<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"It's good to see you too! Man a-live, have I had a day." She sinks into the cushy seat, blowing a tuft of hair out of her face.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nRachel suddenly gasps and does a 180, leaning over the back of the booth, calling out, "Hey Joey, mind making me the usual?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nJoey's face lights up as he calls back, "Sure, Rachel! Didn't notice you come in! Good to see you!" \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHe obviously noticed.\n\n[[Ask about her day]]\n[[Complain about work]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>The man from the supermarket lies in there.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nMicheal. Micheal Barns.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHe has a deep gash in his forehead.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 4s>>\nThere's a hand on your shoulder. "Please, step out of the way."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou're led aside. Your eyes don't move from the heap of metal and glass.\n\n[[Look away]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
"...huh?"\n\nHe looks very confused. \n\n[[Tell him you think something bad is going to happen|Something bad]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Hm? Oh, yes, thankfu--" \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHer phone buzzes.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Crap, gotta take this. Sorry!" She turns to the side, her hand over her ear. "Yeah, dad?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou hear her father's deep baritone.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I mean, I guess I can help, but I sort of have a thing--"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nMore buzzing.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Sure, sure yeah. I'll be over in a minute." She hangs up, then groans. "Okay. More moving to do. Apparently it's an emergency." She pinches the bridge of her nose.\n\n[[Beg her to listen to you]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<if $clothes is "naked">> Put some clothes on.\n\n[[Living area]]\n<<elseif $clothes is "light summer outfit">> Great choice of outfits there. You shiver as you track down Rachel's car.\n\n[[Head to work]]\n<<if visited("Check refrigerator lists") or ($retry is 1)>>\s\n[[Put on snow chains]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $CPR is "today">>\s\n[[Head to CPR class][$CPR = 1]]\n<<endif>> \n\n<<elseif $clothes is "tshirt and jeans">> Great choice of outfits there. You shiver as you track down Rachel's car.\n\n[[Head to work]]\n<<if visited("Check refrigerator lists") or ($retry is 1)>>\s\n[[Put on snow chains]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $CPR is "today">>\s\n[[Head to CPR class][$CPR = 1]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>Time to go. Rachel's car sits in the parking lot of the apartment complex. \n\n[[Head to work]]\n<<if visited("Check refrigerator lists") or ($retry is 1)>>\s\n[[Put on snow chains]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $CPR is "today">>\s\n[[Head to CPR class][$CPR = 1]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
<<timedcontinue 2s>>\s\nTime passes.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 7s>>\nA crash thunders outside the building, making the frame shake. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nSomebody screams in surprise.\n\n[[Inspect the sound]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
He ignores you.\n\n[[Check out|Counter]]
There are a couple tabs open in Chrome, random articles you tell yourself you'll read eventually. \n<<if $retry is 1>>\nAn old chatlog is open. You had been reading it recently.\n\nRachel: yo\nRachel: How's your winter vacation?\nYou: meh, miss college, family is pretty uninspiring\nRachel: dude yes\nRachel: We just had a family dinner and, while I love my family, I would much rather be playing Settlers of Catan with you and Ally right now\nYou: oh man the battle is on next time we play\nYou: monopoly on sheep is the way to go\nYou: my signature move\nYou: never loses\nRachel: Except when it does, like the last two times :P\nYou: i swear to god you were cheating\nRachel: You'll never prove anything. <3\n\nThat was awhile ago, when you were in college together. \nShe won the next time you played.\n<<endif>>\n[[Leave computer|Living area]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"I am so excited!" Her eyes light up. "I got her a great gift and everything... which is sitting at home. Shoot. You didn't grab it by chance, did you?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou shake your head.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Sometimes I wonder why I keep you around, honestly. I'll just stop by and grab--"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHer phone buzzes.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Crap, gotta take this. Sorry!" She turns to the side, her hand over her ear. "Yeah, dad?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou hear her father's deep baritone.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I mean, I guess I can help, but I sort of have a thing--"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nMore buzzing.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Sure, sure yeah. I'll be over in a minute." She hangs up, then groans. "Okay. More moving to do. Apparently it's an emergency." She pinches the bridge of her nose.\n\n[[Ask if party plans have changed]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 0.7s>>There are pictures of various landmarks - one year anniversary of opening, five year anniversary, and so on, interspersed with pictures of regular customers.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 1.4s>>\nA couple pages in, the first picture of Rachel shows up. She can't be more than thirteen or fourteen, smiling with her dad. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2.4s>>\nMore pictures of Rachel. She's very photogenic.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 1.5s>>\nThere's one picture of you at the very end. You're staring out the window, unaware of the photo being taken. You can almost hear Rachel's giggle as she takes the picture.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 4.5s>>\nThat's enough for now, you think. \n\n[[Put it back|Examine the bookshelves]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
There are a few options. \n\n[[Chocolate|Cake][$cake = "chocolatecake"]]\n[[Vanilla|Cake][$cake = "vanilla cake"]]\n[[Ice cream|Cake][$cake = "ice cream cake"]]\n[[Cupcakes|Cake][$cake = "cupcakes"]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>> "Hello, this is CPR Today, how may I help you?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[I'd like to take a class|Sign up]]\n[[Hang up|Kitchen]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>Your digital alarm beeps.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou are going to be late.\n\n<<if $retry is 1>>\s\nYou slam your hand down on the alarm, almost knocking the chain tightener off of your bedside table.\n\n<<endif>>\s\n[[Wake up]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
The barista nods and begins brewing before you finish saying your order.\n<<if $drink is 1>>\n[[Take drink|Coffee shop]]\n<<else>>\n[[Take drink]]\n<<endif>>
"Sweet! I'm heading over after my shift." He pauses.\n<<timedcontinue 1s>>\n"Is... Rachel going to be there?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[Lie]]\n[[Tell the truth]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You will need to get eggs from the fridge.\n\n[[Get eggs|Refrigerator]]
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Cereal. Very inventive.\n\nYou don't bother with the dishes. Don't want to be late to work.\n\n[[Work]]
//Hey roomie. I'm sure you'll find this eventually. When you do...\n\nJust a reminder that I beat you at Settlers of Catan more than ten times. Hope your day is going well! <3//\n\nThat's Rachel.\n\n[[Put it back|Examine the bookshelves]]
It doesn't take you long to find Rachel's familiar scrawl.\n\nIt sort of feels like an invasion of privacy, but hey, it's a public journal.\n\n[[Keep reading|Keep reading 3]]\n[[Put it back|Examine the bookshelves]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>"Hello? Oh, hey! You brought dessert!"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Come inside. You must be freezing."\n\n[[Ask if Rachel's there yet]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>"I... I'm sorry. I don't think I can allow that." The police officer looks uncomfortable. "You need to go inside."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nSomebody turns off the ambulance siren. You hadn't realized it was still running. It leaves a ringing in your ears.\n\n[[Continue]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
Would you like to retry?\n\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n[[No|End]]
"...whatever you say, random stranger."\n\nHe pays in a hurry, glancing over his shoulder at you, brandishing a stick of celery like a shield.\n\n[[Check out|Counter]]
Your skin steams against the cold air, and condensation covers the mirror.\n\nThere is a note on it.\n\n[[Read the note]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\s\n<<if $retry is 1>>\s\nYou watch the man drive away, despite your request.\n\n<<endif>>\s\nThe wind outside is colder, more biting.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou shiver.\n\n[[Walk faster]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
The roads aren't too snowy yet, but it's probably a good idea to do this now.\n\n[[Get the chains]]
The curtains are already open.<<if $retry is 1>> There's a chain tightener on a shelf by the door.<<endif>>\n\n[[Open your computer]]\n[[Turn on the TV]]\n\n[[Go to the kitchen|Kitchen]]\n[[Head to your room|Your room]]\n[[Go to parking garage|Parking garage]]
You walk to the store, purchase your cake, and leave.\n\nWhile you're in there, you make awkward eye contact with another customer. He seems creeped out by you.\n\n[[Ally's party]]
Would you like to retry?\n\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n[[No|Are you sure?]]
The hot water runs over you. You feel clean.\n\n[[Get out]]
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//Game over.//\n\n//Written by Maya Ziv and David Worsey.//
You trudge through your morning routine.\n\nAt some point, you throw on some clothes, not bothering to check what they are.\n\n[[Eat]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>The frost on your <<print $clothes>> melts until it's wet, sticking to your body. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYour phone beeps.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n//Rachel: Sorry I'm late! Got caught up in the moving escapade//\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>//Rachel: Omw now//\n\n[[Make polite conversation]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Oh, boo-hoo. You had to go into an office and be productive." She sticks her tongue out at you. "At least you didn't have to haul a piano down a flight of stairs. I swear, never again."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou roll your eyes, and she winks.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I don't know. It's been... I miss traveling. My dad has lived in the same house for fifty years, and stuff has collected like sediment, weighing him down and anchoring him."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nShe sighs. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I don't think I can deal with being anchored like that, y'know? Having little bits of myself tied to every object I own, and then scattered into the mold and dust of a building."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nA chuckle escapes her.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Shrug. In any case, it was a pain to move all of that stuff."\n\n[[Ask if it's all done]]\n[[Ask about Ally's party]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>They've put Rachel on a stretcher.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nThe lights of the ambulance seem so far away.\n\n[[Ask if she's going to be okay]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You take down the photo album. It's surprisingly heavy.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nThe first page is the staff of the coffee shop on opening day, each of them with an impossibly wide grin, about fifteen years younger.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[Keep flipping]]\n[[Put it back|Examine the bookshelves]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
The barista looks at you oddly. "Feeling adventurous today?"\n\nHe shrugs, and prepares it. \n<<if $drink is 1>>\n[[Take drink|Coffee shop]]\n<<else>>\n[[Take drink]]\n<<endif>>
You owed her so much, and this is how you repay her.\n\nMurderer.\n\n[[I have to let her go]]
He grins a little bit, catches himself, and rushes to serve the person behind you.\n\n[[Move out of the way|Coffee shop]]
#sidebar { display: none; }\n#passages { margin-left: 0; }\n#passages { border-left: 0px; padding-left: 0; }
You order your normal drink. \n\nYou avoid making eye contact with the barista, or anyone else in the coffee shop.\n\n[[Sit and wait]]
Strips of light are beginning to filter through your blinds.\n\nA dirty shirt is wadded by your dresser.<<if $retry is 1>> A chain tightener sits on it.<<endif>>\n\n[[Open your dresser]]\n[[Enter your bathroom|Bathroom]]\n[[Enter your living area|Living area]]\n
<<timedcontinue 1s>>\s\nPeople around you chat idly. It's clear Ally is waiting for Rachel.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nAfter a few minutes, they cut the cake. Merriment ensues.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nSomeone offers you a glass of wine.\n\n[[Refuse|Time]]\n[[Accept|Time]]
It's cold outside, but not freezing, thankfully. The snow is fairly light.\n<<if $clothes is "thick wool sweater">>\nYou're thankful for your warm sweater.\n<<endif>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou walk along the frozen sidewalks. Crystalline patterns crunch under your footsteps.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[Trudge along]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
How inventive.\n<<if $drink is 1>>\n[[Take drink|Coffee shop]]\n<<else>>\n[[Take drink]]\n<<endif>>
Yeah, you're almost late. Wouldn't want your boss to be upset with you.\n\nYou will need to get milk from the fridge.\n\n[[Get milk|Refrigerator]]
The music is too loud and you can't seem to get warm. \n\nNobody talks to you.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nThe crash outside makes you sick to your stomach.\n\n[[Examine]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You take a seat in your usual booth by the window.\n\nThe three toned chime sounds. Rachel rushes in.\n\n"So sorry I'm late! You would not believe the amount of stuff my dad had in his basement. Ugh."\n\nHer hair is frazzled and she's panting slightly.\n\n[[Tell her it's fine]]\n[[Tell her you need to talk to her]]\n
A small pile of dishes is forming in the sink. <<if $retry is 1>>The cupboard is open. You can see your collection of chain tighteners.<<endif>>\n<<if $food is 3>>\n[[Check refrigerator lists]]\n[[Do dishes]]<<elseif $food is 2>>\n[[Check refrigerator lists]]<<elseif $food is 1>>\n[[Sit down to eat]]<<else>>\n[[Make breakfast]]<<endif>>\n[[Use your phone]]\n[[Go to the living area|Living area]]
You make your way to the counter and check out. \n\n$9.38\n\nExpensive cake.\n\n[[Leave]]
You scrub the plates and bowls of the past week. \n\nAnything to avoid going to work, apparently. \n\n[[Kitchen]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>> "No, we figured she'd come with you. Pretty much everyone else is, though. Evan and Travis are, and they brought Lisa..."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nShe must still be helping her dad.\n\n[[Sit next to the fireplace]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You glance at the clock and gulp. Do you think you have time for scrambled eggs, or is it just cereal again today?\n\n[[Eggs]]\n[[Cereal]]\n\n<<set $food = 1>>
<<if $shoppingcart is 1>>\s\nYou throw a couple cartons of milk into your cart. \n\nRachel will be surprised you remembered.\n<<else>>\s\nYou take a carton of milk and huff at the unexpected weight.\n<<endif>>\s\n<<set $milk is 1>>\n[[Back to shopping|Supermarket]]
"You going to Ally's party later?"\n\n[[Nod]]\n\n<<set $drink = 1>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>"Thank you so much. We hope to see you soon!"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[Hang up|Kitchen]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<set $shoppingcart = 1>>\s\nSmart thinking. \n<<if $milk is 1>> \nYou toss in the milk. <<endif>>\n\n[[Continue shopping|Supermarket]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>Suddenly, Ally's house is in front of you.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>> \nMuted laughter comes from inside.\n\n[[Knock]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You can't think of anything to write. You put the journal back.\n\n[[Bookshelf|Examine the bookshelves]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>You're the first to reach the door, stepping back out into the static interference of the snow.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou can't see anything for a moment.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nA shiver racks your body.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nTwo cars are smashed in a right angle on the corner of the street, one of the hoods wedged underneat the other, semi covering the crumpled frame. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nThey look like pieces of tinfoil.\n\n[[Look closer]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You... \n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\nTime passes.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou're not sure, but you think...\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou think things get better.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou think you can forgive yourself.\n\n[[Let go]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
He collects his stuff, muttering an apology, then begins to walk away.\n<<if visited("Channel 3")>> \nYou notice he's the physicist you saw on TV earlier.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $retry is 1>>\s\nYou call out to him, and he turns to look at you. \n\n"Yes?"\n\n[[Ask him for a favor]]\n<<else>>\s\nHe dropped his card.\n\n[[Take it]]\n[[Leave it|Counter]]\n[[Return it]]\n<<endif>>
You <<if $drink is 1>>toss your empty cup in the trash.<<else>>watch Rachel disappear around the corner.<<endif>>\n\n"...she never got her drink," Joey chuckles to himself across the shop. "That girl never stops."\n\n[[Out into the cold]]
Brennan calls you over to his booth, a too-wide grin on his face.\n\n"Sonny! How ya been? How's the missus?"\n\n[[Inform him again of your not-dating status|Status]]
Would you like to retry?\n\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n[[No|Really?]]
[[206-360-8947: Rachel|Call Rachel]]\n<<nobr>>\n<<if visited("Channel 2")>>\n[[1-800-555-6783: CPR|CPR]]\n<<else>>\nYou don't know any other numbers. \n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
Maya Ziv, David Worsey
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>Rachel is almost out the door. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"You'll be fine!" she calls over her shoulder. "It's only a couple blocks, and it's barely even snowing!"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nShe pauses for a moment. "Did you remember to put snow chains on the car?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou nod, fighting to hold back the words that want to spill out.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nShe stops and waves before she leaves, a small smile on her face.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou wave back.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nThe three chimes, and she's gone. \n\n[[Say your goodbyes to warmth|Warmth 2]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>> Your vision tunnels. All you can hear is your own breathing.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>> \n<<if $retry is 1>>\s\nThe cars smashed directly into each other. Apparently one of them didn't stop at the stop sign.\n<<else>>\s\nOne of the cars spun out of control, slipping on the icy roads. You walk over to the car.\n<<endif>>\s\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nThe door handle feels like dry ice. Your palm burns.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 6s>>\nRachel's broken body sits there, glass shards decorating her eyes and mouth. There are a few in her chest. Blood comes out of her lips.\n<<if $CPR is 1>>\n[[Try to save her]]\n<<else>>\n[[Stare]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>> You hear moaning from the other car. There's a tinkling noise.\n\n[[Inspect]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>You take a seat in your usual booth by the window.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nThe three toned chime sounds. Rachel rushes in.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"So sorry I'm late! You would not believe the amount of stuff my dad had in his basement. Ugh."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHer hair is frazzled and she's panting slightly.\n\n[[Welcome her]]\n[[Comment on her hair]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
"Michael Barns\nPhysicist\n206-545-9987"\n\n[[Check out|Counter]]
<<if $retry is 1>>\s\n"Hello?"\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Hey, I'm kind of busy right now. Tell me at coffee okay?"\n\n[[Hang up|Kitchen]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<else>>\s\nThere is no answer.\n\n[[Hang up|Kitchen]]\n<<endif>>\n
That doesn't change the fact that she's dead.\n\nClearly, you didn't try hard enough.\n\n[[There's nothing I can do]]
The next couple days pass by in a blur. You don't remember most of what happened.\n\nThe funeral happens. A lot of people attend. \n\nYou give a speech. Nobody claps.\n\nYour boss calls, wondering why you haven't been at work.\n\nAlly won't stop crying. \n\n[[Continue|Continue 2]]\n\n
<<timedcontinue 1s>>Work is standard.Your boss yells at you for being late. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nTime passes.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 4s>>\n[[Head to coffee|Coffee shop]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
The weather lady points at an unexpected cold fron moving in, proclaiming over-enthusiastically, \n\n"Better put your sweaters on, Seattle, it's going to be a cold one! We are predicting ice on the roads, and-"\n\n[[Change the channel|Channel 2]]\n[[Turn off the tv|Living area]]
//One can never move forward if they go back on their progress.//\n\n[[Begin|The Beginning]]\n
He looks wary.\n\n"That really depends on what the favor is."\n\n[[Ask him not to drive]]
No?\n\nYou're not going to try to correct your mistake?\n\nShe's dead because of you and you're okay with that?\n\n[[What choice do I have?]]
The snow chains look beautiful. \n\nYou feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, knowing your chain tightening tool was put to good use. Never before has driving been this safe. \n\n[[Head to work]]\n<<if $CPR is "today">>\s\n[[Head to CPR class][$CPR is 1]]\n<<endif>>
<<nobr>>\n<<if ($CPR is "today")>>\n"Today, sure! We have a spot open in our 10:00 class, at our downtown office."\n<<elseif ($CPR is "saturday")>>\n"We have a 10:00 and a 3:00 class. Feel free to show up to whichever one is most convenient for you."\n<<elseif ($CPR is "next month")>>\n"I'm sorry, our sessions aren't scheduled that far in advance. I can reserve a spot for you, though, and let you know when the times are set."\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n<<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[Give her your name|Sign up 3]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You are presented with a number of outfits. \n<<if $retry is 1 and $clothes is "naked body">>\s\n\nYou grab the chain tightener as you get dressed. Might come in handy.\n<<endif>>\s\n\n[[A thick wool sweater|Your room][$clothes = "thick wool sweater"]]\n[[A light summer outfit|Your room][$clothes = "light summer outfit"]]\n[[A t-shirt and jeans|Your room][$clothes = "t-shirt and jeans"]]\n
He smiles, nods, and picks up the book he was reading.\n\nIt's a different book almost every day. This time it looks like a mystery novel. \n\n[[Leave him to read|Coffee shop]]
<<if $drink is 1>>\s\n"Back again, are we?"\n<<else>>\s\nNo use delaying the inevitable. You shuffle up to the counter.\n\n"So, what'll it be?"\n<<endif>>\s\n\n[[Try something new]]\n[[Get your usual]]\n[[Water]]
There's a list of to-do's.\n\n- Wash dishes\n- Buy milk\n- Snow chains\n- Send thank you to Carlisle\n- Present for Ally\n\n[[Back|Kitchen]]\n\n<<set $food = 3>>
He slaps his knee. "Well that's a damn shame, you two'd be so good together! You should get on that!"\n\n[[Ask him about his wife]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"It's not frazzled, it's windblown! Have some respect!"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nRachel suddenly gasps and spins around, leaning over the back of the booth, calling out, "Hey Joey, mind making me the usual?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nJoey's face lights up as he calls back, "Sure, Rachel! Didn't notice you come in! Good to see you!" He obviously noticed.\n\n[[Say you don't want to go to Ally's party]]\n[[Ask Rachel not to drive anymore]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Oh, boo-hoo. You had to go into an office and be productive." She sticks her tongue out at you. "At least you didn't have to haul a piano down a flight of stairs. I swear, never again."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 4s>>\nYou roll your eyes, and she winks.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I don't know. It's been... I miss traveling. My dad has lived in the same house for fifty years, and stuff has collected like sediment, weighing him down and anchoring him."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 4s>>\nShe sighs. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I don't think I can deal with being anchored like that, y'know? Having little bits of myself tied to every object I own, and then scattered into the mold and dust of a building."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 4s>>\nA chuckle escapes her.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Shrug. In any case, it was a pain to move all of that stuff."\n\n[[Tell her you think something bad is going to happen]]\n[[Ask if she'll let you drive her]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Oh, my day?" She looks out the window, an almost wistful expression on her face.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I don't know. It's been... I miss traveling. My dad has lived in the same house for fifty years, and stuff has collected like sediment, weighing him down and anchoring him."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nShe sighs. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\n"I don't think I can deal with being anchored like that, y'know? Having little bits of myself tied to every object I own, and then scattered into the mold and dust of a building."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 4s>>\nA chuckle escapes her.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Shrug. In any case, it was a pain to move all of that stuff."\n\n[[Tell her you think something bad is going to happen]]\n[[Ask if she'll let you drive her]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
"Oh, same old, same old. She can't remember my name anymore, but I think she still remembers me, and that she likes me for some reason. Not sure how much she understands."\n\nHe takes a swig from his bottle. "We're moving her to a home soon. Y'all should come visit. It'd make her happy."\n\n[[Tell him you'll visit]]\n[[Stay silent|Tell him you'll visit]]
You see your <<print $clothes>>.\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if ($note is 0)>>\n[[Read the note]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n[[Go back to your room|Your room]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Don't worry, I'll be gone for half an hour, tops."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nShe slides out of the booth, running her fingers through her hair.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Don't forget, you need to pick up a cake for the party!"\n\n[[Reach out and shake her]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
The barista doesn't talk to you at the coffee shop anymore, except to take your order.\n\nThe regulars ignore your attempts at conversation.\n\nNobody can stand to look at you.\n\n[[Continue|Continue 4]]
Her parents are devestated. Her dad, still in the middle of moving, stops doing anything, stops eating, stops sleeping. The moving company is upset.\n\nHer phone keeps ringing, in her room. You don't pick it up.\n\n[[Continue|Continue 3]]
How about not being a murderer?\n<<if $retry is 1>>\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Yes|The Beginning][$retry = 1]]\n<<endif>>\s\n[[No|No 6]]
Would you like to retry? \n<<if $retry is 1>>\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Yes|The Beginning][$retry = 1]]\n<<endif>>\s\n[[No|No 2]]
You prepare your <<nobr>>\n<<if visited("Cereal")>>\ncereal, the milk sloshing familiarly.\n<<elseif visited("Eggs")>>\neggs. Scrambled, of course.\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n[[Continue|Kitchen]]
Seriously. Hit retry already.\n<<if $retry is 1>>\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Yes|The Beginning][$retry = 1]]\n<<endif>>\s\n[[No|No 6]]\n
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"It's good to see you too! Man a-live, have I had a day." She sinks into the cushy seat, blowing a tuft of hair out of her face.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nRachel suddenly gasps and does a 180, leaning over the back of the booth, calling out, "Hey Joey, mind making me the usual?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nJoey's face lights up as he calls back, "Sure, Rachel! Didn't notice you come in! Good to see you!" He obviously noticed.\n\n[[Say you don't want to go to Ally's party]]\n[[Ask Rachel not to drive anymore]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
The class is pretty uninspiring. They show you a couple videos of people dying.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nNow you are certified in CPR. You can lifeguard for small children. Congratulations.\n\n[[Head to coffee|Coffee shop]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 2s>>The supermarket shines through the fog.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nIt's beginning to get dark.\n\n[[Enter the supermarket|Supermarket]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>Your digital alarm beeps.\n\n[[Put it off|Put it off 2]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
Your digital alarm beeps.\n\n[[Get up]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>Your hands go to her chest, pumping frantically, trying to replicate what you'd learned in the CPR class. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nPush. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nPush.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nPush.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou blow air into her mouth, then resume the rhythm.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nPush.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nPush.\n\n[[Keep trying]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>\s\nAlly's house is three and a half blocks away.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nIt's getting difficult to see through the snow. A few street signs are frozen over.\n\n[[Round the corner]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
It's a pretty mediocre bookshelf. Lots of popular titles.\n\n[[The Dragon's Lair]]\n[[Photo album]]\n[[Journal]]\n[[Back to shop|Coffee shop]]
Would you like to try to save her life?\n<<if $retry is 1>>\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Yes|The Beginning][$retry = 1]]\n<<endif>>\s\n[[No|No 5]]
You find her again, cold and broken.\n\nThe people around you weep, gasp, glare.\n\nIt's your fault.\n\nHow could you let her die?\n\n[[There was nothing I could do|Accusations]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>"She... I'm sorry, she may have been around for a few seconds after, but by the time we got here... I'm sorry."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nThe police officer seems new. There might be tears in her eyes. She's sort of blurry.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou hear crying, faintly.\n\n[[Ask to see her]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
"--ou can get our CPR course, taught by certified professionals, beamed directly to your TV on demand!"\n\nA man with too wide a smile appears, his arm around a graying woman.\n\n"I'm //so// glad I learned. I saved the life of the woman who is now my wife. I have no idea where I'd be now without those classes!"\n\nA narrator speaks while the man and woman exchange a knowing look and a short kiss.\n\n"And now you can too, for a low, one time payment of just $19.99! Just call 1-800-555-6783 to be a hero--"\n\n...\n\nThis is crap, playing on people's fears like that. \n\n[[Change the channel|Channel 3]]\n[[Turn off the TV|Living area]]
"And we are back, here with physicist Micheal Barns, a Seattle Native, to talk about his new book, 'The Nature of Reality.' Thanks for joining us on the show, Mike!"\n\n"No, really, thank you. It's an honor to be here."\n\n"Now, I don't really want to talk about your theories, because I don't understand them, and I'm sure our viewers have some different questions on their minds--"\n\nThe man's face falls.\n\n[[Turn off the TV. You're going to be late.|Living area]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"It's not frazzled, it's windblown! Have some respect!"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nRachel suddenly gasps and spins around, leaning over the back of the booth, calling out, "Hey Joey, mind making me the usual?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nJoey's face lights up as he calls back, "Sure, Rachel! Didn't notice you come in! Good to see you!" \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHe obviously noticed.\n\n[[Ask about her day]]\n[[Complain about work]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
Jerk. She's going to be here in a minute anyways.\n\n"Oh... would you give her this, then?"\n\nHe pulls out a bronze bracelet, blushing.\n\n[[Accept|Bracelet][$bracelet = 1]]\n[[Deny|Bracelet][$bracelet = 0]]
<<if $clothes is "naked">>\s\nYou should get dressed now.\n<<if $retry is 1>>\s\n\nThe bathroom chain tightener sits next to the toothbrushes.\n<<endif>>\s\n<<else>>\s\nThe bathroom has cooled off a bit.\n<<if $retry is 1>>\s\n\nThe bathroom chain tightener sits next to the toothbrushes.\n<<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>\s\n\n[[Look in the mirror]]\n[[Go back to your room|Your room]]
There are some back-and-forths between customers, a few rants, and a couple love notes.\n\n[[Keep reading|Keep reading 2]]\n[[Put it back|Examine the bookshelves]]
Your digital alarm beeps.\n\n[[Put it off]]\n\n<<set $clothes to "naked body">>\n<<set $food to 0>>
You sit at a table with Marsha, nudging aside her yarn to make a small place for your <<if $drink is 1>>drink<<else>>hands<<endif>>.\n\nShe glances at you, raising an eyebrow, then keeps knitting. \n\nYou <<if $drink is 1>>sip your drink. <<else>>pick at your fingernails. <<endif>>\n\n[[Visit Brennan]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Hm? Oh, yes, thankfu--" \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHer phone buzzes.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Crap, gotta take this. Sorry!" She turns to the side, her hand over her ear. "Yeah, dad?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou hear her father's deep baritone.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I mean, I guess I can help, but I sort of have a thing--"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nMore buzzing.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Sure, sure yeah. I'll be over in a minute." She hangs up, then groans. "Okay. More moving to do. Apparently it's an emergency." She pinches the bridge of her nose.\n\n[[Ask if party plans have changed]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
It's your fault.\n\nOf course it's your fault.\n\nYou could have saved her. You could have done something.\n\n[[I tried everything]]
You wake up with the sheets tangled around you from bad dreams.\n\nYou are sweaty.\n\nYou should take a shower.\n\n[[Get in the shower]]
You lay out the chains, drive over them, then fasten them. \n\nThey're a little too big for the wheels. They need to be tightened.\n<<if $retry is 1>>\s\n\nGood thing you grabbed one of your many chain tighteners.\n\n[[Tighten the chains]]\n<<else>>\n[[Look for the chain tightening tool]]\n<<endif>>
It looks like a journal, but contains many different handwritings.\n\n[[Keep reading]]\n[[Write something]]\n[[Put it back|Examine the bookshelves]]
You grab the chains out of the back of the car. The metal is cold to the touch.\n\n[[Lay them out]]
Would you like to retry?\n<<if $retry is 1>>\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Yes|The Beginning][$retry = 1]]\n<<endif>>\s\n[[No|No 4]]
The lighting is harshly bright.\n\n<<if $shoppingcart is 0>> [[Grab a shopping cart]] <<endif>>\n[[Find a cake]]\n<<if visited("Check refrigerator lists")>>\s\n[[Buy milk]]\n<<endif>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Don't worry, I'll be gone for half an hour, tops."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nShe slides out of the booth, running her fingers through her hair.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Don't forget, you need to pick up a cake for the party!"\n\n[[Ask for the car]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
You flip through the first couple of pages, then put it back.\n<<timedcontinue 4s>>\nThose are two minutes of your life you'll never get back.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n[[Bookshelf|Examine the bookshelves]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<nobr>>\n<<if visited() is 1>>\nYou step into the coffee shop and are greeted by the familiar three part chime.\n<<else>>\nThe hum of conversation and clinking dishes is comforting.\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n[[Order a drink]]\n[[Examine the bookshelves]]\n[[Visit the regulars]]\n[[Sit at your booth]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>Your arms start to ache.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nRachel doesn't move.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nYou hear moaning from the other car. There's a tinkling noise.\n\n[[Inspect]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<if $bracelet is 1>>You shove the bracelet into your pocket and step away from the counter.\n<<else>>The barista looks shocked, and his face falls.\n\nYou step away from the counter.\n<<endif>>\n[[Coffee shop]]
A quick glance at your watch shows that you're already late to the party, five blocks away. In the snow. At night.\n\nAs you round the corner of an aisle, a man crashes into you. You both go toppling to the floor.\n\n[[Recover]]
You have failed.\n<<timedcontinue 5s>>\nWould you like to retry? \n<<if $retry is 1>>\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Yes|The Beginning][$retry = 1]]\n<<endif>>\s\n[[No]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>\n\n<<forget $note>>\n<<forget $clothes>>\n<<forget $CPR>>\n<<forget $bracelet>>\n<<forget $pen>>\n<<forget $shoppingcart>>\n<<forget $milk>>\n<<forget $cake>>\n<<forget $drink>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"Oh, my day?" She looks out the window, an almost wistful expression on her face.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I don't know. It's been... I miss traveling. My dad has lived in the same house for fifty years, and stuff has collected like sediment, weighing him down and anchoring him."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nShe sighs. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I don't think I can deal with being anchored like that, y'know? Having little bits of myself tied to every object I own, and then scattered into the mold and dust of a building."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nA chuckle escapes her.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Shrug. In any case, it was a pain to move all of that stuff."\n\n[[Ask if it's all done]]\n[[Ask about Ally's party]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>"I am so excited!" Her eyes light up. "I got her a great gift and everything... which is sitting at home. Shoot. You didn't grab it by chance, did you?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou shake your head.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Sometimes I wonder why I keep you around, honestly. I'll just stop by and grab--"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nHer phone buzzes.\n<<endtimedcontine>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Crap, gotta take this. Sorry!" She turns to the side, her hand over her ear. "Yeah, dad?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou hear her father's deep baritone.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"I mean, I guess I can help, but I sort of have a thing--"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nMore buzzing.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Sure, sure yeah. I'll be over in a minute." She hangs up, then groans. "Okay. More moving to do. Apparently it's an emergency." She pinches the bridge of her nose.\n\n[[Beg her to listen to you]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<if $shoppingcart is 1>>\s\n<<if $milk is 1>>\s\nYou place the <<print $cake>> and milk in your cart. \n<<else>>\s\nYou place the <<print $cake>> in your cart.\n<<endif>>\s\n<<elseif $milk is 1>>\s\nYou juggle the carton of milk in one hand and the <<print $cake>> in the other.\n<<else>>\s\nYou balance the cake on your palm.\n<<endif>>\s\n\n[[Check out]]
//Helping my dad move out of his old place, will be at coffee at the usual time -Rachel//\n\n[[Take the note|Bathroom][$note = 1]]\n[[Leave it there|Bathroom][$note = 0]]
<<timedcontinue 1s>>A couple, huddled together, brushes past you.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\nThe walk stretches on. Honking can be heard in the distance.\n\n[[Keep walking]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
Your boss yells at you. You feel helpless. For some reason, you find yourself choking back tears.\n\n[[Coffee]]
$note\n1 = taken\n0 = not taken\n\n$clothes\n"naked body"\n"thick wool sweater"\n"light summer outfit"\n"t-shirt and jeans"\n\n$CPR\n"today"\n"saturday"\n"next month"\n1 = complete\n\n$bracelet\n1 = have\n0 = don't have\n\n$pen\n1 = have\n0 = don't have\n\n$shoppingcart\n1 = have\n0 = don't have\n\n$milk\n1 = have\n0 = don't have\n\n$cake\n"chocolate cake"\n"vanilla cake"\n"ice cream cake"\n"cupcakes"\n\n$food\n0 = initial\n1 = make breakfast\n2 = sit down\n3 = check lists\n\n$retry\n0 = first playthrough\n1 = second playthrough
You scour the car for the chain tightening tool, but it's nowhere to be found.\n\nYou're going to be late. You can put the snow chains on later.\n\n[[Head to work]]\n<<if $CPR is "today">>\s\n[[Head to CPR class]]\n<<endif>>
You sit down with your food, staring out the window on the wall opposite you.\n<<timedcontinue 2s>>\nTime ticks by. You should leave soon.\n\n[[Clean up|Kitchen]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>\n\n<<set $food = 2>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>A police officer with a notepad stands looking at you.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Are you hurt?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nYou mumble something.\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"Can you tell me what happened here?"\n\n[[Answer]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
<<timedcontinue 1s>>"Oh yes, of course. One moment."\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"And what day would you like to sign up for?"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 3s>>\n[[Today|Sign up 2][$CPR = "today"]]\n[[Saturday|Sign up 2][$CPR = "saturday"]]\n[[Next month|Sign up 2][$CPR = "next month"]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>
Would you like to retry?\n<<if $retry is 1>>\n[[Yes|Start 2]]\n<<else>>\n[[Yes|The Beginning][$retry = 1]]\n<<endif>>\s\n[[No|No 3]]
<<timedcontinue 0.5s>>Rachel is almost out the door. \n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\n"You'll be fine!" she calls over her shoulder. "It's only a couple blocks, and it's barely even snowing!"\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nShe pauses for a moment. "Did you remember to put snow chains on the car?"\n<<if $retry is 1>>\nYou nod.\n\n"Oh, sweet! Thanks!"\n<<else>>\nYou shake your head.\n\n"Oh, that's fine. Don't worry about it. The chain tightener is in the house somewhere if you were looking for it, by the way. Probably should have told you that earlier."<<endif>>\n<<endtimedcontinue>> <<timedcontinue 2s>>\nThe three chimes, and she's gone. \n<<if $clothes is "t-shirt and jeans">>\nBet you're really glad about your choice of clothing now, huh.\n<<elseif $clothes is "light summer outfit">>\nBet you're really glad about your choice of clothing now, huh.\n<<endif>>\n[[Say your goodbyes to warmth]]\n<<endtimedcontinue>>