and oils your hinge whenever it needs it. He picked you up at a pawnshop years ago. Since then you and he have gone on many adventures. He doesn't use you for common purposes. He uses you to cut people. And boy do you love cutting people! You love to feel warm flesh split as you slide through it. You love leaving trails of hot blood wherever you slice. Cutting is the best feeling ever, and you've cut many! Every time you cut someone you get immense satisfaction from knowing that you made a difference in their life. The man uses you to change all kinds of lives. Even end a few! You love living with him. [[And you can't wait to see who you're going to cut today!->Enter Man's pocket]] The man ends his phone call and picks you up. He flicks you open, closes you. Flicks you open, then closes you again. He puts you in his pocket. It's good to be opened! Flicking open when you're button is pressed is your second favorite feeling! (first being cutting people, of course.) The pocket is warm. Not too much lint in here. He always keeps his pants clean. You start to jostle around as he gets up and walks out of his apartment. You wonder where you're going. It is very exciting! [[Wonder what it's like to be the man.]] [[Wait for hours.]]God, this hangover is killing you. You drank yourself into a stupor last night. Ah hell, you're used to it. There's a lot you can't get off your mind. You're job's been taking a toll on you. Not the bartender job. That one's easy, if a little boring. You're other job though. That one has put you in more shitty situations than you'd like to count. And it get's you a lot of enemies. And a reputation. Not to mention it ruins lives. But that has never concerned you. You don't give a damn for the sob stories of the people who get in your way. You are getting a text message. [[Check the message.]] "Have you heard the word around town? [[That dealer->Reflect on owner.]] wants a piece of you. Everyone is anticipating a showdown between you guys. I heard you're going to meet him down at the parking garage near Station Square. There might be a crowd for it. If this is going to be a spectacle, there's no way around it. Just don't be stupid. Play it calm and cool. Deal with him and leave. Teach by example. Show the crowd that you're no one to fuck with. And then go. Don't kill him. That would make for a catastrophe. Give him a few good cuts, then be on your way." He talks like you don't know how to maintain a reputation. You've dealt with guys like him before, and you're boss should know by now that you can handle shit like this. Quick and clean. That's how you do things. That's why there's no one better for your job. [[Get dressed. Get what you need for the day.]]White shirt. Black pants. Black tie. Black shoes. Sip of last night's cognac. (Hair of the dog.) Switchblade. [[Flick, close. Flick, close.->Enter Man's pocket]] Damn good blade. Subtle. Quick. Deadly. [[Gone in an instant. Like yourself. A ghost in the city.->really excited!!!]] You place it in your pocket. You'll be needing it. [[Head out.]]It's just the break of day. The air is cool. You live on the outskirts of the city. You have a long walk. You don't mind. A long walk is good for clearing your head. You pass under bridges, over drainage tunnels, through alleys and abandoned industrial areas. Your legs are long and strong. Your stride easy. You begin to see more tall buildings, more people bustling through the streets. You are in a see of blank faces now, on a reef of concrete and steel. clusters of buildings loom over you. Everything is tall in this city. There is a world up there, on those roofs. A whole other city. Empty of everything but birds. Except... for a girl who is sitting on a ledge. That's strange. [[You wonder what she's up to.]] You're boyfriend is sleeping next to you. No doubt he will sleep till noon. You are getting entirely sick of waiting for him to be motivated to get out of bed in the morning and do something. When you are together, he gives you the overwhelming sense that he doesn't give a shit about you or anything you are interested in. But you never call him out on it. He has done to much for you and you would feel guilty about throwing his problems in his face. Still, he made his bed, and now he's sleeping in it (figuratively and literally), but that's not your fault, or your burden to bear. You get the feeling that he drags you down. The bedroom is cramped and filthy. You want to get the hell out of bed and go outside. But first you need a smoke. You pick up your boyfriend's lighter and steal a cigarette from his pack. [[examine lighter.]] [[Go outside]] Alright, now that you've got some nicotine in the blood, time to get out of this dump. You leave your lazy-as-fuck boyfriend to continue sleeping. You're going to go explore the city. The morning is cold, and you are barefoot. The concrete chills your soles. You head toward downtown, where the people are, and where the building are huge. You love exploring huge buildings. You pass through a busy market district, and find a very tall office building. It is at least 70 stories. You decide that this would be a nice place to watch the city come to life. You sneak around to the loading dock in the back, and find the [[fire->fire.]] route that leads from the second floor of the building. From there, you infiltrate through a hallway of office doors, until you find the building's main stairwell. You walk up 70 flights of stairs, and find yourself at the entrance to the roof. You pick the lock on the door, and walk out. The sun-exposed roof burns you feet, but you don't mind. You are blissfully isolated up here. You perch yourself on the edge of the roof, and take in the view. [[Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] [[Dwell on how your life isn't what you used to dream it could be.]]You are a lighter. A cheap plastic thing, made in china, and sold in a convenience store. You are filled with butane, and have a nozzle that releases the gas in a steady stream when a button is pressed. You have a small piece of flint coming out of your body, and a small abbraisive wheel that grinds against it with a flick, to produce a spark. You had a child safety gaurd over the wheel, but someone pried it off with a screw driver for easier use. You have lit many a cigarette. But your owner is not limited to just those. You light joints. You light loose marijuana in bongs. You even occasionally light glass pipes full of crystals. You have heated spoons and makeshift crucibles, to melt contents within. You have set a wide assortment of things alight. All of them drugs. When your flame licks against a material, you love the feeling of it chemical structure changing. The molecules becoming agitated to become as hot as you. You always love it when you get to burn new things. Burning is great. Burn burn burn. [[Reflect on self.]] [[Reflect on owner.]]You are the city. You are concrete and steel, pavement and asphalt. The night has cooled you deep in your bones, while the people rested in your buildings, and only a few walked in the lamplit streets to their midnight shifts. But now the morning comes, and the sun illuminates and warms you. The people begin to gather in the streets and traverse your sidewalks again, as you glow yellow with sunlight. For them, time is everything, but it means little to you. All is, was, and will be. You sense it from beginning to end. You sense... [[Two pairs of feet, wandering together...->your friend]] [[The clatter of a small precious item, dropping to the ground...->Beginning of Switchblade]] [[A raging inferno melting your asphalt, and cracking your pavement...->fire.]] [[A lost soul, above everything else, pondering her place in the world...->Dwell on how your life isn't what you used to dream it could be.]]You sigh deeply. You absent mindedly flick a pebble of the edge. [[You wonder where the years went->What time is it?]], and where they are going. You remember a bright young girl who had a family who loved here, and opportunities she could have taken, and paths she could have followed. But you remember the anxiety that stopped her. You remember the insecurity in herself, the alienation toward [[the ones she loved.->and your eyes meet for several wordless seconds.]] You remember feeling like you didn't deserve to dream. You remember finding relief among people who treated you badly. You remember spending more and more time with people who you dindn't mind dissappointing. You remember what lead you to forget about the people who wanted the best for you. And now you're here, in a relationship with a man who spends his life getting drunk and high, without any friends or ambition of your own. [[You haven't spoken to your parents in years->family owned business.]], and at this point you are afraid to. Your life is completely stagnant. Years have been wasted. You can't remember what it was like to want to do anything. [[Think about what a long fall it would be to the bottom.]]That thought is cringe enducing. You're life would be snuffed out in an instant. You inch back just a tad. But after a moment, you stretch your head out just a little to see straight down. You see a swarm of people, all the size of grains of sand. The look as if they are being slowly blown about. You see a family. You see a business man talking on a cell phone. You see [[two teenagers]] without a care in the world. You see a stream of cars and trucks, like blood cells in a [[circulatory system.->Reflect on your relationship with the man.]] You see a young couple having breakfast in an apartment balcony. You see a homeless man. You see waiters on their break outside of a restaurant. You see... people. You see a whole world, interconnected and moving. Thriving. Brimming with energy. You see a world. You feel like it is a world away, as if you were seeing it all on a screen. All that drifts up to you from this world is muffled, incoherent sound. You think about how seperated you are from it. You wish... You wish you could enter it again. You wish there were some way, but all you know for sure is that you can't stand being so alienated and alone from everyone. You're life is a cold place that no one worth a damn has ventured into in a long, long time. You think again about a long fall to the ground. You imagine it would be like plunging into a sea. A sharp breeze pushes on your back for a second. [[Get vertigo.]]You were on your way to school when [[your friend]] met you on the [[street.->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] She wasted no time in small talk, and went straight to asking you if you wanted to skip school.You begin to hyperventilate. The world spins under you. You throw yourself backward onto the roof. [[You curl up and hold yourself for a while.->staying to take cellphone pictures with the wounded man]] The sun is blazing, but you feel cold up here. It's time to come down. You go back inside, and take the elevator down. Back on the ground, you wander through the crowd. They are a cacophone. You see smiling faces, hear laughter, feel heat from bodies, smell the stink of people. It is driving you into a panic. Colors noises smells. People playing people eating people shouting horns and engines you are about to scream. [[Run.]] You run. You don't know where. You are going to go forward until you can't breath. You are drowning in an ocean of humans, and everything feels too goddam real right now. You slow to a fast walk, and then normal speed, [[as you're senses begin to come back.->broken testicle.]] What were you doing? Do you have a problem or something? You... You... You need to keep taking a walk. You need to sort out your head. [[Maybe... Maybe a snack? Settle your stomach.]]You heard some really crazy rumors last night. Apparently two of the most [[notorious gangsters->He's screaming profanities and threats,]] in the city were going to meet up for a fight today! You were told many people were going to show up, and that it would be a thrilling spectacle. You know your best friend is far more timid than you, and a bit faint of heart, but you think something like this would lend some much needed [[daring to her life.->lone woman]] But she seems a little hesitant to skip school with you. [[Her mind is probably full of worries.]]Skipping school to go see [[criminals kill each other!?->Get your shit in gear.]] Is she crazy!!!? What if the teachers found out where they had been!? What if your parents found out!? What if the police showed up during the fight!? Everyone there could be arrested! You tell your friend that this isn't a good idea, and that you love [[how adventurous she]] is, but that this is going a bit too far.Yep, this is exactly her problem. [[She's paralyzed by fear.->Dwell on how your life isn't what you used to dream it could be.]] She NEEDS an adventure. She needs to see the world without restraits of authority. She needs [[freedom!->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] But she won't take it for herself, darling that she is. It's up to you to give it to her. Even if it takes a little bit of a push. You grab her arm and start running off toward the heart of the city!!! [[She shall know liberation!!!]]Oh no she's grabbed you and is [[running->Hoof it!]], and you have no choice but to keep up! No no no you can't do this, classes start in ten minutes!! You have to break away now!!! You're already well off the path to school, and you're still going strong. You don't explore much, and you're already starting to feel lost. You may not be able to find your way back soon! You shout some meak protests, but she is laughing and grinning ear to ear. She is so wild. You can't help but revel in how free she feels. Is this... normal for her? To run haphazardly into unknown situations just for the sake of thrill? There is something joyful about the chaos and the breathless energy of running without a destination. Her hair is long and unkept, and blowing in the wind. And the morning sun illuminates her face when she looks back at you. Amongst the fear of skipping school, you feel a rush of glee, and a broad smile grows across your face. The warmth and strength of here hand on your arm, the smell of her hair, the [[pounding of your feet on the cement->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]], and the exhaustion of running, are all you feel. And it feels wonderful. [[Go get some snacks.]]As a disposable lighter, you are used by many, and pass through many hands. The man who owns you know stole you from his friend while they were smoking marijuana. That man had taken you from his girlfriend to get high while she was at work. Yes, you have been used by many. This morning you were used by the man's girlfriend to light one of his cigarettes. A fairly boring task that you do frequently, but one that still gives you enjoyment. It is a cruel nature of your design that you are mortal. Unlike you luck kin, made of metal, and with a body that can be taken apart to have more fuel added when they run dry, and removable flints that can be replaced when they do not light, you are a single-life product. When your flint is worn down to a nub that is unable to creat a spark, you are dead. When your fuel runs dry, and your sparks no longer create flames, there is nothing left for you. Nothing. You have about a quarter of your fuel still left. Though it pains you to know that your end will come, you still look forward to all that you have left yet to burn. You hope you will cause glorious fires before your time is up. [[ Maybe the man->Reflect on owner.]] will use you for such a task. You can only dream and wait.You are the baddest mother fucker in this shit hole town. You own this goddam city. And you don't take shit from anyone. You remind yourself of this every time you wake up in the morning. Your GF is nowhere to be found. That's strange. You don't know what that bitch is up to, but you don't really give a fuck. You've got some serious gangster shit to take care of today. But first things first, you gotta get high. [[Smoke some dank kush.]] [[Brush teeth.]]Flick flick. Flick flick. Goddam, this lighter is getting shitty. You're going to throw it out soon. But it lights your blunt well enough. You put it in your pocket and take a long drag of some top quality bud. You got mad connections. You got the good shit right here. You ALL the good shit. It's why people pay top dollar for your product. It's why you got a reputation for yourself. And why bitch ass little punks waste their time fuckin with you. And why you have to go beat the shit out of someone today. You'll stomp on that mother fucker's face until he stops breathing. And you told everyone you know about it. There's gonna be a crowd and everything. Everyone's gonna see you kill a mother fucker today, and know that you're the realest mother fucker in town. And if the guy doesn't show, everyone will know he's a chicken shit loser, and that NO ONE has the balls to fuck with you. [[What time is it?]]Are you fucking kidding me with that lame ass shit. [[Am I a fucking child?->family owned business.]] I got fat stacks bitch. If I get a cavity I'll replace my tooth with solid mother fuckin diamond. I don't need to brush my teeth like a little bitch. Fuck that shit. [[Smoke some dank kush.]]Oh fuck it's 6. I'm supposed to be there in like three hours and I haven't even eaten. Fuck. Alright, time to get my shit in gear. [[Get your shit in gear.]]You grab your favorite brass knuckles from the night stand drawer, get your smokes, put some pants on, strap on your nikes, and get the fuck out. You are going to fucking wreck a [[motherfucker.]] Better get there in a hurry though.After running out of breath, you both decide to get some tasty food from the line of vendors in the market district. Your eye is caught in particular by a food truck dispensing grilled tortilla dishes. The smell is alive with flavor, and inviting. It looks to be a [[family owned business.]] Though the market bustles, there is no line. Your friend tugs you over and orders two gorditas. Inside, you hear the hiss of a grill, and some talking. You here two people shouting at each other now. You look at your friend uncertainly, and she shrugs, with an amused grin. A portly man with a wrinkles around the eyes and a thick mustache hands her two tinfoil wrapped gorditas. She hands you yours. It is almost too hot to hold, but delicious and savory. You are becoming glad you came on this adventure. You walk and talk and laugh for hours. The day couldn't pass slowly enough. You both get tired after a long while, and sit down at a bench. You watch [[people]] pass by, joking about who the people are and what their lives are like. You feel perfect.Your father is so goddam stern. He doesn't give a damn about your alternative lifestyle. He can't see beyond the counter of the food truck. He can't see that you have visions of leaving that food truck for something bigger! You want to study music, but he just can't take it seriously. It's not his place to expect you to stay with the business. You've tried to explain this to him but- [["Son, will you PLEASE sweep up out front!?"]]God, the boy just has no work ethic. There's no time for lazing about when you have customers waiting! You know he resents the job, but he won't even TRY to meet you half way. He ruined the customer service for those [[two nice girls->two teenagers]] who were just here! He is so naive, and you don't know where he got such an irresponsible attitude. But it looks like a [[customer is coming.->Maybe... Maybe a snack? Settle your stomach.]]You come across [[a particularly intriguing food truck->family owned business.]] selling gorditas. The smell is quite alluring. The square is very busy, but you shoulder your way through the crowd to get to your destination. You pull a crumpled five dollar bill out of your pocket, and ask the man at the counter for a vegetarian taco. He obliges, but is then distracted yelling at someone, and forgets to give you your change. You politely remind him. He hastily apologizes, and looks very frustrated with himself. He hands you back your change. You wander back across the square, the sounds of him arguing with his companion playing out behind you. You decide you will find somewhere to spy on them, to amuse yourself while you eat. [[Climb atop a vacant trailer and hide behind it's ventilation shaft.]]This proves to be a remarkably easy task for you. You crouch, and look across the square and the crowd, into the window of the Mexican food truck. You can make out two figures from this angle. You can now see that there is a father and his son. They are both standing, away from the counter. Their body language suggests they are in a very heated debate. You take a few bites of your taco. The kind is in his late teens. You imagine he is frustrated having to spend his time in such a dead end job. It's probably all they have. The father knows it's not fair, but presumeably he has had to accept that all his life. The kid still has too much that he wants to experience to take [[a life of monotony->motherfucker.]] sitting down. It is chaffing him raw. The whole scene makes you think of the world as quite a tragic place. The people strain against each other, but neither has wronged the other. They both just have less than they need or deserve. You eat a few more bites of your taco. The man looks as if he is too tired to argue any more. The kid looks regretful about what he's said. You are intrigued at the change of events. The father puts his hand on his sons shoulder, and they sit down on a cooler next to each other. You can only see the backs of their heads and shoulders. Neither moves for a minute. But then you could swear than you saw them [[hugging.->her]] [[Damn.]]You let the beauty of that scene sink in for a minute. You look down at the last bit of your taco, and finish it, with a new level of gratitude for what life gives you. You think about the two. They didn't let the misforture of their lives fester into cold bitterness. At least the communicate. You wish you could communicate as well. You wish you could stand up for yourself. You think those two just taught you something about love. Love isn't being perfectly happy with each other. It means feeling able to stand up for yourself with the other. It means people who respect and cherish each other even when they disagree, and times are hard. [[You begin to cry.]]YOU DESERVE THAT TOO DAMMIT. Hot tears sting your eyes and roll down your cheeks. A lump is in your throat and you stifle a sob. You bring your knees up to your chest and hug your legs. You cry silently for several minutes. You've gone far too long without crying. Without laughing. Without shouting or screaming or making yourself heard. You've felt trapped. You realize now that it has been like having a vice grip on your heart. You've only noticed just now. It was him. IT WAS ALL HIM. YOU DESERVE [[SO MUCH MORE THAN HIM.->Budding romance.]] He's made you feel like this for years, and made you feel like you deserve it. You have to DO SOMETHING. You can't talk to him. Waterfalls of truth and emotion get stopped up and reduced to pitiful directionless trickles when you are speaking to him. You have to make yourself known another way. [[You will leave him a message.]]You will leave him a message he will never forget. This has been years coming. You feel lighter than air, and like there's a fire inside your limbs. You are nervous, but brave. You are unstoppable. You leap off the trailer and land smoothly on [[the ground->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]]. You start a direct path toward home.Other than [[the girl->Damn.]] on the roof, you saw nothing out of the ordinary on your walk. The same trash who populate the city on any other day. You gave five dollars to [[a homeless man.->Think about what a long fall it would be to the bottom.]] Everyone needs a little luck. Maybe he'll get himself on his feet. But you bet probably not. You are not one for distractions. You cleared your schedule for today. You have one place to be, and, after a brief lunch at a café, that is right where you headed. You meditated on the roof of the abandoned parking garage for nearly three hours. You keep your mind [[crystal clear.->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] You keep your combat skills flawless. You practiced your forms for another three hours. You're as sharp as a razor, and so is your blade. You open it, check its hinge. Flick it open a couple times. Give it a few licks with a small honing steel. Place it back in your pocket. [[And now you wait.]]You've got a lot of time to think. You wonder about the purpose of all this? All the time you spend maintaining your image. All the time you spend readying yourself for fighting and murder. You are the best at what you do. But what the hell DO you do? You [[flick your switchblade open. Closed. Open. Closed...->Wait for hours.]]This day has been wonderful. You look at your friend on the bench beside you. She is so vivacious. So content. She's... She's beautiful. There is nowhere you'd rather be than with her, in the mid afternoon sun, in a quiet sea of people, only concious of each other. She looks back at you, smiling gently, [[and your eyes meet for several wordless seconds.]] You blush, and turn your gaze toward the ground, grinning.You catch her staring, and smile back, looking straight into her eyes, knowing that will put butterflies in her belly. The silence hanging between you is tender, and charged with a thousand unspoken words. [[A silence between people is often more beautiful than any words.->pack up to leave]] (You heard that in a movie once). When she blushes and glances down, you place your hand on hers. [[Her face get's redder.]] Your smile broadens to a giddy grin.Oh my god, is she holding your hand. This is. You are okay with this. You are, in fact, rather extremely totally super fucking okay with this. Oh god your face is so [[hot->fire.]] you feel like she could probably see the air wavering around it. You look back up at her. You have a broad sheepish grin that you are sure looks stupid, but you decidedly don't give a damn. A moment passes. You both break out into laughter. [[But her hand doesn't leave yours...]][[God, she is so cute you could die.->You begin to cry.]] "come one" you say with a smile, as you lift her off the bench by her hand. "we still have an adventure ahead of us!" She squeezes your hand, giggles, and asks where the two of you are headed. You tell her you have to find an [[abandoned parking garage.->Get your shit in gear.]] She says okay, and skips along the same direction as you. And she laces her fingers between yours.You forgot where the damn parking garage was! This fuckin loser hitman could just schedule this shit in some shady strip club or drug den or something. You know where all that shit is! But no, you gotta use a motherfuckin GPS to beat the shit outta this upity bitch. You've been wandering around several [[city->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] blocks for the last hour. You saw some [[bitch school girls->Budding romance.]] staring at you as you walked past the same park several times. Stupid bitches. Fuckable though. Made you wanna fuck your own bitch. But you don't have time to think about pussy right now. You gotta be at the location in like... 30 goddam minutes. SHIT SHIT SHIT. You duck through an alley toward the abandoned industrial part of town. You think you know where you are now. Oh that fucker is seriously gonna get it for all the trouble he's putting you through... You think you see the parking garage across the train tracks. [[Hoof it!]]*huff* *huff* *huff* FUCKING [[HELL.->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] You are not *huff* a runnner *huff*. Admittedly because you really don't stay in shape at all, eat nothing but terrible shit, constantly abuse drugs, and smoke more than a mother fucking chimney. But that's beside the point. You are here now. making your way to the roof. You're pretty sure you're late at this point. Goddam fucking shit. Oh well, you'll play it off like you just didn't give a shit enough to get the time right. You kinda hope there aren't a [[whole lot of people]] here to see the fight..."Wow, there are a whole lot of people here" you whisper to her as you reach the roof of the parking garage, and see the crowd of about a hundred people who had gathered to see the fight. Of all the people here, you and her look to be the youngest by far. A lot of people were drinking and smoking. They looked to be an unsavory crowd. You become [[legitimately nervous->Dwell on how your life isn't what you used to dream it could be.]] about this venture for the first time. She gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, if you want to bail, we totally can" Her eyes showed no sign that she would be dissappointed if you said yes, only glad that she didn't put you through something you weren't comfortable with. She truly is [[a great friend.->Reflect on whiskey glass.]] (friend. "just" friend? You wonder if you will find the answer to that by the end of tonight...) "Why, are you scared?" You say with a smug wink. You think it was smug. Now that you consider it, it may have just been incredibly corny. She gives you a playful shove, and giggles. "Never! I'm as brave and reckless as I seem, I promise!" She winks back. It looks positively mysterious and sultry when she does it. [[You squirm your way into the crowd.]]You are shoulder to shoulder with people making bets, getting their phones ready for filming, and occassionally hollering out of excitement or impatience. They got to the edge of the ring the crowd formed, and in the center they found a very intimidating man, dressed sharply, [[flicking a switchblade open and closed.]]Ooooooh boy!!! You seem to be in a shady part of [[town->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]], and there are people everywhere!!! The man must surely be about to kill someone! You're going to be soaked in fresh blood! He's flicking you open over and over again and it's getting you [[really excited!!!]]As you pack up the supplies from the food truck and get ready to head home, you can't help but feel really excited. Electrified really. You're dad has never truly spoken to you as he did today. He expressed real love, and you... can't quite remember the last time he did. You don't speak as you [[pack up to leave]], but there is unspoken love between both of you at this moment. He told you that he believes in your dreams, no matter how hard they are to follow. You're going to look at colleges when you get home. You couldn't be happier.Your son speaks about his excitement on the ride home. Suddenly he is telling all kinds of things about what he wants to do with his future that you've never heard before. [[You are stunned to learn how much was yet to be shared between you too,->The crowd murmers in confusion.]] and how one moment of compassion and willingness to listen was enough to open it all up. The strength of love never ceases to surprise you. You don't know what the first step is for your son, but you know he has a vision of where he wants to be. You'll figure it out. Together. As you drive in calm silence, the streets are empty. But you see one [[lone woman]] walking by at a brisk pace, smoking. She seems as if she has no one. Yet she radiates a confidence and righteousness that you can scarcely imagine. Some people have only themselves, you suppose. Maybe they can thrive that way. But you learned today that family is how you thrive, and you wouldn't have it any other way.You did it. You fucking did it. He'll never forget you as long as he lives. REVENGE. YOU GOT SWEET BITTER REVENGE. You feel numb, yet your heart is racing. You keep up your pace, making distance. You will leave this wretched town, and this wretched life behind. You were reborn in [[fire.]] You don't know where you will end up, but you don't care. You can go ANYWHERE!!! And you will go everywhere. Not tomorrow. Not in a while. Right goddam now. You have feet on your legs, and a fist full of stolen cash. You are going to hop a train and not get off until you're on the other side of the continent. You will fly like an eagle, as you were always meant to. As you walk, you pass a serene vantage point overlooking the city. There are [[two girls]] sitting on a bench up there. It is a cold night, and they are silouetted against the glow from the city below. They are in each others' arms, kissing slowly. They look as if they are aware of nothing in the world but each other in this moment. They look beautiful. And in love. The sight makes you feel a bit forlorn. There were times when you dreamed of sharing moments like that with someone. But you have no one now, and you only dream about yourself. You feel extra cold as you continue on. But now is not the time to dwell on what could have been. [[You have... you.->He's screaming profanities and threats,]] And that is all you need.As a humble lighter, you never thought you would amount to anything. Sure, you would light some cigarettes, maybe even a few campfires. A few molotov cocktail if you were lucky enough to be sent to a city that was going through any civil unrest. But this. THIS. THIS WAS A FIRE MOST LIGHTERS COULD HARDLY DREAM OF!!! Forget the grace of a classy refillable zippo. Who needs that lifestyle!? You've done something beyond your wildest dreams. [[YOU BURNED A HOUSE DOWN!!!->broken testicle.]] You may be a [[mortal lighter.->Reflect on self.]], doomed to give one last flame and be snuffed out. But you can die happy with the memory of what you made. And you reside in the pocket of an arsonist now! Someone who loves you truly for who you are. You could not imagine a better fate.You've been standing around here for a while now, and you wonder when the actual fight is going to start. The guy with the switch blade hasn't said a word. He's just opened and closed his knife a bunch of times, staring off into the distance as if the crowd weren't there. People were getting antsy, some declaring the other fighter a coward who wasn't coming and leaving. You and your [[friend]] exchange glances and shrugs.You hope you didn't come here for nothing. You wanted to see a dude get his ass kicked! All you got to see here is a bunch of junkies waiting. Well, even if this situation doesn't shape up to be interesting, at least you got to spend a very special day with your... ehem. Friend. Just friend. (maybe.) Oh shit, actually the other guy just showed up. He burst through the crowd, and into the circle, on the opposite side of switchblade guy. [[He's screaming profanities and threats,]] and he's wearing brass knuckles. He looks [[high->Get vertigo.]] off his ass. It occurs to you that he probably sold half the drugs this crowd is currently using. She presses against you, nervous, and you put your arm around her. The crowd is cheering now. Looks like things are going to get exciting.[[ALRIGHT MUTHERFUCKER, ARE YOU READY TO FUCKING DIE YOU PUNK-ASS BITCH-ASS BITCH!?->Check the message.]] You announce loudly, so all can hear. Motherfuckers gonna KNOW what's up. The bitch ass hitman hasn't said a word. I'm talking to you BITCH. I came here, the fuck are you gonna do now!? The crowd is silent. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA DO YA LITTLE SHIT!!? "... Nothing." ... What the FUCK is that supposed to mean!? "It means you got lucky. I've been thinking about something all day. I decided I'm done with killing. Just sick of it. I quit. And I'm going to forget about you, and why I needed to hurt you. I just don't care anymore. Sorry to dissapoint everyone. Show's over." [[The crowd murmers in confusion.]] No. Uhhh. fucking NO. Show's NOT FUCKING OVER. I CAME HERE TO BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU- "And that's not going to happen. I'm tired of violence, and tired of the way I've been living my life for the last decade. I was going to tactfully evade your assault, then incapacitate you, then make an example of you by holding you in submission just long enough for your will to break, and for you to squeal for mercy. And then I was going to slice you up, and give you a few disfiguring scars. Just like I've done countless other times." He opens his switchblade once again, then drops it to the ground, and gives it a sharp stomp with his heel. The blade snaps in two. "I just don't feel like it this time. Or ever again. I'm done."Whoa, what the hell? Since when did he go soft!? You've always known this guy to be a [[cold blooded killer->motherfucker.]]... what gave him a change of heart? She can see that you are rather stunned. She asks you how much you knew about the guy to begin with. You let her know that... you maaaay have had some history with the group he's part of. "Wait, like a gang? You were in a gang!?" You tell her that you were just a transporter, taking people from place to place where they could do business. You never participated in the business itself. She becomes markedly trepidatious, and gives you a wary look. Listen, I gave it up a year ago. [[I just keep up with what's going on->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] so I can know if things in the underground are getting dangerously heated, so I can stay wary. "Is that why you wanted to come here? Is that why you're nowhere to be found so often? Why did you bring me!?" She let's go of your hand. I... I thought some adventure would lighten your spirits a bit... And... you make me feel better about who I am. I didn't want to keep feeling like you were only in one half of my life. I'm scared. Not from danger, but from the way I live and feel. You make me feel... safer. You place a hand on [[her]] shoulder.She put her hand on your shoulder. You don't know how you feel about this now. You look into her eyes. You don't know what you see in there. You wonder how much you don't know about her. But you remember how much you DO know about her. You know that she is full of passion, has [[a hunger for experiencing all the wonder in the world->Think about what a long fall it would be to the bottom.]], and that she cares about you deeply. You put your hand on hers. She looks so very nervous of how you'll react. You embrace her. You tell her that you want to be with her, no matter her past. That you only care about who she is now, and the person she is, the person you know, is wonderful. You feel her shudder, stifling a sob. You hug her tighter. Then you hear a stream of curses and insults as the fight you forgot about begins. And ends just as quickly. As the drug dealing guy charged toward the dapper fellow, the hitman brought his foot up and struck him in the groin, hard enough to stop him in full charge, and knock him on his back. The man was writing on the ground, screaming, holding his crotch. "I'm leaving now. No one follow me." The dapper gent said, as he hopped off the side of the building. The crowd shuffles about, some people wandering off down the ramp to the exit, some [[staying to take cellphone pictures with the wounded man]], some looking over the edge from where to hitman jumped, but finding no sign of him. You think that was by far as much excitement as you bargained for this evening, and you say so to the girl leaning her head against your shoulder. She laughs in agreement, a small smear of mascara around her eyes. You are happy to have her. She is all you could ask for and more. Your nerves are alive from tonights events. You don't feel like going home, and neither does she. You wander off to enjoy the energetic night of the city, ready for it to turn out however it will. And you are happy. So happy, just to have her.AAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH. FUFCKING FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. You are blinded by pain, because one of your testicles has been ruptured. Aside from the pain, the most overwhelming feeling you have right now is hate. Hate for that [[piece of shit hit man->Get dressed. Get what you need for the day.]] dressed. Some worthless shit heads are taking pictures of you. You are barely concious of them. You pass out.You wake up with unbelievable pain in your crotch. It is probably close to 2 am. You are alone on the roof of the parking garage. You get up with a tremendous grunt of pain. You half walk, half waddle, to the [[edge of the roof->Get vertigo.]], and very gingerly sit down. You pull out your cellphone and call one of your contacts. You tell him you need to see their doctor, and that he needs to get his fucking ass to the parking garage right fucking now. It takes him half an hour for him to find it. The minutes creep by like days. When he pulls up, you shamble into the shotgun seat. He asks what happened to you. You say you don't wanna fuckin talk about it. What you want is a shit load of morphine. You and he drive off to see the doctor. The doctor is on the other side of [[town.->Admire the grand complexity of the city.]] The pain in your testicles is getting worse by the minute. It feels like there is a white hot piece of iron in your genitals. The pains goes all the way up to your naval. You fill the air with curses the whole drive. The route to the hideout takes you through the neighborhood where you live. You don't really give a shit, but you see smoke coming from roughly [[where your house is.->Head out.]] You tell the transporter to take you there. As you round a corner, your house comes into view. It is engulfed in flames. FUCKING HELL. He parks across the street from the blaze, and you tumble out of the car, stumble to the nearest fireman, tell him that this is your house and ask him what the hell was going on. He informs you that this was the house of a suspected drug dealer, and that some [[ex-lover->You will leave him a message.]] of his had burned it down in a fit of rage. They had recieved an anonymous tip about it just before it happened. He then, with a start of realization, alerts the nearby police officer that you are the home owner. Your driver, upon hearing this, peels out of the neighboorhood, never to be seen again. Well. The officer cuffs your hands behind your back, and reads you your rights. Seems like you're fucked. Fuck.You have been in his pocket all day now. You can tell he's getting ready for a kill or a fight. Oh boy oh boy!!! He's been flicking you open and closed, and there's a crowd around you. Something is going to happen soon, you can feel it!!! A man stumbles through the crown, angry as hell, and shouting threats. HE'S THE ONE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT! YES!!!!! The man is giving a speech now. He' addressing the whole crown. Oh the old boy certainly does love his theatrics. You are an inseparable pair, you and him. Togther, there is no stopping you two! You wonder [[what he's saying...->He's screaming profanities and threats,]] But it doesn't matter, the man has opened you, and you stay open! Your blade is straight and extended. You feel rushes of lusty energy with your blade thrust out in full force. THIS IS IT!!! You clatter on the ground. He... He dropped you. A slip of the fingers, yes that's it. He's never clumsy like this, but you guess it could happen. hehe, just a little fumble is all. He's... going to pick you up. Why hasn't he picked you up yet? You feel lost and alone without his firm grip on you. PICK ME UP. PICK ME UP. I'M YOUR COMPANION, DON'T LEAVE ME DOWN HERE. GRAB ME. USE ME. PLEASE!!!!!! You feel a cold snap, as your blade breaks off.